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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1901)
EDWARD C PUSSELL. JR. Prop. Telephone Main U TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. PAILT. eot by mall, per year Beet by mail Per month Served by carrier, per month. WKKKl.Y. v i! nr r. In Jvn-'. !IA; . ,lr.tkirw for pub - u vv"" ...... ..t.i t dlwcttd to 'Editor of '.l klnda and rml:tv must Ti.t Sive nv ru.i: pirt.. th- t ; .ddr.M to "Th Aitortn taf Co.' ,rt I., dvr, !n,l frm tV Ktit,. b for tV oil r--Th Atorln Mrnt to ui , tht )rrit cirv-uUtkm of ny ,rV(. 0,U1.J t- o;.ii.l:o.l hv itv rMishfd on tn rtrr. THE PRESIPEXT'S PITT- mittor n.l vk.vl at tho h.i-v.l.. The vfd. h. all lv,n ubm;t:e,1 injf In la th Schley '.nvisatlon. th rju- .lbUsh;n.. tht. , r-rv. ro.-ntS hw ben m.U. nl It now on!v, ,M a wl u, remain. Mr th co.rt U rn,lr iU v-r- . t dlot. Just what th vrJlot will b no Un MJ ,h, 0 , on ran p.ti-rfv pivd!- jan, iny . h, :.w.-n Wrh chincvr of th mn mwin" ,A,.h n th, ;,ro, r.- rve will N , th ourt It U pr-tty f to y :n (i.e, Tv w1, n , :, a:)V m ,r. wJict will b In ecwdn with thoj faots a pr-ntd. ( ) , anJ tthj, h (t i ,,r ,tltVj . To an unbl-wed mSnd. that vrlvt can j ( tJ r,rve . on'y b. "not (rulttv." Such a vrui wouU no: b simplv a vlndicit'.on of AJm'-ril Sohlcy. He nvr n-.l-l w.h vinll,ki to far a th cuntrT at l.irjr ,eonornil. It will a o drrnation of th? clluue of Ptty. Jeal ous puppets In th navy Jiii-tmnt. who have bp i persistently yndavor. Inir to bUckn th character of ?chley and rob him of th rlory he so honest- j ly won and nv:dwv carried. Th Inquiry has resulted in removing th mask from th men who have been behind the malicious attack upon the admiral. It has thrown th arch light of truth upn th skulkers behind the Jetestable Slaclay and his m-Uicious and slanderou so-called h!torv. Thev tiav been btsMight out Into Ov open and their disroptabl method a-td Jii ous enmity revealM. To Jo this was not the purpose of Almirsl Schl -y in demwlln the inq'Jir-- H wis f.rcsd by the ma:icious atta.ks of the naval clique to ask f r the invetjra:! n a a matt T of ielf-rvect and in li half of hi own mmh,l an 1 r-irl. That It has ha,l the efT-ct of ovrl'ie h: emnis with sham Is th ln-vitab'. r.u!t whn fa's-hooi. d t -it an 1 hv p H-rlsv don the (firh of truth ant h m or and attempt to thwart th- 1 r---s "f Ju-'tii and fi'.rne Th- ov:,n:-e that his Vn pr--s nt ! in the inv.-stiiMt; m b tiu: th iURh Sohl-y miy hiv.. b-n s a: fault in sm ,.f th -r ! tails, he i entirely ..f th- scan lai-tus sland-s c'.r u!it.-1 about him. It sh ws thit a han!d his shir, r'ftht; used his own K '.4 judsnvnt ab-.ui ccilins. an l when th Spaniirds camp out of the harbor an I th in laid bv;-on hal ;,nv,-n in- effective. h derived a plan of hi own. wnt at th-m a! ne. an! wbb the luer ai 1 of the Or-ir m. d-stroy -d th--ir entire i fl-et. It h .. he d.d his du'v int-Hi-' gently and bravely and th? verdict of the while country is "well done, g'jod ! 8nl faithful servant." Mr. Riynor. counsel for Admiral J Sc-hley. ln clinc his rgum nt : the court truthfully said: ' Su'-h a trial 1 , , , as this has never, to my knowledge. , taken place In the history of th- world. It seemej to mv mind that this case hal hardly op-Tied when, by the testi- j mony of Captain Hanson, it com- ' mencel to totter, and from day to day 1 .!.!. , tr ..!. I Its visionary fabric diss lived from view. When Captain Cook, their lair witn.. I was put on the stand, the entire struc- I ture collapm!. and It was when the j wltn-ss-s fnm