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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1900)
fHE MORNING ASTOK1AN. SUNDAY, SEP! SMBKK 2S. " 1100 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main t6L TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year J4.W0 Bent by mall, per month M Served by carrier, per month....... SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per year. In advance (IN Postage free to subscribers. All communication Intended for ptfb tlcation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astonan guarantees to Its id vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be bad on ap plication to the business manager. Pot Fresident WILLIAM M'KIXLEY. Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of .New York.. The Tacoma News, under the heading "A Challenge to Nature," comments upon the speech of Mr. Fletcher, ex tracts . from which were published In these columns yesterday. The Idea of suggesting the construction of an ex pensive tunnel or system of tunnels through the mountains for the sake of bringing railroads to Seattle seems ridiculous to the News, when other ter mini can be found equally well located and capable of being reached by easy grades. The point Is certainly well tak en but would not. of course, appeal strongly to the Seattle chamber of commerce. The weakness cf the article In the News lies In the contention that Tacoma. but little more easily reached from the Interior than Seattle and as far from deep water yet without the great advantages of a fresh water harbor. Is the natural terminus for transcon tinental and trans-Pactflc lines. The fact Is that the mouth of the Co lumbia and the mouth of the Columbia alone possesses all of the requisites. so ably described by Mr. Fletcher, for the great commercial port of the Pacific Northwest. The Evening News gets woefully tan' gled up In its attempt to answer the criticism of the city editor of the As torlan upon the Incorrect report which appeared in the News of the trial of Dr. Starr on a charge of "Immortal ity" (a serious crime of which the News' man Is never likely to be guil ty). The Astorlan was not bragging of the well-known fact that It is the bnlv paper published in Clatsop coun ty which gives the news of the vorld. It was simply calling attention to the unreliability of the News. If the News had taken pains to inform Itself con cerning the facts, before attempting to publish them, the erroneous state ment to which our city editor referred would not have appeared nor would the News have exposed Itself to ridicule by the assertion that the Astorlan clipped Its dispatch concerning Dr. Starr from the Evening Telegram. The dispatch as published In the Astorlan of Friday morning contained the findings of the committee which adjourned at Ashland at 10 o'clock on the preceding night, many nours arter tne Telegram was nut, and came to the Astorlan In Its regular night telegraphic report. The Astorlan has considerable respect for the News, knowing that Its mistakes are of the head not the heart, In mark' ed contrast to the disreputable sheet which yesterday contained a lengthy clipping from the Tacoma. Ledger of the 21st Inst, under the fraudulent guise of a telegram from Tacoma, dispatched yesterday. ANOTHER OCTRAGE COMMITTED BY NEGROES. Chicago Times-Herald. It Is necessary to record another out rate committed by negroes In a north em state. While the Democrats were holding a convention in the fair grounds at Evnnsvllle, Ind., on Wed nesday, several colrd Boys stirred up a nest of bumble bees and shooed the Insect among the delegate. The dispatches are not explicit on some points In this case, which ought to be made a little clearer than they are at present. It Is not explained whether the convention was viewing with alarm or pointing with pride when the bees arrived, and It would be In teresting to know wh?ther any attempt was made to call the wretched things to order. We are told, however, that the assemblage was broken up, that several gentlemen who went to the convention with bees In their bonnets departed with others under their col lars ard in their whiskers, and that one delegate was so ternoiy stung that he had t be taken to the hospital. It Is only proper that such-outrages should be frowned upon. Not even the Jlsfranchislng of the negroes of North Carolina can be presented as an argu ment In favor pt permitting colored boys to shoo bumble