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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
ks. Hcriodici.r-'' I i r ! t i WTOEIA PUBlic LIBHARY ASSQCIATIO:!. V COOKS, rrrnThQ Library wiu" ' , oh olleoSOi ill bo UaDie uj 0 0 uAyy VOL. Llll ASTOKIA, 0KEGOX.' PKIDAY, JANUARY II, 1901. NO. 10 7 f4 II MM ! lit i r i i i iiii WE ARE SELLING AGENTS IN ASTORIA FOR BRIDGE, Superior Stool Ranges BEACH Sylph Hoator fit CO.'m Olio Heator COLE Hot IJlast Heator for Coal MPG. Domo Top Heator for Wood CV Russia Iron Hoator lor Wood Wo also manufacture a Kuwjiu Iron Qucon Mentor for Wood. Tht'Ho comprimj thalcst lino ofntovwi in tho nUito. Wc sell no wcoml-chiHs stove. An in pwtion of our lino of gloves will pay you. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. SOUTH AFRICAN . SITUATION WORSE Conditions Have .Necessitated Fortification of Cape Town. KITCHENER WANTS MORE MEN Book Bargains .MH) Cloth Bound Hook, (iood TilloM, Binding uiul Authors. . . . 5 for $1 Just the Kind for These Long Winter Evenings Five-Volume Sola of Kipling, Kmw.ll.Mylineu.Mciity.Mendo 71 PpP Spt mid other good uutliors .... vlil J I vl Oll GRIFFINS No Step Rtlof Tikri U Supply Te- Boeri Midt Simultaneous Attack I Twt Potatt Slit; MUc ApaH. , LONDON. Jan. ll.-Th altuailon In HouUi Africa grow worn rather than better. Lord Kitchener dispatches ars mort laconic than thoae uf Lord Robert and Utile rliw of la allowed to come llirouich. The Ttm-H, In an editorial today, And comfort In the thought that "the lrH' of attrition l doing It work and must, ihurtly lead to the Inevitable result." In other quarter, however, there la lina utlfiu tion that the condition of affalra hua practically nrcvmtitated ihe fortification of Cap Town. No step, have Uo n taken to comply with Lord Kitchener' demand for r InforcptiM'nU. DOUBLM HOEil ATTACK. LONDON. Jan. 10. General Kitchen er iwiid hi w of a mirt'iua alinultnneouii attack on the nlKht of January 1 ly the republican on the British jioitltlon be tween point sixty nillva apart, along tho line cf the Pretoria and Lourenco Marques Railway. Th Imnw on both t.ldin were heavy. Accord I nir to report tht Boer were leaten off after prolonged fighting. RIX'RUITINU 13 PLOW. NEW roflK. Jan. I0.-A dispatch to the Tribune from London aaya: 1'ay after day the newspaper, con tinue to second the appeal of the cor respondent In far Town for more rHip for South Africa. The uecetuilty or freii drafts of mounted men la ror iren urans or mounted men is ;" . ,v. , nT .,,. ui, . growing utgvnt. to augrnent the stn-nglh ! lwJ, mon,h?; fhe ctJ" M lak' n SOME SALT FISH SPECIALTIES fine Bloater Mackerel, Imported Holland Herring, Genlne Eastern Codfish, Salmon Bellies and Tips, Grimsby Bloater Herring, Etc. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Ten Per Cent ff for Cash SILVERPLATED WARE, CHINAWARE GLASSWARE, CROCKERY AND LXMPS UNTIL FEBRUARY 1, 1901. . . ' ON ALU Foard & Stokes Co. A LONG ROW 3 tJiJLiaoziar W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET, Between Moth aad Tenth Streets Of our now and up-to-date. Air tight Heaters are still pn hand. Wo figured on considerable cold weather and purchased an un usual quantity; but tlio weather has moderated, consequently sales have been slow. Wo are over stocked and must have tho room. From now on these splendid heat ing stoves will bo sold at a reduc tion bf 20 per cent FOR CASH. C. JF. TRENCH ARD, Custntti Hon:; Erc'e, ASTORIA, ORE At at W. W. A (V, and Paolflo kixprtaa C'a. Commissi. Brokerage, Insurance an J Shlccinz. The choka of Judg liurnham, which waa finally minlo unanlmoua, ended th fliTccM political fight In the hlatory of New HarnpMlilrf ficnator Cliamller waa onnoieil by men In hla party who objected to Mi prohlblllon-allvar vlwa, hi criticism at tltnci of the. u1mlnlt ration and hta I'l. aa on dJITereitt meaaurea, and. In ad dition, he waa jnpponed by thoae who mouifrii n nup ueen aenaior long enouKh. j Another Kreal factor In the contest and which futa (xurcd In other political fliclita, waa hla determined and contin ual attacka uoon tliu railroad Interest In the ftate, j kili.edbt hih wira. Aa Bhe Kicked Hla Llfetcaa Dody She nejolrcd Thit He Would Never Sc'Juce nother Woman. KANSA.