our own hlr. and the I gallant captain and crew of the Ore gon and Admiral Schley hal narrated their unvarnished tale that the whole tenement, with all of it c impirtmentj.. from its fmndation to i;s turret, haa disin'.egrat-.! and 11 her- like a mass of blackened ruin..." The rendering of a verlic: hy tiie court of Inquiry ehould not be th. last chapter of this story. Th-re ir a duty President Roosevelt owes to the c-iun-try. That duty is a complete ding out of the coiii-miiti'ul- clique in the navy department 'ho ar- r-sp .nslbie for this scurrilous luihi'fs. tb Chtilwicks. Crownshield. an I their w hole litter of wh-lo- be uncer.-m j.'.I ously fir' fron th-ir positions in that department, and 1-t it lie known that scholar ha le-'-n ren,u-yl to fill the faUdiood. sland.-r nnd hypnericy arechelr f '"hinese rteratur- f-,uri.le. laat . ,.,.. ih 'July at Columliia univernlly. things that will not be tol-rated by me , American Ie-i (he flat go forth ! I' if " "".H tha. the Sutherland (Jte... eool, i j-'.tn'oiftir .f V,.iv4Utloin. .i "lot no guilty man escape," and when thee traducers of the hero of St.uitlage. have bivn summi'ly dim se ed from '.he service of ,h- cou.-.ltv .hi iM I'.- M'.isfl M. nJ ''' I n .' n. Kv lit'.v. when'V of the presence of '!'! was found l Mal.icui' county, neir V.i! ;! l-idit-g iv-i! . -f that v::.n apNbM to tie dotal g.veriimen: n !uv throe nn.l -u '-half I-wii-h::'-. f I in I in the '!1 ''' 1 la;,), a .1:1 ,vll reerva;io'i. the f th, ' .in.l thereafter to be g -vern nl !lv law and .- mi l.lion. s mllir l ll- .nvvV.,1 n the case of tvlmng an 1 m-TTO Hn.K mi. ch.. Sil.m St.i: ;nu:i. .. ... .s.. is, 1 it n.- ,i,ki..-r ... an-l thov l.itt.T d:i to tvit.-m f .io.. i .in 1 !ouht up rt 1U; i:i"y (rnornmont. i.-'.:.v . . i. Kralv of Porttand an,! County "'"'r't A (i. K xig of Maih-sjr county n.-n' , li S.ilrm anl N-fre the stato Wrl. wh.'iv tlipy i'r'nttsl tV The (r.vrnmnt of N'o-ar.iS'.u ha. tr mitvit'M th treaty whloh t'.i l'nite.1 State was -mrx.w.'r.' I : con struct n Inter.veanic canal acr". the territory of Ni -araeui. Till act! n ha Ns?n onveyel to the "tat .1.' partmen: bv th Nlcaraisuan m:n;t -r for forelen aff-ilr Th it off) r ,i lar .unj,. ln nVvi. affu th friendb" relatlin between the two countries, and th Xioaraguan gvern ment d-sir the conclusion of new treaties. Therj. 1 no information given a to the motives which prompted the Xicara;ruin government to terminate the treaty. It mtiy t. reeil!!. howv.T. thit b-fore submitt ni: the Hay-Paunce. fote tissitv to ciinrr. las See. r-tary Hay drew up a prot l with the minuter binding that government t negotiat a tr aty with the T'nit-si Stat s un!-r whi h to cm-stpj-t and contr-l the can il Tli numerous d-'iav whi'h hive eh meter -th- negy. iation lok!r : th c -.nstructi n of thl wit-rwiv hive ie-n very ,w nriciii; t the f'..-e., f th-' pr-. ): and it i t-, 1- h ,p ! this a -li-m on 'h- part . N'e-i-urtia a i ' I no: ti; t th.- t'r-'-"t P'm. n -.v thit tvr-- i op .' ,f 'j:v.. or, 1 'av-irible a ti .n bv tv Ameri in s- v- mm ! will n e.v .n h" -rn'meri--1 wh- h-r th -r- is -0 in F. ivrn ' 'r -gon ..e not. sivs -h- Rake. c: r-m'. ri- . . , . , i, I r.n- -f th e,nl.-.l.,-, fo-m-1 in llikv .m ! .- th.. rn in iL-en-nt ,,f William Aihr- -ii. J. D. M i-s. t'nl'el,- M n-ril Si-.--.- t I.. W. P.urt, h and T. c r ..vefll. and which hx l T.ite I and r -Tl -d ah -tit TWi a.-r of oil land m h f-I-l.nt.-l Ma'h-ur distri -t. Is now in n-evjitim with Spokane and p rrt'ai 1 c.ntn-vr for stand ird d-r- rVk ml drlilin ou-flts which it is -trr:-d to h.