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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1900)
"fiih ifdiWUffl : bmta,vmui..'unm'-t, -im- THE MORNING ASTORIAN TELCI-HONK 661. All contracU for HdvcrtisinK In th Astoilnn mm mudo on iiKi'iir nl) o( circulation four limits InrMur thun Hint of miy paper published or circulated in Clut op county. TODAY'8 WEATHER. IXMtTI.ANH, Aug. f-Wtrn Ore gitn, partly cloudy and ilii-MUi-nlna". with uliowrrs slim- tli cihkI. WesN-rn Washington, tlir'ttlctiiliif with possibly showers. AROUND TOWN. Fresh buttermilk at the i'arlor. Hursts fur sals at elusion's stable. , I cmain Mo a quart at th tailor. Tito Twunstors' Union will mewl Tun lny owning. Ji ft Krsiauraut Out Inrsost and tri, A trial will convince you. liiot 15-ctmt mal, Itlslng Bun Rm taurunt, 014 Commercial stroll. riuM-rliii-nlnt of HirifU Rcarmy rriuri work iruiirNliig nicely. Jinlgn McliiliU rt'tuniK'l to hl home In uriiii City In I night. it. ("., K. W. ami U. K Collsrd. of JirWnl Veil, aro at tho I'arkrr House. Tho body of l'uul Ahao was found n.Mtlim In the nvrr mar Hdimldfs rold muruiitf I'lunl, and rvmoved to (li llluiKUn. Vr. 0. U. Km.-e lift butt evening fcr Hianith', to wild HuiKliiy with lilt font lly there. Tho Encore U loading at Knapplun for Aumiiilia. him will sail about t'l t.inlxr Int. Thr.-c SMUtiie-rlggfr wrra lighted Just before duvk, but toj late lo be brought In. Tho Anlia wl! l?eve hero Monday for l'ugi sound, with a cargo for (he Kin ney cannery. The best and cheapest tailoring In (he illy at A. KILJUNKN. CI Com mercial Blreel. I'mf.M ir W. W. I'ayno, rlm-lial of the hliih h'H)l. In h-ii JlttK 111.' summer In Ovriaml. Ultlo. Lust. A email cluunols bo contain Ing ring. 1'leese return lo Occident Hotel oltlce. Hvward, Wh.n you want a stylish new suit made clasp, call on A, KIUUNEN ti3 Commercial Street. The Hubert lllikmers. a grain hlp -from Mliijtu, Japan, ie in yester day evening, n hi'r way to l'ortland. Judge Omy ynwrduy united In mer ries; I'aul Young, of Vancouver, Wji and Mary Htrlnufcan, of Clatsop county. Fish Comtnlaaloncr Ileerf will leave Monday for a vlidt to th I'mjxjua haUh.-ry, twenty rnllee Mat of Iloee burg. The county road commissioner la making mm" much-needed Improve ments in the county roads beyond the reservoir. Crmm Pur Hy. America's finest whisky. Th only pure givd; guar anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl on, aole agent. TloMlyn ronl lute nngr, la cleaner and makea lee trouble with atovra and chimney (Idea than any other. George W. ttanbnrn, agent. Telephone nil. I'lane nnd npivincatlone for the Im provement of Conimorclal atreet be tween Fourteenth and Heventeonth have tx-tm filed with the city recorder. Amonir tho gueatM rlglNtored at the Pnrker Houtn nre: II. C. Zimmerman, Wanhlnitton City: V. K. Itwhler, Port land, K. K. Uaity nnd II. F. Douthet. Itemember we guarantee our Ice crram to contain nothing but cream and eiiKiir and flavor. It . Is fifteen cent per pint at tho Parlor. Found. July 21. noar Desdemona ftande, t0 fathomi net. Buoyi marked 15. M. Owner can obtain aame at Do demona by Identifying property. Jamei 1). Taylor, an employ of the Aitorln Iron Workn, lout the tip of hli finger while working on a machine ye tenia y. Dr. Finch dremiod the Injured member. At the Norwegian Kvangellcal Luth ernn church todiiy there will be no 'Snndny nchool. Norwegian aervlcea will be held at 10:45 a, m.; Kngllnh eervlcea at 8 p. m. The BrlllHh Btcamnhlp Argyle arrived at Victoria yeaterday morning and la eipected hpro not Inter than tomorrow nlicht. Tho Argylo bring a cargo of rl(p, ellka and teaa from Hong Kong. Police Judge Nelson fined the one. armed vng $M for begging,' but remit ted the line on the provlalnn that the fellow would leave the city. Ho will ingly acceded, to the pudge'g requeat. While aelnlng for the Tnckera Awn clntlon ycHterilay a flahermnn named Bankelir cnuirht 1300 piilmon weighing nearly twenty ton. Thl I by fnr tho lurgeHt lnglo catch of the itcnann. John Pop, the plain drunk who nng no dlacnrdnntly on the tre?t Friday that he was nrreted. failed to appear In the pn'lce court yesterday, and hla bond of V wn declared forfeited. Vllllnm Krnmor, nrreated for drunk enness and disorderly conduct, by Of ficer Klmhall Frldny. yesterday prefer red forfeiting n $10 bond to appearing before Judge Nelson for trial. Tt hna developed that the man who staggered Into the hotel Inst night with a gash In hla throat, foil upon a sheet of tin In a