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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1900)
TUK MOttNINO ASrOttlAlJ! TJlufau. DCCEMliEU 18, 190. HOLIDAY GOODS NOW Iff CONTROL During these busy days our splendid prepara tion tells. Our readiness to meet your every want at satisfying prices goes far toward making your holiday shopping a pleasure. The Dolls Are too nuiiK'roua for many deaorlp lion. Wa'va sunn a variety of klnU and price (hat no child nod b with out mm or more now on. Calendars And Christmas Cards An artlsllo n(hrliif of theee tcopt abk remembrance, Uliadan Iroa 5c p Christmas Cards In vwt quantities, singly or preltlly box ml, aullabU for dan kU1. All contracts for mlvcrtiainK In the Aaloi Inn urc ma Ja on n ituur. nntco of circulation four tiinca larger limn Hint of nny paper piiblUhcJ or clrculutcd lit Out op county. TODAY'S WEATHER. roilTLANn, lkv. U.-Otnon. lonul ruin. roolT In lh aouthwmt por tion; Washington, occasional rain, and warmer In the southeast portion; Ida ho, tali) In (li north. AROUND TOWN. Ml.i Jennie Curti la vlaltlnir In Port land. ltbri THvIa waa over from Chinook y.nUrday. Mra. Waller, of Ilwaco. waa lu Dm city ycatrrday. W. f Prtdburg. of Nonet, waa In tha city yeaterdny. John !avla. of Peep Mvnr, waa In Aatoria yesterday. 3. W. McOoan waa down from rrt land yesterday. Bt. Paul drrM-rnainn parlors at Cen tral Hotel. Mlaa Wllkp. H. P. Miller, of Portland. U regla ttrrj at the Occident. A. K. Withers, of Prtland. la r tstcred at the Occident Thnmaa Ahlera. of Puah. la reflater. d at the Aator House. HKfT IS-CICNT MEAL: IlIBINO BUN IlKSTAUitANT. ; Christmas Holiday Neckwear Men's Fancy Shirts Newest Styles All tho Now Latent rnttcrns Patterns . . . 2 cental to ffl.OO f I, f I.2B nnd fl.BO 20pef cent discount 20 percent dlsconnt SMOKING JACKETS You may Eoloct any stylo you wish, make a small deposit on samo, and we will resorvo it for yoa. . . Prices from $4 to $10.50 20 per cent discount ii n Silk Handkerchiefs Silk Suspenders Initials, Fancy Bor- Immense Assortment dor, Plain White, Newest Patterns etc., in groat variety. .... -A 25 cents to $1 25 cents to $1.50 20 per cent discount 20 per cent discount ...Earl & Wilson... Men's, Boys' Hats Collars and CuffS In all the New Full Dress Shirts Ftt11 shaP08 Largest Slock Prices from $1 to $5 in the City. 20 percent discount 25 percent disccunt cn Suits, Overcoats and Mackintoshes ii ...DANZIGER'S UNLOADING SALE... Sale Positively Closes December 31 Boudoir Slippers Kxtra oloaa, hard-lwlated, hand-crocheted, to retain their shape, boles of aofleai fleecy lamb1 wool. Ijidks' kx,7fc pulr MIkhcm' h1m, ORo pulr Colora-tls k, pink, rod and blue, Mak cosy holiday (IfU. special Fancy Cushion Tops Of ntki art di-nlm, pink, blua, green, red, old roa. ln and yellow. Nina band anna d'ulrim, Hw.t Maria, Chariot Haca, Italny Hay, Knnulim I,aaona, The Bwlng. Flower Fundita, a Youlh. Niwman Hire andAUf: V.A Military Hand; 76o valtKS), at Olrl WaiiVd For general housework; amuU family. Apply thla oirica. John Vat.-rhou'. of Clatsop, waa In Ihf city yaal'M-day en business. Prat lu-rrnt meal. Rlalng tfun Ilea taurant. 611 Commercial aireeC tiula Xaahmuth and wife, of Oyster vllle. wera In the rlly yeaterday. Jeffa reataursnt lha largest and beet. A trial will convinca you. The Ilrltlah ahlo Muskoka arrived down the rlvt-r yesterday afternoon. The revenue cutter Comomdore P rry kft ui ih rlwr yratrrday momin, liar ivrt: Wind, anuthwral; cloudy; bar. tiuuh; fuur-itiatij nip oumjue, Tho Occident Iwrbor ahop haa three flrt-claa barbera unilur tta n?w man- agi-nn-nt. A fon of men are frnmavd In putting ih nrw rot on the rant end ot the U. It. A N. dock. Mra. Jamoa Han-n, who la auffer ln from an attack of acarl-t fever. la but aUnhtly tmprovaa. The Frenrh ahlp Camiard