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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1908)
THE MORNrVG ASTOIUAN. ASTORIA, OltEGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, W Established 181 Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELUNGER CO. r y :- SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ' BymaiL per year v ; 7 By crri-, per month ...... J V - ... - . WEEKLY ASTORIAN. '"" By mail, per year, in advanct.. . ..I. ..$J.50 " Entered it second-class matter July 30, 19C6, the postoffict at Aa M k, Oregon, under the act ol Congress o March J, 1S79 1 Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astoriaa to either residence or place of business may be made by posts 1 .card or through telephone. Any irregularis in delivery should be Immediately reported to the office el publication. f i TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THELWEATHER Oregon, Washington and Idaho Fair. THEY START WITH A DEFICIT. The new conncil of whatsoever complexion and constituency it may be, will start the year 1909 with a de ficit of from $10,000 to $25,000. according to the measure of the car rent year's shortage on its appropria tions and acroal expenses. This is doe to the extravagance of the men who have been in power so long they have lost the art of reckoning and ac counting and providing honestly for the employment of the city's monies. Are these men to be placed back in the seats of authority and opportu nity. - Are these deficits to be inflamed and expanded and made the leaven for another huge and annihilative debt?. Are these deficits to be inflated and opportunity to -pile tip the public charges against this city, in the face of her inability to meet the engage ments she already struggles against?. Let every man in Astoria this day emphasize his desire to have this city ran with business circumspection and common sense thst actuates the man with a private business. There is limit to all debt, public as well as private. Astoria has reached her lim it and passed it. Shall she wantonly increase it, to her dishonor and ths peril of her credit at home and abroad?. If she is to be kept within bounds and rank among the safe and sane communities of the State, Samuel El more and the entire Republican tick et must be elected today!!!. MISTAKES WILL OCCUR EVEN IN THIS OFFICE CORRECTION MADE OF FIG URES EMPLOYED IN JUDGE TAYLOR'S LETTER. There is but one way to do this, and that is by voting the Republican ticket, from top to bottom, into place and power and compelling your own system and flatly demanding that your civic honor be retrieved and safe guarded from this time onl : You are up againt a crii we know this and appreciate your periL We have dene what we may to point out the way and to name the men jftuu iuat aim uiitiivua 111.1 j will compass your permanent and practical redemption; and today, we will do all that is left undone, by voting straight and strong for the men able and willing to do their whole duty by you; and against the agencies that have corrupted an! discredited you! MEN AND MEDIUMS. In the Morning Astorian's presen tation of the strong and interesting letter of Hon. F. J. Taylor, yesterday morning, there occurred one of those typographical errors that are always certain to occur exactly at the vital line of the vit3l paragraph of a vita! story; and it is desired that the figures so misquoted in this instance, may not be lost to the inquiring voter; hence, they are reproduced here and now, in the hope their sig nificance may "strike in" on the con science and interest of the voting population this day. The corrected table, is as follows: Municipal bonds (auditor's report) . $189,050.00 Street bonds (auditor's re- . port) . . 4,968.22 Warrants (auditor's report) 122.464 63 School district bonds 87,000,') Water Bonds 300,000.00 School district warrants... 16.000.03 County indebtedness, $150,- 000, 40 per cent of which will fall upon the taxable property of the city 60,000.00 Total liabilities for which area of city is liable $779,482.85 HERE'S TO YOU, ASTORIA! On this morning of one of the most vital of your days, old Astoria, we give you our best wishes for a happy issue from the snarl and danger that besets you! We will do all in our poor power to give you a government that shall spare you any further trep idation or doubt as to your future!. You are entitled to surcease from the endless schemes of debt-building that have wrought your tacit undoing! For political and civic destruction and salvation, at any time, and any where, men are but mediums, agen cies, the means to the end; and must be regarded, and used, as such for the good or hurt of the rest of us. If is up to us always to know