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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1901)
THE MOKXING ASTORIA I'KIDAY. MAY 17. Tileshone Main ML TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Best by mall per rear $100 Bent by mail, per month 50 Served by carrier, per month 60 8EMI-WEKKLT. Cent by mall, per year, in advance. 1100 All communications Intended tor pub Ucatlon should be directed to "Editor Astorian." Duslness communication of all kind and remittances must he addressed to "The Aatorlan Publish ing Co." The Aatorlan guarantee to Ita ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia ttw. ' Advertising ratee can e had on ap- ir(n the business manager. If the report of the Southern PJciflc's absorption of the A, A C. R. R. should prove true It would mean much for As toria. The apeedy construction of an extension to Sheridan would be certain and a rich territory would be brought to our doors. Conjecture could supply a great deal more of what would be llkelv to result of advantage to rs from such an absorption. The plan to establish a regular steam boat service between this city and north shore points will result In bring ing to Astoria much trade which prop erty belongs here but has been going elsewhere. It promoters should not be discouraged if vpon trial It does not pay expense at first. As soon as the reonle whom It Is designed to accom modate learn of and become accustom ed to the advintages of doing their business with Afttrla by means of this "Tine It will undoubtedly ray for itself. Most enterprises require time In which - to get a foot hoi 1. and the merchants of the city may be required to lend their aid to the project for several months. Even during that period the Indirect returns which will be received will more than compensate for the outlay. The opponents of the Nicaragua canal who fight the enterprise on the ground that it would take much of the trade of the Orient with America awav from our doors have doubtless received considerable much-needed information from the discussion concerning the s tabllshment of a transport line between New York and Manila. In that dis cussion It has been shown that -he government can send its troops from New York to Manila via the Sue canal cheaper than from San Francisco. As The Aatorlan has previously said, freight can be shipped to the Orient as cheaply Irom New York as from Portland. It is being constantly done. The, construction of the Nica ragua canal is not at all essential to ' the trade of the Atlantic coast with the Orient and would not turn aside that trade from Pacific coast ports for the simple reason that there is no occas ion for it to come to our porta even now. Our Pacific coast shipments to the Orient will always be largely com posed of the products of the great "West. Mrs. Nation will appeal from tbe ver diet rendered against ber, claiming that there were anarchists on the Jury. Webster defines an anarchist va "one who advocates anarchy," and anarchy a "1. Absence of government; the ctate of society where there Is no taw or supreme power; a state of lawless ness; political confusion. 2. Hence, con- Lazy Livers srs siaay timet ths can of ration masts. Ninety -par cant of tha iuSHi Popls art aaid to b troublsd with liTtr sad-stomach complaints taeb as eonatipatioa, flissmess InditssUon, biliousasM, Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 SsxsMetBt aad ears thiws (Da. Tkess kablaU sot as a gatitls lasa tS. They mak the Irrar aad stMVsk do ttisir duty as tWf -" a Turn most obsuaatat n an 0 Successor to Tb. Olaea. 100-1 Com. 8t fusion or disorder in general." It is be cause th country has recognised in Mrs. Nation an anarchist of a danger qua fvoe that even the temperance ele ment which Is not altogether unbal anced has refused to endorse her course. While she would scorn with horror the title of anarchist, I: Is well deserved and properly belongs to those who Ig nore the law and attempt to create "confusion or disorder" In violation of Its restrictions. It Is no excuse that the law Is Inefficient or not enforced. There Is a legitimate method of secur ing satlsftctory laws and also of se curing their enforcement. He who as sume to act In the nlace of a law fully constituted government, as if he were that government and qualified to perform its functions. Is an anarchist. When such an one assigns a desire to do good as the motive for such action he proves the more dangerous because of the greater Influence exerted to the subversion of law and the destruction