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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1902)
THE MORNING ASTOUMN, TUISDAY. JANUARY 7, 10O2 A COLD MORNING Hiikk i Itiii k h.tai ur other Imi i uki. We Imvn lh tn-t ' MUulliy uf Imii kwlirut In miiiill .n ka. ur iln m-lf rlalim kind In kuK a Mil.h I. l.-.n imiihh' ll.ilh rr.-ah and .m,. Ai nu tin- nnmt nyrilia In M' W illi Ihi'tit Ti v mii' w ith .f I'aldn Mif My tup. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. The Morning Astorian TKMtf'JIUNE Ml. TttAt'M WIUTIIKIl. I "liTI.ANh. Jan fl ' 'nil mi, Wash mrl'Hi. In Ink l'i liluli " MilH 'mt n lm'a, liiriiim i.i ..iiihrt ii Mm n, ruin mi l ll 1 a k amllhill)' will In AKOUM) TOWN. Ti lli'lnc a mini r iM. f J.ilin- I'll I Una. 'I'm i'iir nlii- li.jii.' imi'li' amir kraut. J..lm..ti Hri Mnlli (f'l for V--1II mil riqllllt MirliU H..l -t ti i ( 1 1 - tllhd lli i I , m i.i in. iiU l;itn- Hum lira lnUlillll, ti i i)l i it -: i illl allifl I'.ii i "iilai' limiif 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 nti. I liuy r fit I lillV utll Rutin til liilal.-IIN mill nrT r. ir. nt .mi: m. uisino m'N i!l:sT.ritAN'T : .i ii lii thin . in. J.inimr) ... In III.' . If. ..f I1..I.. II !' Nllanll. It ' inn-nil H 1 1 1 1 1 mi." tin- fliwai Sunt i Urn mi thr inniki i. l rvi i y Inn- '.ill ul llii' i. . 111. m l.nitxr shop ui l. .lulf .ik Tluif til ai m laa tmr li t a II,, II t f.'llC.t I In- aalr ..f nil lirdllr ll .ii Su,- ,t( llrriiiiin Wla. I'l.ilhltlf illi ao i; i.f nil kill. la i hi-np t th- Y"k.'hutnA lltKiitir, !.'? 1 'tilllllliTi'lill atlr t. I'n amok.-' Tiy a ili li. Sol ium! " t lie ritual V. nit lluiir nil the lliiuki't rvrrvwllrrn If .ni wtttil Im w.i.wt alith w.mkI or . tin t fllrwinnl til. (.hotli- K It, till" M.tii-ri-i tiiim Tli . !)' .'.'ll l.lii. k. Tin- . ho.. ti. i Ali nl. l. .1. Iill ..ii ..ii..l .at.rl.iv fot l' (. hh. :., ith .',mii...i r.-. t of lutnii. r. li.n I foik-ii tin' aalr of nil Ii. .hu ll .ii fnl. 1 lit ll.rninll Wlm'a I'loltllliK '. Mill .all Hi..- a Kit i.'.'kttlK at.ivt .all an. I a..- J.Oiiih.oi i"". . lio Inn.' .i tin' f.-r Mil. at ii wry hm wlrr. Imiiiiii; til.' of Mr I Ml .In, iii. lilt.-, t. ' A I t.nv lll In- In rli. hi;.' ..( IiU ..III. . : an, I n " '.I I I-1, Il.ia' loill.HllK I'atiotil.' Ii.iin.' Iti'ltiatry ,y ntnokltiK tlir Ti 1,1.' of Aatoila' rlitdia. In-nl ma, I.' MatHifui tiit.'.l .y M.i. I'.irhiin' A Klloli.'l lln iv.'i-kly-Miili' or f.nialr. " t -i y -ItiK l. t.'tia nl hour.' S.oi I two Mump with ti,illi.illon. I'ln.l SI'IM'LY ii.irsi:, ciiiman. I'ralik THiiinoliH. niiii of C. t". Tltn in. Hi", f.'ll ftmti tin- toiiilwiiy In Knnt Antollll Slltnliv IVI'IIIIIK. II'' 'M ".'rly In ill". . I iiliolll Ih.. nlili Itiiil lii ail. Init hl Itijiii lrn tin' not rminM- i.'