the me diums we are using, and their efficacy for good or evil and knowing it, our duty is plain and simple. Astoria's attitude today, in both the civic and political lines, is one of de manding salvation from the curse of exploitation at the hands of a set of men who have already committed her to the point of financial ruin and who, themselves, are still committed to continuing the program upon a scale greater than ever before. The propo sition is clear; there is no ambiguity about it, no question, no dispute save from those who are pressing their claims for a chance to revel deeper in the wasteful and reckless slough they have "tramped out" in the past dozen years. The Republican ticket is, today, the medium of salvation and sense!. The 'Citizens' ticket is, today, the medium of spoliation and loss!. She will be here when we are all dead and it is up to us to leave her clean and safe, and sound, in every sense of the terms, to those who must pick up our burdens after we are gone. It is our square and honest du ty to vote for the good of Astoria first .and in infinitely more imperative than any man's aspirations for mere office. The Republican ticket stands, to day, for the real good of Astoria!!. The 'Citizens' ticket stands, today, for the certain evil of Astoria!!!. HAWKING MACHINES ASTORIA COMES FIRST L Astoria and her future safety take precedence, to-day, Mr. Voter!!. The city comes before any man or set of men, with you, today!!!. AT THE .... BAKERONIAN .... Commencing Tuesday Matinee running Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday THE GREAT FEATURE FILM "THE CALL OF THE WILD" and MISS HOLLAND in Pictorial Song 1 ADMISSION 10 CENTS SEATS FREE t)HHHWtHHiHIIMHHHmHtt MM Astoria Theatre j &SS SUNDAY .SXp DECEMBER : : JOS. M. GAITES Presents -70 - PEOPLE - 70 That Phenomenal Musical Hit ITTLE JOIIHHY JOHES The riost Emphatic flusical Comedy Success ever Scored In America It's Whistled and Sung in everyTongue. Laugh! Why it's a Jolly Old Scream ! Play and All The riusicby GEO. M. COHAN PRICES: 25, 50, 75, 1.00, and 1,50 Box Office Open Saturday Now in its FifthBigYear 34 Weeks in New York 22 Weeks in Chicago And they are Laughing Yet in Both Places Catarrh Sufferer Are Nothing But Hawking, Spitting and Blowing Machines, Say an Authority. Is it possible that in these days when cleanliness and sanitary reform is being preached in the churches, schools and at public gatherings, that thousands of people will continue to suffer from catarrh, when there is an absolutely certain remedy always on hand.- Hyomei (pronounced High-o-Me) is a pleasant, medicated and antisep tic air. Breathe it in and it will cure catarrh. It will stop foul breath, watery eyes, and crusts inthe nose, in a few days. It is guaranteed by T. F. Laurin to do it or money back, and such a guarantee ought to be strong enough for anybody. Entire Cured by Hyomei Having suffered from catarrh for about two year.., and having tried j numerous remedies without any sat ; isfactory results, finally tried Hyo 'mei, and am glad to state that after 'using about one and one-half bottles j I am entirely cured. I have recom mended it to others with satisfactory results. C. N. Lindsy, 407 East First Ave., Mitchell, S. D. A complete Hyomei outfit, consist ing of a strong, hard rubber pocket inhaler and a bottle of Hyomei, costs only $1, and extra bottles, if after wards needed, cost only SO cents ! arh at T. P. Tjurin or direct, bv mail, charges prepaid, from Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Hyomei also cures Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs and Colds, Croup of Infants, and any inflammatory dis ease of the respiratory tract. Two of our worthy cititens, hom, for the reason that we do not want to be personal, we will call Smith and Jones, had a wordy contest on the street the other day. Smith is very prud of his wisdom in management of hi affairs on the farm in keeping everything up-to-date, and he never tire of telling hi friends about it. Yesterday he met Jones and began to indulge in his fa write topic. His neighbor Jones cut him short and took him by surprise by saying, "See here, Smith, you make me very tired. You are continually bragging about your good business management and judgment, but I think you are the worst manager and have the poorest judgment of any man I know of." Before he could recover from his surprise, Jones continued: ou are continually bragging about keeping everything up-to-date. I just advise you some day to go into your kitchen and take a look at that oi l rack of a stove your wife is using. It is burning twice the furl necessary, and is wearing out her life and nerves trying to get along with something that belongs to the 18th century. 