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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1901)
W NUTICI'. ! Hooks, Pcriodd il . M'. i r;, ",-fs, 'I ' j. I ... .1 1 vv il 1 'm:( ; " , . Ol l' ;inl j ii'i'v i ' will ! Ii.ihl. 1.-, v.Frrsf.,t 4 t0tran V()(. ,V astokm. oki:;o. ui:i) si:i'Ti:.miji:i is, imi. NO. 07 m 1 ECLIPgEJRDlUjgE CO. Plumbers and Steamfitters HOUR AdHlNTH l-'OI B27 UONI) FISHINQJCKLE 'I'm n is. Croquet, H.iselwll, (iof, ami all Kimis of Sjxirtin Good GRIFFIN & REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supi'licn of till kiixNul lowcnt rutin, fr lisheriiit'ii, Furnit'in ami Iokiti. A Vi ALL,I3N. Tenth art Commercial Streets trim 1 ,' Mi' fit Pacific Navigation Company Steamer "Sue . 1 I more " and "W. II. Hanlsmr Only Hue Astoria to Tillamook, (ini and ltny City, llohsouvillc Connecting at Astoria wltli t tit Oregon Railroad A navigation Com pany ninl itii the Am.irlii A Coluin tilu River Railroad for San Fran cisco, Portland a n. I alt points Kant. For freight and passenger ratu apply to Hnmuol I'.lmoro Co., (li'iitrl Airxnt a, A STOHI A. OHK (. It. ft N. R II. Co.. Portland. AOKSTH A. C It It. Co, Portland. (II. O. LA.M1I. Til In n look. Oregon. We Rent New KOPP'S BEST ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tho Northern Paolllo Brewery, of which Mr. John Konp Is proprietor, make beer (r domestic ami rxport tiale. lloltli'il ln-i-r for fiimlly u or keg beer sti)tlld at any time. Doll wry In the city free. North Pacific Brewery c. R Commission. Brokerage, .ICSSrSOCfi Sud Shi!!"?. AtutW. rAftuiuidlilOflKiiireMCoi SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STRRI3T CAUTION ! It f r you tmy ft iti or Royal Charter Oak 11, ti. r work. lfi furl a'M la In.r. nn I la.: longer. Price, rem 'liable. W. J. Scully, 431 110 M) 5TKi:ET. Hctwevn Ninth and Tenth Typewriters. Many new improvement tuMi'tl. Seo our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Now Art Catalogue Kroe . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO. Kxoliiatvn l'aoillc Const lWU'ra 2-18 Stark St., 1 iirtlninl, Ore. K W. M'K Kfl I N I E. Local Audit. CHA1 Custom Houmo Broktr, ASTORIA. ORE, REMAINS Body of the President Being Conveyed to Its Last Resting Place. FUNERALSERVICESHELDATNATIONALCAPITOL Solemn and Impressive Ceremonies Conducted by Bishop Andrews, of the Meth odist Episcopal Church. THOUSANDS TAKE THE LAST LOOK Estimated That Fifty-Five Thousand People Viewed the Remains Before the Casket Was Closed-One Thousand People Injured In a Frantic Rush of Tlio.e Assembled. WASH I NiiTi S. H' pt IT All that l in .rial ..f William McKlnley In M'1' " t 1; lui MMhly r-t'.n p'.n-v il M h .in,. In I'liitmi Tlii- Nut!'. n hil l m. U'.: .ml l:h' pininy ini I M :r lui: r-Ki. -t ii'il Imp V th' MiMii..ry ..f utr.ikm rh:-f niiiRl''- iraic Tli - ultn.wt til,. rl.lnc aot .if mful tracily which hnl Iri-noh-I t'w 1 i '. ; x m-.irM l'i t-ar i in-.rh I In- hlti Jonw ( the .1; :! .1 fllllff.1'. l"'rvii-m nf Utilt.' W'Ti- .'ill L.liiy .ii it ill- r'-m-.iln. .f tin- ilra.l i r- ! n Ah lnt:v.1 thf o.-im iii an.l , ' t.-r of Ihc ina:i thf b.tvIc-h ivcre' Tin y i-r rnn.liirt"1 In aoor.l- ' in.-i. nlth tin- rll.-H of th.- Mcthol:H: . !hii h of whi. h the prcHlilcnt waa a lif. -l 'iiK' In n'.iT. i'.'ii ulliiif .nly of :wo M mn. ii utikV a prayer, an a !.ln' ati.l i. tl. n they wen- tioaiitiful anil .liMimly Imp; '. ilalh. p'.l :r -tin. j '.he MIT w.-rv '.;r.. n ative." of ex.