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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1902)
Till: MOKMM. ASTOKtAN. WCDMXDAY. JAMAIiY IS, 11U12 Telrphon Main Ml. TERMS OP 8U1WCK1PTION daily. Sent by mail, per year I ml by mad, per month SsrvJ by tamer, per month ...1100 ... .50 VTEKKI.Y. wit by mail, per year, In aJvanv. $-oV , vi ecn America att I Ftu-ope an' now ,' tar closer thin it befoi-'. and m- parahly stiongi r the re f tv.Mii' A ttu'i : -Th. Astorlsn guarantee to Its adwr- .a ,m.IYM, , A)u, h(., ,,. ,,, Users th largvaH circulation of any: wcprr rMihed on th, Columbia ; Pwmv of ,w, les. THK OOXPITIOX OF KlItOVK The prv siJent of the Imperial bank of Berlin exntvases the opinion. tas1 uion carefully vl!wted rovrt from yarloua ins of the empire, that the j ,.n. The other Ja. on a re r a' ion worst .f the business depression ln, yun,. Aniona. an ancient modi- Germany is past, and that henceforth joine man was tortured to death by the there will be a steady if not rapid J tndians. They held him In hih es relurn tow aul normal conditions. The j teem and tvally save their own f.., l banks of Germany have been so large- j inss a wrench when th. y nfferet him ly anJ directly involved in the pimeral j Up as a sacrifice to apiase the wrath business troubles that such an opinion , fuj gods who had attln ted them with of a representative barker is to be ' snl.,;ip0X . ,,, ,,.i; ,,,.v t, i:il. reparded a in a desree authoritative, and this optimistic view will be wel-i(as,n ,j,.mar.,e,l a sa.-rtic- He was corned by the world. The fact Is not. : .j, mw. important ind:-. i lu ,1 acc ss. however. to be overlooked that, apart (,:,. an,j a tt ,s !, d to th attar, r from the embarrassments of business. .(,., st iko. much the thmc under the public finanvs of Germany are s-'t- 1 ;h. ,-treiinistances As t'..,. , rr -, t ttnit int.i a less satisfactory condition!, ..; n t, sm.tUp.ix no :o,...;t is than hitherto. The Imperla' debt, for- I Jt i..,., liHil!'.- ss .i :. m. merly trttlin In amount, is now no m.,n n,, j. there is now one case less less than $n.0MW. In addition to j .,, ;h t. :tv. The curative pr or y which new loans of :i.9". are the affa r as to the iest of the ab.ut to be mi. The iT-scnt year j Indians will he iewe, as n-m-exist-wlll thus see a total imperial debt of ent. x race is frv from su:-Tti-nearly j:W.(1.i. asainst only J:?0.- j t.,,n xne injian retain theirs in a X.iv at the beginning of th- present j f.,rm so crude that the exhibition of it reign. A fourfold increase in fourteen ! 1S h.x king. They acted in ignorance years is omnious of heavy debt bur- I n,,t , mali.e. Of course, they ..ught .. i , . . .-,, ' u , . dens. When. Indeed, we remember.,., be punished, for punishment might that besides this Imperial debt the In- stimulate their intellectual rarts Kv.-n dividual debts of the German states ; to gl) so far as to hang a f.-wr ,,f asgngate about 2.6jO.MO.. the em- j th-m would b,. .