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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1901)
Vlf. . - Ky t V, wumtitt iron VOL f.IV ASTORIA. ORISON, I'll I DAY. NOVMHKK Is. HM)1. NO. 10S 1 WILL WITNESS THE BIG FIGHT Many People Are Noikiiijf to San lYantisco (or (lie Jcl-Iries-Rulilin (ivent. A CARLOAD IROM PORTLAND New York, Chicago, I'iltahtiru. Cincinnati! ntiJ Oilier I'tml' crn(:itlv Will He Well Keprcacnlcd, HAN KRANCIKiM. Nov It -Man rtrl people aVKlolfcl t' Willi ill Jr(rilr.ll'llm flgM A TV fOltlllt to till rliy Nw V.irk and Chicago have al ready arg ibleg-illon on rtm awn ti. nr r urn arriving by each Irsln. A ii-lrgraph iif Irr for fifty seal baa Ix-i'ii rvrlv.t fnnn a party nw ll !ii way from tMt-tn All. "Hit largo iM-a-ati ,11 la m route from tln. lnntl. To .r, lit (in filled lti sporting inr,, ft, ,ii, riift Hound till hav left rWtlli. an, I will U Joined In p.irtland t inihr carina I The U Ancle il-llin. utr 10 lr..hg ill arrive here this afirn,,ti mil J't'iiH ,ii mI tlx hr from nr. ly neiy rlty All) t.iWll In ti!. !jle Ai Hi.. iv!ll.:i everything will b.. In l-Hl'iic. f,.r the velll hv n "'II I U I'uiinit the afternoon th k I net i p ma. h li, an 1 llm Ughta will tin t ttlr I I: l a.'!!")! tliai Ji-ffrl, now lii thr .'gin al Jul 'a, pound". II believes h . an fight I i better adviM' whn h mlitlK hIkuii ?'7 pound III train. r. 1 1 1 1 v IMaiiry. l cf i Liferent n i..ti Id. would miliar I . m v ) 1. 1 ,', (, m . r (h ring w le'imit l'Ul :ii ,if :i; pounds D kii.m ;..i; in iv r-iit.. ,.f liraiirl l.olilo J in will uk,- ,rf iviutit. "WIh'i I f niitlit KHwI-mni" " n l Jrtr )ei.i,.iy, "I m-liVI ;o; 1' ,tiii M I a tr'. .it rhaln Hiilil ii Hi i i'l li lt it I r ui!,l I) k ! : i,l uliih! N ' ilmi Iiask rM.'li'il !:iin a f-n tniii.ln t I'mt lClil I k'lu' mi l f'- I ill(tl Hint 1 am In llw l't ll.WUllll.' r.Mulltl.MI." V:ih a lil ..' Ill fl(. hll train luir J rrrl' H lnut a iniiirlilhic I'm It j ja i in.. llli mi i'( the Iiib" : Whlrtl "H f.M III tl.illfTIII.lkiT 111 j i.,ry nf lh w.irlJ'i li.iinil,iiif li'p. j T-lav J. fTrl- j. will .In llirm k In i til llollitiiii' ('lull K 'iumIiiiii. A ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Stcamfittcrs HOIJi ACIONTH FOU B27 BOND School Books HAKE YOUR EXCHANGES NOW GRIFFIN & REGD, "-S Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplios of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. t V ALLfBN. Tenth and Commercial Streets iiiiiiiImt nf lu ll" nf Oiiklnii.l have l"' n 1 1 1 v 1 1 t lii i'h hlin .-rf irm Uu. Itiihlln'a iilit I :H li'Uii'li. Iln lfli''l :ll l illU nil 'II lll 11(11.1 tMiiiliiir Hilly Mulili-ii I iwt !lltl Hitli tli tniih i.f thi n'tnirt Hui J f frln iin'y w.'IkIi JIO hiii U Ho ny li la M'lllnit In 4Kt-r I 'nit tli i iiiim iiiii will I In 111 Ik-iiiii lia In tlu- ;;." iitui, mark. "Y hi run ais f,r Mir Uml I am l Hi,. Ii,'t (iiMialtiln tiliyli-nl HtiatH-," an. I Itiihlln. "I am K'l'nic liitu Hi fltf it wlili alt rti i-'iiift l' iii In Hi ,irl'l I Itrnih li, II' v I'm'. I anil Mill, mi l If I ,1 ni l it will Im ti"i'.urt J.-ffh, la a Ih-h -r man I am In uum to flxhl Uu' l.ntlp i f inv llf. aill tliat I will . riii,t ( i il i whii I fa Hi riaiiiil'iii " Itiihlln la iM M liav a nw anil i-ff.'i llvi. Mum Villi h tin will a-tti'injM to u lur!nu id iviIHmiI. Turn Khark'V Hi Ir'fll r.J frtmi. , III nw-f ii a tli-itram "nt lUm lv Maiiar Kiui,1y f iti" TwinU'ih ivniurv Ailil'i'c f'luti ifTorln hUn a nlil Willi i!i uliuinr if tniii.irr.iw uliflil'. haul. II arr.