-J CITY. Jan. 10. Philip It Keniu Jy. arfent for the Merchant Dt patch Trannportatlon Company, waa ahot five tlni- and kliled by hla wife. I.ulu K. Kennedy, at hla ofllce this af ternoon. The woman kicked the Ufe e body of her huaband aa he ex claimed: "Now, you will never aeduca another woman." Lat Tneaday Kennedy brouitht ault to annul hla niarrlag-e with Mlaa Prince, which occurred December 4, Inst, He alleged in hla petition that he wan forced to marry her by threata to take hla life If he nfuaed and the threate were ma.l not only by the rather ana brother of the younir woman but alao by her. CASTELLAINE SUIT. Taken Under Advlcincri by the New York Supreme Court. NEW YORK. Jan. lO.-The ault brounht by Anton J. Dlttmar. a New York la yer, "a aoiiKnee or Anner w er thelmer. of London, a bric-a-brao rtealif, to enjoin the truntee of the es tate of the late Jay Oould from paying over to Counwaa Lv CaMtvllalne any pAruoi, of th Income of her ahare of the extate, was called In the upieme court today on an application to con tinue the pending trial of action, a temitoraiy Injunction beinir lnued by Jumlce Ftiagerald. preventing the Goulds from sending; any money to ih-lr sinter. Iiy atrreement between counsel, the (loiilda have been permitted to aend to the count. us Jia.SuO a month tor IM JOINT NOTE IS SIGNED AT LAST Chinese Plenipotentiaries Finally Put Their Names to It. AMERICA'S IDEA ABANDONED Farther Ntfotldlloa Will Nut Be Triai(erre4 From Pedis to Wtiblaitos-Chloa Reeortei" to Be Drllliaj Annjr I 85,900 Mca. PARIS. Jan. 1.-A a rerult of in quiries in authoritative quartern, the Associated l'reas ia Riven th following rtatement In regard to the Chinese sit uation: "The Chinee pl'-nlpotentlaries signel the Joint iote yeet.Tlay, thus conclud ing the prnllmlnary stage of the n:jv tiatfons." PfiOrOSAL OF U. S. WITHDHAWN. WASHINGTON. Jan Id. A some of the f'.reiirn powers don't look with fa vor upon the proposition of the United States recently rnada aa to the witn drawnl of certain features of the nego tiations from IVkln to Wa-shlny-on or srone other capital; and other powers heiltste to dtx-lde the iuetli)n. the prcaid?nt has deemed It adviiable to tKlthdraw the propmitlon and i-as di rected the diplomatic rcpresnwtlveg of the I'nlted Btatrg abroad to so Inform the different governments. f the fcrce now Mrvlng snd to re place the yewnsnry and other troops that should by this time be returning home. M'fuiwhlle the recruiting for the Huulh African ronatabultrjr la proceed ing aluKKiahly, The attunl number of reeruil ilUpatched ao (rr fmtn the t'nlt.j Klngiloni a two hundred, but three hundred more are to atari next week, with nwre than three tlme that number applying to be enllated. The ai'l.ctiun of nuiiiMutca giM-s on at the unrkT advisement. UNPRECEDENTED SNOW. Three Feet Deep on a Level at Van couver. Britlnh Columbia. VANCOUVER. II. C. Jan. lft.-The entlr mainland of Drltish Columbia Is snowbound. Such a condition is not unutuai In the Kocky Mountains dur- k.. n.r,l.K till 1m ntllfk ttvoonl iim rate of on,y 300 a month, at which rat , V thi TVh. the la rai ll '?.k:..n?ly :U 10 "Ct ,h'ilv or? than a- Inch ..r tw. of ow o.c ucuraou iiii-u. . throo j.... ihmoehout the en- nn,..n.-T.. tire winter. run muir-unj.-s vr aiur.. - K., ,.n, .., jov. , anA ; LAHCE ARMY DRILLING. 