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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1902)
NOTrORI fy-VVVY W" '""'iKioil. Jwrtin .j.vi3ossv AHVHfln onafld vmoisv 1 VOL. LIV ASTHMA, ORIifiON, WMDM-SDAY, .1 AM'AK V IS. VH)2. NO. ISO The Eclipse Company Blank Hooks, Office and Pocket Dairies, Desk Pads, Memorandums, Calendar Pads, Tide Tables, Etc. GRIEEIN & NEED, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Siiiplic.t df utl kin. Is ut lowest rule.1, fur lislicritu'ii, FaniH'm kipI Ipp-nt. A. V. ALLRN, Tenth nml t'nmincriliil SfrccN C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shlcplng. HQTBJL PORTLAND I'OUTLANI), omCC.ON Tito Only I'lrMl-CliiHH Motel In lorllnnc1 on "nnnnAnnniv run auuumnii(uiniuuuuuwuuuuuuui(uuuuuiAnn 5 HIE Finest Restaurant in the City PALACE i c.r.i. ct EVERYTHING LtVnnLrv.,. MARKET AFTORDS TT t ? TTIIippiV ? ju nnnnnnniurjirurunjunirnrnjun.i imnnnnnjirunrmrurrjn FINE TAILOR-MADE SUITS To order during the month or Jammrv. nt TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT REDUCTION. Cleaning and Ropnltlng nt lowi-Ht prices. Tin' Tailor. DronHcad C17 CA Sewing Machines l.JU FISHER Hawtaare A II K I' It l: C A It I. I T i ) U Al l. K I S l H 'I I IM.UMHINd AND STI-AM PITTING i ii it fi r m t c 1 a hh iii it ii ii c r M T K A M AVI' HAhlil.I N K II O A T W it It K A s I' K I A I T V illillll: -.11111 lllll I H I Hi IIIIIUIIUIU 11 tllill fVffwvf muni f ni jvimm vnf infOTnwviimt N o n c I) ii t Ii r n t c I n h m work in o ii c in 1 1 I y i WHM HMHt MMtoHMNh HMMH4MIH .-. 7 to iiom sTiti:i:r COMMERCIAL ST., i ASTOKIA, OKH. ! CmbIomi HntiRO llroker. ASTORIA, ORE Ac-m W It anl !. ID,- Kionui Co . lupiliir .Mfiils 'J. tciil.s Suinluy IintuT a Specialty THE 11 W Uhlr.r.,a A Hold Up Wo IidIiI up our lino of Stoves mill Ranges io tha puMlo fur In Hpeollnii. Prices on ull Heating Htovoa wo haw- Hliol In pieces. W. J. Scully, ji IIONI) STKEEt, Between Mnlh and Tenth A. KII..U'M'., l"-'.-. nicrilal-sl. AT., BROS. DISCUSSED FOR THE FIRST TIME Hoar Introduces Resolution to InvtKtigatc Administra tion Philippines. GOES OVER UNTIL FRIDAY Ib'xoliltloii l(Kurilt'l Ii) Loilpjc lit ICHli-iUnii on l'lillliilnrN Commit ti-i- I'i-iinIoii Kill IMllltt1 ( lllllllllll'll. WASHINGTON Jan. 14 For the flrt llmo Una ae-almi tlii' P'Hllpi lin-Ui-tlon Ha touched on In the "-Hat" li..iiy. Th" f'lil lli'fl - were the iiihject nt in aJ.i- by, of Murnu IiuwIIb. nli'i n lil' l. ""lull 'ii Oil j 1 1 1 . 1 1"it. p, n. lillutt for the appoint ment of ciuii' i . iiiinllir to inves tigate tin- ii.loiinUtnuloM of the ll unda. Lodge. . HI '. iOlii KU' . f.ll'l h" i Km I'- ! tin- rtihi:ln an a 'ill i Uoii oi the Philippine committee i f wll.ti In- uii- i 'Pw ili-f un-ii'li H.i l.iilliK r i-l'1 1 ' t' ull "I'l-nuiif if tho rtlwlf I'lilhi I'lllf ipi.-itl ill. uloti II wan iitn-l Ho- r. Ii ii' l t" ,.-r uolil tofiioi fv'. i-i:nhii N IIII.I. IN lfUl Si I'. l.aif on oi'i niitu rK II. 'in-a -, i i 'onf-.I, au- Vi-u-iitim l:-- ii -I WASHINGTON'. Jan II 'I'll.- Imui-"' roiitlini- il tin- il-l-ati- "it it. i- I" nl 'Il a; .ro rl.ili.'ii hill 1-day and ili-votid mil' h tlnir io iln- pri'i-imli ion n l ani i d 0) llii'-), of 'iri;lnl.i, t- i'l'n the t m.i .f K..I.II' !'. Iminra In i c.'iil. J. -i - at" .-i"iaii T'-i'- ii":atil-' aH-'-i'hi-a Wi-ri- inad.' In "ni l-it i of th.- ir.iniltl.'n 'io' l-y liat tlnir illi-pi of MirhlKnn. i-n-l tlo" ..lor liy I ial lllon I I III i. of MM noi'l Ii u'in-nda rlo'iui'iue ai iui"-t I". Ill ilA. t H till- ll'lUM- IJ I II' it .11,1. viith Ih- i,'i' 11,-n of ilaidm-i- l.iok io i .1 1 1 In th- dl-i iiliiii of I.U-yii aiiKKi --il "n. hhli in. t l'h inu.