-, to tt -( tli wliiiu-r mi nrfiiiix-r !0 rtliarkv will atari f,r t )i I r)l( wllliln a frw ilai. T?i llra'vm,'ll',, Aa.i-lail,iii ha aWiiti'l Mr, uk ir,iluu ma anain: tli fl"l! K illlr of H tll:illM.ra have a.k, t!i rllv nm iaU li ll U n,l hav ! ii i-iit!v Inform I lliat th will ,l.nilitlM lntrffi If the fairing niatrh alu'lllil .t vil.,p Into a hrutal iri.nithl. ITHMi1 INTI'ltIXT IHIBAT SoiiikI'-iik "f loii; Anal! I With Kv rlti AniWy. HAN' ntAN'l. . N v. H Willi lllr. Ji-ff r1,-ltllMi -liuln'bmlllt Ult. ll lull Jt buna away, to tmlilir In Irrxt I. k'-i-l u;i '-I tlx- Mtit iluh ami Hi H'liuO'iitf of t'o' tc-"'X that will tirtna- th l-a An" l l I.T-niik'-r nil.) Hi AVrm liUul "ittllr. I awaili-l In f'-v'i1j.ti aml..v. J, ffrl a n. I llii'illn am In flu,n ami Ixitti i'.ii i,ly iMtifl Int of tttniiiii. A KPiiil' n.' mliiltt of th a" ""I"! Iiav tM-ni mrlvliia ll l'iy t lay lo nihil' tli nm .WiU to tiuifr.. ami aioti Uw mill. Iml lhy liai r.v;v.l no mur ul!-ltl'llt. Ai.niNA iiitki. rusi:i) l,,a khi It. W. N ir.l Wa llii.liy Burn-O, IMUTI.AXli. Nov H - Th oil i 'on llo!l In Allilna wa .l-tr'vv.l by fir Tli I, wa atmt lim II. W Norwo.4. nnrltor, lnullv huni'l PATIt'iNS ol'" Hl-SllANIUY. li:WISTiN. M . Nov. It-N-Mrly Juki m-'mlh'rn In ttMi.W.ti.. at the iiiNiln hr of th,. National Ornniri. Catron of ItUMliamlry. Varlnua r. vil !. C UlnlilTlM 1oUV. SIPERIOP. STEEL RANGES STREET si Supplies BARBARITIES OF THEJURK8 Are Responsible (or Pillage, Murder and liriandaxc in Macedonia. CRYING Ot'T I OR VliNflfiANCE Tltc Voice ol I lie I't ttpU Who I reed t.libu MioiiIJ Anukcil the CiiMneta of Kitropciin Cmiiilrle. NIJW VfItK. Nov. It.-IVik Kari v.lnT, th I'rlnirt M:iiLntr of Itulieirla ha )iit l-'ii ltiliTv!w I bv t.i K.fla . orr.tioiiiiit of th.. J lurtuil mul A l-vrtii-r. H jl.l lh 1'nimi Minlir; "1'or liiinkUiltarUn roiiAiii tlio ni.iii lr f t.'i liit'TUir ha un lr:akn t toli-rat fn-'i liitnuurt. In-wn.n fi lirlirin l" an I an AmrliMn a-ni. It I a ba.l iii-ii-iii to roifii. th ri., ho -v.-r lii'linvtly. but w ulU to trli'll a iiotnt for Ann-ilia ami ih inn of liuMiimlly. "Th linitaii.l. wh-H -rr lhv nr- can now trtMt unin...'t.l w ith '.h Am-rl.-au rri'ublli: n. af milurl will ! Blvn l,i any maji or mn pommoiiil- i by Mr. Iliknn. "Th-r la t, hr X iii I.ik 'ii HulK irln. Tutk'-y la th rut ,i.' ,tv ir'.g ii.-1.m-. ilait. mvirl.-r an 1 iiihi v, !n M.n . ilonla. ' ill 'liiion 'li'r ar.. lnioli-ra-hi Kumi haa h -.'n In vl. loii rlr l rxwllii Ma. i il in'a J:n Hi I t--r-llii tr-atv, all th i.wir tiKr Ma, -l,mli liou.l h.v mitoii unv hut n.'ii I n Mini! ti mov.' In :h matli-r. (iuni An,1raM.v of Au-trt.i wa niori lo tilani thin I,ir H..nontli.,l at t!i ltrli:i nifi ri-iii' for th.. iipwiu c 'ii . I Uml of'Kila niil.'h la rrylni to h,'uvn for viitr"ain', "Kraiiiv uiii-!ii-a U Ih-r quarrel Will Turk v. otillii uu "f llix-rty, nuilitv an I fraii rn'.tv for Ma. loiiUi; f!rm.iiiv la itlflil with all nuittr out with Turk-'y; loiroi-ana liinlv4 mav lip-ak l'i vli ion tip I an.l brMk Turk'-y rriii-l hunt. 