bees Into Demo cratic conventions In Indiana. It is gratifying, therefore, to know that these were promptly ar rested and held for trial on the ser ious charg? cf disturbing a public meeting. Their conviction should speed- I lly follow. They may set up the tech nical plea that the bees disturbed the meeting, but how shall they clear themselves of aiding and lending com fort to the enemy? We cannot too strongly denounce- too sincerely deplore such political tac tics, but at the ame time It would seem that David B. Hill should, if he Is the possessor of any spunk at all. employ these colored boys and their bees In his own behalf when Richard Croker holds another Democratic con vention In New York. Through some snch means Hill may yet be able to demonstrate that he is of as much ac count as the Dusiness end of a bum ble bee. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. UADOLLET. JOHN PAl'L. 1UDOLLET. JOHN PAUL.. BADCLLET. JOHN PAUL... BADCLLET. JOHN PAUL... FLAVEL, O. C "I had a running sore on nv leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest, of Cheppewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured it." CHAS. ROGERS, uruggist. It's tough on the trapeze nerformer wnen mere is a railing oil in business, A good many consumptives would be cured and the worst cases comforted and relieved by using Foley's Honey ana mr. suggest K to tnose afflict 1CU Should do this sa a friend CHAS. KOUER3, Druggist. In getting up a professional baseball club, many are callefl, but nine are cnosen. iEEGHASTS The Best and Safest $ Family Medicine I FOR ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders Sick Headache, Constipation, Weak Stomach, Impaired Di gestion, bisordered Liver and ? r f A it a. X 7 rcmaic tumenis. t tm World's Medicine! ' aU F- A OOO nOA Rmj T 10 ceoU and 25 cents, at all drug (tore. T Beeehsm' Pills hare the Unrest sale of T UT Proprietary Medicine In tbe world, and 9 1 Uiii hsi been achieved J i wltaoat ths publication of testimonials t Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and plies, quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing medicine In the worm. tHA3. KOUEKS, Druggist. ineatrical stock companies are not compelled to travel in stock cars ail ine lime. Allen Halversfin of Wmt Tr!ifrU Ttri. says: "People come ten miles to buy Foley s Kidney Cure." while J. A. Spe ro. of Helmer. Ind.. says: "It Is the meuicai wonaer of the age." CHAS, ivjucjiui, druggist. The judgment of Solomon una but he never tried to umpire a base' uan game. HOW BRIGHT'S DISEASE STARTS, Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned wun urea and uric acid (which suould have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in nerves and Joints, causing irritation of the kidneys, then pains over the small of the back, mark sure approach of Bright' dlnfe. Do not delay taKing Foley's Kidney Cure, for It makes the kidneys right. Take no EUDstitute. cjias. ROGERS, Drug gist. It is easier to see through the nlot of a play than through the blir hat In iront or It. HALF THE WORLD IN DARKNESS as to the cause of their 111 health. If they would etart to treat their Kidneys with Foley's Kidney Cure. the weariness of body and mind, back- ache, headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. CHAS. ROGERS. Uurgglst. Many a boy who runs awav to 1oln a circus Is only too glad to walk hack home again. NO RELIEF FOR 20 TEAR3. "I had bronchitis for twenty years." said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, III., "and at times have been hedffl.t never got relief until I had tntron Foley's Honey and Tar. It In cleans nr and gives quick relief, and is a sure cure for throat and lung dlseae" Take nothing ele. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist Commercial Street from West lino oflrtih to West line of Sth Street. Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made bv ordinance No. 2.MI of the City of Astoria. Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming 'Special As sessment Roll No. S4' for the Improvement of Commercial Street from the West line of 10th Street to the West line of Sth Street" approved Sept 14 l!HH will be due and payable In United State gold coin at the ottlee of the Citv Treasurer on Sept. STth, 1W0. and If not o paid at said time the Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection of the mine The assessment Is as follows: ..... .Undivided quarter of south half of Lot 5 block 24. Cltv of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded bv John MeClun $ 1J.90 Undivided quarter of south half of l,ot , block 84, Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Mi-Clure 13.90 Undilil,Mi qutrter of south half of Lot 1. block 'X Cltv of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded bv John McClure 4 64 Undivided quarter of west 14 feet of south half of Lot 2. block I. "lty of Astoria, us laid oat and record-.