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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1900)
rK MORNING AittURLLN. TUURSpAi, DECEMBER 13. ItOU JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main CO. " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mail, pr year MM Sit hy mii. pr month .5 Served by earner, per month .M EEMI-WEEKXT. 8r,t by mail, per year. In advance. $: Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Bcsine communications of all kinds and remittance wort be addressed to T Atorian. The Attoriaa guarantees to it ad vertisers ;he largest clrcoaticn cf any oew5j.ap-r published on tie Columbia rtver. Advertising rates can be bad on ap-fr-ation to the business macager. The figure Just riven out by the cn wuf bureau aho ir.g the population of the smaller cities of Oregon ought to be a les.vm to Poctiiad. Astoria alone, f all the citie of tie western part cf the state, bas been enabled to maintain a steady growth in the face of Port land's policy that what it can't get no one else shall have. That Astoria has made this advance ahead cf all other eitles In this part of the state. aside from Portland. Is due. of course, to its superior location and the indefatigable character of Its leading citizens. The entire Northwest has faith In Asioria and it la beginning to be generally rec ognised that here is to be the port of the Columbia valley region. The growth of the, mining towns of Eastern Oregon, outside as they are of Port land' sphere of influence, has been ex cellent and is in marked contrast to the stagnation of the upper valley com munities. JOIN AND HELP. There are two ways of looking at the Seattle chamber of commerce on is from the outside, taking the stand of a critic and a kicker and the other from the Inside, accepting ibe right of any citlxen to become a part of that body and participating In its de liberations. The first is the more common atU tm.'e. The local chamber ba unta re cently taken the form of aa old gen tlemen's debating clab meeting las 1m tec afternoon one is each wk to discuss coaerTati ta grseraj and to award merit t isertx was doe. but the coaaasua cx stever saw much came award aowa 1 zitt tbamber of eoonaere. Tins the ly failed to becvnve a ts&frjJ feaflts-, and busi ness e"3 kk-i a: fc fur gwd reason. Bat id. ! au'Jbd 1ms wJmO. the pia&s ar jb law it 'Jj vi.'.y't g-d, ia wt. ry iiu!'t nam can enter with tarJpcBikoc T rexoait. on tie mf.a&e ar,4 cons p jue at it Io'jc vt trr.3Jt m lit? cham ber 'A cjaawt r-Z m VK mtMAi able. Seine of -b i)'4vt s&a uf the t rv in it. If you warn tit imber to i'j s .aM"Uinr iu ji it Las not d-jo. go Ifto it. If vji are a butters yl will b wfioonu-i. trrS r.4 out fid and kick axy ipr. inside aid gtt to ork. Ti--re tits b-n "jrjr-"-"! jc ry tims fa ifoe Settle f jrtiii yrs that a bright wrrrnre-ta.1 Hub, ciilig Of the youngr acd trior progressive e;e-Dt-ct of tb burires conjreunity. would do wonders for lb city. Kucb a club wuuu 00 one. isa irre a i iwro fur it. But the chamber of com jnerce. if it cxitinurs along the line of tff'rt ftcffltljr Inaugurated by the new officers. ced not f-ar the advent of any other organisation in the field. The chamber ought to be and may be the leading citizens' body of the com munity. There should be no politics in it. The PITY AND BEAUTY The most beautiful thing, in the world, is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. The dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear. It is fat that is gone ; gont with it, comfort and color and curve ; all but pity and love. The little one gets no fat from her food : has had none for weeks: she is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers. She is starving for fat ; it is death; be quick! Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil is the at she can take. It will save her. We'll icad jroa Little to try 11 yon lik. SCOTT & BQWNE, 409 Pearl ctnet. New York best way to make it non-partisan Is for the buflm-s men, Irrespective of poll tics, to g Into It and Join handa to ure the bfft for ftrattle. Thre lhould be a disposition In the chanN.r ti no after dslr'd objivt, and no Urrr the attitude that iat- t la the city of the futgr and that things mut come of their own weight The bt way to secure that attitude In the chamber Is fr business men to go Into It. and wtk out thoir plana Seattle's reeds are a chronicle linger than an revenue bl!U As we grow we will add to our needs rather than diminish thtm. Men buy wlih the rush tf private busincM may over lk the murloipal needs. To cure thr attrr.ti. u these bnlor things is the first object of the chamber. of coim-iMve, Once ?et him Into the harnt-M and the Seattle business nan will pu'l honestly and long. The chamber of commerce is snklng ou. Join It Get In and work. Attend n.eeting and you will be surprised at the many things you will learn. Tou have greater city than you know. U has teen growing while ycu have been busy. Fut with Its growth has com great pwibllitrts. To make proper us; .if these opportuni ties Is both our duty and our good fortune. Don't hang around the out side any longer. iVt Inside and help run it. Seattle Times. The attention of the business com munity of Astoria is called to th above gd advice from the Seattle Times to the but-iness men of that city. Our own chamber of commerce larks the support it should have. It has been a pioneer In every movement for th bene fit not slone of Astoria but of the whole Columbia valley. To U more than to any other body has been due the inprovemcnts of the Columbia riv er made by the government. To It is largely due the fact that Astoria to day stands undisputably the second city of the state In sixe and Influence. What might be accomplished if more of our leading citizens took an interest in its labors for the common weal can only be imagined. There is roach for it yet to accomplish. Helpful legislation, both national and state, must he urged and our representatives must be made to feel that a united community is back of whatever pressure Is brought to bear upon them. Astoria needs new connection with the Interior, parks, factories and, most important of all, speedy development of our natural re-sourt-es, particularly of our coal mines. AJ1 of these things can be had and the chamber of commerce, supported by the business community as it ought to be, w 111 be able to add much to its excellent record of the past in bringing these things to passt OPENING A NEW WORLD. New Totk Tribune. A current item of news Is suggestive of the importance of the new world w hich Is being opened by the construc tion of the Russian railroad across Si beria and China. It is that an English company has been formed with 3,000,00 capital to develop certain gold fields in the Amoor territory where it has a concession of 370,000 acres. That an Er.giifb company, of the very nation supposed to be most antagonistic to Russia, should secure such a conces sion Is In Itself a striking circumstance. It sems to indicate that Sibsrla is be ing opened up to ail the world. That so large a gold mining enterprise is afoot serves also to recall the fact that Si beria is conspicuous among the gold producing lands of the world and prom ices some day to outrank them all. As yet the mineral resources have only be gun to be developed. Yet at the present time Siberia exports mote than 125.000, Q0 of gold yearly and ranks as the fourth gold producing country. As for its wealth In silver, platinum, Iron, lead, coal, naphtha, precious stones, etc., It Is simply Incalculable. Greater still are the agricultural pos sibilities of the land. We must disa buse ourselves of the Idea that Siberia is an arctic wilderness. It lies that vast belt of It which Is now being open ed to settlement between the fiftieth and sixtieth parallels; in the latitude, that is to say, of the1 British Isles and of British Columbia, Manitoba and the bulk of the western part of the Do minion. The trans-Piberian railroad lies scarcely further north than the Canadi an Pacific Railway. The country re sembles In gr?at part the plains of the Dakntas, Manitoba and the Saskatche wan and Peace river valleys. There is such a strip 050 miles wide between 2000 and 3000 miles long, of virgin soil and of genial cllniat?. The possibilities of such a region are simply Inexpressible. It Is literally a new world, which may before the coming century ends sustain a prosperous