saloon. He was Intoxicated at the time nnd could give no cause for the accident beyond that It was done In a saloon. BEST 1R-CFNT MEAL; RISINO BUN RESTAURANT, ' Th'f annual meeting of the Columbia Itlver Fishermen's Protective Union will be held at their hall on Astor street on Tueedny evening. August It. The election of ofllcor will be held at that time. i V. Caples, C. P. White, IS. II. Irish. Hliall White and CliHrlss Thompson, all of Vancouver, Wah., passed through here yesterday on thlr way to Fort Htevtns, to work on ths government survey. The amount received by Clatsop coun ty from the elate irronumr for the sehool fund, for the oomlng year, will be $3,770 44. The number of m hool children In ths county, as given In the report, Is J.O'JK. To those wno drink whiskey for pleasure: Harper's Whiskey adds sst to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake, Harper's Whiskey makes life worth living. Hold by Foard A Blokes Co., Astoria. Tho subject at the Methodist church this nioriilns? will be. "Will there be a Catholic Insurrection of Human Hod- les?" Hiicram-nt following me sermon. The evening theme will be. "We are not Aah'tmed of Hut Work, rrogress and Teachings of the (loel." Mm W. r fulmer. srand secretary of the Native PniiKhter of Oregon, Is visiting Mr. J. W. Welch, Its president, on business connected lth the organi sation, Mr, rainier, wno is tne run in ml renresunta'.lve of the llrndstreet 'onipany, Is with Mrs. Palmer. Tln.r., u 111 tie services In the BWedlh Lutheran church Hunday as usual. The morning service at 10.45 will lie in the HwediHh tunguuge. The evening iwr- vie w ill )w In KngllHh, at 7:ti, u) ct, "What 1 Man.". Kvervboily Invlt-'d. Hprclul tniinlo at evening service. mn. I., t.u lh Tiillnrs' T'nlon of America hos made Its appearance :n Astorln, nnd llernmn Wist-, the relia ble clothier and hutter. Is, as usual. fie nral to nnv it, ir you w.ini runn ing tmi'le by llntt-cUns tailors who are union ne-n. go to 1 Ionium Wise's. There IU be preaching today at the t'ongresHtlonnl rhnnh by Itev. F. E. Illl. of Portland. Kunday srlnsd nft'r the morning service. The topic of the morning sermon lll be "True On-at-ness, What Is If" In th evening the suhjeet will be "KnwMge of Cod as nn Obtainable Thing " Fish Commissioner Heed returned to this riy yest-rdsy. He has been t'l the Coos bay and Slii1aw hatcheries, which he lilted out. The eomnilsxlon-r etaled that he was prepared to put In between flv and six million eggs, providing they could l nbtalnH. P.l Is will he opened Monday by the Northwest Constnictlon (Vmpany for the const ruction of a large wharf and storehouse. Hp "Ideations call for a building 10"' feet long nJ 1!J feet wide, but bids are called on the con struction of Just one-half the struc ture. Tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock the trnnusl training school at Bhlvejrs kAn.. mH1 ha n.Mtn In vlatrnrS. ... "... " . w ... Parents, sehmdteschers, patrons of the l.i.ltlinL.H anil All ftlllMM IttfePAfltiwI 111 this work." are earnestly requested to aitenl. In order to rorm some iue or tne progress in tne wora. t.ow rat via Union Tacino railroad tn a. A. It. Encampment. Chicago, III.. .uunt 27th to Peptember 1st, 1909. For th above occasion th Union Pa rile railroad will make a special rate ef 171.50 to Ch rago and return. TteK- ets nn sale August 21 t and 22nd. For further details concerning this cheao rate, call on O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agnt O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria Oregon or nddr J. II. LOTHrtOP. General Agent. 135 Third Street. Portland Oreg. Miss Dora Rad lolet yesterday re ceived a letter from Miss Amy Pow ell. Instructor of Latin In the high school, stating that the writer was at tending the Harvard summer school nenr Hostnn, taking a special course In Ijitln. At the same school are four. ten hundred Cuhan schoolteacher. They recently arrived from Cuba on Ave transports, to undergo a special Kngltsh rourse. Miss Powell says she will be here In time for the opening of the high school. Fire broke out on the nf of the llotl Tlghe last night at 7:30 and had not a pedestrian given the alarm Oulckly there would have been a serious (oulhigratlon. The cause of the blase was a defective flue. No fire had been In the stove since noon because the flue wn known to have been defective, but it Is the theory that a spark found Its way through a crack In the chimney nnd lgnltxl the woodwork. The fire department