-U ,nd,iiv Pire is seen to be little if any better! ,.,- with th- cri.1cta. n !. i on nnannauy man it r.rv.. i,wvl. a.s not to b.. espe, ,a;iy ills a-t"M the Sew York Tribune. j to the victims. However. Arizona is In France national finance is a sub J..vt which has long cause 1 Increasing anxiety. The debt is by far the l.,rs- est in the world. It is out e true, as the finance minister has r- -ently i-iint-ed out. that tw.i-third "f that d-!'" must b- charged ; forms of goverr.m-nt. V- t'o- fact re-malr- that the debt -x:s s nh-r'-l by the republic from its pr I-1 1-'" ts: and this fact. too. th- pr sent form .f government g "-s r.sht n ad 1 ing t" that debt. Kach year r.o sees a d-tp it. in spite of th- f.n t tlaf taxa tion has been forced up tt, the maxi mum. The result Is that n-w bonds have been ls-ue.l, whi. h 'he s "V-rn-ment Is happily stiil able o do at par. iiut with pupu'aii'in stationary sources of revenue annot gr-a ly increase: and if in such cilumstan -. ex! en-li-tures do continue to men as. 'here ran be only on- result, an i that a disas trous one. If from France we turn to Russia, we behold debt, depression and famine. That empire has one of the m st n fed i th" ia.t-r an exp.-tt h and probably most competent finance The 'curt '.f honor" h .s ministers in the world, who has d -ne great things for it. But some condi- tions are too strong for even M. de WItte to master. The trouble s. to be that Russia, with the dWtribu'- requirement whiih ju-t:fl"S the re- have to diet. Hat all you want. Ko ing and consuming capacity of only : sumption that they did n-o Itifr.d the Dysp-psla I'ure cures all stomach idertaken j a Semi-Civuireu lanu. nan uo'iei iaiei. i artificially to create the pioluctlve , machinery of the most enlightened. , The result Is that while tens of mil- ' n,.ns of mnullks throuehout the em- ' pire are In abject want and squalor great industrial establishments are .,,..loOW,n IttMt.eH markets and d-cllning prices. Again in both Austria and Hungary there i. H lol .ml tn.l.i.'1-is.l Al.. plosion, and the financ n.iniH'.-rs of both nations are much te-rpl-x.-! to . find tn'-ans for carrying on l.uin-s. 1 In Hr.-a' liritain f. r.a ti'-'-s :in lr. a sad ; H via!., b-t-aus.. of th" demands of the Sou'!, Afri.-an war. and th- grn.-rn! ou'look is by no means r-asuring. Curiously erough. Daly, 'hat "re (,f th" great powers which has b-en sup- . posed to Hiiff-r most from Imam-lal burdens and industrial depression. ; seems now- to be In the best condition of all, so far S.H national finances are concerned. She Is, at any rate, the j only one of them all with a budget I surplus, and that. too. with diminish- I lng taxation. Such, then, is the state of Kurope at the opening of the new year, ft Is not satisfactory, though we may hopetd. i: 11 : gravely omlttou. T: ere bit mrari.-tsgmcnl and dt-;r. . hut thciv i not and tuny tut t actual disaster. Aisundly. It is to he ! op, d her a cNeahctv, that the forecast if the H r lln hanker. h1i :! ) n .t -1 . ill prove i.) !. ivrnvi, and for ,oh,r aid its jweil s v'.ermntiv It waul I be a sa lac thins for America to Mil: n Ku I rp-an dis'.ivss. and I: won!. I also W Up; me'y f 'li-dl in ., partial sense. an 1 L mt'oru'-ily, hard tons iti one; i .SO i ,"'n,n:'"1' Muv '"'':n H1 tt ici :tt an- ther Pit: g nerallv sp ak.t'..; ' to i joM" contitr.i s :id am ig ' to have icvctv other .'iti' prosperous l!.''iis I ! ; Ki-n t't hate's arv thr'm Into th j , ilanges, and In far amis iHimv are j (mystic rites not nnur : ti l.