population numbered by scores of millions. We know what our own transcontinental railroads have done for the great plains and for the region once branded as thg great Amer ican deaert, and supposed to be as In hospitable to settlement as the worst of Siberia. Well. Siberia It now being provided with su;h a rod. which will le flnlKhed twj yirj hence, with Its wrsu-rn terminal on the north Atlantic, oa th Baltic, on the UUrk sea and in the heart of Europe, an! Us eastern 00 the Vfllow sea and the sea of Jan. The eflect of this railroad building Is already to be s-n. Mr. A. K. Cwlo,u houn In his Interesting and auth rita. live article In the current "Monthly He--kwH ti t! us that In the seven years !:. m-srly li.WO.000 acres of pul-ilc land were trnsf.rnicd Into farms, of hich five sev-nths are now actually occupied. Since 1SST mn than I.AV.9 lmnilrnts have sottled in Stb'na. There wcr? only 1.IJJ f them In 1SJJ. tlure were 23 1 In I? and this ear' number will h still larger. Tor three months In lsS the isili-uad carried 111. tM pa-angers and I.(M) tons of frv git. Fit three nnr.ths in lf It mrrbd 1.- )'.i.VD passer g rs and 7U.U7 tons. An incrra In four years on a still unfin ished road of l) p-r cent In pwnger and UHi per cert In gl suxgvu a wondering Inquiry as to what the in crease may be in another four years, when the road Is complied. Suva is the land and such It great highway. of which the eastern gate look ;ra.ght toarJ our own wstern gate. It is ao land of ours, but alien. Tet he must h. bUnd Indeed who d ws n-t . in the opening of it a circumstance of profound importance to us and one cal ling for the prompt putting forth of eery means of conmunicaU.H5 and ev ery effort toward cb reiatlonship in Industry and commerce. The purely Russian teK-graph line from the Baltic to the Pacific snouid be met by a pure ly Americas cable fnn Asia to the I'nited Slates, and ;he first thrjugh trains on the trans-Asian railroad should find trans-Pacific steamships awaiting them under the American rtag. Books Will snesk K. - vvuri' lors blanch. TO CUE k COLD IX O.NE DAT Take Laxative Eromo Quinine Tableta All druggists refund the money f it fails to cure, F. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c It ts a miserable state nt mln.l in k. I. few tJUngs to desire and many things to fear? and yet that common iv 1. th case of kings. A cold, cough or la grippe can be nipped in the bud" with .1 . . of Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware of substitutes. CHAS. ROGERS. Drug- Thls seemeth incredihu nnin h.- that know nt the principle; that the mind of man ia miV rrUirsu4 la r-i A . freshed by profiting in small things k,w ny sianaing ai a stay in grrat. J10O0 WOP.TH OP GOOD. A. H. Thurneu nt Wilt. rs..b r. .1 Co., Bullalo. O., writes: ' I have been afl'Jcted With kidn.-v nnl hlari.lov trnnk. le for years, passing gravel or stoties with excruciating pain. Other medi cines only gave relief. AftT taking Foley ' Kidney Cure the result was ap prising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stonea. etc., and now I have no pain acroea my kidney?, and I feel like a naw man. Foley's Kidney Cure lid me tl0 worth of good." Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist The difficulties in princes "business are many and great: but the greatest difficulty is often In their own mind. The person who disturbed the con gregation last Sunday by coughing is requested to call on Charts Rogers and get a bottle of Foley's Hony and Tar. It always gives relief. Prir.ces are like to heavenly bodies, which cau.'e good or evil times, and which have much veneration, and no rest Cold and cough cures are numerous, but the one that leads all others In merit, Is Foley's Honey and Tar, which Is in great demand these days. CHAS ROGERS, Dragglst. Th? wieit princes need not think It any diminution to their greatness or derogation to their .lumciency to rely upon counsel. FOR PNEUMONIA. Dr. C. J. Bishop. Agnew, Mich., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia with good results In every case." There Is nothing so good. CHAS. ROGERS Druggist Th counsellor Solomon hath pro nounced that In counsel gtabillty. FOP. HOARSENESS. BenJ. Ingrson, of