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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1908)
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 19C& Till: MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTOIilA, OllEGON. DON'T WAIT FOR THE FINAL RUS 15 OOli'L 1 j J "A ) f ) J I j ft Via k- m SPECIAL FOR THE WOMAN Sewing Sets .. .25c fo 60c Photo Albums. $1.00 to $5.00 rost Card Albums ...,5c to $0.00 Xmas Boxes... lQcto2.00 Purses 25c to $5.00 "Music Rolls $1.00 Pictures lc to $10.00 Gift Books... 10c to $4.00 Picture Frames .......25c to $2.00 Toilet Sets...... 50c to $10.00 Manicure Sets.. .. $1.00 to $5.00 Fancy Bdxes......,.;..25c to $4.00 Bibles 25q to $5.00 Statuary...... $1.00 to $5.00 Books .....10c to $5,00 FOR THE OTLDREN Linen Books, Comic Books, Games, Pictures, Cards, Sta tincry, Balls, Boxing Gloves, and Punching Bags. r Patty Scries Books. Little Colonel Books. ' Mrs.'Alcott's Books. Little Cousin Books. HAND-PAINTED CHINA The celebrated Baur Studies of New York. No two alike, $1.50 to $20.00 each piece. Fin est gift imaginable for ladies. it- VniiPVAXi:0Fr I7Ar dainty 'and tbor. oughly satisfactory pa. pew, uch a will appeal to the up-to-date person as carry trig with them the evidence of good Unte, refinement and, excel lence. Made In all the iateit iitylet and finishes. Ak to aee our new line. , New York Novelties in Sta tinery bought at the mill. Prices lower by 30 per cent than ever before and rxcs and paper not found any where else in Astoria, 15c to $10.00. Vv-.,v LATE FICTION Reg. $1.50 ; Our price, $1.25. "Fly oo the Wheel," "Leaven of Love," " Man from Broadway,", " Trail ot - the Louesome Pine," "Duchess of Dreams." 'Tetcr." "Lit tle Brown Jug''River Man." "Col. Greatheart," "Kincaid's Battery," and "Halo," SPECIAL- The last four days are always the busiest. Don't wait for the final crush Thursday. Shop mornings you can be better waited on and better satisfied with your selections: 200 Webster Universal Dictionaries, self pronouncing, indexed and bound in Linx Seal Leather, reg. $2.50, now 5I73 800 Ilenty, Alger and Otis books, for boys and girls, regular 30c rnd 35c, now.,.,... 25 800 Late Reprint Novels, such as "Man of the Hour," "Con quest of Caanan," "Plum Tree," "He and Hecuba," "Battle of the Strong," "The Boss," "Fighting Chance," "Phillip Winwood," "Stephen Holton," regular 75c now .....438 200 Holly Boxes, Linen Stationery, regular 50c now 2$ 200 Holly Boxes, good quality paper, regular 40c special, 23fi 500 Christmas Bells for decorating, special Jj, 0, 5, 20s ea- Post Card Albums .1 20 per cent discount Special 25c and 35c Cloth Books 5 each Games, big assortment to close out ONE-THIRD OFF. There are bargains and bargains too numerous to list. Come and look them over. :: " 5? I' If You Stood By and dictated the land of pn point you liked best and we shaped it according to your pen preference long and tapering, or short and stubby yon couldn't get a point that would suit you better than yon can select from the wide range of styles shown in Waterman's Idea! Fountain Pen Pens for shorthand, man ifolding, bookkeepers, oblique writing : fine, me dium, coarse stub, turned up points all sizes, every flexibility stiff or resil ient There is a special pan for every writer OPEN EVENINGS. VvM Ko. Pl! U't'd Bo. PUi !2.t2.i!.tS.S If .$!.. $6 e . iM. 4 fl) 16' -08. r.vt If. 4.0H. 3.99 . U. I.Ot' .m toKilM to l t OoM f Our stock of Christmas Pens gold, silver and plain from $2.50 to $20 is most complete. $1.50 SPECIALS $1.50 Mongram Fountain Pen, a good all round pen for the price. . MVS SPEQAL FOR TOE MAN Books 10c to 5.00 Pictures 25c to $10.00 Cigar and Tobacco Jars..., $t. 00 Book Racks. $3.00 Wallets and Purses, 25c to 5. Calendars 10c up Late Books : $1.25 Dictionaries 25c to t.7-" Shaving Mirrors 35c Brushes J 1.00 Shaving Sets" ." fl.Sj Loose Leaf Memos v 85c Diaries, 1909 25c Waterman's fountain Ten Christmas and Post Card Hue is the largest in Astoria, lc to 50c each. See the show window. IS SUBSCRIPTION! Nothing is nicer for a present than a subscription to one or more magazines. We meet and make ALL CUT