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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1900)
V filK MORNING ASTOK1AN. WEllX&WA 1 . AUm 8, iUH) gaily otovian; JOHM T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. . . DAILY. Sent by mall, per year SteO Sent by mall, per month M 6erved by carrier, per month... tt SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year. In advance SIM FosWge free to subscriber. All communications intended for pit Slcatton should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressud to "The Astorian." The Astonan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia rlVer. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. For President WILLIAM N'KINLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODOKE KOOSEVELT, Of Sew York. Astoria had af rousing Fourth of July demonstration the most successful in the city's history without yielding to the West Shore Mills Company's at tempted extortion In the street light contract. The regatta, essentially a daylight pastime, will go off Just as satisfactorily without electric light ef fects. The city council will not be de ceived nor coerced by the latest device of the light company to force its looting lingers into an unwilling public treas ury. If the hired men who are circu lating petitions and otherwise attempt ing to use the regatta as a pretext to bulldoze the council think the coming boat races cannot be held on the, river without street lights, let them address their prayers to the light company for a donation of the desired lights as the contribution of the company to the re gatta. By the time the allies decide who shall be their commander jn chief It looks as If there would not be enough of them left to make a second retreat to Tien Tsln. The next advance step In our mod ern American civilization Is to be the placing of an armed guard on every mail and passenger train. The anarchists, like other enthusiasts, could never accomplish anything with out th support and encouragement of their lady friends. Can you name the present presidents of the South American republics? No? Well, no one else can either. For the lack of zeal In perpetrating Box"r atrocities, the Russians are not to be sneered at. Another country gone wrong! Haytl endorses the "crime of 73." Hommediable would have been a bet ter name for Hommedieu. The Boers are again whipped. THE MARCH TO PEKIN. New York Tribune. The march to Pekln has begun. In that, as well as In the preservation of the legations from destruction thus far, the United States takes the lead. It is a noteworthy circumstance that the very same government which has all alon? believed in the safety of the legations, and by its tact and concil iatory methods has done most to as sure that safety, should also have been most practical and urgent In sc-ndlng In a force for their relief. It Is a chapter of both diplomatic and military history of which the United States may well be proud. The prog ress of the expedition cannot, of course, be forecasted. We may hope, however, that It will be conducted In accordance with the American policy which has thus far been so successful. This gov ernment has made it plain to the Chi nese government .that the advance Is made In a spirit not of hostility or of X DoJt't fall la try BESCIIMl'S P. whan tmf'r.f-iau from tiny bad condition of If.s Hiomach o Lircr. 10cc:ilnm) J1 crura, rti frn atorea. revenge, but rather'of co-operntlon with the Chime government In the sup pression of riots, the restoration of or utr and the vindication of treaty rights and International obligations. In line with that comes the agreeable assur ance from Che Foo:. "No looting by Americans; no unnecessary killing." That presents a fine contrast to the reports of wholesale and Indiscriminate slaughter by Russian troops and to the German emperor's alleged command to his troops to "give no quarter and take no prisoners." We may confidently be lieve that a march conducted on the lines of American policy will be expedi tious and triumphant. There has been, it Is true, some dis pute as to the propriety of undertak ing this march. The Chinese govern ment Is reported to have offered to deliver Mr. Conger safe and sound at Tien Tsln If the United States would abandon its advance upon Fektn ur.d withdraw Its forces from