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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1902)
H. Jm WW. MOKMNf. ASTOKIAN, .HSl.AY, J AMUR Y . I Ttphon Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION DAILT. Snt br m11. Pw r"' I90 Smt by mall, Per month M Parved by carrier, pr month t WEEKLY. Sut by mall, pr yr. In aJvano. JI.W Tli AM.r!n puarantwa to Its aJvr ttri the largest clrvulatkn of any MWtpafwr r"MIhM on tb Columbia rtrtr. THE VEXEZEELAN CRISIS. Trouble accumulate upon the head of President vvtro. His campaign against Colombia falls, or at any rate does not succeed. He Is confronted with a formidable revolt In his own land. He Is, moreover, menaced with coercive action on the part of various European powers for the forcible col lection of debts Ion; due. This last mentioned Is the latest and most seri ous of the Venezuelan autocrat's In volvements. The claims of France, It Is said, may be adjusted without trou ble. Put Germany is urgent and men acing. Her warships are gathering ' near Venezuelan ports, and she is evi dently preparing a bl.H-ka le if not an actual temporary seizure of the latter until such time as the satisfaction of her claims shall be assured. President Castro maintains a defiant front, and may be s. Infatuated as to try" to re sist German force with force. It Is pretty evident, however, that his chief reliance Is upon external succor. He apparently hopes that the United States will Intervene for his protection "under the Monroe doctrine," or that the large foreign commercial interests at Venezuelan ports will serve as a barrier against German aggression. Such hopes are probably quite vain. The attitude of the United States is no doubt the decisive factor in the prob lem. If It does not Intervene, no other country will. If It should Intervene, no other would stand against It. At present Its Intentions are not dis closed, but its very proper massing of a naval force in the Caribbean super ior to that of any other power shows that it, is fully awake to the situation, and means to be prepared fur anything that may occur. Neither r? !. r many'9 intentions disclosed, nor hns the nature of the understanding be tween Germany and the United States been revealed. What is of supreme significance, however, Is the fact it seems to be a fact that a satisfactory understanding between these two d.ies exist. There Is no reason to suppose that the United States will stand in the way of a proper satisfaction of whatever Just claims Germany may have against Venezuela, and certainly I none to fear that Germany win pur sue measures effensive to the Enlted States. Much sensational stuff, of in terested Inspiration, has been publish ed about Germany's deep, dark and desperate designs upon the shores of the Caribbean hostile to the Er.Ited States. But It should be obvious to even the most superficial Intelligence that to quarrel with the United States, or to give this country Just ground for complaint. Is about the last thing In the world that Germany wants to do. It Is not a question of one nation being afraid of the other. It is a question of International ties, of blood, of commerce and of interests in gen eral belni? too strong to permit for a moment anything like serious es trangement. As to the Monroe doctrine, which Is Invoked by some with more vocifera tion than discretion, we cannot per ceive that It Is In serious danger of In volvement. That venerabl and bene ficent Instrument forbids the colon izationforcibly, through conquest, of course of the American continents by any European power. It d'-s not nppear that Germany has any thought of colonizing Venezuela. Also the doctrine forbids any Interposition for the purpose of oppressing or of con trolling the