.l ilumji'roua. ATT KN I ( V U i K K A T ANNUAL GliEARAfJCE SALE It will hr riiniltii ti'il nn the name hroinl-Kii"K'' plrtn Hint liun mmli' our f,,i in. r cli'ii rntuv anli'H hu pnpuliir Willi tlir proplr nf AHtorln. ami will cotit Ituio for thlrly IiiihIiii'hh ilaya. C)ur ntinuul 1 1,'Hiiinri' miiIi'h hi'hl at the tiPKlnnltiK of i'iii'Ii yrnr nto iniiniifiioiitH to our K I ntni'i'ki't'pliiK mothnilH. Thry nr.' thr tiiitriinii. of imr iliilcrnilimtlon to rli mi. out to the iiliitniit our litmii'nuo atoi ka lirfiirn ttii' llnnil nf MprltiK tlnoiln Ih'kIiih t" pi'tir In upon tin. (inly hc vrrr i.rli'i. rnluctlonn will tin thin Uttlikly. THE A. DUNBAR CO. T'li" Infant i lil. of Mr nn l Mia. Kllllla.ll of Hvilia.'ti, ill.'.l Hlllflny. I'll" riin.'ial will Ink.' ilu n frntti th f.nnlly iial'liiirK I.Mlny. I'lrniii .iin' ryi-, Aini'ilma Dtii-al nlilak.-y Tin' only imii- K"ola, Kinii anil . I ii. Ii uii.I ini llou. J . i II N I.. 'Al:l.!l. Hnln Ar.'lil. I 'ou t foi . t tin. null- of all Id , hi.--(Ion Hal.a nt ll.'itiiiin Wln.'n I'L.llilliK Hlnii". John A. M..tilK"iii.'iy hna ..h iii. u ah... nl : Hon. I ntrt'i't mil la .ir,iii, ,l I.i .I., nil i liiiw.a of . 1 u in I.I n k un, tin nltiK nt ,oaIMr ml. a llonhil i.,ul hiala loliK.'i, la .l.-ainr an.) m.ik.a . tioiilil.. with nt nn. . liliiinry llu.a (Imii nny uthi r ii'.irK.' VV. MnUhinil. ilk. til. I.I. ll tl.' I"ll. J. hn A MotttKotn. i y, m Nn I.". lou t an. .1. .I ii-a nil ..f tliiniiiK. phnnl.. UK Kiia ninl nti-nni flatlltii; promptly inn I aklllftllly nn.1 nl .iy iii.,., mt,. pi I. . a Ui ll. a will lii ti. fit th, in-, hi-, an, I ( 1 1 ti" liiul.-tlnlly l.y i. tnltiK' to tin' atolo Ill th. for.' nil, I lima n , HiK thr i tuah of ra. It tlft.'i ii,,,,i 1' Shalmhlltl If at.- partl.iilar an to wlmt Kin I of whlnk.y yoll . 1 1 1 1 1 It ti) l)l Iha- ...ii, nn I yoil will k'. ( ' Tin- rin. nl V.-l ' Kor auli- rM-tywh. n- l-'oaiil . Stok.-a, illntilhutiia .' will aill your Inli.l, (Kmc, mini', mill, i-ti-, uhnrw-t alluati-l Nny plan. No lotittuil. No t'.iiiunlanlon S.II-1 fol t'lrrtllur liohl I'onnt I'.illl. piiny. I'oitlnti.l iiriKoti Mia i'iiiIImii I! Alti'ii, who wn.a a I .'ii,'i't .town on th,- hi 1 tilp f th.. I'ohllnliln ti'poi'a that thr ill f,it., W'ullu Walla una '.Ik-IiI.-.I l.y II,.- San "tan. la. o al. mi,, r ..II M. fi.lo. Ino. Thr . "ll, .11 .M-i 'llti' l l frw il.'tja" f. Kmnk J I'nrn. y, , x . Ily Ir.iiHiin r,' a foiinal (tannf.r of tin tnotiry nil. I hi.ka of Ilia ..!t,v to Tirimnri-r-. In t 1 1. uli y. nt. i'lay Th.' lialan. .- on hainl nn shown hy tin- r.'"t.ln waa f 1 i I tin. I Una amount wan ti.inn. t" I '.''I III . unh Tli,' p.tltlon f .r Hi.- toa.l fiom thr n'.ulh rn-l of Voiinu-i lay ,,.. to Watt.'tltoll waa rrinl Ihr nrrotnl tltn.' in tlir i"iini roini .at.rluy aftrr tiooii Thr jH-t It lotiri a an-! r.inonatt'.i- ,,H hllVr l lnploy.'.l .'Otinnvl, i!. r. Kill- ton upi'. arlni; for thr p- t It I tl. ra. ami John II Smith for thr tvinotiMmtiir. I'uiliiy. thr hray hlow j mi il.iy Ihr l.atk Many Mora.'. luniK-i- 1 .i I n, wax hlon ftotu In r nn. hoiiiK.- nnif tin K. - V. ilork ultnoat until thr ruml. In front of Ihr .liv To-tut nt.-ly, how .'iii', h.r an, lloin h.l, ami w Inn thr Ihlr tiitn. , ah,- lilil.'.l h.i. k Into thr . hiitim l. No hiii,ir vitn ,. ni'. II II. Turk, r y. at.'tiViy linnl.'l.l up 'hi. anvtmUt rimttiu"." nn, I trtnlrrcn frrr tin" of th" hti'iiniri' A stm In tl for tinnnpot I ItiK hlinh..' ninl iloliic rlh.r wmk. Mr. I'm krt aahl hr mnl wnltnl n loin; (Imr to a. r in liil. !lli;. nl i ffort for ;i mi rttrr A.nlotla. ntt.l he wub now to lirlp. Tim nff.