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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1902)
1 HI MOUMXr. ASIOKIAN, TIISMW. .I.VM'AK V :i, W2 Telephone Main 6t. tkhms of srusoiurnos DAILT. ent by mail, per year twi by ma.1, per nion;h Ptrved by carrier, per month . .0) 5-vt-WKKKI.Y. fee, by mall, pw yew The Aster r xxia.-nu '- t ad. t- tiSrr the Utirest eirvuia.h'" ... otwrP.-r r--"UhM on the Columbia rler. SKNATVK AMI THE TITION. tVNSTl- The fact tht the lesi.'.tur.'s of six tates have sonified th.-lr wish th:t the feVra! institution hoiilJ bo amended to mvlde for the popular election of rnlte.J State wrator. four of them In o doing haxir. obnorved ,he required formalities, does not J-oint tronpiy to the adotl-n f u,-h n In the near future, though intendment It may serve to stimulate mteiest In 8,'mewhat languid dis ussion. I: Is practically certain that of the t"this i silence. Otherwise the M" methods of calling a constitutional J .r.dure bevvmes a mockery. A :hi-f rtmveir.i n the on-' ermittinc tl .usrit M N- i'Un:s!ied The law must to take the initiative w.ll have states to be Invoked if a change in tne or- panic .aw in reP-ct to the e.e.tlon of s-rators is to be attempted- At ,-nsent there is not the sliest r-a- I Son to sui'vose that th- ;-per branch j , f consress would volunfart:y .orient , by the necessary tvvo-thW mijority , to call a enven-i n for f at inn-'. whi. h b-aves the advocates . f the r- und-r the n-ce"tty -f 1 r-ua l:ns .1. - 1- the l.ftislaturos of tw.'-in.ius o- states to unite in linff "n . Four which ! have already taken that c tir is doubtless a besinn'.nc. b'.i ;he e-d still appears enreedinuy Twvnty-six more must fol'.o-v sal! f ire anythir.c can come of It. and ev-n if the re.iuisite supi' Tt f- r the firs! step cull be procured, ol.s a. les of a -mi'.nh'.e character wul 1 r-m.,ln. It is probable, for instance, that a con stitutional cnven-.l'ii ct-tl r-o- -e confin"! to the single issue .-f ch is Inp by p.-pular v te. ' ut tl at other quest! T.s u! I arl- to pr!uc cmi 'ii- .i-i t.s anl as'n? ni-n- unfa voraMe : affirmative action ..n ar .,f them. A stair., if a c nven.ion -uM with dirf.c il-y 1"' I'fo'ieht to ai pr-v ,he pr - --1 am-r.dnt LtT-.-ini; if nut ! .' assuror! th- r-. s i-i-.ri vv u -l fu-r:sn no su j.-:,' an " three-f ur:hs 0' the , 1, a ii- uc-i n ! in-' th;n-. ! -ii t -' o-f-t ' u!t "f the i!is j-i n is iuif an -th-r. H-a str.-n a public s-n-Pr'-n: f-.r is t h.n! t'.e d -n an I f r ti e "pular fc'..-. tion o' s-nat .rs it Is Imp ss-i.i- to det-rm r.e Th- d-cl-n'in i 'a-Hy and fr.-i'-i n-'y mad- that th- p-v are ov-r.i helminfi'v in fav-.r .-f ,ve I-roposition. .and many p ilitloal I lat forms of jrr-av-r or l r-iKnifl anoe have been male to fay s-. '' i h Rreat r-onfid-n.e. But such are not necessarily the b-st kind ,.j evidence, g out ass-ni-ns in the nam- of one party or the other ar cntinu- ally repudiated at the polls, am some- .1 . .v, c. ,iia,ialnni manner ' times In the most disdainful manner. If the entire electorate of the United , , . 