-iv on the eronn I and In open ion Inrine th- ornlnR m nth. " xw shipyards ar n-w d ottine the narv a favorat,u lo,.a. , , tlon on the AtlintK Picific and Great An ' the n-.v yards are full of tiuinesmpl"yin an army of men. prbably there i no more flourishing lniwrv , . rr)un:ry ,Uv tha nhl?m .... building. e-m t be (rettlnnn a merchant marine yerv rapidly without any subsidy push help It along phUadelphii Record, TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, The niuni.ipii! council of Pt. Cloud han de-id-J to give th" name of Han-tos-Imrnont to a ctr-et leading to the hallo n furk, in Ft. Cloud. William Ok !-n of M-Iyan county. Iliinoi". hart b .tight !..sii jer-s if lind in Western Kansas which will be con verted int i l-ie largest wheat ranch In th- word I. Th- Japan-, naval d-pirtrn-rit 1h it--pari.-ig to -s' a plat- f.i-torv .it Kure ut a f-ist 'if six mill. on V'-i. The piotit "id b- in working or ler In thr-e yens. Wu Ting-faiiK. ''n.n mlnist-r t tn- I i-ttt's an! enun-nt as a ' ' " .' '.... ' Tyne 1 to send two of it turret gt-am- jers to Fug-t sound this c imlng year VIII. .lHIKAI.Ml .VHUI A t H .nFii..Min. i.. i.'wi n t i.. Imnlvr carrying trade Mania mil China. TV '.uY.nn .i:k J dm ii,1 W.n- it, ..ri ha ,i r.o.l from IV jumii.s. ; .,st Sh.- bring .1 very p.' vr .'i'h for the sea '' avlng taken only ' Tin. l'tr.s JUinittl IV m i-i f. rr nir I. r.l Snl..lury'i .ulM !u'l ;sssh. ttiu tti.' Hnl- is i m : .!" nn.l t'n .f S'lit'i Aff il.M t'i v:t.iWi' an.l II !un iiuiii.m.K'sl It. lVINti i'f: : Ati.l l.nnioil ttir 'iis'h 'iil I , i"-i(t I S: it.-. hn' ,toKii ' i Lot mot r,- 'cn!!o- .T IVI. I'at'v l ,-. hi th: .-'untrv. ino two ono.on ....... i t.-i;h..i- Kriuiki of K'.ismi : ... f.:,-, ...... . - . The l.. n Ion iMrrsivn.l,ii: of the Ti l I bunc s-n s th i! tn,.t of the union st si- ,r .-ir--t c iioUt:on is-r out or i. r,t aiiouiv1i i-ss-u u iluii.l hall, but the Mail I disappoint.-1 nil d.-crib-s It as no: on of his hi,-- , . .k ,vii., t ,r r,.t eff.r:s. wh.le tV KHvr Jour- mi oMiiola.n that It adds iioth.n to th k -tow led. of the natbm. .Voir K. Uv.mtstoti. years old. di si a: hi home In New York cv venter. diy. Ho was a sn of Thorn is f. lev- iticto'i. i'n( of tile founders of the fmn.i club, a erandswi of Robert l.'-v- incto:i last l.'rd of the Manor, and ,i grand nephew of J dm Swift.,u: I t-rm. mavor of Ph lildpha He a. related to U'tatV'l la an 1 Rhine- Under of tha oily. Careful an I c n.ervt!ve of the orange crop cf Southern California for the ei'ii l'il-2 Indieate (hilt I. w' be from 15 to i-r c-ti: Ksv than that , of last year an I. ivrnial ol.m.tie . onditione. the f.-U'.t lil b- of ex.-eli n: luality. There I the uu.U variance n thesf et mit.s.. hawn-er. an optim is- II ne view rtotne t. r t ie rr i . ai , r e'Sf d that of last season , advl a,v to the eff s-t that . , .. i i. i, in, a isnp-rirv telegrapa In- I to l' ns-ted this wintiT betw en Fort F-ghert and Val.'e In the soring work will W common ed Uln the line betws n For: Kirbert an,l the Tanana where com munication bv tel-graph along the Yu- Sitn,a,ky kin a: present end. A temjurirv ca- wr,t;,,: hive been uing F ble eighty rniUn long will sisin be lad 1,-y's Honey and Tar for Hoarseness between T.inana and Rampart. 