RATE OR CLUBBING . . . . OFFERS. Ask for catalogue. Spend Your Money Where the Price Is Right. W MIT MA I Postal Station Stamps, Money Orders, Christmas Packages Registered. The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, Dec. 19,-Trsde on Front street wit of unusually tnull proportion! today. Saturday ii slwsys more or less quiet day, for the re tailors generally are not in the mar ket to buy to any great extent, but the traffic was exceptionally light today, and the bulk of the trade wat with the peddlera and fruit atand operators At many of the whole fruit stores the customary sidewalk displays were wanting, having been taken inside to protect them against frost and snow, and In tome quarters the atreet wore a holiday appearance. In all I ints yesterday'! prices prevailed, and busi ness men said there wat not enough doing to warrant any chances In qu tations. Receipts from the South included five cars of bananas and one each of oranges and tweet potatoes, but only a small portion of the stuff wat un loaded on the atreet More oranges re coming early next week, to the ' chancel are that there will be plenty of thit fruit, and bananat also, for the holiday trade. But after Christmas the tupply of bananas will probably be tmatl, In view of the determination of the wholesale dealers to bring n small shipments hereafter. WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour, Hay, Etc. Wheat Track pricea: Club, 89c; blue-stem, 95c; turkey red, 92c; red Russian, 87c; Valley, 91c ; Flour Patents, $4.80; ; atralghta, $3.95(84.20; exports, $3.70; Valley, $4.45; li-tack graham, $4.40; whole wheat, $4.65; rye, $5.50. Barley Feed, $26.50; rolled, $28 $25.50; brewing, $27. Oatt-No. 1 white, $31; gray, $33. Hay Track prlcetj Timothy Willamette Valley, fancy, $15; d ordinary, $12; Eastern Oregon, mix ed, $16.50; do, fancy, $17.50; alfalfa, $11.5012; clover, $12. Miltstuffs Bran, $26.50; middlings, $33; shorts, country, $31; short 1, city, $30;chop, $22. Meats and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy 7 7ic, ordinary 66c, large Sc; veal, extra 8l9c, ordinary 67c, heayy Sc; mutton, f. cy 67c. llaeon Breakfast, I5(isiic, pic nics 10c, cottage roll Uic; regular short clears, smoked 1 3c, do on smoked 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked 14c, do smoked 15c; shoulders, He. Hamt-10-12 lbs, 15c; 14-16 lbs, 15c; 18-20 lbs., 15c. Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s, 14c; do 5a, 141c; do 50-lb. tint, 131c; steam ren dered, 10s, 13c; do 5s, 131c; com pound, 81c Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Cheese Full cream twins, 151 16c; full cream triplets, 15116c; Young America, 17c; cream brick, 1820c; Swiss block, 1820c; Lim burger, 1820c Butter Extras, 3637c; fancy, 33 34c choice, 30c; atore, 1820c Eggt Extra Oregon, 40$421c; Eastern, 3035c. . Poultry Mixed chickens, 10llc; fancy hens, lie; roosters, old, 8c; broilers and fryers, lie; dressed poul try, lc lb. higher; ducks, . 1516c; geese, live, 10llc; turkeys, live, 17 18c; dressed, 2022lc - 'f ' s Frolta and Vegetables. 'X Potatoes Buying prices, 808Sc; per hundred; sweets, $2 per hundred. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $2.50(33; lemons, $45; grapes, $1.23(21.65 per crate; pears, 75c$li5 per box; qulncea, $1.25 per box; cranberries, $1212.S0 per barrel; bananas, 55ic per pound. ' Onions Buying prices, 90(395c, per hundred Apples Best Oregon, $1.25(31.50; common, 75c$l box. Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per sack; beets, $15; parsnips, $1.25; csbbabe, $1.50; head lettuce, 50$1 doien; cucumbers, hothouse, $1.25 1,40 crate; celery, 7585c doaen; artichokes, 75c doxen; beans, 121c pound; eggplant, $1.50 crate; toma toes,' $11.50 crate; squash, I cent per pound; peppers, $1.75 per box; cauliflower, 75c$l per doxen. Scraps' Christmas (Continued from page. 4) Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoal water Bay, per gal lon $2.25; per sack $4.50; Toke Point, $1168 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25, , Fish Halibut. 