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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1902)
Till- MDKMN(i ASTOKIAN. Tl'I.SOAY, .1 AM AKY 21. UMV2 I). Cost Not Considered Good Goods Sacrificed A T SHAMIIAN'S When wo make the aKnv assertion,. HOOP t IOO PS AKK S.U'KlKlt Kt' ati.UVM' NOT foNsli:UI I'. t!..- .e.U.o u.i! x.- natu..,!! tl.e l.. W.. .1- m. U TWO UllASoNS l-'tr-t Wo have no RASE.MKST inooJlow to toll Atorian in whu-! to :..iv aa.v our Mirj-his -took, an.!. .s il . .hi.- ltem .i.t lu. n. i,.i- l :v Sl'OT AS1 1 tl- r.-nl-n S.iim s'l'l '.v. 11,1,1 111 some oases have already shij.jl. WE Ml'ST UA V. K'OM oii.l that vu for "Pi K NI'U MJIMVAI.s " Only a .!.... t tt.uo t.-u lor tl. ;Kr..T Cl.KAN I T SAIi: ..f mir- NOTE OUR PRICES ,V V C O M P I: T I T I O N W I: l li V Y Corset Values Notice cut! This Is ft full boned corset with protected frost, full Un trimmed top. These we eu supply In drab and black. We think It the beat 75c coraet we hare erer carried. The sale price now 1 49c Our better grades Thompson's glove fitting and R. G. Cora? ta -have also teen reduced. PARIS SHAPC (shout tup) Only 4o. Storm and Rainy Day Skirts The talk of the town" evr alnoe ihu grand clearanc Kile was inau gurated has twn "V you secure one of Shaoahan's rainy day aklrta for $:06 " A month ago thea could not be purchiuiej for le than M 75. Our neit rrtced e'.orm sklrt-ths 15 6 gradi'-ha-t be.n reduced to J3.W. Only it few Josen left. Same a-' cut Price. $2.05 ; u: r.i; -s Capes and Fur Collarettes Kw furriors can quot rli-e In furs In ours 'm-n that formerly un market U 75 ar reducd t.i U s iHimi as adjoining- rut. iHir M Mui- l.yn Krarfs now II 7S. Martin iijxswuin ivllarrltrs. J. former prtce. IW ttilm-hllia Oollarrttrs. JJi. tegular price. Ii.56 Hletftrle Seal Collarette. .' 8, for merly. 4 M Children's Waists and Dresses m. !l. in JV w:t re tu vd t IV ! S I tri'iittie I I wo'ii I'..!. !:... :j-t if 1' f 1 .-V -,'- -i'--''V Only $1.98 Those Two Large Tables Stacked htsh with remnants of J-.s r. !s &-& mlt: r.J. f J - ! v.vir.g varying la price from 19c up, a, .- .-!!:; tj quality an i j a:i;. y. a'.!! ! the f Wocl and Gotten Dress Goods Fine and Fancy Prints Cotton trss Gol?-H:gh ColjrJ Scotch Holds, I.!!.i!in Fin- !.::: nua.-'., S'::tlr.K I'rln'n. Clans. Checks, etc.. etc: Corded Dress Uoo la. go 1 ma- Ar. tic In t.j 1-u- !- n'J A: tsmh ray: Turk-v Itr.l terial. newest colors and patterns. Climax Lt.-ss Plaids, Print.. !:-.:.n.i:.t '. Pr!n'; .I'-rni.oi In.Ui.-o Dress and Outing Flannels. Pr nt Po -.ihont . Late Curtains anil Portieres 1 II:,' 1 r : nil Special Offer i. " r !; W t.c-e "'-ir .i'n. J 1-.' ,. .i.i- rtr.i wile will to , I .. .; . (II -r i air. ,ur 11 M '..i'.i: - 1 it i-r ..ilr. niali' In a n N' i I .1 . ' t ' Motions nir 'o I'er i .nt red u." 1 1 n .m all ni tl !, oti Har(ia:ii 'iun'rr i s ill In .t..