1IP KFIT HI I FO at'-ly and relieved al! sureties.. Take '"' , nly Foley's -Hart's drug st re. Twelve years ago J W. Sullivan, of Hartford. Conn., scratched h leg with Kinsu is again to the front th.s time a rustv wire. Inflammation and blood wl(n Wh,i,ue lailbrMk Tniet pol.ning set in. F r two year he : i k--p !t n un :n pr'nt. suffered intensely. Then the bet d.s-- op. urged amputation, "but." be w rit 's. ' I uiTone bottle of Fbs-tric Hitter, IU'i 'M M HNl) IT To TP. VINMKN imt 14 boxes of Ilu k! -n'j Salv and mv leg was sound and wll S ym-ur V lb. M .1 -. N i . wrt.s PVr" For Krupttons. H.fiin, "I have le-n troub.e with mv kidney T-tter Salt Rheum. Soros nnd all blood f-.r twentv-tlve year, and bad t!rs .i.irder Rwtrio Hitters has no rival several physician but r .v.-d no re in earth Trv them. Hirfs Drug, li"' untd I b.ugot a bottl,. ,! F d -y's w ill marintee sati.sfacti in or re- K'.dn-y 'ur ' After tllng ',. b'ttl- fi.n.1 monv. I nly 5rt rents ' Ch' Trlbun-t The r'il ar.t ..-rat wh.-thor he l pr -sid-n: or pr'.iat.- .1:1- z-n n-ver !. tirmetr.-l by th- f-ni-s which s-'.-in to l. agi-ai ng i finv n-hern n-iciie wh . i.sigr-e c.:m .t m t, h th.i: ..f I'r-Ki l-n: lb '! it. 11 i :h- m 'st l.-iii". r itic f no n II-m!ng!-s fr-,-lv wit.-i of all !,i'-. i, I w h-r -v r h- tin-Is one m w mm ''.-! ha tila- d th- stump of manli -"I 1 1;- tr-it. him a a mm. 1 h- Am- i- m t. .ol- ar. ;, i- ! t i v lnv f ,.- tn-.r pr-si l-it a K nun- !. .r.i:-d--ni'"-ri'. w h c- ii''tto is nl.i.iv.s "n 'bl se- oblige." ImI-KIIN Hflt'tlll'.Y SI'IU'ASSl'.Ii -While ruff-ritig from i had n f , I consul''' I a p;i -l,n who ad- n. ,., Ir. b ,x f )-w ti' Wl'.-h Hajtei Salv." 'iys ' F. ''ir -r. A'- Oa. "I pr s-ure.1 a an 1 was ntlr-iy cur-'d. i-itt' V:Vh llai I Salv- is a splendid ure f r pi.-, giv- ing re,-f Jnt intly, and I heartily r- omm-nd .t to ail suff-rers." Snrg ry is unns-'ary t ( cur- p',!-s. Ii-Wlfs W tch Ha-1 Silve will cur- any case. Cut burn, bruis-s and all ether wound, are also r,ul kly cur-I by U. H-ware f eotinterfeits.-CHAS. PJXi- i-ta nrnirui.r l.lw. uruggist. The meteorical shower w hi h ha been pre.ic;-d for s-veral y-ar Is. again due thin m nth. When It coins to ting showers, how-ver. iu.tronoin.-rs fall " U have a cold this winter. May into the error that has mad.- w-ath-r ' be y.j have one now. Your children 'ore.-at'rs such eg.-elli-nt pr-y for wdll sufT.T too. For coughs, croup, Immniufli bronchitis, grip and other winter com- t"1"' l plaint, On,. Minute Cough Cure never HELTA ISM? AND HENTLR. I ''' Ac's promptly. It Is very p-as- ant to the taste and perfectly harm- "A pill's a p.ll." says 'he saw. Hut le""- C Ii. fleorge. Winch .iter, Ky.. there are pills and ;UU. Tou want a i writes "Our little girl was attacke,) pill which is certain, thorough and I "th -rui late one -light and iva so gerrtle Musn't grlne. DeWltf Ut- hoars" she could hardly siak We le Early Risers Mil the bill. Purely 'gave her a few dos-s of One M.nuts. v-gtable Ui not force but nwLst the ''"ugh 'iir-. It relieved h-r Immediate. N.webj to act. Strengtn-n nnd Invig- ly and she went to slep Wnen she orate. Small and easy t take.-CHAS. awoke next mirnlng she had no signs nrir-rpsi ftnuri-tat of hoarseness or croup." TI AH. RO- ItOOfcJtH. gtugKw. KW rirugglat. Beef threaten agtiln to get a high a some of the Eagan variety which Omaha World-H-tald : Whatever was suppllel to the soldier In Cuba. may h- the opinion about th- wisdom ior Ju.t!ce of what the I'nlt'd Htab-s FOOD CHANGED TO POISON. j has don- In Culm. Porto Rlc i, Hawaii. or the Philippines, there cannot he much Putrefying food In the Intestines pro- idls-orl about what t.u. American doc lue eff-rts like thos.. of arH-nlc.. but ! tnr. the American beilih commlsslori-r Dr. King's New Life Pills -xpel the rind 'be American sanitary engineer poisons from clogged bow-Is, gently, have done In th" tropical lands, easily but surely, curing Constipation, , . , Hiliou-n-ss. Hick H"aiia. ne, r-vern. an Liver. Kldn y and Rowel troubles. Only at H.irt s Drugstore. For Sale by FOARD & STOKES. CO. ....... t.. i . -i-t'i-it 1 VI IVl-M lll'D i " tnitl IMN'T LET THEM SUFFER ,lft,n (. .,r :lr.. toiiutcl iv'th Itch- (lnis and ImrmiiK ec tin mi l other "K ti ,l..iM'S llll llilfklcn Anion r u.i' t,).imnia- ,( ,vn.' th.. KU without "' "l 'an. frmintC. i-iii-.ii. there's ti.i salv.