-li'lotl on tin- I flll.M-rllt I ld- uf Ho-ln-ii-ii-. "ii tin- firi-miri that :l .mi lit-ii-il linpr.ii-tli ali'i- '.NM, DIUI. IMTI -N':iV ' '"iiiiiill ti i- Atixi.nii t" i :aniliii- M. rli.i of I'titianta llop'inlt:on. WAS1IIN' '.T. 'N. J.m II Tin- li-uin-Nh iiraKUaii hill wan i-. -usa .l.-t.-. 1 In. lay l-y 111.- .ii-ii i!i- . i 1 1 in tit- a.- on Intrr-o....iiil,- lan.iN. Imi ai't;on ai il-frr-iid to p.-nnit fiirtln-r lim- iluatSnn of Itn- pi-ii-oaiioii ina h- hy tlo- I'm una i 'mini t'onipaiiy. A motion f .r p-iat-luiiii Hu nt Mia mud.- hy Senator Mluh--l I. tt fur ,i im-.-t ni; Trl iluy. mid la MoiK-m. na i hair limn of th,- r.niiiiilllii'. lo roiif.-r with Itn- prr.ilil'iit fur thf puipoio uf n.a-i'1-rtiilniHK tth.-iln-r tin- I'.iiiiiiihi propo Mltlon haa hi-i-n wi Ivoil hy the lath mlnil riiiiimlsNloii. Thla iirtlnh ns dm' to tho lah of tho iiinj.irlty of tho romniltti-p to af ford an opportunity to kivi fair inn-aldi-ratloti to tho Panama pniiMiplon. Tln-ro na nlan n aontlinont i'x niid iiKulimt any pruloim'i il imstponi-inont. W1I.I. ASK 1-MU STATKllCD.-. Arlsonn and Now Mexico O.iornois on Their Way to Washington. ClUi'AiiO. Jan H.-l,iverior N t. Murphy, of Arlxona. is in I'lihagu in his way to New York. Th -n e I o rues to Wtishliigtoii. tiovorn r iMno. of New Moxlto. la already (hero and Iho two unitedly will urn,- the il Imissloii of their toi rltorlos as Ht'itos "Wo lire entitled to stato'iood mid tho privilege of rujlng illta, ! vm. Wo have not so groiit n Spanish piipiihi llon as New Mcxlcti. Our Mormons number only ll.niiO and they are thrif ty, solid farmers. They no longer practice pollgnniy and they uro aiinniK iho best citizens we, have." PKINCK HKNIiY'S VISIT. ItKltl.IN. Jan. H An iirriingeniont has lieoti niiiile by which the Imperial yacht lloheiitollorn, when she arrives at lloliokon. will lie freshly painted to remove ull traces of the long voyage und Hint she may present her hand somest appearance for the festivities. The German papers print lung cable grams from New York dwelling on rlnce Henry's projected visit to the United States. m-iATH OF AOHI SKSTBR. TI-lltRK HAUTH, Ind.. Jan. U.-8la-ter Maurlco. for 65 years a member of the community of Slaters of Prov idence at St. Mary's of the Woods. In this city, the mother home of the order In the United States. Is dead at t Ik- hk" of yi'inn Klo- him li'-n at Ho- loii'l of I In- ii-piirliio-ni ir 'ln-rn-tun-. mt (tu t arli'iiw In 111" kIiTh col i i. i on i ilr led In i onni'i Mi ll l'i Hi. Miiiy a for half n i.-iiliirv II -r run.o win MiuIi-IIiii Hrliii.-l and iito- Vii Ixirn on tli- Ithliii1, tx In k rouitlit to lii'llmin ohi'ii a f'hlld un l mi'. - nn Hi. llur bon I lh tlnn1 It wan opened hy tin- nix lmin who ruiim fro.n Kranin to found th ord'r. AIMKI) AT f.VlTKD HTATCS. I'loiKtM-d Aiiii-ndini'iit to 'ii-rman Tar IfT lltll IWore thr tommltti- Itnitl.lN, Jan. H -Ilaron ll-l Zu lrrrlhi-tin (Nalloiml MU-ruli iropon-i-J an ano-iidm-iit In thu tariff hill In c iiinmHU'f tixUy. It wua alm-d at thr I'nltrd Htatra. Th anM-iidmi-nl ulhoili ih- fov i-rniiu-nt to apply to lnimrta from any fon-lKti italt- ui h ri-KU!ai toin r"ict HiK roiiaulur aullienil' atl "ii of In voli in of iui h Import, u d' lnratlon of lli-lr nmrk-'t valui- und tla- ft of I ihi-lr i-or lin iloim u my ! nfnni-d 'aKai'iKt il rinun i-xporta. Tti-' KinKmiK" l"f tin- niii' iidiiii'iit In f n--1 nfli-r AiiK-iloin lu anl Ii r'Kiird'd hy th 1 mini 1 1 aa u n-1 ' mi 1. 1 1 1 v d.-a um-d to "ffin-t i hi- intoni ri-'iulrt-m-n'ii of tho I t'nlti 'l Stat, a mid to autli-fy i in l.ilu'.n .of tin' t ;. rimiri manufai turr-m MKN AND NI.'i:DKD. , WASIMNilToN. Jan tt. C'-arAI-. inlral 'row nlii'-hl'M. vl. i It. f-iri tin- h"ini- iiaval c-'iinml t.