destinies of th" Ameiban republics. But we cannot recall that the cillectlf n of Just debts has Is.en ju In Inlly or judiciously declared to be oppression, or that the temporary blockade or occupation of a rort has been wisely deemed a control of the destinies of the country. The Afonroe doctrine Is a charter of protection In the legitimate development of Inde lendcnt nationalities In the three. Am ericas. It is not and never was a charter of International libertinism. it may properly Ire Invoked for I rotec- Hon against e.iniiet. U m't to bo used a aorivn for nTritetory and in-liima-t.u diMor. The fimdimental ijuostion I. if ivur'. whether the claims of ;rin:inv Arv tint. It la to he tinatimt I t'iM the I'nii.'.l Sim. government tus lv.n amr'y insured iihiii thai vir.t . If t l,-y are .lust tli V should be pa.d Tlii Mop: - Oo.ttine gmnt no . veptlott from li.iW'.ltv for thorn. Xor it,' President iiMro . om moti, I himself to sympatic in spen '' Yetiosuohi's money In . aiir, .ugns against Colombia mste i-l . f '.vl'i : it to p;IV thf Country's debt. NOT THK Mi'SKV 1 'ENTER. I The Taoouia New says: A.vorl:tig to some figures published in the New Year's Oregonlan. the national hank ! d posit of Oregon touched the lowest i mark after the panic of Iv'.t on rYhru- iiry iS. 1S:M. when the total deposits I In the national barks of that state I amountM to September j IsOl. the national Ivank deposits of Ore- gon amountiM to'l i's. the larg est amount reported on any date since and a gain of $T.3.Vt..tlJ or ll p.T cent as comparevl with the lowest rec ord of nearly seven and a half years before. According to the same table the lowest record of deposits In tr.e n.if.on- al Kinks of Washington since the panic was on iVtoN r . t:X. wh. n the , total amount on deposit :n the n uional i hanks of this state was S ,::T ":. On the th of S-pt. tt'.N r the !- IH'sits In the rational hanks of W.ih- . incton amounte 1 to t: Jl W:' 71. an in- cease in l.-ss than five years of ST.- ; T".:;j.l.. . r jvr cent I The national hanks o' Oreg. n : gained In dep-wits JTS"iM l-i evn and one-half years, while Washing- ! ton s national Kinks have gained JIT.- , TvV"- In deposits In five years. The : sain in Oregon national hank r-'Stts i I have been less than Jl 'VOAi ht year. In Washington the gain has b-en more than J3 Sit..W per war. These figures .... show the relative growth .if business in the two states. In vh-w of these tlu'- ures which are taken from its columns. tne regonian snouM rev.s.' u:e neioi lines to its article on north" ,-s'ern finances which contain the assertion: ' Portland Is th. money center of th west." For Portland Is n t th. center of the west, nor of th west. It Is the money cen'er nomah coun'y and the s'lte gon. That's all. money n rth f Mult ,.f Or- Professor Emerv I!. J'.hns.m, of the t'niversity "f Pennsylvania, who was (appointed by the late president as the ieummep-ia! expert upen the XI. a'.tgii.i i eanal eommission. hri.-t.y d.-serlUd in a re. ent ad !res. th reason his rom mlsiion th" XL aragja r lit-, and discarded the Pnrlen and Panama j route. The canal rout.- through the Isthmus of Pari.-:!. Professor J-d.ns.-n sail. th commission f.nind ti cost, hy and Impracticable, as tunnels woull have t b instructed, and n-n large ! enough for the largest modem vessels could te properly ventilated: and even if it were possible. th cost nf con struction would b" too great. As ! tween the Panama and Xio.iragua routes, the latter Was SeeC(. l ,y the I commission, the expert said, re-cause It entails less work to complete, has few er engineering difficulties to overcome, eos's considerably less, and can be compb-ted in a mm h shorter time. in the contrary. It. Is longer than the Panama route has more locks. I not so straight, and calls for concessions which the government mt obtain from i'osta Riean and Xbaraguan ; governments. Tiy acquiring the Pana- , ma course, the construction would cost about Jt'.0O0.0"0 less than the Nlcira- j guan. but the difMcrcnre would be ; made up In obtaining the concessions. I The Xlcaragua canal would require about four years to complete while the I Panama canal would tak tn The former would be shorter by one day for Atlantic and Pacific coast com merce, but It would be long'-r f.,r 'be South American and Alatte tra !