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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1900)
TUN MORNING ASHMAN,' FiUU; PECEMBEK '! tvoo. BEGINNING WEDNESDAY January 2, 1001, our Second Annual Clearance Salo will commence and continue for Thirty Business Days. All contructi for mlvertininii In (lid Aatoiiun tire ihuJc on a gunr. ante of circulation four tlnwa lttrcr than Hint of any pupcr published or circulated in C'.lut. op county. TODAY'S WEATHER. ItWrLAND. rxv, M.-Oregon. Ma lm ami Washington, fair, variable wind. AROUND TOWN. Ttr report: Wind, east, clear; bar, smooth. T. J. Carney It in Portland on bust iiea trip, O. J. Balm, of Na"t, wu In tb eliy yattrdiy. J lin Watson, of Eugtna, wu In orl yesterday. A, J. llaydn, of llwaco, was In th city yesterday. n. Houston, of Portland. It regtatared at the Occident Thot. llallmn, of Calhlamet, wu In Asuria yesterday. Julius Bmtth, of Portland, waa In (h city eaterdajr. Imuo Hansen, ff Frankfort. wa In the city yoterday. J, Rtrom. or Fkamohawa, It 4 guest at the I'arkT Houaa I a n. Howard, of Tnungi JUr. WM In tha city yesterday. Jlon. r. W. Fultn u In Portland yesterday on bualnaaa. Frank Woodfield iu In Portland yesterday on bualnaaa, Hugh Moltae. of Arkln, Minn., la reg istered at iht Occident Captain A. Copeland. of Portland, ws In the cliy yesterday. George NUnd and family are spend ing a few daya at Beaalda. Lot Ollmor. of the Uwl and Clark, was In Astoria yesterday. II. W. Bmlih. of Chinook, wu In tba city yesterday on buslneai. The German thlp EHbek arrlvtd down tho rlvor yesterday afternoon. Wanted Olrl for general bout wotk; :0 Exchange Btraet. IIKHT W-CENT MEAL; IUSINO PUN UE3TAUKANT. DON'T hk 4 Mrs mt OF DANZIGER'S GREAT 20 PER AND 25 PER mm Olrl W.tntd-For general housework; tmuil family. Apply thla office. Miss Myrlla Caasll, of Bouth Ind. la visiting frlendt In this city. Wra. A. A. Cleveland la luffrelng wlih an attack of pneumonia,- Pest IB-cent meal, Illstng dun Tte lauraitt, (13 Commercial street. P. Huffman and I.ouls Ttanrh, of Bit vrrlon. art In the city on business. Charlm Hastland waa down from flkamokiwa yeitcrdiy afternoon. T)i flerman ship Hitssla haa lalled from Hakodate for tha Columbia. Jeff! rta'imni-lha largest and test. A trial will ct.nvlnc you. ri!lrrlcr of Custom John Fox hat returned from a trip to the Bound. Mra. J. C, Atklnt, of Oreimn Cliy, It In Attorla vlalttn with frienda. J. Q. Harvey, of Porttnnd. wm ref lati-rrd at tht UccKicni yetieraay. Where do you irt your Hunday din ner? I lake liilna at the C'oriirai inxei, Mr. ond Mrt. A. J. Tlrown. of Tay Cniu-r, Wali are vltllln In the city liny Wanted To work In printing nmre; apply to the J. B. DKt.MNOIClt CO. Sheriff Unvllla retumedl yetterday afternoon from an official trip to flea- tide. Mra.' H. I. Johnton ha returned from a vltlt to her parenta In Hteventon, Waah. v n Wheeler, the Portland con tractor, wat In Aatorla yeaterday on butlneaa. The Occident barber thop bat three flri!t-ola borlxTt under Ita new man AK'tnent. r.a., U'l.l,l.iil nt lt Pnlnt Adnma llfe-unvlnc crew, waa In Attorla yetteraty. Vra. Aenea Fltipatrlck and Mitt Flttpatrtck. of Pkamokawa, were at the Orvidont yeateraay. wife, nf Daen Wrer were In tba cltv yetterday. relttrd at the rarker iiouaa. a Umimh th lorror of Portland. wat In the city yetterday lookln after hla putinett interetia Tho tteamthlp Monmouththlre. with a aeneral caro of merchandise for the Orl nl. nnlehcd takin on ooai yet. lerdny afternoon and went to or at 4 o'clock. BT3 CENT CENTS LEFT111 Ea 2a I Bill c n ra -t mm a. a-l a.. The fttreet Hallway Company bava adopted a new tyttirm of frank coupon Inmead of the pattea lately In ute. The Dtxaar! Ilnlldiy t-oodr bam boo fiin.ltnre. ladi't' underwear and nollnti 6H Commercial ttret. Mlat Pt-nrl Jenklnt, of Portland. It nneiidlna a fw daya aa the auett of Hlt Btdla Buth.Tland In thla city. n. F, Coffey waa appointed admin Ittrator of the ettate of P, D, Coffey, defeated, In probate court yetterday. Frank Fabre, formerly of thla city, It vlKliln here, Anybody wlrhlnf to Invett In real ritatt will do well to tee him. A marring llwite waa lu'd yt torday to tto Vollbrecht. of Multno. mxh county, and Auitutta C, Neltfl, of C'lattop county. A C. KUIier returned yetterday from a trip to California, where he went with hit wife who wat called there by tilt llinctt of her mother, Crram Pun Ity. menca'a flr.eet wMwv ti.j ..niv rnir aoodt; r.i'r-ani.