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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1900)
I'jlK XU&N1NQ ASTUKUly WUl'A., DtiCEMBEK X8. lUXi JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main CSX. TEP.MS OF SUBSCRIPTION, DAILY. Pent by mall, per year........ Pent by mail, per month Served by carrier, per month.. .Si 00 . .SO . .$0 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, In advance. $2.00 Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorian." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation cf any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap- llratlon to the business manager. If France require only five pn darmes at a time to be sent to govern the Society Islands, we oujcht to be able to govern the Philippines with W. 000 men. The great French victory over 23,000 Chinese troops turns out to be the mere scattering of an unorganized horde of 200 Boxers. As In the threatened In vasion of England. It was what the French would like to accomplish rather than an actual deed of merit that has given them a chance to boast of their bravery. Pryan says that "time may prove that my work Is to advocate rather than execute." He baa already had sufficient time to learn that the people of the United States are not anxious to place him in an executive position but, If he cares to spend his time in the advocacy of his pet theories. the country Is willing. Mr. Bryan Is always Interesting and has proven to be harmless. Though Hobson did nothing at Santi ago which any other American on any of the men-of-war off the coast of Cuba would not have gladly attempted and would have accomplished with equal success, Hobson was promised recognition, at the time of the furore over his deed, which he has not yet ' received and which should be bo longer delayed. Congress cannot afford . to fall to recognise the brave dc-ds of cur heroes, particularly after substantial j he whi" PriJ,t vigorously but rewsrds have been promised. The pro- " valnly dvctel- The adoption of motion of Lieutenant Hn"5on U a mat-I ,uch poIlcjr would i0cal nd tr in which the nat Dal bomr U jn. j courageous, but that it would result In rolved and its post .iinent for M'"o!1tlni victories' gravely t0 be long is a mistake w jlch should be speedily remedied. . . "FIRST PRINCIPLES" OF DEMOC 7 RACY, New York Tribune. " ! Mr. Cleveland has been lately quoted as saying that the Democratic party Ul "lc " I return? Jefferson. Madison and Monroe wandered off after strange gods and i ha(, doctHne 0 tne ubJerl fop thf that If it returns to first principle, and ; 13SUe had not then creaied Tnty old time doctrine, it will again wln;,,,,, folIowed tne examp!e of Wa,n. oldtlme victories. In this week's issue j ,n(fton and Adam8 Tne conduct of tne of The Philadelphia Saturday Evening ' , , . v . k u, i..ciimg tlv1 gppyj first became an issue under Post he amplifies and emphasize, that , , . j . j w u j0 ( j.jc,,,'. administration, and It was declaration. There is no man better. .. .. .... entitled than Mr. Cleveland thus to speak, since he ha. long been one of i-iin-i vunscrvauvc ivrces in ine Dar- ty and has twice led It to victory in na tional campaigns the only man who has done so In this generation. It Is true that for the last half dozen years be has cut no figure as a practical par ty leader, but has. on the contrary, been repudiated and condemned by those who have directed the fortunes of the party. But in those same years, ever since Its repudiation of him, the party has suffered an unbroken series of disastrous defeats, and Is today In fStT-l iff r Baldwin's Celery Soda urea a headnch at one. It Is a pleas aat, sparkling, effervescent drink that sots ImmwliMUilr. It oImds and par ttiw in stomach, gently trolats ths nerrw i-i ri!'.;TM a!! jala. It carss sick and BirTmi BMMltcliea, suiakneM aod mn Ul htigus. IOc. 26c, OOc, $i.OO Euoceasor to Th.' Olsen. eoo- Com. EL a more demoralized condittcn than at any other time since the civil war. Tn such circumstances. If it has a remnant of common sense left. It will carefully consider Mr. Cleveland's words. Mr. Cleveland has expressed In his strong, sententious manner thoughts which have been In many other minds. Immediately after last month! elec tion the Tribune set forth a hope that the Democratic party under the chas tening Influence of defeat might re turr. from Its mad vagaries to sober ways, and thus form a dignified and patriotic opposition party, which would be of real service to the nation as a balance or check upon the party in power. It Is, however, easier to hope than to prescribe, and it is probable that even Mr. Cleveland would find It difficult to rehabilitate the "oldtime dvctrines" of the Democratic party In a logical and effective manner. We may say, for example, that socialist scheme hsve no place