which ar rived In port Tui-day niKht haa a ear- to of h!AM) Obarrela or c mrtit, The naaaart Holiday aoodn. bam boo furiiltur. ladlra' underwear and notion; 6K1 Cotnmrclal atreet. A iven-year-old aon of John Hen di-raon. tho aUra kwper at Qulnoy, dl'd Tufniluy rvwilna: at that place. Bmlth Ieft Homo" toiJght at Fluner'a opera hnunc. (lo and enjoy two ana on half hour of nolld fun and you will nrvrr rrarot It. H rved a ata now arlllna- at lirinin iteci a. Wf . ; Offerings j Cream Pure ttya. imerica'a lineal whlMkv. The only mire good.; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN U C'AKLHON, Bola Agent. . The litdlea aid ancle ty of the Conirr- .il,.nnl , hurr h will hold thlllr al on Hutunlny evenlnir, Oec, IS, In the baaement of tno court n, The llght-houee tender Columbine left up the river yeaterday on an extenditd trip to the alila to navlKatlon on the Columbia and Willamette rlvera. Itoalyn coal laata lonifer, la cleaner and niakea leaa trouble with atovee and chimney lluea than any other, Ueorge W. Haiibom, agent. Telephone 1311. Urn, B. Lyater. bonkkeeiw for the lliith (aiming Company, at Oardlner, I. In the city for a few daya on buel nea In coiuo-tllon with hla company. The front of Pral Cook Trana fer Cnnipany'i new building haa been Improved by the rmnpany'a name and liiiRlnem b'-lng pulnied acroa the en tire f.i( of the building. The Mlea of the M. K. rhurch do. aire to expteii. elncere thank, to the many frlomla who generauely con Irlhuled to the eucceee of their ale and dlnm r hut Thuraday. I'rrpnratlona are being made for a large attendance of ictatore at the benellt (lance to be given In Ko&rd at 8tok' hull tomornrw night. The mu l! by the Columbia oreheetra of twelve (ili'K-e will be exceptionally fine, Wiintrd W0 corle more or l'aa of flret growth, purlly aeaaoned fir wood, four-foot leiigiha. l)eiveiej nbout 100 cord, per month on board acow nenr Unnihorn cannery. Addreaa, K. T. JiiHNSfiM. Coom 10, I. O. O. F. build ing. Portland, Or. 8iiiiutlonul .tatementa are made by Iltrli-t Attorney Chamberlain In Port land anent the Kay Kevere caaea. That ottUvr Intlmiite. In plain language that there la ".omethlng rotten In Den mark." and that th Jury In the hut trial waa tanued with by a deputy nherlff. who endeavored to Influence two Juium. Molokal and Oahu. two lalanda of the lUwulian group, were recently conn.ct ed by the wIreleM telegraph ayatem and many rm-miKi' were ent bock and forth, proving conclulvely that the 'i-m 1. a auece.a and will be aucct-aa-fully In oH-rutlon ail over the group by the end of the year and probably much aooncr. .Mlea Ivllth L. WinmI of thla city and Mr. L. P. Ku'Xell. of Waxhougnl, Waxh., were married ye.terday afternoon at the p-eieinv of the brldr'a mother. Tlw ceremony waa prommnced by a I'reebyterlun mlnleler of Seattle, a brother of the groom. Tha wedding w aa a very julet one on account of the re cent ileuth of the brlde'a father. Mr. and Mm. Ituwie lc(1 laat evening for Wnahougal. where they will rvalue lu the future. At the annual meeting of fit. John Chapter Itoyul Arch Ma.ona, held Tueiidny evening, thu following ofliccra were elected for the ennulng Maionlc year: O I. Peteraon. H. I'.; K. On burn. K.; 0. W. Lounabrry, 8.; Jay Tut tle. C. of !!.; II. C. Thompaon. P. 8.; J. 8. Oelllnger, U. A. C; J. g. A. Howl by. Tra.; K. C. Holden, 8ec: K. W. Perguaon, M. Srd V.; W. 8. Short. M. 2nd V.: II. Van Dueen. M. lat V; U llartwlg, Sentinel. Hon. J. W. Ilaltey, atate food and dai ry oommlHKlonr, haa filed hla biennial reHirt at the capltol, for uae of the leg. Mature, and the aume la no in the hand of the tate printing department. The re"rt la the moet valuable ever nied. and treat. In detail the enormoua a m t of work of the department. It I. replete with valuable Information on the dairy