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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1900)
Til K HOBXIHO AfU'OIttAN, .SIJNUl. SFJTKMBEll IWO. 4 THE MORNING ASTORIAN TELEPHONE Ml. All conlfncU for uJvertisinn I (lis Astoiluu kru mad on h nuiir nt of circulation four tliiiuM ltirucr thiiii Hint of uny pupcr jnibllNliud or circulated In Clitt nop county. - TODAT'S WEATIiaa Jl.-OrPirnj Ha I'OHTLAND, .tt liu. occasional rt it. - AROUND TOWN. Ice cream 80o a quart at ths Parlor. Wanted, a chambermaid; enquire at Tlghs Hotel. J. 1. Kyan, of llwaco. was In the city yesterday. J. II. Juhansm. of Seaside, wu Astoria yesterday, In T. Watrhus, of Urarhart, was In tho city yesterday. C. F. Clapp, uf Forvst Grove, wa In ths cliy yesterday, E. Z. Ferguson returned yesterday fruni a trio to I'ortlatid. A. J. Unlloy and wife, of Seattle, were In tin illy yesw-rday. Don H. uf l.rtlnl, arrived down on the train lam evening, Ftst It-cent meal, niilnf Bun fles taurant, (13 Commercial street Jeff's restaurant the largest and tet. A trial will convince you, lion. C. P. Jtnurrl of Oregon City u in Anuria yesterday afternoon, Har r-trt: Wind northwest; hty; bar, miNlirnie; iitliliiR In sight. Judge Taylor returned from a busl nnt trip to Portland, Uat evening. The French hlp La Fuutaini km towed up the river yeourdiiy morn Inc. Mini Motile Morris, of Portland. I the guest of Miss Mabrl Young for a few dayi. Prtd 1'. Winchester and wife, of San Francisco, are registered at the Occi dent. The Htate of California arrived In from Han Francisco yesterday mornlnf at 10:30. Councilman Bchvrncckau started last evening on a business trip to Eastern Oregon. The run of salmon In the river It still very light and a small fall pack semis Inevitable. The best and cheapest tailoring In the city at A. KILJUNEtt, J22 Com nirvlnl street. Howard BtrlckW, of Portland, was visiting his sister. Miss Btrlckler.of this city, yesterday. When you wni t a stylish new suit made cheap, rail on A. KIUUNEN. 813 Commrcla street. Mrs. Van Duwn and two daughters are visiting at the home of Dr. and Mri.Cranir. In Forest Orove, Astoria visitors to Portland can ob tain copies of the Pally Astorlan at the news stands of B. 11. Rich. The wedding of Kdwln Mnrrs and Miss Eugenia Lewis will be solemnised on Wednesday afternoon In Grace church. Mln lloee Wlgnnd and Mis Kelly It Is reported that salmon am us of Portland are guests of Mrs. W. II, usually shy on the streams tributary Hobson, They will remain In the city I to Grays Harbor, Finn Commissioner for a day or two and then go to Bca- side for a few days. Tho Pulley Oatiert left up nearly live hours Into Inst evening. Heavy freights and liiijfflclont help are assign' ed as the cause as she did not arrive down till after 10 o'clock. A flit, not less than IS years old, desiring to attend school this winter and do light housework for her board and lodging, may apply for further Information at the Astorlan office. County Huperlntendent Lyman fcns return.! from a visit to the schools at Hventen, Weslport and Knsppa, and reports them all In flourishing con dition, with a full attendance at each place. The board of equalisation, consisting of county Judge, clerk and. assessor, will nioet In the court house at a. in., Monday, to examine the assessment roll for the present year. Mr. Knife, representing Htrauss Pros., of Chicago, will be at C. II. Cooper's on Thursday and Friday. Kept. 27, 21, with a great line of fine woolens In the piece. Order taken and sntlsfu.-tlon guaranteed. ' Bteady and reliable young man of Finn descent, well known In city, wants a Msitlon In dry goois or grocery house: am willing to start at bottom ami work up. Wsges no object Ad dress, A. W rare Astorlan. N. Nyman started lost evening for the hot st rings In King county. Wash., where he will take treatment for sclS' tic rheumatism, of which he has been sufferer fr torn time. II was ac companied by A. Johnson. There w III be services todoy, morning and evening, In the Congrenatl.-mul church: preaching by Mrs. A. J. Pul ley; Humlay school after the morning service. At the morning service th chun h will consider the matter of call ing Ilev. F. E. Ml to the itorate. Key. K. B. Btokke, a missionary who recently returned from China, will preach In the Bethanlen Norwegian Lutheran church this morning at 10:45. Alt rVandlnavtana are cordially Invited. This evening at 7 o'clock Mrs. Btokke will give an address In English: the subject being. "Experiences In China." Prof. William Lemos painted an ex cellent representation of the fire at the coal bunkers yesterday morning. Thi painting was on exhlbltl m yesterday at Ml Commercial street and considering that It was done In the night and In an hour's time, was a clever piece of work. Reliable man to represent. In resident community, old established house, wrrth I3M.0O0. Duties require hiring help, making