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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1901)
Tin; morxinti astokiax, vi:dm:si)v. srni .Miu u ts. itxu. Telephone Main 661. TERMS Or Sl'BSVKirTlON. I i'nvn ,hat one iouoli of oa.iiie makes he y; norl.t k:n. -K.ii:m i'.ty Star. The . (!.' w.l; scon !v S'V i . fh.-mtt f :n. ist :s Tlii i usi m.'. a n a:M .'.ir". o t , ; ;. 1,1.' . iM! till '1 '. : ah v. " .i .it! a: Topcka S. J 'tl! DAILY. 8ent by null, per year I1"0 &r.l by mail, per momh J" , 8rvJ by carrier, per month 60 SRMI-WKKKl.Y. 8ent bv mail, per year. In advance. :.' 'V I! -r- All vrnrmin!ov.ioivs Intcn-l'M for rub- r. u:i I. Ilea tlon should be directed to "Kditor ,;1s AstorUn." Run vommunlo:lotii Mw. of '.l kind and remi.ta ves b- , dtlrenej to "The As. or. an ruh'.ii ing Co." 1 no-' .! f at I !i :ior- !r ,:i. K n h .ur.l.:'. "1 n -i". tig ;h.: '. -viiii'!! I. in!-' .uvipu: on M i : ,i -, 1 l' r .. M s, ;':-- a.Oi . ni-.i: I : ..:e .-.i, I-;-.: 1 e.;s , ;T ii 'it ' o of v.s i.vos . pr-:.i,':i;, ;'i-- v i .bars A never failliv ''Hi'.' for on: Innin. s, iim-is "inula ami 'iv is v Wi;:' V..',-!i Mac; Salio A not s.vth r.g .in.l Ii, il:li rvincli ior all k.:i .i.t-o i'-.-s Ao.v.'t onix ;li,' genu ine. i'HAS KiV.KKS. lUnii.s; .1 r .-!o;i; Morn.ia u said to ktl.ol il: t's. ,-.o:ks a". I : ' i ii-n a kn. . ke . f ill.- r .Inn s K W I'iiih-;; Koior.i II.', '. , s.i 'I:' .!.: ,1 .' .' I - M ill (I lo an.l i 'ML 'I obtain ' r, :i, f un :'. IvW'i.t s 'tv:i Ham ", S.'- te.l i ,.h munent cuiv i','i;".! 'v. i. are oi I'll AS i:tK i:i,s, I'viK.--.. : -.Pn-A'n J-. p. k ;C-.-. r-,: k c sr,-. f,-rx: k,-: s-: e,-: w. s v. . T'l,- -:u '.!'.t s . - :m.Iiu:K ii-'sii-: soi 1 !' : I it: i- in it: K'H't: rui: H"r ;.,i!,. !, ,i - !', .i: ,i . l''i h.'u ' s f'.i!: "( ltt ti . An ! un . . ! ; . I m'i.I . j '. - ' t 1 n o ; .. un i" 'u ! i in. K . !i " ::-i un I . f I .i ' o.' Mi, i':i!i i i'hi: V !1 I I i Mil st K . '!": ! I'll ' , '. O! - 1'.' " 11 ll'H''-. I S :i, ' '.l ' r is ,1,- :': i. I'.IU i ".I '. . ,im I i!ks i' H -i. I !'.. r ! iii . in. ii. ""' I ll-'l ' ' !' " t .UK s fr 'Ml !l!ll U t's' Mil'l'r !o I'll!.' 11 .1 "h til ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA FflVFR RAILROAD. ii ' ' u II I '! Il l l : '.l SI. I IM , l, i 'v s s . .: . s :.i: The Astoran ftu-irantee to U aJv.-r-tier the larif?: o:rvuln:lon of mv B'spaper publi5hil on the 'o!u:nb;. river. Ailvertl'lrit ratoji can be ria l on np pBoatlon to the binine-w nia:-acer. Every plaoe of biksl' ,n As: : hou!.I he c! "'l on Thurs.l.iy. whin :ho funera; of rr.i nt M. Kln'.ey w II 'o helj. K r rli v 'i i ,! . v:t , nn - IT r ::.' '.li s an-! ;ts m.i.!'5. ;:.i," :n fr".- Ann':; s.s Mai; an ! I'v r io St -i:i a: on s ' a' - . Uim '.' T!'. ': 1- S I Ivii-' l-.i: H ' ir, :io I. V " ' M.!!":.. M '!. .r t s "I ' i . ,1 "- rt i 1 a::.l lav i -v." Im: 1 AV I: i" y K s ts av f : ;ti ;. -s. o I liu , i': no I " 1"'. v n 'v -r r po II S IUVJI'K-- lM'..;u:-t " U' a k i" II: ' ! !-r !!K'.' . f s I'-', u' :lia mak s tn n n.-; 'I,' pi ,ll!.', !io ; II I ! I I -' ''I .1 V I - '! ''I'-''. P't '.!i; 1 !'. s.u . l! ' I't 'Uilll I'l 'III Ml. i ' '-: u i s st - ,1 a:i I -li,- S s 1 1 i I : ii It - S in In o 'a l'i. .' ti n-; 1 1 ,- f' !! a , -'. t !ii.' W Ii ii '. no ! i. si 111.' n '.II I "' I' 'i"ii! s a n a;!it t" I' !.!,- lull-nt,- h.. u,-.-, I i! I h , a , '' ii -ik up un . i; iti,.i ui'i a i-iir.-o-l jvn't .-ii un: : m b i ' V ' sl'.'vi. I !".i l V Tn -n h ' son. I f a. r- jr.' t h.. .ir- r,.-L. T!;.