Induatry of Oregon, ahowlng the Importance to which thla branch haa attained. Anlnp loitee No. A. K. of P.. l.trt1 Iho following oDIcerw for the enduing term at tnetr meeting mat nlBlit: C. C. Theo. John.on: V. C Alhert NpI. aon: pi elate, F. K. Wright; M. of E., u. 1. '.leru'-a; n. of r., AUguat uan lelKon; K. of n. and 8., P. H. Itlount; M. or W.. Herman Wine: M. at A. Nut.. Jnca; I. O.. L, Andrewa; O. O. Albert Martin. Tru.tee for three yeara. Theo. Jnwuhxon: Hall rommlltee. Aumiai Iianleleon, N. P. Johannwn; auditing comn,irtee, Herman wise, a. T. Hrakkts r . t;. wrignt. Tt C P AathllPV 3tnA Pl-hrl ltrn of th Nehnlom and Veaper aurveying pari, reiumeo iueauay evening via Weatpott. They hav completed the urvty atid the balance of the party weio r'n:ieo 111 taie ia evening. UW Inff In the rlne weether nf iKa tvi.. r. - . v week and alao to the fact that on the lata few miles the moat feasible route ior jie now riu provea 10 conrorm more cloaely to the old road, the work was flnlRhed much aooner than waa ex pected. In connection with that of the view era ineir repori will prooauiy De reaoy oy me nrai or next weeic. The ateamer T. J. Potter, the speedy aioewneeier of tne u. k, ft n. Co., la IV nf at tne eomnnnv a vm a. Pnrt. land, where .he will nnrlirpn a plete renovation before again appearing on me river, iier aieaming capacity la to be added to, by placing tho large hnllr rjwtlvp .fivftml tlnva a her. One of her englnea will be repulred by the addition of a new cylinder. Her upper worka will be Improved and the number of stateroom, increased to 40. Tho!- ha. hMn In mpuIm fni. .Ha patu ten yeara, and la the speediest craft ui nrr type anu age on tne river. The California and Oregon Coast Company la the name of the new firm which are to operate the new line be tween San Franclaoc and Astor'a and rortlnnd Inonnosttion to the O. R. A N. Co.'a regular line. They have se. cured the steamers Fulton and Del -Nerto ana win ind at the A. A C. R. R dock, having effected an arrangement with the latter company whereby thev are to act na temporary agents. The ownpra or the new line are In San Francisco and Mr. liaumcartner Is thlr agent In Portland. The O. R. & N. Co. will operate the Nome City. Al liance. South Portland and Despatch. Dr. Hill Hastings, for the past year and a half In charge of the Colum bia river quarantine station, started yesterdny morning for Los Angeles, to which station he was recently trans ferred. Dr. Hastings during his stay here has made many friends who will regret his departure, and he also ex presses much regret at leaving, al though he hopes the chunge will prove beneficial to hla health. He has been suffering recently from a quite severe attack of neurajgla and rheumatism, and the dry air of Los Angvlea will doubtleaa remove thla affection. His numerous friends here Join In wlRhing hlm success In his new appointment. Dr. EarK his successor. Is becoming acquainted, both with hla new atatlon and with the people here, and will doubtleaa prove & very efficient officer. Mm. umue Klmor received a tele gram 14 u. Tuesday Hftermyn. announr lii thu death of her mother, Mr. M. 8. Kurd, at h.-r home In Oakland, Cal ifornia. Mi. Hurrl .uffred a full aom two weeks ago and broke her arm but It wti not consider , aerioua and the announcement of her death at i o'clitk Tuesday afternoon Vnme a a shock to her daughter and 'family. Tha exact cause of her death la not known hern at present. She waa 02 yeara of age I ts'. January and had been very active In church and jther charitable work. Mrs, Elmore and daughter. Floretta, left yesterday morning for Oakland. The gigantic combine of canwrymen of the I'uget Hound and Praxr river aectlona, which an effort waa made to organlxt, haa fallen through and It la hardly probable that even an associa