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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1901)
NOTIORt Hooks, P, ri.xli. -..-lis, Mnj.ifizin &o 'eito !) T ;:!:;;. :v.:;.T!. ' .: -'" il l I r.Kfi! in 1J1 VII. 1 ' '" V. .11.1. I Ail JI0M1 1 (. VOL IJV ASTOKIA, ()KWi()X, TI'l-SDAV, XOVOIIU-U 12, V.HH. NO. 102 lifk a ii a DESTRUCTIVE POWERS GREAT 1 1 Oovcrnmcnt's New Dynamite dun .Most Powerful Weapon in lixistencc. m POINDS NH K()-(ii:i.ATIMi jr-t of Aicuriiy ii'il i'x 'llil liy Hi" . iviv nf hiMvy 1 1 1 - 1 unlhiiiii ., iTil il.l VM W'rt. ibUlled I, I lllll t'UlK. 'I'll.- n i -( Iml liuilid a all hull shell llm.ui f r.7H I yards, biiiating mi Imparl Willi tile water it 11.1 'lll;iK 11 l column . r water J1! fivi linn III.. air. Willi A lci III. !i "li' ll, carrying :'la tHIM'U ilf fXpliialve, I'1" l'X'tntlle l"" H im r m il l 1.1 Ik- MHO yard. Hit. ali-ll . linn under wllh the di alrc I ; t-'lt V 'l'll"ll "I ! UI'V Ill Hi' ( I f T a rill li V. flv" eight tlli'll ll"ll were iIimih nl Iho re.p.-v ran nf, Mi.1.'., to.'). &Mi ami 'J.O yard, i nil ..f w libit would bale l iki-n effect. iiwiiiiiIiik In H tittiM lia.l Ixi'll l.ul-iiii ninnit iliriv mil" away. r . .. " ; double iliniiui.o uf 2nu yar t now K rally aiwi-l the limit f With l ull Ciillhrc I'rojcelllu Could pnot;ri rtxlitlii ran.-. In tiiP for r n tl II V nf fire, flip full cal'tir jnlwlln, we glilng MM p-unla, or mors llui ii half a li'M ' !. tr dl. lirg-J I In It inltiiti. and il aivinda. aim "it bringing lhf weapon williln the cla-aa ..f rapid flr picva The tel f'T T1- MACHINISTS' STRIKE ENDS ' live Hundred San Prancisco Machinists Have Returned to Their Work. UNION CREWS ARE EMPLOYED Dvulrii) Any lltitt Iwhlp A Hunt Ml Ilirvv Thou hiiiiJ YurJrt. It In Stiitee) i he Men Will Kcccivc an AJi mice of from Three to Seven Per Cent In Wflgwu. vi:v vhkk. N. ji - lUitM) in-. '""fill !( ,,f tt t dIIAIIlltc gull ,if l.lrill'tllj .1 Mn III .'X.'M l'f 1IIIV "ap-m li!lli-m.i ili-algtirat llui' JukI l n iniVAi-lr c mi.u. ". by a ..x !al 1 ..f, f .(,,. l,in-au ..f ur.-t-.i.-i. . ,,f ih I'iiiIkI HIiIki Army l I' .li. r' I -.Lbtt t Tin ifu riini'ii !ia X 'f .ftol v-iir Ihh-ii ritjjfit It) Hit. ii .11., .in n.lin Ulitnl ,,f f.rtmn- I ..II A t'.ll nwal .-!' llll!n l. t.l IIMK- I llr rmli rn rliUAli, t , I lio H Mill I Iiiii ,i iui aI Alln.'k mi. I .s un' IV- if.-iy ..f nil Mi.- IMi l .nit llir H tiii.1 fr .ni N'.-w ln..ti l.i N Y .rk In !hl hkIimii ..f .iLfVii. iiio I)MAIiUi. w,U'll if tl'Uli;i'l in n ! i iiurr l!i.. i h inn. ! t.'nii ! "Iml Ainl IMutn Il'n1. n li!,.(i h M .(l-i lulll. U. tir.M! rri'V.I ! rii-i.-l I i j.liy mi !m;.irtiit vrl T;.. nun ml .. (v,. t r-n Mif-ml I i ili.' a i-rniii. iii rnUt!t l.i !'i,. -In ii KUIi.