-. Commenting th" other It. the large decrease in m'lrria--s In IP, ter In VM. Miss Sus.-in !:. Ant'iop veteran advocate of woman f-ifT ,:!.. said: "1 think one rcvon for il.e ,!. rrea" Is the ner,.a e. ir,te!i;- rr e wom'-n. In the old d.iv- v r.m -n vi -. marrh-d at 10 and until they .'irMv.-d at 4a their one aim seemed to be o I'iV -birth to a child every v-ae ..r fvo The h'yday of their lives wai xpeM ;rl hopeless toil and worry. i'nd they I. -ramo old long before their time. What this world needs Is few-r children find those betfer taken care of and better born and br-d. A woman v.-ho narrlcs a man and finds out that lie Is a drunkard or a wicked man Is commit ting one of the worst sins ai'ainst Ro Jciety If she continues to live with 'hat man. (Vie of the grv.itost crime Ik bringing children Into lt world under such circumstances. Tin1 woman should get, a dlxouv and see to It that she d.vs i ot rush into another such atll ti v." Slop the Couth lit Work Oil lh( Cold. l.rtatio I'roino Quinine Tablets 0n j:t coU In one doy No cum, No Pay. I Price J: cent. j The ."!.! ma doom you to plain 'liilr.g bul onlv -ui cm dcn our-.rlf plain tlonkiv... IVafnoss an. I Cheer - ' fulness. lON '.' 1,1 K IWiKfllKlt. "or.s:tpatlon and health never go to gether IV Witts Utile Kurly Ulcers promote eay action of the bowels without distress. I hae been trviu bled with eostlenes nine years." says J. O i',:eene. IVpautv, lnd , "I he tried many remedies but Little Kurly Kisers give best results." CI I AS. i;;ki:s. It Is hoivd that the Itiilgarlans are not contemplating any such absurdity as charging coininmnd interest. NOTICE. Purine the absence In Cblnii of Ah IVgg. senior partner and general man ager of the Hop Hlng I.ung Company, the affairs of the firm will be managed by Ju Voung. through whom all busi ness nuit N- transacted. HOP ll''. I.l'SM CO. j: Hond St.. Astoria. Charles Emory Smith will resume '.lie iiecupaf.on of putting n newspaper into se.ond-elass mall M i:l an I Express. Tv" lb rKVIVKS. V. lining il'.o.k Sprsiigsi coal Is he only coal t u. f r heating purposes Y..U have prol able tr:. d others: now try this, ar.l we f,-1 a-su:ed you will never u-e any oth-r kind. I'h'tie, main Z'. an I we will at once deliver to you In any iiuantny. illve this a and don't forget the phone, e'U S. EI. Mi iRH & Oi.. Agents. If that N'-'w York pr f-sor can ' make g I aet.,rs of ba I ones by hyp- notism we shall t' happy to send him i . .. , , a little lit. ' hi.-.ig i Journal, , .v FI It E MAX'S '"I.'SI CAM.. 'I ! ti. k t try engine, although ev-j.-ry joint a.-he-l and every nerve was r.v ked with lain.'' vrlt C. V. IMl ! amv. a locomotive fir-tun of I'.urllng- 'ton. Iowa. "I was weak and pale, wlth ;out any a;p"'iv and .ill run down. As ! I was abort to give no. I got a bottle of E'.-etrie P.ltt.'.s and. af'er taking lit. I felt as well as I ever dl 1 In my i ! life." We.ik, piek'y. down people nlw.iv rain n-w life, strength and ! vigor from tli. ir us.-. Try them. Sat . isf i. 'bm guarantee. 1 ,y Hart's Prug ' stor-. I'riee e.-n's. Sj okane I IS to . oS.. an 1 h-neef. I- . otiip.-!!.. s requiring ivs salimkeep. up th-ir family entrance, rth Spokane husbands will I to go to saloons alone. It like T-ibune A PI! FIT.M'.I.E IXVESTMBNT. I yea I mv wis tiouhi.