-.- lolay. ("ilnti-'t .tut tin- urK'iit I.--i-any fur In- lii'T-a f iiii-n and "!o'--r In or- .r t-i proH-rl- man t!,-- m-'v fhlpii. Il-' ii'liiuii'.iil an Im rfft"-' ..f th.- in ; ii.ii.-d f 'in- uf .il I. a-! i. r i- !).- '.i.ind OK'II. I MISU PAY LARGE SIM ntati: mki ii;iM)ii sti:i:i. t tticrou i ion. ntirt-Si rtril on Illinois llr.iurll Tlnil It l n-t ra mT.",iih to tin- Stair. 'IIP 'A' in. Jan H N -tlis- has U'.-n K n. d on tho initio. S.n-l li:atuh "f tin- t'tiiti--l Stat.-s St.-1 "orp..r,r .n that n nun! pay tut i ;h" T, usury of , "f tin- Stat., "f Illln.-iM fr m i',;n"M to $ 7 T. Stvrotniy uf S-.i'o 'i a--iit a ri pn 'ii iil.r.Uo to tho lo ni otlli oa "f 'tin- Mt.vl mist In tho I; ... Uory I uialuiK ' ri:i't..iy and di-man h i thr foi-a ' r. a. h in c; tin- nl'.'M- IV-'f. a - r . ilir,l jnn.lrr tho f.nvii;n rori-.m! l.m in-t f .r .th- prhlh-sV "f d"lii- l.i;ili-'- ,n tlui alatf. I Mr. I'.oso has atiiniuiu-'d t!;.u tho iitnl I'ouiliitio muat I'-poi-t tin- siato ihiwa. and fnllun- t" oh. y wHI ho thi jUKiui', l: la ihp atoii. d. f..r i moved I Intra iiKalnat t'lo hg r"rponiii.m hofore tin- 1'iiiti l Staira suprmio lourt. Tho I. nal otlli'ora of the mist do i linod to pay tho amount I loading that In roallty tho Illinois mrponitlon aa mill an Intogriil iiuan'.lty. Tlioy doollnod to admit that thoy wore part and part-id .if tho 1'nltod Statos Stool t'oinpnny. ItAII.KOAD TARIFF UATKS. Reductions on Great Northern and Northern Pacific Kffectlve Fob. 1. ST P.U'I.. Jan. H The tariff re ductions on tho lireat N on horn and Northern Pacitlc will go Into effect February I. The reductions. which vary from 3 to 1 r. ;er cent, effect main ly the "ten classes ." Commodity rales on coal, lumber, lour and wheat re main unchanged. The reductions In wheat rates are postponed until liter In tho year, as It Is President Hill's Idea that the reductions now would not help fann ers, sine- most of tho wheat has left tholr hands. POI'F. HAS FA1NT1NC. FIT. l.oNlvN, Jau M.-The Itomo core spondent of tho Dally Chronicle says that while the Pope was griut'liig nil audience to American pll-irltns lust Monday ho was taken with n fainting tit Ju-d ns he was about to address them. The correspondent says the pon tiff was convoyed to his upa: tinents w licit- he soon recovered. GIVEN FIVE YBVRS. SEATTLE. Jan. H.-Donald McKer racher pleaded guilty today to a charge of fiiihcrsllng- J.'l.SOO from the Seattle National Rank. JutlKf Han ford sentenced him to Ave years In the penitentiary at McNeill's Island. HALF MnXrON IX)LUR FIRE. MA NCI I KSTEII, N. II.. Jan. H.-Flw tonight destroyed the Kennard block, the finest structure In New England north of Boston, and seriously dam aged the adjoining property, entailing losses of half a million dollars. I'ALHA'S VIEWS ON EDUCATION Sees Marked Improvement Dur ing the Three Years of American Rule. FAVORS A COMPULSORY LAW Think It l tli' FumhuiM-iitHl Itiihla Tor Mil kin if (Itizi-na Acuiiiiit-il Willi! h lr Diiticn. NKW YORK. Jan. M The Journal und Ami-rliun puhllahea th educa tional proiiruni of T. Katrudu. Pulma, tho pri-aldorit-i-liM t of Cuhu. Mr. Pal in,i in hia Ktutoinoni my: I ' Auro-inK that tho future proapecta and Iiomh uf my toutilry dciond upon U.o plan of eduiution, I dtt'i; ine fol louoit; Hhdt 1 think of th- cuhjoot: j i.'uiiipiiriiis the po ,r ondltl in of tin- puliln i liool In Cuha during tho ; ni-animi udiiitoialiallon ilti that nlil' li pnialia I day aflor tiiret; yourn .: Amtrnaii ruio, the lii.piu.emoiit it - nn ill that ( taiuiol hul thank tin- Ainori' uii gun-i niiii nt f ir It. 1 IMiik. Ii'iiti'itr. that li.e holy )--nil ri--(uin-a lailicular a-.trn.ion iu ii dor thai Iho viutk of nontral odu ' . ill. n el. all lvoiiir praoi.