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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1900)
TIIK MORNING AHJ'ORIAN, 'illRSU. SKPTKMBEA, 18. 19W.. 1 ...KNOX fall SHAPES RECEIVED TODAY STIFF AND SOFT STYLES C. H. COOPER Tbe Leading House of Astoria THE MORNING ASTORIAN TKLEHIOXE 661. All contracts for udvcrtiauitf tlt Aatoilnn urn muJu on a guar. unlet of circulation four times larger than that of any rrr published or clrctitiitcJ In Out sup county. TODAY'S WEATHER. l'OUTLANn. fcpt. 13.-"rpK'n, In cn-aslna liiiuillunm. with shower by AftrriWMin or nl-hl In th western por lion: rookr. Washington, Incrraslng ciloudltK, with stwwrrs probable In southern portion by afternoon or nlifht. AROUND TOWN. lie cream JOo a quart at the rr!or, Dr. J. F. Wood, of Portland, It In tht city. Mri. M. MouI? returned I am evening from IVrtlunJ. Charles A. Payne, of Chinook, wm In lh tllv ytnliv. Miss MnbU Ohlor I visiting iKMly lUithbuu In Ml. Tabor. Mis Al. I'tiliiRor, of NrW Astoria. wa In town on business yrtrday. Har report: wind northwest, hiuy bar moilcratt: nothing In si I lit Uuwrnor T. T. Qrvt and wlfs an In linker I'lty for a abort vacation. Pest 15-cont meal. Rising Buo R tauraiit. (IS Commercial atreot. Jrfl'a restaurant th largest and Int. A trial will cmvlno you. Mra. C. II. Stockton returned lat evening from a trip to Portland. O. I. PetMvon waa a passenger on thi evening train down from Portland. II. E. Armstrong and wife, of Caih lamet. arts registered at the Occident. Mra, Feeley and MIm Mary Feelry returned 'aat evening from a vlitlt to Portland. Bhcrirr Llnvllle and wife returned yesterday from a trip to the at Portlund. The beat and chi-apest tailoring In tho city at A. KIUUNEN. 522 Com- im-rclnl street. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Imiulrt at 427 Tenth street, cor. Irving avenue. Wanted Two furnished rooma with board, In private family. Address "R," Astorlan Office. Local Inspectors of Hollers and Hull Edwards and FuIUt are In town to In spent the "Brick." The Portland Chamber of Commerce are to attend the Pendleton atreet fair In a body on Friday. When you wart a stylish new ault made chenp. call on A. KILJUNEN, B22 Commercial atreet. The United Btatea quarantine ateamor Electric la In drydock for general over hnullnic and repair. Mini Anita Trcnchard and MIm Cor Inne IlaiiHon returned from a pleasant ramping trip last evening. Astoria visitor to Portland can ob tain ooplca of the Pally Aitorlan at the now atanda of B. B. Rich. The State of California arrived In yesterday morning with a good cargo of freight and fair passenger Hat. A bonk, with a capital of $20,000. will be established at Canyon City In No vember by John D. Goes, of Sumpter. MIm Harriet Tallant haa returned from Portlmd, where ahe haa been the pa.t week, the guest of MIm Suth land. L. F. Amundson returns tomorrow to Tillamook light, where he la assist ant keeper, after a vacation of five Weeks. . BEST 16-CENT MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. RISING Hi Hi Hi He Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi $ Th OKIahunia arrived down from Lrwl and Clark at 1:30 yesterday r trrnoon and continued on up the river to Portland. Lewi Montgomery, of Kelso, who ha recently bean making wiiii Investments In timber lands, was In town on busl lira yetrday. Fnrd A fltolu have rwelvtd a fine new team. 'a went purrha? of Mr. Foard, from .NVIialni, for one of their delivery wagons. Th steamer l:llpe yesterday after noon loWvd L. Ielirck'a pile driver over to Warrrnlon, where he ha a con Iraol for some work. Crram Pure Rye. Am"rlra'e flnent uhlxkv. T nnlv nure good: gvar anteed rleh and nirllow. JOHN L. CAUI.HON. Sole Agent. Remember we guarantee our Ice cream to contitln nothing but cream and aurar and lUvor. It Is IS cents per pint at the Parlor. Last nlitht was the time set apart at the Portland mri fair for the Mystic Phrliu-r and liluti carnival was held by the mn of (lie desort. Roslyn coal lasts longer, la cleaner and mnkea less trouble with atoves and chimney flues than any other. Oeorgt W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone MIL George II. 11 n', of Portland. drove down via Nehalem, arriving hi re lost evening. He Is slopping at the Occident, and retorts a very pleanant trip. Tpe'sb-am schooner Fulton, of Pan Fraiit'loco, arrived In early yesterday morning and proceeded up the river. 