-i l:n.. At, id., if. .. l lilii' lil lin ( iiia I.. .!illr ;i.. I -l Til" H ill, wlli.'ll a tulilt In H i m: n l'.i ma nsviilr tii.i.illi .I In n .i i-ry aI !ti,. ni-(i.rii nil ..f I ' Ik' ill I ll la ,.f hi HAIIlr '!runiAII.' IM'-- il 111" til'" "f I n- bAllnrl.i ll. i lii !:i.ii AI Rmly II .K an.l Hjn in . . tirinic I" fW Inn. l;h .. i All:. rr ,f 1! lii.-li.'a. lull tMiibhli. tllanv . Ii.' i f.-.lliir . Ill.'lll.tintf ..f I aii'l i iiii A, y of flr- A ei.- f fuw li.ia a!h l'i.-i mi(l:i-l V. It Indira itl.H.liiii. .r.-.'H .it i.f .,. l! "! !! ,.f Hi,- all. I.ilh by linkl.-l n -I I'v .1-1 ly A. I . in Tfc. !-! T.' mil- I-, f l- i I. ui. I!liii ..f i Mil.n M, S'ti'i nn I lllrn. v ..f !h. Int. r -in ,.f ..r In in.-r in ui my nrl;ll.-ry i'Ti fr.nii Hi,. n l. ,:nly !!i III,, full i illliii. .r.,.""ll (!,. irnn ji .i.'l !U n'.llllv I i 'nn) '.An . .int. In ,.f mil. (r'!.ii'i-. i!i t,i i. ni.iimii m I i'.iiIIi'I.i',. aiiv ' il II -"'i'i nil ml. a .IV.,i"'i- . f iiImih ihiii .ir. Midi a il1'' tlurAii." ralr. l,i Imiira nf 1 In ail nrllinry I. lank lArlriitici f'r I ) firm a; williln - ''Air ah.ila." if HUH M'tiili Ik- i jIU'1 , bin no .lim.nll y m a r!i'-iliii'"l III nunc ID vilJ III llut Huh. ivIiIi hi: any' aiiprn Inlilf -f r-u r -. ili nlr im-muri. In llir nun r.'itiaMiififx uiilf inn aI i-4rli alml at faaj ! ' lt-. H'Pi m 'K M KS INTi:ill-Ti:i) rl nf H,.lir:a "f n-t l".il't I'lirmlinwa Mm 'III'ii. N.iv II Tin- -vf-M '' iMtlna' ft I In- N,.i. mul IJ,, Hi xk A .!. a 1 1 .ii Hi.i( iIki,. la a li.i-ltf.. nf l-f n'llr. ha. l rrl up tiiurlt ItKtT t at. An I ff irl n.ia Ikvi inn I i In h.iit :llc .-.'llaiM ' ITIi . r Allll.iU'l.v lllr r-ailll I'm lU'rui . k .vnaiia in i I.. I.ul y mi. '.ii Hilar, f T '.III" llAll 'IIAI yinvrllllm of ai. knn-n n.i m .n:ii. .M pri-M-nt ilh-ri. at. rii iS'liablt. fla-im- I i ati'M-i 111., li llll ii nf liiff t lliU. auiviy ralllo In (li i- .unliy. KAVnIt I'lllNKHi: ICXi'l.t'SMN S". 1-4. N.,y U .Tlnnii liiiftv, .r!,.ni ,.f (ho I'liiir. 1 M iv. u.-rkrrf In llila illatrl. I. I".ly Hi. I'Vii! mil. Mia of tin. wlali of N.i uoiml l'ivai.lni Mil. Iii-ll Din a rrf 'lu- li..n !. A.I 'i!i, fnvorliia II. rf"iior. in- ill of III., i 'tiliiiw 1 1 hii..ii Ia. w lil. h will .'.i.- ii. i .Uy. TIi- r. -lulloii will Iw f irw.ii!.-.! u i-.hijji .ia t O'ur -at'lll 111.. K litlllirill of !ll ( of Hi.. AiilliM.-lti. r'.il ri-gion HAN F'llAM I.iro. N.,v. ( TMr airlkr iif ili.- Iron wurki-rn liuh In in May :n U n ah mh TIv aIkiui IVhi in.-n, nuiAiiy niA-.-!imliin, rv. Iiirn.-.l l i work aI tin. Hull n i-nk.-:n--r. in an I liiiliuil liii ,.rk, an ! it la aiAi. all of :li.. ..out til n:alil,h mi-ma will a Hin t-o ruiuiliiar with full union i reiia fit.. hlf i'ml -ni:.iii llir mrlkrrn waa f.r uliiy hnura irk ulilMul 'iv r-Jiulln of n h ura uv at-hiMulf. Hlnr Hi" aliikr 111.4 n v atiiill r incTnia hyf rrlun il th work- in .lay l i nln Ii mra. .in I U la airi I 1n.11 ..v r Mi aliopa ur,. no.y runrnua 111 !.ij4 auif4i lory lo tho uiiM.i.a llollfr m.ik. ra an I !h-r lr 1:1 w irk. i-a lni-oly.