1 , ,.. ,. States could be required to vo e on , this question six months h-nce. there ia not a prophet in the country, in our opinion, who could safely offer large odds on either side at the .resent time, and we su-pct that the verdict would be extremely uncertain on th day before the election. There is one indication of popular feeling which, as it appears to us. tends rather to discredit sustain the opinion of those who c ntenl that a lari;e majority of the people would like to vote directly for s-nto:s in their respective states, ft Is always practicable to make the election of an j individual to the senate an Issue In a ! state campaign, with the effect rf j binding the representatives of his party in the legislature to choose him If they obiain control. It is a familiar fact that this practice has been adopt ed in various instances, t ut it would be far more common, we think, If the object which it accomplishes by Indi rection vere anywhere near so widely sought as it is sometimes assumed to be. The method by which pr..-sl!ents are chosen Is a case in point. The framers of the constitution meant that the electors Bhould possess and exer cise full authority, Instead of being, as they long have been, merely Instru ments for recording the w-,11 o.' the voters from which they derived th -Ir commission, In conformity to the letter but in . :;t a li.-t:. n to the p.irpo-r of ,!i. on!:lu!!--n This I" the i t Tik .!'. example o have o," Ui' way ,;i wl.i h the oi-sini.' I.vv miy Ik' ma mpula'.. .1 by common .onseiit to meet . hani.-..! cuul tl n . r .1. sires, t: is :l ; tin oil oll.lh'i.' l. l I:, ve that if r.i.l 1 y . i.'.ot-. ii : nieihol of choosing I'll..'.! Si. ties :iir;i rs t'vr conies tS i' i. v. i'I t" bc.isV, ;tb'llt Ur u.:li a capiat sulno-l n of I'o iW'.s u.;',;o:i. ii. I by an .mi n.l :u:.o-:.ii ado t.-d I I An lr..' ir.:U. Ins st'iitom-tti 2-W!. lht. .,.,i:,n:i.l:v on his of p.-'iii.oi: i.i: v ,m entity 1 th- off ) of h-r -o s:c .i!ln li Is t hint ilia: ho did ti't do :!'..' ; .1'. ltlc lui: ilia', li 111. ui w ;-.o ha i on.v t, ri:,'i:., ,.l lum .Il.1 ,!o ti. !l, .ivi-.iys hi" own Ir.n.kvn. 0 I i t;i.' (tarb f ifuiit ii.i.l .issum.s .!).' ri'Jo of f.-l.-n to sao hi t'onofav';or. !-,vl-x, will ! bnnuh; ujsn the covorti-'r to se- oinv a l-.i.don Tho man Is U I ked iitvu! as .1 horv. s.iys tho Taoma 1 Tu , . . . ,, lls-r. The element of hoivisin would not tv la.-kinK frovid'Sl ho took, with- . . . , ' , ut winciiK. the tn.slicltte rivs.-r.N-vl for a moral ailment not his own. It is hard to imagine that would render coinmenlible the cffirt jon lvhaf of ft hone-:lit,f to Jus tice. If one ch.ios.