8 he will load with lumber at Port land for the return trip, A bill of sale whereby the Port Townaend Packing Company transfers to John Klernan, of Portland, all of the ateamer '"Hrlok" for a consideration of 11400. waa filed In the custom house yesterday. The Northern Pacific warehouses, th largest structure of their kind In the Pacific Northwest and some of the largest In the country, have been form ally opened to the commerce of the world at Taroma. The controller of the currency has declared a dividend of 41 per cent In fovor of the creditor of the Colum bia national bank of Tacoma, Wash., making In all 71 per rent on clnlms approved, amounting to $181,653, Tho funeral of Emll Erlckson, the victim of Monday's logging camp ac cident, took place yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock; the steamer Mayflower conveying the remains with the local Woodmen to Lewis and Clark cemetery where they were met by several hun dred people. A tea In th afternoon followed by a aoclal In the evening, for the benefit of the M, E. church, will be given by Mrs. M. J, Fox and Mra. Z. It. Green- ough at 330 Twelfth street. Friday, Sep. tember 14. A musical program will be rendered In the evening. All are cor dially Invited to attend. I The barge load of flour will be taken down from the O .R. AN. dock and i loaded on the Monmouthshire thla I morning, and ahe will leave out about! noon. Two of the Monmouthshire's I crew deserted at Portland and she Is looking for mibatltutes to fill the va cancies. She haa on board about 25 Chinese who are being taken back to China. It bj stated on good authority, ac cording to the Telegram, that the Mad ison atreet bridge In Portland will be loeed os soon as the carnival Is over, and that a new draw will be built. It la said that the street car lines which operate across the bridge will secure tbe service of a ferry-boat and have the passengers transferred across the river while the repairs 'are under way. The Storey A Ka?ppler Lumber Co., of lacrosse, Wl., have purchased for something like $30,000 the entire hold ings of J. G, and I. N. Day, at Cascade Locks. , on the Oregon aide of the Co lumbia. Including mill and site, resi dence, two steamer, the Water Witch and Sadie B together with tracts of timber estimated to contain over. 150.- 000,000 feet of logs, two logging camps, franchise, right of way and all Interest of the Day on the Columbia river. At the adjourned session of the coun ty court yesterday afternoon Ernsby Houghton, John- Frye and Joseph F. Bartol'dua were appointed viewer and HATS- R. C. Y, Astbury aurveyw, to meet at the court house HMptwnber 1 at a. m., In rega'd to Uw propowfd Ne halein road from Astoria to Vesper, Horns other routine and unimportant buslines was transacted and the ses sion thn closed. Dr, Alfrd Kinney ni family start for New York city this morning, The doctor will du ly his specialties at the New York cllnl's during the fall and early winter, returning home by Christ mas. Mrs. Klnnry will remain with the d'H tor In New York the gralr portion of the time, but will visit rela tive and friends In Baltimore, Wash ington and Richmond. Gus will attend school In Connecticut, The following from the "Appeal to Kcuioii" Hiint municipal ownership mlKht prove of Interest to the thinking ones: Th city-owned electric Haht ulunl of Riverside, Cel., paid a profit of 13::l Into the city treasury last year and made permanent Improverw-nts to the plant of tiof.. That Is better for the people than having It go Into the divi dend account of some corporation. But some people are afraid to own any thing themselves, preferlng that cor porations own and operate everything. There la a strike among the paint ers at work on the new buildings at Fort Stevens. Thev were working for Contractor Conn and were under con tract to receive their pay monthly. When the work was transferred to Quartermaster Down they were six week buck ojj thiilr pay and the quar termaster toll them they should re ceive their pay at the completion of the work, The workm-m. however, wish to receive ihelr pay as per original con tract and as a result have gone out on a strike. It Is hoped the matter may be satisfactorily adjusted. The Tacoiiu Ledger of 8citemlcr 11 jys: The Walla Walla reached Ta coma last night after her exx-r!enee with ths quarantine omcers at Victoria. None ft her old furnishing are fit for further Use and have been dl-arl"d hy the Pacific foist Steamship Com pany. Iwr operators. The fumigation of the Canadian authorities was thorough. It was so severe that all the bedding, clothing, uph lterlng and all the other neTNhttble fltllnm tt the boat were ruined by the sprays. The company Immediately tore out all the furnlh logs and will replace them from the Cottage City. The latter boat will be sirlpiwd for the purpose. . A dispatch has been recelv! from Washington saing that a report has been received from General Greely chief of the signal office, who went to Alaska to arrange for telegraphic com munication with that territory, saying that the line will be working to Fort Egbert. Eagle City, by the end of Sep temper. The Canadian line extends from Ashcroft north to Dawson City, and the boundary line. The United Slate has constructed a line from Fort Egbert to meet thla line. Another line Is being built by the United States up the Yukon river, which It Is In tended shall connect Fort Egbert, but It Is not likely that it will be com Dieted this aeason. Emll Wald. a Finn., attempted to carve his way to notoriety about o'clock a. m. yesterday In Seafeldt A Wlrkkala's saloon. He waa evidently looking for trouble all around. First he belabored a man with whom he had some dllllculty. smashing his noee and otherwise misusing htm; then he ob jected to some remarks from Bartender Stewart and started In to carve him up when a bystander interfered. He then aimed a terrific blow at him. The man stepped back but hardly quick enough, and received a bad cut on the lower Jaw. The police now took a hand In the matter and deferring to superior adversaries Wald relinquished the fight and was placed where he would do no more damage till his pre liminary hearing which takes place to day. Extra r. a. L) Oil DIG " IcSctltS OR Extra Double Tickets ' Vlt Oar Celebrated Teas, Coffees. Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Soto OUR MONEY-SAVING TEAS Elsewhere. Our 40c Teas cost you 60c Our COc Teas coet you 60o Our 60c Teas cost you 73c Our 70c Tea coet you 9tc Our S0c Teas coet you $1.00 Money-Saving- Roast Coffees 15c, 20c, 25c. 30c. 35c. 40c perlb Our Sultan Blend makes a Perfect Cup of Coffee. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. Great American Importing Tea Company- 571 Commercial St., Aatorla, Or. TD. ears Pears' soap is nothing but &oap, Pure soap is as gentle as oil to the living 6kin. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. AH tori of pop' utt it, all sorts ( Mores stll a, ttpttMf emggisib Taxpayer of Astoria who have been complaining of the high levy neces sarily causi-d by reason of the low val uation will be Interested In a schedule nt figures prepared by Judge Gray rel ative to the loss to the county by ex cestilve taxes heretofore paid by rea son of that policy. The Judge has the figures at his oMlca and will be glad to show them to parties ntereted. Officer Phillips early yesterday morn llig aiTerd J. Connors tor an attempt to murder Anthony Johnson In a shoot ing affray at the Anchor saloon. The two men were engaged In an altercation when Conners drew a 41-calibre ditrlnger from his pock.-t and tired, the bullet taking effect In the Hihy part of Johnson' right arm. Conners then surrendered the weapon and It-ft thi saloon. He had not gone far. however, before he was overhauled by Officer Phillips, who hearing the shot soon apeared upon the cne and started In pursuit of his man. Con ners. who Is a painter and has renlded In this city for a number of years, claims that he was acting in self-defense. The case will be brouiht before Judge ISrower today. Johnson was not seriously Injured although the wound is quite painful, and will render the arm useUn for some time. Last night's THcirram says: State Flch Commissioner F. C. Iteed return ni from lloeeburg last night, where he went to Inspect the new lmpiua hatchery. He reports that the hatchery Is all completed and Is only waiting for fish to begin operations. The eggs are not comlns as lively as could be desired at present, but conditions are exiected to take a turn for the better In the near future. The location of the lmpiua hatchery Is one of the finest In the stale, and contains everything necessary to make a successful hatch ery. The water Is especially fine, one of the principal requirements. J. A. Talbert. representative-elect from Clackamas county, has been appointed superintendent of the hatchery. Mr, Iteed state that during the season re cently closed the Upper Clackamas hatchery took 1,700,000 eggs, and the Salmon River hatchery took 1,100.000. While the egg supply this year la quite low. It la considerably greater than last year's supply. The dam on Rogue river which was the cause of so much com plaint on the ground that It kept fish from the spawning ground on the up per river, has been taken away, so that the fish now have a clear passage. The Tacoma News, of September 11, mvs: Thla morning at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, Special Agent Olmstiad. of the census bureau, begun his Investigation Into the cen sus taking of Tacoma, to find out If there la any tru,th In the charge made by the Seattle Chamber of Com merce that the returns were padded. Mr. Olmatead was accompanied to Ta- coni by Supervisor J. B. McMillan, of Falrhuven, who had charge of the cen sus In tbe western part of the state. He Is assisted In hla work by J. S. Whltehouse, secretary of the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce, who had charge of the censua work In the city. Many of the enumerators In the city districts were called before Mr. Olmstead and examined by him relative to the work In their districts, how they proceeded and what names they had secured In the various localities. Mr. Olmstead has completed the work of Investiga tion at Seattle and haa sent in his report to the department at Washing ton. "I cannot say whether my re port will change the figures of the population of Seattle or not," said Mr. Olmstead. "I was sent there to make an Investigation and report, and I have mad my investigation and sent in my report. I don't know what the result will be." Mr. Olmstead will be In Tacoma several days, and may make a personal evanilnatkm of several of the districts in the city which he