-.l In III.- 1.., aI .I!-:iiiSi.i, t- l.-fl lli-lr pin. . a In a m...i!!iy for lln tn i, liiiila:. Tli. y .-r.' ii -t nrl-r. oui liy fir llAtl. nil in inli'Jt.nna na r- III' ni.ii h-ii.: A i.l !h!-ht "Hi rin nl hia iwn ni I,, nlih i!i m.i. hmiata. Ilii.v hnv., r-luiii-.l to work. NXlinT t-inpl ivvm nor Lilior I.M.lim "Ml' 111.- Hm on whl.'h a (. tli-iii.-ni .4 tin. alrik" U Imvuit IT i t .1. M, niii .i-ra.!i ::. llui ih,. m.-n :il r -.t lvn an lian of from t!ir i -v ti : r ..'in In 4;.'a. hut oih.-ia ib-. .'.:r- :i.u a , of a n.n,- hour liv lli-'.lii. ill i. f -r n n.. holira H i irk. II.. I oka fo.iu'-r an.) niionK.T by I mi lt !i 111 wlnn ;i. f.rtiKlii Hliiirk'-v. II.. ,..Mra tn lip- , Inr In III- bat aluipi- f,lr th- roiiliit aii'l "It nil'! iniki it Imnl 111)1 I 1 tA'ti. li 11 ti'll ni. Ui i: Itiilil.n h Impr ivi.l ' iifb-rfijllv In lila tilwllu. Il alw jya IiaI a f.i.rl o pun h ii n I If In- :1.1a l'n;ir vi in h.a hl'.iin jma r,i h- ill . r aiiily link" a ! 111 roiia ..;.oii. til " NuTICU I'AVAI.ftY urTI' lClt. MaJ r Alun Krini.T. t'Bl'ol Army, 1'ihwh Away. Siai-1 1WA f'lTY. la.. Nif ll.-M4lor Krani'-r. nf th- Hlxth I'nlt-! Hlal., 'yalrv la .I'M.!, aijiil t y.ara. IK. h.a ! be n In a.iual aonli 1. In lb" Trill.-) Hiiif a eavlry f if mor thun V yrnr uni aa p-:iel In 1Vj7. He 11 trrJ i arvl.- In iiinvlvjnu In lafiT. rvH ihr uh t'i olv'l war with th army nf Ih. 1'otan.u- an I waa a polntcj a) lutnu:it (if thr SlXlh Ut)tti4 Butrf cavalrv In 1 anl tip lain In IhN II.. tana acllyr In (ia-Uit " H,,,u lurln :iii-lr uuibn-ak In South Dakmil In K'U. Colom-l W. K. 1 'ii!y. lllulTiiln Illlll, i-n'i-ri-l tin. I'nll.-J KMtes ryire ii a a.ut unJ.-r romiiinnJ of Capialn Krm.-r Tbv bly will t a!ilp.; t Wa'IiIiikIiiii. 1. (.'., anl yn a inlll- iiry at Arlin!iiri II-lKhui. VIOLATES HIS ' OATH OF OFFICE Kentucky's Governor Severely Arraigns Governor Durbin of Indiana. PARTY TO INFAMOUS CRIME H'aal iiifuran' on hU Ut': iu.hlmrn i'ANN'iT CoMl'KTK WITH VS. llrltii Kl. tptcal foiitra.-Mia ffi.l.-rtil.l by Atii'-rtran Firm. NKW VultK. Nov ll.-nr;tlh tram way Ini.-rmta app-ar a y.-t a 1 nir way from b.-l't alii., to mi 1 Anurt in 0.1m-i.-illion, J11 licinif from lhi t.r i niiir ir-n lnli...l by the I!iJ .n Coun. ly ('mini-'.; In w1:h tin" .! inn. ailon of Itjt utlK-ni Hatr-rii, Hay li- Tnbuii'-'a I. union c rT-i!on.l'iit. S:x Prnia of wlib h .it:.- wa Am.-rUan Mnl r'l f, Hi., ,-x ruiloii of th. .11 rk nn I 'Ia:,. Uyln. Th Am rb-.m tlrni a. n: In m-r-rai t-nJ-ni. Ih.- h.h- at li-lf. 13.131. aA -oinKiml with !i.- loiv-at llritah 1-n.b-r. iv;.31. Th l.nvi Mt I n l.-r w 11S'..J... nil tin- h i-Jiat llrltinh :-n1i-r. 2o0.n3: ti.. (liff.-n inv li.',n. liSj .'.H or ruifhly, 0 p.-r i-. nl. Bccklinrn'M Kcply to Harsh (! cIhuim of the OurtH and Of ficer of the State of Kentucky. MtANKJvutT. Ky. Nov. nOm-a-. n or Il.