-s to l-eivme a vi carious sacrifice, the only way to do w ,l.imllu.r, ,j ltl t;,,.,,r. that in Y.-tl let; 1 his the tht.-f. and not an.-ther. : ! i!!i:s!:-. T - say M th- !a . tr.av s-n I me t jail, a'tt'.o'.'.j i f . -n:-r. the an I 1 kn a r.u'ii-- art I w --i t t. (I '' is t- ti .-.r :S- f.i - ' ;-.i-'.- - .1 b cu- Th.-r- ; n. m-nt i: sh.-M.t-i; . r.ttiLo '. If .oie oh . s ,, himse'f as th" sh;.-M. h- rn'i r.o itr".. t !. If h- I J'.l--;..' it .1.- ' ! b- r. part f th- sh e r-- ".!! th- chara.-T -f the swindle. This 1 rison-r is hi line e:r urns'. in. -- s th- '.in- ! m. 1:- - h.;i .- Wti-' n. I' h- Io,-s r : s-anl .-n h- pl.ri-- -f 'h-' a. e's.iry af -r-th.- '' i, t of tv'se. stealing. wh-r- d s h- an I .iratl til 1- !-' a fine -in I'I'y I- s . i-s w h-n :t p. s a 1 martyr A ---eT'.inir a co-, Il'.oti. i' his n- r'Lthf to '-1--1 air.iinst te eonditi -n In th- f- .., r..p,,y a favor, the'e n ' r.--s in -. r-.'i.itir i; s : :y ' n a m m .-;; 1 h -rs- h- ..tuh' t . I- ;.u.;s'' ' :-.r. m h- . a s r. I tttan kno - s . 1 ' !! 'Ii-sr. an 1 kps his kr.-.'.-!- l -a -I. th . i:.- I : r, ' I n.-- o i.,-k- ! - - .' v.;:.. in . --I hlldren n I no - av-r n'imk.-r th- ear- of i-'i , h-r" n ijn ' hi MAKIV, MoNKV IX F'KIS -N" A f-rn.irkabv exanipl.- of 'unnlnK h,'i.s b -n nneanh-d in nn- of .,ur large pri.-ons. A 1 .nvb-t had le-i-f-i-.d a dif and was making silver dollars an. 1 'i.sir.i.uiinE- m-m -nmuitn a',. p. ,,n the outside. .Na urtiliy the ials w-r- very mui h .snrpr.s-d at 1 '!I"i.very bur no more so than ani'-l- in place ,,f the irenuine. Ft Is therefore very Important when you ak n.n ,,f,marh ,,, that their Private yitamp over th" neck Is unbroken, f you value your ' TJ b--n rwocnlze.1 as the best heapii inHK-r in exitenee iin'i ir vou a- a sufferer from Indignation, 'lydjrf-psla. constipation, flatulency or n-rvounss. j I''ran it mav be ndi suddenly. ! is because you have never tried it. j'-'HAri. ItCKJKItS. Trv it at once. 1 I Chines soldl'-rs hav- fir- d on s. Hrlt- Mrs. Ja-k Gardner s--m Inclined ''-"h "'tam-r and w ,und-d a lirl'Ish to turn her air palace Into a tariff 1 rKlval r,(n''"r- ' "hina rnuo have a. cpjlr arruinent. Mall and Pxpr-ss. j'"' a regular pa."! ,n f.r pay Ins In- I damnify. AVipsflns would on- MarconI. The '-x-we;uher phophet Invented the pro cess of teleifraphlnir throuirh his hat. Mall and Express. CIIILDRCS RSPECIALLY LIA BI.E. Burns, brupes and cuts are extreme jy gainful and If neglected often result In blood poisoning. Children are -spee. ally liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy PeWItt's 1 "Witch Hazel Salve is un-quaied. praws out the Are, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits Sure cure for piles. "DeWltt's Wi'ch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two tihvslclans save her ur." L.r,,. to. uv v ot.i....,., Ta "The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." CIIAS. r'.f'C ER3. A Seattle paper acoun's for the at titude of congress towards the Lake Washington canal by citing rVattlei lack of Influence. It might better cite the fact that the deciding comml'tee has a look at the canal. Iy-dger. Women are accused of having given away lodge K-crets of a S okane or ganization. The 'haractcr of !e sc. rets gives the lodge i,iy, I-!gi r l-'..