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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1901)
ASWUBUCUBRARyjlSMnOH, vW'.K'"((v'.i-""io. 7 liuni i ' v ... A im "via ia , ur . "'r -0L ll" ASTOKIA, PRECOX, PKIDAY, MAY 17, 1901, xp, fl7 r The Cheapest Yet A SIX STEEL FOR ii ECLIPSE HARDWAR Plumbers and Steamfltters Diamond IN GREAT VARIETY Bats, Balls, Masks, Pads, Gloves And everything clso in that line to mako the boys happy. If you ilo not piny bull we can ehow you an elegant line of FISHING LINES, FLIES. REELS, BASKETS. ETC. GRIFFIN ftl) a Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V. AL,L,EN, Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New New Art Catalogue Free;1.. , .;; ,, U4 C' HOLE RANGE . . , t CO. Outfits AND AT ALL PRICES & REED Are You Going to Build a Home? Buy Your Locks and Hardware at the Foard & Stokes Go REPUTATION REPRESENTS PUBLIC OPINION Reputation represents publlo opinion. How to get In your favor. Make a first-class, re liable article Ilk the Char ter Oak Stove and Range. Every Charter Oak la guar anteed. For tale In Astoria only by W. J. SCULLY, 431 Bond St., Between Ninth and Tenth. Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest NOa 2 Smith Premier Tvwriref L M. ALEXANDER A CO.' Exolashre Pacific OoaBt Dealers 345 Stark Bt, Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Ageat. MRS. M'KINLEY MUCH BETTER Though It Is Hardly Expected She Can Survive. SINKING SPELL YESTERDAY Pbyilclfoi Do Nil Believe She Could LUi Tkreuih Aaetbtr Like ll Every Public Feictloi Ii President's Hoaor Abaaioiee. BAN FRANVIWO, May 16 10 p. m. Dr. HlrchMdr has gone home for the night. He 3ld that Mrs. McKln ley condition wu Improved. Hccn-'iary Crt"lyou atin'njnced that no further bulletins would be gtv'n out t nlifht uiilind an unexi'ctl development tak place. FEELING OF RELIEF. SAN FHANflfWY), May 11-At o'clock tonight all was quiet around the Scott home. About two hundred teo. pie were assembled In Lafayette square awaiting developments. There wa a feeling- of n-lirf whn 8cretary Cartel you summoned the prm representatives and cava to thm a bulletin announcing (hat the physician reported Mrs. Mc Klnley'a fohd'l'on dwldedly Improved Ince morning and that the pat'ejn waj ratine; well at that hour. A larg de tail of police was on duty keeping ped estrians and trams from approaching ni-ar the house, RESTING WELL. HAN FRANCISCO. May 11-8:4:, p. m. The Physician In attendance on Mm. McKlnley nport her condition de cidedly Improved mn morning. Her puW and tcmteraiure are satisfactory. tne iHitlent I reetlng well. PPnMC Ft'NiTIONS AHANDtXNED. KAN FRANCISCO. May 1.-Mr. McKlnley In to the valley of the rtiad ow of deu:h and may away at any moment. Thin niomlng ahordy before diwn he nunk rapidly and It waa fuered Hhc would die U-fore rvnioratlvea could he ndmlnimered. Hut he nr pomlel to the powerful h"art mlmulant which were irlven to her and during the duy Improved to huch an extent that the hop. of her recovery, sllgrht though It wa. revived. Put hep life unrig lv a thread. She has tik-n no toiid f'KHl nlniv he reached here on Sumluy and her phyatclana do not believe the could survive another sinking ?pel uch an ahe experienced this morning. Hhe auffem tittle and bear up brave ly. During her ierlolii of cnnwlous-m-ns ttxlay her mind ba b-en clear. The president In conatantly at her bed vide and although worn by hln long vigil la rlandlng the awful atram with remarkable fortitude. Evvry bamiuet and public function planned In hi honor ha been aban doped and the whole city with heavy heart Ik watching Mrn. McKlnley' bat tic for life. If the end rihouUl come the prenldent and hi cabinet are all ready to start back with the remains within twenty-four hour. The train which brought them here will be ued on the return trip and all arrangement have been made to go hack by the hortet route, the Central and Union Pacific, to Chicago and then via the Pennsylvania to Washington. If Mr. McKlnley Improve It I not believed that he will be able to travel before a week from the coming Monday. All member of the cabinet, with the possible exception of Secretary Long. will remain here to the end. HI daugh ter I very HI at Colorado Springs, and he I apprehensive that he may be call ed there at any time. HOW SHE BECAME ILL. SAN FRANClSi-O, May 18. Mrs. McKlnley' present attack of nine. he- mn shortly after she left EQ Paso, She had stood the trip remarkably well up to that time with Mie exception of a slight period of depression during her stay t New Orleans. That, however. soon passed away and she felt unusual ly well throughout her trip across the state of the gulf until El Paao wa reached. At that plnce a bone felon made 1U first appearance and Proved very try Ing upon her nerve as well a glvlmr HOUSEKEEPING This Is the season for refurnishing and rearranging of the home. You newl ome Lace Curtains. We have a large new lot from 5o a yard to $3 95 per pair. T Lots of Portlers at right prices and Draoerles as low as 8 l-3c, 13 l-2c 15c per yard to make cheaper ones with. Blenched Sheetings 1 yard wide ... li yards wide Hi yards wide IX. yards wide .5c Ho 15c ...16o ISo . 