1'ii.hIN. Jan. . A Chinama;i from Hian Fu. where the court is at present, .aye that within the city Ko.mirt Chinese tioopt "re drilling continuously and that the majority of them are armed with modern rIMes. He says that the feeling of the people there is bitterly nntl foriS'n. and that they believe they can meet the allies In an open tight and cW-'at them. The ministers are considerably aston ished over the Chinese gTant to RuHsia of a concession north of Pel Ho at Tien Tln. aa e-jmDared with the I'.ritis and French conceisalona combined. The grant, according to the Russians, was mad voluntarily for service in endeav oring to bring about peace. The min isters think that the concession con stitute good pay when considered in addition to the annexation or all aian: churia. : LI Hung Chang believes that he will receive a favorable -eply regarding the signing of the r.grem?nt tomorrow. Senor Corogan. the Riwnlsh minister, thinks tfcat the negotiations will com-mene- at Pekin. possibly ending lr Europe. M. D-siers thinks Ihat negoti ations will end at the Hague. has been organised to fight the Na tional Aspnait company. Known as me "rtKph'ilt trunt." U. F. fonwsy, F. J. Reed nnd J. J. McCarthy are the incor porators. It Is an Id that asphalt in Houth America will pais into control of the new company, which will en gage In the lmrertatl!n of rar ma- lerlal. The capitalization Is Itw.W. "The lotcrnationfU Asphalt Com pany, said ,vir. id, nas n.en or- (rani.'' a a rival to the trut. The company controls a l;trge supply of a ohHlt in South Am rlca and will vnir.itfe in the business of Importing It. Such contractors as "are to patronize an an- t!-trut company will be mppnea wun 1 hu rM u till! usphait on ih-; mark-t at a lower j'gure tnan lite trust nan ocen winm. SOUTHERN PACIFIC REPORT. Surplus for th Tsar Reached the Large Sum of $7.2.-3.420, RAN FRANCISCO, Jan. P) Th an nual report of the Southern Facifle for the year ending June 20ih hag Just been Issued. Th surolus for tne yar reacnea me larga aum of $",2a3.420. For the before the aurplus amounted to $4,4.7. :5. Thp average miles of rail lirs operated, proprietary and non-pripr1e- tary, .i?gr'riea uu, v the yar before. Gross earnings were S5I.400.i2j. The net Income from operation was S'-0.-l.7.745. A miscellaneous Income of SI.321.8S7 brings the net income up to $21,479,633. TACOMA SHIPPING. Warehouse Full of Freight for Oriental Steamers. TAfOM A. Jan. 10. The China ware- hrniu Is fillet with Hour awaiting hinment to Chinese ports. It is esti mated that tbere are more man .tj,v.v sacKs neld tnere lor ouiuouuu un ttunnm ni the suoolv is being In- dailv bv receipts from local and outside shippers. . . . . . : ..V. . .. W. , , nisn or oiner ir-ittiiL "n""" proportionate volume of business. The Oriental liner Tacoma and Braemar r no in nort loading and the Glen- ogle, Victoria and Duke of Fife will be here before the end ol me moom. addition the China Mutual steamer Yung Tsxe will arrive today. CUSII51AN MAKES HOWL IN HOUSE Washington Doesn't Get Its Share of Appropriations. TONGUE TOO SUCCESSFUL Seattle Wants Ship Canal Appeal Pretested li Steal Fresa 2300 Persoai It Ma li! Aiklnj That War Ee Stop(K. CAPE TOWN. Jan. 10. -The refugees are approaching the military authori ties to oMaln permission to form a corps for the protection of Johannen- burg and the mlnea nnly. aa they wish to be on the Jianl to assist In the de fense of their own property. The cham ber of mines has adopted a similar attitude. On the ricquetberg road the Tfoera occupying Cflvlnla and Sutherland con sist of two columns, one advancing In the direction of Clan William and the other towards Worcester. All passe in front of Worcester have been tccupled by aeasomnl tropa which are gathered at atrafglc points. The tran quil Dutch openly disapprove of the raid, many of them eendlng horses to the British camp. HAZING AT WEST POINT. Cadrt Saya It la Merely to Teach Fourth-Clasa Men Unquestioned Obedience', WLST POINT. Jan. lft.-In the hai- tng Investigation today Cadet Uettlnon wan upon the stand for over five hours. and prior to his ')elng excused Chalr- nnn Dick asked him If he had anything further to say. He replied: 1 want to say. sir, that the difference between hating a man here and at the colleges la that 4n the colleges the freshmen are hazed by the sophomores In a spirt of mischief and hands aw laid on them brutally. Here we never lay handa on them except In a case of fight. Our hating la solely for the punoe of making fourth-claw men realize the necessity of prompt and un questioned obedience." HOT FIGHT OVER. Republican Members of New Hamp shire Legislature Nominate Judge Bumham for U. S. Senate. CONCORD, N. H Jan. 10.