'W to yu bv th awor.l, by t-.v awor.l; hull y,ni.' All iLk for Macsloiiui la au tonomy, We ilo n l wk anii.'X.nlim. "If :b Amrlriiii ivoiil .knw 1h. kin I of hlllh Uirbarltl'H nonx-trawil by Turkv In Mfbnl ih m- of III nation whk-h fn,! Cuba an.l fouirht th m.att, chlvalrnua an.l un-I-nh war of nnHli-rn tlnva w'ouUl awaki-n ih cabiiu'l uf Kupin in 4 -t of th.-1r iluty rt'ifaiNlina; Mai lun'a." In r.Hi.-lulon th liriiilr M thai h w lahnl th,. I'nltml States wvnil I tn lil in h rouulat at S-fl. Varna and l'lilllpiitvli. particularly u Hulgarla la vntlp'ly airrb ami ni'.l Ani- rli-an airrt.'ultural lmlmtn. NOTBD OritAN DRAP J Currlllo Dim at Hi Home 'In Nw York. NRW YORK, Nov. M -Imiiu- Oirrilb il Cirboniri. 67 yar of ac. a for mer JuiIk of th "univnv iurt In -'u-ba. 1 (1a.l t hi home In 1M cltv. after an llln of twi m mth. He wa Nni In Havana In IStt. Juilit fiirrill.i. ilurlnaT th 10 yvur war In Cuba, wa Imiwlaitieil In Ha vana ami wa anlenoJ t. Jath He w-a parilonej, however, th Jay before hl aentenc wan to be xecuted. He thin rvturned to thla country. At Ih clo of th SpanMinAmerl e:m war he went baok to Cuba, wher.. be became Ju.Ik of- th nuprenic court, but wiw frcrtl to psIbii two mont.ia irn on account of HI hilth. He hul iluUiia atralnat thU tfncni tnent aniountlnic to $100,0(10 for proper y Je.troyJ by the 8pnlar1 ilurlnB the Cuban revolution. W. C. T. U. COINVHNTION. National Meotlnjf Convns et Port Worth. Tr. FUT WORTH, Tvx.. Nov. H.-Thlr-ty-flve ta)i wr repreentJ In the preliminary mtlnK of the National (inventlon of th W. C. T. U. lodtvv The meetlnit of the Loynl Tinprance I"irlon, a working adjunct of th main body, ras alfki held. Th chief Jnlr t cnterd In the eeretarv's telllni' of the ppogri!B of tmpranoe work In the pat yr. XfOUMONISM SPREADING. Raiplil Increase of Rellcvora In Di trlne In the East. NRW YORK. Nov. H. "The duniri'r of Mnrnonlm la underrateil. not over rated. When the public reallie tha there are two Mormon churche In Piwklyn, one In Manhattan, one In Philadelphia, a atrnnit and ' growing Mormon aettlement on the border & Ponneylvanla and New Jcraey and tha: th tron(rt church In a "r-tlon flftv mil" from Jersey City V. Mirmon, II may be un lrlil that the aituatl 'n I 11111 a. Iiik " Till alati'MM-iit, which .tartll the woin.-n' I'Xii-u'Jvn tunuiiltt" of 1'ie )oiii"t f nilj-wV fi of tli rtfornvil I'huri ti ijt la i.liflilwnth mnrvriiry In Oil i lly, a nml bv a Mia Kl.z-be'ti II. VrMi!lye, a inm!-r of th e mi mitt'. In an nillr-iw upon M irm n:;n In th Kan. Kb im'.iI furih r. 'T. waa n'li -teil t.-wt In M var th M rm ai would rout nil a b-lt t tat ruttliiK lb r untry in t from nrlhranl I 1 outhW"t. T.i urlktlori ha b 1 V"rlfl-.l In 20 y"r Inateirl of Vi. They own Uml from tb Itnky Mountain lo th rrru and are apr-aitln: at 1 I have I ill ynu. Thv i-unipil four mlaalon tt anl al th pp..nt rat of roKP- In other will a. un hava u;Tmai'.y. "If th connitutloiml nindmnt nwiknit l"l(jamy a crliu Ii not pa d now, It run will b Imp-awlb! 1 1 p.i It. a Uiy neJ to arUir con imI only In K mat'-a to pr-'vent, l lalatl in airaliwt thm. Two tlouaand Moriiioii m!l marl are activelv pur aulnc Ih ir tPt.U''iiiila, 60 of them In in ia of Nw York at on time. KCStONTSTS I'KLEHRATB 1 'Ity Club of Nw Yoik JubUant Over Kualuii Vlcbwy. NHW YHK. N.W. M- Tli ele. tlop of the fualon tU-kl at Ih Poll Nov. , WH0 i iimKi i-,ii.,ii uy m u.iin.