18c' 3 yards wida . .. .w. A yards wldeTy..'. SHANAHAN'S her apprehension. The 4ieat and dut of the desert ride through N?w Mexi co and Ar'.cona was a severe strain up on her strength. Before Los Angeles was reiwhed the felon ha I ben Once lanced by Dr. JUxey. At the latter place her IHne wai till further complicity by. a severe at tack of bowH trouble and she had a v.Ty bad night at the residence of Gen eral Harrison Oray Otis. But sho bore up bravely and Insisted, rather again! the advice of the president and other members of the party, upon trying to fulfill the social obligations which fell upon her. The tax upon Per strength was too great and after leaving Loa AngHes It became apparent to both Dr. ftixey and th; president 'that Mrs. McKlnley wai a very sick wom.m. PIVXIIUM OL'TLINED. SAN FRANCISCO, May l.-Tomor. row the prenldcnt will r-celve the school chlldrn In Golden Gate Park, devoting as much of hi time to this event as Is nosalble. The Knights Tempter League of the Crxw. Camn. etc.. will not be vlslti! by the president. On Saturday the president hopes to be present at the launching of the Ohio, In the event of his being able to do to. a special wire from the Scott home to h scene f the launching will be ar ranged that instant knowledge of any change In the condition of Mrs. McKIn ley may be received by nlm. A special boat will be In waiting. Mlse Barber, niece of Mrs. McKlnley. hm bt-n selected to launch the battle ship in place of her aunt. It is probable that President McKln ley and his entire party will remain In ?nn Francisco conald Taby longer than '.;' inlen led. a walling !!: reruperd itfU Of Mrs. McKlnley. The complice tion of troubles which brought her low was peculiarly exhaustive of her strength and It I impossible to state when she will be able to travel. There Is no Intention at present of dlsorgmla Ing the narty and unless new plana are termed all th? cabinet officer now here will remain at their chiefs side and the nation's executive business will be di rected from San Francisco, Cabinet meetings will be held at the Sott resi dence during the stay of the party. In all probability, immediately upon the statement of Dr. Rlxey that his pa tient is able to travel, the president's train will start eastward. President McKlnley will not leave the train, though If his wife recovers her strength he may show himself and reply briefly to the greetings of the people In one or two of the larger cltlee. GOVEltNOR NASH POISONED. SAN FRANCISCO. May 18 The pro grams for the entertainment of Gov ernor Nash and the Ohio visitors were declared off tonight on account of the Illness of Governor Nash. While at tending the christening of one of the big trees In his honor near Santa Crux last Wednesday he wag poisoned with nolson oak. Today was Ohio day at Golden Gate Park. Tally-ho rides and a banquet were given but the open.ilr reception and spcakttig were abandoned. At the banquet Governor Geer. of Oregon, res ponded for his state. GOVERNOR Mt'RPHY ARRIVES. SAN FRANCISCO, May 16.-Jov ernor Murphy, of Arlona. accompanl ed by his wife, baa arrived In this city to wltn?ss the launching of the battle ship Ohio on Saturday. He was wUh the presidential party during Its trip through Arizona. TURKEY SENDS REGRETS. Sorry That Susceptibilities of Embassies Were Wounded By Previous Notes. CONSTANTINOPLE. May 16.-The foreign embassies have received a note from the Porte in connection with the recent controversy regarding the foreign post office in Constantinople, regretting that the susceptibilities of the embassies were wounded by the previous notes and hoping that the embassies will co operate In bringing about a settlement of the question In accordance with the desires of the Porte. WILL RATIFY CONVENTION. LONDON. May 16. ' It is reported from Constantinople," says the Vienna correspondent of the Standard, "that the Porte has ordered the Turkish min ister In Washington to ratify the Inter national poxral convention concluded at the postal congress held in Washington several years ago. If this report be true it show that Turkey regrets having started a conflict with the powers." Upblcached Sheetings 1 yard wide 6c, 7c. 8c 1'4 yards wide 1 yards wide 2 yards wide ... 2 yards wide . 2tf yards wide . .13c 14o 15c ...17ttc 19c GUARDSMEN FIRED ON ALBANY MOB As Usual Innocent Bystanders Were the Ones Shot. ONE KILLED TWO WILL DIE Striken Sleaetf a Car-Eitcidee Ceeftrticc Last rJI(ht Brts(it Ne Retail ate Aaelber Rcglaseat Ma Beei Oroerca Oat. ALBANY, N. Y.