7c lb. black cod, 7 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 9c; shrimp, 121c; perch, 6c; sturgeon, 125c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 8c; salmon, fresh, 8c; silver smelt, 6c lb. M1h AdtiHiUle sank back quietly, but her eves were like two dim stars among the pillows. Suddenly she heard sn exclamation. "I)ld yon cut youraelf, Vlrgtnlal 1 always Bald that broken glass was tfangetoosr XI In Virginia dropped white and speerhleM tuto the nearest chair. "Ob, what Is the tuatterr cried Mia Adulatde, punning away the clothe to got down to her alater. "You lie still P came In a stern voice from the chair. Miss Adelaide crawled back and lay there trembling. In a minute alius Virginia came over to her. "It's the pin." she aald quickly. "1 must have dropped It there Sunday night when I went to the box tor your cough drops." "Oh. Virginia!" gasped her sister. Ten so glad! I'm so sorry that poor cUld"- . Miss Virginia Interrupted her. 1 guess I know that as well as you. Fin going to give ber this pin for Christmas!" As Christmas day drew near Scraps found herself In a strange kind of fairyland. The rooms were decorntof with holly and greens, the air was full of secrets, and, strangest and best of all, everybody was so good to her, In those few days of kindness the girt seemed to blossom out Tbe old restraint was banished and never re turned, ' Love crept Into ber heart and looked out of her eyes, and the old haunted look fled for ever. , ' -" Btie crept Into her little cot Christmas eV e with a happy heart 8he had left her Jlttle gift at etch door. 1 bhall always she felt that KXBP IT." (OO, WOUld not be quite forgotten. "Just some little thing to show it's Christmas," she prayed, and a bright tar shone down, like one of God's beautiful promises, and she lay there content Bhe never heard the five smiling old ladles creep softly up to her door; sho did not see until morning the Im mense bag labeled KA Christmas Bcrnps-bng." Then she was almost overpowered. "I don't know whnt to say," she cried, "only I'm so happy," She dressed In ber new clothes and visited each room, where she was re oilvcd with admiring looks. The old Indies snw no more the awkward girl with ber penked face and rough, short hair. They bad workedfor her. (hey lovwl ber. and It was Christmas day!..;,. ,.; ., . ..... ' .-. - She went to tbe room of Miss Vir ginia nd Miss Adelaide last, boennsc her visit there was t" be the most Im portant mid iikwi thrilling of all "Miss Virginia, how can I thank you?" she faltered, touching tb brooch. "You flt so bad when you thought you had lost It Miss Virginia kissed her stiffly, but there was a strange quiver in her voice. "It wasn't lost; it was only put aside for you," she said. "these shoes are so nice. And yonr cushion bad a spot on it I'm aorry. I don't know bow it got there." Miss Virginia glanced warolngty at her sister, but there was no need. "I like it spot and an." aba said nply. "I hall always keep ft" INDIANS DISAPPEARING. Man Who Knows Says They Will Soon be Gone. HELENA, Dec 19.-Three gene rations more and I don't believe there will be a real Indian left in the coun-, try," said Special Agent Samuel Cone ' of the Indian Service today. Mr.j Cone is here as a witness before the j grand jury. He has spent the greater portion of his life in the Indian serv ice, "White men's clothing and houses have signed the death warrant of the Indian," continued Mr. Cone. "Con sumption and other diseases of a civi lized people have gotten a footing in every reservation in the country, and the ranks of the full bloods are being decimated rapidly. This is particu larly true of the older Indians Ii - roamed the plains and mountains be fore the creation of reservations and who have not been constitutionally fitted for the changed environment." FLEET LEAVES COLOMBO. COLOMBO, Dec 19,-The Atlantic fleet sailed from here at six o'clock this morning on its way to Suez. DQiipociol on Pnnflnfir In order to reduce our large stock of Car vers we w sell them during Xmas week at Per dm eTlt 100 Patterns to Select From $10.00 Sets Now $8.00 8.00 Sets Now 6.40 7.50 Sets Now 6.00 $5.00 Sets Now $4.00 3.50 Sets Now 2.80 3.00 Sets Now 2.40 1