-Judg Henry E. liurnham, of Manchester, won the nomination of the Republican member of the legislature for United States senator over Wm. E. Chandler and other candidates, liurnham won upon the first ballot. .Chandler received 47 votes; Rurnham, 1S8; Congreaaman Sulloway, 23; Henry M. Baker, 29; Henry B. Qulnby, 22; H. W. Blair. 1. The snow la now about thtve feet deep on a level oa the blreeta. Today the atorm began again with renewed vigor ind snow fell the grea ter part of the day. The smaller steamers are all now snowr bound. HlTtLEUKT HAS HESIGXEU. Leave O. R. St N. to Accept Position aa General Manager for llrok erag Firm. PORTLAND. Jan. 10. W. H. Hurl burt, jreneral passenger agent of the O. It. & N. Co.. haa resigned to accept a posltloa a geaeral manager for Mor ns & Whitehead, banker and brok- ers. Mr. Hurlburt will also be president of the East Side KaQway Company, an electric tine recently acquired by Mor ris & Tfbltehead. INDIANA DOSHONCHtED. Retiring Governor Deplore Outbreaks of Lytinhlng. INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 10. The. sixty second genieral aseomoly I Indiana coi.vened today. Governor Mount. In his farewell mes sage, deplnred the brutal lynchlngs that have dishonored the state, and suld: "The remedy must be found through the co-operation of good citizens In de manding the rigid enforcement of law and wit through rm violence." PRIZEFIGHT NOT OFF. ANOTHER HAZING. Colby College Student Critically 111 at His Home In Bangor. Maine. BANGOR. M? , Jan. 10. Wm. Phillips a student at Colby college. Is critically 111 at his home in Bangor from fever and hemorrhage of the kidneys caused, aa hi- says, by hlows received In the course of hazing by sophomores last fall. Phliiips entered Colby college In September and It was during his Initia tion In the fraternity of Delta Upsilon that be received the blows complained He says he waa blindfolded when some sophomores came up behind and struck him two fearful blow in the small of the fcnek, remarking that "that was the goat." Phillips says the blows "al most killed him." He lost his lemper aid went In for a free fight. Afterward the Initiation was complet ed, but be was lama for weeks and when be came home at Thanksgiving It was observed by his parents that le waa not well and physicians were called. He has steadily failed since coming home and now suffers nightly from convulsions. Phillips' parents will have an Investi gation made. BASEBALL FIGHT. War Declared Between American Base ball League and the National ILeague. CHICAGO, Jan. 10. The Times-Herald this aiorning says: War, technically if not actually, has bee declared by the American bas-e-ball League against the National LeaniA aecordinr to Charles H. Eb- Statermnt Issued by Directors of Saen- ( bett. the Brooklyn magnate. He i say. ADDRESS P-Y A JAPANESE. He Believes the Causi of This Coun try's Greatness Is Its System of Education. NEW YORK. Jan. 10. The board of education at Its me" last night was addressed by ToraJir Vvatase. or tokio. J.,.-n, a memoer f the higher imper ial' Industrial council, editor of the Japan Agriculturist, and a member of the Toklo city council. He has come to this country at the command of his government to study school systems. Mr. Watase was introduced to the members of the board by President Milea O'Brien and made a little speech, in which he said he believed the cause of this country's greatness e as Us sys tem of education and that he was much impressed by our liberality in that di rection. DISASTER AT TOKIO. Twenty Persons Killed and Three Hun . dred and Twelve Injured In a Panic. jrerfeat Athletic Club. CINCINNATI, Jan. V9. The directors of the Stomgerfeet Athletic Club is sued the fallowing in relation to the proposed contest announced for Febru ary 15th. between Jeffries and Ruh lin: "The board of directors authorise the following statement: After a session of our council we have not changed our porttlon one lota and any announce ment that the content U off Is In no wav authorized." ...STYLISH DINING ROOM