-r was f,liiilly lu-r.'plr.l. Twn Krnln nirrlKrii, th Jtn Hurt unit Trirnl'k. clmroil ycntnrdliy for tlir I'nltf'l Klnict'im. Th Hurt uki Ill,7:i2 luiahrla of win-Hi, worth 170, mni, whlln tlrn TBrjannrwIi him I0T,4 loiahila nf win. ul. worth IV,,2'0. Th Mimthioh' rlrarril for Hmi Kmmlaco, j w itli n piirtliil i iiro of Hour mi l lum h r. At th) liny i lly alic Mill com- jph'ti- lor uimo mnl pnnui'.l lo III iil'til, 1 I'll Pmi'luv tha l.'itloli i of Ihr i a of tin- loiul oflir of I'JiKl.-a wan I.. I.I. with th.- following irault. I'ri-a- 'lilml, J. N. I.nw. vim jiiralili'iit, J. : Chmi-hli.-. i hnpliiln, T. fl Hlmpaoii, ni'i Trim y. K. KoatiT, Ir. nalirT, j Inane It.'i Kliian. roinhi' tor, W. i ', K'-n-li.-V . Innlili. liuunl, W. '"urlln, mil-ii.- Kiinr.l. A T Hmlth; IruatiTK, : J, tin. a llannafor.l, A Hi-iif.-l'll ninl '. '.I i iiitia, phyai.lun. ". II. Kat.-n. Th.- I M at .. 1 In 1 loll will im'i ur m it fun.lay. Kli n, h iiiptiilna iioa' In port ulnl Ah .;ill,rii. the I'l.-n. h I'.iiiaulur IIK.Ill, atlltr lllllt thr ill t III f tlw I'mrn'i'lM I'lippai- la not nn ni xpi-rl. Tn - I nu iKiilor. lull I hat hi- In an ol.l ami . III' n iit iiiplnln. Tln-y wit nul Inll. il Ilia M-aa.-l wan not In Irollhli-. mi l in.- nt a him to ui i mini for II". opinion mpi. .. I that the klpar wan a m w halnl ul Ihr hunlm-aa. Thr nliili--iii. tit npiint'.l In th.-ar .oluiniia, nnj i mil.' flolil n Wi'll kliowil ahlpplliK mull. Thr .InmuK" aiiaiuln. l l.y thr I'rtn lu. kmhlr- In. I., i-n p.iii.ul'y H'iulr"l it ti-1 thr pumpa in-I no loiin-i Ii uai i to th.-lr lull rapn.ity an hin-iofoi ... Thi' n-iin ni hu h. r-i t.-innv. il ft. in th.- f, raunl ho, ami h" I. ul( ih....v- ir.l Wo .I'll I'llIK" W"t.' .liii.ii Into flu- op. Illlllfn Illl. I : ll- !o. of I ill.r 'atopp.-.l All llinp.-' to: . oll.ltll,- fimn ' San !'( .nn la. o to aurv 'h- ni.nm.'r. I.'in.l until h- nriu.-a r,.-i liliitt "111 to ll . .. .1 an ',. W w 111 I,.- .o,' ii.'tit i: ii..' i ih- II known I'ort .ho han i,ni th" "t .-"Ulan, niunt a.'. trluty l m w t ,i.. r mm ! Ii. . !l i otui.'i t.-l '. i!h ! han Ik-, ii npl'olnl. I a of th.- I'.-r t Jiiii l . hatnli. f , f ' "otnin. t r, - no- l.-im; ahlr to .!. at t:m.- t . th.- Hoik. . ! v l ,I pt rai-nt Will k- I N Kl. In. hn. otr th.- in '! Thr I'oitlan l I l ii k- h.ii'l '"' th n ,,f thr l'.aj at y hy thr hn "iitiini'lat.'il . tit. nnlul, tna.l.- to '. Illrtin- .llllolltll of w ! Thr i.oin'v jtllr IliX I.' Mi. ,'itt hna t.,,t yrl tixod '.-r th.- I'.ail. hut Jit la i t."l that Ihr i:ty uuthorltlra I will I iiaiilt.'.l with i.f.-r. n.-r to thr j.-ltv lo.wl tux nt to,!a tnt-rtliiK of I th- l oiirt Jinl-" .Iray a'ntril vmtrr- lay that thr h w .ull . .rtiiinly not i'. rr, 14 nulla .in-1 !'ilj:h! poanlhly l la low in 1'.' mllla Th' tr " ma to Ih' ;a f. rlitikt unionK thr nuiiity rotnitila jalotirra t liii I u h-oiy . It y roa.l tax j ahull m.t ! Irvlnl tin- r .iniiilaalon .ra Umirllnc It thrtt !)i..y will In j In-Ill r. aiiotii'ihlr fot a hmvy Iny, whllr ,()'.. , I'V .m l ti,.t -Ii.