-ry pirn f Ani'-rl. an life. I'H-hi.l'nir the prel...nt iri l only mirvlvlnir ex-pr.l-In: ,,f ;iie I'nluM Siati-n. l.fther with '.pr-'H -iitjtirH ,if almul every nation of Id,, i arl h. Ah the neet n 'ten of "11.1. Kin My l.lKlit" fluteil ttinuch the rotun .1.1. the a niMai;'' r we to lis f.'ot. Iliinl lieu In were bo wis I an, I eyes !r.:iniel with tear. At the conclusion of the hymn lt'v. Ir Navlor, prenl.1 "K el, -r of the Washington clrcu!:. r e lo offer prayer When In conclu sion he r. peat .1 the lr l' prayer, the ureal ail Hence J liic.1 milemnly w ith him. S.arc'ly li.i.l amen been bre.ithel when ttie binil.l lone of that nwisily plei.llnir nir. "Some Time Wil'll l"n temtan.l." went Biralifht to the heart of every auditor. The nolo was sunn hy Mrs. ThomiiH I". Noyes, and the b 'ailtl f ill refrain was is hoed and re-ecli.vl by n church quartet choir. The v'licinble lUshon Andrews, the oldest lilslnip of the Methodist EplHco IMl church, then took a poKltlon at the h .id of the bier. A (tentle breexe tbroiiK'h the sHrrivl the delicate blooms which lay iiihiii the collln and the "Pence That raswlh All 1'ndcr staii.llnii" seeni'd to rent upon the vel reahle iniin's countenance, MS he the eul 'iry of the life an I works of Wil "um M. KInley. Ills words were slm ple. but his while heart was In every one of them. 1'pon conclusion of the sermon the au.lieiuv Joined the choir In slnttlnc "Neaier, My 5od, to Thee." Mrs. McKlnley did not atte'id the services at the capltol. At the roiicluslon of the funeral ser vices In the r.'tund.i the casket 111 was removed In onl 'r that Immediate friends nf the divid president mlitht be afforded a lust Khince at the features: tin .1 that the people w ho he l ve.l and who loved 111 in nilk'ht pass the bier for the sun purpose. lMirliiK the s!x hours In which the bodv wa.s lylnir In state It Is estl- NOVELTIES In newest silk embossed stripes for Ijtidlea' Waists. Thene K'Hidn are direct from Paris and comprise over 200 patterns of el egant and beautiful goods. You are Invited to come and ace how pretty and cheap they are. S H AN AH A1V S- SPEEDING TO CANTON th: r'cwf.i the r- mil'i). Ju: at 1 o'clvk a friglitful calamity Witu narrouSy avi"rtel at the east front .f Urn'l. Wli-n shi- il.Mm t-ro opfncj the pec i.lf rusli-.l alni t frantically t the nulti mair . u.. The ilic- and mill lary Kur,l "Wl't aslile aiul al- not In a liiikUn V"'re s" a ,p'" mi'it.l nM if jd.i a', ih.- ' k! of the irr."at HHilrvw-.. Sir.ntf tn-a h-U rhillren .in.l cv.- i w.xnii hith atov.- thf h.' f tho uri;i:iit cr I t i protwt thmi from Ii mIUv !nurln I"-i.t th, ff- , f ,r, ,,f (,. jnl:,-.. a" I military ami evil- ,.r ..i in t )i- : lir iit approximately ,m p..j);,. -n' njur.l. W'h"ti th.- remains of the l" 1 prl .(n: rp. tlnallv el.w.1 fruu vi-w of tin" W'anh'.nttt n p.' . pi-, an e.'-ort a 11K ,., (,,, ,, , ,) ,. .Vi yil them t i irii'i which Is now carrylnif the i,..,v to i"ant i liKMAINS I.KAVK WASUINC.TA'N". WASlirSMTOS. Sept. 17 The; chapter of th ' cen-m m;al. th- is' inoval of -he remiins of the late presi dent to th'- rave at his old home at 'inton. Ohio. lieRiin a: S'Ift o'el.vk to niirht when the train left here. N i less than twenty cars were re.iulre.1 for th- transportation of the funeral varty t Ci lton. UHA DV KiMl HitMK'OMINM ian:on'.s r.V.'ir.iti.ins to Iteceive IVily of 'Va I l'rmident. i'ANTOS, . Setit. 17 anton Is ready for ;he hist liomec.inlnK of Wil liam McKlnley. In other days sh? has welcomsl him with cheers, with waving banners and triumphal marches. To morrow slie will receive him in silence, with str-ets hu"tt wl.h solemn black an 1 with w.illlnit not.-s of dirires. All lay lonir lum lreds of men and women have labv "d In the task of ar rannlnif d" irations on pu'olle bulldlnp1. eommercl il hous 's and private resi dences. At sunset .might Canton was shriiu led in black, and so she will re mum until the ludy of her beloved son his been .ommltted : the vault In West Iawn cemetery. .;riNA',ri th'i-:us symtathy. Sends U "trots to (tovemor Taft on the IVa h of Hie President. MAVII,. S-pt. 17. ilenera! Funston Is n the hospital Hufferlng 1rom up P n.licllis. Ag'ilnal.lo nns written to ilovernor Taft, .ayii(r that he regret.s, wl'h the rest of the American nation, the ureal loss stiff 'red hy the people of the I'nifel Sutcs In the death of President McKlnley. Ceneral I'hiffee will recommend that Lieutenant ll.uzird, Third cavalry, be .warded a .ned il of honor for captur- nig Arthur Ho.