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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1908)
THE MUllMMt A.-tTUlflAX ASIUltlA. OlcitteUN. SEVEN MILL LEVY THE "KEY" TO GOOD Z -a XT 1 7'Jl-i- a ' Jt DENTISTRY FOR THE SCHOOLS TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, '08 Board of Education Will Tax Payers at At special meeting of the board adopted recommending to the taxpayers that levy of seven mills be made for the purposes of the city schools for the coining year. Thii levy is divided Into S.S milli for general ichool purposes and 1.5 mill for the purpose of securing a fund to redeem a portion of The levy of leven mills for the greatly Increased valuation virtually ai the 12-mHI levy In the leaser valuation. A meeting of taxpayers la called Tuesday night to act upon the question Following Is comparative statement showing the source of the receipts of last year, and tht estimates for the of 'est year and the eatlmated disbursements for the coming year: RECEIPTS. Source of Income. Estimates 1908 S'le of warrants..., S 75000 County apportionment 18,000.00 State apportionment 4.000.00 Special tax 20.R06.18 Tu'tlon 75.00 Taxes, old rolls 00.00 Miscellaneous 00.00 Cash on hand, December 1.... 12.910..V5 Totals $56,541.54 DISBURSEMENTS. Teachers' salaries , $22,000.00 Janitors' salaries . . 2.80000 Superintendent's salary 1,500.00 Clerks' salary . '300.00 Supplies . . 1.000.00 Miscellaneous expense 1,00000 Fuel 200.00 Watef . . ... 45000 Electric power . .......i.. 100.00 Total for schools $31,950,00 Bond Interest , 3,720.00 Warrant interest ...-,...... 95000 Warrants due November 1, 1909..... 3,000.00 Repairs and improvements.,...,.... 10,000.00 Insurance ". 320.00 Office rent telephone, etc...." 160.00 Total $50.10(1(10 Piilmiipit balance December 1 ........... . 6.44L54 Value taxable property. In district, !908.i..;. ....... SJ,470.7B.ou At 7-mlll tax. less 3 per cent A statement of the resources and psred by W. A, Sherman, clerk, shows cash on hand, etc., there are resources To offset this there are liabilitiea 035 86. The excess of resources over liabilities Is $3957.45. BELIEVES IN SANTA CLAUS. Would Not Rob Childhood Of Its II- fusions. CHICAGO, Dec. 8. In a sermon at Sinai Temple yesterday, Dr. Hirsch ridiculed those who would rob child- lood of its Illusions concerning Sen 's Claus. He took issue with ctub Ivomen and educators who advise in Itllling exact truth on all subjects In- o the infant mind. "Parents are blind to take away rom their children'a lives the charm !)f expectation" he declared. Misses vho ought to be In the nursery are Iressed to look like milliners' models. 3irls and boys becqme blase before ihey are out of short clothes. Let kour children make mud pies. Let hem be awkward, Let them not know S1 sheath gowns ana merry wmow "This is St. Nicholas- uay in Hol land snd the children there are re healthful an tious when I LI MsMsa) mmgr i mtmm&mm T A i V iftHiHH,,!!, '.''JM.l.iw fr jv.ajfejjk't1 GlSvlMr 'rhe y baMnZ powder 1 1 wSiirsS made, from Royal ., M Recommend This to the Called Meeting of education last nig lit resolution was the building warrant and intcrect. coming year will bring in a um on the large that brought in last year on ' , for in the Chamber of Commerce next of the school levy. ; coming year, and the disbursements Received 1908 $ 750.00 17.225 22 4.292.80 23.906.11 164.00 111.52 4800 12.910.36 $59,4401 Estimates 1908 $18,000.0.1 4,500.0- 23.545.34 1.500.00 250.00 00.00 12.140.20 $59,935.54 $23,254.25 2.540,60 1.500.00 300.00 898.83 1.023.99 1.521.38 371.75 95.00 $31,503.91 3.720.00 97764 3.000.00 7.700.71 170.00 193.55 $47,267.81 12.140.20 $26,500.00 2,600.00 1.500.00 300.00 1,000.00 1 700.00 j 2,530.00 j 400.00! 100.00! $33,630.00 , . 