-l for about seven with my stoma, h and In bed ii.;'.? line." vavs E. Iiemick. S.iniervllle. lnd.. "I spent about JK0 and never . .mt I g.-t anything to h.-lp me until I tri. d K'o l I Iiyspepsla Cure. I have tak-n a f.-.v bottles and am entirely w-il." You don't live by what you eat. but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stoma' h doesn't digest your f..od you are realy starving Kodol Iivsr.. i s.a i'ure does the stomach's work by digesting th" food. You don't ha.- to diet Eat all you want. Ko dol dyspepsia ''tire cures all stomach troubles. niA.v RiEIl3. In Ser.a'or Piatt's opinion, there Is not ho mu' h the matter with Kansas as with young William Allen White of Emporia liuffalo Express. rilIM.iP.EX ESPECIALLY LIABLE Hums, bruises and cuts are extreme ly painful ;m I If neglected often result in blood poisoning, ''hlldren are espeel ally liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a r'-medy DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is un-quatei. Draws out the flre, mops the pain, soon heals the wound. Tteware of counterfeits. Sur. cure for plies. "DeWltt's Witch I Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema i after two physicians gave her up, writes James Mock, X. Webster, lnd., : The sor.-s were so bad she soiled two to five dress-s a day." I'lIAH. WX , i:i;.-i. I Some people pretend to think the Itoo-evelt boy- are extraordinary be , au-e they are fighters. Going upon this th'-orv alone. must admit that .the (ountry Is full of extraordinary ! yoiii.g on. -. - i h! ag., Iiaily Xews. j 'IHI.Ii y.'iI-.TII MILLKiNN. "Mv 'hill 1- v.o'tl, million' to me," I'-tv Mrs ,!,,,... t:., r llarrlsburg, !'; ' I ...Id h ive ,,t her by tour, h'"! I not pur'ha.ed a bottle f ' ri- M-roi te ''.it'll ''nr.-." fine Min ii ; '' ":! 'iir- W cure ' -ur fo roughs. !' roil;, arid throat and lung troubles. At. a I iluti-lv safe cough cure which aits Imriierpaioly. The youngest child can lake i win, erplr.- safetly. The iitiie r.ri- h like the taste and remeniber ho.v often It hep.ed them Ev ry fam ily should have a trottle of (in" Minute Cough '.'tire bandy. A' this season es pecially It may be needed suddenly. '.'UAH. P.Oc,EI'..a. ur Annual Sale COMMCNCF.S ON THURSDAY JANUARY 2d C. H. COOPER Ltadlrg: Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. A Dollar Saved. . i ;i I'.'lLir Kiiriinl. c can sax ilnlhn- I'm- ua It Vi'U w i.-li ! istvliii-r a Handsome Bedroom Set I .i Net I'.iiv r.clun' Si i iiij; I Mir Sidetoards. Center Tatles. Mattresses. Heating Stoves Mirrors. Mijj5. Picture I urncs. He. Robinson's Furniliirc Store Second-Hand I urniturt tikes In I ihaajc lor Nf N. Vt it Will I- ' through the tune, tube. rd. r to shoot us in a pneumatic V Vermont woman h. married an other ii m while her husband was in iih" Klondike Is again with her lawful spouse. She knew h-r duty was the minute she ?eurne. that her litis, band had r.nne La. k w 1th t' .e. It seems that the m.o. :ni en didn't pan "in. owing to the f.iet that ..nil of tie- parties to It u. lilted jtlie ..tier fellows to make , tK .-..n. j cessions. The ,.., fates must have n I sist,.. on .lis. -isini; ihlncs tlist an I h.iMiig the ehampiiirne br.uiglit in nft- rw ard. It Is human nitii" oiifevsing one s s. f mtii ipatlon Lassie to vlrlnk ftoiii wrong In one's Think tint us many soi th-r.- N but on- spring lid- of life. i I but a green an I s.ippv onih wlmh rushes to a brelf summer and all cNe of life Is but a winter, long an I drear and gray and lote-h Through all '"it- lif our s; ring t .p. j renew .