-,! by John McClure 1.50 BADOLLFT. DORA Undivided quarter of south half of Lot 5. block 24. City of Astoria. hs laid out and recorded bv John McCluro 13.90 BADOLLET. DORA t'tnllvid.M quarter of south halt of l.ot tl, block 24, City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded bv John McClure J J, jo RADOLLET. DORA UndlvhKl quarter of south half of ).t l. block !, City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded bv John McClure 4.(4 BADOLLET. DORA Undivided quarter of west II feet of south half of Lot I. block 26. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and ,,,m recorded bv John McClure 1.30 DEMENT. JOHN C Lot 1. nhxk 27. Cltv of Astoria. as laid out and recorded by John McClure T4.1J FLAVEL. MART C Undivided half of Lot 5. block 25. Cltv of Astoria as laid out and - worded bv John McClure 37.0 FLAEL. MART C I'ndMoed half of Lot . block 25. City cf AstorK ns In 1,1 out and r.xwlcd bv John McClure 37.0 , Undivided half of Lot 7. block. 23. FLA EL. MART C Cltv of Astoria, a Inld out and rec rded bv John McClure 37.08 Vndl- idt d half of Lot S. block 2S. FLAVEL. MART C City of Astoria, ns laid out iu:d ,reoorde ty John McClure 37.0 I mliv.ded half of lot J. block 20, FLAVEL. MART C Citv of Astoria, ns Inld nut nn.l 'recorded bv John McClure 37.0J l nillvl led half of Lot 4. block 2. FLAVEL. MART C Citv of Asiori. as laid out and r-corrled bv John McClure 37.0 Lndivui-d nulf of north half of FLAVEL. MART C Lot L block 2. City of Astoria. ns laid out and recorded by John MrClure FLAVEL. MART C Undivided half of north hnlf and east 36 feet of south half of Lot ,2. block 2. City of Astoria as ' l.ild rut and recorded hv Jnhn lc?VT 3.4 FLAVEL. U. C "viiie.i nne-siTtn or Lot s, block 2:. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv Jnhn Me. - 12.33 FLJVVELi. . L 1 'li"U one-sixtn or Lot . bkxk !J. Cltv of Astoria, a Inl.t out and recorded bv John Me. r.!,,r? : 1233 FLAVEL. G. C , l n'iivldd one-sixth of Lot 7. blo k 25. Cltv of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John McClure- FLAVEL. G. C Undivided one-sixth of Lot 8. blofk 25. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure Undivided one-sixth of Lot S. block 26. City of Astoria, an Inld "in ana recorded bv John Me nu FLAVEL. O. C Undivided one-sixth of Lot 4. block 2. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure FLAVEL. G. C UrdlvliVd one-sixth of north half of Lot t. block 26. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure FLAVEL. G. C t'n liv:ded on-slxth of north half jnJ .i feot of south half of Lot 2. clock 2. Cltv of Astoria J lsld out and recorded by John McClure FLAVEL. NELLIE Undivided one-sixth of Lot 5, block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc 1 ltir Undivided one-sixth of Lot . block 2". City of Astoria, as nd out and recorded by John Mc Clrre UpdivWrd one-sixth of Lot ' 7 block City of Astoria, as laid out and T( corded hv r Clure Undivided one-sixth of ' Lot "j. block 23. City of Astoria, as laid out nnl recorded by John Mc Clure ,l:.p','vl''"1 nne-lxth of" Lot" S." block 26. City of Astoria, as 'aid lut and recorded bv John Mc Clnre ....Undivided one-sixth nf "uV'i' block 2S. City of Astoria, as laid 5ut and recorded bv John Mc- FLAVEL. NELLIE I nd vlded one-sixth of north half "f l)ock 25- Clty Astoria. ?; ""d out and recorded by John llcnuro FLAVEL. NELLIE Undivided one-sixth of 'north half ?ml ia,.3'i of uth half of Lot 2 block 26. City of Astoria. f A L ntJ recorfIa ty John -1UI f .... Undivided one-Mxth of "Lot's.' block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure ....Undivided one-sixth of" Lot".' block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out arid recorded by John Mc Clure ....UnoMrfed one-sixth (if Lot 7,' block 25. City of Astoria, a ind out and recorded hv Tnhn f Clure FLAVEL. KATIE Ur.dlvl.led one-sixth "of" L "s' block 25,. Clrv of Astoria, as laid' out find recorded by John Mc Clure FLAVEL. KATIE Undivided one-sixth of"Lot":i' block 26. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc 'lure FLAVEL. KATIE Undivided one-sixth of Lot'i, blfifk 26. City of Astoria, as laid c jt and recorded by John Mc Clure FLAVEL. KATIE Undivided one-sixth of north hnlf of Lot I, block 26, City of Astoria, as iald out and recorded by John iMCi.iure ...Undivided one-sixth of north half and e ist 36 ft of south half of Lot 2, block 2, City of Astoria., as laid out and recorded by John McClure ...Lot 2. block 27. City of Astoria. as laid out and recorded by John McClure HOWELL, JENNIE Undivided quarter of south half of Lot 5, block 24, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure tsfin HOWELL. JENNIE Undivided quarter of south half or L.ot 6, block Z4. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure u on HOWELL, JENNIES Undivided quarter of south half of Lot I, block 26. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure HOWELL, JENNIE Undivided quarter of west 14 feet or soutn naif of Lot 2. block 26, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John McOlnr 1 fi MASONIC B. ft U ASSOCIATION.... North half of Lot !, block 27. uity or Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv John Vilii.. K Rtt MASONIC B. & L. ASSOCIATION.... North half of Lot 4, block 27, SrKLLMIKR, 1 SlMCLLMIER. It,..,., TKULLINGEK. GEORGIA. TUU1.L1NOER. GEORGIA,... Cltv of Astorli. M Inld out Mid t , ti-oerded by John Met lure D3,5 .i.., South half of Lot J.' block S7. City of Astoria, a laid out and recorded bv John McClure H53 fl.uith hnlf of It 4. block 57. t'Uv of Astoria, as Inld out dnd recorded bv John McClure ...... U M Undivided quarter of south halt of Lot J, Mock 24, City of Astoria, a laid nut and recorded bv John MeClur .W ' Undivided quarter of south hnlf if Lot . block 24, Cltv of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John TRULLlNCEit. GEORGIA uiiillvX.rnuirler'nf .wVh' half of IaiI 1, blov-k 26, City of Astoi l, !nl,t mil nn,l ree.,rde.t bv John McClur, ".UmtUliled qll.vter of West 14 fvet of south hnir ot Lot I, block Cltv of Astoria, a laid out and w-iur xi.-tnnt worded by John McClur 1.S0 U ISE. MORRIS N((rth hftf pf Lot li, bUk 24. Cltv of A'toi-U, a Inld nut and rv ,1-tcr ,M., crdel bv John Met 'lure U 53 WISE. MORRIS Jem, ,lf of Lot t. bl.Hk 24. Cltv of AslorlA. an laid out and .,.,,,,.. . recirled bv John McCUiro I'M WRIGHT. MARGARET J l.ot 7. block S4. Cltv of Astoria. ns laid out and recorded by John WRIGHT. MARGARET J Lot hl.' ' ns Inld out nnd rreordod by John 74 13 TRULLINGER. GEORGIA.. I. Ml I. NOTIt'M Hv order of the Common Council Attest: McClure of Astoria. Oregon. It. E. NELSON. Auditor nnd Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Oregon. Anoilu. Oregon, Sept. IS. 1500. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. FLAVEL. NELLIE. FLAVEL. NELLIE. FLAVEL. NELLIE... FLAVEL. NELLIE... FLAVEL. NELLIE.. FLAVEL, KATIE.... FLAVEL. KATIE. FLAVEL, KATIE. FLAVEL. KATIE... HAMILTON. J. F.. 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 9.26 11.49 12.25 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 9.26 11.49 12.3! 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.33 9.26 11.49 74.12 4.64 Seventh Street from North line of Ron,! Street to South linn of Astor Street. Notice 1 hereby glwn that the assessment made by ordinance No, 2542. or the City of Astoria. Oregon, entitled: "An ordinance confirming 'Special As sessment Roll No. 35' for the Improvement of Seventh Street from the North line of llond Street to the South line of Amor Street" approved P-pt. 14. ltKW). will le due and pax able In United States told coin at the oltlee of the City Treasurer on Sept. 27. 1;00, and If not so paid at wild time the Common Coun til will order watrart Issued for therolloctlon of the same. The assessmen: Is &$ follows: EKICKSON. AUGUST i,.,t 4. block 11. Cltv of Astoria. n laid out and recorded by John , McClure 1125.04 FORD. HUOl' i,t 3 bl(H,k u Cltv nf Astoria. its Inld out and recorded bv John IIYLAND. MARTHA E l.ot (1. iil,vk"rt!,cVlv"oV'AtVirl. ' ns Ml,! out and recorJeJ bv John HACKLEM.VN. A Undivlded' haif of'iio't 1.' bYx'k'io.' Cltv of Astoria, as Inld out "d ...v. .... recorded bv John Mci'lure 62 53 MONTEITH, IMA H Undivided half of Lot 1. bWk 10. Cltv of Astoria, a Inld out and . . recorded bv John McClure 62.H r.VTTON. FRANK (Truitee) I)t 8. block 10. City of Atorla, ns Inld out and recorded by John McClur 125 04 "VOLNO. BENJAMIN I.ot 3. block 10. Cltv of Astoria. as Inl I out and recorded by John McClure 416S Thp following Is payable In Installments, the first Installment due Sept. 27 lX-j. BERGMAN. ISAAC .' Lot 7. block 10. City of Astoria. n laid out and recorded bv John PROGRESSIVE BUILDINO AND Mct'lurs 4UI LAND ASSOCIATION Lot 6. block 11. Cltv of Aitorla. ns laid out and recorded by John McCluw...., U3.04 By order of the Common Council of the City 'of Astoria, Oregon. Attest: H. R, NELSON. Auditor nnd Tollce Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Astoria. Oregon. Sept. 15. 