-,- Ml- -tha! l . m.' (tan bled Hi M.'lltl' iVll'o Wollll IllIM' III "..a-t. ,!. i...-. ill.- is -.nUh-tiio 'im pie have !n him That In- has not been .: :l'.i'. ivs.'i i hi '. iwhiki'I 4 ,lr . iiL'iM.i:i:i.i: . - .; his c.i.iiH unit I, ss. s V", .ill Mi'hrn cm ivsponib-u:.. llr I .II" (Ml! Lis1"'- ll!l.' .IV sc. Ill lo ;.--, ill.- ii-. "'. ; .i. K'. .1. K Ml'- p-.ll'p.H.' Stupi ih.' Cunti :! Viitk ttic CuM 0( I .int; ' U o'.!. i.'.iin.n li! l.-t I'uro .1 .-.' ! in 0:1.' .I i y V .'hit. No liy. I'li.o V5 0011:. A M.- .1: .1 - u..'.i:,l !i.i.' . LI V 1 Llll'l ill. 'II .!.l f T !l.l IllK' '.ii- ..11.' .'i.-n i-r Ih.ui . up.' '1.' In fir tv: 1 o-.iM t NW!lf WAS : Kit TK!:l!OK. 1 won'., I ooiish i.mi-:v nil tiltlit lonj." wrLti Mrs 'h is. iu.!ira if j Alexattdrw. In.!. Mil I h.udlv ! f !' ,,'h".J l'""" ,n 1 lad that If I walV n 1 1 .-k I would liouuh frishifu'.ly ,.n I .p.t M u-l. l ut. wh.-n all oih r me lloinos faded, three ,v of ,,r K,K. ., t..T pus,v. r" wholly cured me and 1 K.i!ne1 55 pounds" It's ahs.'iutrlv Mi iruniee.1 to .urv ......k. .j., lu. ,;,.,, ,.. chills and all Throat an.! I. unit Trim bles Price 50c mil ( bottlrt fue at liar", s I'iu-.t 're It is stale 1 that 11. r.rh men are contributniK t the McKinl.y mem.irl al. Th.-y .nu'ht : contribute, or the 1'lan N' dr-t'p. .1. IX'N T L! V. TVH". KriIKIl. oi'.s:i;-a:ion ! h.alth never jo t,. her r Wi't's I.ittle Karly Ks,-r not- easy action of the bowels i-.oiit .'.LSiress ha-.e been trou- 1 w:-h. .oti n. v.s nine years." says 1 ene. IV; a tin. In i . have trl- 1 r I--. 'S r- t-L-d, s I ..: l..:tl.. Ilarly i-'-vills - 1 7 MAS :i:s. III .1 to W T.KIN :i Hon:.; a ivy Th.-r- p. . r-s; f tie work- rs- I-r K M illi 11 s ar-- alw .-, I :! I.i.. r. J;i u-i I-..-. : f-r t .- llr- i.-s.s 11:- ; s N -,v I...'- p. ;n ! u-y. 1 11 in,; T i Hi'l is.-., s K, . j .-U-.1-. rii-y b ir.ish S:. k ll.-a la. h !it Malaria Never unpe an i drive , r V.-.-UK- n. .-Li'.ai;. ta-te ni e. work ' r. I- rs. Try th-m. .vnn at Hart s Prus-t .re. t . d- V PI MAN - i'I.. is. ALU .I'!-.--iith ev ' )-.-. w aa v.- r, n- ' l url n o. I r.ii " ith- Mil v n As -. a l-.t'l.-1' ' taklnit r dl 1 In my '- n peo; 1-r-r..,-h and r; I I Hi- ';U- ! I 1 n : -r. .:i r r .rv .--ir ;.--.i ,s a:, i . k'.n-; I V -'--:i : i --1 : ; n ; :'-s;i an 1 .1 .Me a:k. h- II .in,-. l'r.-.- Th- ni-'r.,..r'.' nf the i in- l .....a. Im' ili-y l.'-i-"' I i. I- -'ill m the ''li'i'S. cim.n v.