-,. - M i-o p-sh Itrent If ue wish i,i . ,g men I i those Who come lifter US. We should keep Ho log books, but always renumber to sing ' I n v.r did so when I was young." Then, you sec, th'-y'lt tieur have a ' hull' ., t.. f 1 ri 1 out what bloom ing Idiots we were l'i and Down Hie Sands of Hold. C. W. BARR DENTIST Mjnsell Dulldlng. 173 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR TELEPHONE. RED MM. Andrew Asp, Hariri SULrr, Blarliralla tod HnrviMr FIRST-CLASH WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Olven to Ship art! HUamboat Repalrlng.Oeneral Dlack imlthlnf, irlrst-Clas Horse shoeing, etc. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANt STS Dr. T. L,. Ball DENTIHT. f,2l Ht., Astoria, tire. I CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMFPCIAL STREET. J.A.FASTABEND OHNERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST TO Si. Tit ill, Iiilii:li,Mi:iliniiuiiri LINE lrai;ii And All Pi n ':is:. r.'irHigh I'lil.i.,. ind T ur -Ic-pert, liming .in I l;un"'V Sin k ng Libra: y din I'AII.V TRAINS. EAST TIMI". f'Ktl VIi'K ASIt Si'KNERV I'N- ijt'Ai.i:i. Tl.-ket.s to p litis Ea! v.i I' and th-. lir.jt X.rheiti Ry, .n ml tit II. R. N Tl. k .ittl -e. As o-i. r (i.'-at N irile rn Tick: niM. I JJ I IIIHO 51 Kid. I . PORTLANH. For rt, folders nd full lifurmaMan regarling Enti-rn trip, .-ill in .r d dr It Mi'lCSnX. J. W. PIIAIiN, city Tl- k. t Ag't Truv. Pasn. Ag't. Portland It Will Pay You... to write for our rules before you pur- hne a ticket tu any point in the EAVI". Through Tuurlst Cms from the Pacific Coast to Chicago .and Cincinnati ifinneetliig with through trains for nil i points In the fur EAST, SnCTII or ' Sirl'THEAST. Fust rind liiindNomely ieiiilpper Mteiini-heiiled Iriilns - I'lning i''-irH. Iluffr-t Llbrnry I'urs, Sleeping ''nrs nnd Free ileillnlng I'hnlr Curs tbruughoiit the following flutes: IoWA. IN HI AN A, WIH.'.NrtlN. M IM S' il'ltf, THNNI'WEK, Url'IHIANA, ILLINOIS. MINNICrtirTA. HuE'l'll DA lTA. ARKANSAS, KENTI 'i'KV urn MIHSISHlp-I. I'or prirtlr plars regarding freight or j p ism riK'-r imf-H ii ii I H'-rvli e cull nn or ddreH, J. I'. LINI.S.;y, ! T. F. A P. A. : It II. TIKIMItlll.L, 'ntn'l Agent. 11.1 Third HI., pi ip.TI.A Nl i. ( l: r ii iN. ' A. I!. '. HKN'NIST'iN, U. W. P. A. i Hi:: Elrnt. Ave. Hr-.-uile, Wash. .TEAS... ! Lntest ImportnlloiiH In TEA. RICE ind all klnrlH (if CIUNA MEIiCIl AXDIHIC. Contra' tors for Chin' se LABOR Hop mg Lung & Co 276 Pond Ktreet. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I.KAVK IMKI'IANK Assmt llUllnl I'elllmi.l I'll mi lei I I II l 111 tik'IMU her AM . met W r viUpiu I 1'olnla I AM'HItlA t ui , Kor I'ottUml .u.l W ;ll.uui ii lop ,,. I'uliil. I In a n. 1 i . MPIt Pl s.IN l,liill. fef Ultlteiil.'lt, Hotl K..II,. IUlltllMitl.1 Sllil .,lllIA Mciiltlr tor W rreltlell. 1 Hut' lluiiim ml. : or . r . in 1 1 O , jO . . i .' i" I ii' i hi In l , in 11 N'' III T mi p hi ii I" V 10 A III ' iri ,e met AitellM Sundiy only ' All traps mt k x eloan eonnf.'Jl.n l i (l.ilile with 'l N.irtlurn Pacinc train! ' to and from Hi Kant and Moon I pooni J. f. MAT', (b'ti'l Krrlghi sn.l raasciigor Anii i ..Portland ftsioria Ijoulo.. ' STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." Pally Hound Trlpi Klcrpl Hunday, TIME CAKO I-ave I'.irtland. I !,. Aauir.. 7 a tn. p. in. I The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." , iiemerii Por:lnd. Th I'all's and mJ IMIO'.S. 11Mb CAKU I-ave orlln, Tuesday. Thursday! and Ri'iioUva al 7 a. m. Arrives The ISilIra Ills tame dy t P m laes Tli lde. Kuiidayi, W,lne- .laia a".'