China, and. Indeed, thus to deal with all the pow ers on like terms. It Is lhat the offer was firmly declined and that the advance upon Ft kin is now to be pushed as rapidly as possible. There are those who appear to regard this decision of the government and of the powers as mistaken, and to think that the Chinese offer should have been accepted. For their benefit it may be well to review some pertinent consid erations in the case. It is now about six weeks since com munications between this government and Its minister at Pekln were suspend ed. It is Intolerable that such a state of affairs should be Indefinitely con tinued. There is every reason to be lieve that the Chinese government might have restored communications. at least in a considerable measure, if it would. But It has not done so. Is it reasonable to expect this govern ment to accept such an offer without being permitted to consult Its minister about it? Is the accredited represtnta tive of a sovereign power to be seiz ed, locked up and finally bundled out of the country as though he were a bale of freight, without being permit ted to express his wishes in the mat ter? It so. diplomacy is Indeed played out. Common reason would seem to require that communication be restor ed between this government and Mr. Conger, so that this government can learn officially what has happened In Pekln since the middle of June and can consult its minister as to his wishes and his judgment as to his future ac tion. This government cannot be ex pected to regard its minister as a mere chattel. Again, it ha3 been made known that as long ago as July 23 the Chinese government was considering the send ing of the ministers down to Tien Tsln. General Yung Lu is said to have urged that measure upon the government. A few days later It was said the Chi nese government had decided upon that course, and last week the further an nouncement was made, upon eminent Chinese authority that the ministers, or some of them, were actually being sent down. But now it appears that no start has been made. Yet In all that time, since July 23, and. Indeed, since a much earlier date, no advance has been made by the foreign troops to ward Pekin. There has been plenty of time for the Chinese government to send the ministers out. Why has It not done so, if Its present offer Is made in good faith? What reason Is there to suppose that the ministers would be sent out any sooner If our troops were withdrawn? There Is Just one way In which the Chinese government can vindicate Its good faith In the eyes of the world and check what it deems to be an In vasion of Its territory. That Is by put ting the ministers at Pekln Into free communication with their governments. Until that is done it must not be deemed unjust for the powers to decline to accept Chinese statements concern ing the ministers or undue aggression for them to advance upon Pekin. Com munication, not conquest, Is their pur pose. It will be the part of wisdom for the Chinese government to command Its troops not to oppose but to co-operate with ours In Its execution; and there need be no surprise if In the near future It shall do that very thing. WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav Igatlon Company. Bailey Gatzert leave Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Por'.'and dally except Bun day at 7 a. m White Collar Line ticket and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and HasVlo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Agt. U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 11L President i- ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Seventeenth Street Improvement From Franklin Avenue to livlnn Avenue. Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2527 of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "A n ordln.oio continuing Special Assess in.'tit roll, No. $2."' for the improvement of Seventeenth street from the south side of Franklin avenue to the north aid of Irvin avenue" approved July iSlh, l'A'), will be due and payable In Unite.! Stales gold coin nt the office of tiie Cltv Treasurer on August 20lh, 1900, and It Hot so paid at said lime the Common Council will order warrants is sued for the collection of the Fame. The assessment Is as follows; ALLIEN, A. V Lot U, block 22, City of AstoiU. a laid out wnd recorded by J. M. ALLEN A. V, FERGUSON, E. Z. FOARD. LILLIE FOARD. MARTIN FRANETOVICH, RANKSLLO ....... FRANETOVICH. RANKELLO ....... FRANETOVICH. WALTER FRANETOVICH. WALTER FRANETOVICH. KATE FRANETOVICH. KATE GRAY. LAURA GEORGE. WINIFRED C. GEORGE. WINIFRED C. INGALLS. H. H INGALLS. H. H. KELLY. TIMOTHY M'CARTHY, MARGARET O'CONNOR. EDWAIw OSBORN. K REHFIELD. WILLIAM i xj r k SANBORN. SANTfORN. LILLA WEINHAP.D. H. WEINHARD, LOUISA WADLEIGH. FLORENCE L. WELCH. OLIVIA R. The trmowing Is payable In Installm 2Pth. 1900: FOARD. J.ILLIE GRAY. LAURA INGALLS. H. H. REHriELD, WILLIAM .. VAN DUSEN INVESTMENT CO. .. .. VAN DUSEN INVESTMENT CC. VAN DUSEN INVESTMENT CO. VAN DUSEN, BRENHAM VAN DUSEN, BRENHAM VAN DUSEN. BRENHAM WADLEIGH, FLORENCE L. P.y order of the Common Council of Attest: Auditor and Police Astoria, Oregon, August 1, 1900, Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME Days to Salt Lake 2 J Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all train. For further Information apply to Or C. O. TERRY, W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agent 124 Third St., Portland, Or, G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. ft N. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Jacob E, Lam ers, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate must present same, duly verified, to the undersigned at the office of Fulton Bros., attorneys, In Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, within six months from this date. C. W, FULTON, Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 3. 1900. Shlvely f 4410 Lot IJ, block 22, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 143 32 Lot .1. block 22. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J, M. Shlvely 31 03 South 50 f.-t of lot S. llock 14, City of Astoria, us laid out and rocor led by J. M. Shlvely 14 "0 Xoulh 50 feet of lot 9. block 14, City of Astorln. as lai.l out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 11 03 Undivided half of south 50 feet of lot 4, block 14, City of Astoria, as laid out and recrd'd iy J. M. Shlvely 5 52 t I 'n.tlvl.lcl tnilf iitt'ih All . tt ' lot 9, block 14. City of Astoria, as laid ;ul and rvc rd d by J. M. Shlvely 5 52 Undivided quarter of south 50 feet of lot 4. block 14. City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely S 76 Undivided quarter of north 50 feet of lot 9, block 14. City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely J 75 Undivided quarter of S"Uth 50 feet f lot 4, block 14. City or Astoria, ns laid out and recorded t y J. M. Shlvely S 78 Undivided quarter of north 50 feet of lot 9, block 14, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely I 75 Lot 2, llock 22, City of Astoria, ns laid out and record l by J. M. Shlvely 44 10 South W feet of lot 7. block 23. Cite of Amorhi im laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 95 55 South IOC feet or lot . Dl'K'K 23, City of Astorln. as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 29 40 Middle 50 feet of 'ot 8. block 14. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 70 Middle 50 feet of lot 9. blvk 14. City of Astoria, n laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 11 13 North lis) feet of lot 4. block 14, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hy J. M. Shlvely 23 05 North 100 feet of lot 5. block 14. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 29 40 Lot 4, block 23. City of Astoria, as Inld out and reord -d bv J. M. Shlvely 31 08 ,'Lot 9. block 23. City of Astoria, as laid out and reord-'d by J. M. Shlvely 33 OS . North 50 feet of lot 8, block 14. Cltv nf Astoria, ns Inld out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 70 Lot 5. block 23, City of Astorln , ns M. Inld out and recorded by Shlvely 44 10 Lot 6. block 23. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 143 32 6. block 14. Ci:y of Astoria as laid out and record 'd by J. M. Shlvely 143 33 South 50 feet of lot 5. block 14. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14.70 North W feet of lot 8. block 23. . City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 70 Lot 10. block 22, City of Astoria, as laid out nnd recorded by J. M. Shlvely 33 OS ents, the ilrst Installment due August South VI of lot 7. block 14, Citv of Astorln. ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 47 77 Lot 1. block 22. City of Astoria, as laid ut .ind recorded by J. M. Shlvely 143 32 Middle 50 feet of lot 7, block 14. City of Astoria, as Inld out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 47 77 l North 5") fe t of lot 7. olock 14, City of Astoria, ns laid out and record'-d by J. M. Shlvely 47 77 Lot 10. block 15, City of Astoria, as laid out and reoid.d by J. M. Shlvely Lot 11. bloek 15. City of Astoria, as laid out nnd recor l-d by J. M. Shlvely 44 10 ..Lot 12, block 15, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivdy 143 32 .. Lot J, block 15, City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 143 32 .. Lot 2, block 15, City of Astoria, ns laid ut and r'orded by J. M. Shlvely 44 10 .. Lot 3, block 15, City of Astoria, as Inld out and reorded by J. M. Shlvely 33 OS ..North DO feet of lot 7, block 23. Cltr of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 33 08 the City of Astoria, Oregon. H. E. NELSON, Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar ra. ks, Wash.. July 2lth, 1900. Seal"! proposals will be received at the oflllce of the Depot Quartermaster, Portland. Oregon, till 11 o'clock a. m August 11th, 1900, for furnishing 3,000 tons best quality oats and 3,000 tons good merchantable bay. Full partlcu-' I'j iviio l lars can bo obtained on application to Depot Quartermaster. Portland Ore- gon. J. W. JACOPS, C. Q. M. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Oeve. PORTLAND. Arrlvr ?:00a.m.Portland Union Depot'lll :10 a.m. 8-55p.mfor Astorlaand Inter- 9:40p.m. 12:30 ' ImeJiate points. I 5:50p.m. I 7.45 a.m. For ASTORIA. Portland ft J ln-H:Mam Dally except Saturday. JSaturdays only. BEASIDE DIVISION. S l'i h, in ... 1 l::i0a. in. ... I 11 A' a. m. .. ( f 7:lr. ft. in. ! l(l::-" a. in. I 4,00 i. n. (.... ';Ui m. I !):W. in i U: p. in ) .... I:) . m i i-.m j. in ASTOR! t fl:50 r. in.. I 5:.V5 p. in. Hatiinlay only. (5:15 a m '):i' a. m r;y) p. in ... 5: of) n. in riK V-ilDB AU trains make close connections ai Goble with all Northern Pacific train, to and from the east or Bound point J. C. MAYO, Gen'I FTt and P. Ag'i, ! POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the FabtTImc AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BY THE WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train, lioth are llucly equlpp-.'d. "OUR SPECIALTIES' J FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LI lilt Alt Y (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicaijo Kansas Cltv, St. Louis, New York, Huston. And Other Eastern Points Tickets good via Salt Lake City and i-u er. it is to your Interest to use THE tnwtUM) LIMITED. Tickets and skejdus-car berths can be secured from ti. W. L UNSUERRV. Agent O. R. A N. Co., Astoria. Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent, 13J Third St., Portland. Or. I.KIIAL SOT U K NOTICE TO STREET CONTRACTORS I Notice Is hereby given that up to the hour of i o'clock p. m. on tl... Uth I day of Auiiust. lww. the committee on I streets and public ways of the Com mon Coum II of the City of Astoria, will j ree-lve e.ilcl bids for the Improve- ment of Ninth street from the north i Hue of Iwmd street to th wuth lln r Astor street, as provided by ordinance No. irzs of the City of Astoria, ap proved the 7th day of August. l'.W, and the (duns and specifications therrfcr. The right Is reserved to reject ony and all bids. ' C. C. UTZINGER, L. AGKKN. W. J. COOK. Committee on Streets and Public Ways. NOTICE TO STREET CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby irlven that up to the hour of 2 o'cl k p. m. on the 11th day of Auitust. 1J. the committee on streets and public ways of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, will re ceive sen led bids for the lmnrovemnt , of Seventeenth street from Irving' ave. I nue to Jerome avenue, as provided by ordinance No. 3533. t the City of As- ; lorm, npproveu me itn day of AuRUNt, l'J'K). and the plans and speeltleiitlons 33 08 i tn' rf"r- The rlrht Is reserved to re , J rt any and all bids. ! '. '. UTZINGER. L. AG Ft K.N. W. J. COOK, Committee on Streets and Public Ways. NOTICE TO STRi'ET CONTRACTORS J Notice Is hereby given, that up to . the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. on the 11th day of August. 