-. .p.Tir mii.m. .s.s: "My child is worth millions to m ".i.s .VIIH. .Mary l'.:,I of 1. I'a- "'. I w.iild hav. e l.,sf I . . I IP had I r.r , r. has ., a .,,; l-r l.v f n- .M.iniie ':.,'it;h rm.. Mm- u ' '' '"-'h ' ure a s.Jre er fo. roughs. ''""t' and throat and I unit troubles' An absolutely safe coukU cure which .""' Immediately. The yourn?.-st child "l" laK" " w ith en-lr- safetly. The ,tlfc ,,,. ,,. ,hi h'w ''f'"n 11 hHped them Kvry fam- '"' --". .hit- a ooTtie ttr oni: M nut '-'""'h Cure handy. At this geasnn hv SAYS HE WAS TOI'.TT.RF,D. "I suffered such pain from corriH I could hardly walk" wrl'.-s H Robin son. Hillsborough. Ills "but Hu' klen's Arnica Salve completely cu.'.-i ihern." A'ts like magic on sprains, l.ri.jseH, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers' perfect healer of skin dl-'cu.-H and Plies. Cure guaranteed by Hart's Prugs'ore. Price 25 cents. If Mlnn-sota pr.pos-s not only to r-gulate railway ennbines, but lo see 10 It that congressmen earn ih-lr sal aries, It will be a busy state for some time p. corne. Washington S-ar. A PIiOPITAW,K INVK8TMEST. "I w.t troubled for about even y.-ars with my stoma' h and In M Unit my time," tays E. Pernb k, Komervllle, Ind , "I spent about 1'J) and never ould get unythlrig to help me untn ' trb-d Kod'.l Pysjiepsla Cure. ( have ak-n a few bottle and am entirely I " You don't live by what you eat, 1' by what you digest and assimilate v ur stomach doesn't digest your on are naly starving Kodol a f'n-f d ..-H the s'omarh's dl-o -ting the food You don't dl i-la- all you want. Ko-- s ''ur- i-ui.-H all atoma'h ' 1 - IC'CKftS EVERYBODY KNOWS r 11 1: aiul 1 rt 1 1'.! kin w 1 t . ! o.'. ,: . 1 1 . 1 1 1 III' M. h I. ill 1 II 1 ii;. iii us ui., 1I0 I'd iii.iiiv 11 - :l ' '1 1 1 1 1 . W'c v. ,,v I1-' !-..!. -I l. 1 -: - unit t i.n 1 1 . 1 1 1 j - 1 iti.'ii ( 1 1 r annual - .1.' I' M.I! .-li uti'l I'l-ii'i " nre M1I'I s.lioiV ll-iillii.!. Vull M.O'1.1 .'.' Will I.I Mlj'I.U . 'Ill l'.i ni while ."ii ran mivo llU'l'.ey iilnl i;rt the hi-M. W'c m II e er I litli;; lo ear U'V 11. en, w. 1111 II aiul el. ii. In 11 I.alf-t styles, tjiinility tho hi t. 'KICli5 CANNOT Hi; Itl ATI N. C. H . COOPER FINE TAILOR - MAIM: SUITS lo order durliiK- the month of January, at TWKN'TT PI V IT 11 :it vKNT UKll'.'l'UN i.'leatilni and lleialilnh- at lowest pr, r I Ik- Tailor. A. Kll C. TRENCHARD, Commission. UroKerasc ! Insuranct anJ Shlctingr. ,.. Honi! PORTLAND Tito Oulv I'lrMf-ClitMss. Hotel hi Portlnttil :i :r .".!" N- ii' !! r :.i 'l ii ini-' , Ai;- '. N-.ihii c Si v v. -itK ,. . alT- !- .1 . I m . - - m Ii ih- .! n' s ! ti 'I III' ' tie. I li.. !-, .:- -'f ! lid II I I- M r-, in in ff- ' 1: ill .ml I,:. I,.- J 1.- n;!- .- ,: I : i.i lii-.s'.i 1 1. 1 ' Ii-- 1, kii-'-i .en i n 01 II r . -l- in 1 1 1 1 .1 i.ll- 1 A . 1 . c 'r . -r "f Hi' A :n, 1 111 .I..I i'."l -'a: 1 -'.l!.i any ..l.