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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1901)
T1IK MOKMXG ASrOUIAN. TlilDVY. NONTMM'R US, lUt w 1 , f gaily atoviau. EDWARD C MISSEll. JR. trop. Telephone Main L TERMS OP sunscnirTios. DAILT. Bent by mart, per year Seat by mU, Per rm,riili Btnred by earner, per month.. ..too . .5 - ! WEEKLY ! Bent by mall. per year. In Jvan.-e, $! .00 The Astor'an guarantee to Its dwr-j tter tha largest circulation of anyj newspaper r-'Mlshed on the Columbia , Hrer. ENCLASPS SHAME. I Wben Weyler inaugurated Ms policy j be made for th. construction of hattle of rooo-n.-ontritUn In Cuba th r,res of I sh.p a? government navy y.inR This the lnited State ring lth dnunoA- j uM enaUf l.irso numbor of laN-r-tlons of uoh barbarous moth.b. It jors n.t k!U.M rtfewns t.. r" mphy wm the onioltios of that tIVv whi.h. i mont wtwtv thov will haw tho U-nortt more thin inythiriit eise. leJ to tho in tervontlon of !he I'nitol Statois and the uKlmit banishmont of SMin frm the island. It cu r.( vu.w. The civll.ted world appliuJ.M th hiith mo tive 'h:oh pimpled u tj kv to war with Spain rathfr than iv euoh bar barous methola bny'r .vntlnue. and It wiu i.T"v?r 3uuu o ....... w...... ... i the prineip'.es of our people. Wey'.ertim Is blnff vuidne bv Kitoh-enrt- !n S.ur.i Afrloi. yet the piws of the Tnlt-i State la .udiouIv ilenl. In contrast to this, there re minv EnirlLih papers which are proton ardinst this brutal warfare against de fenseless women and children in South Atricv The Paily Xw of Und n in an extendel artide protesting against this priotice concludes as Mlowst "The truth Is that the dea.t!i rate In the camps Is Incomparably worse than anythinc AfricA or AsU can show. There ia nothinn to ma.tch It. even famines, where cholera and other en demics have t be omtenJed with. Humane men should not wait for offi cial reports, but should Insist on the camps bMnir broken up and the people distributed amon their friends or re moved to district where a fresh at tempt can be made under competent onranltion and with me regard to i iu-tive. It has m b-n suPi,m. the preservatkm of life. That 'or ex- i however, that the trait wuld be oar-termini:!-, and eternal st.ii-n on the j rled to th- 'to , i: his bv a v-umr name of Entland." Thre fin be no doubt of the uff t iii!t an t harlfh'.p the '.nm.ite or th-se concent -ation cimrs are forc-d to in jure. The riots ar. tot J ni-I bv th auth.-rities - f the British fnvnnvst. ws.i attemrt to Jiwify the u'nie-s up-.n th- snur. I that i: is .on of n. 'nev'.tiV- atter.danu ur-n a state -f war. Humanity houM -1-man 1 that Ene'.anl s'vull rclu t h r war with the P.jers ace T-i.ns t t!r rui-s of civ IliiM nations, .-r h sh u!d be n-p-I!-d to with l.-aw her arm:-? from th-" IMd anl brlni; an er.d to tie unh-ly anl unjtif: onflict she is watrine ai?aint the patriot f -h South Af rican republic?. "What's in a ninie?" is an oil and famiiUr maxim: but there w a deal, in th opm , f many naval men. 1 session of the Washington l-glslatur-to .-ourage supertrtion wh-n one re- 1 1 inerr-ase the strength of th- na;!