'ou kick when your meals are not ready, or because the bread and bis cuits are burned, but if yoo. woulj just let a little of your good business economy and fine management you talk about reach to your kitchen, you would buy one of those latest South Bend Malleable. I will bet you J new hat. Smith, you would not talk to me any more about a disordered stomach or late dinners and such like, and you would find your wife would have a smile that would never come off, the genuine Malleable South Bend smile. "I would advise you to take in th exhibit at Foard & Stokes Hardware Company. The South Bend man is there and will tell you more about his range in five minutes that I could in an hour. It's all right. Smith, take my word for it. If you are good, they will give you some of their hot bis cuits and coffee and a beautiful little cook book and useful souvenir to take home to your wife." REPORT OF THF. CONDITION OF THK m AstoriaNational Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November 27, 1W8: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $40.1,15 7o Overuratts, secured and un secured 8,942,78 U. S Bonds to secure cir culation 47,500.00 U. S, Bonds to secure U. 5. Deposits 20,00000 Other Ponds to secure U. S. DcpvYMt 34.000.00 Premiums on U. S. and other bond . 4.575 00 Bonds, securities, etc....... S5.6SI.I5 Nankin house, furniture. and fixtures , , . , , , 4,305 00 Other real estate owned... 8.23J.4I Due from State Bank and Banker 10.30650 IVie from approved reserve agents 77,R4.65 Check" and ether cash items ; 438.76 Notes of other National Banks 3,035.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents... 871.06 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, via: Specie $71,075.55 Legal tender note 1.50500 72,580. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent cir culation) 2,375 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than S per cent re demption fund 600. AiFew Suggestions For Xmas Total , $7S4,4o9.62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,00000 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits. Ie ex penses and taxes paid... . 21,485 58 National Bank note out standing 47,50000 Due to State Banks and Bankers , 107 58 Individual deposits subject to check $311.224 91 Demand certificates of de posit $30,48!40 Time certificate of de posit $258.333 50 Certified checks . 331 65 U. S Deposit... 45,00000 615,37646 BUYS NEW EQUIPMENT. BLOOMINGTON, 111., Dec. 7 -Annonncement was made yesterday that the Chicago & Alton ha placed an order with the American Locomo tive Works for the construction of 10 consolidated freight engines, five Pacific type passenger engines and five of the heaviest class switch en gines, to cost $350,000. Delivery will be early in March. Total $784,469.62 State of Oregon, Connty of Cist sop, ss: I. J. E. Higgins, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. H IvjUINS, Cashier, Subscribed and iworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1908, M. C MAGEE. Notary Public. Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, GEORGE W-WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU. Director. Beware of Frequent Cold. A succession of cold or' a pro tracted cold is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention it deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain' Cough Remedy? It is highly recommend ed. Mrs. M. White, of Butler, Tenn., says: "Several year ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Someone told me" of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. I began using it and it relieved me at once. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. PROMINENT MERCHANT DEAD CHICAGO, Dec. 7.-Fredcrick A. Thomas, probably the oldest com mission merchant in Chicago, having been in the business for forty years, died suddenly at his home at 4111 Perry avenue, Rogers Park, yester day, of heart failure. He was born Dec. 21, 1831, in New York state. In 1856 he came to Chicgo and at first engaged in the manufacture of pickel e f'bage, which was sold to th: United States army. During the war he was one of the sanitary commis sion that went to Fort Donelson. He was the originator of the California fruit refrigerating line, afterwards sold to the Armours and Swifts. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, per month. Covers the entire lower the local news; full Associated Press report. Delivered by carrier, 65 cents REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Scandinavian-American Savings Bank " OF ASTORIA. ' ( To the State Bank Examiner, at the close of business, November 27, 1908: CONDENSED. ; RESOURCES. Loans and Securities $133,918.19 Furniture and fixtures 4,446.54 Expenses paid 205.50 Available funds: Due from other banks.... $10,376.19 Cash. in vault.... 