FURNITURE... Side Boards, Dining Room Tables, Buffets, China Closets and Chairs, all of which we are offering at a very low price. A new lot of Iron and Brass Bedsteads just received. CHARLES IIEILB0RN S0H forces of Philadelphia. Washington and Faltrmore is in violation of treaty and if persisted In will lead to a fight. Ebbetts. who Is prominent In bowling s we as baseball, Is here attending the national bowling tourney. As Eb betts sees It, there will really not be a fight, because he tklnks the Ameri can League Is not vested with the proper strength for a bout, but he de clares that a strong and dangerous game of bluff Is being played and that the sooner It la "callecT the better It wiil be for the sport. YACHT SUNK BY SNOW. Great Weight Had Accumulated on Her Deck. VANCOUVER. R. C, Jan. 10.-The pleasure ya;-ht Mohawk, owned by B. T. Rogers, was sunk In Burrard Inlet by the weight of snow which had ac cumulated on her leek. It is not thought that she can be raised. The vessel cost her owner about J3",000. NEW ASPHALT COMPANY. Oreganlze to Fight the Asphalt Trust In the American Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Th Tribune this morning Bays: The International Asphalt Company, incorporated at Springfield yesterday. VANCOUVER. B. C. Jan. II. The annual popular fete of Toshl-No-Ieh! in the Kanda district of Tokio. w3 the scene of a terrible accident recently. Great crowds attended the festival and when the affair was at us height a heavv rain besan falling. A rush wa made for shelter and a panic ensued in which twenty .persons were crushed to death and 212 injured. Some of the buildings were burned by the upsetting of kerosene lamps. FIGHTERS TO BE INDICTED. Cincinnati Grand Jury Charged to Take Note of All Abettors. CINCINNATI. Jan. 10. In his charge to the grand Jury today Judge Davis gave instructions to Indict all persons who .may take part in any prizefight In Hamilton county, whether aa prin cipal or second, or who In any way may promote, aid or abet a tight. iNo ac tion of the grand Jury can take place under this charge, however, until prize fighting takes place. SPECIAL ELECTION CALLED. Citizens 'of Part of King County Will Vote on Annexation to Tacoma. WASHINGTON, Jan. lO.-The general debate on the river nnd harbor bli continued In the house until 4 o'clock when the death of Representative ,'Urke. of New Hampshire, was an nounced and the house adjourned out f respect to hia memory. The features of the debute todny Were he speeches of Cushman, of Washing cm. and Hepburn, of Iowa. The lat er has been a persistent opponent of the river and harbor bills fr years, and he attacked the bill all along the Hoe In his usual vigorous fashion. Cus'hman's speech was unique in many particulars, cusilirran i.iusirai- his remarks with an enormous chart whlth he had brought Into the hall. The pert.b.Ts crowded about to exam- ne the exhibit n.ale. The nmneg were suSicI -inly large tr. be read from the remote limits of the hall. There was a list of the seventeen states vbk'h had .members upon the river ard harbor committee with sums appropriated and authorized In the bill. Tre direct appropriations imount to 14.i-S,2fc': authoiiz-d appropriation an ount to 24,457,S.n. He said that the seventeen states with memhrs upon the comrrmtee got all the appropria tions with the exception of f,.::'.l)W in appropriations and authorization left th- r-malmtig states ana territories, ten of which got no appiipi iatiomt whatever. Cushtnan said he was In fao. of riv er and harbor improvements but a bill for that purpose huuld be for the bene fit of :he whole country and not for the ben -fit of he members of the com mlttee. " He poke. he said, as one who had been victimized by the bill. He said the committee had "overlooked'' his state, as if it had been a "white chip in a faro game.' He -ppr.ntetj a city tnat nan a nm- of Jrt.'VW1 and it got the "meas ly" sum of JiU.OlO. "If ycu think my vote can ne nougm or that price," he rain. ai.r!-snis tu- members of th? corriotuee. you ore oft your base." 