- , ..nry will rr j . . I t h" tuoti. y. I M J I'.r.ln thr popular ktitKht of Illl" Kill'.' Who r.'l I. nrllt.-. thr . Iguf 'thin of J p M.-y.-r .v ' i-tnpiiny, I'ort j 1. 1 1. 'I nt 1 1 1 In t hr rity '.i r.luy nf I - 'I' MnlllliK hin i tint. .tin 1 n "1 h..'h nl.l.a if th.- '"luti h, n. Mr I'll'. l ana that htmin, i him I ti k I aloni; th" rlvrr, jfni- Iihk ih"' "f th. tlmr n yrnr ,iU'i Mr I'ava t i r I ; - i v in, hi, 1. 'pottloii of W.iahltiKt.'ii an I !h,- i'r.'K"ll j.oant a nl Soiitlnr!! i ;-. i . II.- nays j tt at A-toini ninl th- I'-il-.inilil.i nvrr jatnl on.- of III.- t'. sl :1.11s ,n h:n trnl- (ory ami hr alwnxs ..- a ro i. iniki n.nn hn.-. A rrporl wan Mini . -rlay l.y ): iiyii nn. I tnratia .otnttiittr.- of thi- rhy i-outnil to tin- rfT.'i't that the HrruM Ih' iiwni.l. l a I'ontrn. t for prltnliik nil . Ity noilrm for puhhrntlon In a wrrk ly n. wspitpri'. un'l that n w h-la tr naknl .nt prtnttni; notion lh:il irtmt hr pul.Hatir.l 111 a .hiily Ma... Hull In .-us.- tin 1.1.1m arr rr.riv.'l f otn tht' ilnlllrn low.r than ihofr : lr.ily at li tnlttr.l no . . ntrnrt I"', hut that a pn:ttr intitriii t hr ninili" for nrh arputiitr not:..-. Th- '..-port will i.ttir lirforr thr niun. II at r.s tnr.'tintc t.i inorrovv I'vctilnif. Tho st.'iimahlp I'olumhlu nrrlvril n(T thr rlvrr from San Kraii.-in.-o on Sun .lay ii Ik tit . hut lnl not rrunn In. owitiK to thr rotnlltioti of thr wrnthiT. Sin1 wan atlll otttsl.l.. lust nlKtit. llrpnrln IiioukIii up from thr month of tlii rlv rr arr to llir i-ffivt that thr fog wns vt ry itihk wlu'ii thr 4'ulunibla arrived, ami nuvlKullon wan Inipon.nll'li'. Thr hut' wan alao vrry muKh and I'nptntn 1 lot nn dnlilrd to r. ninl ii until thr wrnthrr nio.lrratrd, It In rxpofi ttl thr atrntnnhlp will rirrlvr In port thin niottiliiK. nlthotiKh, If thr weathrr In vrry nrvoro. nho may rrninln ont nldr. Jin k Plvrm wan a sorry .ltmklnft oh Jrtt when hr npprarrd In thi1 police court yrstrnlny aftrrnoon In answer a I'hnrice of drunkrntit'sn. The man hail hrcn iitivstrd the previous evening In an Astor-nttvet saloon, where he had hrrn In a mix-up w ith sonie plate glass. It npprarn that more thnn n year ago, Sirvt'in dropped some money In a slot niarhliii' and. although lie struck a winning numher, the nmthliie did not pay a happening not Infrequent. I'sunlly the "hounr" pnyn the money, lull In Slt'vers' case payment wan re fused. Kventuiilly. however, Slevern' met the "lot mathlne agent, nnd. the ngriit treating a crowd, the Incident wan considered closed. Hut Slever hud evidently nn forgotten It, nnd Sunday evening, after again demand ing the money ."0 cents from the agrtit, Hiruck at the plate gloss rov i ilng the machine. He succeeded III demolishing the machine, but also In jured himself, the hand being badly cut. He wan arrested on a chargo of ih link, 'iin.'ss and n line uf 15 waa Im posed In his case. Mom excitement waa creattd yester day by a telephone message from West Astoria to the effect that a cracy man waa running around down there, iind that the safety of th community waa In Jeapordy. Hherlff l.lnvill.