-d r!eh and n-.eiiow. JUlIN U f'Altl.HN. Pole Aenl. The propeller for the tteamthlp Nor man Inlet hu been ahlnrwd and the will be rendy to go to tea aa toon aa ner canto nut Deen repiacea. The PrltUh thin Wavertrea. 77 davt from Ytlpira'to In balluat. arrived In port yetterday afternoon, Hh It under charter to lnd wheat for Europe. llotlyn con I laalt lonffer, la cleaner and niuki t le trouble with ttovt and chimney duet than any other. Oeorice W, fnnlirrn. eiit. Telephone 1311. A bill of Mle waa filed In the oit'tom houc yenterday whereby J. A. Mun r tranafera to P. N. Kearney the lit He teven-ton eteamer Povle for J00. Temple lole, No. 7. A. F. A A. M.. held their regular annual Installation itt nmceri In Maaonlr hall laat evening. The aervlcet were followed by a ban quet. From now until the end of January, l0l, I mke all klndt of tultt at a redudloa of 10 per cetit from th u onl pi li e. A. I.AKK. Mvn hnnl Tailor. Wanted. A woman. 37 yeart old. wanta a plc to rare for children, help with houBework or tew. Addntt, Mrt. fml. 268 Montgomery St., Port land. Ore. The Dutch bark Pax cleared at the nutnm hoime yesterday for QuK'natown with :,nfl tinrrelt of dour, valued at IM.Hoo. She it deepatched by the Port Innd Flouring Mlllt. At P. J. Ooodman and Co.. are iroliiK nut of bu'lnint, th.'lr entire elink of biMit and thiK-v are for tale at prlct It nil) pay the public to com and tec; at No, &M Commercial atreel. It't a Keiitleman't whltkey, a pure dclldout beverage and a arand tnietl it. lton't forget the name. "!. W. llnrper" whlekey. The kind your criMiilfathcr ued." fold by Kiard and 8tkt Co.. Attorla. Ore. The tliltUh ateamthln Kalaow la due to arrive tomorrow after a rsrao of Bin Ruroie. 8ha will take on over $'ofO tnnt of wheat. Tm Kaltow It a tlet'T tteamer to tho China Wo and It nnother of the China Mutual llncra. The Herman ateamthlD Eva. about which there waa auch a aenaatlon on her voyaae out from here a couple of montha aao, when the wat reported wrecked on tho North Japan coaat. It due hen Bundav from Hone Konjc and way porta. The regular monthly aervlce at St. ThiHnaa Church-ty-lhe-8ett. Sklpanon la on the flrat Wednetdny of etch month, at 7:30 i. m. At "alvary Chnp- el. PeiiHlde. nn the huii Wednetday of each month at the tame hour. All are welcome to attend thete tervlcca. It It reported from Puget nound that Charlea Icwlt and Frank Turk are at Tacoma. having arrived recently from Honolulu, and It la announced they in tend to ettablleh a aallor'a boarding' houee there, and have already negotiat ed with matter In port to tupply the veatrla with crewa. Hoth men are well known In Attorla, Tha Chilean ateam whaler Fearleaa thirty-two daya from UnalOAka, haa ar rived at Coot bay, where aha will take on provlxlona. water and coal. She Hulk (I from Fan Francisco twenty-two montha ago, nnd for aoma time feara were entertained for her aafety. Her cargo conxlatf of 8000 pound of whale bone and a large catch of aeaia. The exhibition of moving pictures In the building recently occupied by the Spa on Commercial street la at tracting a great deul of attention and la an Intereitlng place to apend a half hour. The machine la an excellent one and the pictures thrown upon the canvass are exceptionally lifelike and sometimes very amusing In their an tics. A number of entirely new and original representatloi.s are given. Torpedo boat destroyer Goldsborough la lying at hrr dock In Tacoma with out a crew and In charge of a watch man, machinist and fireman. The chief engineer. Harry E. llodmer, re tlgned hit position at a result of a disagreement between himself and the tuperlntendent of the Wolff A Zwlcker works at Portland. Tho crew waa dla rhurgpri to save expensea while the boat was laid up for repair. Captain M. Mocller, of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company, who recently Inspected the training thlp Heriogln Sophie Charlotte, la on the coast principally for the purpose of locating the port from which hla company will start a line of ateamshlpa to the Orient. The selection la to be from the porta of San Franc'""". Port land, Seattle and Tacoma. Mr. Moel- ler la at present on the Sound. The funeral of Walter Conger, for merly of thla city, where he was local weather observer, was held at