-, an American "Vrsr-t-r. un-ler -x ed.ngly brav clrcum utanctn. HAHKAS fop.lfS A DJ Of P. NED. flll'Ai'. Sept. The narehit haters r ,rpii his ben adJournel until M iii day n-xl. t the -etju'nt of the prl-nrs. fOUAPSI-: OI'.B.VTLY FEAIIKD. WAsHI.N' iTON, Sept. 17. friends of Mrs. M -Klnl y are seriously alarms! alsiut ler. 't 1 V-lleve.1 she will be Lble 1 1 g thrvagh the services at Can t.n wiiii . ut t .i grat ditflculty, but ul timately . s!;a;ie Is reatly feared. ( Z' HMSZ AHIi-VIGS'ED. Pi"i of S'd fjuilty Ent-rel by His At-torn-y. HUFFAIA S p:. i: -U ,n F. Cxil g il. the assassin of President Mc Kin ley, was arraJunrd bef irt Judge EJward K. Emery in he county court this af frno m un It an 'n Uctmeni for mur der In the first de.jr.-e. Again ;ne stu-)tirn prisoner refused t i plea I or t-v-n to utter a word or s.-und an 1 Iiran U Iewig, ex-upreme rourt Justice, ent-red a plea of nt guilty. The accua-d will be tried In the .'upreme cur: iex: Mn lay mornjig. WILL Hi"L.D SERVICES. VU'ToaiA. . C Sept. 17. At a meeting f fn!ti States cltlxens this afternoon it was decideJ to huld memor ial service Thurlay afternoon. hloh w.l le att.nlel by the lieutenant gov ern r. ni'mliTi of the provincial and l.y gnernm n s Admiral Hickford and .il' of the navy and onVers of his majesty' fores staiiined here. WAS rx SAN FIIANCKSOO. i'I'Ir ss There Rtoent Visit of M.-Klnley. SN FllAN"ISCO, Sept. 17. The Tall, which yesterday printej a story to liie effe-t that Ct olg.isi. the assaswln. had called at the Pacific drove postoffice f ir i ttirs adlrsse.l to Fred -sieman dur.iig '.he presil-nt's visit to that town, to lav ass-Tts that Otolgrtsii was It the c:tv while M.-Ktnley was here. Post otlliv ivilv-ry 1'lerk.s W. E. Reevl and S. J. Reebe siate l that a man answerinc the description of Oxolgosx anked for and received letter addressed to Fred Nlenvin at the time of the president's visit. On refrtshlng hi memory, how ever. Clerk Reed came to thte conclus ion that the mysterious Nieman did nt begin ti call for letters until after June 12. At this time President McKin'ey pa l been gone from San Francisco near ly three weeks. Secret Service Detec tive Haien is understood to be tryins to secure further e 'deuce or me move ments of Nit-man or ('lolgosz. Rl'SStANS ARK SYMPATHETIC. Genuinely Deplore the Terrible Crime of the Anarchist Ciolgosx. LONDON. Sept. IT A dispatch to the Times from iXlessa says a feeling of leetiest sympathy with Mrs. McKlnley and the people of the Unite! States Is everywhere manifested. The LJstok ue- lares that Prid'n: MoKinlev fell like a hero at his post. He was the victim of a coward who. Judas-tike, murdered the twice-chosen leader of the people with hand outstretched in friendship." TO SUPPRESS ANARCHY. of Resolutions Adopted. Ry X. Sons of American Revolution. Y. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. At a meeting of the R.xird of Management of the ite Society of the Sons of American Revolution, resolutions on the death of President McKlnley were adopted. In part they read as follows: "We therefore adjure the civil author ities to take every step consistent with law firmly to repress disloyal and trea sonable expressions again.: the lawful government and to exterminate those beasts in human form who. abusing the liberty of a free country, not only threaten our security, but hatch, here their unnatural seed of wicked plots against the constituted authorities of other nations." DOCTORS MUCH INTERESTED. NEW YORK. Sept. 1. Physicians In this city are atlll much Interested in the report of the post mortem examination made by the doctors who attended Presi dent McKlnley. Several experts upon gunshot wound, are quoted a to Prasl- ! Mt Klnley s d-ath. In the Tim" in- . f ih-s- f'r, ito.i'Tt II. M. Daw iiurn. thlnk that 'arfg'MX shit the . h'Ml 1-fit -i i.rly lev i!v-r an 1 that h bu le i flrej friTi such ''' iiuir'ers jrrlel a i oil 1 -rible amount of filth into the mound, pois-mlng th' mi'ille ntlre tra k. H- further thinks irdlriary ml -r ! werP lntrodu''"l Into the wound and that pra. ally n culture cabinet for su. h microbe wa supplied l.y the Inju.'el t.ssu-s. The rnuli h! think wit th- p-smnhi of th. prTl derr.'s flesh. He doubt, that the assas sin Intentionally tuln-med the bull-:., as has been sugf-stej In som (iuar:er. I'RBSIDBNT WAS INSURED. N KW YORK. Sept. IT. -The amount of Insurance arrii-d by President Mc Klnley Is place 1 by the W rii at WT.CM). This includ". a policy for fJi.VA In the Ni-w Y'ork Life Insurance Company. He was lnurl f ir ITooO In the Mutual Michigan Life Insurarsc Company and for IIO.OOO in the Connectk-ut Mutual Life Insurance Company. ROYALTY ENTERTAINED. Ceremonl'. if the Lat Day of Duke and DucheM of Cornwall. j QUEBEC. Sept. 17. The ceremonies of I the last lay's stay of the Duke and I Duchn. t Cornwall In the an'.lent cap ital of Cam la, included a review of triops. dinner on the royal yacht Ophlr janj an iliuminati n in the harbor and city. Rain fell almost Incessantly dur ine the dav. The luncheon anl general reception at Spencer Wool, the official residence if the llju'enant-giyernor, was can celled as a mark of vspect to the Jead Americm (rail-?r.u and further plans for express! -n of regret were made bu: i navoi la'ily abandoned. FOREKIN T.IOOPS MARCH OUT OF PEKIN Evacuation Moat lioturesiue anl At tended bv Chinese Civil and Military OAk-lals. PEKIN. S-pt. 17. The Chines troops re-entered Pekin today. The evacuation was pte'uresque. jap. anese and American troops were drawn up at the Inner gate. Several hundred Chinese civil and military officials, diplomat?, officers and ladles were massed upon the plaza out- j side. Prince Ching and General Chiang, , governor of Pekin. met the Japanese iand Americans anl thanked them for j the protection they had afforded the palace. General iarrani and Major I Robertson replied. Japanese and Chi i nese bands played and the foreigners j march-d out through the gate? they had battered In over a year ago. Then j the Chines unfu.Hled their flags and dis tribute J their forces; at the various gates. DARING FR3XCH BALLOONIST. Comte Henri Je la Vaulx Proposes Crossing the Mediterranean Sea. LONDN, Sept. 17. The Paris cor-r-sp.-nl nt of the Times says that Comte Henri de la Vaulx is preparing for his trip acrts the Mediterranean In a balloon. He will not. however, be followed, as he desired, by two French cruisers, as the government refuses to f rrvse 'he vessels unnecessarily :o the dangers of MeJIteranean navigation in eo.u!noxal weather. NO PUBLIC STATEMENT. P1TTSBURG, Sept. 17. President Shaffer, of the Amalgamated Associa tion, has announced that there will be no public statement of the terms of the settlement of the strike of his organ ization with the steel corporation. A large majority of strikers have returned to work. WANTS CONTROL ABROAD. LONDON Sept. 17. It Is rumored that the American Tobacco Copany has offered to buy up all the shares of Ogvlens. limited, a big British tobacco company, as the firs; step towards ac quiring control of the British market. DIED OF HIS INJURIES. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. strike wears on without apparent change on either side. William T. Sullivan, a union teamster, who was shot Septem ber 5 in a riot by a special otlicer. died today. THREK SCHOONERS SEIZED. SEATTLE. Sept. 17. The lustoms In spectors this evening seized taree Brit ish Columbia built tishlng schooners which, it Is elalme-.l, were in American waters illegilly. SOTORO ON TRIAIj. YOKOHAMA. Sept. 6. (Via Victoria, Ii. C, Sept. 17 ) The trial of Eba So tiiro, assistant of Hoshi Toru, former minister to Wasihngton, is in progress and .ibsoroes public attention. STAYED FOUR ROUNDS. LOS