-in il cails the bsa-e of nmt 4 the sh;p. (gui'l of that wtaf Just what ne.esl-F-r ln-anre the r-e.'Ple of Boston Mt ' ty at present exists f..r ln -r-asing the honore) when one of the flrt vessels ' military nrganizatlon of the s'.a'e is to b; built f .r th- mvlern ete-1 nayv j not explained, but It i fur to presume was n.mwl the B b"n but she was j It is b-'ng agitated fr.m mo no, the first. The first &jst-n. built In J tive on the part of those who h .pe that city in 1776, was a 24-gun frifrate. j to reap some benefit therefrom, but she was captured at Charleston, j f?S?J 3. C, when that city succumb-d t) the The supreme court of I wa last week British during The Revolution. B ton determined the cash value of a man's No. 2 was sunk in the battle on Lake j leg. placing It at JVKiO. The Jury gave Champlaln in 1S11. she being one of a verdict for IH.M0. tut the curt de-Arn-dl's flotilla. Bst m No. 3 was e!3r"d l! excessive, and fdlowed a t.rec burned in 1S14 at Washingtm. to pre- ledent In a similar case of a f'-w v-ir vent her falling Into :he hands of the j ago, when a vrdlot of 112.000 wis cut enemy. Host m N . 4 was lost In the West Indies in a hurrlcan-; in W Boston No. 5 is :ill art oat but she has m-t with several accidents, more or l-.-s Important. The Secretary of War has upon t.:e ; reeomm-ndatiun of G -ncral Chaff-e L-- i su-d an ord-r for 'he rexirginiza.i-n of the deiiai-inr-nt of the Pili.pp n'-j ! Instei.l ..f con-4-tine of four d-iir- 1 m.-nts as heretofore, th- n-'w organ. a- ; tlon will be divid-d Into only tw mill- ; tjry d-,-Mrtmen;s. t) be knoan a-t tine! department of North anl South Philip pines. The consolidation of these l' partmentj) ls in accordance, with a plan to iastltute a vigorous aggresrlve cam- ' paign against the insurgent who have j r.-cently become active and troublesome in th? Hands of Samar and Leyte and ! In the southern portion of Luzon. It is said the reduction In the number .f departments, in ad li lion to making Ihe miliary farce c'lete and m- , i n:. '31 r.vult In A reduction of '' Vll n. . ' l l -os ,cnt livj M'll M Xlil'M f.r few- divs' cncir hun;1nn In the K.vky mountains, bill sine of hi frlen.'s r. u " the.r cn.leavoi- tn l! "hm V him fr cm the enterprise. Al thong , It l utillk'l.v t!ii! Mr Kocve v 1; will o.i rrv out his desire before .vtcn s of'" tn P-v.tnbor. at I ho un; :!m, it 1 very prtvilvlc that the ,rM sMti.-r or liter, be treated :. th now I spe-ct.icle f .1 president f t)! ri ,t s:.v sho tln liir game In the IJ. -kle. Th.. striking ma.-h.ntsts of Puget i(jnJ h1v -nt ft vpii 0, r,.uli.MI j to Frel lent Koosovel: and tho Wash- Ittcton i!oleation In cvngre'. earnestly i urging that In the next naval approprl- of the eiltht-hour day A letter to Pres d-nt Rowvli. ompanylnic the niu' n.l em b.i.vlnit the snntiment of the irn work ers, untfs the Importance of hav:n all wrk d.-tie at the nivyyard. The cmmunlcation l.vlir-'S that In th!s way t!v ov .timer.t can do the w wk at ovt oikI sJtve Pr-rtii of private cxvrtWctors. Here is a list of sme of the pri.-'J paid :n New i"wk for (cirment. made there tint ay and purchased In our oltk: Cambrio .Irewes with linfO wati. j'me tritrrniiiiR. are beinif ma to at tt.M Per Jcii-n: nlirhtsowns. with tmket jvkes. thrvad furnished bv maker and insertion cut out bv maker, il p.r doien: silk waists. 5 vents ivr ldien: women's wrapper. 4 cent per doien; shirts. JO cenm per doen: aprjn. IS i-enw: fine finished niicht gTia are being pressed In tenement hoses at 5 cents per d.en. .EvUentlv here l one place where the laborer 1 not receiving proper remuneration T his service. Ever since the publl a:lm of the storv about Ev? an 1 the apple, woman been rr-llte.l with bWni: !n- New York woman who ha. offer-d t'i "Ulimi: t-i belnB Snv-ul.ite-1 with TuVr-i-ulis viru. in rd-r to .1-' m .ne wh-fhr or n t K vh's th.-.rv that bo vine tuVarrle ba.-'!; canno: inf'-v. !ui m:tn b-'lnn .s (--in-''t. V-Tily. ther. trut'i In the ar:i--n that "h-n a w -man v ;!. fh- wi:l." i-v- n if tt lrl.- i llnsrin d-.ith. Iit y ar the total ex-f-n 1'tur-s f.-r ?Ubll.- edUvlti.e) in the 'at f i r I g m am un' d to ahout ' amount 1. "!. :).:" waj -x;. th- c.