collections and some office work. Liberal salary and expenses ad- anced to right party. Address WM. J. UHL, Mgr.. 723 Chestnut St., Philadel phia. Pa. Little, of Washington, says the Indica tions are that the run up to the pres ent time Is not over M pw cent of the usual run. He also states that the now butchery at Montesano Is getting well started and tho men In charge an- tlrlimte the season's operations will make a good showing. There will be the usual ecrvlos at the Presbyterian church on Hunday. The theme of the morning sermon at It o'clock will be "The Upper Itoom;" of the evening sermon, at 7:30, "Three Astounding Statements." Y. P. B. C. B. service will be at 6:30 o'clock; Sunday school at 12:15. A very cordial Invi tation Is extended to all. Please no tice that evening services begin one half an hour earlier than usual. The Democratic Club held Its &eml. weekly meeting last night with a giod attendance. Mr. Will Hctlch was eject ed clerk to have charge of the club rooms from now until after election; the room will be open day and night for the convenience of visitors; plenty of good reading matter will be on hand. Beveral very Interesting remarks were made at the mating and the local fol lowers of Jefferson and Uryan feci much enthused. On Saturday evening next, at Fish er s ope"t house, the Iloston Lyric Opera Company will present for the! first time In this city, the comic opera "Wang." This Is one of the most popu lar comic oiierns produi-ed In recent years and has enjoyed long runs In all of the large cities. A number of the old favorites will be found with the lloeton Lyrics this year, while several new stars have been add-d, who greatly strengthen the company. There Is a big shortage In the sup ply of coal on the Bound. Dealers are unable t fill their numerous orders and a coal famine Is Imminent. Nome's winter stock of fuel Is said to be Inad equate to meet the demand. The fact that shipments from Australia hove been suspend"! and that there has been a marked Increase In tho amount of railroad and it .'am hip bulm-ss as well as manufacturing Is said to have been the principal cause of the scarcity. The fire at the raclflc Coast Com pany's bunkers burned fiercely all yes terday morning and the firemen were kept busy keeping the flames under control. A large mass of the coal that fell on the planking of the dock vas on fire and Is very difficult to extin guish and although two streams from the fire plug were kept playing contin uously on it till 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon and one ever since there Is still some nre smouldering away In the ruins, and It will have to be watched closely. The general agent of the com pany. N. Posten. was In the city yes terday looking after the amount of damage to the company and although he stated that the property wae cov-1 cred bv Insurance was unable to say whether the commny would rebuild here or not It Is. howtver. probable that they will. THE LUMBlCIt OUTLOOK. ('apt. A. M. Simpson Expresses Views as to the General Indi cations, POth In the East and at Horn. His The bid of J. W. Suprenant of 1120 or I-.10 per locker, was the only one submitted for the construction of 170 upright lockers In the barracks at Fort Stevens. As this bid was within the amount appropriated for the purpose Csptaln Dow nee recommended that It be accepted. The locks of tho Yamhill river at Lafayette have been opened to navlga tlon and an Immense territory of the finest agricultural section In Oregon finds an outlet for Its vast quantities of wheat and other products by means of water transportation. The work 1 as been nearly thrve years In reaching completion. Three llrst-class barbers at Occident Hotel barber shop, under tho manage ment of A. Peterson, lately of the Pal ace Baths. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whtskv. ' Th onlv pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAULSON. 8ole Agent. Ilemcmler we guarantee our Ice cream to contnln nothing but cream and s ii cur and flavor. It Is IS cents; per pint at the J'arlor. Our Jewish cltlsens will celebrate their new year tomorrow, when their respective places of business will be closed until 6 o'clock p. m. The tug Itoborla. from SIubIiiw. ar rived In yesterday morning. On her return she will take a gasoline launch to be used as a cannery tender. A remonstrance will be filed with the council protesting ngalnst the proposed Improvement of Twelfth street from Commercial to Franklin avenue. The school board Is In receipt of a communication from Miss Nora Nicker aon tendering her resignation, to take Immediate effect, of the Shlvely echool. Roslyn1 coal lasts longer, la cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other, ueorgi W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone MIL Al. McCoy who was Injured at Sven sen's logging1 camp at Clifton was brought to the hospital