Port land yesterday. He died at Chehalls, Washington, on W'ednesday. According to the circumstances surrounding the death. It was at first thought that It waa a cflse of suicide. An Investiga tion by tho coroner, however, showed that death was due to apoplexy, which waa brought on by excess of drink. The Oermnn ship Wllkommen cleared from Portlsnd yeaterdiy afternoon for St. Vincent for ordera. She la being dispatched by Epplnger ft Co., and carrlc 178.0S7 bushels of wheat. Her departure brings the number of Decem ber clearances to IS, with excellent prospects of several other getting away before the expiration of the year. The Wllkommen received quick dla patch, being in the river but aeventeen daya. There are now twenty-teven tail ing vetsela In the itreaira, Martin Denny la putting In torn hard work getting In form for hla fight with Jlmrny IHley at tha Louvre Haturday night. Itlley waa down from Portland yesterday and expressed himself at con fident of tha result, iioth men are In excellent condition and on account of their recent fight In Portland laatlng out tha full limit of round and Den ny only getting a decision on point, tomorrow night It apt tojbrlng out tome pretty lively tporL Artlclei of Incorporation of the Ore gon Oriental Bteamnhlp Company were, filed at the county clerk'! office at Portland Wednesday. The Incorpor ators were H. A. Oraham. A. H. Dev ert. O. Ilosenblutt, (Jeorge T. Meyer and II h. 1'itt.xk. The capital stock la 1200.00ft, and the company will en gtiK In the tteamthlp business on the Pacific coait. Among the projected en terprliet of the new company It a rtc.imer IU to Manila, and In thla service they will operate tha steamship Monmouthshire and f'armarthenthlre, which they had tecured on a time char ter for the Oriental service. fleorge Leabo, a proaiieroua stockfuAK of Hherldnn, wat found detd at thf outn end of the Hherldnn bridge yet terday morning. The body was lying In a etui I low pool of watr. and It It tha general supposition that thw unfortu nate man had fallen from the bridge during the nlcht and was rendered un conscious. Hit body la thought to have rolled Into the pool, which waa of suf ficient depth to cover It. and death by drowning wat the result. The coroner returned a verdict of accidental death. Mr Leabo wat well known through out th state and waa one of the lead ing stockmen of that tectlon, Conalrurtlng Quartermaster Downs. ' meyens. received Instructions yesterday from the deportment at Washington to let a contract to D. M. Watson of Portland for sinking a group of well at the barracks. The wells are to lie not less than tlx in - rh"s In diameter and the contractor agrees that they shall furnish 3000 gal Ions of pure and wholesome water per hour. If he succeeds he Is to receive tWK) for the work, but If the mater does not stand the analysis by tha depart ment chemists or If the required quan tity It not secured the contractor it nrt to receive any compensation for either labor or material. The Hrltlsh thlp Cromartyshire. Cap- tiilr, John Held, from Aatorla for Queenstou n v.lth a cargo of wheat and barley, put Into San Francisco Wednes day for repairs and to have her car go re-ttored. On December 15th the Cr.minrlvshlre encountered a gale, with confusing seat. About 8 p. m. a gale struck the ship, throwing her over on her beam' end. Her starboard tide was completely under the water and gradually settling over. Captain Held hs compelled to Jettison about 3000 hags of barley to right the ship. The starboard bulwark and the stanchions between the fore and main rigging were carried away. The storm continued from the lath to the morning of the 10th. The Cromartyshire- Bailed form this port on December 8th with a car go or wh'at and barley for Cork for orders. She was dispatched by Kerr, Glfford ft Co. The Irrltlsh steamship Chlng Wo left Portland early yesterday morning and although drawing nearly twenty-three feet, by virtue of the present high wa ter and the present high tldet. suc ceeded In getting down aa fur as the fital hogbick opposite Tongue Point when at extreme high water the went on hard and fast. This happened yes terday afternoon about 4 o'clock and while she was Just ahead of the river steamer Hereul?a. Thla Is only anoth er Instance that showt the utter folly of trying to load the larger ships and steamshlpa at Portland when It