tion will tie formed. Acordlng to a Pu get sound aalmon canner who waa In tercsted In tho movement It haa been Impoawlble to gut the cannerymen to gether and but very few replle havt been received to the omrnunlcatlona sent out three week ao from Van couver. It la probable the matter will be dropped and not be brought up again thl aeaaon. It la thought, how ever, that next year the old Puget sound association will be reorganised and put on a better baal than it ever has been In the past. Why Bmlth I-ft Home. OX-orge H. ilrondhurat' funny farce comedy, will lie itfi'dured at Fisher'a opera home The story which la one of Mroadhtirst'a best Is cleverly handled. Itrlefly, It la th trial, of 'Hmlth." new. ly married, whose wife's relatione keep ccniltu' for vlHlt until the head of tlie household Is nearly driven to difctrac Hon. A domineering aunt-ln-law, her liut-upon husband, some stray male ac (Oiiliilanc.a of "Hmlih'a," a pretty mal 1 who co)ly giVt up klsmw at fe hun dred per, a spiteful spinster and a red headed Hibernian cook manage to take such effectual possession of the Smith sonten mansion that In real life "Hmlth" afler such a day would have been obliged to wind up his nffalra and re lire t 11 sanlurlum to recuperate. Be cure your aeat at Orlltln ft Hw-d'a. New4 urrlved here early ye.tprday morning that :he aawmiil of the Clata kanl-f Lumber Company, situated a 'ion dlHtan:e west of the station at Clutakanle. waa burning. Help waa (sked from the dre 1ejartnu'nt here to piotet the surrounding pnierty. Chief HtiH kton secured the neceenary pernus- fl m from Mayor Irgman and took one of the t1r englnea to the atatlon here and loudrd It on a flat car. Every. think waa In readiness to start when word waa received that the fire had about burned out and could be got ten under control. The fire was di coverej nt 6 o'clock and then the boiler and engine room waa already IB flames. It was supposed to have originated in the engine room. The residence of John 1'nlin. president of the company, wa nved with rrcat dlfllculty. as waa al so mom of the lumber In the yard. The loss is said to be about t000, with no Insurance, The rtrttish ships Dunsyre and Arden cralg and the French bark General MU II net cleared at Portland yesterday for (jucenMowri or Falmouth for order, nil. brings the December fleet to alx. The Dunayre waa dlRpatched by O. W. Mi.N'ear and carries 127,513 bunhels of wheat valued at 16, .r-S2. She haa been In the river twtnty-three daya and 1 celved the quickest dispatch of any of the aeason a fleet. She and the strand- ed vessel I'oltalloct re owned by the same nrm and sailed from Santa Ro salia together. The Ardencraig waa loaded by the Portland Grain Company and has a cargo of 117,162 bimhels of wheat, valued at S67.2O0. She haa been In the rivre twenty-three daya and re ceived fair dispatch. The General Mil. Hnet la loaded with $2,324 bimhel. of wheat, which Is valued at IM.200. A Berg waa her dispatcher. She has been here twenty-four days. The French bark Alice will flnl.-h shortly as will the longdate and Marlon Llghtbody The list of arrivals la ahead of the de partures, and the month's fleet promises to be a large one. A four-master Is reported outside, which Is no doubt an other of the fleet. The weather oubdde I heavy and she may be delayed In crossing in. She la thought to be the Andradaaa that vessel waa spoken out side recently. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ITnlted States to Miles M. Flynn ir.i.73 acres in section 5, T 4 N, R 9 w; patent. United States to Chas. O. Norback 160 acres In section 25, T5N, R10W; patent. C. M. Cartwrlght to Charlote M. Cart wrlght lot 2. block 1, First addition to Gearhart Park; 1100. Sheriff to Donald B. Stuart lots 15, 16. 