-i Klvn by tb City Club In Ma.iln Square -..ini-rt hull. Flv hunlmvj and twenty member of th club nod iru'Ula .. .,.... . .,. . U.W.I J, .A r.v wrr a-iin.i ai v.ic ioi. kiiiic -ww i pl r lii th li-'xe. Th flmt tok en of Jubllatlrn of the ev nlnir was a lu!y 1 hi-eHnic when Mayor-Kle.-t 1iw ami I-:rlit AlUirney Jr,nv arrival. WhebT II. I'likluim. pri-4l.l nt of the City Club. pnMe.l. while at th table wr 11111 prmlii:it In t ie iu.l .n inovrnvnt. .in' an, I th other can.11.lari- male Iivhe an.l thy mayor-''..i-t miV- a atjitem-nt that no ue of tail ronair.-. however lUivnmful, cou'd Inure t the iu,-ij of th next n.Jmlnlatratl m. and that no iH-mni and no urKanlaailon i-iuil I detnaiiil iMteonaire a a right. 0NLIT1N CRITICAL. yueen Wil.ii'lmina' Con,r.lton Worse Than at Flmt Ann-uncerJ. I.iiNIi.V. Nov. 14. The Condition of Uu-'n Wilheimliii. airorJlng t, a d-s- paich I the Standard fpim Brufw-d. la wore than ha been officially report- d. Three phyl.lan are In attend- anc and th nueen' mother ha bn Kumiiiini). Thn ro-al patient will b ibllginl to keep her couch for nix weeks. T&mMONT CLOSED. Kvldein In Sevn lym-lla Minlna? Cajw la All In. HOfSE. Ida., Nov. 14 Taking of tes timony in the great Seven Devils mlnin: cm of Stuort v. Hauser et al. ended at Welr this vnlng- Arguments will b litird in Uie but the date has not been set. GREAT LOSS Of LIFE STORM STILL SWEKIS TIIE It RH1S II COAST. Thirty-four Vessels Have Itecn Totally Wrecked and ISO Lives Lost LONDON. Nov. 14. It 1 Mill Impos sible to estimate with exactitude the totnl loss of life and property resulting fpnil th protracted gale. Much wn-ck-ige of unidentified vcwls la still be ng thPwn up. Alt-'geiher It' Is known mini 50 vessels hav been wrecked along British const. Thirty-four of th'-se hav been abAdutelv wrecked involv ng. It l believed, los of more than ISO drow-ned. PRINCESS IN NEW YORK. Is the Daughter ,f the Maharajah of Lahore NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-The Prijujess viphla Bamba Dhuleep Singh, arrived -ier yesterday from Europe. Her iresjnt stopplnr place Is not known. On the way over he spoke of visits h Intended to make at Newport, Be yond this the steamship authorities :now nothing further of the movements f this princess of India, whose father, ha Maharal-ih of Lahore, was once wnr of the famous Koh-I-Noor dla nond. i Hr bmtlier, Prlnc Albert Dhuleeo Singh, has visit -d New York many lire and has ber'n entertained both eiv and In Newport. He set London ih-lety agg In'lSOS by mirrytng Lady nne Coventry. His marriage was the Irst on ree 'rd of an Indian Drlnce mar ylng Into the British nobility. PRICE OF SILVER. NRW YORK. Nov. 14.-Silver. 56. HILL CHOSEN PRESIDENT Northern Securities Company Elect Officers and Board of Directors. ALL INTERESTS REPRESENTED Six Directum KcprvHcnt (ire at Nonhcrn, 1 lirce Kach Mor gun anJ llarrlmun, One Lantern I liferents. NEW YOItK. Nov. H Tim U) morrowr will av: Jam. J. Hill, preal dnt of th Great Northern railroad, wan ynterlay el" t-I prtdnt of the Great Northern 8ouHlle Comtnv. the new tMSM.OiiQ corpiratlon thrmgh th.. medium of which th Northern railPial tanglr will be Upmid of. Tl dlrc:oni irf th... nw c-nnpany etec ted were: John fl. K'-nnedv. X). Willis Jame. Samuel Thome. Jam.i J. Hill. R J. NIohiH. Jotih Ilakr. Ritrert Bacon. 'iiiri! R. Parkin. Danl. 8. Lamont. E. H. Harrlman. Jaoob H. 6. hlff. Jaa. Stlllman. W. H. Clough. Ge,irge C. Clark ant N. Terhune. Cf thene men ix may be con.s!