could be dono chaper and quicker at Asto ria. At It waa the Chlng Wo waa lightering' about 500 tons of her cargo down here ao as to be able to get down the river and even then failed to do no without delay. Fortunately ah- Is favored by a slightly higher tide today and may be able to get off this afternoon. . . The reports from Eastern markets state that while trade In salmon Is very quiet the market W firm and still higher price are looked for when the spring business materialises. Stocks on the const are extremely light. Some goods are entirely cleaned up. and It looks as though. In the spring or early summer. It would be difficult to obtain some grades. Although there waa a fairly large pack this year. It la still over one million case short of the year before, and. coming In. the mar ket! ahould feel the effect early In the summer. Clama are very firm and prices are higher, with stocks In pack ers' hands practically all cleaned up. Prices for the 1901 pack are expected to be considerably higher than they were last year, owing to a great many outside packers who came Into mar ket, having cut prlcea. making heavy hwses for themselvea, rendering them unable to pack for the coming year. Thla will strengthen the market and prove a good thing both for packer and Jobber. XMAS SERVICES AT KNAPPA. The Christmas celebrations here were unusually Interesting. Monday evenlnar the Presbyterian held their exercise and festival, which waa at' tended by a large audience. On Tues day evening the M. E. church held their exerclaea and a large audience was present to enjoy the good things provided. At both churches the children and grown-up people, too, had a merry time and candy, nut, popcorn, etc., and present galore were distributed. Knap paltea do not do thinga by halves and the saying waa verified on these oc casions. The pastors of the churches and their wives were aubstantlally re membered. Gi orgeous Bohemian Glass. Graceful shapes, brilliant colors, gold tracings and edgings. Vases, Ornaments Rose Dowls Flower Stands Don Dons WIno Sots Water Sets Liquor Sets Our ..Prices "J Just Like Finding Money Great Anisrican Imuortins: Tea Go. 571 Commercial atreet. Aatorla. MUTILATED THE ORDINANCE. Way! and Means Committee Report That They Could Not Be Their Way Clear to Grant Buch Sweeping Concession. The ways and means committee of the Common Council and City Attor ney Rrnlth filed their report with Audi tor Nelson yesterday afternoon on tha granting of a blanket franchise for street railway, lighting and heatlns privileges. Thla report waa accompan ied bv an opinion from Attorneys Tay lor, Bowlby and J. H. Smith, which wm asked for by the commute. The re port w tha committee wu In substance a follows: The proposed ordinance cover threa purposes, via: Bireet railway, elec tric lighting and steam heating, tnd In their opinion franchise should be granted covering each of ths sepa-. lately iq order to beat protect the clty'f Interests, They recommend thai a franchise for trit railway purposes should b9 (rrantfd only for particularly designat ed etmta and th ordinance granting sfiW should pffrvlde that the fran chise Shrill tie .forfeited as to the street! or portloft of streets upon which the grantees of (ft franchise have not constructed and are not operating atreet rnllwayt at the expiration of five year from the date of the approval of tha ordinance. In consideration of thla the railway company shoull construct and keep In repair that portion of the streets covered by tracks and to a dis tance of one foot outride of both taila and the portion of the atructure un derneath. Also that the city receive a revenue of $30 annually from each car operated. I'efore granting electric lighting , framings city should consider the I ad Inability of constructing Its own plant, nnd no franchise should be (granted unless the recipient thereof be I required to Install a modern plant and to furnish lights at greatly reduced ratet. And last, mat each franchise be granted only upon auch conditions and with such limitations at will adequate ly protect the Interetta of the city. The greater portion of the report waa In clow conformity to the opinion of the attorneys and while It does not favor the granting of unlimited privil ege without some adequate return to the city. It favors the granting of the franchise nith limitation, such