( May One man killed, two fatally wounded, hundreds of others with broken heads and cut foc?s. cars running merely a arsenals with no passengers, the city under mar tlal rule, with cUlsens In a freniy of ex. cltement and the city authorities and leaders of th? strikers trying to get the company to come to an amicable set tlement, was the situation tonight when darkness put an end to the strife grow. Ing out of the street-car strike. William Walsh, merchant, waa kdled. The fatally wounded are Leroy Smith, merchant, shot by national guardsmen, and William Marsh, a non-union rrtQ torman. skull fractured. The, other? moat seriously Injured, art; George Brjoxe, a ;itrxen, cheek ripped open by s bavonet; Wlliim Rooney, citizen, shot by national guards; Gilbert Hall, non union niotorman, Injured by the mob. The blooibJ1 ame after a. day of peace. From eariy .-norhlhg fn8r VaJ an Impression that the spirit of turbu lence was waning. A volley fired on Broadway by squad of Twenty-third Infantry men. In which Leroy Smith and William Walsh, well-known cltlxens. fell mor tallv wounded, changed all that. It stirred anew the feeling of hatred and th guardsmen were bitterly denounced. Neither of the men had been guilty of any offense but were caught fn the crowd, and by mischance were hit. A bright prospect of a settlement of the strike has not served to allay the growth of a vindicative feeling and, if the present situation continues, acts of bitter revenge and violence may be ex pected. It was on the last run of ;he sol diers on the cars that the tragedy of the day occurred. The cars were on Broadway moving northward and a stone was hurled at one of rhem. As the car slowed down four shots were fired from It. Leroy Smith lounged on the steps of his store; William Walsh was his com panion and a small crowd hung abut near them. It was Into this crowd that the guardsmen fired. Smith and Walsh were both shot in the abdomen and fell wh?re they stood. Walsh died to nlsrht. MORE TROOPS ORDERED OUT. ALBANY, N. Y.. May 16.-Flve hours of a conference tonight with all the warring eJements represented failed to settle the strike. Major-General Roe tonight ordered out the Ninth regiment of New York. With the addition or the Ninth regiment there will be over S000 guardsmen In Albany. STEAM"ER FEDERAL LOST. Wrecked on Australian Coast and Bod ies of Crew Eaten by Dingoes, VICTORIA, B. C. May 16.-The news was received by the steamer Moana of the loss of the steamer Federal off the Australian coast during the heavy gales of the end of March and thirty-two persons were lost with her. Six bodies were recovered. When the bodies were found dingoes were eating them and were driven away with difficulty. The bodies were badly mangled by the wild dogs and only a few were Identified, Including those 0f Captain Coults and Engineer Hills. The shlo Louise Lamont was lost during the same storm with sixteen souls and nothing was heard of any of them. MINTON ELECTED MODERATOR. Presbyterian General Assembly Now !n Sslon in Philadelphia. a fssasMMBBj PHILADELPHIA. May 16,-Rev. Dr, Henry Collin Minton, D. D., of Cali fornia, was elected moderator of the Presbyterian general assembly, defeat ing Rev. Geo. T.' Turves, D. D., LL. D of New York. There ,vere 613 voles cast, of which Dr. Minton received 337 and Dr. Purves 276. WISE NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR. Saved the Government Several Thou sand Dollars. NEW YORK. May 11 A short time ago Naval Constructor L. C. Capps. head of the construction and repair de partment In the Brooklyn navy yard, besran work which has Just been com pleted and by which the government has been saved several thousand dollars. While the crew of the battleshlo Kearsarge on January 21 last waa en gaged In target practice, one of the 13-Inch projectiles exploded prematurely, destroying the rifling of a 70-ton gun. It became necesiary In order to make repairs to remove the gun from the tur ret and undr the old system It would have been necessary to raxe the turret, which would take about four months and cost about $40,000, A plan was devised by Mr. Capps to withdraw the ,ua from the turret through the port hole but the feasi bility of his plan was doubted by oth er officers. Permission was given him. however, to make the trial, the work being accotrrptlshed by means of a hy draulic engine after several of the tur ret plates had been removed. GRAND AERIE OF EAGLES. Keen Competition Between Several Cit ies for Place of 'Next Grand Aerie. SAN FRANCISCO, May 1.