- at once proceeded to the arena of the excite, mi nt and was escorted to the home of (he nupiward demanted man. The man was not at all Insane, however, but to make sure the sheriff brought him Up town. I'r. Kulton examined hlrn and pronounced him to be In good mental condition. The mennage receved at the aln-rlfTs ollhr was that the man wan running around In hln under, lotnes, an. I that he waa violently Insane. It Is thought that ih" iigvcrrimetit will noon call for bids f.r the eon atriirtlon of a steamer t i ply ltnti the porta around tin- li.tttli of the ' oluiu hia 'Hie steamer ilili-r bun ten enguKed In I Inn wotk for some yearn and wan under coniiai t to make trips on three days of each week. The Mll ern iniitinii expired lanl full, after which bids w.-re anke.i for on a dally nrrvin-, but iis the number of trips to ! be iiiii.Ii- wan not specified the bids j were not submitted Hud I lie Mller was I re-eiignK1"! lo continue the service, al- I iIioiikIi t'nptiiln Itlihhldge "an anxlotin te take her off the run, At the name , time specifications were t-repared by , the government for the construction of I a m w to la- placed on the route U tue. ii Forts Htevenn. Columbia und i'uiib. These apeiiflcat lotin wore n.-nt to Wanhlngtoii. but did not . n et with tin- itppioml of tin- d"p irtinent and were returned to tin- ofth e i f the lUitt :.-rtiuihtrr for iiio'llllcatlotia. render assistance. The bul'ding up of "Mike" i '. I. Tinam win. waa a ni-m- ith.- Kant Knd nnuns a greut deal for In r .f th" rrew of the wrecked lumber the city, and the present "startir" burg.- Whr.'ler. linn arrived in the rlty promln-n to result in many t.ew erter ftom r.iitlund oidertnun wan badly piln-a. Injured In tli" r.-. k and for some tlmr J punt Inn I la-en ut a Portland h' Spltal. t'aptuln Itamlidph Kuhn. Mrs. Kuhn Wh.-n th-- Wli.rler started to go ashore !and Lieutenant L. W. Pettlngrr. all of nt Vmiiilfia i',ermun and the co..r.-d the Salvation Army, were up In the cook J V ''ole. were together on the poli.-e court yesterday afternoon on a barge. A great sea swept over the 'charge of disturbing the peace. Pun irna.'l. throwing both Into the sea. Idtiy night the three Salvationists pro- ole was drowned, but Oldermnn Anal ly r.-a. to d shore. He was ba lly cut nnd for Some days was unable to move, He ban now- fully recovered. Older- man c.mslilrrs It remarkable that the men on the tug Vosburg were tenable to a,-., thr lights nf the barge, as the mm on thr Wheelrr built a fire ..n deck, using oil to add to th- blnie. Not until an earlv hour In the morn- lug was the barge really In danger, Then th" wind blew a hurrlcanr nnd tli.- m. n on ttie barge f.-nred they were I t However, the tig hulk lived through the gale and seven days later piled no on the bench. Just liefore i 'nlr waa wnhcd overboard he remark ed to Old. riiian thnt he would b.