- : : -.! s. i , ; l'a:i'r- :r.:: a:vl Min':a:.a-i an iv li sls n ; . ' :h ' ,-t :ni.' a; lt-.tffa! i .in--i'r . k n VT ii;'-- 1 r vi ,- i ! . I' 's I"" iS- Ka.-:v i; s -,s n , ,1M i t',..n t,-. , XM i" '' ' -.1 k -i i' u: : - ;- i ,1 l",- s ,n i;. I ! ' v 1 ' ' i.' r! r ha-'-' ak' Saf p;:;.. ''HAS ;' 1 1 ' ' !:oi ;'.-;i:. I'ivus- (n -inu:: -s . I A'l I - ll T A Kn n -it s, .on : ts; li.n r i''s - a ; n- f.ciK'ii ;!-,' ''a- !-:ir : :- I mmnii'r ilfj - f ;'-., '.''v ".' r's.,:n; .' Pi-rs-Hi who N-'.ove tha: dine to the sk:r: of orran:J-.'.l laVr !h.MiM rva.1 th; r. jnHiiion,s) ).y AtoHs council. Fe-V-v.i. n of Ib-r. ;-:--hich appear t.vlay's Asri.m. If r ''in ' ho!o "-fs:i::i nure tn 1 n:s. :ho ;sv ir- . vni.-'a:'. n , '.'- "" I . f anar. of A'i!-r.,.in ; ar ' n : i. ni.s' 1 ; I 11' f I ho I "I : ' to I ,',,,., slap- ; I '.!!' i r r ; '' V ul I ! " . in in !!- rv lira.! -n. II irrt. X. i .iy. V h.: k -v.' I J ear f ir a:!rt: ' I t- l' ::' of n. M.mi ' iu-'i J ' .III in,' more --"1 til m any t'ni I 'lo lai: ' :h: v.nn' t,-: i'o'ish I W AS i:ii:ki;s. linnnris: j 1 h- . i 'Ii ,- ui. h '. .! i 'is - s - i 1 1 - ' v; - r u kt"i: n k- '1 !! -s iii''.!--' i 'i h: ih'iii;s M ! . i '! lit i h i I an r r ' I- :!i !m i Ii "k i I i ic v a; .it:- C ,-, I :. , llll f '! '! Il l ti ll II I m - !y h mmm mmm mm s A llll .1S !uni f T !!'. - .'ppr 1 f The .!Mlnatlon of Pt-sMer-.: Mo- n-tlon the frit.' I S.i'.f. .s u::t i Klnley tn a much .l-plor-.M in Th.. ::wo , miiK W'i countrie an in the f nitl Sta: . 7. .t-n n. :mm irrvi: -vh . is .mir. wort! wer. the H: ?rvi.lnt was re- 'n 'an. I on '.h.-s. sa. r An.- carJeJ a. a man of th- kinMrst !.. : Kt;'rs. pulse, an-1 in history he w.M be known I M.,., A , w u , , r , . Kj ff.M.-list -OKsiin of m-vlern , ... " " , pr-ss a;.rr -f m;:r ! r . ttmft- ,vi.;a:i.n f th- :.ia. anl : :na; rvkl s - vtro-.i- .; : mike ".ii in f.i : ;h- - .ch.: . : !'. i-uS'luait. A Ticnia man -tt :1 ' -1 y epr-ss,- hu , a. l'r-'V.i; f ;h a::''.n-,'t :. k.,1 th- ; r j . i n:. H- .. i I ;i i h.-.n 's.'in, i.'.l iy. Im: -'.' 'i.ts ni -r si- .: I -. Ivi I,- i " l!l,'liil 'l-'M ' 'll tlll 'll I', '!"' t lvk si i;r.'ii. ' ! - h : st I ' " m :'i c a: ' ' it'ii I'll tn r" rn - an Tin: i:ki t i : k 1 e i: X rrt Silver. Xa-rh S:m! -r.l. V II j "I pur-has- 1 a !v".:! 'f i m- M nute ' ";cli i' when iuffi-r!n f-:i i!h il.v: -r : '! I tn - was tn.-iirah! .' bi ;;,' r.'!fi.',l in.', the n-..! ai' !; :h:r I a'.-rost riir-,1 T" !av I am a we;! 1 !'.i- '' rilAS. K'X'.f.KS.' In.k-.-: i V I '.' "'! I '!', I-IV- .11 V K a n an "' ; .' ! i -. 'i. :'r.''i4 -r -.I' ll: u .- .,i-r .ey i ' T'l '; .:-s a It !. ti be hop'! tha: :h rri;vrty owners i:i take the br-.u 1 vl-'W of -ho , matter an.l gran an m or l'V-f-sv. r:rht . of wav the rvU to c nne.-t with t. .. . .." i e w n ! y- fa., -ti i- a Neha'em hlihwiv. I; h"u! 1 be r'ni'iit- S .p.i- autumn s;tf:; bered that the avenue wl'l conn-o: ;.th t'-rvlmo' a: tin' r-v oiar tn 1 ran . -t -;i - i" . r- !u.- ,1 in i i - hi s.i in it-,v l sn- ar ': '.niv f ,r f ii- that t.u i .t'i-t irs a I I -th ha. sitru.'k. Op,' m.Ti- w h-'.ir v- u i a city street, an.l that sooner or later : Oo : -ujly cry ' jt-. w:i t: It will be neoespary to wi b-n the ave- XIC5HT WAS H Kit rE!tR"!:. j Mi--.- ;h s!,.v; ar- n "W pr.-s. r:'-n s' ' K I ; P sj-e; Our r 'ttiita': Ii iv ng I ' "t" 1 that !: U the hes: ; res t ;:: m 1 1 '-an rit- N'caii-ie It Is :V n r ; -r it-m which cvntatn th.. e;.-m I -s.-v : . .!;.: n't o Iv s .mi,, k.-.f. ; ;.f ' i i-l but atl k n-1 an 1 it ttn-r-' . i ', . ur- ; "'l-s .:!, .n and .lvpep: i n -' it- i - what .t cause. OH AS I'ok'.KI'.S 1 iT'JSk'ot. - 1 .! I !!'