-The re ports of the officers of the Grand Aerie of Eagles, no-w m session here, show the order to be In a flourishing condi tion. The candidates for worthy grand president are Del Cary 8mith, of Spo kane, Wash., an attorney at taw, and Dr. J. B. Schwatka. sheriff of Baltl more. Md.. and also a candidate for mayor of that city. For the meeting plac of the aest grand aerie there Is keen corrrpetttlon between Dallas, Tex., Atlantic Zly, H. J.. Denver. an4 (ah., ' " GUARDING AGAINST FRAUD. Jacksonville Relief Association Appoints a Press Representative. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May .-At loHy. nw'"f ? T!ef association; Edwin 8. Weed, b'shop of. the diocese of Florida, was appoints ptH repre sentative. The public fa informed that all statements, unless sent by his di rect authority, are not to be jlven credence. SMELTER SHUT DOWN. Men Demanded an Eight-Hour Day for ATI Classes of Labor. BUTTE. May 11 The Butte and Boston smeller at Meaderville was shut down today as the result of a demand by the men that all classes of labor be given eight hours as a day's work. MAJORITY FAVORS AMENDMENT. HAVANA. May 16. The majority of the Cuban constitutional convention vot ed to submit to the convention a report advising the acceptance of the Piatt amendment. The minority will draw ud a minority report. SURVEY VESSELS SAIL. SEATTLE. May 17. The coast and geodetic survey vessels Patterson and McArthur sailed at midnight for Alas ka to begin their annual summer work. BOILER MAKERS JOIN. SEATTLE, May 11 The boiler mak ers In every large metaiworklng estab lishment In the city today Joined the ranks of the striking machinists. KING TO ATTEND YACHT RACES. LONDON. May 16. King Edward during Cowesvk will live on board the new royal yacht. 'I ,! Light,Sweet Wholesome IBreOtd 0 Delicious Pastry with ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Its great usefulness and superiority have made the Royal Baking Powder one of the most popular of household articles, and it is declared by expert cooks indispensable in the preparation of the finest and most wholesome food. The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" containing over 800 most practical and valuable cooking receipts free to every patron. Send postal card with your full address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., REFUSED ALL MEDICAL AID Chicago Christian Scientist Died as Result of Burns. THOUGHT PRAYER ENOUGH Her Hisbast faiistcf Sfce Ws Xo( Badly lajsrtf ui WmH Seel Be Well Sbe Sal Sb Felt N ' Pils. - CHICAGO, May 11-After lingering twtlve days, during which time she suffered much pain, Mrs. Josephine Chrlstensen, wife of Louis ChrUtenset and who with her 2-year-old baby was frightfully burned In the Marquette avenue fire In South Chlcag) on the morning of May 5, died, last night.' Mr. Chrlstensen refused medical aid to the last and, waa the only oqe of those fn- 1urd In the Are to die. " ', r Mrs. Cstensen',' llariy patheti made a herC at. t?mpt to save, he, when honi was burned. Pressing It to her breast she stepped Into the hallway and was almost swallowed up In the burst of flames and smoke which shot Into the room as sbe opened, the door. With her face and hands' terribly bum j. . ?sr!l!? at. i0 get into tie rooii inu close the doftr. As she did so her strength forsook her and . she dropped (he baby ta the flW. -. Then ahe ran to the winder and aO tempted to Jump out but was restraJA ed by her husband. He took her ty the hands and lowered her as far as he could reach and then dropped her to the ground. She was on her feet al most Immediately and received the baby when It -was lowered. ' The two were taken to the home of Frank McGee and there she and her husband absolutely refused medical aid either for herself or the baby. The police finally took the baby by force and placed It In the care of Dr. Lamb, where It still is. " Chrlstensen and several others of his belief prayed for the relief of Mrs. Chrlstensen and after several prayer the woman declared that she felt Do pain. Later the was removed to the ZIon horns and until the time of her death continued to suffer without med ical aid. It is said the officials at the home and her husband insisted that she was not badly Injured and that she would soon be well. STRIKE WILL BE WIDESPREAD. One-Fourth of Machinists In America Will Participate. , WASHINGTON. May ll-Advlces received by President O'Neill,' of the Machinists' Association, Indicate that more than 25 per cent of the machin ists throughout the country have agreed to demand shorter hours and Increased pay. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK. May 11-Silver. S9U . are more 0 0 speedily. easily, certainly mckde There are cheap baking pow ders, made from alum, but they are exceedingly harmful to' health. ( Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous element to food. 100 WILLIAM ST, NEW YORK.