-i kham lonltrlji a lr. A-f J ij Gov Durbin. .if Imlana. a IfUr iv. plyinif t'J lh crtlrbim by tha: nxeoutive "f (hr cnurla an.l offliiaia of Kitu.-kv In hla r o-tit letVr rvfua;n(r o honor a r-uittion for Taylor anl Hnley, want- ! for lli--"d oimpllciiy in rbe am alaailnn of Gowni ir U iln-l. He awere- ly arralna Iiurbin. tharinr that f-.t vltilatf hia ath to auiip-irt the oniaii luii.n of tV lnliei 8:a;fH and that be bi-ame a party t the moat Infamous crlm in the history of this :ate. ti.ia mi le the f ill mm aiat m-nt; "Ten .liy f! r I f iniicl the pi in : I nuke :be Inauranie company think I 1 wi .)- I. ao thrtt I could nlio-t the j inaur-i 'ir... 1 f.-li In wl;h a m.1,1 wno eal'l h a nime waa W. I,. T- n-vke. and I toll hirn of my plvi and h- a?r-.-l to j help me. Our plan a lo obtain a oorpae frntn m- i, ;m: I; In the hotel n J. fferv,nv:i!e and then ft tin j 11 tlie hol-l. While we were In J fT'.-r- mville. T-neyke ot drunk. I think hi J'Ath waa i-auaet by .Irlnkinir. I ! ; ut aime Htera al J -.iaiM ti me In hla ixxkta anl Wt. I 4:1 nrt kill j him." ' Coroner Co-ita. of J-fferaor.vlU. aavs ! he examine! th atomarh of the d-al man and furnl trace of laulanum. TO OVERTHROW THE MINISTRY 'Parliamentary Group of Liberal Action" Issues a Very Re markable Address. IMPERILS NATIONAL FORTUNE BBAT TUB WORLD. T'ae Kair Say Amercing Build lb Fo-ai-Mt SalUn Bo'.a. Call I'pon all Frynchmen Who pcairv thv Flag of France (q lie KeHpecteJ Abroad, tWIGN PACIFI.' SinXINM. H.-pirtel Hitch n Nonhern Pacific S-ttl-nient. KIl.t.KH IS W"K. Tr.X l:K ASA. Ark. S ..v. ll, Tr,iln in.'ii Ait lilii lu re t Hi!!it on tli . Iron .Mount. tin riili'iM l aiv .1 -rk Ir.un waa ie. k.- l ut I'r.m ill, 11. ir Ti n kan.i. k.HoiK a x nvgna.a and liijurln IT. nib 1 ra I. niKS.-n in.r. W.ia 1 Veteran of III,. C.vll. Span'.ah. Ani.Tl. nn uid I hlllp! Wan ATLANTA. C.i. N .v. II.-CI. John W. lY 'i. h. . .tniiiiin lui ai F .rt M l'li.Tin binii. ka. .I .-.I tontcht. ncl yeira Fr.-n 'h a a -f the i-lvll war .the Si.uil-i-A:in-rl. an ar Hid Hie riMI;.;'lii, -.... ECLiiPSEJURDiyARE CO. Plumbers and Stcamfittcrs HOL.I2 AOKINTH I'OH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES S27 BOND STREET l!PCRftCTLV fQLIPPfD HKITISll KNOWIMXiK OF Till JIOI KS WAS I.I VI I I I). Representations f T,sc wim Knew the ('ountry and People Were liM'ee,iirdcd. NKW YoitK. N .y. ll In .in c U lorlnl article mi th,. speech d.-llvi-r-d Iv Lord Snllnliurv at the Oulld H.,l bun iiuet on S.tturdcy, the Imd in Tlm. a. hava th pn-nilor miut ki i.v that Great Britain wvnt to war In South Africa very kiit.rr.tlv iiulp..l tvl'li k l.tivl e.l. Tu urent r.n--!ntatl n.a of tinuiy who knew tho coiintiy and tho It.ier (tenpb. were put an!.!., an no: nr n-.h liaieillliif to by the ntllclal .idvla.