-.l h ir.g scenes In a general way it Is . knon :.ilso of this o;rMi:nsta:i.e that j n,V!S missionary to so .l r,u! : He .losin s t airy :-.sht to the heath- !,, ,1, medi. mo man. hu: that the .v - a tempo y supposed to ( eu;liz-d. n easy to'j, h with :h- lest itfiu . n.-s Why should r.ot a few- ml-Moii- .wo-.-- g-j dun that w a ? U-t 'h.-m go pr-a. him.' a gospel '' ith an a::;:g . 1 o. and artivd iio-aN nr. 1 a.; An.'-l. plo.- :ti .hs.,,.j :, .-g: a. : j, : !: many, d-spit- t "f th- , u'o,:,. : ti r -s-i .n ; ; sir.g days "f th- 11 y .,:- r ::," a(T.,.r b-ta -i, .,::: .!-. .- of ahotn. , . 'nn. u '!;.- ...... . ' his v edding. ,' hi-h had su n v. He pul.-li'i-v "inly ..I N-- y.-.,r ' day . . ti r ivit.g h.s g-ti-ials. '.'". kais-t :- r-- i-u-t-l Lav - ,a.d that if i.i -c th -re jri-,1 ;tr.llar ni!ii which I'.'id taken la e in 1 !. h- oild .! .'nan !'.ns amot.g , o: s V. t a; ttiit v.oy iiorne'i' a ' 'ourt of borer' via- a"dn.- g ti.e i-t .,( ri ,,'f,,., 'ire . i any. thit.i; of th- k r. 1 tha' ; :ee.-l.. ". It a' b-fc.-.-n a s'ti l.-n' and aa ofii -r. p.-tol. that w-apon. although th- studnt'is propo-el sabres. Th- "cour " f ir'her stipulat-d thru fiv shots -h.uld be eX' hai.g. d. a brutal an I luckless student shuuld -fl'-ipe. He f'-H a' the thirl fir-, sh .t throu.-h heart. The uar,el am- ahou' through A l'arI' of ftud-nts Jostling a group of otfic t-i. The officer In 'I'jes io was in I'lain ''"thes and was slapt -d by a student. Presumably th- s-u-l-nt was '.'' cLall" III."- 1 arty ard "tio'ii l have .f '.'.vapor, s ro or lin ".ii: s of ' ht-. i i'.-l at" ha ! th- r ii' t" pr-' -l-nt ol '.'!: Uiat -I n- i' a-e ,h" th- I 'a "' '''titt-n """'' '' fo and lilZ"- 'h fa ' "'' ii r. i v. t . hi.-, wi-i r- a '. "k .1 : rf. -n of i: :-ii tha' ' s-o ,.l j.dtis!. fare th" ;.-".:r ,r.(,.,v" a The London Lari'-i. t... print-d a nti- istn of a tur- giv.-n in lsj.! upon t ih- 'lig-.-tiv- organs upon endured with vitality." ot;..-i -lay dc.,1 I--ll.'.i" of ojb...lali' ".S c..-t'i:ory which includes the propn-t Jonah, "How the prophet pass-d hi,' tune in the c avity of the whale's stoma' h, how fur the confinement aff-c t-d hiH organs of respiration, are questions of minor importance," we are told. Xtut the main aigumc-nt ' may be thus stat- When Jonah entered the whale's stomai li t-i.hor ho was ade or was not alie I' ho w ih' noi a'Ue the stomach Mould have ha I iho same power omt him as o , r anv other In animate suli.ianoo. an I th,' lophot nonl.l liavr l. on il cosioj in th.' onlin av Hjy I'm s:n.'o h.' was not ;os:o., ho was a',lo wln-n .i!!."i'il, av.l. as iho ;i vi:iini,'ii lolnts mi:, "miis: h:no oottnt,',l to !io" I'ou so,iu'n:l w hon ho a thrown uo on th.' .1 1 i,i n I i'iol'.ihl) Mtthotit any oh In. o'm-ni.'tt, than s, m ' tml ns .logins til' n ; f hl oanoii',..iN " Slops the U'nb Jiiii 0'k Ihc (.,!.: ()i I.iv.itu- lt o'iio ijimiiii" TaM ts ,'ure ;i oo'.l In one ,ay So cure. No Pay. 1'rloe ;5 ivnta. A oi;n- man in liltti ':s xo'untoors to tlsht for the H.t. Ho ontinnos in Illinois V'lKhtins from that ilistanoo Is easy. SAYS HR WAS IVKTrUEP. 1 siiiTonvl mtoh palti from corns I eouU! hanll alk " write II. Itobln- l'un. fl . "tut Ituoklen'a ' In, I.", U',.. .'.llt, 1',. I tl.,,. " i Aots Ilk- maslo on st rains, rinses. ieuts. sures, scalds, bums. Niila, uleer lVrfeet healer of akin dl.