Hutton, Ind., says he had not spoken a word above a whisper for months, and one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. It Is used largely by speakers and singers. Take no substitute. CHAS ROGERS. Druggist. Thlnzs will have their first or second agitation; If they be not tossed upon the arguments r.f coungf?l, they will be tossed upon the waves of fortune and be full of Inconstancy, doing and undo ing, like the reeling of a drunken man. THE EEST SALVE IN THE WORLD Is Banner Salve. It Is made from a prescription by a widely known skin specialist and poHitlvely Is the most healing salve for plies, burns, scalds, ulcers, running sores and all skin dis ease. There ! notbng so good. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist, It is true there be some affairs which require extreme secrecy. Many have lost confidence and hope as wen as health, because they thought their kidney disease was Incurable. Foley's Kidney Cure is a positive cure for the discouraged and disconsolate. Take no "rther. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist ASTORIA rAND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. !. POhTLjLXt)" Arrtva I W.m. I Portland Cnlon Depot 11: lii am. 7.00 p.m. !for Astoria and tnter-!l;9 p.m. !md;aie points. I ASTORIA. J " T a.m For Portland "u-U:9i.a. ( U p m iterm.M att points l W p.m. HSA9IDS DITT8IOf. 11 tta, m. p. . . m IW m. 1 p. IB. ASTORIA I 7 a m 1 seaside 1 Alt train make cKe connection at Gobi wnh all Northern lsvlfle trains to and from th East or Sound points. J. O. MA TO. Gnl rr't and Pass. Agent WHITE COLLAR LINE Coiutrt.a River and Puget Sound Nav- igstJcn Ct'B-. party. The I.ervule leaves A,tr dally ept Sunday at T p. m. Leaves Portland daily except Sun- T "i a. m. Wh.te Collar Line tickets. O. R N licki and llwaco Ry A Nav. Cnis. pory tkkets tntenhar.g-able n Her c: and IIamK Though Port Und ooonctwn with steamer Nahcotta trvm l.waco and Lonc Beach pulnta. Telephone No. 1IL A. J TATLOR. Astoria Arect E. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Wflen peop'e are contemplating a tr.p. whether on tusiness or pleasure, they naturally want th beat service obtainable as far aa speed, comfort and safety ts concerned. Employes of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINfc.3 are po;d to serve the public and our trains ars operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at ail Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars or. through trains. Diring car service unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain th first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you win make direct connective at St Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call n any ticket sgent. or correspond with JA. C. POND Gen. Pass. Art.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Ag-n t. THE CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. A familiar name for th Chicago. Milwaukee A flr Paul Riiim all over the Union aa the Great Railway ninninr th "Plnne T.lmit" every aay and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections ar made with all transcontinental line, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious eoache. electric light steam bet of a verity equaled by no oihv line. ht that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All tn-ket ager,ts sell them. 1 For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDT. Trav. Prts. Art. Gen. Ag.. Portland. Oregon. Portland. Ore. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite route, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Klo Grande Scenic Line. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 1 Days tr Salt Lake. 2 Days to Denver. 3J Days to Chicago. 4 Days to Nev, York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRT, W. E. COM AN. Trav. Pass. Agt, Gen. Agent. 