-.-iilly nrnrt. ri:ii nni to llio l uhan po !':. a ya-t- iu of i-loiin niaiy insiru.ilon carrk-d .i.t uiu lorn niotl.od-. undor a oinpui.ioi y la for all and oach uf the 'uian. i tin- f undauiotitu! t-a-sia for ; making' ii;.i-.lls fully a ijuainloj Kith ' '. i . i -1 r riKhts und tboir duth-s. 11 U one t the grcatoiil ohllKaliona of thtj Cu i han (,'iiM i'iiiiioiii to Uiai-ol the Igiiur- .ini o, from one onj of the inland to the jotlior, which has prevailed for ccn iuiioh there, and to diatriuute conncl-niu.iu.-i tho moral bread of laMruc I t i"ii and knoit loJgo. In tho gmeral !sum of primary and elementary odUMiilon both ScXes are equally em ' lirni-rt. and the benehtu ot Ii uUBht to In- oxundoj to the inniatoa i f the jails, and asiuiiia. For the pun ose of attaining the boat rosulis. e need t , koop our.ielvos In close contact with tho h-ading educational Institutions of th-- riir.o.l States and other e-'untrios al.irh are at the head of civilization in tliia important matter. Of Course .i.imo visits by our teachers io those institutions Is one of the best nays to ko p in touch with the ni"d rr:i Improvements In public schools. Hesidt-s the proper Instruction afforded to tin- I'liPan children it Is toy pin ion that mural teachings in a Kt-neral s.-nso without tlescondini; to a special worahlp. out-lit to be a part of tho pub , lie school system." FUGITIVE SEEKS lARIK'N. Kentucky Murderer Appeals to the Governor for Clem -ncy. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Jan. 14 -After being a fugitive from justice for 34 years, a conviction of murder hanging over his head. John P. Monsch, alias John P. Smith, Is seeking a pardon of Kentucky's (roxernor. that he may return to his home In Louisville and die surrounded by his children. Monsch or Smith stabbed and killed George Off In 1S67. in this cl'.y. He was tried In lSTi. found gulltv and the Jury's verdict was death. On .u.cust 1'.. after sentence had bevn l assed. Smith broke Jnll with Ave oth-i-s. All wer recapturtMl except Smith. A nil and an unborn child, now a crown man. were left In Louisville by Sm'th. EXAMINATION OF KATHHONE. Private Corresnin Jenoo of the Director General Introduced In Evidence. HAVANA. Jan. 14 -The examination tif Estes O. Rathbone. fcmet-ly direc tor general of the posts of Cuba, was continued this afternoon, when the trial of charges growing out of the Cuban postottlce frauds was resumed. Private correspondence betwen Rath bone and ex-Postmaster General Smith was Introduced. Kathbone said he did not take part in any campaign having for Its pur pose his appointment as civil governor of Cuba. Some over zealous friends began one, but he did not endorse It. and wrote to the president und post master general saying he did not want the position. CENTENARIAN DYING. Aged Colored Man Dying at Castle Point, New Jersey. NEW YORK. Jan. 14.-Peter Lee. who has been In the employ of the Stevens family of Castle Point, Ho boken, N. J., upwards of 100 years. Is dying at Castle Point. The date of his birth Is somewhat uncertain, but It was probably In 1795 or 17M. He was I horn In Hhk-n of alnv par-nta. th I proi-i-rty of i 'olom-l John Htevpn. He ! !' aim- fr In th rourae of yarn, but !'ii.!y otii-i- V..TH h- a-paratfd from th iu-wh.ii f.tmlly. II- ili i-Iurn h rrri-ml -r the tf n '.il in urruriK for the i!ath of Oforgt A iii'.lriir'on In Ix-c-mh r, 1T He ran all :h- d.iya pre'cdlnx attam navl - l ioo wh-n how b- ata furnldhed trio' ad anod methoila i.f irana poratl