-casrs ami ; I'Hes. I'un- Ruuranteed by Hart j Pru,ore- lrU'' :i l"n,- Quay says ho will stay In the senate to the end of his tftui NoNkIv ever thought ho would do otherwise. Sena tor (Juay revels in the -hade of the plum tree CHILD H'ollTll MILLIONS My child is worth millions to uie." ays M:s Mary rii.l of Hairlshurs. I'.t ' yet I w hi'. I have lost her by .roup had I not purehas. d a bottle of iti" M-.nute I'.e.igh 'uro." Cn- M.n ut - ush i'-.k" is sur ni" f- . ioiikIh. cr"ti;' an I throat and tuns trout h s An absolute'- safe mush cure which .tot iti:ii:e,.atelv The yo'ingest child ,a:i t:k- I' with eif lr- safetlv. The litt'.e on- s ;,'Re th' last" and remember hoi. often it heljed thetr. I'vry fam : shouM have a Nutle of One .Minute ''oucii c'ure handy At this season es pecially it may be neode I suddenly. cn.s no: Kits. Probably all the :a k ..ti Wes. lndl- l so, es--;, .(j is thr e.ih a a pi r. K m a n s ci.os:: ""ALL. I ' I s'u. k to n'- o'lsin" nlthoush ev- , Per month pays for the b. st dally pa- .. nrv W111,l,...r published on the m-r. r;,eke with pain." writ s C W. It, 11- j delivered six tlm.-s a week at )oi;r amy. a loomotie tire. nan of Purling- j residence or place of business A l- ton. Iowa, "I was weak and pale, with- l',r hlch furifses i-s patrons with any a; P-tit-end all run d,wn. As full Asici.ited l-res, dispatches. I was aho'.'t to kiv Kl, K,,t a Imttle ; ! "'-' h,( f,1"n Ei,.,trK. H at!.r B;.rr ,.,klng it. I felt a.s w. 'l as I e r did In my li . " Weak M'k y, r in down people ' aiwa ca.n n--.v life s'r'tig.h and on th. ir ii... g'laratit-."! 'ri :.;) e.-n's. Trv them. Sat- y Hir 's l'rus- .1 1-1 W. i UK IN- '.'( lb 'I-: A I'AV Tl.-r--s r . r.'-t t - a ti, t- !o .!.' . r a-- al i t .d I.i -i- .! i ;; : As Th -. ail lr;-- . r -. -ak. n .-'a v 't lets Try t' I irus-t T". s lit- ! P.,!s j Tor- I : N I 'l y Lit Pi t ,s.l - l'-e,..r :o-li S ' I'.-a la-he ::a N.-vr gripe t i-'e to ", work . ." "if s at Hart's if .:. 1 I : t:i : r: ' tillti ! 'if to b. .tig fa. ".' at ea h o'h'-r. A I'l'f 'KITAPLK IN VI1STMKNT. ' "I was t.'0'ib'- I r r aboit -even' y-ais with my s'or'i.c h and In bed h.:' my tlm-." -ays 1-1, Demi. k. Somervllle, I Ind . ' I spent about !! ai ..,n, rif. vf.r ouM g.-; anyhlng to ti.-p untll I tti. I K'.'l I Dysi-psia Cur-. I have tak.n a few butM-s and tun entirely .-ll ' Vou d-.n't live ,y what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stormo h doesn't dlg-st your food you are r-aly a'arvlng KihIuI Uy-I'i ps a 'hire ,es the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't troubles f'llA.S. R'KIKKS. Happily, every good resolution to ke. p a diary this year has b-en brok en. IiONT LIVI-: IVxlOTUKK. i ,, , ,, h,a:, n,.vr K geth.-r. D-U'ltt's I,it;. Karly Itlsers promote easy action 0f t,c, bowels '.cit.,ait di're.. I ha-..- b-en trou b'e.I -. I id A'p.,.n-s nine years." says . ' ':.""," De;au.c, Ind . I have t-l-o rnartv r'-rm 'I . i,r Li tl- Karly !': -r-- .'I"- ,..,, ,. ;., f 'j AS. it'e lllltS. THK S-.VmP.I. 1.1- AILM.'l, Iti t! IP tl-di arm l..-f, ll,catd -d, o f. i' i - ' on ert "t ir; ii" " id has rar ..s i' aseful-rnob-rn v arfiire. I' w a j c o sld'-red A half r. ri'iji v ag ' h- le sr. weapon, but i Taken It j A f.,.. t 'i n, .;.nd . r,r p i.p!c an- di old m ohols c.f 'rying o. it! ii as rt'rfr pr setit ilme ' o ling ih'-lr 'orn.'o'h ami trt. i c .in, lain Is, and .ar- ti dug ti.