of legal methods, which are the sole safe guard of society. If we remember cor rectly, the Bible ref rs to those who "do evil that good may come" as receiving a "Just daTnatlon." The Bible Is pret ty sound In law a well as In morals. OCEAN "TRAILERS." New York Commercial. To what extent freight banres for long or short ocean runs mav uitlmitely su persede ocean and saHIng craft in Am erican commerce has puziled shippers, builders and owners not a little In re cent years. Coal freights have already been .livTt'd In this style of vessel to a very considerable extent, with the re sult that many deep water ships and barks that were geillDS to old for long voyages Fare" on iVsmar.tki) and "cut down" into coal barges. thu prolonging their rveriod c.f usefulness somewhat and h building of modern barges now forms no small part of the work going on In our coast shipyards. Their advantage over schooners lie primarily In their lessened first cost, in the lower cost of equipment, mainten ance and repair, and lastly in the fact that one powerful tug can take two. three or even :Tiore barges In tow and thus deliver several cargoes In less time and at much less expense than by the older methyls. One disadvantage Is the practical unmanagenbleness of bar ges In storms and the too frequent nec essity of abandoning them at sea. It Is noteworthy in this connection that the Unit! Fruit Company has In stituted a barge service between New Orleans and other American ports and those of Central and South America i lying on the gulf coast an! that of trie j Caribbean sea. The extvrlm-nt sr far is reported to be very satisfactory, the fruit arriving In evod order and at much less cost than by steamers. Final results will have to be awaited, of course, bur the present prospect Is that barges are in the fruit trade to stay. Of significance, too. is the fact that in the shipbuilding city of Bath one large freight barge has been launched since January 1. six are now under construc tion three it these to measure over 1.500 tons each and contracts for others are already made or are pending. The modern ocean tug of prat size, power and speed 'iprwars to be a sort of octopus in its ability to consolidate j cargoes. Still the building of schooners and coast steamers goes on. WITH THE PARAGRAPHIAS. New Tork is trWng to be good and Chicago is trying to be beautiful, but each finds it pretty hard work. Mon tana Record. I'y moving up Into Massachusetts Mr. Cleveland will enable the Princeton dateilne to secure a little rest Wash ington Post. Miss Hattie Rose Laube advertises herself as "The wonderful human mag net," but she doesn't attract copper magnates. Montana Record. Poultney Bigeljw is another who thinks the Amerk-an republic is going to smash. He has recently been over looking ait it for a few minutes. Record-Herald. If General Miles la not to represent us at King Edward's coronation, how Is Europe to get a sight at the best licks of our military tailors? Denver Republican. It is now averred that the story about the salary of the president or the Unit ed States Steel corporation was watered even a little more than Its stock. Pitts burg Dispatch. General Funaton has made arrange ments to stay in the Philippines, bav Ing accepted a permanent command there. He: seems to be disposed to re main hero. Mall end Express. to err.K a cold in onk day. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tab lets, 2k. "Throat trouble, eh? And you nre a musician? Music 'a often very hard en the throit. What instrument do you play? "The has drum, doctor." You are much more liable to disease when vour liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWltt's Littto Karly Ris ers remove the cause of disease. CHAS, ROGEK9. Druggist. "Think of it! Goat on racing yachts as mascots: "They are certa nly no more remark able than ram on battleships." Th least In quantity and most In quality describes DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills far constipa tion and liver complaints. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. "Put can't you drink water? el the temperance advocate. persist- "Oh, I can but It has on.' fault, removes the thirst." It DeWltt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parta of the bowels and re move the Impurities speedily with no discomfort. They are famous lor their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. "Where will I ran this Item about (he formation of a Servant Girls' Protective Union?" "Let It go undeT the heuj of either 'Foreign' or 'Domestic.' " Skin affections will speedily disappear by using DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWltt's you will get good results. It Is ih quick and positive cure for pile. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. It was a horse of noble hree.l. 'Twas broken ore It's fast life began. But in course of time it had its turn For It broke many a man Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook. N. C. says he suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with, no results until he used DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve and that quickly cured him. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. "What a good-natured fellow that three-legged mueum frik Is." "Always happy. And Just 'hlnk of th- hds of kicking people with only two Kgs Jo;" "Our little girl was unconscious from strangulaton during a sudden and ter rible attack of croup. I quickly se cured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and our little darling speedilv recovered." So writes A. L. Ppafford. Chester, Mich. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. "You recommended Smith & Co.. an I I gave them credit. Now they've fail ed." "Don't blame me. I merely said thev en? a very old house. And Isn't it natural for a very old house to fall?" "I have been suffering from dyspep sia for the oast twenty years and have been unable after tryiag all prepara tions and physicians to get any relief. After taking one bottle of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure I found relief and am now In better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not prals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek. Ark. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. "Where's the chalk drawer?" asked one of the drug clerks. "H-re's a rus-romt-r after borax." "Pillbox has got it. filling an ord-r for magi-sia. If p"rle onlv knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be ued in neirly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eatinir. belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash. caused by Indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Ko doi's Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the sto-pa-h. will digest your food, certainly can't help but do you good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. To the small boy visits from fond and devoted relatives are usually associated wi:h tbe acquisition of ex:ra pocke; money. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis." writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of Armonk. N. T.. "but. when all other remedies fa'Ittl, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption In an advanced stage. alsD used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases vl-dd t) Pr. King's New Discovery as to no oth er medicine on earth. Infallible fir Coughs and Colds: ".0 cents and $1.00 bottles guarantied by Hart's drugstore. Trial bottles free. Of course, Buffalo exp-cts visitors to the Exposition to spend lots of money, Even Niagara will come down hand somely. and they're right on the ground. WHITE MAN TURNED YELLOW. Grat consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of I-xing ton, Ky., when they saw he was turn ing yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered ter ribly. His malady was Yellow Jaun dice. He was treated by the best doc tors, but without benefit. Then h was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedv. and he writes: "After taking two bot ties I was wholly cured. "A trial proves Its matchless merit for all Stomach. Liver and Kidney -roubles. Only .Vie. Sold by Frank Hart. Druggist. That one operator made some 160.000 In the stock market by mistake don not affect the fact that It is a more serious mistake for most people to enter it. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT. If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terrible annoying: but Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the won't case of piles on earth. It has cured thousand'. For InjurlfS, Pains or Bodily Erup'ions it's the best salve in the world. Price 2'ic a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Hart's drug store. Nc motber ever vet saw the girl who was quite good enough to marry her son. WHAT'S YOUR FACE WORTH? Sometlmeu a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a Jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin. all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. Kind's New