may believe will require special examination The Alameda "Spiders," champion of the coast In the four-oared barge, winners of every event on the bay for the past two years, and victors In the Astoria regatta laet month, towered their colors yesterday to the hardy Pioneers. Says the San Francisco Ex aminer of Monday. The race which put mourning on the doors of the Ala meda club-house w-ag the first event on the program of the regatta held oft Long Bridge. It was a spirited affair from start to finish, warmly contested throughout, and was fairly won by the creiv from the south side. The regatta. which was under the auspices of the Native Sons and the Pacific Const Athletic Association, waa one of the best attended of any affair of the kind In many year. The Pioneer went far away Into the lead at the pistol shot, and maintained the lead to the end. It waa nip and tuck between the Ala medag and the South Ends, the former being the last to round the stakeboat The "Spiders" made a spurt and passed the South Ends and It looked as If they were going to overhaul the Pioneers. Toward the last of the course they tired of the work, while the Pioneers were apparently aa fresh as at the start. The Alameda club retrieved its lost laurel In the Junior barge event, but in the Intermediate barge event again taste! the bitter of defeat. In tho Whitehall racs the first prize was serunid by Tommy Crowley In the Arthur McCraken, and P. CenoU In the Sempre Avanre won the fUhboat rare. Alex Pape won the aenlor shell race, and E. F. Rum, the crack racer and expert relay finisher for the Olym pic Wheelmen of fian FrarHsco, won the three great bicycle race for hi club and his city. The Salem Statesman spt-aka of the stat fair to be held at that place next week a follows: President W. H. Wehrung and Secretary M. D. Wis dom,, of the state board of agriculture, are In the city to remain until after the state fair, and they are up to th!r eats In business. They will spend a good portion of their time at the fair Krounds looking after the new addi tion to the several buildings on the around, and the new horse and rattle stalls. The stock show Is growing dal ly and the Indication are the exhibi tion will be the greatest and best ever seen In the Capital City or anywhere on the Pacific coast. The special day promise to be well attended. Tuesday will be Press day. Wednesday, Salem Day. Thursday. Portland Day, and Fri day Pioneers' Day. At thl time It I hoped to have the largest possible leathering of the old empire builders, the pioneers who braved the dangers of the deert and mountain and the warlike Indian tribes to come to this land of Oregon, and build here a sta;e that has attracted the attention of the civilised world. A big camp fire In the evening, on the Fair Graund. will be one of th pleasant features of thl special day. and no efforts will be spar ed to make the visit of the old pio neers a most pleasant one. They will be made to feel at home on the old camp ground as they did long years oao, and will live over again the stir ring times when they were younger, and when they risked all In order to found homs In the wilderness, where they and their children are now en joying the fruits of their labors. The racing at this viar'a fair promise to be the best ever seen In Salem. Splen did string of horse are In the stalls and are in training for the fair, and the management is confident that, at this meet, many tate record will be 1 1 . J , . . . . ur-jnen. ii is nesiraoie mat every coun ty In the stste should have a good ex hibit. The people of all the counties are taxed to provide the appropria tion for the fair, and therefore all of them should take advantage of It to make their resource and their Indus trie known throughout the common wealth. Certainly they will have only themselves to blame If they do not, for a special appeal haa been made to them to profit by the exceptional advantage provided for such exhibit this year. VALHS OF MAN'S LIFE. The supreme courts have recently de elded that the life of the average man A man's earnings depend to a great extent upon his health, and it Is al ls worth Just what he is able to earn, way within hi power to Improve hi condition. The stomach Is the measure of health and strength. Every man mav be bright, active and happy, jf his digestion Is normal. If It Is not. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitter wJH make It so. It puts the digestive organ in condition to properly dlirest and asst. milate food. Try it for constipation. Indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver or kidney troubles. There Is nothing just aa good. The genuine haa our Private Revenue Stamp over the neck of the bottle. NOTICE TO TAXPATERS. The board of equalization of Clatsop county, Oregon, will attend at the office of the county clerk of Clatsop county, Oregon. September 24. and dally there after, until and Including September 3th, to publicly examine the assess ment roll for the year 1900, and correct all error In valuation, description or qualities of land, lota or other prop erly; ana it snail be the duty of all parties Interested to appear at that time ana place, for the purpose of cor recting any errors that may appear In said assessment rolls. C. W. CARNAHAN. Assessor of 'Clatsop County, Oregon. PORTLAND STREET CARNIVAL EXCURSION RATES. Prom September 5th to 13th inclusive the Astoria & Columbia R'ver railroad will make a rate of one fare for the round trip from all station to Port land (except from Astoria and points on Seaside division). Tickets (rood go ing on any of the above dates and re turning up to and lPcludlna SeDtemher 16th. BOAT FOR SALS. On the stocks at shipyard, Shoalwa- ter bay, excellent hull, ready for launch ing, Intended for sloop yacht for pleas ure and racing, about 53 feet over all in length. Can be easily changed for gasoline power. For particular apply to C. C. Dalton. Ilwaco. Wash. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD. PARIS. Aug. 14. American whlsklM received the official approval of th ex position today when the first award for merit waa made to Bernholm Bros., Louisville, Ky., on their L W. Harper whisky, HOW BRIGHT'S DISEASE STARTS. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with urea'and uric acid (which should have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in nerves and Joints, causing Irritation of the kidneys, then pains over the small of the back, mark sun approach of Bright' disease. Do Efficient Preservative for Woodwork Ex posed to Hot or Decay. Also a Radical iteinedy against all Vermin. Fisher Bros..; Agts.9 Astoria, Oregon. ' Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, , V TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets Pacific Navigation Company Steamers "Sue II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison' Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria A Columbia River K. R. for tiac Francisco, Portland and all point east For freight and passenger rate apply tv SamMel Elmore Si Co. General Amenta, ASTORIA. ORE. ( 0. R. Sc. S. R. R, Co., Portland. Agenta i A. C. R R. Co., Portland. (B C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. WEDDING CARDS WEDDIN3 CflSOS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OPLOXDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cah Avaeta, . . ' . Casta Aat in United State, , 616.935 J. B. F. DAVIS 4 SON, WLNFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome Street, - SAMUEL ELMORE not delay taking Foley' Kidney Cure, for it make the kidneys right Take no substitute. CHA3. ROGERS. Drug gist THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend tbe evening. The Amme Sister Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and present nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard room are a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all noura J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder. A FEW. INTERESTING FACTS When nnonl im rmtimniitln . trip, whether on business or pleasure, they Daturnllv want th H ..nrlA. obtainable as far an anseri Mnfnr an safety is concerned. Employes of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ara Paid ta nprVA tha mihllf anil m(.. are operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points, Pullman PalncA Rlaenlnv mnA Mial. Cars on through trains. uining car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell yon a ticket over. .... The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East For any further information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Asrt or JAS. A. CLOCK. Mllwauke. Wis. General Agent 24S Stark 8t Portland. Or. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY On June 17th opened up for traffic their new line from Belle Plain. Ia., to aiaaon city: also their new Fox Lake hranrh. Tha lanvtH nf thla . w line la 195 miles, which added to their mileage, gives mem a total Of 8,462.85 miles, the largest mileage of any rail road in the world. W. G. SMITH & CO., ENGRAVERS, 22 aod 23 Washington Building. 4th and Wsshinjrton 8ts. over Lilt's. PORTLAND, OREGON. A. D.1TIO GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CARL A. HENRY - Sua Francisco, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIST. S7S Commercial Street ASTORIA, ORB. Ovr Schlussel's Clothing Store. POSSIBLY Yon Are Not Aware of the Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BT THE WE HAVE 2-Daily Fast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both art finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PU&teAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicago, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, New York, Boston, And Otber Eastern fuints Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. , It Is to your interest to nsa THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Ticket and sleeping-car berths can be secured from O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. A N. Co, Astoria. Or OR J. H. LOTHROP. Oeneral Agent 135 Third St, Portland. Or.