aa are considered necessary to protect tha In terests of the municipality. The mayor did not get to aee the re port yesterday and has, therefore, not as yet decided to hold a special meet ing of the council. On account of the nature of the report tlwre may be no meeting till the next regular session of the council. THk HALF CENT. A movement Is on foot to put a one half cent coin In general use In the United States. Several suggestion! have been made to the government, and a document waa presented, signed by the heads of department stores in the var ious lanre cities throughout the coun try, showing the need for the money In making change. Progress finds many methods of Improvement, but for half a century pnst. In spite of many Imita tions, nothing ha arisen to equal Hos teller's Stomach Bitters, the greatest benefactor the human race baa ever known. This medicine cures constipa tion, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, nervousness and sleeplessness, also pre vent.! milaria, fever and ague. Be sure to get the genuine with our Private Revenue Stamp over the neck of the bottle. WEST SIDE NOTES. Mr. Tenrans haa moved with hi fam ily to Seaside. Mlas Fay Hill 1 spending the holi days at her home. Mr. and Mra Montag of Portland are visiting at Seaside. Mra Frank Warren Is visiting with her people at Warrentou, Miss Irene Johnson waa a guest of Mis Eva Psrker last week. Guy Halferty la at hla home In War ren ton during the holiday. Fred Munaon spent Christmas with hla mother and sister at Sktpanon. A pleasant social was given by Mra. Lon Harn.on on Wednesday evening. Dr. Lynton haa returned to Warren ton after an absence of several months. Mr. and Mra. Alfred Dawson made Christmas purchase In Portland last week. Mlsa Alice Sweeney 1 spending her vacation wllth her parents at Sunny mead. On . St. Thomaa' Day. Rev. W. S. Short held services in St. Thomas chapel. Mra. C. S. Carrothers expects to move Into her house soon after the first of the year. Mr. and Mr. Leonard Harris spent Chrlstmaa at Sklpanon with Mr. and Mr. Gray. Mrs. Wllber Babbidge and children were visiting friends on thla aide on Wednesday. Andrew Wirt and family of Oyster vllle, visited hla fa . Mr. A. C. Wirt, on Wednesday. School in District No. S will begin Monday, January 7, with Miss E. V. Hesa aa teacher. Pleasant parties were given at Sea side and Hammond Chrlstmaa eve, Both were masquerade. Christmas waa generally observed. Service, with Christmas trees, were held In nearly all the churches. Mr. Perry Olsene' new home was made merry Chrlstmaa eve. A big tree loaded with presents made the children of five brother and sister happy. An operation, consisting of the re moval of a bone from the ankle, was performed on Rob. Abbot laat Monday. He la reported more comfortable. The recent storm was very severe on this side. Barns were unroofed and fence blown dawn. The tall monu ment on the Flavel lot in Oceanvlew cemetery was blown over. ANNUAL MEETING. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company will be held at the office of the company, Astoria, Oregon, on Wednesday the th day of January, 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness aa may come before the meeting. JOHN NORDSTROM, y Secretary. COMING SOON. Salurlny Is nearly here, the special day for children at the Edison Co.'s next to Peterson ft Brawn's. A beau tiful program haa teen arranged for the little ones. Every child under 11 year will be admitted for S cents. THE - ONLY t WISE mm JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of . . .STOCKFISH. . . Reinze's Mince Meat, (keen Olives and all kinds of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V AlwsUsSNs Tenth and Commercial Streets annuuuvruirLruinnJinjv I PORTLAND j PORTLAND, OR. ij The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland m runnninruiruvrnivinnAruiruiruxan FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE Or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash,, - u,goo,ooo Cash Aaaata in United States, a.616,935 J. B.F. DAVIS & SON, WINFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome Street, SAMUEL ELMORE THE ASTORIAN.... Delivered at or residence. WEEP SALE STILL ON ASTOXIA, ORE. A. D. 1TIO GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CARL A. HENRT - San Pranclsco, Cal. & CO-AGENTS. your office, store 60c per month