1900. LEGAL KOTICEA, NOTICE FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria ha declared Its determination and Inten tlon to Improve or repair all that por tion of 12th atrwt In the city of Asto ria, t'latsop county, state of Oregon as laid out and recorded by John Mo Clure and extended by Cyrus tilney from tne south line of Commercial street to the north line of Franklin avenue, excepting the crossing at the intersection of 12th street with Ex change street: by replanklng said por tlon of said street from curb to curb with covering plank 4 Inche In thick ness bv 12 Inches wide on the present established grade thereof and on the urtsvnt existing stringers and rt-mov Ing the old planking therefrom. Said ret airs shall be made In con formitv with the specifications thert for to be flleil with tbe auditor and police nidge bv the city surveyor. Hint the costs and expense of said reuniM -ir Imnrovenwnt shall be d frayed by special assessments upon the lots, land and premises benefited by me maKing or said repairs or Improve- 1 non t which said lots, lands and trem ises are nereDy included with n a six- lal atssesi ment district to be assessed pro-rata to defray the costs and ex penses of making said repairs, which aid district Is as follow, to-wlt: Com nienelng at the northwest corner of lot number five( 6) in block number sixty- one A1) and running thence south and u railed with the east tine of blocks til, 64 and 65 to the southwest corner of lot 10 In block sixty-five (65), thence cast along the south line of blocks 83 ana 67 to the east ne of said town of Astoria. Clatsop county. Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney. thence n rtn Along said east line of said Mc C'lurc's Astoria to the northeast corner of lot four (4) In block slxty-two (82). inence west along the north line of mocKS i and 62 to the place of begin ning, and containing all of hlorka 82 66 and 67 and lots 6. 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10 In each of blocks 61, 61 and 65. all In the town (now city) of Astoria. Clatson counry, state or uregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extend- d rv f.yrus Olney and ircnerallv known as McClure' Astoria. Hint the city surveyor of said cltv nan , n directed to forthwith prepare and Mle with the auditor and police ludge of said city estimates of the costs na expense of making said reoalrs or improvement and sd;c neat oils for said proposd repairs) or work. This notice Is mil, Huh,.,! In tha fnrn. Ing Astorlan for elirht davs In r. ir.n- mce 10 a resolution of the Common 'ounc-ll directing the samo. ilnlw admit. d on Monday, the 17th day of Sept. 1M0, the first publication of this notice uemg on the 22nd day of Sept., 1900. H. R. VKLflDM Auditor and Police Judge of the City ji jisioria. NOTICE FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the City of Astoria has declared It determination and Intention to Improve Commercial street, In the Cltv of Astoria, as laid mit and re. corded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney. ln Clataop county. State of Oregon, from the wet line of Seventh street to the east lin nt Third street, by grading the same to the es tablished grade throughout the entire width thereof and planking the same from curb to curb from the west line of Seventh street to the east line of Sixth street, and planking the same to the width nf sixteen feet through tho center thereof from the west line of Sixth street to the east line of Third street, and the construction of side walks on both sides of said portion of LKUAL NOTICE said street eight feet wide from Third street to Seventh trwt. nd thx construction of gutter on each side of uld portion of said street from Third street to the west line of Sixth tre-H. which gutter halrbe connected with a catch basin to be placed In the ewer at the northwest corner of the cross ing of Sixth