. ' 'in ', I r 'I l'-! ! ' h ti S " .-lll'TI.-ll - .tr, ! !i s -... I , . ' ll s f.-il . ! I'l i -u tut :'! - in't "i a lot',- '. I ' 'I -V - I'! t'l'- 'i i !i.L In a: ts '',- ! i-.i - ! - u: I t Ii- I.i si it t! it "i 'i s i f.- M VN l' A.i 111 I n. i; , i e i 'i'.. - ti l.itl ut: nt;)! mi' laU i l : 'iu'li: " -li-l. I ! vi in u I ii i; I I ' s,-il .-f lit;", t . i "i itiativ "f II '- u '-"- I ,,i U- , ti'iii, -I l.i .Ii.- llUf- il l''l .1-1 I I li, . ' ' 'i . . i' i V : i;- a il -I I . ,s a unl- i- -i '-im . :.. .! , ..,.. .. X . ' t tt-i' s .l:n i.' t ii, .-' i til s'M.iii .U Mil ; . 'in.' ... :' 1 1 ii : I, a! th- ' : i Oil ha. , "tti;.. ., I .a u: in- :!i,- it' i in ! in -i: w .- ii ,-ui'h u'-' ii in .i . -.n -tiK i !ia. , l., ii . ,1-. ,i:, .. i ' i -1s - - a ti -: a. t i iiii n ;i ii t- .. s- .-n -. a .i - 1 ii i . ii. i s ll" 1' :.. si ,n ;(!,. I'.u i.'t , .. ,,f i.,4 i in I Hi' l.i 'lii.-i'i ..f una i,,i !l hi . f '. "i . kn i.i :h.i. I-.. I .. i , . s 1 1 . . t -1 - t"l! "f til.' k I I I'l l, li. li.v ll. ..,., I,,,. t ' ii i n ' :! a atl e a. . r . . . ! "I' ' :i.' as liili-1 1. 'ii i . ;: . ii.. ti: ".. 'I. : i -.' I ' lll.l.-l i I .' l-.l I :! '.:.,. I.; s ,-r .'. . ! !iillt:l'"i ..f i n ,. . mi -i', .-!..-.. I tf mi 1-1 i I ill:- ', .:. :i I i ! ..- is.l' I. ..( ' "' 'I-1' I tn :u : I- , la .' I .Ik.' f: Hi I ll the ..fl I I'.l- I a: ,. mnk ii 1 1 itns ir,. -iil-ii'li itsia..-:,- W '1.1 ! .' I. I " k'r-i K'"' ' .ri . r -l t'l i a l:i . ' I' I -. - in I . ,.' ' . i -in ii i an. a r a :ti,- ;. I , "i l is i-... I:::, ll . -am;-1 :i . n i ". a ;. .. in -l - 1 1 , i . : ., , -, h ; . ...,, . . . W ' " an. - -I-.- - : - - in . i i , , m i:". I.. :. mi is An.l !;iin- : 1 i'i - . iil- 11 am: i-i i.:" n "r i.iv .im' a r in is ' I '. I I.I I.I I 'I I ',! ll i.--s IHYK lull II AMI ft i ii in 1 r.'rtlitti.l I ti .in i-. , i '.' ' I' iii r'.'t mi, I 11 I 1'iilllls ast'uiti i I in V t Ciriliiii.l . n I 11 i ii Ii' i in I'.-lui, t- i mi i-i', i-imn I i s HI .l.lin I i .-r ,,,1,1 ! II III I i l.i I .t M , , . . '' I' ll.i'iin, ,i.l ,i, , ' I ' u i i ' ! I. I"i ll ,n, ,1..,, ' '" l ' I Ll' . II.IMIIII I ' "I I " III -l. l, , llll, I l.t... , I II III III I li p In il' II' l- Ih ' Ii' 4 In i in-.., ; GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST line I' " II Ti) Sun. I ly iSl.Pmjl, iiiliiili.Miiine.iiii.riilcl;o u iirri1 imi iin i ivi ii ill I 11 V "l.lj.lll lil.M it.l l-,l a l'.l'i'i-l: .Is: in .. tittis' All in;,-, mnk. ,.,s,. ,-"iui--. .1 .,1 all , ,i y.nv Itn; i 'I'le mill nil Northern I'a.-ill,' u iln. ..i an.l fiMiu Hie l;.i.I .ml S. un I pn.iiia l'lll. TlillNS l-'Asf I'llli: MIMl. . . . j o, MAM'. I' i; AM-soi:m:iiv ' x- "'-n I l-retiiht rni.1 I'-iMrin-r ;-ti : I'ljCAl.t ! i:ii"ui;:i i'.iia. aii.i r mi r 't,-. pcrj, 1 , I litilliK an I HiiDi" ,'uii k in l..t.rfity 1'ah 'l':. k. ;. I., p .in'. i:.i! 4 p..r:Unl , an l i li - i ;i 4t i li,., ., uy , n ,4, i' " 1 1 A X I'l. We. mti'ii Vitoii. r ;i''a: N I, ok: mil. I il 1 1 1 1 w I M Hl li , i'l'HTI.AXK. P r rate. f,.,ri mi l full I if.irnutl.m i.ii l.iiif i:!.rn nip. call hi ,r il-li-. i a ii o ii:xxiHr')X, i'Hi Pas mil K-iit. I". riUii.l. .Portland - Asloria Roulc. STR. " TAHOMA." Pally ll.mnj Trlpg ft -r pi Sun lay TlMt C AMD l-ave I'.-rtUml t , l.i-a Ad.irm J j, m II UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL T, Tlir.uiK'i P..r:lii, ennrctun with irauter Nic.., from l!noiaii In Mfl.-h pllllll". -I I I-' s ir iv- ., ,T, 'I t I ! . -S U II S '. . t I tl" I'll I much mone :nte1'.li r.'.'