Friday aven lng and although h ; was fearfully bruleed. It was ascertained that no bones were broken and he will be about In a short time. BEST IK-CENT' MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. msiNo The U. 3. transport Lennox will commence taking on her cargo of horses and mules tomorrow and will be ready to sail In a day or two. She will carry about 470 heid and will go straight to Manila. She will be followed In a few days by thi Thyra which has been fitted with stalls for about 600 head. There are at present at the Van couver barracks 850 head of horses and mules wajtlng shipment. The foundation or base of the Wil liams' monument that Is lying on the O. R. & N. wharf, waiting to be sent out to Greenwood, weighs 8,000 pounds, and a wagon, sufficient to carry it, to gether with the team, would weigh some 6,000 pounds more, so In view of tho weakened condition of the Wallus kl bridge the stone will probably have to be taken around by boats. There will be services In the Swedish Lutheran church on Sunday as uiuu. In the morning at 11 o'clock Swedish service: subject. "Lay Up Treasures In Heaven." In the evening service In English at 7:45; subject, "Moments." Good muslo at each service. AH wel come. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. The clans In confirmation meets every Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. . The Warrenton Tribune is doing some good work booming the project of a bicycle path to the beach, and In speaking- of a meeting to be held In the Interests of the path last evening, says! Astoria people are much Inter ested and quite a number are expected to be present Continuing, It says: Hammond la getting Interested and Is expected to assist In the construction Of the path; Warrenton In return will asalat Hammond build a path from Hammond to connect with the Flavel roadway. There Is some talk at Seaside of bridging the mouth -of the Necanl-cum. Preparations are gnlng on In the busy camps of the Salvationists all over the United States to fittingly celebrate the Harvest season by a series of festivals which are Intended according to Bib Ileal precept to give expression to the gratitude of the Nation for the bless ings of harvest. The local onranlsa tlon will not have any special demon' stration out win solicit and receive special contributions during the time set for the festival, from September 29 to October I. As Is generally known, the Income from this festival Is entire' ly devoted to home work. The complex phllanthroplcal and spiritual operations carried out by the organisation contln ually drain Its financial resources to the utmost. The Army's field lies among a class or people who are not very well able to support It, and con. sequent ly special arrangements have to be mado from time to time to meet the ever pressing requirements. One of the principal of these Is the Harvest Festival. COMING FROM CHICAGO. We wIlL have on display on Thurs day and Trlday, September 27, 28, a great line of fine woolens sent to us especially for this occasion by Strauss Bros., of Chicago, America's leading tailors. All the latest effects are com bined In the Une and the goods are of enduring quality. A gentleman train ed In the tailoring business will be present to supervise this display and skilfully take your measure. Grasp this exceptional opportunity of order ing your suit or overcoat from goods In full piece. Remarkably low prices, per fect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. it will pay you to see us on the above date. If not ready to order let us taka your measure any way for future reference. C. H. COOPER, Astoria, Oregon Capt. A. M. Simpson, the I urn be magnate of Ban Francisco, has returned from a six weeks' trip to the Ejist and was In Astoria yesterday. Mr. Simpson returned via the Oreat Lake, Dululh, and from thence over the Oreat Northern to Seattle. He paid a visit of Inspection to his mills at Shoal water Bay and Grays Harbor and also Knappton, coming across yes'.erdiy morning to Astoria. When seen by an Astorlan reporter at ths Occident HotH yesterday after noon Mr. Simpson stated that while the sole object of his visit to the East was for recreation and rest he very ratur ally took notice of the condition of trade and the general state ' of the lumber market In that section, and that while the market has been very Arm up to within a few weeks there seems to be a tendency toward consttr vauvo buying Just at present that Is slmost absolutely universal, and states the reason of this as being a gen era! timidity among the heavier buyers against carrying a large stock on 'land till the result of the coming prealdi?n tlal election Is known. He says that It Is his opinion that should Bryan be elected, which he Is unwilling to admit as a possible probability, the Im mediate effect would be a eneral de nreaslon of trade throughout the coun