-l V. A . Piatlki'll. of ill'' Allan 1 Tlall-I--: t '' .inpiiii -' ii, . laini !.. t' tl,-- ,ua -n i.i-iy l-it'irant ..f iin b.i; pia.. - 01. ir .1 01. mi fi. 1,'lits I n-l.-r Hi- 1 'an as .lli-U-l th- iimtii, ial ni'.-l-.-s's of .,,. li','' lin-s will r.-u. h tie- -n-. in 01s sijlh ..f about $.i".i"J.'l. Th- !. lan I line will hav- C. ships. Ilo- 1 Navi-ai i"ii I'.-mpaiiy about null 'four bull. linn, the Wlil'e -1 ir about and the i'ar.ur.1 ulmut I.".. Mr. Te" lakes tin- position that uny d--nl tiiust m.-rely be on- of aKie.-iin-iii 1111. 1 not iin liiii-. M.-nib -i-i of Hi.- linn of .... . .... . ' "Hipany. n-11 i.u.-h- lione l, Uenle.i tnat tin; h.iukiiik nous.- had under way a consollilatliui of trans-Atlantic lines. So far as the arrangement goes In effect among the various companies Is concerned. It will, apparently, Im- merely the application of th" community of Interest plan of operation to the gtcnrnhhlp business. The Half and funnels of the three licet will remain distinct as at picH ent and th" lines will tie manage.! separately as is now the rase. The Lb a of the alleged combination most general in shipping circles Ih that the plan of operation will be fo organize a new company to own stock In steam ship lines and operate them as far as Is found advisable In connection with the railroads-railroad Interests them-S'-lvfM b'-lng stockholders. Th" aim 1. Ill be to avoid a duplication of ser vice. A OKU MASOS PEA P. Panlel Sickies Passes Aviay at Ills Home In Ilrooklyn. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Panlel Kick leg, cousin of 'Jen'-ral E. Stickles, Is dead at his home In I'.rooklyn, He had had a premonition of bin approach ing end several days. After dinner Saturday evening; he told hlH sister that he thought he would die In-fore morning, but as he showed no symptom of 111-n'-ss she did not think there was any cause for anxiety. Mr. Slcklea lay down on the lounge while has sister went to the upper part nf the house. When she returned, half an hour later she found her brother dead. Ills death was due to the exhaustion of extreme old age. panlel Sickles was bom March 2., IM5. H" had the distinction ,t being ihe oldest rnii.i n In the slat-. While In the Sou'h n 1M1 he be aine Inter- 1 ao: .ll NKS, -JJ.-i 011111. en iul-s(. UI W r I'".. ..! I IB 11 I in M is ni- v. n S.i , ami ifi J inln: I'l-.-n I I .-l-.m m s . mm I I-. 1 . if-.-. I'l in v4 1 he li.-, in . .1:1 a 1l-. - in- i !..- ,,f " ,. -pur in 1 II f tl:- M i'.ilI 1 if l-r h li, ( - til-- of tit-m i Mas'.r of ih- -i a e fl'in IV .J to "i." !tl iih:. !i a li- Mis nil- ' i l 11 I - .1 .'.ll '..!.. r il I' I . l-i 'i.- mi.' ,. ..n ..f h . 1 pr no- ' ' -i.'. 0 II- .-.,,e. 1 ,.,, , , ,10,. -I,,;,. ' ' - I'.i ,- or I I una .'.I'. M.t- oilc s VHir T. T.v 1: MA :'i"i"!,:' .1 ,n - M t.' :! 11 - 11 : I, .1 I 1 . I. -I uir. h- I-...-" I !.. .: w.-i-,., .1 sh .