.y. mi -,i .h. itfltiAl .vi.lth .if tr-.-e:s. . ... i., ,i 1 'ouiJ couisii n-arly a.l ntcht I v.g." dolnif now much future truiM w:,! .r;., M.s ,.hl, A;i; ;,"a:-" ,.f a.. x- be savM. anl a: the same time th? pre- an-lra. It!, "ar. ! c ili hirily f-t any , . , , k . '! 1 Ju4 consumption Ki-1 tha: it officials will be enable 1 to work , ;f watkej a bio. n .,T ,aj . "UKti rrtgn anl ?p:t bl xi-l. but. when all other m.'.ii -ines fai -i. tnr--- P. m turtle of Pr. K.r.i's Xe.v p..on-r Thr m o ttenewl r-gre: that ' wj,'-'l:,v .f ur. tn a-'-i I gun- i Js fsiunil. I: a ari luWv K'.a-a:-.: -"I to Cdft fx. :b assassin -f PriJent M '- cure O.-uuhs. o lis La "t", p Urn- Kiniey. w not lynch.l by a m-b. ana '-', now :h pr-s of the country is clam- !.::1-' fr-, a: Hart's Dur S;- rj. oring fur hts speeJy execution. There Th- w u:-i.t,. s;.iV. ,f M K v,v,': is no oc-isL n f r kay. how-vr. It apj-iau-l ! Kr. lay t.icnt at at: a . ir- : ia not sj mu.'h th- ..f i"z .1- : risz as the d-'t.-.-t. in of th.. w'n .'e an- J archi.stlc p:o: tha: th";ti's J-sire, I' a h.i.l a P 'Ol-1 mr-'.it in : i "tin'ry he woul f be ipiven to -I s : i : i 'he pr n: time. Si w .r I m n Kitct.ns tamtuae rhynit-.s with i'z I- ,i - ' p" I:-:- , iff - Tilts r.n --ri k'-i-. ; Th .!: - i u . I. I .v.-1 ':l"f i "' I'atl' y ' !'i Sli i-l-'l i' H a t! s'r'-t:it h i 'i'i i V. s fif .'i in. I . i." ''ts :'i.- l-i-.u' an ! -irti's s.- .' tn I : I os - f .1 .. ll Ml I I I' I M.l-lli I-' ,'l.!' I I -l an tn. in in. i. n i . . at IV -r it ': IV "k r .u. Ii I- I. -I" I . ti i I In il . l-':i .t 1 . 11 :. i I ii it U'lilla iv.ii... I - .- i 1 ii. k -i. m : r r. n . able Willi i H A X Oo. an l V. T. O" UCKi'tl. Te:ih, Ivk. Tul'itlll!l Ml ' THE WMIIUD BOOK: i-i; a g ' I i it s: ami r i . . -l'- li "IK'I . I'll 1-s.l 1. ii i-,' ,i it .:. . i ill; Hr ti -:i !,, I'.l I cm. i i-t-t!:-t -n ''l...-lira. S . "ll'- j ts. a . .V 1 y . ' n ir Th-- . . ! Pr-tz.i anJ Cx .l)T's will oe m r us-ful .is a live witness than as a !-al mur !.T-r. If anarchy is to be :amp-l 'Ut. the police must g-t at th- 'ts.'ttoni -if the orxanixati-m. an.l. w. 'n a J-a;hs--'n: n--hanging v-r h.m. ''t-Ag- sz sh uM c r. sti:ute a most lns:ru.-:lve urce of in- formati i i. The ,-x- uti-.n .f tiiis a'-a. ' sin will r-'t. as nanv jeli-v-. i-rv as j. an exarr.p:- to oth-rs f h a .-ia.. r-'f the a-ian hUs; wh-. ktiis J s-s r. v. ..!-a:h. ..r. if f-irfui ..f :h r .ns-iu-r I'oniniits th" a--; w ith full kr. .w!2- "f "!: i .'-.-' the penalty v. hich h hstl piy. When CzX.g isx st-;,;.- 1 u; t . Pr-si l-nt. M - Kitiiey on th1- af'-rr, - n -f : nirvr 6, he kn-w v. -i! 'tit .'iv a .a: 1 k ii :h-pr-' i-ni; iha: th- ro .v ! a uil -'.-r-pj.jiv-r him ami p-.rhaps at .:: put him to -lath. ..r tiiat. if h- a a; - I th- fu.-y -if the m-jh. i-x-i.-uti -n -a m l f I- low. Yet th- a.nir hls; V n"l fi! -r. He k:i!l t.i- pr-rsi !.-nt ,it s.i"';!1' e of hi.i mn life. His ..-x-i utl n, th-n. will be a matttfr of !i tl- : -i-c.j-nce as an '-xample to ot.h -r anar .-.iists. These t-ut'.hrats 'J i r.-'t f-ar '.h- law; they are willing to .! they f-an first atrtk dn the head a nation. With a clans of thin svrt rn-r- execu'iin of an individual A F1P.KMAX S my ' i.n." U';i-r- at. ii: ' i.i J''" re TV. Line. Pewam", M h.j ,i-'.:-s. "Y-Hi- KhIoI Pv!ipe,.si.i Cur.:.' r--' h st r.-m 'ly f-r ln-iies-1-in anl 1 i'---t. - n-.a.h tr-uhei that I -v-r u -1 I. F -r i.'.irs I suff-'re-l from llsp'pst i. at ' m - cm p. II: "g me 1 1 st iv in ': 1 x I .'.lU- nir ti:- u t il I tut'inv I ii'n -tn-I : ly cure l hy K"d"l Pyp'ps a Our. In r .