try. That the people have confidence In the present administration and that a change would be especially undeslr rble at this time. He says that business In the Eastern rortlon of the country has been very brisk and building active and that although there Is a jull at prevnt as soon as the slight element of uncr;aln ty regarding election is removed and the administration once more continued there will be a steady increase In the demand for manufactured lumber. Mr. Simpson had with him statistics showing the annual exports of fumbr from Oregon and Washington and gave out figures of the exports for 18S9 Shipped by rail. 225.000.000 f-t; by car go. 4Jo.Moo.coo feet, or a total of nearly six hundred and fifty million feet be side a large quantity used In coasting and local consumption. He does not think that the recent heavy Invest mcnts of Eastern capitalists in Oregon and Washington timber lands will have any Immediate effect upon the Jjuslness or tend to boom it In any way as there are several mills at present not running while the supply of manufactured tim ber exceeds In a slight degree the de mand and gives as a cause for the recent droo in the price of logs the glut In the market which naturally ex tends back from the manufactured pro duct to the rough logs. In speaking of Astoria. Mr. Simpson predicted a bright future and stated as his opinion that the rapidly Increasing development of Oregon and Southwest ern Washington was bound to make Astoria by virtue of her splendid na tural harbor facilities and advantages of location the coming Important sea port of the Northwest. Mr. Simpson left up on the evening train for Portland and will return soon to his home In San Francisco. CIRCUIT COURT. Timothy Corbett's Trial Set for Thure-day-Two Natives of Sweden Admitted to Citizenship. The amount of work done by the cir cuit court yesterday does not make very large snowing, as most or it was routine and unimportant. Following Is a list of the business fcr the day. An order for confirmation of sale was made In the case of John Lamont vs. J. C, Adams. curing the session Edward T. Ah- aerson and Lars Olsen, both natives of Sweden, were admitted to cltixen ship. Timothy Corbett. who was arraigned on the charge of attempt to commit criminal assault, plead not jrullty and the trial was set for Thursday of next week. This closed the business of the lost day of the first week of this term and court was then adjourned till 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. 1 which some one has gotten you Into; signs of dentists who will stop your teeth from aching: silgns of doctors who wilt go to the sick-room and do all for you that medical skill can do to prolong your days.. But If he falls, as fall he must at some time, then it Is that this little sign of Seaside Lodge, of the Ancient Order of United Work men, will come to the relief of your family, as It did to the following list of men who were members of the or der here: J. W. Case, 12000. George McLean. $2000, A. G. Allen. 12000. E. W. Sehlin. $200. J. W. Robb. $2000. M. C. Crosby. $2000. T. E. Woodfleld. $2000. James Be. $2000. ""' Chas. Oratke. 2000. A. W. Berry. $2000. t - J. W. Gearhart. $2000. Samuel Arendt. $2000. John M. Olsen. $2000. A. Knapp. $2000. C. Lelnenweber. $2000. A. 8. Sture. $2000. W. If. Taylor. $2)00. Chas. Butterfleld. $2000. A. T. Harris. $2000. M. A. Steabb. $2000. August Heidon. $2000. Henry H. Perllla. $2000. Henry Benson. $2000. Chas. Neuquest, $20). Jimes Macomber. $2000. J. It. Palmer. $2000. A. V. Anderson. $2000. John M. Miller, $2000. 8. E. Marton, N. A. Farsberg, $2000. Phlll. W. Weeks, $2000. Andrew Maunula. $2000. John Tuomala. $2000. W. W. Belcher. $2000. R, R. Marlon. J2000. F. O. Nelson, $2000. Ludwlg Martenson. $2000, Sam Abraham, $2000. John Varagnlian. $2000. Wm. Wilson. $2000. H. H. Anderson. $2000. C. 8. Crothers. $2000. August Narber. $2000. Henry Riley. $2000. F. Feakes. $2000. John Milne. $2000. Emit Welsche. $2000. Andrew Mevan. $2000. Carl Wessman. $2000. Henry Pennel, $2000. Chas. Baklund. $1,000. Joseph Kippo, $2,000. E. F. Bradford. $2000. Ole. Wlllburg. $2000. J. E. La Farce. $2000. Nick Delia. $2000. ' Total, $105,000. Seaside Lodge has over four hundred members and, as you see, has paid out $105,000 in Astoria. The order whole has 410,000 members, over 10,000 In Oregon. Seaside Lodge will have dispensation from the grand lodge for two weeks from this 22nd day of Sep ember, and It will be a good time for you to talk to some of the members nd send In your name If you want your family protected. That Is what the A. O. U. W. does. There are lots of good orders, but by their fruits do ye know them. Stops tkt Cosgh ssd VorksOfttke Cold, Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets cure cold In jne day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. . TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby Riven that there are funds in. the city treasury to pay all warrants drawn on tho general fund and endorsed prior to January 1, 1900. Interest will cease after this date.. F. J. CARNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria. Or.. Sept. 18. 