3.720.00 j 800.00 1 4.000.00 5,500.00 V- 150.00 200.001 $50,000.00 9,935 54 liabilities of the schoof district, pre- that In real estate, buildings, furniture, which sggregate $127,293.31. ! In bonds, warrants, onis, eic, oi . joicing In their belief that the good saint has brought their gifts. "But in this enlightened and pro gressive lifod, for sooth, the little ones must not be permitted to cher rsh such a mistaken Illusion. "We are to make it clear to them that there Is no St Nicholas and that the toys come from papa and mam ma, lest our children become addicted to untruth. "Many a child has become an in veterate liar without ever having leard of St. Nicholas and many a boy or girl who believed firmly in the Mint has grown up to be' a truthful man or woman. Leave the child its realm of imagination, for out of that comes enthusiasm ( and the Joy of youth." HAS LEANING TOWER. CHICAGO, Dec. 8.The citizens of Qak Park are claiming an exact Jouble of the leaning tower of Pisa more raised r"i Ihiiw J 9mmm WW TV" is to come to us, for advice and treatment. Wherever you go you will fare any better, or get as good work, though you may have to pay more money (or it. We do every branch of the dental business from Extraction to the furnishing of full Sets of Teeth, We also do Crown ad Bridge work, Filing, Fillling, Cap ping, etc., and our prices are always within reason. Gold Fillings ..$1.50 up Gold Crown $5.00 Bridge Work $5.00 a tooth Silver Filling 50c to $1.00 Enamel Filling $1.50 Enamel Crowns $5.00 Best riates ......i... $10.00 A written guarantee of 10 years goer with our work. - Lady always in attendance. Swedish and Finn inter preter. Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sunday: 10 a. m. to 12 m. Chicago Painless Dentists OVER DANZIGER'S Political Announcements Voters of Astoria, Vote For 26 X H. F. PRAEL Republican, Councilman-at-Large, Against Jens .Hanson, Democrat Remember Prael'a name and num ber. Mark your ticket with cross. Ghas. 7 Barr -FOR POLICE COMMISSIONER Notica To Votera, The voters of the City of Astoria, will take notice that I am an inde pendent candidate for the office of Water Commissioner, from the Sec ond Ward of said city, and for. the four-year term. ISAAC BERGMAN. in the ISO foot smokestack recently built over the village crematory and which has an inclination of over a foot from the vertical. Unlike the famous piece of Italian architecture, Oak Park's tower is looked upon as dangerous. It leans towards Oak Park's High School, which it would probably demolish if a strong wind from the 'south should cause it to fall. Workmen will remove the danger- "in tower this morning. YOUTH COMMITS SUICIDE. NEW YORK, Dec. &-Leaving two letters, in one of which he said: "He had suffered more than any body in the world," Louis Evans of Brooklyn, a youth of 19 years, shot and killed himself yesterday in a hospital where he was undergoing treatment for tuberculosis. The hos pital authorities say that the young man procured the revolver two weeks ago and had concealed it pending a favorable time for ending his life. F"3 ft I carry fhe best Loggers' Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. 548 Bond StreeV THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE MORNING ASTORIAN are con sulted every morning by hundreds of persona in search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or lea .three timet, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; one month, $2.00. ..' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A 1-2 AND 1-32 K. diamond, set in ring. This office, ui. TWO FINE HOUNDS; MALE and female; six months old; $50. Address 814 Grand avenue. SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-WIDOW WITH BOY 6, desires position as housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home, or rooming house. For particulars call at address 611 Jerome ave.; Phone Black 2214. . - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM in private family by two young men; close in to business center. Ad dress D. C. Astorian office. an CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial " . 10-4-tf FORALE ONE LOT, SALOON on -Astor street; cozy corner; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished room; price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, .473 Commerrcial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE HOUSE, TWO story, $5250; one house, one-story, $2250, or both for $7000; property adjoins SE. cor. 34th and Franklin. Apply to J. F. Nowlen. , ri J. F. NOWLEN. REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 Com tnercia! St, Phone ; . Hare fine list of Astoria and country, property. All'clases of labor furnished. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED-WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you sell Zapf Furniture & Hardware Co. as WE BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE anything in the bouse furnishing line; let us call and give you a figure on your second-hand furniture. M. Nelson Furniture Co, 504 Bond next to N. P. Express office. STENOGRAPHER. 