- un able to live long In the water, owing ing. he thought the Salvation meeting to the extreme cold. nhoul.l be postponed until nnme other (time. Dlllcer Thompson told a nlm- 1 liar story, adding that the sailors. The Joint Installation of otflo-rs of numbering "n or 32 men. had assumed ll.nv.r lodge. No I i ii. P.. nnd a threatening attitude. Lieutenant inti way IP'beknh lodge No 77 occur- i ritllnayr testitled that there wax no red lust evening nt odd Fellows' null. 1 disturbance, nnd little probability of The or. 'anion prov.-.l a most pleasant any. so far ns. he could see. Some of ..tie. and members enjoy.. 1 themselves the sailors were singing, and one with dancing after the Instillation rer- danced, but the meeting was not dls .niotil. s !ttrltig the evening refresh- turbed. Mrs. Kuhn said the anllors in.-nts v.-re served The ls. aver lo ige !jn,., in when the army sang "At the otth-ers Installed were as follows: John ! Cross." but that nothing happened tin-llan-en. N ; : A ' Anderson. V. fi.: ia ,ne mcers Interfered. She related I? W. Ini'ihar. secretary: C S. Wright, treasurer: John Hahn. financial secre tnry: c. , May. war; WIIHntn Pell, conductor; J.dfti Anderson. 1!. S N. c, Al x Tncg. U S N. tl.. It. tl lias muss, 'ti. (i. S. !.; N. A. Peterson. I. S. ii. o. H. Olson. I!. S. V. C. ; IL P. tTll llatus. I S V. (I : Sam Sor. nson. K. S S : Jo'm, I. S. S : James W. Welch, ihapluln. The following P.e la'kah officers were installed: Adella Hansen. N 11.: Hannah Andrews. V. C. : Clnr.i . Mtinson. set retary: Clara P. Hobson. ttvnsurer: Peile IVimer, flniiminl secretary: Itessie Saho, war.: IV Nelly Ityr.l. conductor: C. A. May. li. S. N. i;.; i'liarlty Punbar. I.. S. N. IV: K S. Andrews. O. S. iV ; Iri'ne C Johnson. I. S. C; Alma Johnnon. Ii. S. V. C. ; Mabel Older. U S.- V. C; Mlna A. M-'gler. K S. V. H. Tlic Trailers Prot ,'.'tlve Associntlon has accept. 1 an Invl'. itlon to visit As toria after thr convention In Portland, which will b. held I here June 15-17. The Itivlt ill. ui was ex;en.d by the Chamber of i innnit fee of 'this city nn 1 was rend by Colonel Pavid M. llunne at a batuiuel given a few days ago at the Hotel Portland by the as so.iitlon of that city. It Included a banquet here and a trip to the beach, and was accepted by the Portland members) of th association, with many expressions of gratification. The mem bers of the Oregon and Washington delegation will number about 500. while the visiting national delegates are es timated nt 1000, Including their wives. The strangers will be entertained here to their hearts' content and no pains will be spared to show them the many places of Interest nt the mouth of the Columbia. That the delegates will en Joy their violt here and to the beach goes without saying and will doubtless arry back to their home states many reminiscences of Oregon's seaport and her popular bench. M. J. Varls, the well-known traveling man, Is the first if the traveling fraternity to get out cards advertising that the Travelers Protective Association will hold their IW2 convention In Vortlantl. It was at first proposed to hold the. ,'onven tion on Monday, June 2, but rs the stnte election will be held on that day. the convention wns set for June 9. It w ill be a grent affair, and every trav eling mini will work hard for Its suc cess. Mr. Pavls styles himself in the curd, "A Drummer that's nil." and will talk Portland, Astoria and Colum bia, river towns from now on. The Jnlnt commltte of the I'uih Club and ChamlMT of Commerce appoint! to anatnt In nwcurlwr new rnWrprlnr frT Astoria met ynterlny mornlni; at the offlcr of Judge Taylor, where the plans were made known to prcsn n-preuentatlvea. The committee ha seeured for Astoria a a.