-1ered a reprr-senla-t.VTi of the Great Northern intermla. thp-e represent inietp?ts nf th J. P. Morgan comiuny. and thr m,re gland for tiie Harrlman Interest. Two are J'.stlnctly reprenentatlve of the North ern Pacific and the remalninr direc tor. Samuel Thorn, la regarded as re?- i r,entlng esiflt.-rn Imerew. WONDERFCLI.Y RTCH. G-ild Deposit In Thunder M mntaln District of Great Valu. BOISE. Ma.. Nov. 14. According to rnf. E. H. MaJ. geolog'.oal expert, who ha .pent two weeks in the Thun der Mountim di'triot. Iij.'io. Investi gailng for th Oregon S.iort Lin rad way. the reports ncernlng the rich news of th gold dep:st there, the dlstrlot Is on of th richest vr open et. l-of. Mead folowed the main ore r.nly underground for JX) feet In one direction and 245 feet in a general wav at right angles lo the other. He could find no ends, top or bottom to the body. Running through the main body Is a vein four feet thick, of free mill ing ore that literal)- plastered with gold and which will run into thous ands In value. Professor Mead said there appeared to be a great reef of gold bearing material running through that country. NOTED GENERAL DEAD. . He Had Charge of Trans portaaon of Lincoln's Body to Springfield. NEW YORK. Nov. 14 Brigadier General Henry L. fbiblnson, who re tired from the army a number of year ago, and In recent years had been a customs InBpeor. !s dead at his home In this city In his 90th year. H was born at .Binghamton, N. Y. Soon after the civil war broke out he was ap pointed assistant quartermaster with rank of captain and, being a railroad man, was assigned to the purchasing and disbursing office of the military railroad. In 1S66 he was mustered out. Whib h held office he disbruscd nearly $1S. 000.000. Whn President Lincoln was assassinated he had charge of the transportation of th body to Sprir--flel i. III. He was a brother of General John C. Robinson, who was lieutenant governor under Governor Dix. COTTON SPINNERS MEET. President MeAden Favom Declaration tn Favor iof Merchant Marine. ATLANTA. G.. Nov. 14.-The fifth annual session of the Southern Cotton Spinners Aoclfttlon convened her to day. Dr. John P. MoAden. president. In his annual address recommended a declaration by the spinners In favor of a merohant marine, upon a basis that will give all American dtliens an equal chance, prevent favoritism and recog nise (he producing classes In the re duction of freight raites. Tonight Hok; Smith spoke on ,Dvlopmnt of Tal ent." and Senator McLaurln on "Ex tension of our foreign trade. FLOITR DUTY INCREASED. Measure Intended to Benefit United States Flour Trade. NEW YORK .Nov. 12.-The Rio Jan eiro correspondent of the Herald ca bles. Th, chamber of denut'es has passeO a bill Increasing the duty on flour Im ported In bags instead of In barrels There was a lively discussion over tht measure It was contended that flour. Imported In bags, I apt to contain dan groua germ), but this aertl.,n was cnribatti-d vlgormily On? memi-r of th bullet cximmlt frankly d'"lar 1 that object of th bill wa. to prX'-ct l,nitd fltatft ;TIU'vrs agj!nt trie Arg-nt n-. After th vot had been taken fvral depu ties ah'iuted: "Th Yankees hav r.iutej th- Arg-nt;n." Public opinion and the newpaprs generally dlirrove of th new law as It U kniwn that fl ir frrmi the t'lilted fitat- arrive tn birrel