n in ro"n th Hud.ion r!vT. I'l.ANSi fm ARBITRATION. Will Ii? f.'onsldorod at Pan-American Conference Today. MKXPT. CITY. Jan. If Arbitration plana will be prewnted to the Pan-Ani'-rtean conference tomorrow. TT107 uro The Hague plan and lh cimpul aory plan. The Peruvian d-legatea told an Aaao lati-l Preas correspondent tonight that they were entirely aatla-fl-d. It la und'-ratcd that Meilco has aakod the Chilean (fovernment to re call Walker Martinet. A motion will be Introduced In the conforence to aei.d a ialu a-lon to the new Re,ubtln of Cuba. It la deaired 'hat thla motion should come from the I'nlti'd Statea drlrRatlon. The arbitra tion difficulty la Inlng arram?-d and will receive the flnishins; t- uch-s to- IMIINTIFIKD A FRIEND. CHP'Aoo. Jan. H-In th rxidy of Warri-n Llnc .in lietcheli. which has ! n lyinif In the rounty morgue for a--, era! days. County Cori.rolssioner oruan has I 1-ntlfied the (ergon of a fornu-r friend whose fath-r is a w althy manufacturer In ln. lnnati. 'Jetehell at one time was secretary f ih- CnniUe Company with "Mlrea In the Mor.adnock building. CHARGED VVIIIirORGEIiY i'i:iiii:n roi ti:as hank l NIi:U MiltOT. 1 .1.1'. U itln-rs Aci tiM-il uf For;-in- Si-.Ml.tMMI Worth of Not-. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 14. J. P. Withers, president of the American National bank of Beaumont. Tex., un til recently. Is at the Midlanl hotel In tl- custody of a United Sta'es marshal w ho placed him und"r arrest last Sat urday upon a charg- of for-:eiy of aboui JJv.O "0 worto of not-s and J;0 worth of stock of the lirst National bank of Howe. He is a: so said to be under Indictment at Heauniont on a state charge. His arrest h--ro w as in on a w arrant bsuel ny the 'ni;ed States c mmis sionets in Heauniont. The arrest has be-n ktpt recret because Winters has been trying to adjust matters at l'eau mont by telegraph. Marshal Durham left town Immediately after Withers arrest for Joplin. where federal court is in session, his deputies taking the responsibility for keeping the arrest set ret. Mr. Withers Is registered at the ho tel as "John Q. "Withers and one." He is in a room with a deputy marshal. At an early hour this morning he said; "There is no shortage In the bank and the charges against nie are merely technical. I organized the bank a year ago and was its president. We had some difficulty and I withdrew from the bank three weeks ago. Several months ago I had trouble with another banker w ho runs a bank in Sherman. Tex. He had it In for me for political reasons end I got a loiter n few days ago informing me that the State bank of r.oaumont had been requested to make an Investigation of the American National and that the investigation had been Instigated by my enemy. I sot telegrams from four directors of the bunk today who toll me that there is no shortage and they have the best of fooling toward me." SUFFERED ROFGH TREATMENT Child at Herkeley Knlnaptn-d and Round Hand and Foot. REltKELEY. Cal.. Jan. 11. While returning to her home in Oakland aft er having made a few purchases n t a grocery store. 12 yiar old Florence White was carried away in a wagon and later was left bound hand and foot In a vacant lot. The child was found ah nit n hour later, but it vtis sometime before the regained consciousness. She says that while walking along the street she was attacked from behind by a mask ed man who had gray hair. Smother ing her screams he threw her into a wagon and started off. Once In the shadow which developed the lot, the child's shoes were unlaced and the strings used to bind her hands and feet. The girl was then left, the be lief of the police being that the man was frightened away from his In tended victim. She was badly bruised, evidently from rough handling, but otherwise was uninjured. UNABLE TO AGREE Republicans Composing Philip pine Committee Divided on the Tariff Bill. 75 PER CENT DINOLEY TARIFF Mijrity Favor Thin Tai TX With ('orn'Mpoiulinf Itdue tion on Good Exported from the I'. 