- in'!:"'! it t fr:-n I. w h -:if-' -ni :' 'iir'' I always ,'fT-r :' t-.iv f r " If .' fils Thus fir I h -r-.-r pi!!." ''HAS KO'iFii'.S. Pr-iit- M XI un It - i'l" pr !' i'K' 'Ki r u'li.'.r IS I -' . ' - i ' .. ' ' ' i -!v lir ;-;ir i I- ! I 'i 'i-'n us I ... s i '" I 'OS . 1- l n !. .i.s ' : . i 1 I'v u r. "I -tu- k rv ; :::: ra-k-1 .it: l-miy. a 1 1 tt-tt n. I . a w i ti ti : j y a A. I ;i is a - t M ' i W: i .v- : r or it. I an .i-i'K t .-i .'-'.". a i i .it.i . r . a '.V It ! . ti i- 1 .-: ;n '. .i ' h- higt i'i".' a )'. r.n n-a :-r. '.ti. it. Ml. is I ' ii .' 1 --i' w is il hi--Th- n-'lf. A I'l .!'- I" I'M' , M I I ' i-r I in I H f -l''l 1 ' 'i im- ar il k-i n l i a t, : I- I I T i V. : .-- i i-l as ! J k . r 'l by Si it 1 1 kn w Pi it F '.' II n-v till-. .Int. Iv th- n-s- t T I I ' h- -hr tin 1 I'lu.-s. I ' it :h r 7- 1 : i u' il - r i n " ' i .i .. ii.iKTs iii;;-'; In. Put fi I - it ' l : . ' I'.l 1... r" h I .:: I . i I' In , IV li: T' . , n ' V I - II ' . STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." DAILY HOUND THIP IKlfr K0H011 Vancouver. CjsuJe Loiks. St. Mir tin's Springs. Hood Rlicr. White Salmon. Lylc anJ The Doles TlMt CAHO I'.l,. ' X ! .:ir,,.,n 1,11,1- ,' -Ijlul, r..s I :,' t-slitol t ll r imtl.ill'. .,-'l, "1,, I Ut. H I I ''llll lieatr.l. ftic :. ut c. I'.t.iii, iho nn( i''m in iha ii : i 'I'd-y riui.niv :tir ui.-:, inmi in! li -it !..n f r i.uiif n t , ,un ,-nl i ! il':. luxury fi.-r olTrrr. ;(, i.ivelltng in'.!;, an I att.Mtthrr r- the in;.. .111-1 !rn I I . i , ,f .n . ir nut: l.-r-i' ar:. T'ie. I ll l.. T14 ti, ' line, ; IV I :li The ditnt Niiftlicrn The NiiilhriB ', if' unit The ConailUn I'ailfli AT ST PAPl. Knit IhlCAllO and the P. AST. X. 'i'i i-hargn fir !lir.. i ri,r i .nut. . :.. -.un n, a , .nuis f :, k r. ar ,4.l.ii f .r .aii ,i. ti , llilliu .ui 'til lino are protc l:. .y lb ' In rrt.Hk. im 1 1;. ri)i:ein j IV II Mr: IP. II J. UMI.lClt. I li'li.-ra; Atrn! Tran.. Intf ,11, I' u'.Un I. Orrg in i'l 1 ' - I li. t I- f i'i- "i n ' i P" I -'... t-rav I'orilanl Arrlvo Th Pallet . I..-.H Tn. Pall. Arrive Pi r:liiiiil MrALS IHt VIKV UlSt 1 '"un lay Tripn a ,,-.n F".iUre t'TIHs Hnum Im th, l)ltiri; Scenl,' , l.'nv Atlr. ti.'in un l.arlh. fur 1 -ti "' .'in . . . I.A.XI.IN ; AXP iil'i'l. T . ., . p ,,y At.PKit srii!-:i:r IH Til Plli'Xi:-) M MS 2M ri'in i.AN'l'. ii:i; p'l"t. Plflll h.l I Mlreri. i "l r:n. ! Triiin. f.Y Mai.-u,, t It. .".'Inn K. a.Ii- j . Inn. I. Sin ram.. in, i. 1 1,1 I' in ' I .-it -- an - "i IS . ... .I. M .J.iv.. I, hi 1 Ai ti' l. s. Ill P.iao. I i " a Hi S, n 1 1 l.-uiin un, ! Ilm lul Arrlv i' p in i ;l: s I1M1 i . 1 v D:j .-: J i. 1 ! . i:.iv . ' M r -i k ;. 1 ::-:- i"- ,:; . I :r.s. 1 -..' ..-. F-.r: PNMI'M. iNTA, 011- ' ". Dinv 1 ' r ' a I a an I i t-rr I'l-' ' is"i -" ' -1 l.-i V- "rie a k-r--!' ni.r.v a !-h ir nil rl-r r- ll-f -' ' I- n-y -nd T ir wh! h .-''l-- ha neer- l.- .-n tr.'i"l---l u:i si-'-ce - HAItT'S I!:l''i -I nil '1' Pr, J. .- Rh ; "I h iv- -i - 1 F 1 in :h.-.. : ? -. -:-ui::i a - ! ! war- rtji-' t 'j -.-T'-P.E A.-n M 1 I! IFtT f fr. in lyiii.l i ts i hat T. ' aitii Is g . I in I h r r n.m n . t i i ts' :' f "f i '- - ' It' tn Ing in "I'i - : I: llll i : 1 1 - s p. i I'' -Pi: .s I'ltii t:; . n -i - - : i iii.- . .' I.'t - 11,: hi.' t -. I- . I'i.. in l -. r i... JOHN M riLLOON. (i The O.i lies i A. J. TAYt.OH. kgt. Astoria FHATHIRIBAHNI S. Ajts HonJWKcr ;W()LrORO A WYIRS. Agts. While ! Salmon. J. C VVYATT. Ajt Vancouver, t. W. CHICIITON. Aet- Horiliiml i A 1 I 'IJ I'l' T I. Mr. S. R ' -k --t -. 1; - n-y thr -ugh i:- - : - .: ,- : ii-ti' - t.y t.i - k t-.t I- - t that h.. is ; ,i r .