-rrm-n and hls'ti h' state, about fi.i'N'i a -x; ". ft th.s tide I .for s o -h--n-I.-l in the schools for the blind an! d-af. and rhe blUnee for th.- 'h.r lil-ei'Ion il institutions in the state. j An effort will be male at !h- po-xt ' lown to ivssi. This is now regard as :h standard value of an I g. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, Th.- C lon-d H C, V ordan dairy farm . i.v barn bis ut burn -1, causing a le- .,' $.V.el and JWWsl. li-'id-s fairn'.ng Irntdernents 140 liend 'if 'i".l.. anl seven hrs-st w-r- burre-1. An -xtr.ior lltiiirv mission frorn th i rte ti Sr. I'-'.-rshii'L' will lav- Cull. '.in'ltio:.le th's w'-k. it will le h'"' ,V 'lVr.;-:irv .. Is ,1 c!o-e , Intimate of ri il'.in Abiiil llamll. Albert Matth"vv Ford, the tide calru- I ia.r. H d id at Sab m. N. J. At his .own exp.-n:'- Ii- ijisu-d and distributed t;j. ,.ar,u fr u. r;.r a,, ,,av lif Atl.iritic Cpy and the ,.tlre ..uter coast '-'f 1 rfl"V. Edward V. Wdb-rn of Cincinnati Is :" N'!A' Y',rk 11 1 h:" P'ans for an automobile trip around the woild. II expects to leave Cincinnati early in the spring and hrpes to clrr-le the globe with hiu machine In 300 days. Tier,- is outcrv In bo.h Kian.e nd A'.s r'a ver the ilitflvultv In f'lllivu win Tho K-.viuh Kroner threaten to 'l,u ui thi r vliwyrtiMn anl the Ais'i :,!: domand a ai renewal of bill and fvetmitl us from mils. A li';Min from .;vlil.irn. vr the royal vu.-tl.- at Hot l..v, vontlnn the rrt that Jue.'ti W'.Sh' lnvina ha 1 be n lTniaturelv contlne.l and a her mJ.v.v Is urf vv.v.k Wit tliat I..H-! ' i.nulitlo-i Is not such . to . .nis. an- tety. In in Intetv.ew an Amr:v.t: ni r who has ,tu; rcturnel fr in South Africa is vi. n t, l t. have ad tt at h,. hoiicveji the war ll! list -.u-other )i months, but .l.s not th-.nk ;ho It s-rs w II iv l.l out lo-von I n it J une. At a sale In New York vltv vi-steidav of Kentucky a Idle hor- belon ti to Shelby T Harbson. How land H !tu- s.!l, of H i:on vvh.i owns the tr'tt:n mare M ss Whitnoy ,-JI2). the too attticte.i - liart s ,irug -tore, ori.v. $". for l-dv Ib-llbrvvk. -ly the nav v do.varttuont w III si brown mire tVS li.ind hlah n,.t be able to take ai sil In the S hlev case Toi'ka Stale J urnal l J. liirouard. government r'( ..tnr , ;n the Klon l ke. was shot IVuvs n IXiN'T I.KT TIIKM Sl'FPKIt on Monday, acvorlmc to a brief dis- . , .. .. .... Often children are torture I wlih Itch patch from the n.vrth-rn city. A man lurll ll) ,.., , alU ,,. ,k; tiamed le'rvl. an Eid.vado Ore k miner diseases but Hucklen's Arnica Salve with vvh-m Gtuarvl had busln-v doil- hea'a the raw sore, expel Intlamma- ings. i, sa.d to have red the fatal shot. Jrrav. no It Ls r-tvortM the d.viari- on earth k g hI. Try It. i'ure guaran- , , . ,t , ,, w , ,,, , t.ed. tvnlv :V at Hart's tru(t 'r. lion reganlmg the .Mtnpletl oi ,.f the trans-Slb'Tlan line are untrue. There i;.,bert Ftmni.vis annu.mce thai are m-iiiy grttvs In the n -rmajicnt track, the '.arvre bridge are not iMniple.ed an I three tunnel have scarcely b" n begun. Th.t wnstructkui trains fr'- r.crit,. A Pdnts, t'i'.vr Sanlu-ky. .(uenllv leave the rails. O.. ' I hive been ng Fo ley' Honey and Tar (or H'ars.Mes S.wn'sh ;-iiltical crcl-s onsider un- .nil tlnd it the l-s: r-medy I rver practical many of the ref.m tn.'l. It stopped the caiuh Iniwvli- . .. - . . k . , ut'-lv and al sorenes'. Fake In a bill offered !n tnv chamb-r ,,y .KoU-v's - Harf, drug ,t -re. iieputi -s DV rne group Knovn tv i." National I'nlon. They prp"e the con- th .1.0.1 SI. ..... .,. . H- inn rnai ii.