'u-.hnnns criticism atpuseo i"'- members or ine ciiraraiuct aim ui kept up a continual nre or ques-.ions while he was speaKing. as a resun there were some exceedingly spicy ex- hanPes. . . . . , Imperial Caesar," Cushmar. said, had livlded all Gaul Into three parts, tae- - ... I n.....1n..l.) I sar was an ancient ou i,u Had he lived to the dawn of the twen tieth century." said Cushman. "he would, have divided gall into enough fragments ii. iv- nti J to each member or. tne riv er and harbor committee of the house." Onhmnn had brought into tne nan another chart showing the pi-oportmn of appropriations to tho recommenda tions or the cnier or ensinrer. ui states represented by the river and harbor committee got t per cent oi the' appropriations recommended, while other states got less man to per cent. fine bv one, Cushman paid his re spects t" the members of the commit tee, producing individual maps sookuoc the appropriations each had secured. The district of Bishop, of Michigan. he said, had counties with a rrontage on Lake Michigan and each one had an appropriation in the bill. "And each one had a harbor," Inter posed Bishop. "Have you eser examined a map of the state of Washington?" retorted Cushman. amid laughter. He was especially severe In his criti cism of the appropriations secured by Tongue, of Oregon, for his state, calling attention to the fact that although $5, OoO.OOO had been spent upon the Colum bia between Portland and the sea, the depth of water today was less by seven feet than it was before a dollar was expended. In this connection Cushman disclosed the reason for his attack. It was be cause the committee had not provided for the Seattle ship canal. He made an eloquent pl-'a for Justice for his state ard at the closo received a stir ring round uf applause, s SEATTLE. Jan. 10. The county com- niisJoonors of King county this after noon called a special election for Feb ruary 19th for the citizen of that part of King county which abuts on Taco ma. They will vote on whether they will be annexed and b?come a part of the county of Pierce and of the city of Tacoma. CATHOLIC CHURCH BURNED. Father Van Holdenbecke. of Ouwilt. Also Severely Burned. TACOMA. Jan. 10 The Roman Cath olic church at Cowiltx was burned ear ly this morning, caused by fire In the epartments of the pastor. Father Van Holdenbecke. who was badly burned about the legs and arni9 before being rescued. BILL TO PUNISH KIDNAPPING. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. 10. -A bill was introduced in the house today for the punishment of kidnapping. The penalty Is fixed at imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term not exceeding twenty-live ears. FIG LINER AFHORL". LONDON, Jan. In. The Anchor steamship Kthi.iiia, which left Glas gow today for New York, Is ashore on Holy Island in the firth of Clyde. She is in a bad position. IN THE SENAT13. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Consider able progress was made by the senate today with tha army reorganization bill, but the final vote upon the measure seems to be as far off as ever. Today the proceedings wr chnract'-'rlzed by several sharp colloquies, some of which were of a decided person 1 nature. An appeal was presented by Teller, of Colorado, from more than 2000 per sons In Manila Imploring the United States government to cease its opera tions against the Filipinos. The appeal la sensational in it statement and so unu.'ual In form that Hawiiy, of Con necticut made a vigorous objection to its publication, as ho declared that it was a treasonable denunciation of the government, an attack upon our sol diers. Consideration was concluded of the committee amendments of the nrmy re organization bill and the senate took up the amendments proposed by Indi vidual senators. Amendments provid ing for the appointment of James l. Wilson, Fitzhugh Lee and Gun-mi Shafter to be major-generals of the reg ular army and retired precipitate- ,in extended and. on the part of l'e;t srew. bitter debate. REAR-ADMIRAL PHKLP I.T. NEW YORK. Jan. li). K. er- York'il it of Pi:U OF" :fv vi '.K. J-m. 1 i (A.