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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1900)
NIK MOttNINU AHIOBIAN, WEDNK8tA i Al'GCST V, '900. Tilt MOVING ASTORIAN TKLCIWOXK Ml. All contnicti for iidvcrtiiK In tliti ArIi lun urt inaJo on h guur unUe of circulation four time lurttvr (liuii tliul of uny pupcr published or clrculutcJ in Gut nop county. TODAT'B W BATH Bit. PORTLAND, Ail;. tl.-Wp.tnrn Ore Kim and WWern Waalilnitlon. partly 4'luuily. JCuniiTii Dii'kiui hihI ICumurii WiiDhliitilon, tliri'ttU'iiliiK, with txtnlbiy SllllWlT. AKOUND towm. FrvNli tjuitunnllk at tin Parlor. Ml Annie Jeffrie at Baldo. Ico cream JOo a quart at the oarlor. Ml dura Hlrtiioii wa a visitor In Portland yvilvrduy, There are l iirinoncni In tlio county Juil at Hie ini'iHMil time. Tile Harrison crosst-d out ycaterdny niornliiK (r 'i'lll'itii jcik. Tho .iiiigior IM Nurt arrived from Coo bay yvaiorduy ovmlng. Jrft' lU-aiMumntthn ImtkmI and beat. A trial will convince you. lint 13-cmt meal. Main Hun It luumut, U Commercial (IroeU J5. (.'. IMd-n lum returned from a trip up tho WHlmm-iio vullry. Tim Mitilitr uwiiiilily iMann of the rounty vouii wilt t held today. Tin dice fominhluiT ' t In tt-KU-lur ictalou hi tln city hull Initt nliilii. Hull Cumliilaal'Mier ll'vd linn Kone to l'mtU4 to vlill the ImU'livrii'i lUi-iv. Frank J. Hinlili, ivuiity alturmy front 'oiihui;. Idaho, it lu tho city on a iu. I'riuiy Full CoiiiiiiIimI hut Louulwry U it Tho lullr luoklii after the flHh lii Interval. Tlio beit anil In i wit tallurln In the city at A. KlUUN&'N. tzi Coin lunri'lal ttrL Whin you want a ityllnh new ault Made ihenp, till on A. KlUUNliN. Hi Cumumrclal turret. A inmlt bin to at Kopt'i brewery wm uuli kly put down by the employe be (or much dumaae wm done. The bond of 8rhmd ttuiwrlnti-ndent Lyman Inn bwn filed with tho county clerk. )l Imi entered upon hi duiioi. An elderly mttn named Oupl.-II m lroiisht to the hmpllnl ymterdsy (rout Orav river. He U a sufferer (rom jttnlyil. . Hie Ladle' of tit. Mary' Catholic rhureh will lv an lee cream o"lal In Kearny halt, Thursday evenln. at I o'clot k. An Amerlcun-born Ohlnea Mrlande. the only military orKnlatfn of that raee In America, hit been oraliled In I'ortluml. Everybody rurrhasln 25 cent worth of it'Hi.u at Madlion' clvar store mny it nve votea for hi choice (or queen, without coit. Cream I'ure Ilyo. America' flnenl whliky. The only pur id; fuar antwd rich and mellow. John L. Carl aon, n'le asent. Tho reRftlta committee have recelv vl and ao.vpted an offer (roin the water communion to place a fountain nl the KioiKlMtnnd. Ihe milk dealer i( Dili city have ratM'd the price of milk from 40 cent to 60 cent a ft-nlUm. Thin applli only to hotel an I rnntuunuit. The Anlia left yeitenlny afternoon for yullluyule rtver with a curao i( creiimerv nippUe for Kinney' new -t-reaniery belnif er-cted there. ' It' a doctor' hunlnc io itudy lu allh. ItiH-tor I'oullileiitly rvcoinmend HAItTKIl Whliky. Hold by Foard & htoke Co., Aitorla, dn'Ron. noKlyn coal last longer, g cleaner and ninke lei trouble with ctove and chimney Hue than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Toicphona 1811. MaitiT Fair ltlilehalRh will Rive a party thl nftcrnoon to hi friend, from 2 until 6 o'clock, to cele brate the ilxth nnnlvvreary of hi birth. , Thunilny afternoon, Mln Irma Coon In V will be tlx year old, and he I (ruing to celubrato her natal day by Klvlnu a party In the afternoon to all her numerous little friend. BUST 1R-CKNT MEAL; ItlSINO SUN RESTAUttANT, iLASSof Baldwin's Celery Soda cure hekdiohe t ono. It li pleu ant, imrlilinir. effarvniicent drluk that actaliumedtatuly. Helna and pur lli.Mi ib itomanh, Kontly qnlata th nerriM and rellTM all pain. It oaraa alok and nrronbadHolia,KailoknMian(i mn-,..'ySS:-.Jj2 ?S Bpc,. I..OO. f 11A."N IV MA It A, SucceiBor to Th. Olsen, fOO-I Com. St v9. mm 'Fled Wlekmnn. was appointed Ruur dlim for P. A. Huktrl, an Inaan r mm, by the prolm'e