-ui. (v. wen i"i t- r i- 1 l,w si on, the r-"duc:t n the standing . army and cher measure. - Ad-'iph (Irani Mount. la.. writes: ' have ufd Foley's Honey and Tlfre has been a grMt invreas in Tar In my family and think it is the the number of emigrants from i",-r. best cough cure on th- mirk t 1 i.! i .k ... .,.. w.nild not lv without It In my home, many this year. In the past H mon.hs ; ntW fc) Uf '13.000 German and foreigner Mui el Is." Hurt's drug ton1, on Gorman vessel. This I more thai. : 1 twice the number of tho.. who sailed : vt''" Senator Jones of Nevala. ad . .... .. , nut that the Jv,.r Issue I dead from 1!M to W. Emigration to the (h.r) 1? n fMr lf tmrY,1)t i, llllv,. Argentine Republic and I'ruguay ,,w Yerk World increased, while that to Brazil has di- ' m . FOn HiURitKNraS minWheoj. An Important wltnewi f.- the state f . . . . .... v ,JrK m tae case s.m .o oe against Lawyer Patrick has been lot by th death of (.liarl. X'rpenter. of Punellen. which ixvurre-l recently. Mr Carpenter was one of the prlnciikjii wit- mwH in the priH-e,-li ns aglnst Tat- rick and Jon-f. who have been ai- ud of murdering millionaire W 1 am IU,-e it. New York kist fall. MODERN' Sl'RdEKY Sl'ttPASSED. 'h.-re are p i's a. 1 ;:!'... You want a "While suffering from a bad cae of p : which is . r'lir. -hinuift. a. piles I ronsiiltel a phyielm who ad- g.ntle Mnn'i itr'o.' MVl:i' IJt v d m.. t . try a b'X i-f ivwitt's Wit. h Kirlv l:l.-rs til! the bill Purely H l7.e Salve." says (',. F. I'arrer. ,t. v able. Ui n t fore but i sU the i.inti, fja. "1 pri'ii,-e.l a and wa ..w els t a. t. .r.-rnft a -n and Inv g- ntire.y P-Witf W.'cli 11 iz I , ri e Sun.! aid easy t tak -'HAS Salve is a . I-n li I i tire f..f p:l-s. g v- i:-ir,MI:s. .1--ig-lsf. ing re f lntan'.y. and I;!y rc- .immend t to ail tiff-rer." Snrg ry it rivti t t. r.t'wr lis.- uriisl-i is un:ii- -sary ti cur-' p.!.-i. Ik-Wn .-t rv W it:--r-o., t, n.,r.. ;i. ul id-i.n Wlt.-h H.iJt'l Siive wlit cure .my case. w.t;i wh h th I u -t -. m pi:-r til rut, burns, bru.s s and ill . ther hM . .m l 1 1--v lb- ed -! I r il I wounds ar.- also qui. kly - ur-'l by it. Howire ,.f cunterf-its . -HIAS. V.;. rt i 1' 'MM I1N I IT T" TltAINMKN KK--', Urufx :. -vtn-Hi- V Mi. Ml- N V. wr -,s The fears th. i'l'-ss in-iv :- "I h iv l n tr.ub'e with my ki ln-ys l-i nn effor- to ': r-. a.i. f -r t - n ' v-!lv e year, in-l had ITU ir.-t.y are gr..un The pr- s . lint- t.. take .-ir.- ..( itself - W Mil- itigt.m Star. S-nat-T Jone.s. of N-'V.nla, h.ui gone back to th- lt-pul,, an party w.n-i-th- plum tn-e groas ai I .-an ii- su - esfuliy shak-'n jerr.;i j.-1 .! t r i ti.i ; .1 .s J uirnal. HE KEPT HIS UK! Twelve years ago Z . Suillvan of Hartford. "unn., scratched hs I g with a rustv wire inflammation and bio., I poison. ng set tn. For two ytars h suffered intensely. Tlwn the best doc- tors urged amputation, "but," be wtit.-s, , "I use I one bottle of El-ctrlc Bitter anl m bogei of Hukl.-n'3 Arq. Salv And my leg was sound and wen : as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema. T-tter, Salt Rheum. Sores and all blood uisoru-r, r-winc imters .. no rivai on ri , s.x store will guarantee satisfaction or re- fund mony. Only 60 cents. ! Dyspepsia Cure ingeSTS Wnai yOU edl. r,.,d you eat remains undigested in This preparation contains all of the y "r stomach i, deeay and poison dlgcstants and dl"est9 all kinds of " "v'"'"- y ,u "" i-rent this by food. It ((Ives Instant relief and never 1 ' that means starvat on. Ko- fal.8 to cV It allow, you lo eat all j 'itr -r.T-thefoodyouwant. IlieniostHonsltlve Ha nr .tarvnt.on. Th- ,v,rit ...