17 and 13. block SI. and all of block 35, Uradbury"? second addition to Oc?an Grove: 1S4S.79. Maria Rllppa and husband to Aleda Angberg lots 25 nnd i. block 3, Tay lor's; .iW. Catherine T-ouehory to Rasmus Pe der-. on tract of land In section 6, T 5 N. U W: 1350. William Larn lo O. I. Peterson and T. R. Howater right-of-way over land in section 36. t s n, 11 10 w; J5. Wondering about that present ? Suppose you go down this line. China Orookery Glassware Fancy ware Jardlneroa lamps - Ornaments Silverware Busts-Ffgvres Dinner Sets Flslt Sots ; . Came Sets Onyx Tables Cups, Saucers Plates, Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, Vases Clocks, Steins Everything that's Deaw tlful tor Christmas Our Prices Just Like Finding Money. Great American imporUno: Tea Go. C71 Commercial ttmt, Astoria. YESTERDAY'S ELECTION QUIET Cat Results In Victory for Citizens' Ticket, G. 0. MOEN IS ELECTED M. Smith for City Attorney ml Banseo. Utzlnrer tai Wrlfht for Couocllmen. The eleotlrm yesterday was one cf the most 'jul'-t onn h-id In thla city for many years and very little excite ment prevailed at any time at any of the polling booths. Tha vole was very light, only about 1000 votes being cast. Thl la bus than half the regular vote. The citizens' or non-partisan contin. gent scored a complete victory, the reg ular ticket falling considerably beh'nd In all of tho three wards. A. M. Hmlth, for city attorney, was elected by 421 majority. Mr. Hmlth la the present act ing city attorney. The office of pollca commissioner waa the one around which the greater amount of Interest cen tered and even those who presumed to know lh mont about the probable re mit were a little doubtful as to what ! the vot wjuld show. The name of D. H. Welch waa the only one on the reg milar ballot, having been put on by a mandamus writ. U. O. Moen, however, had been appointed to the position by the mayor and confirmed by the coun cil, and the opinion that he should con tinue In the office till the expiration of his term In January, 1304, seemed to be general enough so that Welch'a name was s ratched heavily and Moen elected by 4.'2 majority. In the First ward. Jens Hansen, the present Incum bent, was returned by 1HS majority, as was Councilman C. C. Utzlnger In the Second ward by SO majority. In the Third ward the result was closer, Fred E. Wright being elected by 44 major ity over Charles Goddard. The fight in the Third ward was thought to be very doubtful and the result was very much in the nature of a surprise. The following is the vote by wards: Firs; ward, for city attorney: A. M. Smith. Clt 357 J. A. Eakln. Rep 155 Ptllc.' commissioner: G. O. Moen, Clt 357 L. H. Welch. Rep 114 Councilman: Jens H. Hansen. Clt, 344 A. McPharlan. Rep. 154 Second ward, city attorney: A. M. Smith. Clt. 244 J. A. Eakln, Rip 91 Police commissioner: G. O. Moen. Clt 25 D. H. Welch, Rep 109 Councilman: C. C. Utzlnger, Clt. 212 Fred J. Johnson, Rep 122 Third ward, city attorney: A. M. Smith. Clt 104 J. A Eakln. Rep 40 Police commissioner: O. O. Moen. Clt 123 D. H. Welch. Rep U Ccuncllman: Fred E. Wright. Clt. 7 Charles GoJdard, Rep 63 A NEW TEAR'S GUIDE. There is one book every one should muke an effort to get, for the new y-ar. It contains simple and valuable hlnu concerning health, many amusing anecdotes, and much general Informa tion. We refer to Hosteller's Almanac, published by Tho Hostetter Co., Pitts burg, Pa. It will prove valuable to any household. Sixty employes are kept at work on ibis valuable book. Thi Issue for 1001 will be over eight millions, printed In the Kngllsh, Ger man, French, Walsh, Norwegian, Swe dish. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. It contains proof of the ef ficiency of Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters, the great remedy prepared by ihe pub lishers, and Is worthy of careful pre servation. The almanac may b ob tained free of cost, at any druggist or general dealer in the country. COMMISSIONER REED'S REPORT. Filed Tuesday at Salem and Contains Interesting Matter Concerning Oregon's Greatest In dustry. Fish Commissioner Reed has submit ted his regular annual export for the year ending December 1, 1!W0, to Gover nor Ger. The report is an exhaustive one and gives a connected statement In chronological ord 'r of his olllcial acts, presents details of his several visits to all the hatcheries in the state, together with Important statistics as to the numher of salmon eggs placed, and in cidentally offers suggestions as to how the efliclency of hatcheries may be in creased. Ho Is of the opinion that the Eastern Oregon and Idaho settler is responsible in u larce degree for the decrease In the number of salmon. The present methods used for Irrigation together with the wanton destruction of the nsh ready to spawn make great inroads in to the natural propagation. Mr. Reed evidently has made a care ful study of the effect of the laws re lating to Oregon's fishing industry, and a large part of his report is devoted to discussing them and to modifica tions which he thinks should be made. On the subject he says: Since mi' last report on the opera tion of the law gowning the fishing in the state of Oregon, having had one more season in which to observe the results of the same, I find It is very important that some changes be made In addition to those recommended at that time." He recommends that the spring close season for the Columbia and Willam ette rivers and their tributaries begin at 6 n. m., January 1, and continue un til 6 p. m. April SO. The fall olost season on the Columbia river from 6 a. m. August 15 to 8 p. m. September 15. He states as reasons for this ex tensive change the necessity for the protection of chlnooks during the first close season and for steelheads during the second. Further recommendations ask that the state give fish commissioner author ity to build racks on any of the small streams in the state, and make It un lawful to fish within two miles below same. . The distance between pound new. traps or weirs should oe 1000 feet, and distance between set nets 300 feet, al lowing no lead or shear to extend down stream from any part of the pot or pound of the trap, and no set net shall have any ehfar or wir.g dawn stream from the outer end thereof. Al io no set net or other fixed appliance WISE S SWEEP SALE Have Yoa a Kiek Goming If Your Potits Don't Fit? If the Buttons ore off your shirt If your Hot Is too s tno 11 SUIT OVERCOAT MACKINTOSH HAT PANTS SHIRT SWEATER If you have paid too much for your An average redaction of 28 per cent WE RELIABLE JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of TOCKFISH; Heiazi's Mince Meat, Qneen Olives and all kinds of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. As V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets shall extend more than two-thirds the distance across any stream In the state at ordinary low water. The report also contains suggestions as to the tax on cold storage bus! ness, insufficient appropriations, depu ties, destruction of predatory animals and the improvement of Ooe fishway at Willamette falls. He urges toe ne cessity for legislation and gives a de tailed statement of the hatcheries and -their work as well as the value of the salmon pack of 1900. GERTRUD SAFE. Puts Into San Francisco Harbor Yes terday Afternoon for Repairs. A dispatch from San Francisco, dat ed. December 12, says: The German ship Gertrud, which was reported in distress after leaving Astoria, a few days ago, and concerning the safety of which grave fears have been expressed by northern shipping men, put Into this port thl afternoon for repairs. Her captain reported this