- old relial.lo Hostellers 3 omaeli Ititt-rs. n has nevr b'-n kne.-n lo fail In cases of indigestion, dys epsla, .Milpatiiri, l.lllou.-ness. llv r and kldrn y tioubles. or malaria, feve. and nue, an. a trial is therefore recommended. It has l.-n before the public; tur if) years, and by lis record of cues dur ing 'bat tlrn.- has firmly established Its supeiiority ov-r all oth. r r nc dies. Try a bottle, and satisfy yourself. ( N I! V I. IC V T II 1 N (i C. H. COOPER rnTir t li k i, k a i i x c ii o The political force-comedy. " Too Much MaKlstrate." couilnm ? hold the Imards tn lliooklyn Cllll.DI!KN KSl-Ki'lAMA I.IMH.K. Purns. bruises and cuts are extreme ly painful and If n- slo. ted often result in blood p Isonlns Children are esped. ally liable to such mishaps Oeauae not so careful. As a p nirdy i-Vti' Witch lUi'l Salve Is uti' ipiate 1 Draws out the fire, stops ih,. pain, soon heals the wound Iteware if count. Tfi Its Sin-.- euro for i ll. x "lieWitt s Witch Ha2o Salvo cured my baby of ectema after two ph siclans save her up," writes James M ck. N. Webster. Ind . 'The sores were so bad she soiled two to tive dres.s.s a day " i'IIAS. liml K'KS Colonel Frank Mum.-) is bitterly op. to the newspaper editorial unless he can rite himself. SIXTY 'I1TS " -'"' morning 1" for ' D41 l"-r "" ant. br-ukf.ts'. the paper '"U want. A comar: n will I'.iiulii.-'' y .u tha fa ohunns ntam t.m"s the amount of ! t- legr.iplilo edl'or: ,1 an I 1 cal news to , b. four, I m I:. r I D.iliv al pat- rs As'orl m Sub N' 'TICK. I'-irmg the .ibei.e in I'bin.i ..f Ah I -,g. -'o.lor I uoip r and gen- al man ager "f He p llinc Lilac- Company, tli afiHbs , f th" firm will be managed bv J'i Yoiin.r. throii li whom all busi r.e s n'.'p t '.- tr'insae'e I. II"!' II I '. ; I.i ' N 1 ,v ' i 3 .t Pond :! . Astoria. I II K ANN I A I. Slasfjucrade Ball w i: i... I,. i.i T II K SONS Oh II I K M O N in tlie ' vu'i 1 1. - f Monday, February 10, AT l:OM0 & STOkCS IHI.I.. AMMIHHKIN lli-niiainen, ii.a"k'"l I..ill.-i s..'t.tori, I'hll'lien II 11O Poor vaiushle prizes will bt awsrscd lor belt comumn soa losr lor btit sustained (bsricler. Relreibneal, be terved. J.A.FASTABEND OHNRIt A I. CONTHACTOR AND UL'IlJJKIt Dr. T. L. Ball DKNTIHT. ',:( (.'onimet'liil St, Astoria, 'to. CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. TABLE LINENS NAPKINS HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS N IS it K t I M r I ll siH: l I' m I At " t II Great Annual Sale S ' i li I' I N ll n . nir.r. nn-r -r r s i: o r a.s t i k i a C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Hull ling. i?a Cciviii'rctai St . Asrouu. I'll TII.Kl'HONK. HHP SXl. Andrew Asp, Man Xakrr. Kliirloitli tti rrlr KlltsT CLASS WOllK AT ItlHSviNAllLK I'ltL KH -iyH-.a: A't'-nt . a Gie to Ship ti il St .itnbo i: Itet alrins.ii -ti'Tal lliek tnl.h.iig Kli: -Class II -rsr-Stuvlng. sic. CORNER TWELFTH PND CUANK STS TICKETS I'l VII Points East I i SHUIJTEST PND Q'JICKT LI.NE TO Nt.i'ai.!. I' i'i'ioi'.l liinu' in I All P n a '1 nt I l .ir US I P ll I c. l T It ' '."prt D nltig in I p.iif e. .Sap .It. if lal-rii.y ''al. DAILY TIIAINS, PAST TIM 1-1. S KH VI' 'K AM' Si'IiNllltV PS ll'.'l'ALLD. F t rut', folders and full laf "n iti n r.