1900. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD, PARIS, Aug. 14.Amer!can whlsk!s received the official approval of the ex position ' today when ths first award for merit was mads to Bernhclm Bros., IeulevlUe. Ky., on their L W. Harper whisky. SUBSTITUTE FOR COAL. A good deal of anxiety has been de voted to the question, w hat will the human race do when coal gives out? Its disappearance will not make the slightest difference, as a chemical tub stitute has been discovered, which la cheaper and better. The new century is bound to witness. many changes, but there Is one human benefactor which will remain as firm as the Pyramids, and that Is Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. It is a cure for all stomach ills. No one has been able to discover any thing so effective for Indigestion, con stipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver and kidney troubles as the Bitters. Be sure to give it a trial, and you will be convinced that It is the medicine to strengthen your stomach and restore your appetite. BY THEIR FRUITS SHALL' YE KNOW THEM. On Commercial street can be seen a small tin sign which tells the pacsers by that Seaside Lodge, No. 12, A. O. U. W., meets every Saturday evening at Pythian Castle hall. This sign Is unpretentious, like the or der It represents, and, no doubt, many people who see it every day, wonder Is there. To others It Is only a sign, and you can see lots of signs on Commercial street; signs of lawyers who will help you out of the trouble THE LOUVRE Strangers Tinting in tne citv will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Sisters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit. Handsome pool and t.;ii' . . uiuiaru rooms are a Feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all nours REPORT Of THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA. At Astoria In the State of Oregon At the Close of Business, September a, law. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $256,723.34 uverdraits, secured and unse cured V. S. Bonds to secure circu lation Stocks, securities, etc Other real estate owned Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) 1L090.01 Due from State Banks and Bankers S5.939.U Due from approved reserve agents 112.S31.63 Internal-revenue stamps 89S.30 Notes of other National Banks 95.00 Nickels and cents 63.19 Lawful money re serve In bank, vis: Specie $131,920.00 Legal-tender notes. . 80.00 132,000.00 2,679.13 12.500.00 64.124.99 9,414.63 ALASKA SALMON may be in pood demand, but I propose to create a still greater demand for Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. ...MY BIG FINE STOCK MUST 60... There are no ifs and ands about it. I am determined to go to the factories for my spring stock and stand ready to GIAHE ANY SACRIFICE so as to clear out every article in my store. 101 ASIi FOR m PRICES I'LL DO THE REST... Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625.00 Total $633,999.71 LLABILITIk.3. Capital stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 UndlvldtHl profits. loss ex penses and taxes paid 30,013.10 National Bank notes outstand ing 11.900.00 Due state banks and bankers. 2.5S1.49 Individual deposits subject to check $406,301.30 Demand certificates of deposit 112,713.82 519.505.12 , Total $638,999.71 STATE OP OREGON. County of Clat sop, ss : I. a. a. Gordon, casnier or the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. s. UOKDON, Cashier. Subscribed and swc-i-n to before me this 13th day of September. 1900. Correct Attest: Jacob Kamm. "W. F. McGregor. W. M. Ladd. Directors, Notary Public. -TO FARMERS AND PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT FARMERS We are Sole Agents for RUSIIFORD WAGONS." We guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrength and durability, and our prices are right. Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria, Oregott. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. As Vs ALLEN, Tenth aad Commercial Streets HIGH GRADE CIGARS are always a lucky And, becauss there are so many inferior ones on the market 'What's the use of ex perimenting and wasting time, mon ey and patience when you can be certain of getting the real thing at Madison's reliable cigar store. Im ported, Key West and Domestlo Cigars, as low as 6c and as high as 50c. Smoking and chewing to baccos as well. Will FJadlson. BEFORE YOU BOY Jl PlflHO OR ORGflfl It will pay you to write EILER'S PIANO W& 0PFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write W)day. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Webertogether with eight other good makes. Hi HISS'S P3AK9 CGUC