-t. J i-t a .'o. l:a-. 1 n rt-.ttiely i ! .- 1 .'Ut. See the Window Display Fur Mlti'i In Mrn'i ant H.y" Fur nl'hlnif (he ulnl.w .lis Uy. nr bntrr atllt. call ant . mlnc REMEMBER Only Fifteen Days lore to Secure These Values. CALL EARLY ' m mtu wm ail 1 1 a, wi-r ft - ,r". j J i ' ! -s" . Irt..??' 1 i . i VACAIIOX Of SlkttlS IM I i: i m: u . ( 1 1. I. -T l. I.M M.. lit iimii: V u i ' - ' u.i I I i.i ml mi no in 'i ,Si ii, W.ulir,.,!. r -i- I .i:. I t 1 I !.. I. M.i" In !'.i I' !l Mi !!i..l:r. I I..- I i I s.-'..ri.i I ,.,t !' t :i Trui'ty-.. in; any oil 1 I. - i n ,i in- -un ; u ili' li h v .1 y for t li- l i !. 1 'M II !"i tll;iiK'r b o li in it ''" I to 'ti'- '.v.iyi a ii' I Hi' mi" .lll'l I ' V llUnl M'-v. li.. I'V '1.1 S I.I tn.ti.y f - .1 in ' i 1 1 : : h' il,. I' I 'tl 01 '.VP re I'OIO II ill- THE PROBLEM. DOROTHY in .z nursery cm calcu'a'e h: ' price of Ivory Soap per cake, but it voui i take a muthdrniticr.l ger.ius to cc!cv.'.tc i:z true value. Fc- he must take account of i time, labor, and materials. He nxt deduct from the apparent coct the saving in the longer life of the cake, in the longer life of the washed fabric, in the !;.bo: required, in the time consumed, in the strength ex pended, in the results obtained. When all is finished, Ivory is the cheapest soap in the world. - It floats. , 1 !! ji.-l ltili.-i H an, I I ' !-ii , :i ' 11 tlllK i-l 't 11 1 I lll'l -inc" , ,'i I lll-'l for t . -ii 1 1 -. r-n i y i.- . i -. -i i .i,.i : loll "f l h- it'-.O'. M S'u.irt mi I K. .1 u rn '. r in. T' ,,f ilo' I.o.ipI ,,r ii l.l'l IliKllt 'III' I" -A'T'' !.! i i..., Mr. 'I'niHuik" r l'i litiliK ' Mr Si io: t on 1 Mr N'.ril- M oiiiii.i f iiiu r. iii, -i w.-i' h i 1 ' Inn ii. .Mr. I l.oi -''li n'-- n' . . .un- of II i'. lloirli hot !: li In f.i . 0 iif ,.r P. M Ti." V"t' l .--nit. , :ih f ,11 , : W.'l.'li. li i ly ". ii-th a- k r thanks : .it ii tn-iir.f. lt iImii'ki ll li llll.l II' lKll!..ol ttll i ;r .t ii: .ill, . m l ) ill ', Him , ,1'H'li uli'l I 1 ". ,1 If", il tl' 1 I Hill !', I 'o I III- !li"tlll"'H "f ;in I I '. "f H. for iiuiny . - - .in I Willi. it, 1" al, I III.MlV IlKli -KSi 'N'. Ilainm "ii I V'r." TO MAK ROOilfl Tt:. Nsi-i:l:s . .p pkai.TV. H 1! 1' nU-r .' i "l.iin lliil'iMin - 1,1 , , oil, I . Iii. irk ". ll.'i- . I.ll.' A'.l ,1 f .1 loi It .-mi ll to II I! I'.uK r II :i, r.-.i in M -ii ("wnnlllp s ll"l I Ii ,,f l .iliK" S wi'it YJ) Fur our lurjjr sttM-k of Spring (iikhIs iiln inlv unliTri fruin thr I'!n.i( in llic onl'' rrniii why wt- iitiiiiiuiicii a K1"'"' i- u:. rf . ii ,,f ,r, tl- if Hili" '. I, n f,n ' I Hi' I" ti: i . i .