- '. I i-n i , -n 11 I! n !. I,. I' - -an l'i an, .... ., II, II ..I 1 I!!. -. ,,f i' ni'o; N- 1 V, k I'll ml n I 1 1-1! n'li 1.. N1 'Tl'T. ' I.-. II.-.. )! I'hlliii P h. f All p. do par: in r and tren.-i nl inan- an. -i ..f ll- II, .p 1 1 In: I.uiik r.iniiany. I - II Til ' 1 M ..f II. e firm will be miuuig.-il In J it V..IUH-. l'ir.oi.:li 1. hoin nil I.iimI 1 s inn- 1 I... inn. , lll'l' II".. i I.I .J A I'll. 3D I'.on.l sit , AMorla. DIAMONDS All kiii'ls of . li t inn- Mi, in M l iiml unset, nt u rv mml- iTllto .'iri's. 'I'd,. Inlet .ii. iliu'tions in il,,' ji M li r'-' nit in Suiiilv K111I.I1 ins, I'ius, Undoes, ell-, S.,i, vnliiu ami i.'iiii ni nli'i il iiiiilit v in sliiinliinl v. j 1 1 1 1 1 1 s nn, I cjni ks Kino ri'iiiirin,'. .'....'. ..',.. J. H. SEYMOUR. TI IK ANM'A I Masquerade Ball ill lie alien I j Till: SONS OF f F H M A,N N "ll ll..- .'Willi g i f Monday, February 10, AT FOARD k STOKPS HALL. AllMIHNIII.N tlenllainen, mailie'i I.aitii-a Mpe.-utora Cllllilien ...II IK) ... to . . M 2!, Four valuable prlirg will bt awardtrj lor beal cotlumn a no lour lor bcil UBlalned characters. Itcfrcihmcali will be serve d Fisher's Opera House I . ft. MM lit, I riur mill '1aittir. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 llillilel' . Maun ttllttlrlin.' I'lM.lll.-ll.ill W. 1. ItKlUIIITH I'l.liu 'i.iie . I . 1 1 ml iMama V ('lav of lllli'lian llll.-ieml Stlllxlld 'UH viilr i'at of t'lie-iunlled Ktcellrnee l!..-rvcd rain TV. talleiy. 5s-; sie ,i.rn It) 11 ml ay inornlii at Ui1f II 11 A It.-e.l tat. nt Importations In TITA. Uti'lT sml all kinds of iMIINA M KIIOII A Nl'IrllC. ('ontra.-tom for Cl-ln-sn LABOR Hop Hing Lung & Co J Hot.d aiirvs-t - TICKETS I.. UI Points East 1 1 SHuH TEST AfNO QUIOtST lilNE Si. I'ii lii, l'lilmliliniii h pni i in I All pins 'lis-. I I.ii iUi riir'llK'l I'll. a, I'I T -'ir'. 1 r. -(.rfj. P. nit if anl linT": .iui-.K nt I y ( '.' 1 PAII.V TliAIN.-s. PAST I I M i I VI' H ASP Si'KSMItY i'I II'VI'AI.I.P HI-. II- P r ra'ea. f .' leu ami full I .form. o "1 r.Kirln.: Eastern lip, ill n . r d Ire,, II PlfKMiiS'. J W I'll ALOV. Tliy To k. I Ait't Tr ri I'lfs Atf't P"i iliind. A II ' PIINSIS'P iS, U. W I" A. !. Plrst Ave, Heatil... Wash. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST v ..ur i'f'1. r..r lit al'. I 1 ll K I; KS II AND S A L 'I S i I t- pr. tlv at litrlty nil. il lu 0. W. MOKTON, pfop. I'll tllltl Nf( P.II. Prompt Deliveries f ('ImircHt Kri sli mill ( 'iinil MEATS New Sliiiji, I Scut uf .Scrvii'i I'Ikiiip Main 01. BOSTON MEAT MARKET CHOICE MEATS 0 VALLEY 0 FORGE Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMAURCIAL STPECT. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA KIVHi RAILKOAD. 11 w -i Ml ll AMI I A III I'. . Ml 1 p. n-.ii.l I .1 en I'm- I I II in in 1 I , t I.i ii mi.l W ,., I u w . m I I' I asimn v M ' 111 11 le t . 1 ..ui. .,1 11, 1 11 11 m l-.