8. WA.-'IHN'iTON, Jan. 14. Republican members of the Philippine committee l.ave not arrived at any definite agrree ment to mend the Philippine tartlt bill. It is Kiven out as pnibahle that tha rate of duty on Philippine products coming to this country will be 75 per cent of the Dmgley rates, with a re duction upon goods on which export duty is charged in the Philippine cjual to such lax. Some Republican are still doubtful about accepting 'the ! propositus but it is aald the major ity favor it. I senator Hansbrough presented an" .amendment to the Philippine tariff bill jt 'Jay admitting free of duty hemp i grown in tiie Philippines, and rellev-. ling ii from the exi ort duty harged la 'the Philippines when shlp'eJ to the I L'nited States. THE PKolVSITI- N CHECKED. Agitat.oti in Denmark Ag-n-ist Tiana fcr of Danl.-h West Indies. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. The agita tion reported lo have sprung up ill Denmark in opposition to the trans fer of the Danish West Indies to tha United Stales has administered a check, in the opinion of officials here, to the proposition which will operate indefinitely. It is believed, however, that the work already done will not te a total less. The subject will be allowed lo be un disturbed for a while to be reopened !at an opportune moment. TROLLEY LINE TO GARFIi2LD. t Oregon Electric Company to Eitend Its Line Twenty-tlve Miles. I OREGON CITY. Ore.. Jan. 14. The, j Oregon Electric Company today com pleted the purchase of lands extend ing up the Clackamas river, a distance of six milts. The management an nounces that surveyors will be In the held in ton days to locate a trolley line from Portland to the south. The line will be completed lo Garfield a distance of ;5 miles by November. ON HATCHET EXPEDITION. Mrs. Nation Attempts to Enter a Joint In Topeka. TOPEKA. Kas.. Jan. 14. Mrs. Na tion tried to enter a joint In this city on the hachet expedition, but was re pulsed by the owners. She promised that she would return when they were not expecting her and make short work of their establishment. She was armed with her famous hateheL j NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS. - PES MOINES. Jan. 14 -Senator Wm. 1!. Allison was nominated by the Re publican senatorial e.iuoun th's ei;er ing for United States stnaior for the sixth consecutive term, and Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver was nominated, to succeed himself at the expiration of his appointed term. FORSAKES SALVATION ARMY. LONDON. Jan. 14,-The Ctntral Newes learns that on account 01 grave doctrinal differences. General Booth's sun-in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. li oth Chbl orn and Perry Clibborn, have resigned from the Salvation Army and Joined the church of Alexander Dowie. LUMBERMEN MEET. SEATTLE. Jan. 14.-The annual i meeting of Pacific Coast Lumber Man ufacturers' Association was held to day. Fifty-eight lumbermen, repre senting every large mill In Washington and Oregon, with delegates from Cali fornia and British Columbia, were present. EXTRADITION GRANTED. TACOMA. Jan. 14. An OlymDla sr,eo. lal says: Governor McBrlde granted the extradlton of Stewart Fife, now in Jail In North Yakima. Fife la wanted for the murder -if his partner Richardson, In Andrews county, Mis souri, In 1900.