in a Democratic platform. Yet Mr. Cleveland himself stood sponsor for one of the first of them, a class discriminating: Income tax; and this and other such schemes have now been so widely accept 1 that repudiation of them would probably 1 ,,,. . , .... alienate a large minority, if not a ma jority, of the party. For years the Democratic party has been gathering to Itsvlf all possible elements of social ism, anarchy and general discontent and disorder. Eliminate thes, and there would be only a remnant left. On the subject of the currency there is room for question as to what the "oldtime doctrines" of Democracy are. Mr. Cleveland unquestionably stands for sound money. So stood the found ers of the party. But between him and them thtre is a great Interval filled with all manner of financial heresies. The 1 to 1 madness of Bryanism is not ' the only strange god after which Dem- ocracy has wandered. Before It were oth:r silver schemes, and greenback Inflation, and opposition to the resump tion of specie payments, and the long chaos of "wildcat banks- and "red dog currency." A return to first principles must, then, be to first principles indeed, away back of the days of Jackson. And what would such a return be but a lurnln ,0 surrender to the PrincID1 of the Republican party. Concerning the tariff Mr. Cleveland undoubtedly mean bjr "first princi ples" a tariff for revenue only, such as doubted. Civil servt Mother leading issue. Mr. Cleveland is v ofessed friend of civil service reform, though not even his best friends will claim that be was altogether successful, even If consls- tent, in the practice of it vduring hit j ... , - . ., ,. . administrations. But to what "oldtime doctrine" of Democracy would he now trine" or "first principle" was formu- i ia-iea auu uruinuiKaiea miu uui iuio To the victors belong the I spoils." We cannot conceive that Mr. Cleveland would return to that. But, If not. he would asain be turning toward and surrendering to a distinctive prin ciple of the Republican party. Finally, there is the o.uestion of territorial ex pansion, upon which Mr. Cleveland is supposed to agree with Mr. Bryan in opposition to the Republican policy. But suppose the Democratic party re turned to the "first principles' and "oldtime doctrines" of Jefferson, Mon roe, Jackson, Calhoun. Polk and Buc hanan. Why, It would be the most rampant expansionist and Imperialist the nation has ever known! Mr. Cleveland Is no doubt sincere and disinterested In his prerrlption for the health of the Democratic party. And we have no doubt, either, that the following of his advice would make that party a far more sane and recpec tahle organization than It Is at the present time. But even Mr. Cleveland's programme would not be free from some inconsistencies, while that It would lead to certain success at the polls Is most seriously to be doubted. It is one thing to form a coherent and consistent opposition for purposes of criticism upon the government. It is an altogether different thing to organ ize a party of Initiative which shall successfully create and construct ben eficent national policies. The Demo cratic party has so long been out of the business of creating anything but mischief that it will have a hard time in persuading the nation to confide in It constructive skill. is coi THE COUGH. Laxative Uronio Quinine Tablets cur a cold In jne day. No euro, no pay. rr.c i: cents. When a father supports a bride to tn altar, It doesn't mean that It Is the lust time he will have to support nt. ny any means, THE BEST SALVE IN' THE WORLD Is Banner Salve. It Is made from a prescription by a widely known skin specialist and positively la the most howling salve for piles, burns, scald. ulcere, running sore ana ait sKin dis. Me. ! not hint so good CHAS, ROGERS. Druggist. "Meet your wif with a smile on y.iur ill's, say an xcnatiKe. iiaa.i't he be ur wait until the odr his abated si tm wha 1 7 Many have lo.t confidence and h 't as wen as neattn. Because they thought tneir KMiiey disease was Incurable. Foley's Kidney Cure is a positive cure fr the ilscouraged and disconsolate. Take no Mh-r. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. This Is a bsd'.y mixed up world. On- man wants an appetite for dinner and tnxiier tn;s a dinner for hl appe tite. Kv-ry medicine 's an innovation, and he that will not appiy new remedies must expect new eHs; for time I the greatest Innovator; and If time, of course, alter things to the worse, and wisdom and counsel shall nm alter iN "' to the better, what shall be th end Looking for trouble la one way of making it. The person who llaturbed the con gregation last Sunday by coughing, is requested to call on Charles Rogers and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. It always gives relief. 