responded promptly and with the aid of a chemical engine the (lame was oon under control. The damage will not exceed $20. Messrs. C. R. Hluglns and F. L. Par ker. of Astoria, have been appointed by a mass meeting at Wnrrenton, together with Messrs, J. A. Mclntyre, F. Bra Her and C. F. Lester, of Warrenton, as a committee to further the Interests of the proposed cycle path to the coast, which will be constructed as a wagon road Instead If sufficient en couragement Is given the enterprise. C. F. Lester, of the Warrenton lumber mills has agreed to survey the path free of charge, and It In estimated that the entire stretch of two miles can be substantially constructed for eight hundred dollars. Circuit court adjourned yesterday af ternoon, to re-convene Thursday, Au gust 9. Purlng Friday's and yester day's nesnlon the following cases were called and disposed of: Alex Ohls vs. Lena Ohls. decree of divorce; William Johnson vs. William A. Hochert, order for confirmation of sale; Lucy Ward vs. William 11. Adair et al.. order for confirmation of sale; Mary J. Suther land vs. F. A. Sutherland, decree of divorce: John Lnmont vs. J. C. Adams, et nl.. default and Judgment; C. O. Palmhcrg vs. Thomns nnd Ellen Wllllk Ison. ilefnult and Judgment; E. A. Betts vs. Klli n Adair Men. lull, plaintiff allow ed 30 days to file nn amended com plaint; Shlvely vs. Clntsop County, tak en under advisement. The Pendleton' Fast Oregonlan pays the following tribute to Senator C. W. Fulton: "Those who have watched tho progress of political events are of the opinion that State Senator Charles W. Fulton, of Clntsop County, Is an element In the problem. He, of course, like many distinguished cltlsens of Ore gon, would like to hold the office. And, added to his personnl popularity, Is the rise In Importance of the ooterle of pol iticians of which Mr. Fulton has been (i conspicuous member for many years. It Is by no means beyond the realm of reasonable possibilities that the As toria statesman may come to the front as a successful aspirant for the United States scnntorshlp." The first, r- g.ilar- Baturday evening meeting of the Jeffersonlan Club was hold lust night at the Democratic, head quarters. A full attendance and much i-nthiislusm combined to .nake a pleas ant, satisfactory evening. The meeting was called to rd,-r with Ur, H. I Henderson In the thuJr. After the reg ular business, such ss roll-call, read ing of the minutes of th previous meet ing, etc., was attend"! to, general and miscellaneous business was In order, The treasurer's reprt showed a bal ance of I1M.O0. A motion, carrying a resolution to hold a banquet on or about Beptember 1st, waa unanimously car ried. After several minutes of debate on th motion "Thst a committee be appointed to look after a permanent h'.iii for this swl.-ty," the speaker (-f the uventnirV Mr. (JeorgM Noland and. Henntor Schmidt, were Introduced. The lulk of the former was highly Inter esting and Instructive, and Judging by the vociferous applause which It evoked was entirely satisfactory. Henutor Hrhmldt followed hi in In a speech which was received with the same amount of Interest which always char s t'-rlKes his listeners when the senator "nut his best foot out." At 11 o'clock sn adjournment was taken until next Saturday night, August the 11th, at I p, tn. At the Occident: W. II. Bufflngton, Chl.ago; J W, Oannon, Chicago; A. II. Snyder. Ken Francisco; r. A. feurert and wife, The Dulles; 12. L. Field, 8nn Francisco: J. H. Harm's. Portland: O. , Coumun. Portland; Oeorge H. Fisher, Portland: Arthur Wllsm, rortiann; r. H. Fitch, wife and child, Med ford; W. II. Portland; O. A. Crux, F. O. Hag -man, M. Regim. P. C. McCreary and wife. C. It. wa'i and wire, Mrs. Alena Francis. Miss Belle Milne, Lu- clnd. Us. h. K. S. ('nitron, all of Port land; F. It. Mclntyre, Hah Francisco; II. W. Beach. Portland; Mrs. Markham, Portland: Captain L. T. Graves. Port land: O. K. Wlthington, Portland; Miss Cummins. South Bend, Wn ; Itosco F. Oaken, I'ofttund: Frank Onngnr, On tralla. Wn.; A. H. Rowan. Knnopton. VOTINO CONTKST NOW ON. Sixteen Young Lall-;' N'anvs Now on the Llrt-rOther Regxtta Note. . ,r The voting contest for queen of the regatta has been f.lrly Inaugurated and bid fair lo exceed, In numbes of votes cast, that of Inst year. Sixteen young ladles' nnmes were hundd In vesterdny. and each one has a rondlv number of votes for a start. There no doubt will be many more young ladles In the contest when the k.xs are opened again Monday. Mis