while ih Argentine prolucl cimj in bag. Nwpap-rs of Iiuen:t Arres unani mously condemn th measure and re monstrance will b filed by the Ar gentine mlll-rs ELECTION IN Ct'BA. Followers rrf Thomas Estrada Palma Have Split Into Two FaotkJns. HAVANA. Nov. 14. Managers of General Bartolom Masso, candidate of the Democratic party for the presi dency of Cuba, maintain that be will have a large majority In the provinces of Santiago. Purt.i Principe and San ta Clara. Th National party la Ha vana, which ban priclaimed Thomas Kslrala Palma lis candidate for presi dent, has split and a large faction has come out for Maano. It Ij said that General Maximo Gamx will be asked to stump Cuba for Palma. PHYSICIAN INSANE. A P.oneer Diet or of Seattle Affected With a Delusion. SI3ATTLE.. Nov. 14 Dr. Sira Car man, one of the pioneer physicians of this city, was today committed to the hospital fog the Insane. He has been afflicted with a fixed delusion that some unknown person is persecuting and threatening him. ANOTHER IOWA BANK. Broken Into by Ribbers Who Secure Two Thousand Dollar. LEROY. Ii. Nov. 14. The First Na tional Bank of Leroy was broken lnui last night and I-1") taken. The rob bers exploded the safe by use of nltro glycerin?. BILLIARD CONTEST. W. C. Duniway, of Portland, Loees to Dr. O. B. Burns, of "Frisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Xov. U. Dr. O. B. Burns, of the Olympic Club, to night defeated W. C. Duniway. of the Multnomah Club, of Portland, for the amateur billiard champlonehiD of th coast. Score: Burns. 250 points; Duni way, lit. YUKON CENSUS. . VANCOUVER, B. C. Nov. 14 Ttere are 20.000 people In the Yukon Territory and tha population of Daw- sv-n City is approximately 8000, as re ported by the Dominion census com mission. f IRE IN A COAL MINT FIVE DEAD BODIES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED. A Terrific Explosion Occurs and .Many of the Rescuers Are .More or Less Injured. BLUEFIELD. W. Va.. Nov. 14 Five dead bodies have been taken out of the Baby mine at Pocahontas. Va. Several other persons ate unaccounted for. and 25 persons have been rescued more or leas severely burned. At 3 o'clock this morning 1; was discovered rhut the Baby mine was on fire. In a short time after the firemen reached -he mine, a terrific explosion occur d and many miners and thair friends .vere more or less Injured. It Vs sup posed that the mine caught fire from i defective electric light wire. The dead so far recovered are: Louis Wool win, John Bernhard. Will M -ntgomery, M. D. Koonti and a Hungarian oamcd Uriel. PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS. MEXICO CITY. Nov. H.-Yesterdav he delegation of the Argentine Repub- 4c to the Pan-American oongress en ertained their United States and Mcx acn ;colhAues at a banquet. The committee on Pan-American banking ind monetary exchanges held a session. :nd ;.t was decided to ask the opinion f prominent bankers In the United 'tales and the Spanish American coun- rles as to the most feasible means of Titabllshlng a bank in New York. MISS FORAKER MARRIED. CINCINNATI. Nov. 14. The weddimt f Miss Florence Margaret .' Foraker, aughter of Senator Foraker. ard tandolph Matthews occurred today nd was followed bv a brilliant recep tion at the bride's borne. EARTHQUAKE CAUSES LOSS Damage to Buildings Will Reach Sixty Thousand Dollars or More. NO LIVES ARE REPORTED LOST Buildings Wrecked, People Driven from Homes, Roads Blocked and Communication Is Cut Off. SALT LAKE. Nor. 14.