124 lhlrd St., Portland. Or. Or G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. & N. J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. KM Duan St, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Vrr Res. Tel. 11J1. THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Bister Ladiei ' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a featnre in connection with the house. Palatable Inncbeg will be served at all non ra ASSESSMENT NOTICE " Franklin Avenu from Jlst to East Claim Un of J. ii. Shlwly I. U C, t Notice Is hereby given that the aMeummt md by twdlnanc I'M of the city of AstiTt.v Oregon, milled MAn oidlnancs confirming jdal assess ment roll No. SJ for the Improvsmrnt of PrAjiklin avenue from Ih east line of Jlst strvet to the ( line of th J. M. Shlvdy donation Und claim" spprovtd November 1Mb, 1m. will be duo and payable In I'nited Plate gold en at the oil'.. of the city trvwaurvr on DcnitN-r J", l1. and If not pld at said time the common council will ordor warrant l-niKd for th collection of the some. Th jkMiMuie-nt 1 as Mlo; A DA I It MART Tl. AUAUt, MART R. A. !OTH PACK t NO CO. A. mTH PACKING CO. (Ity of Astoria, as laid out and recorded .y J . tin M. Slilvely... AtTtMtlA NATIONAL BANK ?. I-.t J. Muck 119. the City of As toria. x Inld mil snd recorded ASTi'KIA NATIONAL BANK BAKKKIt. LAURA ADAIR tt.VKKKIt. LAURA A DA I It PltKNHAM. BETTY ADAIR BRENIt AM. PETTY ADAIR BOW EltS. M ABLE KAKIX. J. A. tlAl'KK. E. IIAl'KK. K. HOLMES. GUST. HOLMES. Gt'ST. JORDAN, MART ADAIR JORDAN. MART ADAIR LAKsr... ALU. LARSEN. AUO. MENDKI.L. ELLEN ADAIR MENDELL. ELLEN ADAIR PETERSON. C. P. HCMOLFIELD. W. T.. SCHOLFIELD. W. T... THE ASTORIA COMPANT WELCKER. KATT ADAIR W ELCH ER, KATT ADAIR The following I payable CO, 1900: BERGMAN. ISAAC In Install JOIIANSEN. N. P. tori, ss laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely 110 00 STEPHENSON. JOHN Lt G, bl.K-k 149. the City of As. torla. sa laid nut and recorded by John M. Hhlvely (0 00 STEPHENSON, JOHN Iot 1 blot k 149. the City of As toria as laid nut and recorded by John M. Hhlvely M 00 STEPHENSON. JOHN Lot 7. block 14. the City cf As toria a laid out and recorded by J'hn M. Hhlvely 135 00 STEPHENSON. JOHN Lot . block 149. the City of As- toria. as laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely VO M STEPHEN N JOHN Lot 9, Mock 149. the City nf As- trla. as laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely 120 00 By order of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Attest: II. B. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Aatnrla. Oregon, Dec. S, 1900. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE 0TroS WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both art llnely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicago. Kansas Citv, St. Louis, New York, Hoston, And Other Eastern Voints Tickets good via Salt LJc City and Denver. It la to your Interest to us THE QYERLAND LIMITED. Ticket and sleeping-car berths can be secured from O, W. LOUNBBERRT, Agent 0. R. aV N. Co., Astoria, Or., OR J. 11. LOTHROP, Orneral Agent, IZS Third St, Portland. Or. I'ndlsitlrd Mi of lot V hU'k I, Ih 'lly of Astoria as UiJ out and rtoonltM by John M. tthtvely f II "1 l'lldlvidod of lot . blm k 1. th t lly of Astoria, aa Mid out and o'ordnt ty John M. rtlilvely Krarlloiitil .K 4. blok IM. t' City of Astoria, as Inld out and rrrortlisl by John M, Blilvrly... Fractional lot , bln V-0. th U 17 10 00 17 W by John M. Hhlvrly ....Lot , Mk H. the City of As toria. liild out and recoNrd by John M Plilvrly .... I'll lIMtlol of o J. I.tot k I. the City of Astoria, as Inld out and r-eonled bv John M. HhlVnly ....Undivided of lot i. bUvk 1. th lly of Astoria as laid out and r'onf. by John M Hhlveiy,., .... Undivided f lot i. hl'Vk 1. th City of Astoria, a laid nut and recorded by John M. Hlilvely .... Undivided t of lot t. bl'vk 1, th rlty of Astoria as Inld out and retordi-d by John M. Hhlvely... .... Undivided S of l t II. hUHk IO. City of AMorta. as Inld out and nd r.vord-1 hv J'hn M. Hhlvely ....Lot :. block Ui, the City of A- toria. as laid out and recorded W 00 (0 00 SO 43 IS T5 II 17 to 00 by John M. Hhlvely M 00 ....I tidtvlded i of bl.u k 1. the City of Aatorta as laid out and re corde.i by John M. Hhlvrly .... .... Undivided H of lot :, fnirltomil 1. the City of Atorl as lld out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely .... Undivided S of lot 3. block 1. th City of Astoria aa Inld out and rvurded bv Jonn M. Hhlvely .,, ,...Ull.lvl,lr. ii k lot 4. blH-k I. th City of A tori a. as laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely..,. ... Undivided S. of M S. bio. k I. the t'lty of Aslorla, aa laid out and recorded bv John M. Hhlvely... ...t'ndilded t, of iK . block t. th IS 00 ts to to 00 II 78 City of Atrla aa Inld out and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly It 17 'ndlvlded H of lot I Mock 1. th City of Astoria a laid out arul nvordrd by John M. HhlvWy 71 00 Undivided of lot 4. M-wk I. th City of Avtorla as laid nut and recorded hv John M. Hhlvly.... Undivided i, f lot t. block 1. th 'Ity of AMorl as laid nut and mitided by John M. HhlvHy.... UndlvMol t, f ot t. Mock 1. the City of Aitorln, aa laid out and r-orilfd bv John M. Hhlvely .... 10 00 II 71 14 17 .Undlvl.ird Hi of lot 11. block 1. the City of Astoria, as laid out .nd recorded bv John M. Hhlv!y ..Un liOdi-d of lot 1. Mock t. the ( lly of Atorl as laid nut and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly ... ..Undivided 4 of lot 1. fractional block 1. the City of At oris, as laid out and reeiTded by John M. Hhlvrly .. Lot 1. block 113, lh City of As tori as laid out and recorded bv John M. Hhlvely ..Undivided of lot S, Mock I. the 'lly cf Astoria, ss laid "ut nn recorded by John M Hhlvely .. Undivided 4 of lot I. Mock t. Ih City of Astoria, as laid out and leeorded by John M. Hhlvrly..., 40 00 IS 00 u 00 II TS 11 17, the first Installment lu Dec. Lot 12. block 141. th City of As. toria. as laid cut and r "corded by J hn M. Hhlvely JIM 00 Lot 10. blx k Hi, the City of As- GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LIflE TO St.Paul.Duluth.Minnpapolis, Chicago and All Points East. DAILY TRAINS; PAST TIME: SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, fining ana iiurret Bmoklng Library Cars. Tickets to nolnts Eaut via Portion and the Great Northern Ry on tale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, Vftm rarasl fJilau & n M St.t I . at wa s,vr( A'l'I I UJ nIJTmt tlon rvafartiinir Kifm Hn am a Addretf, A n M T ..... r. rm n . . a. u. uMnmiun, City Pass, and T.kt Agent. Portland, W7 NOTICB OF ME1CTINO OF HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Nolle I hereby given, that sn.ll aursstneiil roll No, 31 for Ih Improve, merit ft Tltlrly-sighth street from a point 11 feiH south of th north Un of Duan street to th south II n of Harrison avemio, ha been duly mads by th board of aara and filed with Ih auditor and police juds of th City of Astoria and that Trlday, th 14th day of lromber. I"0, at th hour of 1 nVlock p. in., nf aald day, In th Cniim-ll chamber In th City Hall of H rlty. has been rtid a th Urn alii place when ih board of aasaMoi- and commute on streets and public wava nt th Common Council, will nxwt am1 then and lhr, rsamln. correct, review and iunllsa said special uhth. nient roll No. 3! All prisons having objeftlotis to Slid aaaesaninlit ar re (iilrrd t ni ih aonxi with th audi lor and pollc Judg In writing. II. K. NELHON. AudUor and Polio Judg uf the City of Astoria. ;uip u( nmt publication. Nor. SO. 1900, NOTICE KOIl Pl'lU.ICATION United Stales Ijtnd Offlc. Oregon City. trroti, NovenilM-r 13. 1900: Nodi I hereby alven I tint In com pliance M It h th provisions nf the act of congrea i,f Jun J, 171. entitled, "An act for th sal of limber Und In the lat-s of California, Oregon. N vada and Wadilnaion Territory," a eiunded to all th Public lnd tttai by art of AiikuM 4. hH, Ogdn A. IUU, of No, fio Morrison "tret, Portland, county of Multnomah, Htat of Ots gnn, ha 1I1U day llleil In this olTIc Ma worn statrment No, tl, for h pur. 'h. nf the NK iiartnr of wvtl. n 14 in townahlp No. t N, runs No, I V, wid will nffer proof to show that h land sough! Is nior valusbl for Its timber or ton than for agricultural purpoe. and to rtahlih his claim to bI I laud Ix-fure lh Iteglnter and It. clvr of thl olhre at t)refon City, Oregon, on Thursday, th 7th diy of February, 1W1. II tiaine a wiine.-. Jihn Fin. ley, of A"torla, Oregon; John Chltwood. of AtorU. Oregon; llerttmn Alhera, of Pu.h. Oregm; Om.rgo Morarlnd, of Olney, Oregon. Any and all perti! claiming advrrr. ly th above. described land am rs 'lur.t.