- T!i.- juiIih'k molt N '.-r m' mi l I'l'I.K , IMIMII. Svji .I'lit'i'tii:. a II !i Kt.ite. ttii' Iniu". iiti.l li th in n, I'ti iii,' to lA'.i' s II '' "n l , uri in.., in . ,.im,r a trti:n lii :tir,...liiii llT ,,,..s.. nk,. ,-oiii;ii.:i o 'Utfil ,'X- ivs-toiii it t .It'ilti t,i-... TV pi-'ii sv.m. . laok. r w ir .11. . oiltso ts' . Ji i ' sl lilt - ItooDi A. V 3 S!i vily. Ha:i-.vll, i. fi,-k- . Sl,( . .., .,.,, i.iuii nin ..n i .'. ,' M I htv,. trlisl it miny Slit In." IUrt' ilruu t..i'. f orum ""iv. wie .-our; i-i ni'i" ' h. n-l cl ivcn put lino .imor,,,,. nowl. o It ll.ttisnn. t.lnia, tV, e:iffn,-.'r U K. W. R It. writes: "I hav been iroulHed Kr.Mt deal with backs. h... (i ;ry ru,v., KM,y an, ,,n,. tttlo entirety r.-l!c-.-. m I lallv nvoinm.-n I it to ny on cv,-!al',y my friend among tb rft;n lni'n who are usually stm iarly aill .-tM "-Hart s drug tor. Th K1.,v,v.iM f ,,,,, Kor.l, re;nita:i in Is t.i omliig very til.kly populated. ' FOR UOARSKXKS.S t) nJ ,11.,r,,n ,,f Huttoii, ! ul . says h(, nll ., ,. .p.)(,.M w ,r ab a w!iiper It m nth, an I that one b.t- tie of K.'l )' llon.-y and Tar r,tor-,l t v vee. lie ur u g-t Foley's Hart's drug 're - S one; ,n s a man Is m r- w li ng t i:i,l for an oillc-r than the -m.-.-r I () f ,f ,1m ' u .. ,,,.,., r.,B, M mn I. la., r.te: I hi.- u' d Foley's II n.-y ami 'T- . , I,. ...,.t tlOl. ( IS ur m i- . " - b. st cough cure on th in irk t I w u!d ti 't b- w.thou: It In tuv home. .- there Is nothing a . gs.-l f -r coughs and col I. Harts drug store, After examining the iUsiln fnii .very site. th,. Turkey can't et.i.-ily tell where Thanksgiving come in in I tin,! it the best r-meiy 1 v. r trlel It stopped the rough Immedl- I was ab !u ur .1 I earnestly iinmeod p)!-y'" Kilney ure ' Take only I'd -v's -Hirt's drug ,t.,r -. " S.e.i' Ani-r., .in !m-i, U waking tr 'he 'II S"tc!i ..f ;i tg..w. ml m-r.. in t-1 iv ar drawing t ! large- Tl l"'l llire-i, ,. o-t; ..i- pi iv. is ..-I! a. at w rk A P'lVSI'TAN' TISTIFII1S ' I 'i iv t ik-n K i lol I P 'i a i 'ur in I hive ,i--r u. I ' In mi' I"- thit bl ro" 'h- K-',! th-it did." av C-untv Physic an C, o W S r :.. ,f II ill coiritv. c, i "It.-lng a ,'iy-i in I nave pr .-rlli I it on I f oin I r t i -i s - th- b-si re'ults " If :li fid y-i -it r-mi'ns .irid in y -ur ' -n.ic I ; ,-e.u s ttld p 'Is Ols th- syst tn. Vou -in pp-.-e-it this by I:-: tig but 111 it in- in. si ire iM .n K ' lol 1 i i, , . dir.. Ice .'t. what you y,, ... Hrr-r n i i ' i I - , n,,r tsrvat.on. Tie v r it c.i.-i ,1:. klv cure I. N.-v-r falls. C AH. i ItiHiKRS. Hrugglat. .,,.. If ng--s at its cm ng session, d-es 'i"t all in its p-nvr to r-strl i aril etarnp ,om th- murd-r .us gr-w th of . '"this , ,o,,t ry. I lie rn irtvr I "n 'f I resid-nt McKbil.