- " i ,i ',. , , ,.ln,'."i ,t; 111'- ui'- f l'i uiiklin oM-niii' I Irwlj .1 ri1 1 I ii,. . -1 .i , 1 1 . Ii". ..n ir, int. "I. I . .ii....- "! ' .. i ".i; .- "1 SPECULATION Hr3 DOWNFALL. Pank Cashier Arrested for Embezzle ment of $T0.0OO. HELENA, Mont.. Jan. 20.-Herbert H. Mattson, cashier of the First Na tional Bank of Great Falls, was ar rested in Helena today fur embezzle ment. Mattson's downfall Is said to bs due to Rjif-culatlon. He had been cash ier of the First aNtlonal Bank of Great Ballii a number of years. Matt'-snn refused to make any state ment, and when he tries to talk he breaks down and cries like a child. llatteson Is charged with having em- Uezzled on January 15, J25.0OO. The i First National has a capital of IMrt, J 000 and a surplus of JKJ.OOO. j Arrangements have been made whereby the loss will be made up and the standing of ifcJiink sustained. i OKEVT FALLS, Mont., Jan. 20 It is given out late tonight by officials of the Firt National bank that Matte son's defalcation Is in the neighbor hood of 170,000. Matteson has confess ed the shortage. I Cream pure rye, America's finest , v hiskey. The only pure goods; guar anteed ach and mellow. JOHN L. CARLSON, Bole Agent lr..'i -ti. V.. '1.1 .11, ;i ' I, 'li man I.1,-- .-;T""t f.oniu.l , bad I.',;-.-. I l.nj ".lrl,J, i(,;ii i.'i I, .1 b- r'"i!i,i",l l.v cty for ii, i u y y arn i., coin", t!,at tin- i oiii,aiiy v. Hi in, J . s ,,u,t if,'l ad I to Its monthly iyioj. J)(! tl.'OHItit i,i- Hti.-et should be I.'-rma-n"iii,y v.oati'.l. Aldi-ririaii HanH.-n expn-f s-il t1(- ,,. vl' 'lion t'.at. Htr-i-ts Hbouli n ,1 be pi-r. inuiH-ntly vai-at'-d tn-'auK" of ,igh bluff , that mllit. i-xlst on th-m. II" ;,,int, 'l out if,.-,! many ulr.i-ts -,v.-n- hit- iy, bli'. thllt th" bilN I',, lll'l he Kllllr. -d down ai small .,M. Th- day may ''''", h; siiuj. v.h.-n th,- ,..j,,. ...,u ..ant tin- H'n-.-ts. arid h- tioin;lii Oir C-OUIi'-ii -ho'Jl i-r. !,, K (J,,. u,, T. ouL'hfar.-s w.-r'- proto-cted. ''!y AitoiTu-y Smith briefly p-vl.-wi d the rei.i"st fr Kir-.-ts, stall,,,. t.,ut the rity i 'barter made no pro-. I'i,,n f,,r lease, although it was Hpecifled h.,t the ."tr'-.-ts might be -.oM. Jf,. ih,,i);hi until ;e ' il" illlj 1 ' . Ill-'lll ,0 A n ,,r liniiri' " fluent fur lie- lin- ; , m. o ,,f 'orniii'-r, lal "tn-.-t b.--' 11 Sutli and Seventh was ihs-I la ! r ol -.elisinll, a.' i n on Oidlnalli .- ,, o,!li iiimif the asH.-,HMii,enl for tin- Im !! , .'.orient of Sixth street. I An ,,i,iiatn'H authorizing I he ways and m-.iiiH i oiniiiltle to enter Into 'onti.i'i with tin- M-r.ild PulillHhlng i''ini..iny for tin- city advertising was I..I.