- Btoruachscan take It. Jiy its use many thousand of 'dysjutptim have been cured after everv'thlnif eNe failed. It la unequalled for all stomach troubles, j It can't help but do you good Prepared only by II ''. lo Wtrr Ai'o .i hlcago For f,. h CHAH ROOFRS DrugKlst For hale by CIIAS. H'Xs&K.. Druggist. " " - . TH'O CHILf'P.EN'S FRIEND. You'll have a cold this winter. May- be y.,u have one now. Your chd lr ti Aill suff-r loo. For r-iugiis. croup, bronchitis, tr.p and other winter com- p .nnii cine Minute ' ough 'aire n. v. r ails. Ae- prornpily. It is very oi. as tint to (he taste and p'-rfecdy harm In". C. If Ocorge. Wincn-sier, Ky., writ.- "fur iltlle g.rl was atta-k"d v.i'h .Till,! late one -light anl was ' boats" she could hardly S.,ik. We gave her a f'-w dos-n of One Minute c.ugh ''ur-. It relle.-ed her immedia'c ly and she fnl to sl"op. Wnen t.e awoke next miming she had no signs of ho'irKi-neiM or croup." '.'HAS. ItO'J EHH, Drugg'st. 1 Ol'HK A IMI'HII. S eo'iirhliK. as It 'triiate tie lmi(, an, I itlv.s lb m no einn. to heal. Wiey s II no y and V r viir with. mt iiniinit a tra:n In throw mn off th phteiim like common c. Ujjrt . (Hv:oia:i!. -1 1 st 1 1' .Iniit totv. The Iti-st thin tii-t Miik Twain !ktwi Ta'ii!iiaiiy wil N- !.. oiiImk Hj ; ltSw ...Wtmhtnifion Star ' - W J Sh vely lta:.-VMi: -. O . ,V jk- inn of lUnn.'r Salve. is: I ued !l f ,r 1)(, h l, ,,, ,,.,, v,, tiian any ale I have ever ire I. and I hive ir.ed a are it many Inn Is." -Hut's drilii stoie The jmld stieis a:v iiui.miii.' iw no olilion de line of th. work f l-Mitav Stant. n Mavlav - Vna.N.ii la Standml 1 H llaufan, I.inti. iV. ens n.n'r I. K X W. It It, - have been tiMiit'led a (treat deal with t'a.k.iidie. I was Induced to try Foley's Kidney I'ure, and die b-dtle entire.)- relieved me I (la It v r.voiimi.-n I It to any oil". estvially tuv friends ni'n( ihe tram men who are usually s'.m.larly be will break Into i.'Utics, provUlini! in duck under tt.s guaid - l-nv-r ubdean. A '"h cagv woman got In a boly bl w on It.vston when he d'-Ttld love as ' lTlopl.MMHC hunger." S ashii.gton Hoi). Ing-rson. of I! niton. Ind . 4yi he h.l not p.ik-n a worl above a w;ij,()r f ,r mnth, ,, ,ia! ne b.d- tie ,,f Pol-y's Honey and Tar r.tor-d i his voice. Me sure y.-.u g- t Foley'a : !'rf drug store I( 4, Inll Admiral Sanuw.m determined to have lis ttairsh:i into tke account of the battle -Washington Star RKLtAM.K INK liK.NTt.E "A plli's i p.H." savs the avv Hut sev-ral phy- : m but r.-.-.- v d r- icT until I l.oiig-.t a '..tie it ! I -y s K: In-v i'ure. After u-lng two b !! I was absolutely . ur d I earnestly : .rnm.eid F Ceys Kidney Cure" T.ik only V A )'. II irf ding t..r-. "i. t rv is assumed tt fie Ite.nllli ans for v-ns to com -. Tile member f til- J lesi finiilv hiiv b-ntun to c -m. bn- k to th- p ii ty. M i.itan i llecorl F'HiD f'HAVlEI) Tl POISON. Pu'refvlng fo.vl n the Intestines pro- du -e. eff.-ets like th-.s.. f .ireiic, but or Kings New Life P.ll expi-l the ;'"o'is 'rim dogged bow-l, gently - iiiiy but surely, curing Constipation Hl.oiiHn-ss. Sb k H-adiu he, F.ver... all Liver, Kldn-y and B .w. l troubbs Only -"' at itart s 1 irugsiore, ,. a ,,.,.,, ,h(, h,K, ,.hrliv that King Edward Is not sl.-k, although n a ,,,.,,,,. rr,n(.n. and that no o. oration ha be-n ie-rfrm.-1 on his v..l - ehorl. except to cut away a paplll .tntit- ous growth Chicago Tribune. A PHYSKTAN TESTIFIES. ef have taken Kodol Dynpepaia Cur- and have never u-d anything In my life that did me the good that I did," says County Physician 0-r W. S.-rogg. of Hall county, (la. "H.