street with said Cummer, clai otreet. The planking of the trct to be twelve Inches wide by four Inches In thlcknras; and all material used shall be of good, lound red or yellow fir lumber. Suld Improvement In mat ter of detail shall be made In conform ity with the provision of Ordinance No. 1M. entitled "An ordinance In re lation to the Improvement of trt." except a herein otherwise provided. That th cost and expenses of mak. Ing Maid Improvement nhsll bo defrayed bv special amiwment upon the lots. lanos ana premise socially benefited by said Improvement, which anlil lots. lands nnd premise are hereby Included within a special assessment district to u assessed pro-rata to defray the cost and expense of making said Imnrovv ment which said district Is as follow. 10-wii: Commencing nt the northeast corner or lot nve (B) in block twenty-two (22) and running thence west through the middle or mocks zz, zi and 20 and 19, 10 tne nortnwewi corner of lot right () in diock iv, inence souin to the south west corner of lot number one n in uiock mirty-two (K). thence tasl throuirh th mid, lie r.t hin,.i. 11 and 29 to the southeast corner or lot tour tj in mock twenty-nine (29), thence north to the clnce or neginning and contn nlng lots 0, 0, 1 ana n, in earn or biocK 19 o a and a, and lot 1, 2, 3 and 4, In each of mocks iJ. 30, il and 32, all n the town mow cuyi or Astoria, natwnj county sibib or iregon. a aid out and re, eorded bv John McClure, and which said district includes all lots, lands and premise wnented py said Improvement. That the city surveyor nf said eiiv has been directed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and noiiea Judge of said city specification for said proposes improvement and estimate of 1 ne cosi ana expense tnereor. This notice I published In the Morn ing Asiorlnn for eight day In nursu no, n a resolution or tne i.ommon council, uirecting tne same, uu v odont. ed on Monday, the 17th day of 8eptem- oer, ijisi, tne nrnt punucaiion of this notice oeing on tne any of Septem ber. 1)0. H. E. NELHOV Auditor and Police Judge of the City ui iin, "rut. Itrcet from tile eilgo of III" ld"alk PlnukliiK and placing r coiisliurilu UlleiS nlopg the curbs of tile Side walk, The plunking r-r llw sti-r-t to bt liu be thick nnd Ht,,,,, a to nil par's to be Improvd nnd l the crossing the str.'ct is to l plunked throughout tho entire wblih tti-reof. That tbe cosi nnd CM "J'' J! improvement (en-rpl the i losxio"! he d-fiayrd bv sh-i-IiiI nsinwiit tip. on lot, land and premls" lienoilU'd bv Mild liiipr"Vrietu within the si Inl iuuisiiiiiit dlstrlcl heielnsft'T il't nuted. which snld ti-ll assessment llslrlct Includes nil lots, and preiulse brncnted by mild Improve, meht and I described f"luw. t-lt: Commencing t the northwest enter of lot threw In block one hini'lred nnd thlrty-lhifo tlti) in tbe city 'f At"iia Hi lul l out and record. .! by J. M Hluve Iv. nnd running (hiiice soulheily In strnlKht line to the southwest corner of lot ton In WiM'k on hundred nnd thirteen and miming I bene rnsirrly Oil a trolgh! line t" the souihenst cor ner of lot nine In one hundred nd twelve nnd running Iti-ti. e tioriher. ly on n straight Hn t" tlio northeast loriier of lot four In blm-h n ImitdrcJ and thlitv-two nnd running thence -teilv on a straight line t the point of beginning, nil of sail district being in the city of Astoria as laid out and rr. corded by J. M. hhlvrly. Thl notice I published In the Morn. Ing Astorlan for Mtht days It pursu ance to n resolution of th common council directing the seine, ,1uly adopted on Monday, the Kth day of H-ptomVr. I!SM, the first imbllrnllon of tin n"'l being oil the 23d day of September, II. K. NKIJS. Auditor and Police Judge of the City nf Astoria. Tin nll. I published In the Morn. Ing Astorlan fr eight dav In pursu ance to a resolution of the common council directing the same duly adopted on Monday the Ulh day of M"'lcm!.rr. !!".. h first publication of this ntic being on the 22,1 dv of Septeinlier. I"'. II. H. NKIJN. Auditor nn l Police Judge of llio City of Astoria. NOTICE Full KTKKKT IMI'ttUVK MIC NT. NOTICE FOR. STREET IMPROVE- Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council or the c tv of Astoria uor iniena 10 lmDrove and hits iU4r. ed it Intention to Improve Kth street In me city or Astoria, in uiatsop county Oreg., as luld out and recorded hv .1 i' Shively from the eouth line of Commer cial street, to trie nortn line of Krunk- on