-H-ls l' w i 1 1 ' r lav imih .-loll 1 I r WU.I. ..I..K. T III ft ft I ; . . : I.n r.. n I iv . lit II ,1.0,,. 11 I an I V.loila I I0 I., a tu , ..I.I. I.. 1 W am III-' 11. U Y . HI I I.i , lUiioit 1. I I 01 - ' l l ut -I. t. anl AO. ii V Xi ut I' ll o . t I '. .1 in Hit 11 -t y L All Hal make . lose .''Uino'il' ii at il l..' w ill al Nuriliaiii I'aclft.i train i.i n, 1 fi. iii Hot I ot and Moun I p.unit. J i MAin. il n l Pif gill and paaariigor Agont. Portland - Astoria (ou(o. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Pally It und Trips Elcpl Huadsf. TIME CANO l.r .- I' rtland le-at A'loria Ii. n. T p. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Iklivrrn I'.u lalil Tho t .l- and raf I'olBIS IIMf. CH0 ivi ror'Iah l. Mtiii.Uyi Wrdnratlays an I P'ldav nt 7 III Tim Pillrs l!i asm day. J p m. Lett, a I'lo- I 'ultra Tueaday. TlllltS- ..n ' tint SaiurUi at .' n 111. Air.v-. Port slid ' day. p m. Tm r 11 1 o baa fio (ran.Vst mWe l ti a, ti n on ojrili letn IH' P"l ,-f Al.W ri liolh 'I'll ix-a VI . tt 311 V J TAYK'lt At Att"l J. 'U S' VI PI I.!.' N. Al Th rn I'HVl'lll ll HAIlSKM. Asia ll.aal It IT W'.'I.PollP A WTPdlJ. At. Willi S 111 n J r Al Vantr-uvar ll W rHl.'llTi'N. A: rortland C. W. BARR DENTIST M tn.rll llilll.tlntf. S.I i' .linn. r. a, Mi. AHM(A. I'll. Tii.riH"Ni: ki;i y PRAI:L & COOK lisUfvM I.I' CttMI'ANV j T-i iii ne I DRA YINC AND I: X PHtSSIlNG ' I 1 1 .-I' . '. : 1 our 1 are , Al mil a 1 N' 1 ' MS I "u uif A 'I : l.v. 1 W J I'lUK. Mgr. Kr, T'l Il-M. DR. flltTTHEW PATTOH I'M si. .nn .Hid g- 'ii. I' M.I 111 II.UISl.. Molil V 1 pnmli- pirta.-a a Hec,a!'y 21 Mo Oregon Shoit Line and UIOFaPACIHC TIMP, Hflllci)) I'epart UI.I.H i Arrlvg Prom I'm Hand 'llli-IIKil Portland Hpeclnl 'J '"I a. 111. via II1111I I ngt 1 ni Atlantm ' Hall Lake. Pi'iiVi-r., PI. Worth, 1 'ma I ha, Knitraa City 4 SO p. in. Ht I... nn. Chicago' ari l Past. i Hull ljtk, Drnvnr Kl. Worth. ()mi Pipresa " " "I Ihn. Knnaiia t'liy. 8 10 g, ra via Hunt. . Ht. Ixviiia. I'hlcnr'1 'nglnri nnd Kiiat. ! Wall i ' WalTiiT"' Hi. I'giit lyuiainn, Hpu-I Knt! mull k ine Mlnnenpollt i I' m. Mi I'ltin, Piilinb 1 7:00 a. m via Mihv uiki'i', Ch.i htT"5i" y?" an, nasi I "3 lining from Pnrtland to Phlcsii. No CliunKK nf fan,, (" KAN AND III V-IOIl HC I UDVIM Krom Aatorla All sailing daln subjrrt to chilng. For Han Krgn,-T. en every Bva diva 7 a.m. Coliiinbla lllv.r I 4 u" in Pallvrx- t i-orda,,,! .,. cent Hun. I Wiv laimllnir.. M,,n,l.. Hiearner Nahc..iiR ,.Vm Aalnrla on Mde dully, ..g,.,n,( Hur.lay, for Itwsoo. conne.-lliig there with irulng f,,r I,.n liiitch, niK ,) Nrtn n,.,., pniHia, letiiriiing itrilvi-s ui Astoria an me ven lK (1. W. InNHHICHHr, Agent. Astoria. A. I CIU.TO, ni-nenti IhissengiT Agent, I'nril ind Oreg. i n BLUJER. 8ALVE. mnat hanll. a. saaWgggagggf inivriin f 1 11 1 r utj 11 vi WoUNo Foley's Honey Tar tito Jn lunzi nnd Mops the couph.