ANGELES, Cat., Sept. 17 James Jeffries failed to put out Hank Griffin (colored) in four rounds tonight and for feited JIM- FIRST CABINET MEETING HELD Mr. Rooscvell Requests Members to Retain Portfolios. TO UPHOLD M'KIMEY POLICY Mew AaaiaUtritlM Will Follaw Policy Oat. li.eC ! Pmifeat's Spctch at Bof lalo-L'tkMwa H Mtakcra Will Serve WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Pr ail lent Riosevlt at 2 oclx:lc today convened the first cabinet meeting held In Wash ington. The president asked the mem ber. of the cabinet to retain their port folio, throughout hu term, and an nounced that hi. administration would follow the policy outlined by McKln ley In hi. Buffalo speech. Tbe cabinet assembled at the residence of C-rnimander Cowlea, where the presi dent it staying, principally for the purpose of Informing their new chief of the state of affairs In their respective departments. It cannot be learned at this whether or not all members will be wili ng to serve the full term. GERMAN PRESS COMMENT. Papers Regard Our New President as 4 ppmilng Ruler. i BERLIN. Sept. 17. -All the German papers publish the words spoken by Mr. Rooeevelt when taking the oath of of fice as president Most of them agree that definite opinions regarding tin po litical course are premature. "Since the battle of San Juan Hill." savs the Berliner Neuste Nachrlchten, "Mr. Roosevelt has been the moat pop ular man In the United States. So far as Germany Is concerned there is no reason to assume that he is any leas friendly than was his predecessor. Hia utterances show that he fully esteems the good relations existing between the United Statej and Germany. He lived for a time In this country, which hi. notterra incognita to him." The National Zeitung says: "Firmness and energy are prominent features of the character of President Roosevelt: but a strong sens? of duty has always quenched his fervid ac tivity, and 1: gujrantees. with Ms new responsibilities, :he peaceful develop ment of the country. He will not abuse the Monroe doc trine. As a D.illtleian and historian he has frequently expressed a tlear un derstanding of the American policy." BACK FROM MANILA. Major-General Corbln Arrives on Em press of India. VICTORIA, a C. Sept. 17.-The steamer Empress of India arrived to day from the Orient. Major-General Corbln, from Manila, was among the passengers. The Hong Kong press publishes a re port that recently LI Hung Chang wrote an insulting letter to Sir Ernest Satow, and as a reproof the British reoccupled the summer palace. The correspondent says LI Hung Chang, who Is falling. Is surrounded by spies who report hie every move to surrounders of the court who are using efforts to displace him- ALL ARE REPRESENTED. Allied Third Party to Meet In Kansaa City. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 17. Nearly 300 delegates arrived here today to attend the "allied third party" conference, call ed by Joe A. Parker, chairman of the People's oarty national committee, to perfect a union of all reform parties. Delegates came from thirteen ftates and represent tho public ownership party, liheral socialists, mlddie-of-ihe- r. ai PopulHti. fusion Populists, silver Republicans and single tax league. The joint conference will be called to order t.morrow. JAPANESE BOND QUESTION. P.eported That Fifty Million Yen Will Be Placed in America. VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 17. The Kobe i Japan) H 'raid says that the Japanese ablnet is discussing the placing of Japanese bonis, to the value of fifty million yen, in America. As a result of the collapse of a num ber of Jerry built houses at Hong Kong forty-three lives were lost up to Au gust 22. The North China Daily News says Governor Yuan Shih Kal Is to be made governor or Chi LI, and LI Hung Chang made governor of Shen Tung. BASEBALL SCORES. TACOMA, Sept. 17. Portland, 6; Ta eoma, 4. SEATTLE. Sept. 17. Seattle, 11; Spo kane, S. I