-ra - ho aiiba.siut-ntlv found that they hu.l evet-ylhln t,t Wli-n .'bo coun try la mimu1Iiik a million mid a half PuiinN wiskly It muta really be Iiar.l.iiu'd If It Hoinetlin,. anka If th.iv ha.j been l.ii'kna In the dlsch.irire of duty when there mlrht have et.criry and alertiic of trovlslon, Tho null, m ahoiild be told exactlv what the rate of proimva In South Afrloa l. CHINKJK tMIUi.TJiN ian.-a Bi-. ommcn.l. d hv 9 'V. Approved by S-. n t.iry It 10 NICW YOI'.K. Nov. II. Th Mill and Kxprwa &y ,h. delay In tb- an- iiourioemmt of ;h-' terma ..f tV Nir.h ern Pacific aetilenient. it waa learnel today, la due to 1:1.1b. Ii;y vi far lo arev ii.n the detail for the cmtro! of the BurllnRton anl the surrender of the Nor:h-rn Pac'flc rrefcn--l ntuck, own el by the fniHi Paciilc. There la I ""d rninl for the current r.-nort that there haj b.-n a hlu-h In the deal, and it haa tauaed c.inilenible sellins of I'nlon Paclllc stock. . ' Jlf.W VOP.K. Nov. U-7he Italaerj 1 ' " navlnc now orUre.l a nw ra.lnj yacht 1 In th VHteJ Ptai. , takea the utm.t I T0RK U -Tb Pari InlfTt In Ii ttiff dV.lU concernin lta , cr,v0,n J-'tu of the torrfon Times and prcirrer. aaya the Berlia correap.mde'.s 1 th N'"r Yof)t Tlm'! BaS' the "parUa of th Herald. i menti- fJup of Liberal ctli, haa Hia maje,:v U firmly convinced that ' ".".Tt 7 " Frenchmn th9 Am-rl.i bulU the faateat aallln tHe ,Untrr Inujrnal and exter bjai. j n-'u iTtTitnean; all wiahlnir to llve under It I knwn rhat vhenevr the Kiel , ,yem of libny wlthoat Ucm remtta haa bee ndlcusaed the em per- I 01 'U1 wllh' violence; all or haa usually let out the augyeaUtn i 'rtn thax "a to that Americana with vachta would ad. 1 rranc "d a' and ecnutn, prac- way be welcome there. I tlcd !n the national finances: all de- He would like to . . fle of im,. !,lrin "r,y cons.7letrc, elu.-atloa lean yiA appearing at the re. a.Jatioix" The address mra It s-atta tha, coming eam. thus a-ldlng , " necarV ' wtum th ministry, importance to the meetinr and sho. i which tr",,' wkb lbe Predoua In hla rich (iVrman uhle,-f. .hv Krk. encoarnres collecUvl doc they mtght d 1 with the.r money In the trl! and lmiril th national fonune way of buylnjf beuuaful waur palaces, by PfW'. The f ir his majesty is cortant!y InciUnir i tJlinka th,s mlnift,Bto an apt illustra his richer people to buy boat and thus!,iJO of the gljrln th 'lanfruaire ts stimulate the sailors' profesiLtn. from i"11 10 cunc'i ta"uStlt- I which to recruit In tme of need for I h.s navy. Taft WASIIINUTi i.N. Nov. ll.-P.vr-tiirv lint hla ap.irovel T!a:it sufreat.ins 111.1.I" by il ivi-rti ir Taft for :hc better r--ul uloti of i".i.' Imni ra:lon of Chi- j HOKHS TO BE SHOT. Kitchener Issues Orlc-rs t.i Shoot All llri (.'aj.lurel in British I'-iifTin. EATEN BY MOUNTArN LION. MISS STONE HOPEFUL. SOFIA. Nov. 11. Frin a note re ceived from Mi.. Rr.w.e v .ti,. D... r., r, . . . . 