court yeiterday. Titer are two minor children. John mid Anna Bukarl, to be liwked after, Whllo plnylnR im the bmeh yeaterdny niornliiK. a child of Lmil Malm wt urn bled over a pile and, atrlklnit it li.ud on th hard timber, Niutulned coiu-u-Hon of th brain, Th child Ufa U at preient in nret dnnger, and only lluht hope are held out for Its re covery. . A. A. Ander m wa adJudRed Inaune In the county court yeaterdny and re moved to Hul.'in by HherllT Mnvllle. luat nlRht. Momliiy iiluht while In th coun ty jail, he drw on" an old pair of over all that were ImnKltiR In hi cell and, In hi mind wnndvrlnK. henb.-d ulieep until dayllKht. At the Occident; L. U Carter. W, O. Munlon. W. II. lHown, J. W. Cook, J. iv J. (1. I'one. II. K. Milch- ell. lortlund; M. (lluion, 11. Hyma, M. K. MetJralh, A. w. jirumiiionu, run Frumlwo; II. ). Dunhnm, Ht. IiuU; W. 8. I'iiIk". Henttle; Frank rerkln. Arthur I'-iklm, Ht. 1'ntil; M. J. Iluua. Hnlem; John Hale, iVirthind, Th four-year-old dnuahler of Frank Cook (ell a dlilanco of llxtecn fwl fMin a dock af the wlnliiR aroumu on a bank of rock and Rravel. Him wn bntiiRht to the city and Ur. Hen demon culled In. U found that the little one had iIUUh ul- d and broken the left hip, everely Injured the rlalil hand, and waa badly brulaed about the face, I'M for the cotutructlon of a deten tion bnnaek and hoipltal bulldlnfc- at Aatorla iiuarHtillne etutlon were i-n-el at Waihliiaton Monday. The bid. der and amount follow: J. V. Hu prennnt. Anuria, I1!: FerRUion Mouaton. AMorla, $l"; Hhorn A lloh Imon. Tortlatid. imi; Wllimm It. Hlukm Co.. rortland. I'.'l: l'encock & lloliuiuy. Sun FrancUco, 110,671. Four ordinance for the Improvement of alreeta were aluned yeilerdiiy. alio two ordliinncea accept lint the Improve ment of etreet. The alrvet to be Iwnentud In the flmt cue an-: t.Vm mervlol. fiom Fourteenth to Seven te nth: Ninth, from Aator to nnd; HeVBiitiH-nih, from Irvlna to Jerome, nod Klrvinth. from Franklin avenue to llarrlNon uvenue. Those on which Improvement were accepted are: Hev ruth, from liond to Ator. and Cminier- clsi from KiRhni to lentn, , . . wm' Low rate via VnUn Vurlc railroad lo O. A. U. I3ncammcnl, Chicago. III., tiuit litb to tieptembcr l". JW. For the above occasion the Union cIM.' railroad will make a iptclnl rati of $71.50 lo Chicago nd return. Th k rt on ante Auguat Zlt and 72nd. Fur further deUIW concerning thl cheap rate, rail on O. W. LOUNSHERRY, Ar jIU O. II. A N. Co.. Aatorla Oregon, or nddr-Ba J. II. LOTHROP. Oeneral Agent, 131 Third Street. Portland Oreg. At the Parker llouwe: W. J. Fmnhy. Han FriuicUco: J. K. Mahoney, W, II, Meeker, Mr, fleorgo Cameron. E. Mc Heminn. F. (). Johnwin: J. II. Marshall, O. H. Ilowman. Hen Hlmpion. Mim Hlinpaon. J. A. Perklm. Robert-Perklin, Paddy 1'urleM. II. K. Duncnn. Mr. J. U Ilowmnn, A. ItlelmrdNon, Portland; II. C. .Immerman. Waahlngton. 1), C; IavU and L. M. Coffey, Hvenaen; Wm. Hwln and wife. Kvonavllle. Ind.; F. K. Waters, Forest Umve; W. K. Doyle, Wi.hlia. Kan.; U P. Heaton, Wichita, Kan. The water eommlwloner met last night In regulnr ainHon. II. J. Von iHiecn wa not present, he being Rtlll alvnenl from the city. The pay-rtdl (or 1367, (or July, which Include not only the salury f tho employe but lao extHOiwa Incurred In repairing the pipe line, repair to man-hole, overhauling hydrant and vulvc and the flushing of hydrant. Hills from the Astoria Transfer co.. $20; Van Dusen & Co.. (agent), 6; Flntier Hros., 13 50; Dully Asiorlnn. $1; lally New, $1; Dally Hudget. $1, and C. A. May, 75 cent, were ordered tald. Mr. W. II. Hmlth. o( Connecticut, who hn been extensively engaged In oyster eulture In the lOast, has bein In confer ence with A. C. Utile, stale fish com missioner, over the prospect of oyster culture at some point on the Sound, lie ha been lentllng a few day at the Kcynort exerlmenlal station, and rcorts that he believes thnt Ihe ex U'rlmenls now being carried on by thl ainle will be a great success. Mr. Smith