1900, the eommltUe on 1 streets and public: ways of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, will i receive sealed bid for the Improve I ment of Commercial street from Four teenth street to Seventeenth street, as . provide! by ordinance. No. 25.10 of the City of Astorln, approved the 7th dny of August, ltfoo, ami the plans and specification therefor. The right Is re served to reject any and nil bids. C, C. UTZINGER, L. AG R ION'. W. J. COOK, Committee on Streets and Public Ways. NOTICE TO STREET CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the Uth day of August. 1900, the committee on streets nnd nubile. n.-ue f.f tha rv.m- ' - ' ... III.. m"n Council of tho City of Astoria, will receive semen iios ror tne improve ment of Kl -vnth street from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Hart I -ion avenue, as provided by ordinance No. 2529, of th City of Astoria, approval the "th day of Au giiHt, 1900, and the plans nnd speclfl cfitionH ther-for. The right Is reserved to reject any nnd all bids. C. ('. UTZINGER, L. AGKKN, W. J. COOK. Committee on Streets nnd Public Ways. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. U. S. Engineer Offlce, Portland, Oreg., July 27, 1900. Sealed proposals for removal of 12,500 cubic yards, more or less, rock, dredg ing 329,500 cubic yards, more or less, material from the Columbia river. In the vicinity of Astoria, Oregon, will b received her" until 12 m August 27, li'00, and then publicly opened. Infor mation furnished on application. W. C. LANGFITT, Captain Engrs. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. United States Land Offbe. Oregon City. Oregon, July 7, 1309. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provision of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmbe.' lands -Kit A I, MtTlt'Mt U..1 "1 .- ...J -.1 In the states of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all public land states by et of Auiiust 4, im, OttllU M. LoKAn, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, stale ot oi-ckoii, has this day filed In this ofTloe her sworn talim.Mit No, 5243, for th purchase of th 8. W, 4 or Section No, s In TowiikIiIp No, N Hunge No, 7 W and wilt offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber oi stone than for agricultural Pin tunes, and to establish her claim to snld laud before the lUgUter and Receiver of this ottU'e at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednonduy, th 3d day of October, 1900. Sh names tut witnesses: Julius Unrbw, of Olney, Orenon, Ba lms! Ion O laser, of 01ny, Oregon, Jacob IVnk, of iMney, Oregon, John U I iter, of Olney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad verey the above deTlbd lands are r'qursted to til their claims In this oft'ce on or befor said Id day of Octo ber. 1900. CIIA9. a MOO RES. Register NOTICE FOR PUiiLICATION. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. July 7, 1900, Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance wun ttitf provisions at in act of congress of June 3, 1S74, entitled "An act for tlu sale nf timber laud in cie state ot California, urrgon. in , .,,.1 V'..lo,.,,. TWrll.ii-u ' , M.I.., , extended to all puhllo land states by net of August 4. Wl, William C. Logan, ot Astoria, county of Clatsop, Stat of OifKun. ha this day filed lu this oiflo hi sworn vtntemetit No, 5242, for th imi it h n of the H, K. U of Section No. In Townntilp No. N., Range No, 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the lund sought I more valuable for lis tlmlH'r or slon than for agricultural pur oses, and to establish hi claim to snld land before the Register and iteeeiver ot (til oiuce at uregon v.ny, 'regon. on Wednesday, the 3d day of October, 1900 ll name as witnesses: bastion dinner, of Olney, Oregon, Jacob Ivnk. of Olney, Oregon. John Uluser, or uiney, uregnn. Anv ihn.t nil ii'ion rlulmlnir ad vvrsely the abovj-descrlbrd land are .,, i f ...I ., 111.. li..l ..tttlt.w In ll,lrt idnre on or before the ld 3d day of October, iwo. CHAS. 0. MOOllES. Register-. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, June 23, 1900. Notice Is heheby givrn that the fol loMliig-nnuied settler ha filed notice of Ins Intention to make final proof In sup port of hi claim, and that said proof uiii be mauo before the Register and ueceivcr at uregon city, Oregon, on August 20, 190. vis: J inn s 8. Uathbun, 11. R. No. 11,444, for th' 8. E. H of Section IS, Tp. 4 N it. w. tl names the following witnesses to prove bis contluuous residence upon ara cultivation of sold land, vis: J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. P.ockafeilow. of Portlanl. Oregon, W. S. Cone, Hay City. Oregon, John r iniey, or Astoria. Oregon. CHAS. 11. MOORES. Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oftlcs at Oregon City, Oregon, June 23, 1900. Notice 1 hereby given that the fol lowing named settler ha filed notice of hi Intention to make final proof In support of hit claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August zo. im Mr: Jasper N. Fowler, H. E. No. 12454 ror the lots 9. 10, 13 and It, Section 13, Tp. 4 N.. R. 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence umn una cultivation or said land, vis: jnmes H. Kathbun, of Portland, 'regon, A. u. Koekafellow, of Portland, Oregon, W. S. Cone, of Hoy City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. D. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. Land Otlko nt Oregon City, Oregon July 21, 1900. Notice Is hereby irlven that the fol lowing-named settler hns filed notice of his lntritlon to make final proof In sup Prt of his claim, nnd that said proof will be mnda before the county clerk of l latsop county, nt Astoria, Oregon, on September 7, ltKMI, viz: Harold Llndstad, 11. K. No U5S, for the W W of N. W. "4 Section 20. and Ki of N. E. ' Section 19, Tp. 6 N., Jt. 9 W. lie name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Nils Olsson, Seaside, Oregon, Ole Anderson. Push, Oregon, Arne Fryseth, Puh, Oregon, Albert Olsen, Push, Or egon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of the State of Or-goti. For the f.'ounty of Clatsop, In the matter of tho estate of Jemima Sldbbe, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has be-jn duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Clatsop county, administrator of t le estate of Jemima Sklbbe, deceased. All persons having claims against said state are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at No, 527 Bond street, In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from tho 'lute heraof. Dated this 10th day of July, 1900. MAX L. SKinriE. Administrator of the estate of Jemima Sklbbe, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deportment of th Interior, Land Oftlce ut Oregon City, Oregon, July 21, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol-I'AvIng-nnmed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on August 81, 1900. viz: William Row, II. R, No. 11519, for the 8. E. 't Section 1, Tp. 4 N., R. i W. He names the following witnesses to provo hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Paul Aho, Astoria, Oregon, Andrew Johnson, Astoria, Oregon, Jonas Untin en. Push, Oregon, Henry Hill, Push, Oregon, CHAS, B. MOORES. Register. T.KOAI, MITH'M NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. United Slate Un ortlno, Oregon City, Oregon, July I, 1900, Notice Is hereby given thut In compli ance with the provisions of the act of vnigres entitled "An act for the sale of timber laud In tho state of Cali fornia, Oregon, Ntvnda, and Washing ton Territory," a extended to all I'ub Im Land Hiate by act of August 4, I03, Luther Kager, of Seattle, county of King, state of Waablligton, ha this day tiled In this oftlro 111 sworn state ment No, f.'XH, for th purcha of th N, K. l of Section No. 4 In Towntlilp No. t N., Rang No, 9 V,, and will offer proof to show that th land sought 1 more valuable for Its limber or ton than for agricultural purpooe. and 10 rKtabllsh his rlulm to said land befor the Keglnter and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 2X1 li day of September, 19o4). He name a witiosae: Bartholomew J, Burke, of Seaside Oregon, James T. Burke, of Hvaslle, Orrgou, Charles llarbaugh, of Volga, South Dakota, William Burke, of Sea Ide, Oregon. Any and all pereon claiming ad versely th ojov-decrlbd land are re ii, te, a rile lliclr claim In till office on or befor said llsih day of Sept.-nibrr, lih, CHAS. B. MOO It EH, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Itnd Office at Oregon City, Oregon, June 21. 1900. Notice Is hureby given that th fol-lowliig-named settler has filed noiloe of hi Intention to make final proof In support of hi claim, and that sold proof will be made before th Itoglaier and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August SO, 1900, vis: Andrew 1). Rockafellow, II. E. No, 1.