-Ing a physl -Ian I have pf.:rlbe, It and found it to give the best results." If the 'i:b kl v cure. Never falls. CI I AS. liOi;i;ilS, Druggist. . A faml1 flr nam" of the Chicago, ; Mw.lljk & s, ,,au JUway known ia ,)Vl,r ,lp (;,,n as the firent Hallway i running the " Limited" trains ievrv day and n.ght between Ht. Paul i.ind Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In Hie world." , Understand: Connections are made i with all transcontinental lines, eegrlng to pacng.-r (he best ervlc known, Luxurious coach -s, elecirlc light, steam heat, of a vatb ty equaled by no other lln. H.-e that your ticket rea ls via "The Milwaukee" wh'-n going to any point In the United Htato or Canada. All ticket gt:ts II them. For rates, pamphlet or other infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY. Trav. Pas'. Agt. Oen. Agt., Portland, Or. Portland. Ore. iWLt. FOIl A ISEPI'IU.ICAN CON VENTION FOIt THE CITY OK ASiMIHA. A liepublican .invention t.'r me CUv f As:oil. ('I.ilstti. County. Htnte of Oregon, : herein- iiillc.l to til .-el at the .oint lion., lit the t'ltv of AtorU. on Thursday. N.n ember -I. A IV l'J. at tne hour of 1 So o'.l vk p in. for tie ptl-p'e of nunliiiltliig the follow ing oltleei of said el , v. to bo v 'led for al th- next election In sail .It v. t be h d.l ell Wedaoliy, lie.-eoi-her II, A I. I'l. t'-wlt On., mayor. Out ;t.auicr One an lit 'r and polw Jit Ue One m!.o c.'niiii'leiiei-. One surveyor. One street "u.ier niendenl On,, im in.-ilnian for the Fnt ward One curie for the Sec old ward One eoiin.Hiinn for th- third ward N'otl.-e Is further rUi(. that a pri mary election I lieiebv called to be held In thi t'ltv of A'torii, I'lats.p County S ate of Oregon, for the purpoie of electing eleven delegates In each ward of sail city, to the Itepiibl can canwn tin. of th Cltv of A-or:a, aforesaid, to be hell at a'd ("Itv of Astoria, on Thursd iv. November II. A P . I'Sd. at I n o' to k p n. : id primary .-le,-t'on shall be h d 1 Thurxliv Novem ber 14. li, from the h ur of i: ii'.-l.vk noon to the h mr "f S o'clock P m of s-ild day. The follow'ng polling tlace In each ward of ..l city have been establish ed, nimelv In w irl Mi I. court h- u- In ward N . 2. Welch bl vk. In war I N v 1 A'torl, It x Co The follow. tig Judges ll, h' Ml p .ulltted to-ol'. Wart N I. il'.wge Jihnioi, L E Howes an I W II V urig Ward No. I. John W'l.h. August N.d..n jo.l II S. 1I War I S.i J. A llr'x. ilu.t II dines and I. Agrvn lly order of the Cltv Cen'r.l Commit .e W V M ilUCCoit, Attest: Cha'rnian F P I.rilNENWKIIIllt. CALL FOIt CITIZEN!" CONVENTION A m. meeting of the clt!'n. vol. ers and tlx-pavr of Astoria lrr'. peetlve of party slflllatlon. I hereby lle l to nKet at the oter h Mise on W.slnes.lav evening. N ivmber ?0 1I. at T 3i) p tn . for the pur,vse ef nomi nating the following officers to lie vot ed for at the general cllv election to be held In th City of Alorli on We In December II. Il Oti.. mav r Cne aud'or anl pd'ee Judge, One p dh-e commissioner On., treasiin'r One up"rlnt-n Knt of tre.-t On.. ur.-yor On . .-ou'i. Ilmvi fr.m the First See. ti l an I Third wards, r-spe -t eely A'l voters, Irr-spe.-tlve ..f pir:v f fl! I. : ' . .-i , nhi believe In an h m -t and a d'lilnlstrat'.m .-f Iv f- fi r. th s.ntie thit has ch.ira. 'er'ied th" g .y -rtiment 'f the City .f A'o--'i I il r' n g !h.- pis' fair v.-irs. iimIt he r gi'ii.- of t he Ci:ij.'-o' rn .Vein it ,r: w:i.- .ii- op;. .... ti ling rut- anl 1 . .dm. ir.' .or I il'.v Invited t i't"il and j art;.- pit . In 'die I. lll.e .it'nn !v t 1 r of clt r -ns' C .mini!:. . P I! S. iVilY. Se-retarv. PRAEL & COOK THANSf l:K COMPANY T -I. ph ne .'