-S'-.) The rale allowed the Herald is '', rents rim! 15 cents. The urdl naine iiImo autliorlz-s the ciiinmll t-e I !,, enter Into contract with any other 1 lulilleatlon for printing those notices ...hi, h must appear daily, the rate be ing llml'el to HO and 40 rents. ( ii dt names were pusHi-d appropriat ing I,;.', to pay the salaries of Die mayor and members of the council; to pay S. Norrnlle $1171 n for th" Sixth fi'iit Improvement; directing un a.s-''-smeiit for th Improvement of Mv .o.teerilli stroet. vhlch will eost t:i-IVi, illii-.'tlng an ass-'S-iment for the l.'!-'.''.)'h ctreet. Improvemenf, to o-t J177; illrectlng nn nHsessmerit for th" improveineiit of oin mercliil street. r;,m Tenth to Fourteen I h, whli-h will "ml 111 10 20. 'm mo'lon of Mr. Brlx. the council a-ijuiirni-l until January M. Tin- ways and means committee will at that time pii-s.-ni li. estimate of apjiropnatlons tor 1 h" i nsilliiK year. Y -fV t, Ire!.-' t V:i Clearance Sale - ?- !" . .' , i mm IP m IT iS EASY WORK ' m von arr- wi ll tu atifl m tiid I ut . In n Hi'- It. i1 k .1- li- i un tlw i i . tin.tti - a "i k : i :tftuiiv lot in ut .Nu v utii-i ii i -in !' Mr nt ik iiii'l hc.'iltliy ef v v, h i. tin i tim tif IIhj. unm.nil I i -;- 'aIik Ii itr (Urn i r-jiMHihlf lor f'-iiiimiif uif nut" Worn ii wim liavr u-'t 'l In I'l- ic s 1 ,i vfiritc l'rf'M'rili'ii for Hi mih- fl iIim umh of tilt Wfimaiilv tilf-HtH, ..iy tlint wnrL lfrn't lirr Mu m any nnr'- " I iv.intc I'rfrHfrijftpjii " r tf 11 t;il llic p' ti'nli, ilnrn rnffi-bliiiK fliaiit". huiN iii(l.i:iiini'i.ii utnl ti! crnlioti, :iinl rufin ft tit-ilr It niakfiH weak wniiirn nttniiK iiii'l hh It woiik ii will Thrr i ii'i alnilil in " Favtirit I'n Hi riji tion," nritlipr npiuni, ctjcaim r atiyuih't narr-otic "I hmt 0'it lir.ilth fur niti- yp'fH.rM-r nm (hr liirili 'i ntv (lnl'1)." wrlt't Vrn Atniiitttr WatkniM. 'l A rut" , kunnwh.i t 'i , W ti "lli'l f-mnic wntV. ii-. won vrt v irf'j(tiliir ini'l wiil, miffrt 11 Ml T1 tiiivffv 'nir (iitntlv !' t'lt 1p u-,t wr a ii v t(0l iti-i I t'itn Iti'lul I'j wrii' I't i.ii Wh n I wr.rfr tin I nn Mm tli.'il I wiiM - i v- WtJ. tdll wllfll V.tlf Iflkt t-;i hnl llir 1 In j,,ti I. Um-t h'.ji I tuitini'ii"'! titkin Im l'(if.. Ilf'l" HI' 'll" ' 'I t I' ' H'l J ' 'V I 111 Mrmtrili I h s,n nl.l- t" l" t lir wi t I- ! tin Ihim'Iv 'if iii I Oiiiik tlif- mi vt i w-f -in' mi 'h' in- s in Mi'- wofl'l I ""ik 'i,1-! I. 'tl-thrrr- ol I'dV-'lltr I'rrs tlu,u ' ini'l Im i- ii1 "C'd'tf-H Mr'Ii'til Ii'vry' ami two vii!, n- Ir I'i'fcr' I't Ui ls nirr cinti.,iliiii. To ( omiiielicr on THURSDAY, JAN. 2 25 Per Cent Cut on all Clothing 20 Per Cent Cut on Furnishings K. it W. CnlliiM anil Culls, Oil Mini Kulilit r (JimmIh I'!.i'cit(.i. TliiH is it liONA FIDK KAI.K f..p . reason niven. "Kverytliinji oes," v ceit an Hluteil. Our .sl.oek of clolliintr is iniHiirjinHMcil for style nml ijnnlitv. P. A. STOKES The Clothier