- - . . Frank Tr-a-l.i il. l:-nn-t'. I;i tr.uhlel with k. 1 -y -i, f,,r --a, year'. H- :ir,t -' "I i 1 -.ik-.-. s-y.-ri. k.njs of k-'in-y r-m-lo-. n- ' 1 -tl h-n--flt. Finally I 'r-1 F,l y. K. !- , ney Cur an) a w !,!: cur-1 1 m"-" HAKT? fiP.Fi; STkI'.K. i ; iitiirh oft- n . niit'tui- f r -. I :m' l- a 1 t i f i' i! r - r 'h.. p it! " t Ls siipP " ' I '" I ' h" d ing -r p i n- j i-I Tar aff.rls p.i-1 lv .r t , . i l s ' fr-'in th"? cmghs H l:T I."P.t:'i STORK. 1 1 n a a s !:- rn th- ppreuling oh ru it h- ii: itr- ll n ksmlth st.(,,. j.n . II .-fin- .,11 mul lh" ..i cil'l. I -1 1: I i -a it ii-- -. - t ti 1. 1 ' 1 1 ' .- .1 :- s a - i ' o ' niii-t I... - ;ift.; .-.I -ui 'I': ' i '. -.'' : ' . - 1 1 1 I .- I ' .1 - k III,' - in m a mi -r ru -il'-"." ll I- I, -ll t li- -I f, I"' lis.. I i -. -r' m-'f au-l . i :i z- I j - .. --v In !.. n ,'..iis ..? i 'i -.1 I ;v -rl-l ..... -I'i i- 'li'.' - 'r In f-i.'i t it must Im- : m i I tt.,i.s.,ii In h-.i-, ;m !'s ,iv" ""j .iri-l ,r . ti i 1 1 . 1 1 -, inns' . !r.-:i... I. 'it 'h ii .u sa.-Ii- . .vi , ) s :'-' m i- I fr ii : th. ri'.ru i: 1,-n :, i i- .ii A f, i r r ' "it- .').-ii- I . X il l- 1. 1- . - r. -'.I- "f I' I Ii' -s ill . Ill ' li- I S-me th- P.'jHsi.iii n-AS; I b-en. makit.g austo- -,mm inad-uate ; the .-".-. nt unv ling of a rn- ... . i...srnarK it ai is -ja, 1 r.--v punUhment. The orgamza- trari)?.. ihlt a f.,rKi.,r,..r .'. , tion must b f-rrsted ou: an! th nam i ''"en thiM niorI. ?, 1- A i-,z,, A'lk.ff ami nny of every member ber ome known. Then ' s;ect-l. dlspisttion of the entir- br-jid can W i ,.L , " Chappe hat'P, :-ra.-k-.l ;m nnd made. From m-n who do not f-ar d-ath roughness of 'he ski.-, nir- l oul kIv liaroi-r .'-a.v-. tn'- m s t,-ii.:. . mn- In :h- w -rl I. HAltT '.- that ena- ted at Buffalo there w:ll i ST'ip.K. "-.'.j have t. aij.iiji nn-r.t t . ".Ink t .-i-I t..i. x.i:. 1 -.- HI., i-r.-' it- r.-- WOP.KI.Xfi 24 HOUP.S A PAY. i ' Th -r-'s no r-t for thos tireless) 1 1 r 'I- iv .rk-rs-Dr. King's New Uf" fill". Mill! nil are alwayii huy curing Torpid, Jiunl.ce. l!llouilM. F-v-r and Agu" They ban. ah Si'-k H"ada'he, drive ou- malaria. Never gripe nr weaken. Small, (ante nice, work won-d-m. Try them; 25 cnts at Hart's Drug Store. who commit such treriMe crim.- a-i that enacted at Buffalo there wtll no pr.ite-:i n until anarchy ."tatrije-d j .-i,,,-.,,, out. An--ir.'hl'ii.' agitatoM. ,iH-js.-in.s i with mi t.y "i- r.-.i and recruits must al k- he t g :v. P-ro-.Th ih- spreading -hes'nut tr-e I,, iiiul". with smile dlvlii". -till itsid i".. v. h.l" 'h ija'-k"ml'h mur-1 ' ; 'ti.. ' urny ;:ne. Ilaltltnor- Am -n in. i . I IV- k i P - up o II I -l -I .I .!,.., th'- i: i -in abrupt . n I -u: s,u ,. n has lain r ' 'u Ii t V - . li a. i , t,. , , .. , ,, i e '!' .i oli p-' knii ... s..,.. ,,f i,.. mi), nt i, nt. tin.', ..r it , . i'liii s.i, i -1 r-ii "i-s i ii" i.lll'T riy ft . In i ll .' : r 1 1 -1 In -1 .f Mi-Iain- P.-.l.i'd -"'ih. Pib.-rtv. what .-rini-s ir- .-.iiiiMilil.d In thy name'" Si i.MI-.TII IXi ; IxilX'i IX I, IX '. if.x c. .!!! ringing down through the .ng.' - - - or in .r' innn a nun Irei yivirs of Ills- w.m.i u ilia has a 'ri k.-r who In torv. T' must b" In-e by th- A merl- "'-rnng up .pin.' ,,, : hK ,,, ,lf -em t id... .is It aiu.ll ,. t., th,. i,re,,.i,i ll" inak'-s s.iui- pr-,.,i..i.,nr. ' . ' ' ' n'Miir a i.'ililii al I Htiian-.n; n- im.. niiint lie rigidly hh u . Oregon SiHOIT LlPiE and vmgn Paciuc siA V -Ira .i n b..tW""ii th" liberty of spi". h I hat a f r e p.- .,).. should -njoy and Tin- . lly at'..,. -h- j ((..