.'I DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shlpp'.! to our I'are Will Itee-lv. tipeclnl Atlentlotl. No. m Duan fit., W. J CfMiK, Mgr Antorla, Ore. Ites T'I 1131. J.A.FASTABEND OESE11AL CONTKACTOrt and nriEDiirt GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LlfJE TO Si. fa ul, DiiIiiiIi, M in iich jmiI is, I 'Ii Icago and All poims 'is:. DAILY TltAINS; FA HT TIME; SER VICE AND SCENEIty IIN KQ HALED. Through Palace nnd Tourist ,oeeper, lllnliwr c.r, I It.ifrn. U...I.M " II . ...... -l ninoK.lia Library Car. Tickets to point East via Portland and the fir-at Nur' Ity.. on ml at ii. ii. Is, Ticket Olllce, Attorla, or Ur"at Northern Ticket OHUa laj rillkl) STKKET, POftTLAND. For rat, foldera and full Information regarding Eastern trip, call m ir ad- dre A. B. C. DENNI3T0N. City Pass, and Ticket Ag.-nt, Portland. .E.1S1 m v. V HUM T t -n VJlUUlSSlWVAJiUU IViuit. Kifih md i Street OverUnd Express Tianm for Halrin, lto'ebuig. Ash land. Hscrmnrtito, (s leu. Son cImii, Mojiive, Ihi Angeles. F.t l'o. New Hi lean mid th East. lrav Arrlvi ' 30 p. in 1& m M JO ft. m I no p.m At Woodhurn (dally rtcrpl Hull lav), morning trni ii connects with train for Ml. An sel, Hllvrrton, Il r o w n V 1 I e, HprluiOrld, ami Natmn, and svei.. Ing trsln for Ml. Angel and Hllvrr ton. !i" 30 nil I'orvslllt pnnen- I'l.U p m n :; in arr III M p tn) Hherldon !. n- Dally. lwlly rxcept Siindsy, llehste tickets on ssle b'tsrern Port land. Hacramento and Han Franclsca Net rates II' first t-lass and 111 second class. Including sleeper. Hate Bnd lb ket to Eastern point and EuroH. Also Japan. China, llono- I lulu and Australia. Can be oblallird from J. II. Klrklund, Ticket Agent, 134 Third Htn-et. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot f o of J. ff en n Ml Ie-ve for (iswrgo dally nt 7 It), 4 a. m : 13 30, I 5'.. I :i, 5 11 1 'IS. u&. II 30 p m. nnd no p m. o:i Sunday only. ArrHe at Portland dally nt . 31, s 30, '10 ii a. m . 1 34, 3 IJ. ' 3t, :o T 40. 0 00 p in ; J to a m. dilly icrpi M .ndav: 30 and lo 41 a. in. on Sun dy only. Leave for Daila daily rifept Sun day at 4 30 p in. Arrlv at Portland at 30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dalit for Alrlr Mondays, Wednesdays nd Frl dav at 3 C. in Itslurn Tuesday. Tht.rsdax and Saturday, Eiespt Hu'olav It KolOIILEIt. Manager C II MAUKHAM. (ln. Frt. and !' Agl liuxuRious Travel Th, Tor!hwstern IJmlvd" train, lev-trie lighted thr.ughou'. both !nM and out, and H'liti healed, ar with out txcepilon, lbs f)nt train In lh world. They embody th litest, rrai anl bst id' fir comfort. convenlT- and luxury vr o(fm th travelling nubile, and altogether ir Hit meat complete and plrndld production i f th car builder' art. These splendltl Tra'na Connect With The (ircfit Northern The Northrrn I'aclf lc and The Canadian I'aclfU' AT ST. PALM. Full CHICAGO nnd the P.AST. No extra charge f r lhee i ertot ac immo lut.oiiH and all i la-i of il. k let are availali'.e (or pattige . r, the trains on 'hi line are pi.i;e - -. by the ! Inierlock ng ltl.vk Sy:m. I W. H. MEAD. II L SISLEIt. Ib tienil Ag-nt. Traveling Ag't I I'm '.land, i reg in I .. OCEAN AND ItlVEK SCHIiDl'LIC i Fr .tn Aitorla I i I All soiling date- subject to change For Hun Fmn. I- ro every five day 7 a.m. I Columbia lllvr ! 4 a. in. Dadv ex- j To Purland and exc. ci pt Hun. I Way Landing. Monday S'enm-r Nil tta have Astoria on tide dally, except Sin. day, for Ilwac is.iinectlng there with Ira n for Img lleai-h. Tioga nnd North llesrh polsi Iteturnliig urrlvcs at Asb rla aam even Ing. C. W. IirNSIlEltltY. Agent. Astoria. A. L CltAHV flisienil Pnmenger Agent, Pun land, Oregon. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When paople ar rontemnlitlnir trip, whether on busines or plmuure, they naturally want the bet icrvlca obtainable as far a pc;d, . in fort and afeiy Is concorned. Employes of tht WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ar paid to s-'rve the public and our train are operated so a to make close con nenlloii with diverging llni-s ut all Junction points. Pullman Palace. Sleeping and Chair ( nr on through trains. Dining car crvlce unex-elb-d, Meal erved a In carte. In order lo olnaln the first-class .er vice, ask the ticket ugent In sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connecilona at Ht. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all DOlnts East, For any further Informal! m eall on any ticket agent, nt correspond wlib JAS. C. POND, Oen. I'ass, Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, THE CIIICAOO NORTH WEST Ell N RAILWAY. 9 south ASTORIA AND COLUMN. RIVER RAILROAD. I.HAVK rmiii ami ai i in I ; is. p in I'.illlaild III ell I 'e- i i it ma in .,.r ...l..l end (r I u Wjim I'. .im. I AsTuillA K.i I'.itilaiol .ii. ) I', no. . I ' m ' in I II Hi m i in an p at ky-m ir. Pivisiiis -ilv.tu, iioii.iii.r in itoii.oi, II .V IN ,' ll.vel. K.OI Hri.1.1. 1 i' . I II sin lid sn.l A.hula I. Iv n in . lo-s.i.b- lor W sn-iilnii, I Mi i. ii. Hsie . 1 1 III nd .'or. li'in I ki p in Hi I i s in I J Mi in : in p hi lelS Ml I sine, t sn.l Aoria Hundiy only. All irali-a moke do cmno'tlon al ilobl with l Nurlliern I'scitlo train to and from the l.'oat and rioun I poinia, J. C, MAVD. (len'l Freight tld fassengef Agent. ..Forlland Astoria J(oulo.. STR.'BAILEYGATZERT." Dally Hound Tt'p Except Hundiy. IIMt CAHD l.rave 1 irtland t a. "V l.rave Astui a ? p lra The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Iirlasen 'er:lnd. The Dalle, and w Polt)!. TIME CAHD le-ave Portland, Tu'elay. Thur.lay and M.i ui.Uve t J a. in. Arrive The 1 Kttlra Ills same day. I D m. Uavr Tju Dade. Hun lav. Weill- lt a"J Fridayi at T a m. Arr.vrs I'orCand, m day. 4 p m. Till route has the grandest l-lia.-tl ok on rih tetndlng. Fool of Alder irt. Iloth Thone Main IM. A. J Agt. Astoria JOHN M FILI.ooN. Agt. Th. Dalla. PltaTHKIt A UAHNtrl. Agt llxj Itiver. Wtl.FillD WTKIl-t. Agt. Whlia Halm n. J C WVATT. Agl Vanyouvsr E. W CKICHTtiN, Agt. Portland. OREGON Shoit Line and union Pacific ,TIME H.'IIED, , I'-I'arl . I'l.IlM ; Arrlv Fi on I'.n Hand Cli.ciiro I portlnnd Unit i,k-. I'envi-r. al K't Wo-'.li. i una 'ia in. ha Kan-as C.iy t 39 p in. v: Hunt. Hi t ..-.. Chiceg . button an.) Eiet Allantlo Halt Like. Ih nyei Eipri Fl. Worth, Hint 00 P. ui ha, K alias 'lty..j A a. Itt via Hunt. ;St Lone, i h'e.ig 'liKl.oi and 11 -i t I Wall. "Waiia," HI. Paul le-ll.iii. Ho". Fut mall kane M nneap di, 6 p. m. H' Paul, Du iilh , 7 01 a, nr via Mlllllkee. fill- Spokane cngo and East I "3 hour from Portland to Clilcag. No Change of Curs. BESTOF EVERYTHING In a Word This Tell i.f tho Pneager Hervlc via the Northwestern line.. Klghl Tialn Dally IlBtwaen SI. Paul an l Chicago, o imprlilng The Ijitet Pullman Mleep.-r, Perles Dining Car, Library and Olxeryailon Cr. Fre Itecllnlng Chair Car. The :0th Century Traln- -kuih i-very Day of Ih Year. The Finest Tram In the Worla Mrctrlc Llnhtctf rlrntrd THE IIADUEIt STATE KXPIIESS. th i' meat l Hilly Train Hunnlng Uetiveen St. Paul anl Chliagu, via Hie SlnM Linn, Coiin"cti(iis from Ihe West Made via The NOIITHIUHN PACIFIC fill RAT NOitTII EltN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC Il'YS. Till Is Also Ihe lltrHT MKIIi' .. o ....... Omuha. Ht, Paul and Mlum'iipoll. All Agenl, Hell Tickets via The Northwestern Line W. If. MEAD, II, L SISI.EIt. lenernl Agent. Truv. Agent. 2m Alder Hlre.'t, Portland. Oregon, VJiolirto il Ma 1