1 - Jit.i r.ri., r .oUreJ xtoay : rra.i American missionary. It appear, that Discovered by Hunters. Lhe edurins the of hej. , . , experience with fortitude. Tie tone of DIEG0- Ca- Sot. U.-From the liflt r haDefuL Ens.-naJ.'.. L-mer California, comes the The briffands. by dating the Wters at newi that two hunters tn the moun- ;DL,oes In Macedonia and ibt4n, ihi. Santa Caterina landl. I 4t of being; far distant. Th Bulgarian tains east came upon the corpse of a white man. ! partly eaten bv jmL wild t. Near liy was a cave. This the hunters waiche.1 and were rewarded by seeing a lare mountain linn emerge from It. ..on. is. 1. t T'lnin n.iv,i ny it- ; an.i i.nii i.t-nersi t.iu'n--n-r prlviletf.-a ..fjiin on! -r d'r.vunir all Boers captured Ilea.-prut ernor Tift ar. that th ret urn in 1: tj the islands be liuiltetd to I y-iir an I n half, an 1 that -this prlv-il.-ire b" wholly denied :,i nil Chine' II h l-ft It).' Nlands Jurln it before IVin and t h 1 have not sin.- returiu-d. jTh-'v killed the beast. LONDON. Nov. ll.-Di-Ttatches to The bi.1v has been Identified as that lhe Dailv Mail unnouiKv tha: the Catte'of Frank Cook, a Nortvertn ctrnen. i-i'.o the Paiiipplne tlanda. The 'Town guard aain been called out ! CASSIDY OR LuNCAMArC.H? Aurlionlli'a Dlj.aj.'i'.-.' as t.i Id-ntity Man Arr.vtel in St. Loul. and that C.nenil Kluh-n in BritNb. unifonns to lie shot ter. I: I? presumed that the lion kill- has issued ed him. government continues to Interfere In the negotiations with the object of forcing a transference of them across the frontier. ANOTHER PEACE SCHEME. CHIEF OF POLICE DEAD. THEY ROB AD PLLDER of KSt.APKl) FFDFKAL CONVICTS CAl'Sl.NG I X K A S I . KSS . Wm. P. Sullivan. Jr.. Head of Francksej Police Fr-e. HIC!.i:NA. Mont.. Nov. ll.-TlU'ie Is no tiuestl.m aiming Montana sheriffs s to the 'dent It. v .tf t.'ie man under arrest at St. L.tuls churgtM with the robbTy .tf the Northern Express car near Wagner lost July. The St. Louis authy-itls are of the opinion that the nun la Harry LmgaUiugh, but the be IKf here Is that it if Buck Cassuly. School Books and Supplies MAKE YOIR EXCHANGES NOW GRIFFIN & REED, commTstolru, OKE, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. X, V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commcrclnl Streets liriUJN IN FINE FOUM. 1 Bigger and Stronger Than When Ho Fought Bhiu-key. SAN FItANCISCO. Nov. ll.-Neither Jeffries mr Ituhlln did any work on Sunday. The champion spent tho aft ernoon at a theater and Ruhlln put In tl.e day quietly chatting with friends who culled on him at hi training- quarters. None of the big fighters, with prob ahly the exception of Tom Sharkey, will be at the ringside on Friday night whi'n JefTrlis anl Huhlln meet. Shnr key, some day ago, aent word favm New- York that he would be present, but no news has yet ben received that he hns Htarted on the Journ.