-J to file (heir claim In this of. dre on or before said 7th dav of K.bru. ary, IWI. I'll AS. II. M00UES. Reg i(er. NOTICE FOR PIMII.ICATION, " United Ktatr Ijnd Offlc Orrtfon Pllv ornfi.n, Nov. :i. 10: Nolle I hereby given that In eom-iluiK-n with th provision of th art f rotgrrtia of Jun J. UTI. entttbd 'An art ftfT th aula llttiK.,- I ..I. In the state of California. Oregon. Ne- viia anii waitiingtoo Terrilory, ag to all the PuMIe Und Htate by art of Aiiguat 4. IMS, Mr Mary oaer. or I'iney. couniy of -laln, lat of Oregon, haa this day flld In hi Oltlr h-r .worn Mlnf..n.nt Vn MA for th puruhaae of th HK nunr- trr or section .no. i, in mwmihlp No. N. ran-e No 7 W ami arlil ,.r. to show that the land sought 1 mors aiuaoie ror ns timber or ston than for agricultural purposes, and to rs lal.ll.tird her claim to said land befor th ltr1ter an.l IIiwIvmp .hi- in e at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, ne urn oay or reoruary, ljnj. Sh name a wltnrssr: Habaatian iaarp William V lnna VI . ru Annollonla Johnson all r,t Oin. op County. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse, ly th above-described land ar r. iuestel to fll their claim In this of (Ii on or befor suld 15th day of r. b ruary. CHAS. II. M "ORES, Regstrf. SHERIFF'S SALES. In nurmuanra of an tnml.M Issued out of th Circuit Court of th Htat of Oregon, for th County of Yamhill, on th l(h day of November. 1W0, upon a judgment and decre ren dered in said court on the 13th day of Anrll 1AM in lha anil r 1 1 ti ll....t plalnllff. vs. R. A. Frame, K. 8. Frame, A. W. 8tow-,- and R II. Btowrll. defend ants. I win expos for sale and sell aa th law dlrerta al tti riinrt ll,.n .t.u.. of th County of Clalaop. in th city of Astoria, on Monday, th 31st day of December. 1M0. at tha h.oir at l.'ttlf afcf D- 171.. thm tirnnnriv mtumtA In ih County of Claisop, Stai of Oregon, and aenrnnea a roiiows, to-wit: Lots two (2). three S). four (4). five (51 and al lil In til,-!, ihlri... t In Adair port of Upier Astoria, ao cording to the plat on file In ths clerk'a office of Claisop County, Oregon.. TIIOM. LIN VII. LE. Sheriff nf Claiaon IVumlv n Astoria, Oregon, November ti. 1M0. NOTICi: FOR PUBUCATION.( United Slates Und Oltlce, Oregon City, ureRTin, sra, liwu; Nollro is hereby riven thin In nn. Pllance with the nrovlalntu r.f ih a.t of enngntia of Jun S. W7, entlllwl "An act for ths sul nf Umber InmU l k states of California, Oregon, Nevaila unu naxuiiiKion 1 erruory," it extend ed to all the public land state by act Of A must 4. Ihil. Joiln A Imuran nf tilni y. county of Clatsop, state of Ore gon, nas tins oay nied In this omo mi sworn statement No. 6327, fl)r th Purchase of the loia 11 12 11 mA u of seclloit No, 15. In township No. I N,' rango no. 1 v, ana win offer proof to show thnt the land sought la more val uable for Its timber arul atmia than r.. agricultural purpo-es, and to establish 11m ciuirn 10 saia land before the reg. ister and reeU'nr i.f il.l - gon CitV. Orciron. on Krl.luv IRih day of February, 1900, ne name ns witnesses: Sabostlan (Jlaser, William W. Pope. Mary Denck, Appollotila Johnson, all of Olnev (Mat. sop county, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse, ly the alnvf-il' Inml. n. m. )UI-Sld to (lie their rlnlma In tlila nm.. on or In-fore said ISth dny of Febru- y. iwi, t II AH. JJ. MOOHI'.H. Register. NOTICE OF MEETINO OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Nollce Is hereby irlven that aceclat special ossoflnmnt roll No. 17 for tha Improvement of Fifteenth street from the south line of Exchange street to Ihe north line of Irving avenue, ho been duly made by the board of as sessors and filed with th auditor and police Judge of the City of Astoria and that Friday, the 14th day nf De. crrober. 1900, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day In the Council cham ber in the City Ilnll of said city haa been fixed as the time and place when the board of asseesors and committee on street and public waya of th Com mon Council will meet and then and there, examine, correct, review and equalise said special ssemrment roll No. 27. All persona having objections lo wild assessment are required to file the same with the auditor aJid nnll.-e Judge In writing. II. E. NEI.80N. Auditor and Pollc Judge of th City of Astoria. Date of first, publication, Nov, 81, 100.