-y will l.ave le'-n (n vnr,..nv,.p n,.ubllcan Tii'-: niiMiiFN"s friend. ((I I 1111, A familiar nam of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Oreat Railway : running the "pioneer Limited" tralns-f ev-rv day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connection are made with all transcontinental lines, urcurlng to passengers the best service known, i Luxurious coaches, electric; light, steam i heat, of a variety equaled by no other : line. I H-e that your ticket read) via "The 1 Milwaukee" when going to any point j in the United Suite or Canada. All ticket agent h-ii ttiem. For rat-s. pamphlets or other infor mation, address, J. W. CASE7, C. J, EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt. Oen. Agt., Portland, Ore. Portland. Ore. 'Aid. Pi HI A RKl't''AN CON. YKNTION IMlt Till: CITY OF ASTORIA. , Hepubliem ivinvi'inion ler "i Cllv ,,f Astoria. Clatsop County, Stulr nl iiivgoti, Is hereby . nil.' I to m et llle i-ouit houv in the Cllv of A't'iia, cu Ttiiiis.liv, Niieini'ei- SI. A I. I!'l. at the hour of I W o'el.vk p. in . for ll.c pii:p'i of n oiiilnal ng tile follow ing oltleer of sa.d city, to he voted PT at (li ii.M geip-ral election lii sail city, to be h id on Wc.loos 1 1) . ic0:n bcr II, A li . I'M. t '-wit: 'no mayor. One treasurer Hue in lit r nnd p d ee )u Igc On,, poi.e. coninii. loner. Hue surveyor. Hue etr s-t lliSrilltCldell. One co inellman for the Flist ward One councilman f 'r the Secnd ward On,, councilman for the tlilid ward Notice Is further gUen. that a I'll mary election Is hereby called to bti held in the City of Astoria. Clatsop County Stale of Oregon, for the purpose of electing eleven delegates In each ward of sail city, to (he Republ can c inven tion of th.- City of Astori. aforesaid, to be bell at sa'd City of Astoria, on Thurs.Uv. November 'it. A !.. I'M. at 1 Jii o'd.vk p ni ; said primary elo. lion shall Is- hdl Thurwlay. Novnii- (.- 11 1,101 Ihrt b.Olr of i'l O'cttk'W noon to Hie hour of & o'clock P m of I s.ild day. The following polling place In each ward of sa.d city hav,. bcu establish ed, ntmely: In w ird No I. coiir: h-u". In ward N .. Welch bl s k In w ar I No 1 A.l.'ili H -X Tin1 following Judges h? b-n p- ;. .luted, to-w it. Wanl N' I. ileorge Johns mi, I. M How.- an I W. II Young Ward No !. John Welch. August N.-lsci It. S War I No 3. A Hiix. livist 1 1 .dines an I 1.. Aieu. Ry or.l. r of th- City Central Commit- .. W F Miillll.l.'lt Cha.rman F I' I.riN'UNWKHI-lll. CAM. FOR ernZMNS iMNVKNTI.iN A mi meeting of the cltU'-n. vot ers and ta-pyer of Astoria Irres pective of party attlliatloiis. Is hereby ealle I to meet at the oita house on Wednesday evening. November 10 I'M. at 73'' p. m. for the pur.s.s.- , f noml. natlng the following offleer (a ! vot ed for at the general city election to be held In th City of At"rU on Weln-sd.iy. Ih-cemlier II. I'M: one may t I'lie auditor ant police Judge line p d!- cotnin.ssl ,ner i in,, treasurer. tin., superintendent '? street, on- surveyor. in .oiin. ilma-l from the Ilret. H-c. ,ti and Th.rd w ird. respectively Ad voters. Irrespective of pirtv af tl!i.i:i on. wh believe In in hoist uli I - .notn'cal adinlo'str.r. on ,,f -1 v af furs, the am- that has character' l the g ivrnmetit "f 'he City of Ac, r:a luring th- pis' f ur i'-irs. under the r-glrne "f the iVii.oi.' tiioy.iii it. as 1 w ar- opj I to ling rule in I b-,.i-m. are c-r I ailv Invited t i'.t."l I and srtic pat In the , H'-v atlon.s Itv . r-. r of ('it x -us' c.tmiii::.-... P It. Si iVMV. He r tai v prael & COOK tansh:h company T -b ph rn- I'.'l. DRAYINC AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped lo our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 51H Dunne St., Atorla, Ore. W. J COOK. Mgr. Res. Tel. 1131. J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, Diilulli,MInnpaiiilis, Clilcap and All Polnn aal. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; BER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Piilar-p and Tnurl: Hleeper. Dining nnl Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Ticket to points East via Portland and the Or-at Northern Ry.. on sal m O. It. & N. Ticket Oltloe. Astoria, or Oreat Northern Ticket Otllc Ijj TlllkO 5TRLET, PORTLAND. For rales, folder and full Information regarding Eastern trip, cill in it ad dress A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agsnt, Portland. O 00P1H4.VATA WW mm I IH'Ptil. Fifth Slid lav I I Hire. In Overlmid I'iiprrss Trains for Hslem, Koieliurg, Ali land, Hsermnrllio. I'gden, Hn Fran Cisco, Mojav lem Angt'li-a, 111 I'nso, New lilies in slid ths Maat. Arrlv ; 3o r in M:)l ft. J "J li a in 7 HO p. in At Wmslburii (dally ravrpt Hun davl. inornliig uln ColltlBClS Willi tram for Mt, An gel, Hilvritoti, II r o w n s v 1 1 1 c, Springfield. and Natron, and sveti lug train for Ml. Angel gild HllvrT ton. I'orvallla pas.rn IT. lT:J0a.m S M p m l.a ro I!l M p ml Sheridan wws.-n-I ger. Pally, f lially reep Hunday. Rebats tickets on sale botwrs-n Port land. Sscrsne-nto and Han FranrlWco Net rate II' nrt class and 111 second class. Including sleeper. Kales and tickets lo Kasiern points and Kurope. Also Japan. China. Ilono- lulu and Australia. Can tm obtained mull J. I.. iMrsmilil, iict Aa"lii, 139 Third Hlrret. YAMH1I.I. PIVIHIuN I'aMenger depot foot of Jefferson Hi lve for Oswego iladv st 7 I'd. l a m.; 1! Jo, I M, S ;J. t il. I U. 11 Ju p m mi l nu p in ici Hundav only. Arriv si Portland dally st 3V !i. M 1.0 s in . 1 M. J U J. !. 7 in. 10 00 p m ; I.' to a in. duly except M-nlav. li 3D and to ti a m. on Sun day, only, le-av for I'allas daily except Sun day at I SO p. in 'Arms at Portland st 3 a m Passenger train leave lulli for Altb e Moil Isfs. Wr.lnea.tav and Frl- dm st : 1. p m Return Tuesdays. Thursday, and Saturday. t-'xospt Sunday R Ki'HIII.KIt. Manager C II MARKKA M. Uen. Frt. nd Pa". Al li Travel UXURIOUS Th "Northwtern Uml'.-d" train. iM-lrlc llghte-l Ihroughnu'. both Imlds and out. and s'am Uted. ars with out sxcepllon, tti flnt train In lh world. They embody lh lt-l, I sweat and bt ld' for comfort, ronvenlsv and luxury sver otTsre.1 the travelling nubile, and altogether r Hi nn-al complete and splendid production i f th eir builders' art. Thsse ipl'ndld Tra n Connect with The (iftat Nortllcrn The Northern I'ltiiflc and The Canmllan lavif lc AT ST. PAUL F'lt IhlCAM ti nJ the I'.AST. No extra charge f r the.- a i ertor sconimo Litems and all , la.s ,.f tick et are avai'.abie for pa ige , r. tli trains " ' hi line are proo- i d .y (lis ' Interl.K king Hlock Syitein. ... a...... l . j . O . I.' II i M' air.-vii, , ii i. -ipi.r.,.. I (il'tlersl Agelll. All I Portlatlil. i r. g n OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From A"or!a- All sailing lat: subject o flllingc I For Han Kren, l-j rn every five day Columbia River I . m. To I'or-lund and exe. 7 a. m. Dailv ex- cept Hun. ! Way Ijiiidlngs. Monday Htenm r Nibeott,i l.ave Asi,,rla on tide dally, .xc-pl Hill lay, for Ilwaco, i-.titu-.-tlng there with trains for Iuig Reach. Ttogn nnd North Reach p-lsis, Returning arrive at Astoria same .-veiling (1. V. LOUN8IIERRT, AgeiK. Astoria. A. L. CRAI'l. Oitierul Passenger Agent, PorlUnd. Oregon, A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ar cnnbtmpl itlng a trip, whether on business or pleusurc, they naturally want the best rrvlcs obtainable as far oa speed, cemfort and safety l concerned Employe of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES art paid t serve the public, and our train are operated so as tn make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction poinla. Pullman Palace Sleeping nnd Chair Car on through train. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals served n la carte. In order to ob'nln the flrst-claa ser vice, ask the ticket ng.nt la s-ll ynu a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and vou will muke direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all no I nts Eiiat. For any further Informi'.l m call on anv ticket ngent, or corrcs pun I with JAS. C. POND. fien. Pass. Ag't. or JA3. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, wis. General Agent, TUB CHICAOO A NOftTI I WESTERN RAILWAY. ASTORIA AMD COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I.KAVK i IdlOIAMl' Asig I 1 s.m a ml l',.iliail I nun ll ( tl til Uk iixp in lt A.i-ii iid War 'ipw I'ollll I ASI'nlllA tlain y,r I'oXUii.l slid .y , II slaw a H . u. 1 1' loaup at hKA.'ll't. 1'IVMIUN li.ili l.lurU l-r w am i.l.., I t c a in I lav ml ll.l'l fell 1. rl'dl lUlplll .. p lis. I a. el A.liola lut:,am I. I , an.! ra.lle I" I VI .(HOil-li. ) Ivy HI it .. . ii. ; Hs . IIs.i.ii. lot. ,"oi, : m p in v si a ni I si.,.,-, an. I A.i-ris I J ai a u Hunday only All (rale make .loss at l),, bis with l Northern I 'act no Iralna tu and from lbs liast slid Hounl poinla. J C. MATO. Oen'l FrCghl and rengr Agsat. .Portland Astoria Ijoute. STR. " TAIIOMA." Hally It 'un.l Trip Kicapt Hunday. IIMt CARD Leave P irlUti,! . . I.i-av e Astor . . . T a. in. 7 p. m. The Dalles Boat STR'BAILEYGATZERT." Iletaeen p,r. land, Tbn Jiailrg and mtf P.iut. TIMt CAMU lravri Portland. Tuesday. Ttiurlay an, I H. n ln a at 7 a. in. Arrivea The I Ml!, I lie same day & P in. leaves The iM.le Hunday. Win). .lay " 1 Fridaya at 1 a in. A'r.vei Portland, sain day, I p. m. Thl route lias the fran,et menle at trsctl ni ell earth tJni Ung Foot of Alder irst Roth 'l'h. me, Main Jul. A J TAYIiR Agt. Aitorl. JUIIN M FIl.l.'X'N. Agt. The Palls. PRsTIIKIl A HAUNllS. Agt II "1 River. Wnl.FiiltH A WTBRfl. Agt. WM: Halm n. J C WVATT. Agl Vanyejvr K W CHli'UTiiN. Agt Portland. Oregon Shoit line and union Pacific TIMl. rt'dllll' i UI.I.'H Arrlv j Et in I'-i Hand - Salt I i.k e, li.-iiv.-r. Y Woi;h. i un a D-p.irt I 'hlc l H i Portland M;-.-:al ii a in. v,a Hunt. lriK-t"ii Aitiintie !'. press B So . m via Hunt ngt,.ii Si. Paul Fist ui.1,1 ( p. in. via Hpokaim b i. Kan-as t t I 30 p in. Hi l.-u . and E iet Hilt l.iki . Deny, a Ki. Worth. I una ha. i l y li) a. m S Lolls, I'hlc.ig i ulid I'lasl Walla Wall.iT" Iwl-tcii. Hlo. kali- M. nnenp, III Ht Paul. Duuitli ,7.00 a. tn MHw iiikee. Chi cago and East ' 73 bum from Portland to Chicago. No Clmngn of Cars. BESTOF EVERYTHING In n Word This T.-li of I lis Pi.iss.ifer Service via Tho Northwestern lino.. Eight Train Dalty Between Bl. Paul, and Chicago, comprising Tho I-ateat Pullman Hleep.'n, I'eerles Dining Cam, Library and observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Car, The 20th Century Train Run Every Day of In Year. The Finest Tram in the Worh ri'ctrlc Llilited Heated TIIE RADOEIl STATE EXPRESS, lh Finest I Killy Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connection from the West Made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC CHEAT NORTHERN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is nlso the PERT LINE between Omalia, SI. Paul anil Mtiinenpoll. All Agents Sell Tickets via The Northwestern Line W. II. MEAD. II. L SISLEIt. Ocncrnl Agent. Trav. Agent. 21S Alder Street, Portland, Oregon. lio iliNo & Mo