-v across the continent. George Slier, the well known referee and authority on sporting matters baa visited Ruhlln and expressed himself as greatly Impress ed with lhe puglllsi's Improved physi cal condition. "Ruhlln la cortalnlv In great rhnpe for the. contest," he said. LABOR LEADER ARRESTED. SAN Jl'AN. Porto Rico, Nov. 11 Santlag.i lglelas was arresttM on land ing from the uteaimr New York. His detention was due to his n w-oppear-iihi' after being thrice summoned ly the l.ical cutrta to appear l:i the ca.n against him and seven others brought in July of last year, wb-.-n rlie currency was changiM At that time he pro iosm1 to (lie I1v.1l fedeiMitlon of labor, to order all labor, organizations to go en a strike unl.-ss thev were jtiild In gold at the same rate a silver. Siron.EO RE'EIVE RECOGNITION W"A S HI NOTON, Nov. U. Repretaen tallve Jones, of Washington, saw the prseldent tcalay In behalf of Lleuten nnt Oliver P. llnxxard. and his tith- re, whj were with General Funnton when he capture.1 AgulnaJJo. Senator J.mes thinks these two young officers are deserving of soma special recognl Hon for their services. DEVBRY DEFEATED. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. Application of Deputy Police Commissioner William ft. Devery to make absolute ft tempor ary writ of prohibition restraining Jus tice Jeromo from trying chargy of neglect of duty preferred against him. was todav denied by Jutloe O. G.u-man in the supreme couit. the Justice hold ing that the magistral? had Jurisdic tion to entertain complaint. CONSTn'lTTION ILAT1FIED. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Nov. 11. Re turns from 40 counties Indicate that the new- constitution will be ratified bv 27,000 majority. Nothing like Present Conditions in Kansas Since Itorder Ruffian 'limes. TOPEKA. Kas., Nov. 11 With the capture of Frank Thompson, the negro leader of the feJ.iral penitentiary mu tiny, H of the escaped convicts have been retaken. The 12 convicts yet ii large are Inspiring much far among inhabitants of th country districts. From Council Grove, six convicts have started to Cottonwo.! Falls and are robbing people and plundering farms all along. In the I'nlon Pacific yards at Wamego tonight two runawys held up a man and compelled him to give them '.:'. Thev then boarded a freight train and went west. Nothing like the present conditions of affairs has l'en experienced by Kansas since tne border ruttlan times. CAPTVRED THE LEADER, Negro Leader of Muting at Federal Prison Run Down. TOPEKA. Kan., Nov. ll.