- ; -V' r- t-'-nt iii V. . It. 1 i ranlJ'Uli with .n a manner that wtll . fu'i'-ral v.m u:-r, -i' I ' h- p issib..ity or rir- forev-r oblit-rat.: th-r uh criiiiHS. Tlu-r(. i-i i-o n -1 f.r the spe"dy 'xr.-utlm of t.'zolg .-z. Hji death will not strike terror to the siuls of his fellow., but hi.t ImpriB ..nin-n: f r a time may be th" in-ans of ga'herlng information that will go far towirj tttampi.i? out thi curst. WITH THE PAP.ACiP.APHKH.S. Now Is the timt- when th anarchlstH till protest that they do not teach ihe asa.dna:ln of rulers. PitLburg Pi. patch. The conduct of Euroj.e could '.ot pof fibly be better. It has again been tn- i ba'-k t i IF PA. XX Kit kai.t: I W h. TVyancy, Piducah. Ky., wrl'-t r T f .1 I a H'-vere cae rf kidney di-ieast-, 'i:i l hr-e of th best phyjii lans In . .-' I'h-r.'i K-ntucky treat-d me without "-s. I wan Irducd to try Foley's K dn-y Cur". The first bottle gave nn-'ri-li.i':. rflief nnl three bottles) cur-d ' tin- p- rminently. I gladly r erun tnend l'h'- w ,n lerful remedy." T'ik n-i nuli i s-l'.ite, HART'S VKL'f KTOP.K. in. I Hi" facts lusnilii Ih,. i lalm. II.. Is mi ippll' atu for lh" poeiii .,i , ,.,,i..,.,,r if customs .it I'oii T i its-n I but sum,, f 1 1. - i.-. ii.,,. i. i, . . , ll-.-ns.. h-r-t .f.r- wcord-d to lh- bill- y , ... . . ",, "'" "" y u n.- . 'Hi'-. in ., pio:-nt ,,ira'nsi bis .in' fanatics )io ar elapi' 1 asuntirch- .ipp .In' rii'-n:, , .Hni; p.t ,,f ,.,i.riil isn 'raltors nt h.-art tin 1 'raliors In ' ff.-iis. s .,f h . h he 4 gmliv. Th- r lh. ir d. vlirb d'-e-ls. '""! 'f I'Moor .1 11 IVal- th- P-iilv I'lii in, I-, which Is -i i i.i'; eiiri. vour h ! ft . i- n -o ' ' t:ll '-ernii a bit '-any to l-'-r:nn-Miil '-, r turn i. it- is ',.,.'. .'... ' , " .h-'n-r the troiibl" In Vo iezu-1 I Is a m-d'e rie. HAP.T'S lip.''-; ST'iPF ' 1 r 1 1,1 ''' 1 "' ' ' J '"'I' "' ''-'' ih not n r."iw-.iiu .loritii -in.n n . .ui i I Till-: PKPS'iiXAI. SI I IN op Tlll-l'i-IiHltK lI'ii'SI-lVHPT. Th- r ."..v.iiii; s .a i t i , h of ih- lie . ii'--i l-i.i ir- of li t -r"si :i' th:. Mm,.: If tgbt Fiv. ft .duhi In.-h -s, W'! lul-'l ,iu- iih-y - puiiri N. ''h-st rii'-.-isiir.-iro-iit - Fo ty-l o Im li- I ..iii i. -ii'1. :i' -lift. ill, at, ... . ;i1"'' I'tl'il'll "d to lh" in nil;-,il ill iuh of M '"'"r. hi I Hi- i-hd Ih no: i-i I--ll. i ll I --.lliitv 'I'llu.s. pas-'ixi; le.'V in In ii.-.-l 11,,. ,)i, v! Kb! ,liH. Wh,' "v h , ,.,l th" Summer stand, Will, km. n ,f purpl,. on h"r lips And ii.iii.. Moa-r In h"r h.indi. Depart ( 'iliciitfo Porlland Hjierittl J 00 . m. via Hunt ington Atliuitlo Kxpreiw 9 ) p. m. via lltinl Uigton HI. Paul Flint mall t p. in. via Spokane TIMF. Hl'IIFI) , i.i.i'.n Arrlvu Fmm Portland I Salt iJik-, Iii'iiv-r. Ft. Worth, uma i ha, Kansa. City 4:30 p. m. SI. I'iiH. Phlcagoi and Kaat. Salt Iwike, Denver: Ft. Worth. Unii i ha, Knnaan Plly. H: 10 n. in Si. Issiula, Chlciigu nnd Kant. j Walla Walla. , T'wlHlnn, Hi)". kune, Mlnnenpiill,: St. Paul. Puiiilh I 7:00 a. m Milwaukee. C,.j eng. i and line! ! i A IV , ur,, J ' I'lltl Hi ' 10 Silll. I ' 'I'll '. Ill' Till UK i ll llll c o:i,',-U Wllii I : ii '': for Mi An- I ' - Sill - i I. ui. j I II r o ii v I ... , S I'l If: K n -!.. nil, I Na'r.oi. mid rv-n- ' I' " it.iiii f..r Ml At'i-'il .t.i-l Sll..r. I I tl ' i" l III i -i i ill! it- r ''" P in Sh.-i Man puss. I, I if. r. !-" J 'y -J.""' 1 )'-i.;i-.ln Hiiii.lav. l:.-bi.i.. ii, i,,. ,, ;,"n i" I Sa. i, , nn, ,-M .-, ,,, , !,,, ." i ni'-s II, lir, i , 1,,.. and 111 ..,-, in, ' I"", lln lu ling l.-.