9,679.21 20,055.40 Total,. .. . .$158,625.63 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November 27th. 1908, RESOURCES. Loans and discount ....$456,88800 Overdraft, secured ' and unsecured 1,786.94 U. S. Bond to eeure cir culation 40.000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bond 1,200.00 Bonds, ecurities, etc 55,430.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) .... .63,379.03 Due from State Banks and Bankers 25,022.36 Due. from approved re serve agents 1.H733.16 Checks and other cash item 776.29 Note of other National Banks 2,530.00 Nickel and cents :. 361.70 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $169,000.00 Legal-tender note 220.00 169,220.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent) of circulation) 2,000.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent re demption fund 350.00 Ladies' and .Gents' Watches, Fancy Bathroom FUturea, Fancy Lamp, Xmm Candles, Bnmpiet Candles, Thermometer, Revolver and Air Rifle, Fishing Tackle, Carpet Sweepers, Bread Maker, Meat Chopper, Cake Mixers, Boy' Wagon, 5 o'Clock Tea Kettles, Tea Sets, Alcohol Stoves, Fancy Baskets, of all kinds Thermo Bottles, Flash Lights, Corn Raiors, Wstch Charms, Pocket Knives, Table Knives, Carving Knives, Plated Ware, Thl Cutlery, Nut Picks and Crscks, , Chafing Dinltes, Coffee Percolators, Rssnrs and Rsaor Sets, , Sclnor and Shears, Scissors In Casts, Manicure Sets, Serving Trays, ; Crumb Sets, Fancy Table Cutlery, , Berry Spoons, Gravy Ladles, , Pocket Traveling Flasks, Shaving Mug, Shaving Brushes, Watch Chains, A large assortment of the above will be fcund at FOARD Q STOKES HARDWARE CO. Gold Weather Specials ! j aas a. , Now is the time to lay in your supply of beverages for the winter months Vigoral Beef Tea $2,50 per jug Fluid Uef in tubes 50c per dozen, high grade Rock and Rye and all other stan dard bottle goods at the most reason- ; able prices. : AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. t Phone 1881. 589 Commercial St. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers Special Excursion 1 to th'o National Apple Show SPOKANE, WASH. Over the new, North Bank" Road Sale dates Dec. 6, 7 aud 11 tb, Return Limit Dec. 15th Reduced rates. For further information call on Q. B. JOHNSON, Oen'l Agent A. & C. R. R. 1 2th 8t, near Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON. FINANCIAL. First national Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS C Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G4!C. Fiwvai. J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon Capital $100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability 100,000 KHTAItlJMIIKIi 1NN4(. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER. Assistant Cashier FRANK PATTON. Cashier Total $977,677.48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.. $100,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, les ex pense' and taxes paid.. 29,175.94 National Bank note out standing 40,000.00 Due to State Bank and Banker 70.87 Individual deposit subject to check .. ..$655,145.75 Demand certificate of de- deposit . $128,284.92 783,430.67 Total ...$977,677.48 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, ss: I, S. 5. Gordon, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledee and belief, S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1908. E. P. NOONAN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEL, JACOB KAMM, w. f. McGregor, Directors. LIABILITIES. Capital 6tock $ 50,000.00 Surplus 3,500.00 Undivided profits 445.58 Deposits .i 104,680.05 Total. ..$158,625.63 FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volta; one al most new Fairbank-More 6 h. p. slow ipeed; one, T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-light ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $232,000 ! Transact a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Tim Depot' Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and Dtian Sit. - Astoria, Oregon SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Cotuldaratiosv" , . u-juuj Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manacer. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred-Tracks and Furaitan Wagons Piano Moved, Boxed, and Shipped. 4SJ Commercial 8tret - ' . Ifila Pstw V 9ttt9tf4ti THE TRENTON i First-Class Liquors andl Cigars 03 Commercial Street Comer Corrfroerclal and 14th. . ASTORIA, OREGON ; ttl,t44 SCOW BAY BRASS & 111 TIP AHTOUIA. OKKUON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineer up-to-mte sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to sil repair I8tb and Franklin Ave. work. Tel Main 2461