avenue in tne roiiowing manner to-wlt: ' From the south line of Commercial street to tho north line of Exchange nireei, sain mreec IS to De Improved by removing all planking, cap and underpinning. Inclusive of sidewalks nd underpinning, and putting In new naerpinning ana pianKlng the street pon the established grade th.n . U ..... U . . I M..I, I . . .. . ' iiiruuHnuui inn tun wium inereof be tween sidewalks and constructing side walk 10 feet wide on the sides of th street and from the north line of Ex- cnangu street 10 me norm line of Franklin avenue by grading said .if,.i to the established grade throughout the width thereof and planking the same to a width of 20 feet through till, rvnlu. thereof and construstlng on the tide thereof sidewalks planked 8 fet In width and with the curbs thereof two feet toward the center of Notice la hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria, ha declare,! It determination and tii-. tlon t Improve pith street m the ,ity of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John .Vet 'lure nnd riteitdrd by ('yru lnry. from the south line of Kirhntice street to the north linn of Grand ve. line, rxrrt.tlng the crossing of said por tlon of luth street with Franklin a nue, by grading that turton thero f from the south lino of Kxi-hanfa street to the north line of Franklin nvemi to the established grade from the ruth of th sidewalk 011 the Went side of sal4 portion of said street to the tat line thiToof, and by grading that portion thcrsof from tho sooth line of Franklin avenue to the north tine of Grand v. nun to the established grad through, out the rntlre width thereof, and by flanking said portion of said itr-et from the soiiih line of Kichanco street to the north linn of Grand avenue t- the width of twenty fret through the center thereof with plunk 12 Itu lu wi. by 4 Inches In thickness and M feet lung. .itid liy.thB construction of ni l.-n sik right feet Wide (HI the east side of said portion of said street frm Ex. hun street to Grand avenua and a si.lewnig eight feet wide on the West ot alj P'srtlon of said ttrwt from the soyih line of Franklin avenue t the north line 9f Grand avenue, with the con struction Of gutter on l(h sides of said Portion of wild trrt. The mater. Inl to be Used In ald Improvement shall be good, sound red or yellow fir lunioer Ann said Improvement shall ! made m inatter of detail except as herein otherwise provided according to the provision of Ordinance No. Jisii. en titled "An rdinnoe in relation to the Improvement of streets" and the plan and specification therefor to Iw riled with the auditor and pullce judge by the city surveyor. That the cost and exicne of rail improvement shall be defrayed by spe cial assessment upon the land and premises benefited by said itl. provenient within the t',ln assess ment district hereinafter designated which said special assessment district .0,001.. IUi 101s, land and premisa lieneflted by sal.l Improvement and hlch I described n follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the northeast corner of lot two (2) In block number forty. five (4j), nnd running them e otith through the middle of blocks 45 and 71 to Hie southeast corner of lot seven ,7) m block seventy-one (71). thetio, w,t ong the south line of bim-k, 71 and is to the .uthwit corner of lot nmn. ber lx (S) m bbn-k ev.nty-to (7: theme north through the mldille of blo, ks 2 and 48 to the north wra( corner of lot three (3) In blk forty.slx thence enst In a straight line to th place of beginnlmr. Mini r,,.,iii.... east nne-half of block 72 nnd 4 and in. i .h. ,."na,r. 7 l""rh 71 B,'d all In th city of Astoria Clm..,.. That the city surveyor of the ciiy of Atorla ha been direct.! to forth with prepare and file with the auditor and police judge of .aid city e.tTm. Z " " 1 "ix't iucations for sail proposed work or Improvement 1 This notice Is nnl, II. 1,. i Ing Astorlan for eih Hal. M . ' ursu. cominon nnce to res.ilnilon f .1 council directing h. same, lu ly a ,, 3 1W0 the first publication of ih Is noV. "ing on the 22d dny of Heptmnlier, 1K). ItuxoRious Travel and out. and steam, h! out excent on. th. .r.,!,.w,, Public, ind altn; '"".iv?"n oompleteand r,inrti "'.".'"" mo, car builders' in. 'rouucl of tb. These Splendid Trsdns Connect Wltk Trie Grcot Northern The Northern I'aclflc and The Canadian Taclflc AT iT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra chares f. u VT. H. MEAD. H. L. HTsir.w