-.r. 1 llni'-a ii ii I il- kits io KiMtpm i...lnt l-uii'i- 1, Jril, i'i,,,,,, ,,. ; '-11" "" 1 Alsl I '.,,, . nhl,,!,,,.,) ' "in J II Klikl.,1,,1. Ticket Agent 134 : I hit. I Si i.-, i i Vlllllll.l, MVISInX -i K -i-.p .- r ., f j. ft-,.,., , Sl I l-'ivc ' "i I'.ii.g , .l.niv .,. ; ',1 ;i m ' '" i-;". i :i r. ir.. ii ;':,' s or,. j" I' m : n I :i on p nt "i Sunday ! " ''I' Aim., ,ii v i.,,,, .i.jiiy , .fl 35. ! -. '" " i in . i .i;.. a u. i :io. no, , v., ,.. p t, ; .' in , , ,y , Me il lav. h.jii un, in.jj a , Hun. il lyi I.' aie for I'allaa dully encepl Sun d.iy ut 4 .in p i. Arrlvo at I'ortluinl at I" .1" a. m. Pinn.'iig.'r Iniln leave Pallia for AIM... Monday), Wrdneailava and Frl 'I'vs hi - 4'. p m. Itdurna Tueidaya. 'I luits.lii v-a and Saturday l'lxi'"i Sunday II Ki '1)111, llll, Manager '. If MAKKIIAM. fieri. Frl, and l'a. Agt. PRAEL & COOK TKANSf COS I'ANY T'.-leph'ir.s, 231. DRAYINC AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Care Will Special At'.i-ntK:i. wi'l vi-M to a mill tr-rrn-n No. ZZ1 Puane St Aitorla, Ore. W. J. COOK. Mgr. P.ea. T.d. 1131. SAT3 II K WAS TOP.TPltFD. "t suffered mjch pan from corns I ' "i d hardly walk," write H. Kobln--on. Hlllnhorough, III., "but fiucklen'ii Arnica Silve completely cured them." A"1 like magic on praln, bruin'-, en's, or', "call, burn, boll, ulcer. P-rf'- -t healer of kln dlnea" and plle.s. '.'urn guaranteed by Hart' Drug Store. Pr.ce 2; cent. Ano'h'T cm-il company )8i tfen In 'orporatel. I-t u hope thi: it will not wat-r Its ttock. Within ih.. i ry iniiior ih-r.-, Xar. i.siie-lil" ,sh- -s h-r face. So pal-, so sn, "!, so mortiil fair. And Hng"iK spi'lihouini bv 1 1 "lace. Tin. morning r-d l.i y;inlMbe, now, Th- splendor of lh,- noon Is gone. And, like a v-ll on cheek and brow, 'I'll- wrcath'-d mint Ih Hinging '"Ilir-Xo Id'. Oloy-s No. 8. Ilut-X. Shoes Xo. '.IK. H.i-i un I,-"11 ;,-k in lh.. last years-. Hai no Uf- Insurjnce. He Is 42 y.-ars of age. . .(.,,,h fr() m,.;WH ,.,, ,.x)lnl.'r, HIh father dl-d nl 47; hla gradfaih-r A High gnei down the for-Mt way, at 77. ,'r'1" dryads of Ihe woody viiIi-h He pr-fer- -impl. food, but lB a great ! Ar" '""""'"'If '-r th- p..H!,,g dayn. eater. HIh app"tlt Ih vonclou and he i And Summer hearn the warning note, Indulge It. H" do.n not Hinoke. I Ah by lh- r'"dy pools who Htnri.I, He iak" all hoi t of phylcal txer. lie ! ",.r ? UZ'" """'" -ride- hogback, dumbbell. wn'TJlM, "2 liiiur from Punlunil to Chicago. No Chiiiign of ('am. OCR AN AND HIVKK SCHKDUI.IS From Anuria All nailing dul. nubji-ct pi cluing" For Sun Frond Co every five day 7 a. m. Columbia Itlver 4 a. in. Daily ex- Tn Portland and etc. cent Hun. I Way Landing. Monday .Steamer Nahcotia leave Aatorla on tide dally for Ilwaoo, connecting (here with train for Long (bach, Tioga and North Peach point. Ileturnlng arrive at Antorla aaine evitnlng. O. W. IsOUNBBERRY, Agent. Aaiorla. A. t.. CnAIO, Qeneral Paaenger Agent, Portland, Oregon, I I Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Tills in.'iar:illiin nmPiliiH all of tho digest. 'nit- 11ml (llui'slM all kimls nf I fund. Il.nlvi'.sliislaiilrclli'f iiiul never I fill Ih to cure. It, allows vmi to en I, nil the, fund yiniwillil,. The tnnst.KeliNlt.lvo HlniNiiclis can luko ll,. lly llsuso iniiny thousands of ilvspepl les Imvo Im'OIi cured iiflereveryllilriKelsd fullud. It Ih uiieninillcd for ullHionmch tiouljlciH. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by 11. (I. IicIViti Co., Ulileago TIibII. IxitMeciiiiiiiliiHiiis; tlnii'Hlhi'Uk:. j7 For Halo by CIIA8, UOOKna, rugglnt. Foley's Kidney Curo make kidneys and bladder rlcht.