-A special to the Herall from Rlchfl -id. Utah, says: The first reports of the earthquake- that swept over Southern Utah last night gave a very faint idea of tha extent of the convulsions or amount of damage done. In ail directions val uable buildings are wrecked and tot tering ready to fall; people are driven from their homes; roads are blockad ed: communication of all kinds is cut off and many valuable structures In the town of the county will have to be torn down and rebuilt. Already It Is known that damages to buildln- will reach J60.000 and it la expected that the Icsm will run to $30,000 or $100,000. Up to this time no fatalities have been reported but many people eacapd from under falling walls as If by a miracle. BANK WRECKER CAUGHT. H. St. John Dix Wanted in New Whatcom. Arrested in London. WASHINGTON. Nov. II. Informa tion has reached the state department of the arrest In London of H. St. John Dix, wanted In New Whatcom. Wash ington, for alleged bonk wrecking. The governor of "Washington has been notified and On the arrival of his ap plication here papers will be Issued to secure extradition of Dix. FATAL FEUD. Three Men Fatally Wounded bv an In furiated Italian SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 14. An Ital ian family feud resulted today In two pistol encounters and the wounding of three men. one probably fatally. Fillp Calderella Is at the hospital with a bul let hole through the head and another through the shoulder. He is not ex pect id to survive. Special Polioemao George King was shot in the hip and George Orlando was wounded hi the hand. RATHBUN IDENTIFIED. JBFFERSONVUle. Ind., Nov. 14. Newell C. Rathbun. suspected of killing Charles Godman in a 1otei here bv porson, was today positively identified by an officer and an acquaintance of the prisoner from Little Rock. Arte., w here he lived for a while. Later Rath bun was arraigned before Mayor Rader on the charge of murder nd was held to the circuit court without bond. LAST TRAIN ARRIVES. FORT WORTH. Tex.. Nov. 14. With the arrival today of the "White Spec ial" the last trains bringing White RIbboners to this city, the preliminary work of the great gathering of the temperance women of the land received added imeptus, and despite a pouring rain sub-meetings at various churches were well attended. SMUGGLER CONVICTED. EVETtETT. Wash.. Nov. 11. H. Fer guson was. found guilty today of piracy and theft. He admitted that during the past five years he has smuggled 9000 pounds of opium, valued at $7,000, which he delivered at Tacoma, from which point it was taken to Portland. BURNS' ANNUAL REPORT. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 14. At tha national convention of Knights of La bor today general Master Workman Burns submitted his annual report Which consisted largely of an attack on the American Federation of La bor. PAID THE PENALTY. MICHIGAN CITY. Ind. Nov. 15 Joseph J. Keith was hanged at 12:10 this morning for the murder of Miss Nora Kelfer, April 3. 1900. WHEAT MARKET. CHICAGO. Nov. 14. Wheait. Decem ber, opened, 72H14: closed. 72V1. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 14. Wheat. ? h. 100. TACOMA. Nov. 14. Wheat, bluestem, ;64; club. WA.