-nh and door fa tory and nawmlll. Iwith enterprtnea to le conitrurted by the l.'nlvernal Hash and Dnr Company. The factory will be put In Immedla'e operation, hut the sawmill will not he In opera tion for some months, ns the company will Im- compelled to operate Ua pre, ent mill at Muyger for six tnontha jln order to get a supply of lumber Ion hand that will last wMI" the mill Is le lng trunsferred. Kt III nnoth-r hlg enterprise tnin been secur-d. W. W. Whipple and associates will erect at Smith I'olnt a lare aawmlll. The three rntirern will employ or more (lenpl.- and will add 125") to the impu tation of th" city. The committee Rill (ask the people of Astoria to nubsr-rlbe ilP-ho for th av- enterprise. The m ney I Is rHTulred for th. rw itch uhlch must ' le- Installed, as well an to meet the cont met with the sash and floor fac tory people, v.ho w.-re guaranteed Hi'-O an u bonus. After the a Itch la In other tyiterp rises will foll'iur. The com mittee will go to work Immediately on the matter and e-ptta ehortly to have the neo-siary innn'-y. That the ieope of the city will k'no.r the prop er spirit goes without raying, and the con,mltteein. n will doubtlen exirienee no dlfllculty whatever In getting the money. The Taylor I.and t'ompany na he n very liberal, having donated three ' lt. s and subscribed l.ViO in cash. Oth- r pr.iiT'y owners ore expf-ted to reeded to Astor street, where they held a meeting. While the meeting wan In progress a number of sailors came out of the boarding-house and congregated ; around the little army. Fearing that 'a riot might ensue, on account of the (condition of the neafarlng men, who ;had been "rushing the can." Officer Thompson asked Captain Kuhn to call I off the meeting. The cartaln paid no (attention to the order at first, and when Officer Phillips anked him to de- ; slst the officer was told that he was ; not running the city. The arrest fol lowed. Officer Phillips teat 'fled that seme dilllrulty had been oxperien-'ed In Inducing the sailors to go into the house, and, an the men had been drlnk- that she had seen the chief of police, 'which official had remarked that the ; army had been "tolerated." and In- luired w hether or not "you people bfive any sense." Cnptaln Kuhn snld the police did nil the disturbing; that they were angry about something and vent ed their spite on the soldiers of the Lord. In view of the fact that It was the first case of the kind to come up. the defendants were discharged. City Attorney Smith stated, however, that further disobedience of the orders of the police would be vigorously prose cuted. There was no disposition to make matters hnrd on the Salvation