afternoon that De cember 2. when 150 miles west south west ot Astoria the ship encountered a heavy sea and a strong southerly gale. It was soon discovered that the ship was leaking and had twelve inchea of water In hor hold. After removing some of the cargo it was found that the leak was through an open port hole on the starboard side. The Oertrud after speaking the pilot boat November 30th sailed in a north erly direction and a few days later was reported offt the Sound. A tug. and later a small fleet of tugs, put out In search of the ship but failed to locate her. Nothing further was heard from her and fears were entertained that she had gone to the bottom, until yester day afternoon when it was l?axned that the had made San Francisco. The Sound papers have been full of stories of her bumping on the bar at the mouth of the Columbia river and thus straining her hull, caused the leak. These stories were pure falsifications Intended, no doubt, as attempts to injure this port, and had not the slight est foundation In fact. Captain Tat ton, the pilot who took the Gertrud out states that the bar was exceptionally smooth that day and that the ship did not come anywhere near touching bot tom. The steamship Universe crossed out at the same time almost alongside and, although of deeper, draught, did not touch. As btaU'd by the captain of the Gertrud In the above dispatch the leak was caUwCJ from nncr.ur.'rlr. y ieas 150 mllea outside the bar. Had there been tug available to have WISE'S SWEEP SALE Have Vou a Kick Maybe one of your legs is longer than t'other n . , d ' J Majbe you have been celebrating Maybe you have not as yet tried WISE'S SWEEP SALE PRICES ASTOKIA, OKb. brought the Gertrud Into this port the repairs In all probability might have bel-n made here. ., CAR THIEVES CAPTURED. ' An Important capture was made yes terday by the Northern Pacific detec tives a few miles from Pasco. After days of fruitless watching, the officers came upon a deserted bouse a mile from the first Northern Pacific station east of Pasco, and found cached therein a quantity of goods stolen recently from freight cars at and about Pasco. In the late afternoon, while the detectives lay. in wait, two men appeared and were about to enter the house when they were arrested. Names are not available, but the rumor has gained cir culation that the two prisoners are prominent cltlxens of southwestern Franklin county. TKEASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the city treasury to pay all warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to March 1st. 1900. Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CARNEY, City Treasurer. Astoria. Oregon, Dec. 13, 1900. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the city treasury to pay all warrants drawn on the road and cross ing fund and endorsed prior to October 5th, 1D00. also warrants numbered 13.- 616, 13,022, 13.036, 13,025 and 13.023 on same fund endorsed October 5th, 1900, Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CARNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregon. Dec. 11. 1900. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable among the pleasures afford ed by the Shasta Route Is the win ter trip to Southern California awl Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of Interest and added Industries, in Its prollfio vegetation and among Ha numberless resorts of mountain, shore. valley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from. Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the moet ap proved pattern of standard and tour 1st sleeping cars, but the low rate of fare will still continue tn effect. Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arizona may be Qjj ..... CT. H. MARKTIAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Oregon, v