IJfe Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com plexion. Only 25 cents at Hart's Drug Store. THE GREAT SCOURGE of modern times ia consumption. Many cure and discoveries from time to time arc published but Foley's Honey and Tar docs truthfully claim to cure all case in the early stagva and always affords comfort and relief In the vwy worst cases. Take no substitutes. Hart's drug at re. A lotter Is one of the best IndUvllins of the writer's culture. Miss Mamie Smith, "f Mlddlesboro. Ky., writes: "My little sister hud the touo very lxd. I gave her several doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and she was instnntlv relieved. It auvud her life." Hart's drug store. There is an art In granting a favor gtace fully. Thomas Maple. ltlrkbeok. HI., writes: "I had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so that I could mt straighten up. The doctor's treat ment did me oo good. Saw Foley's Kidney Cure advertised and took one bottle which cured me ami I have not been afTe.'ted since. I gladly recom mend this remedy." Hart'a drug store. For California to strew the president's way wtrh floral offerings Is all right. In their place the (lowers of tpeech may say Just the proper thing. George C, Hitchcock, Curtis. Wis., savs "Foley's Kidney Cure bus been tested and found to be all vou claim for it. I have given It to my father and It Is the only thing that ever helped him." Hart's drug store. However they may flourish generally. a truM in Wall street has got something of a shock. Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold, Iowa. writes: He was troubled with kidney disease about three years. Had to get up several llmea during the night but three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, he feels better than he ever did and revotnmendu It to h friends. Hart's dru store. General Chaffee's talk tiir as he ,M, at a convivial pirty ewn would Indicate there are ilmen when the dogs nf war should be muztlod. If you are sick ail over and don't know just what nils you. It's ten to one your kidneys are out of order. Fo ley's Kidney Cure will brinit you health and energy. Hart's drug store. Thev sav thrtt kissing Is going out of faslilnn. but how about the one nimdnil and fifty admirers who fell on the neik of Mine. IVrnhardt and kissed her when that remarkable woman returned to Faris a wek. or two ago? ' I ha I a running sore on my breast for over a year." savs Henry R. Rich ards, of Willseyvllle. N. Y., "and tried a great many remedies but got no re lief until I used Ranner Salve. After using one-half box I wna perfectly cured. I cannot recommend It too high ly." Hart's drug store. It hardly offsets being In Wall stree; only a few minutes that -me may be out a great ds.n! afterwards. The greatest skin specialist In Amer-1 ui it iimieu me lormuia ior nanner Salve. For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores, and for piles. It's the most healing nvnllcine. Beware of substi tutes, ilart's drug store. ine en-tnusiamic maiden who. Just a few short we-ks ago was training h.-r wayward tress.-a to lie gracefully against her snowy neck In a Janice .Meredith curl, has now taken to culti vating a Lidy Teazle curl. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon which In cludes an excellent map of the stats, and contains Information on climata lands, education, etc.. existing Indus tries and their capabllltlea Attention Is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. in replying to Inquiries of eastern friend. CoDies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Or BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via the Sorlhweslern line.. Eight Trains Dally between 8t. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers. reeness fining cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of ths Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Bally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the. Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. AH agents sell tickets vte The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Trav. Agent, 248 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING;AND EXPRESSING All Goodai fih!ppd to Our Care Will Receive gpeelaJ Attention. No, Itt Duanay 81, W. 3. COOK. Mfr Raa. TeL 111L Astoria, Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. IZ W KTLAN: Arrlyj 1 :' Portland Union Depot (n : 1 5 a.m. .io p.m.iror Astoria and lnter-l:40 p.m iroediats points. i ABTORIA. 