3ARL KNUTSEN, STENOGRA pher, typewriter, bookkeeping, col- lections.'notary public 428 Commer cial street, with J. A. Eakin. MASSAGING. MME. AND PROFESSOR HAR RIS, colored face and scalp massaging; cures dandruff; stops hair from falling in three treatments. Prof. Harris, the Chiropodist. Give us a call. 4S8 Commercial street, up stairs, rooms 2-3. no COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-RANCH "AT SVEN sen, 25 acres; 8-room house; good barn and out buildings and orchard; partially improved; $3000,, Apply J. F. Nowlen. an' FOR SALE 157! ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalcm River, two . and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. 10-4-tf SMITH'S POINT -1 HOTEL, 3 story; cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, cost $1500; brick foundation; cement walks all round; yard filled with fruit and ornamental trees; 5 good milk cows, 2 heifers; price, $3500; half cash; half time. ! J. F. NOWLEN, 473 Commercial St. Astoria. Or. BATH HOUSES. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rqpms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success-, 10-25-tf HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty f house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor-j ner Tenth and Duane streets. ' NURSES. PRACTICAL NURSE, EXTEN sive experience, . will take charge of most . any kind of nursing; con finement cases preferred; terms rea sonable. Mrs. Chat. Lind, 408 35th street, Astoria. V " AUCTION AND COMMISSION MARTIN OLSEN, AUCTION AND Commission House. Furniture re pairing, upholstering, carpet laying, etc.; just opened up in Welch Block, Fifteenth street, , between Commercial and Bond. Give me a trial. a CIVIL SERVICE MEN WANTED CIVIL ERVICE-We want young men who wish to enter the U. S. Civil Service. If you are over 18. an American, and can read and write, we can qualify you to pass ex aminations. Write at once for "Civil Service Booklet," stating age. Inter national Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washing ton St., Portland, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. . Notice; -i :, The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Columbia River Pack ers' Association will be held at the office Of the Association at Astoria, Ore. On Monday, December 14th, at 11 o'clock a. m. Geo. H. George, Secretary. ... - .... ELECTRICIANS WANTED. ELECTRICAL WORKERS WANT ed We can fit you for a good, well-paid position as an 'electrician. or electric railway, lighting, or dy namo station foreman ' or superin tendent, or telephone manager. We can teach you by mail, in your spare time and at small cost. The only qualification needed is ability to read and' write and the determination to succeed. Write today, stating the subject which interests you. Inter national Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Wash ington street, Portland, Ore. nma CARD WRITERS WANTED. SHOW-CARD WRITERS AND window trimmers wanted Every retail store in the country uses show- card writers and window trimmers. The demand for men skilled in these professions is enormous. We teach both show-card writing and window trimming by mail. Write now, stat ing whether interested in both sub jects, or which one. International Correspondent School, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St. Portland, Ore. nan BOOKKEEPERS WANTED. BOOKKEEPERS WANTED This is an age of business, and there is accordingly a great call for book keepers thoroughly trained in mod ern methods. .We teach the most ap proved and up-to-date systems at a low cost, by mail. Write today for "Commercial Circular." International! Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore. nma RESTAURANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT. 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; lint-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. ENGINEERS WANTED. XOUNG MEN WANTED WHO desire to earn better salaries and do more congenial work. If able to write, and ambitious to succeed, we can qualify you for , a position us mechanical, electrical, steam, civil or mining engineer, architect, etc., etc. Write at once, stating position wanted. International Correspond ence .