has several locations on the Hound under consideration, and will prolmbly engage In the business on a large scale. Taeoma Now. Owing to the Indiscriminate use of through Portland and Astoria reduced rate tickets by pllrtlcs living at Inter mediate station along the line, the A. C. It. It, Co. will place on sale at Portland and Astoria, on August 8, ticket to the point affected by the cheap rate, which will prohibit their use from any station other than the Initial point named on the ticket and conductor will have strict orders to honor the tickets only from the point at which they are sold. If a man want (o make the trip from Ctatskanle or Nome other way station now, he will have to buy his ticket In the proper manner Instead of asking some accom modating friend to bring It down to him from Portland, The Honolulu Republican publishes a column article In praise of a man nam ed Turk, who at one time ran the sailor house In this city. Whllo here Turk had the name of being a pret ty tough man, but If such was the case the following Interview prove that he 1 not a bad a nearjy everyone be lieved: "When a man Is destitute and ha no place to go he Is In a pretty bnd fix, Helng taken Into a private place, kept by men who make a busi ness of shipping sailors, la whatwe can find all over the coast. Lewis & Turk, knowing we had not a cent, took us In and are going to get us a ship. They did not ask us for a cent and will not get any money from us, as It Is Rgaliist th.- law for a ship to ad vance money to snilors. If the cap tain of a ship chooses to pny 1-ewl & Turk (or finding men (or him. It Is nothing out of our pockets. Thnt Is the captain's loss, Iwls & Turk nre run ning their hoarding house In connec tion with their business. Thoy are feeding ten penniless sailor now at their own expense, hoping to make It up from captains wanting men." Portland's Oriental steamship service will be Increased to meet the demands of the port, says last night's Telegram. Tho O. It. & N. has arranged to secure several first-class vessels to add to the fleet already In service. In the mean time shippers will be protected against loss, "There need be no anxiety regard ing nn Asiatic pteamshlp service from Portland sulllclent to meet the need of the port, for such a service will be es tablished," ssld President A. L. Moh ler today, In referring to the resolu tions recently passed by the bonrd of trade, and In which It wa claimed v,,.-a lu q nml,lnRtlnn of railroad Inter- ...-L-ln, no-nlnot ihn MtV "The O R. & N" continued Mr. Mohler, "1 alive. to Portland' Intireati.'-snd ha mails all neocssary plan for Increasing th Oriental service, but. I not yot pre pared to msk the oflWial announce ment, Publlo anxiety, howevr, may Imi relieved upon that point. The Port of Portland shall not suffer (or luck o( adeitint Oriental service. It may not be generally known, but It I neverthe less a fact, that the present Chinese trouble hu materially reduced the Irn-pia-t and export trk'llc, and until or der I restored there can be no sta bility lo Oriental commerce. In th meantime, ample provision (or the pro tection of Portland's trade 1 being made." , RKOATTTA QI'BEN CONTEST. Letter From Olympic Club Merchant tu AssUt Voting Contest. The voting contest for regatta iUccn I becoming iilte lively. Mis Miulg Hovey a now at the hvad of the llt, having since th last count gained a lend of 2M votes over Mis Nellie L't xlnger, who Is In s-tond place. Thus fur 4.073 vote have been rt. and there nre thirty-four candidate In th field. , The vote to date follow: MUs Madge Hovey MO Mis Nellie Utxlnger 710 Mis Antonla Johnson iV) MIhn KUIn Parker 3 MUs Clur Uonberger 2'M Ml Olua No Z1 Mis Maud Ktorkton 1M Mis Myrtle Oln-n 1") Mis Madge Chapman K2 Mr. Will Madison 72 Mr. Herman Wise 70 Mis Kmmn Carlson V) Miss Hlhyl Veager SO Mrs. T. T. Oeer 24 Mis Umlse Tallant 23 MUa Jennie Curtis 22 Mr. Isaac Ilergman 20 Miss Amy Denn 20 Mr. A. M. Hnillh 20 