-Frank Thompson, colorej. the leader of the mutiny at the federal prison, which re suited In the escape of 26 prisoners last Thursday, was captured eight mllea north of Council Grove this even ing. Thompson wa taken after a hard fight with the officers, In which he was shot In the held without being severe ly Injured. SAN FRANOISi Y. Nov Police William P. Sullivan, at 1:30 o'clock this morning. been confined to his bed for over three weeks by a c implication of diseases, said to have bja-n Hggravatel by men tal worry and close application to dutv during the recent strike. He was well known in this city before he was ap pointed chief of police early In last year. Ho was then e.vretary to Mayor LONDON. Nov. 11. The Daily Mail 1 gives another alleged peace scheme ! which Krugrr ts said to be willing to i conclude. This would be on the basis ' of granting autonomy to the two re 1 publics under a convention guaranteed I bv France and Russia In exchange for U .ci,;ef tne cession to Great Britain of the Rand Jr.. d.ed tlls:r'ot a"J 'ae gold fields, which Hi had "o'uld be regarded as the total Boer nd'.'mnity. CONSIDERING BOER APPEAL. THE HAGUE. Nov. 11. The admin istration council of tha arbitration bu reau will meet November SO to decide upon the appeal of the Boers aeainst Phelan and colonel of the League of I the ruling that the war in South Afrl the Cross of Cadets and had been a ; ca ls not subject to the courts of arbl prominent member of the national 1 tratljn. guard. I . TO BREAK MONTE CARLO. NEW YORK. Nov. 11 According to the Lonljn correspondent of the Her all and Express, the Eirl of Rosslyn who recently tried to float a company with a capital of $100000 for the pur-po-v of i-rfectlng a system capable of reducing the Monte Carlo ssytem tj a state of bankruptcy has secured inter esting results with his new scheme. The result of a test game showed good profits. PROTEST AGAINST ARREST. WASHINGTON. Nov. ll.-Samuel Gompera, president of the American Federation of Labor, today saw the president to protest against the arrest of Santiago Iglesiaii, who was sent to Porto Rico by the federation to or ganize the working men of the Island. HE IS STILL LIVING. Newell C. Rathburn. Supposed io Have Died. Is Arrestel. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Nov. ll.-Newvll C. Rathburn, who was supposed to have died In Jeffersonvllle, Ind.. lasi Thursday, wag arrested In Louisville today. According to Rathburn. the .'orpg that was shipped to Little Rock for burial was the body of F. L. Teneyke. The police say Rathburn has confessed to having deserted from the United States army, and to having formed a pi in to fraudulently collect OREGON PIONEER DEAD. PORTLAND. Nov. 11. Amer N. King, an Oregon pioneer of 1S43, died today, aged "9. FELL FROM WINDOW. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. Richard JIavo Smith, professor of political economy at Columbia University was Instantly kill ed tonight by falling from a window of the fourth floor of his residence to the atone flagging below. Hot Rolls, hot muffins, hot cakes, made with Royal Baking Powder may be freely eaten without fear of indigestion. ? 1 J A A