-g.irbi.g Kait'Tn trip, jah m .r d- dress H DlfKHnN. J W PHAIN. Cl'y Th k-t As't True. Pass Ag't P.rtliind. A. II '' DIlNNI-rP i.N. U. W P A ill: First Ave. Seattle. Wash. It Will Pay You... to write for our rales before you pur chase a ticket ti, any point In ih K A HT. Through 'l ourlsl Cats from the Pacific Coast to ! Chicago and Cincinnati ?o ana tincinnaii k -j sv-n p. ,sstftS!Nortn Pacnic Breweru Fnst and handsomely , connecting with points In the Hi iI.'TII KAHT. equl,.eil stenm-beale.l trains iMuIng I'-im Ittlffet l.lbrnrv Cars sit Intf I '.rs and Free itcellnlng hair Cars throughout the following states: loWA. INDIANA, WIHiViNHIN. MIH HoCKI, TKNNItHi:K,. t l -H A N A, ILLINOIS. .MINNKHuTA, Hol'TH DA K I'A. ARKANSAS. KKN'T'I' 'K Y mid MISSISSIPPI. ' For pnrllcpl. I tii'."tic'"i' tali loldiei.H, ngaidlng freight or "i nn I service call on or .1 o LINIi.-lllY, T. V A P. A. II 1! TltllMltlL.L, ''niii'I Agent. PoltTLANIi, IMtlMiiN. 11.1 Third St. .TEAS... j Latest ImporlulloriH In TEA, HICK and lull kinds of CHINA MIOItCII ANDIHIS. Contractors for Chinese LABOR Hop Hing Lung & Co J7 Pond Street. Mjm sirTw BETOF EVERYTHING In Word This Telia of lh r.Ma,ifr HeiTlc via fho Northwestern feino.. l-llu lit Tiaina Dally llolnern Hi. Paul an I Cliloaan, vomprUliig The latest Pullman Nleep.'rs, l"wile timing Cars, Lib iy .ind utn.'rv iil in Cars. Kr'i Iteclliilng Chair Cars, The .mil tVntine Trains - -Hum I'.vnty Day of III Year The Finest Tram in tfn Work ritkliu liihlnl Kfalcil TDK II A IK I Kit H t'ATl'l KXPIIKSM. Ih' Kinnsi Dally Train Huiining llern St Piul sal Chicago, via lh Hhorl Un Connections from the West Xld via T:i NOItTllt'lKN PACiriC OUKAT NOUTIIKUM AND CANADIAN PACIKh' It YS Thl. la also th. UKRT LINK h-lei' iinatis St Paul and Mliinrspolla All Agent, Sell TK'kM, via The Northwestern Line V It M K AD. It I. Htrtl.RU. General Agent Trsv. Agent :4 Alder Hirset. Portland. Oregon OREGON LINE and union Pacific .TIMlC Hi'IIKD-i , PI.I-41 rrom I'oitland 1 t'l-piirt Chioas., l'ortisnd Hiwctal I nlA m. via Hunt ington Atlantic nrtu Arrlis Salt l-ak". IVinvrr,! Kt. Worth, i ms ! ba. Katwas City I JOp m. St loula. iI.cafo, and KaL Hall lke. Denvar Ft. Worth, Onia i (si i. tn ha. Kansas City. I IT m via Hunt- Hi. Iiuls. Chloag Ington ! and Kt. I Watla WalU. St Paul 'lwlston. Hpo.' Paa: mail 'kanf M nnesp"ll p m H' Paul. Duuth 7 is) a. m vl M Iw uik'-e. Chi-' Hpokan" cagi and Kast :i houta from Pt land to I'bldga I No Change of Tars. I O' HAN AND HlViCIt Si'llUDPLK From A'torla All sailing liati: .V1 aiibjrct (.i Chang.' I F t San Fran. Is , ro ti ery fivr d ya ' ll til I'otutiib a Itlv-r a in I 'a Ives- T . I'.T land and ec. lit Sun. Wai Lin ling, Monday turn i Ni'i-'ttu l. tvea A at T'a "n . I- ditlv. ,x .-pt Hut lav. for llni.-o, ' tt..,.. ;, tr,". i t Lng, 1 1 , h. T c i an' N r'h I'.-i.'i avi It. -lilt nli.g art iv.