Mr. John Wirt 20 MUa Oertrudo Htockton 14 Mis Anita Trenchurd 12 MU Caroline Young 12 Miss Floret ta Klmore 10 Miss Ida Anderson 10 MU Maude Stone , 0 MU Hophla Lawton 10 Mis A. Petersen 10 Mr. C. V. Houston 10 MU Amy l.enmn 8 MU Olgn Ilellhorn 3 Mis Harriet Tallant S Mrs. llarrU'in Allen 2 Mrs. J, Ti N"ss mm... t A letter wa received by the com' mlttee (rom the Olympic Club, of Hun Francisco, making uiulrles concern ing the event th Multnomah Club wished to compete with II In. Sanction (or ihe amateur games will he granted by W. H. Moore, of the P. N. W. A. It I necessary that nil competllor In then, gumc be regis tered amateur Bthlet.-s. The (ollowlnr communication was ent to the regatta committee yester day afternoon: To the Regatta Committee of the 7th Annual Regatta Oontlemen: We the undersigned merchant of the city of Aitorla do hereby agree lo give one wte for queen of the regatta, with every purchase. In value a Indicated below, oppiielte our respective name: Ilee Hive. 10 cent. Alex Tagg. 10 cent. C. H. Cooer. 10 cent. II. R. Horder. 10 cents. Many other name will be added to the list today. RRtTAL CRIME AT OLNEY. Attempted Rape Case There Saturday Night Brute Escape. The attempt of a man named Tim Corbctt to commit rape upon the per on of Mr. John Denk. Saturday., at Olney, hn aroused the Inhabitants of that usually quiet place to such an extent that. If Corbctt la caught he may be given a necktie party. The crime wa committed at a log ging camp wh'.'re Corbett, Mr. Denk and her husband were employed. Corbett It Is asserUnl caught the wo man by the throat when she resisted nnd choked her lntl Insensibility. She now Is In a critical condition because of the brutal treatment. No complaint o( the affair reached the authorities here until Monday af ternoon, wh.-n the husband o( the wo man came In to obtain a warrant (or the man' arrest. The necessary paper wvre made out and Deputy Sheriff Kelly went to Ol ney Monday night, but did not catch his man. Corbett had heard of Denk' departure (or Astoria and made good his escape. Every effort la now being made to locate him. This Is not Corbett' first appearance before the public a a brute. Lee than a year ago Im waa tried for attempting rape upon th person of a young girl but the evidence was not sulllclent to send htm to the penltentlnry. FISHERMEN ARE GUESSING. Question Regarding Closing of Season Now Doing Discussed. . The question regarding the exact time the eaon cloeea on the river, wa the main topic of conversation among the fishermen yesterday. Many hold thnt while the law hold good on thl side of the river they can con tinue fishing and sell their catch on the Washington side because the sea son there doe not close until August 15th. The fishermen are very much dis heartened over the prospect (or a good run o( salmon before Friday, when the season close. The storl" of great luck on' the Sound are doing much to cheer up the men here, and many hope that there yet mny come a good run. It 1 held by those who are author ities on the question that the state of Oregon tins Jurisdiction over the riv er to the Washington shore and that anyone fishing after The 10th of the month can be prosecuted undrr the Oregon laws. A ense known ns "Anna M. Small ense," was cited Wherein Judge Dendy. at on time, held thnt his Jurisdiction extended to the Washington shores where the steamer Anna .Nr. Small was moored, and his decision was sustained. HOLD! GOLD! GOLD! Tho latest El Dorado Is reported to be on Nome City beach, Alaska. Thou sands of people are hastening there, many of whom will return broken In health. Of what avail I gold when health Is gone? Guard your health with the best o( all medicine Hostet ter' Stomach Bitters, and you will al ways have true health. The Bitters are (or people who have abused their stomachs, or are naturally weak. It will regulate the bowels, stir up the liver. Invigorate the kidney and abso lutely cure Indigestion, constipation, niaUuia, chill