. l . a in Arr vra I'orCaud, aam day. P. m. Tim rut ha th rndet scenic at tra. tl nia on earth Un ling Foot of Alder iri. Hoth 'I'll, 'lira Main HI. J TATIsUt At A.torla J'lllN M Flt.I.ot'N. At. The tulle PltrilKK A ItAllXES, Agl ll"-Kt Itivr Wnl.HMUI) WTKItH. Agt Whl: i Salmon. iJ r WYATT. Al Vnruvr K Vf. ,IUi."1ITiN. A( I'onland A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people r runleuipl - ting trip, whrih'T ,i biinitniu or plruiure, lli'f nuturiiliy wm Hie lei vus -liiaiiialil a fr a iiN-r-d. ..mfort nl l:ife.y t cuiierned Emplfs of th I WIS-'oNSIN CENTRAL LINES r I pi J t ri the public on I our tra in j4i, o.c:a.o (.i an o mike il.n ion . ii.c;oin wlih ilivrgjig Urn- l s.l I Junction points j Pullman Pi.a. ,. Mlceplng sn.l Cha r i'rs on Ihrouga :rl:. Inning car ervl, r uin'ge''l, MrnU ; . r "d U c irte , In or If r t i ..I. n the flrt.. li "r the t'eke: g in i,i ou . I i-k-t over i The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will nuke direct r inne.-ilnm .it St Piul for ClikMg i, Mllw.iuk-'e and i 4ll iKilnts Kut For any fnr:hr li.forrni'l -n ill on anv ticket sgent, er i'.irri ,i in 1 nl.h ' JAS. ('. POXK. den. Pus Ag t ' .r JA1. A. CUx'K, Milwauk'e, W. ! (Saner! Aftlt, ItIIE CHICAiXl A NORTH WrUTEHN RAILWAY. ll'IIITE COLOR UNK KOPP'S BEST ADeliciotiH and Pcihitfible lrink Absolntel v Pure The Northern Pacific Hrwry, of which Mr. John Kopp Ii proprKtur, makes beer for domestic and eiport Iral". Ilottlrd beer for family us or k'f heer supplied at any tltn. Delivery In ihe city fre. Horth Pacific Brewery NEW ZEALAND HUE Of New Zenlmiri W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., 5an Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS HiiliHcribt'd ('ajiitHl, -I'aicl-up Cnjiitjil, Ami'tn in Unitwl StiiU'fl, iSurpltifl to I'tilicy IIoMcrs, Han l)(!fiit Uiiilnrwritiiifl on tlio racilic ('oast ovci twenty-two years. We Rent New 1,;" BESTOF EVERYTHING til Word This Tll of tht Harvlis l ?ho Norlhwoslcrn line.. Eight Tialna pally llolwvfii Ht. rui an I t'Mi'(0. ooniirlilti( The I jalnat I'lillnma Hlpvp.-rs, vt.,l,'a pining Oars, l.llnaiy ant i ilnei v tilju Cars, I'lrb It.-, lining I'hair Vnt. I tie .'Oth ( Vnl uiy Train - - Huns I Voi y Pay of III Year. The Finest Tram In ttw Worio rif.tlk I lihlril rlcaltd THE IAI-il'lt HTATs: ICXPUIWrt, th l-'liinai I 'til ) Train Running' lelwn Ht I'JUI ait I t'lil.agi. i la lli rilijrt I-no ('iittliecltnil from lh Weil Md vU The Null I II P UN I'At'lFU' illllUr NOHTIIIJUN A N l I'ANAPtAN PAt'trh" ll'TH Thl I al'o th lUCUT LINK B-! nina.'i. Ht Paul ami Mlnneapolli All Afeni, rid Tlek'ta via The Northwestern Line W II MICAP, II L rtlBI.EIt. llenral A-nt Trv Agent. : Alder Mir-t. Portland, or1"- OREGON Shout Line andUiMon Pacific TIME S.1IKI PPrt '. F LI-SI I Arrlv I Fr in Poilland I lil.-.tao ' Portland all lsk. Ieiivf, H,, al Ft i una aula in. ha. Kana tMy ( 10 p. rn. via Hunt- Ht Luna, i'hlc(o mil nil.) Eaat AtUnPa Hlt lke, tnvr Fiprraa Ft. Worth. Oma -i si p in ha. Kanan I'by. I iCa B via Hun'.- Ht L'Uia. rh iMr-tiigt-iii and Eaat ! Wall Walla. S! Paul tlllstell. Mpo l'ii: lim;l km- M nneapol'i i p m. IH- Paul. I'Uiuth no a. m via MUtuki-e ("hi. .tp.ikan r.i i an I Kt "1 boura from Portland t i ftilei, N.i I'h.mgn ,.f i'ar. o 'FAN ANI RIVER rtl'IIEt'ELU - From Anuria A!', aaldni .Ut ubKi". lo chang. K.t San Fran, ia i M r er y Hvr day ! i '..luinti a Itlvr I 4 a. in. T . Por bind and rc. Way teindiiiga M m lay 7 rn 1 1 1 v ' .m Hun. H'.-arii-r S'.i'o'.tt le-ivr-a Aat.Ha n ;Me . 1 it"-. . . r-i t .tin lay, for lirt.uni, tr:.-. .lug tvte ni'h Ii i nm I t U-iiff It. mil. Tl g4 an I N t'Ii 1 .-1 .- p.U'. le-tillfili g ar: leu i: Ant r x a.ltlle -ven- W l."t NHMI.ItRV. A Ait ifl.i. A I. fUAbi, il.iier.i, Pitriin'-r Agent, Portl ind. i nt ill. IXSUKANCB f.l.OOII.OOO 1 ,()()(),(()() 2.B4M1 I .100,000 1 ,7 1 K,7!2 Typewriters. Many new imiiroveiuentH atltled. .Seo tair latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Olulogne, Knw , . , L. M. ALEXANDER I CO EinliiMivn 1'iutilli: ('.hmI Demer 2in Hlitrk Ht , rortlnml, Ore, F . M'KKCIINIK. I oi nl A