11000 WORTH OF GOOD. A. H. Thurness. of Wills Creek Ccsj Co.. Buftaio, O.. writes: "I have been afTleted with kldn y and bladder troub le for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. Other medi cines only gave relief. After taking t oiey a Kianey cure the result was sur prising. A tew doses started the brick lust, like fine stones, etc.. and now I have no pain across my kidneys, and I feel like a new man. Foley's Kidney Cure did me $1000 worth of good." Take no substitute, CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist In answer to the question. ''What Is a rig? the editor of an exchange fur--'m- the information that It Is an out fit for which a young; man blows In the lruits of the labors of a week for the privilege of letting his bst girl hold the lines for an hour while h' holds her. Cold and cough cures are numerous, but the one that leads all others In merit. Is Foley's Honey and Tar, which is in great demand these days. CHAS. ROCERS. Druggist. ' The most work some men do is work ing some other fellow. FOR PNEUMONIA. Dr. C. J. Bishop. Agnew. Mich., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar In thrte very severe cases of pneumonia with good results In every case." There is nothing so good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist Men and women ought.' perhaps, to enjoy equal rights, and yet if we saw men wearing millinery and kiss each other on the streets we would throw bricks at 'em. FOR HOARSENESS. Bent. Ingerson, of Hutton. Ind.. says be had not spoken a word above a whisper for months, and one bottle of F0ey, Honey and Tar restored his voice. It is used largely by speakers ana sinem. iixux nu wimiiuic. CHAS ROGERS, Druggist ?he saw It in the window, and She rived about It till She bought it, then, just like all men, He raved about the bill. A cold, cough or la grtppe can be "nipped In the bud" with a dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware of substitutes. CHAS. P.OGERS, Drug gist. A woman Is a queer combination. While she delighu In the littlest bit of a foot, she is not supremely happy unleos her hat Is as big as a cartwheel. i depart' TIMB SCHEDULE? From rortUnd. Asaivs Chlras Salt Uke, Denver, Ft I IVtlnid Wortii.Omsha. Kan- ! peeial ; i ity, St U)U, I 915a. m ; t.'mcs.i and Eiut I 8lt Uke. Denver. Fl i p. m. Atomic i.orth, Omaha. Kan" Kipn-Hi ; ink City, HI 1,-mL) 7 It. ID jLLSL- i,lr-,!L?!!!J-a!i I ' Wlla Walla, I,-wintn,i Spoktne ' Hpokime. Mlnneapoj Flyer, i IK ht. Pul, ImiutWo to a tn 6 p.m. i Milwaukee, Clilcigo i and Kant. j I Prom Astoria I OCEAN 5TEAM5HIPA All Balling Date tub) ieel Ui change. i For ban Francisco Kll , Columbia IJIver Htem-i L-a" Hi era to Portland and ! fcrHundajr; Way Liiidinin j am'x Mo day From Portland ei bun my ,. . . itaunaay ' Oregon Citv, NewbertV I Halern A Way-Land , i I ! 7a.m. , Willamette and Vain- 3 p m. Tuea.Thor hlllBlvers j Moo., Wed. uauat. .Oreron City, Dayton & Hlparla LvLewlstD iM a m dally Soak River. 'jittlai BIparlatoLewlstoo Cam WlllametU Blver 4:3l p m Tuea.Thoi Portland to Corvallls Mon, Wed Saturday aod Way Ju1Iiik I Friday G. W. LOUNSBERRT. W. H. HURLBURT, At. Astorl Gen. Pass. Ag't, Portland. Or IT CURES THS COLD AND STOPS ASTORIA AND .COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. L. PORTLAND. Arrive. 1 :0ftun!iPorlUnd Union Depot!U:W a.m. (.wp.m.iror Astoria and lntr-t:0 p.m. lioeoiaie points, i ( I ASTORIA. I T.4S a.m.For Portland V In-llLM a-aa. V" ! m'Jlr.m'H,,l points 10:30 p.m. MASIDB DIVISION. ASTORIA SEASIDE I n a. m i ui n. m :.) p. ill. s:W a m II ttU III I, u. , H.Aip. in. ' W '4 p in I mi i, in Suiul U,) All trains malt eli-tta eonntlin at Gobi with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MA TO. Oenl Fr't and Pans. Agent WHITE COLLAR LINL Sir. HERCULES takes the nine r.f IIAILEV GATZKRT (Telephone Dock). Columbia River and Puget Sound Nar- igation Company. The Hercules leaves .Astoria dailv except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave Portland daily except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Line tickets. O. W A V tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav. Com. pony tickets Interchangeable on Her cules and Hassalo. 'Though Port land connection with steamer Xahcnfr from Ilwacu and Long Beach points. reiepnone No. in. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent. ti. w. CKICHTON. Portland Agent Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Monlana, Utah, Colorado and ill Eastern Points jives cnoice of two favorite routes, via the Tnlon Pacific Fast Mali Line, or tn kio orande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 Days t alt Like. 2J Days to Denver. 3 Days to Chicago. 1J Days to Xev. York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C O. TERRT. W. E. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt.. Gen. Agent. 