and fever. It Is a natur al tonic, absolutely (ree from danger ous narcotics. It should be taken to protect the system (rom chills and fever .! mntorlnl Attnrk It's . BOoA I medicine to keep on band. EM IN UNITY THERE'S HTIIENOTH 21 Fine Men's Suits Made by the UNITED GARMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA ARE SOLD IN ASTORIA ONLY BY JLJJUqjfty Mi,"?,','' I. To Vaffi I THE TLAGCE IS AUSTRALIA. The bubonic plugue still exists In an iiu iiiic form In Sydney and oth-r points In Australia. Files of Austral Ian newspaper received by the Alume da, yi'Hlfrduy. bring this information, tliouKh for July 3 and 4. the latter the date of the sailing of the Alameda, no new cases and no death had bem re ported. The typhoid epidemic till con tinue, however. The ravage of the pliiKUe were abated, according to the paper ,-by cleansing of the city and the extermination o( the rat." A y tematic Inspection of the stables in the city was made. Reference wa made to the crusade against consumption, and the practice of expectoration In the streets was marked down (or suppres sion. Large area of Sydney and Waterloo are quarantined under proclamation. Townsvllle, Queensland, and so I West Maltland. At the latter place the re cently erected incinerator U doing good work In depleting the district o( rat, the totals (or two day having been 127 and S respectively, while close up on 100 were destroyed the following day. Rat were brought from placi out of town. Brisbane, Rackhampton, Melbourne and Auckland, but In some of these place the disease exist in a mild form only. 0( Melbourne the Evening New says: "Bat catching has been going on apace, and all bodies examined have been so (ree of plague symptoms that It ha became the exception rather than the rule to ask about them. On Mon day a rat was caught which proved to be highly ln(ected with plague ba cilli. It wa quietly crawling across a wharf near Little Dock when cap tured, and Its appearance has cieated renewed alarm and Increased vigilance." In Sydney the total number of cases registered up to June 30 wa 296, the totul number of death 101, and the nunilier of recovered patients discharg ed 152. In reference to the Chinese suf ferers mentioned there have been eight deaths out of ten attacked. In all the quarantine areas the greatest dis satisfaction exists, business in those sections being paralysed. Thrre Is al so the usual complaint of wanton de struction o( pnnerty. Hlten hundred men ar now em ployed In scavenging operations In the quarantined area In Sydney. The same city ha a citizens' vlgl'ance commit tee which Is working for the tetter sanitation o( the city. It Is a campaign against typhoid Nver as well as against the bubonic plague. Honolulu Repub lican. PURTELL AND JOST HERE. Article for Fight Signed Purtell Will Train Here. Paddy Purtell, o( Seattle, and Charley Jost. of Portland, the pugilists who are to meet here during the regatta, met last night at the Louvre and signed the article for the coming contest. The men are to weigh 156 pound at the ringside, the glove to be the regu lation five-ounce kind; Marques of Queensbury rules to govern; clean breaks. The winner to take "5 per cent and the Voser 25 per cent of the re ceipts. No referee was decided upon because of Purtell being a stranger here and unacquainted with the sporting frater nity in this section of the country. This matter will be decided later. Jost will train In Portland while Pur tell will rig up his apparatus and do hi work here in Astoria, Purtell' brother Jack will arrive here today from Seattle and active work will com mence very soon. Both men are slightly over weight now, but in fine condition. EIDS FOR PAINTING. Bids will bo received for painting the Shlvely school building nnd roof at the oftlce of the School ClerU up to noon Monday. August 13th. 1900. All material will be furnished by the dis trict. By order of the Board. E. Z. FERGUSON. Clerk. FORTUNE TELLING. Mme. Nightingale reveals all lead ing events In life. Don't miss this op nortunity to learn your destiny. Room 19, The Oriel. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Odd Fellows' Land & Bulld Ing Association will be held at Odd Fellows' hall on Thursday. August 23, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting. G. REED, A. J. MEGLER, President. Secretary. I Astoria. Or., July 22. 1900. ILihx p, Union ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF M TTTT imiJ 1 1 Xt EAf- - M II V I Tl A T TBI IT in 12 . VdUi REGISTERED NOTICE. No bill will be paid by the regatta j committee jnlesa contracted or au-, thorlzed by the chairman or secretary. It is desirable that all bill should be j presented promptly. i CHAS. H. 8TOCKTON. ; JOHN C. M'CUE. Chairman. : Secretary. j i NOTICE. I All person having room kindly t leave name, address and price for same j at Regatta Headquarters. i JOHN C. M'CUE, Secretary, j TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice I hereby given that the board J of examiner of Clatsop County, un der direction of H. 8. Lyman, superintendent-elect, will hold the regular examination of applicants for teach-! ers' certificate at the court house on August S, 9 nnd 10, 1900. 1 J. T. LEE. j County Superintendent ! Yes, You Can Save-- 5 Cent Per Pound ON COFEES io Cent Per Pound ON TEAS. . , by buying at the. Great American .Importing Tea Co.'s Store, One trial will convince. The largest Tea and Coffee dealers on the Coast , Imporing all our goods for our 100 store enable us to undersell all oth ers. We save you all middlemen's profit i That's Why ; Goods so Good : Prices so Low Come and See the Immense New Stock . Stock of Handsgme Presents we have Just opened, to be given away ! with our ceelbrated TEAS, COFFES ! and SPICES. j Great American Importing; Tea Company j 571 Commercial St., Astoria. Or. i AMU Alt EXCURSION OF THE FINNISH BROTHERHOOD Sunday, August 12 ...TO SEASIDE... Train leaves Astoria for Seaside at 8; 15 a. m.. and, returning, leave Sea side at 6 p. m. GRAND BALL IN THE EVENING AT FOARD & STOKES' II ALL. TICKETS $1 REGISTERED " A Percentage of Our August Sales Gees For the Prctectlcncr Our 0ilf? AVENARIUS Efficient posed to Preservative for Rot or Decay. Remedv-ajrainst all Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria Oregon. PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR CASH OR Oil EASY PAYMENTS s Th home of dickering Kimball Pianos, Kimball, j PaCif IC Navigation Company SUamers-"R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Buy City, liobsonville. Connecting at Astoria witn theOreiroo Railroad" k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Sac Frsncinco, Portlnud snd all poiute eant. For freight il pasnger rule np ly 8atrMel Elmoro & Co. Genera) Asrent. ASTORIA, OR. COHS & CO.. Ag-ntH, Or-gi n Riiiircad & Navigation Co., TILI.AMMP' Pro V.VC.K R. Co. fOKTLAM). 1 'r WEDDING CARDS WEDDIflq CflROS YlSlTIflG CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. T0B4CC0 AND CIGARS Supplies of all kimls at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V. AlwLEN, Tenth and Commercial Mrects to the C. R. F. Salmin industry United W Stand Divided WE FALL Woodwork Ex Also a Radical Vermin. It U easy to obtain a good on. Where no local dealer tells them, wt will tend a piano or organ for a tmall caih payment, balance in monthly payments. Two years' time to finiih purchase if desired. We would like to explain our method. We will send an instrument guaran teeing satisfaction, or the piano may be returned to us at our expense, Catalogues free for the asking tell all about them. Special prices tad full Information if you write. Im Jfow Mmato Ball d lag, 881 Waafclasrtaa U Fatlamt, Ob. Piano, Weber Pianos, Down, Necdham and Great Western Organs W. G. SMITH 8 CO., ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Wasbiavton Buildine, 4th and Washington Sts, over Lttt's, PORTLAND, OULQOX.