ists, he said. but. as the police were guardians of the peace, it would be necessary to observe their orders, even though the orders might be wrong. John A. Montgomery, at No. 425 Bond street, does all kinds of tinning, plumb Ins;, gns and steam fitting promptly and skillfully and at very moderate prices. The man in a man can only be rec ogniezd by the womnn in a woman. Ily the Higher Law. Truth is mighty and must prevail but somtimes it leaves a bad taste In the mouth. The Marrow of Tradition. NIGHT WAS HER TF.RROR. "I would cough nearly all night lon." writes Mrs. Chas. Apolega:, if Alexandria, Ind., "and could lintdly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit hi od, but, when all other medicines failed, three J1.00 bottles of Dr. King's Xe-v Difcov ery wholly cured me and I gained 5S pounds." It's absolutely fcunrtinteed to cure Coughs, Colds La Grippe, Bron chitis and all Throat and I.ung Trou bles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles fiee at Hart's Drugstore. Prompt Deliveries Of Choicest Frcsli and Cured MEATS . New Shop. Hest of Service, rhone Main 61. BOSTON MEAT MARKET INSURED. fw 0U insure your house against fire. You know what people would say if it burned down without insurance. They would say you were wantine in business sacadtv. that vou should have provided for ance and consider clothing insurance. Here the danger is even grea'ter not from fire, but from the chemicals and strong soaps used in the laundry. Wise women insure their finer, more delicate and perishable things against this risk, and the premium they pay is the trifling cost of Ivory Soap. That guarantees protection, IVORY SOAJ-IT FLOATS. I emember Our - - - CROCKERY 5ALE Is now on 20 per cent off (SI FOARD & STOKES COHPANY Most men are Inventive enough In the matter of personal Justification. I'apa Bouchard. .1 We have an ac cumulation of Odds and Ends. $10, $12.50 $15 Men's Suits and Overcoats. We can tit you in some patterns. We will close them at $8.95 S. DANZIGER &C0- $0 ii o w this. Now leave house insur Our first shipment of 1903 Wall Pa per just arrived and more on the way. Yoh Must Look Before you can sea our new coloring and detlirns. the Ideas- are as blight as a summer morning, and suited t every kind of room and style of fur niture. There Is nothing; prettier ea paoer than these varied designs. Give ua a call. C. Me Cutblrth ASTORIA. No. 117 7th itreet: 'phone 2085. 'Thebeii" Is a word that represents v the culmination of everything Egyp tiana satisfaction piece for the mort gage that the Pyramids Issue upon the credulity of the visitor to Egypt. The Destiny of Doris. DIAMONDS All kinds of precious stones, set and unset, at very mod erate prices. The latest pro ductions in the jeweler's art in Society Emblems, Pins, Badges, etc. Solid value and guaranteed quality in standard v.atches and clocks -Fine repairing.'.-.-.-.-.-.'.-.-.-.". J. H. SEYMOUR. Badly Cut During January you can get all our Odd Size Shoes and Broken Lots at... COST Must make room for Spring. Come quick; some good shoe to pick from. PETERSON & BROWN Leading Shoe Dealers