-.Schools;' 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore,, H. Harris, Represen tative. ' UMM MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL . kinds done at the Astorian Office. STENOGRAPHERS. WANTED. WlfMnr.BS PH5DC. AWn TVDtJ I writers wanted There is a steady ' demand everywhere for stenogra phers and typewriters.! Stenography is many times 'a short cut ' to high confidential positions. We teach s stenography and typewriting thor joughly and practically by mail in iyour spare time and at low coat. Write today for "Commercial Circu lar." International Correspondent 'Schools, H: Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore. , AD WRITERS WANTED. AD WRITERS WANTED There 'are many positions "Open for ad writers and advertising managers. Salaries run as high as $16,000 a year. We can teach you advertising in your spare time and at a low cost Ability to read and write and ambi tion to succeed are all you need,. Write today for "Two Hundred Mil lion Dollar ' Advertising Booklet," which gives full particulars. Inter national Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washing ton street Portland, Ore. Ba DRAFTSMEN WANTED. ' . MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN wanted The demand is always in excess of the supply. We qualify young men, at small expenses, to take well-paid positions as mechani cal draftsmen and mechanical engi neers. All that is needed is ability to read and write and willingness to study. Write today for "Mechanical Drawing Circular. , International Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St, Portland, Ore. , . ? ' VETERINARY COLLEGES. ! BULLETIN " SAN . . FRANCISCO Veterinary College ; now ready; mailed free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Mar ket street , . - nmm LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want it .well known that we don't compete with our fellow citi zen, tht "Chinee. ' ' 1 ; Our methods bear comparison with his to his disadvantage. Have your laundry work done by the light of day. Your clothes will be pure, dean and satisfactory, if done here. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 PROFESSIONAL CARDi. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ' GUSTAF A. HEMPLS Attorney-afLaw Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial Street, Shanahan, Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street. PLUMBERS. IVfl II UilU. fl. IfiUnlUUil! PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner ' "'-and- ;' Sheet Iron Worker ? LL WORK GUARANTEEI 425 Bond Street L Younce & Baker PLUMBERS , : TINKERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work -Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Mair 4061. JDIEECTOIir. " TRANSFER COMPANY. , Smith's Special ''Delivery r . EXPRESS AND BAGGAGB '; Leave Orders at Star Cigar ;. Phona Black 2383 , Res. Phone Red 2275. . , i Stand Corner 11th an! Commercial . j MISCELLANEOUS. HOT O R COLD ana ea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. ' Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildetrand S Gor Old Bee Hive BIdg. .fill! lit Japanese goods : Fancy Tea Sets and Fine China Ware' of all kinds. ' Bamboo , Furniture made right here and warranted, WINES AND LIQUORS. Igler loncert ilsll : (320 Astor Street) , ,. ,r I'M AN OLD COOK AND JUST as good as a new one; I've got some fine Turkeys that are guar anteed to keep until used. To be given away Christmas at the Cozy Corner, P. A. Peterson, Prop, 37S Astor street TRANSPORTATION. The "ft". Line Steamer - Luife Night Boat for Portland asi Way Landing's. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Siuujay ... at 7 a. a. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St. J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 276 MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of in EE n THE GRJEAI 3 CHurasi doctor Who is knowa xXT"''' throughout the United States oa account of his won derful cures. No poisons or drugs used. He guarantees to cure catarrh. asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach. liver and kidney, female complaints, and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMIST. If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. THK C GEE WO MMHCIHI CO. 162 First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. UNDERTAKES! ' J. A. OILUAUGH & CO, Undertakers ar'l Erubalnterg. Experienced l.ndv AsHiHtnnt . When Iesird. Calls Promptly Attended Day t or Night. Tatton lidg. IStliand Duane 8U ASTORIA. OKE.OON Phone Main 2111 BUSINESS S - n ooioen ugoi