7.4ft For Portland A In- V p m.term?dlat points 10:30 p.m. UK ASIDE DIVWON. U:b, m. vi. m. ::i0am Ita. m. S;au p. in. ASTORlV '40 am 4 It Ui hi I J Mp in 7 Mi i, m i SEASIDE fiiiiula.v uuly All trains maks close connections at Gobi with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MA TO. Osn'l Fr't and Pas. Agent J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUHDFR Uuxorious Travel The "Northwestern Limited" trains I electric lighted throughout, both Inalds and out. and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In hs wono. iney embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great .Northern Tbe Northern I'adflc and The Canadian I'aciflo AT ST. FAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and ail classes of tick ets are available for paiwags on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line sre protected by the Interlocking Block System. W H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag"L Portland. Or. EAST in SOUTH I Depot. Fifth nnd Leave I I Streets. Arrive Overland Express i rains ror Salem, Roseburg, Ash land Sai-nmanln 30 p.m Ogden. San Fran 915 a.m cisco. Mojave! Los Amrelfa Pi Pn,n 3:30 a,m New Orlean. ami 7 00 p.m the East. At Woodburn (dally except Sun day). mnrnlnp train connects with train for Mt. An gel, Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. Corvallls passen ger. Sheridan passen- 17:30 a.m 6:50 p.m 8:25a.m !4:M p.m ffinlly Dally. except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sals between Port land. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets tn rjiat.r. and Europe Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained ThTd sfreet,rk'anJ' A'nt' 114 YAMHILT. nrvTamw Pasenger depot foot of Jefferson Bt Leave for Oswego dallr at 7:M aa-is - m; 11:30. 1:65, 1:25. 1:15. 1:25. I:0(. ii:3B . m. and 9 a. m. on Sunday ?",'' .v l prthud dally at :. $:3I. 'it:! a. m.: 1:35, 8:16. 4:30 I M :40. 1:0 p. m: 12:40 a. m. dallr tx. cet Monday: 8:30 and 1:05 a. ra. oo Sundays snly. Leave for Dallas dally, except Bun- ay: ,at 4:31 ' m- Arrive at Portland at 9:39 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 1:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Act. A EV ERESTING A CTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connection at St. Paul for. Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call on any ticket sgent. or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Oen. Pass. Aft.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent, THE CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAIL WAT. I iPL& VnV jS ln) WHITE COLLAR LINL (Telephone Dock.) Columbia River and Pugt Bound NaT igatlon Company, The Tahoma leaves Astoria daily ex ccpt minday at 7 p. m. leaven Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Line tickets, O. R. A N tickets and Ilwaco By A Nav. Com pany tickets Interchangeable on Ta Iioiih find Hiissalc, Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta rrom ilwaco and Dong Beach points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. K. W. C1UCHTON. iVrijand AgsnL 111 Oregon Shoit line and Umon Pacific TIM 8 Knm lortltud DEPART Aaaivs ehicmr-i- I'lirtlturt pc!l tun. m Salt l.k. Denver, Kt nniili.Oinsh slait us i Hr. SI Until. 4 10 p. m .' I ui'(i uci K.t - .Halt l ake. Denver. Fi I rtH, Oiiulm. Kan ( ay, st l. .uiv, ; t'Ulcci and Kt ! Wslla Mails, UwUtuiu Hiokne, ,Vlt;iiu llv Ht. ru, ImiIuiIi,; I Milwaukee, t'liifagii, i anil Kal. Ptvm A Moris OCfiAN TEAM.M1IP3 All Kalllh Pair aub Jwt Id rlmiia. ' Kot sun Kmniaei-HB Kv r- Five I'aji AtUiitla ksrrM p. m. I" s. m Spokane 6 i. 111. ia) a in rolumhla Itlvir st.-.n, era to I'ortlninl and ; War I. in liiui I U inKi Mil- day Ki SuncUy I I Prom Portland i o. ro Ori-tua Itv, Newberi,' nalein A Wav-Und . , imp n. Tuea.Thur Portland t t CnrvsilU ,,-wa4. audHaL : and af l.andliif ; sua Frl. Klparli w '""'Li " LUwuit. Iav dly htllKUara a St a m J 40 a.m. rtr"i City. It"ti .1 dally Way Landing' (am, i Tue,Thui Saturday I Saaka Klvtr. i in M.m, Wed Krt.lay Itlparla lo l.rwlaiuo Q. W. LOCNSnEKRY. A L, CRAia Agent. Astoria. Gen. Tuhs. Ag't., Portlan I. Ore. NOTICE op ADMINISTRATION. Notice Is given to all llotn it tuny cmiciTti. ih.- undersigned has been appointed the adinliilstniiiir 'f the .niat- of Itutti liarniT. d-veased ami all person having claims mtolnst the said estau- intmt present the same to the undersign -d .Inly vended. :it his "Illce In th" Astoria Savings Hunk, at the Cltv ,.f Am irla. In Clatsop county. In the State ,.f iirog.iti, mi ih- le-furi- six months from this laic. JolIN W. GARNER. Administrator Dated at Asiotla, Oregon, this Ih'th day of May, A. I). 