-s ,t : Ant -t x same ,-ven- - W I.i il NHIIKIt It Y. A'toil . Ai!" A I. i'KAI'1. li'tietui Vassiongi-r Agent, Portland, i reg"ii. KOPP'S HIiST ADelieious tintl Iilntnble Drinlc Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific nrwery, of whl. ti Mr J.ihn Knpp la pr .prlttor. mskra beer for dotneallc and riport tial" Holt In! beer for family ua or k'g beer aut.pll.'d a; ,,ny llm. Delivery In the clly fre. I'l Mil Of New Zcfilfind W. P. THOMAS, MKr San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIAHILITY Siiliscriliftl Ciijiihil, I'aiil-iii Ciijiilnl, AshcLs, AhhpI.s in I'liilttd Slates, Sur'liis In I'tiliiy IIdIiIits, Has lici'ii LJii'lrrwrilin (iii tin- I'm We Rent New if-. I '''a' ..'.- V ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYLR RAILROAD. .VK CHH II AM J Aaaits I II ma i II to U St Mtlauil P. iIUimI I'll ell les I Tin. p m for A'l iris unit w ar I'olnl. All"lll H III f I I'eilUlid lid Ml ,l A to p ll, I I'elllls I II Mia m I lu l st t A .- 1 1 1 K 11 H1 a -i . in ,,i,.i, ..r Wititenieii, ; Tmn MOatu tell S ,11)11, j I 11 l III '.i n p i Usui I and A sttit Is te t St 11'. a w l"l W .It. nlnil, IV It) y 111 III list IUiioIi li. I. 'HI ! 7 IU tt i a in "in' " l Ao.'iia 1 - ;.i s st Hun. lay only All trabs makp cloaa st liable with a. I Surinam I'acltle trains to and from t'.io llaal and Hotin I poliiH J C. MAIO. ilen'l fie (M and raaawngsr Ageul. 'pp iwii i i ii i wn III 1 1 I lH .Fortland Astoria 1(oute.. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Dally ll 'iind TCpa Klcept Sunday. tIMt CANU p Titan.! . le-at Astiu a T a. in. 7 p. n. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Ilrtacei, paitlanl. Tlx Dalle, tni ,f I'oiois I IMK CAI1I) ,e. r.oilatid. Mondays Wednradsya and I'M I.i) n' .' a III Arrive Thn I"ulra the m day. P m l.tiii.', Tliti Dnllea. Ttira1a)a Tbura- daa sill Satuldaya at ' A III Afr vr, Part and, lam day. , p. n. Tli a r utti has Put grandest -nlo at lia tt .as on "artli ten Hng Fool f AlJer atreet Holh I'll it. Main Sal A 3 T.VIHt At Aatoita JollN M FII.I.'ioN. AC Tha Dallas I'll Pit Hit A IIAHNH.S. Alia lbd liver Wnl, HiltD A WTB1W. Agta Whits Saitn n J i- WVATT. At Vaniriuvsr K W i lllt'll TON, Agt. Portland A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When t'et'Plo ara e..nt.-mpl i a tr.ji. nai-iti-r .n toiaii.tM t plratuto. Ih. y natural y wnt the heit -n a obtaii'.al.-' as far aa a;r, . inf .rt an I alfe y 'S eall.rill.d Kmpl in of til WIS.'i.NSIN c'K.VTIHI, LINKS ars pai I t ' rr (tie pubi c an I . ir i .ii.- "j, ,at . a, i.i mik . 1 nut. I.. ell ou ni:h Jiverg ng Hif-a at all Jim t on .ot-ta I'liitii.att Pes S ". m an I 'liar ' st s n t'.ro ,g-.. .rain I'.:, ng , ar i.-iVi., utci e!'., M.U " a e I i ' , .'ir:.. In r '.-r t . ; a n t Cr fit : .. I.i .a .'r l . ' t-k ! li : .a, e' .. c - :i : l a s : , tl I ! 't it rr.c Wisconsin Central Lines si'-l t-i wll ink- dlr.'-t .'line I ma :'l H' Piul f " C-ii'-ag .. Ml in..-- sn.1 a I I'" if t K .a' i' . r .my fur her l-.f .ni it .n -.,!' on n-iv :t, k--t ig"i.t. ,.r . ... at kj J A I ' ' I'l iN'l i leu P us u : r J.V A. ''K, M iwatik'e. W.a iieto Ag til. Tin: riip'A'i.i a v. iit i ii Wiisn.iis RAILWAY I'll' lll'll Willi) h I Mill' OF SHARKllOLDIiRS f'i,(iOil,(M)ll 1,01)11,(1(10 , l 'i,I I I :siio,)ii() l,7H,7!i'J ilic ( 'im.Mt uvt i twenty-two yciiru Typewriters. Many iipw iinjiroveinmitw utldwl. Soo our liitcHt No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Nw Arf Cntaliitiii Free . . , L- M. ALEXANDER A CO. Kioltisiva I'anillc Cast Osiers 215 Mark Kt , 1'orllaml. Ore, F .M'KEl'IlKII'.Jiui ak