-440. for the li H of S. W. and lot 1 and 4. Section 18, Tp. 4 N., It. I He name (he following wtner to prov hi continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said land, vli: J. 8. Rathbun, of Portland, Oregon, J. N. Fowler, of Portland. Oregon, W. H. Cone, of Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES, lloiUUr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I lilted State Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, July J. I9n0. Notice I hereby given that In com pliance with the provision nf the act of congrvsg of June I. U"t, entitled "An act for the sal of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, N. vada. and Washington Territory," a extended to all Public Land State by act of August 4. 1S9J. Charles llar baugh, of Volga, county of Brookings, state of South Dakota, ho this day filed In (hi office hi sworn siatemrnt No. 5237. for tho purchase of the N. W. V4 of Section No, 1 in Township No, 5 N.. Runge No. I W and will offer proof to ahow that th land sought la more valuable for It timber or atone than for agricultural purpoee. and to ratabiiah hi claim to aid land befor the R-glaii-r and Receiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the 2Mb day of September, 1900. He liaine ta witneaae: Bartholomew J. Burke, of Seaside. Oregon, Jame T. Burke, of Seoalde. Orcaon. William llio-w.. ,.t u...i. ,. egou. Luther Eager, of Scat lit, Wash- union. Any and all rwranna rlilmln. . vcraely the abov.deacrlbd lands art requested to nie their claims In this office on or befor said 2tHh day of September, 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtu of an order made and ontered by Hon. John Mayne. referon In ha ti brunt,,.. .,. u - district court of the United State for me jiamci or uregon. on July 9. 1900, In the matt r of H. It. Jeup. bankrupt, 1 will, on Saturday. August 11, at I p! rn.. sell on the premise to the highest bidder for cash, aublnei in tl.. --. - ...v Wi ll I nf the court, nil lh rl..l, ,1,1. ...j - ..... ,., ... iv uu nt rent of said bankrupt In and to luiiuKing aescnueil premises, to wit: Lots 6 to 32, Inclusive, block I, lots to 81, Inclusive, block C; lots I to 31. Inclusive, block 7: lot I to 21 Inclusive, block 10: lota 1 01 ii..' "V. bo-k : l"ts 1 to 22. Inclusive, block 12; and lots 6 and t, block . all In Hemlock Park addition to Astoria, t'lntsop county, Oregon. A. W. PRKSCOTT, - . Salem, Or.. July 10, 1900. XDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Notice la hnrebv irlven that (h m. del-signed ha been appointed adminis trator of thn mint nt V Xt II..., I. u (loceasej. and all persons having claim uaainsi aiu estate win present them to the undersigned at the office of J. (J. A. HoWlbv In Autorla IW,,n n.n. erly verlluj within six months' from mi ante. j, c. BEWLEY. July 13, 1900. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF APMIN1HTRA.TOR. In the County Court of the Stat of uregon tor Clatsop County. In the matter of thn natal nt beth A. Sco-.t. deceased. Notice Is hcrchv sivnn that ,h un dersigned hns be.-n duly appointed by inn touiny couri or viatsop county, Oregon, administrator nf tho estate of aiiKHucin a. ncoti, deceased. All persona havlnir dnlma mratnar said estato nro hereby notified to pre- win me suiiiH 10 me vennod us by law roiulred. at thn law 0MI0 t i,,i,,,r. Bros., In Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore- koii, niiiiiii in monin rrom the date nf this notice. Dated this 20th dnv nt T,,i a n RW. JOHN H WPOTT Administrator of the atn nt wii.'n. both A. Heott. deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offico at Oregon City, Oregon. juiy n, r.iuu. Notlco Is hcrebv irlven thnt ih t..i. lowlng-nnmod settler has filed notice of his Intention to mnkn 11 support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Or- egun, on HcntemhiM. 7 100ft viz: Nils Olssnn. H. 10. No. 114SB, for wie in o. 'k, m, v, of 8. E, , Section 23. and N. U nt M it u Section 28, Tp. 6 N., R. 10 W. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Bld land, viz: Harold Llndstad, Push, Oregon, Ole Anderson, Push. Oregon, Charlie John son, Seaside, Oregon, C. O. Norback, ruriiunu, uregon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register.