1901. SHERIFF'S MALE. My virtue of an exii-utl'Mi and order of sale Issued out of the 'rrult Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of 'hits. p, on the th day of May, l'JOl, upon a Judge m -nt rend -red therein on the 20th day of l-Vbruarv, IMW, In favor of Myra Russell, plaintiff, and against Mary I. (illl.-tte, defendant, for the sun or !in.i.i, tn- sum or ym w navmg l i satlsfli-d, leaving a bilance due on sold Judgment of the sum of $!., together with lntrst thereon at the rate of 10 per cent pT annum, and 'he costs of and upon this writ cnniiiaiidltig and re quiring me o levy upon the property of the alio;--' named de'i-nd'int to satisfy the balance of sild lodgment, interest costs anl all accruing cimIs. I did on the Hth day of May. l'.H), utach the following described pul properly, to wn: Ixits 0, It). II. 12, i:i, Hub. of Itlk. 3.1: lots 6. 7. 23. 24. 25. 2fi, Hub. t Itlk. 4: lots 8. P. 10, 11. r;. W. Hub. of Itlk. V: lots 18, 17, 27, 28, 29, 30, Hub. of ftlk. M; lots 11. 12. Hlk. 4'i: lots 7, S. ), Illk. X. the N. i'0 feet of the west of lot 5 Itlk. Ill, In the City of Astoria, as tai l out and recorded bv John M. Shlvelv. Lot 2. In Sec. rl, Tp. 8, N. of It. K. west of the Will. Mer.. .'17.03 acres. Hegln at south bound iry of Hhlvely I, I4 (, 414.86 fee) west of H. K. corner of raid D. L. C to south boundary of pip ? line It. of W., therw-p west along said R. of W, to a point 191.3 feet west of cast Urn of tract herein described, thi-tic.. south and parallel to east line of tract herein described to south boundary of said I). L. C, tlienci along said south line to beginning, eontuitilng 6.41 acres, In Tp. 8, N. of R. 9, west of Will. Mer. All of said described real proprty being In Clatsop county, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday the 17th day of Jun, laoi. at the hour of ten o'clock In th" forenoon of said day In front of and fit the Oturt House door In the City of Astoria. Clat sop county, Oregon, sell at public auc Hon to the hlRhest bidder fir cash the above described real property to satisfy said Judgncnt. lntereMs, (-ohih Hn, all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLR. Sheriff of Hatsop County, Or. Astoria, Oregon, May Hlh, lf)01. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. The undersigned has flled his final ac count In the estate of Margaret Weset, deceased, and the County Court of Clat sop County, Oregon, has set Monday the 27th day of May, 1891, at 2 p, m for hearing objections. If any there bs to the same. DAVID WEST. Executor of last will snd testament of Margaret West, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In th County Court of Hie Stats or Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, In the matter of the eatats of ICIIsabsth A, Scot I, deceased, Notice Is hereby given that I have this day filed my final account as admtnls trator of the ratals of Elisabeth A. Hoott, deceased. All persons ars hereby notified Hint the Honorable, ths County Court of Claiaop County, Oregon, has) fixed the 1,1th day of May, 1901. at t he hour or to o'clock a, tit., as ths time, an j tli court room of (he County Court of Clulsop County at Aalorls, Oregon, as Iho place for hearing my ami all ob jection which may he inndn to (aid final account, mid for settling ths tarns, All persons are hereby notified to gov ern iliemaelvra accordingly, JOHN II. HCOTT, Administrator of the estate of Klliabota A. tfvntt, deceased. Astoria, Oregon, April 13. 1901. EXKCUTOHfl' NOTICE. The undersigned have been appulntsdi executors of the last will and testament of Clwu. A. McOulre. deceased. All per. sons having claims against Ihs eststa of deceased nre requested to present mem at tn omce of J. W. A. HowlDy Hi Antorln. Orson, within tlx month from thla date. OLIVE M'OtURK. J. Q. A. llOWLBr. Executors, March :th, 1901. ADMINIHTHATOR NOTICB " NotUv a heroby rlvm. that ths un- derslrtird has been appointed admlnla- trator, with the will annexed, of ths estate of John C, Trulllnir. ds-wsamt, and all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased mut prt sent the same to the undersigned, duly verified, at the oftlce of ths West jh..r Mills Company, at the cNirner or llond' and Tenth strata, In the city of as. lona. in Clataop (tinty, Oregon, with in six m nth from this dais. P. A. TKUMJNOKIt. A.tinltiltffeaiike Date, t Aalorla, Oregon, May loth. A, l'., 1301. ADMINISTRATOR M'l'OlNTF.D. IN THE COCNTV COCIIT OF TIIIB COt'NTY OF 7.ATHO'. In the matter nf the estate and ad mission to protmte (,f the Um will and teataineiu of David Whitney, tr . d- Ceased; No:!,., it hereby elvrti Hint I ha :hla lay he-n ailntrd by the County ourt if the Stata of tirrgon, for Clt op county, adniltilstr.itor-ttlth-the-wlll- annexed f ti,r rotate .f I'a.'ld Whit ney, Jr., d-censed All perns haMng lultns im-ain-t said un re hereby notified to preaent (he !if, f( nip, pnip- riy vrrin"d, at the irnye . f the oumt lerk of Clattop I'minty. Oregon, with. In six months from Mrs ,!ve w. w. ccht:, Administrator "f the estate of David- Whitney Ir, decenad. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice I hereby slven that the un. lerslgned have been avp-iln!e. adrrtnia. rators of the estate of Alfred II. Stone, dei-esaed. bv Hie County Conn f Clatsop County. Oregon, and th all oeraons hiving claims against said m tate nre hereby required to present ths same tu the jiid-talitned duly venriiKl a by law irovldd. within six mnths front the date of this tonics. Verified inlma ngalnsl said rstnte may K pre sented either to, the undersigned II G. .m oiMeii. .it hi ntrice. at Astoria iregm. or Mr .1 D M.-FarU'ie it hi iftlce of business, .it Knnppt, Oregnti. All persona In l -lited to said rata! sr hereby reitilid to pay sijeh indented ns. II. G VAN DIMEV J I) M KARI.ANi: Administrators of the Estate of A .f red I SiOlle, l.r.'tl"e Dited this 1st day of May, m ayttu-nt. Iii!et'et ci-ikh after this ila;e II. r. THOMSON County Treaeur.-r. ite. At.iria. Ore. May 1st, 1 90 1. II IDS CALLKD Foil. 'list. on liaise, As: ir a Oti-goi: f. Hec tor's ofllce, April ;i. Iil S.iptill.-s f..r Revntie 'i la - Seiled proposal for supplying ration s, und 'Olll tO Vessels nf tile t'.t. HlilleS !!. eniie ( uttir Si-ivlc" remiiiinv stall . tied or tenik.r.irllv, at Aslor a Oregon m l deliver-I on b'inrd fin I vessels at that Place during th- fls -al v-ar udlng June :o. 1WP2, win he rcvd it this nf?tc until 2 o'-lock p. in. of Tuesdnv, May 14. liol. at wbiih time ami pine- mey Will ') publicly upeiied. Til- coal fur nished to he .vi'hra.-lle r liltutnintius of bi's: quality: uniform In character: tr. weigh 2.210 pounds to ;h,. :n; t b dellvepil on bund tile vessels at i.ueh time mid .'n m-h quantities as may be require t localities readily accessible to sal I vessel a-id to lie sul)ect ., In spection us to quality and weight. Bid ders V 1 1 1 name li,. prices butll for steaming and stove ci al. nud also tber f.lellllles fur furnishing th- vessels with, fresh water ami their charges thetvfor. rtliink forms of proposals with sched ules showing component put qf ra tions, may be had upi.i application tc this office: proposal must he submit ted on th-se forms. Hepiinue hi. Is will also be received at the same tint- for lubricating nnd Illuminating oils. The right Is reserved to ree,t anv or all) bid-, and no contract will he put lr force until shall hay,, nude an appropriation for the purpose JOHN FOX. Collector. CONTEST NOTICE. Depirtment of the Interior. Unit".! States Laud Ofllce, Oregon City Ore iron, Am II 29, 1901. A siifllclent con t -st nfTIdavIt having been nied In this ofllce by Albert Ivlch hardt, contestant, against homestead entry No. li:,!li', ,ade October 12th. 1SH.1, for lot 8 and 9 of Sec. -.!, M, lot 5. and the N. W. '4 (,r H. W. U of Hc. 28. , township 4 north, rang- 8 west, by ' f'harles E. Nawn, contest,., m which It Is all-ged that conislant "know tho present Condition of the same: iilsn that stld Charles K. Nawn abandoned his sain nomeste-Ki entry for more than six months prior to the expiration of five vears from the date of his entry, to-wlt: for mom than six months prior to Oc tober 12. 1!l0; that said t tn ot 41 f Innil was and Is not settled upon anil culti vated according to law by the said f hiirles K. Nawn: that stl.l rhn. ln- v. Nawn never established ft bona fide res ilience upon said claim; that the nb sence of said Charles E. Nawn from, said homestead claim was and Is nor dun o employment In the military 0r nava service of the United States dur ing time of war; said parties are here by notified tn appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o clock a. m. on June ir,th. lnoi, be I?T. t.h'LneKl"ler and Receiver at the United States Lmd Office in Or-gjn City, Oregon. Th.ralLcon,w"llnt havlng. In a Prop er affidavit filed April 29. 1901. ant forth facts which show that after due dili gence, personal service of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby cdered and directed that such notice be given' bv due and proper publication WM. OALLOWAT. Receiver.