124 Third St.. Port ana Oe Or O. W. LOCNSBERRT. Agent O. R. A N. T OXURIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwestern Limited" tmna electric lighted throughout, both inai.4 and out. and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the werld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the moat complete and splendid production of ths car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northers The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these sunerior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for pannage on the lamous iNortn western Limited." All trains on this line are protected by ths Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling AgL rortiano, ure. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemn-latln a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the heat aervie obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of ths m.niuui Liint,o srs paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging line at n Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Diring car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information rail ..n any ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent, THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER H.F.PrielTransferCo Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Cars Will Receive Bpeslal Attention. No. tti Duane St, Astoria, Or. W. I. bOOX. Kxr Res. TeLlllL BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the raasenger 8ervlo via The Northwestern lino.. Eight Trains Dally btwn St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman filrepers. Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Obwrvatlon Cars, Free Reclining ChsJr Cars. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of ths Tear, The finest Train in the World tlrctric liykud iittm (Intra THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the unest naiiy Train Running Between St Paul and Chicago, via the Short Ltne. Connection, from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC, li HEAT NOKTHRKN and CANADIAN PACIFIC U YS. This Is also the REST LINE b'tween Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis, All scents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. 11 Ml' AD, II. u SISLER. Gen. ral Arnt. Trv. Agent, US Alder street, Portland. Oregon. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO SlPibI, DalQth.Minnripolis, (lca?o and All Points East. DAILT TRAINS; FAST TIME: SER VICE AND SCENERT UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket omoe. Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or addreas, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 to i he east If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both are finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURI8T SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours in time saved to Omaha, Chicago Kansas Citv. St. Louis, New York, Boston, And Other Eastern Toints Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. St N. Co., Astoria, Or,, OR J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, W5 Third St, Portland. Or. Tm asa j2 aK 0 vl mMr -n 111? ,1 Depot. Fifth and Leave I I Bl reels. ArrWs Overland Express Train, for Palmt, Riwvburg, Ash- Inn,! KnfMrnitflln T:M p.m Ojtden. Han Fran I: IS t in cisco, Mojavt. Los Angrlm. Kl Piin M:M a.m New Orleans and 7:00 p.m ths East, At Woodburn (daily except Hun day). morning t nil ii connect Willi tram for Mt, An gel, Hllverton, H r o w n s v 1 1 1 e. Springfield. and Natron, and ven Ing train for Mt. Angel and llvr ton. Corvallls pan er. Sheridan pcn- :a.m 116:50 p m 14. W p.m lt:Ua.m irr. Dallr fjlly evrept Sunday. Rebate tickets on sal between Port land. Hacramento and San Francisco, yt rates II? first class and III second cIsm, Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eatern points and Alao Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia. I'm h- ,,i,i.i,,.4 from J 11. Kirklaml. Ticket Ag.nt. 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Paeoj-r depot foot of Jefferson St L-ive for Owwego dally at T.JO. :! m; 1J.J0. LiS. I.JS, :!. ;, ;00. H.jU p. n.. and I a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at M tt. . !. a. m.: I a. I .u. 4.30, I M, V.iO, 10.00 p. m; 13:40 a m. daily ts rept Monday; :J0 and lO.oo a. m. oa Hundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, eicent lun. day. at 4 JO p. m. Arrive at Portland at :W a. m. Paasenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl liys at 1:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Except Sunday. R. KOEMLEIt. Manager C. II. MARKHAM. Oen. Frt. and Pass. Agt. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Hallway running the "Pioneer Limited' trams every oay and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, ine omy perreet train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam ht. of a verity eO'ialvd bv na mh- tin. fcre that your ticket reada via "The Milwaukee" when going to anv nuint In the United Htate or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor- matlon, addrees. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. Trav. Pisa. Agt.. Oen. Agt.. Portias J. Oregon. Portland. Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ry virtue of an exjcutlon and op. dr of sale Usued out of the circuit court of the Htate of Oregon, for the Cjunty of Clfitp. on the 26th dav of December. WOO, upon a Judgment and ll. .... nn,l.rM.I ll,n.l. . n, nay of iMcember, 1W0, In favor of Thomas Dolg, plaintiff, an against E. Z. Ferguson, 8a4 Get and Chlng Get, his wife, and (he Clatsop Mill Com pany, defendants, for the sum ,r 1 1027.76. tjgether with Interest there on at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from the 2lst day of December, l'KW, the costs and disbursements of ins acuon mica at j;U.20. and tha costs of and upo this writ command ing and requiring me to make sale of me nmowimf a.-scriueu real property, to-wl: All Of the east IhlrtV-flve nrrna nt 101 .o. t ana tne southeast nunrtee or tnu soutnwest nuarter of section twenty-four (24), In township eight (), north of range ten (10). west of th. Willamette meridian, In Clatsop Coun ty, Oregon, that Is to say, all of said lot two (1), and said forty acre legal subdivision adjoining the same on the soutn tnat lies east of a linn drawn through said subdivision parallel with the east line therejf, such a distance west of such east line thereof, as to inciuu tnirty-nve seres or land of said subdivision, between the east Una thereof and the lints run through the same, also ail or lot numbered five (5), In block numberd thirty-three (23), in umi puri or me city or Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McL'lure nil being p the County of Clatsop, Htate oi uregon, togetner witn the tene ments, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining. Notice In hereby giv;n that I will on Monday, the 2Sth day of January. 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said Sny, In front of ar,d st the court house door, .n the City of A at.. flu -.... ...... ' .. ..".j,,,, v.iaino, ouoiy, WlPgun, SC the above-described real property or sj much thereof us may be neccHadry to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. THOMAS LINVILLE, Sheriff of Clatsop County. Astoria. Ore., Dec. 2, 1900, PHERIFFS SALE. In pursuance of an execution duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, for the County of Yamhill, on the 16th day of November, 1!)0, upon a Judgment and decree ren dered in said court on the 13th day of April. 1896, In the suit of O. O. Howard, plaintiff, vs. R. A. Frame, E. 8. Frame. A. W, Stowell and E. B. Btowell, defend ants, I will expose for sale and sell as the law directs at the Court House door of the County of Clatsop, In the city of Astoria, on Monday, the 31st day of December, 1900, st the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., the property situated In ths County of Clatsop, Stats of Oregon, and described as follows, to-wit: Lots two (2), three (3), four (4). five (5) and six (6), In block thirteen (U), In Adair's port of Upper Astoria, ac cording to the plat on file In the clerk's office of Clatsop County, Oregon,, THOS. LINVILLB, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon, November 23, 1900. NOTK'ID rOH PI'IILICATION. Ijrnd Cities st Vancouver, Washington, Dec. 10, 11)00; Notice Is hereby xlvrn that llui fol lowing, imined settler haa fllod notice of his Intention to limits dual proof In suppoit of his oliilin, and that said proof will ln main linfors Mis rtglster and receiver n ViliU'ouv.f, Waslililg ton. on Mjii lay, January il, liwi, v'st John HitiiMth. of Chinook, Waih., for the N, W, i of section il.t In township 10 north, range 10 weal W, M. He names the following rltnee to prvs hla continuum rldnr upon wnd rultivatlon of Mid land, vlsl Karl Johnson, of i'hliiiivk. Washing ton; Die Itelioelh, of Walimigal, Wa.h Ington: John Wahibcrs, of Chlnmik, Wellington; Ju liitrMin, f Chi n xik. Mshlnglon. V. It, DUNIIAR, Reglsler. NOTICE Ym I'l'lUJOATlON. Culled Bluti-a IjhhI OlTlie, Van.ouvr, Wanh.. Nov. SJ. l!W0: Notice la hereby given that In Com pllunce wild the provmloiis of th ai'l of IHHIglXIHI of Juno 3, ii, en tic d "An m t for tlio aiilc if limber Unda in lbs liit-a iif California, Oregon, Nevada am! Wualilngum 'IVnllory," as m land ed to all tlio pulillc land state by a t of AugtiHt 4,, tWorge A. Wsrd, of 1'mlliiiul. county of Mulliionuli, state, (if (.iregon, has this duy tiled In this ottloe his sworn staleiiieiit No. !W7, for ttw purcliiKe uf the lota 1 and I, and K half of NW quarter of swllon No, It), In twiihi) No. 10 N. rang No. f W W. M. and will utter proof t ) show that the land sought la inre valiuiuld for Its Umber or stone than for agricultural purpr, and to mtabllah hla claim to xiil Und tx-fure the register aii re ceiver of this office at VaiUHiuvsr, Wash, on Wrdmaday, the Uth day of Fvtiruary. isui. He itaine u wUneaars: llnrnard Itlst, of Knapptoii. Waahlngton; Ilka 1 1 ruck, of Naar, Waahliigtn: AUred J. liray, of Knappton. WashUigtun: William Matheral. of Ktiaiilon. U.h. Ington, Any and all ierioim claiming adverse ly the aboveMlencribed lands ar r lurated t file their claims In this ottloe on or hetore awid 13th dr of KVb ruary. lw. W. It. DUNIIAU. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, . , Department of tho Interior. LanJ Offlcs - vnun i uy, crrgoii, LK in ber 11 I'juo Notice la hereby given that the fol lowing. named settler has died notice of his Intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be nmde before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on Fbtury I. li. vis: At-llKUT St'HOENEIIECK. H. R No. M7, tr the H of NWU and NW of H . Hoc 14. T. I N, It He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous realdenos upon . i uiuimiun 111 Mill lOJJll, vis: V. II. CYffey, of Astoria, Oregon; Pet er Olson, of rtvrnsoll. Oregon; Atlguai Hi hoenetjeck. of Venn. Oregon: Win Schoenebrtk, of Hvrrumn. Oregiwi CHAS, B, MOt'UIRS, lugisttr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offlcs, Oregon Clly Oregon, Nov. 23. 1W0: Notice Is hereby given that In com plUnce with the provlnlona .,f the act of congress of June 1, l7I, eiil,d "An set for the le of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon. Ne vads and Washington Territory." as estended to all the J'uMIe Lnn4 Htate by act of August 4. 1892. Mrs Mary Mlasrr, of oiney. County of ciatn 8', "reson. has this day filed In jhia ottice her sworn statement. No. for the purchase of the 815 qusr trr of section No. 4. In township No. N. range No. 7 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es uMlahrd her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this of lice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday the 16th day of February. 1501. ' tilaser William W 1 . " '"" V . II nne names as witnesses: Babaatlan laser. William W. Pone M.r iw. t, Apimllunla Johnson, all of Olney Ciat sup County, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse, ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims In this of fice on or before said 16th day of Feb ruary, 1901. C1IA8. B. MoOREfl. - Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Offlcs, Oregon City. Oregon, Dec. 3rd, 1900: Notice In hereby given that In com pllance with the provisions ,,f the act of congress of June 3. 1S7D. entitle! "An act for the Rills of timber lands In ths SUi"t.0,fc. t,,lllf"rn,a. rcK"n. Nevada and Washington Territory," extend ed to all Ihe public land states by act of August 4. 1S92, John E. Logai, of Olney, county of Clatsop, state of Ore. ton. has this day filed In thl. oiflos his sworn statement No. 5327 for iha purchase of the lot. n. 12, 13 gild 14 of section No. 15. In township No N range So. 7 W. and will offer proof to show thst the land sought Is mow val? uable for Its tlmbor and .tone tna.n for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ms claim to said land before the res Ister and receiver of this office at Or. f"" C."& tr'""n- "n Friday, the lfith day of February, 19oe, mn He names na witnesses: Bahastlan Glaser. William W. Pope, Mawbrack Appollonla Johnson, all of Olney flat sop county, Oregon. i Anya,"lal1 PTsons claiming adverse, ly the above-described lands are ee. quested to file their claims '"throfl"; ary, 1901. CHAS. B. MOORK8, - Register, NOTICI3 FOR PUBLICATION. United Blitei Tjin City, Oregon7Novemoor 12 1900- " if?11'6 '.!..hTby Kly' lh' in com--lltttice with the provisions of the act of congri-ss of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber hinds In the states of California, Oregon Ns! vitda and Washington Territory'' m extended to all the Public Ia,,,, Vj," by not of August 4. 1892 ca VtlX? of No. 250 Morrison street. Portland county of Multnomah, Htate of Orvgon has thl. day filed In this offVce?. sworn statement N una . ... " I" chaso of the NE quartor of section 14 In township No. 5 N, range No 9 W and will offer proof to show thai ja .wuBUk . mora vaiuat) e for its timber or stone than for airetenuoil? -iTS tH. t0 f:tabll,,h ' 'lalm to sa d land before ths lteglster and Rs tilvor of th s Office o n. SSES n,lM th 'tn d-r of He names as witnesses. John Fin ley. of Astoria, Oregon ; John Chit wood of Astoria. Oregon; Herman Alhers of SKr. &: WT" McFwlM' -Any and all persons clwlinlng adverse ly the above-described lands are re. quested to file their claims In this of flee on or before said 7th day of Febru ary. 1901, CHAS. B. MOOREB Jteglster.