Nellie t'tslnger and Miss Maude Sto.'kton are now tied for first place, each having eighty votes to her credit. The next ones In point of numbers are Miss Clara Llonberger, with 30 votes, and Miss Olga Noe, with the tarn number. The number of votes polled up to yes terday noon was 41. The nsme of tho fair contestants, together with the number of votes each ha received, foi biws: Miss Nelllo Utxlnger W Miss Maud Stockton SO Miss Clara Llonberger 30 Miss Olga No JO Mis Msdgn Chapman 2 Miss F.ll Parker 24 Mrs. Herman Wis 20 Miss Myrtle Olse 20 Mrs. Isaac Bergman 20 Miss Anton Johnson 20 Miss Gertrude Stockton H Miss Caroline Young 13 Miss Ada And-rs.m 10 Miss Maude Stone 10 Miss Anita Trenchard 10 Total 418 Th regatta committee received a let ter yesterdty from Frd Merrill, stat leg that the bicycle donated by him as a prise has been shipped. A letter was also received from th Portland Cracker Company, signifying willingness to donate prlxes of both crackers and randies. ACCIDENT DELAYS TRAIN. Cylinder Head on Portland-Astoria Passenger Engine Blew Out. Engine No. 13CI, of the Astoria k Columbia River Rallrosd. met with an accident near Svensen yesterday noon while bringing the tram from Portland, and as a consequence arrived here over an hour late. After pulling out of Svensen. nnd while running at a fair rate of speed, the cylinder cap on the right side blew off and steam blew out In great volumes. Engineer Ford Immediately threw on the alr-brnke and brought the train tn a standstill. Assisted by Fireman Webster, Ford removed the connecting rod from the cross-heed and front drive wheel, and blocked the guides so that the ingine came tho remainder of the distance us ing one side only. At th round house It was found that the cylinder head was cracked Into eighteen pieces and the piston btoken beyond repair. The latter had broken from the piston rod at the Junction of the two. It Is thought the accident was due to nn old crock In the cast Iron piston. The engine will have to be taken to Portland for repairs. 8HOT IN THE HAND. Accidental Discharge of a Shot-Gun Wounds Louis Boyd. Louis Boyd, Norwegian fisherman. 28 years of oge, living at Meglcr's sta tion. Is lying In St. Mary's hospital suffering from a ralnful gunshot wound In tho left hand. Yesterday evening, while crossing the river, with fish, to this city, In com rnny with another flnhermnn named Pete Fardoll: the former saw a sea-llon end thought he would take a shot at It. He walked to the bow of the boat where a shot-gun was lying. In some unaccountable manner the weapon went nit while Tloyd was drawing It to ward himself nnd he received the full charge In the left hand. It -vns torn so badly that It Is doubtful whether It will ever be used again. The Injured man was tremoved to the hospital and plucjd under the care of Dr. Henderson, who will do all with in his power to save as much of the hand as possible. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! The Intest El Dorado Is reported to be on Nome City beach, Alaska, Thou sands of people are hastening thi're, many of whom will return broken In hiullh. Of what avail Is gold when health Is gone? Guard your health with the best of all medicine Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters, and you will al ways have true health. The Bitters are for people who have abused their stomachs, or are naturally weak. It IN UNITY THERE'S HTRENOTH Fine MerTslSuits Made by the UNITED GARMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA ARE SOLD IiN ASTORIA ONLY BY will regulate the bowels, stir up the ller. Invigorate the kidneys and abso lutely cure Indigestion, constipation, malaria, chills and fever. It Is a natur al txnle, absolutely free from danger ous narcotics. It should be taken to protect the system from chills and fever and malarial attacks. It's a good mtdlclne to keep on hand. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice Is hereby given of the follow ing changes made In the buoyage of tne Columbia Itlver bar, which affect the list cf beacons and buoys, Pacific coast. lKuO: Columbia River, ship channel across" the bar as far as Astoria, Oregon, page Kk Outer buoy, a black and white per pendicularly striped first-class can, marked with the letters "M. 8." In white, was moved July 23, and Is now moored In 33 feet of water, outside the bur, and marks the entrance to the channel across the bar. North Head llght-hous N'E. by N. (easterly), Cape Disappointment light-house NE. by E. . K., Point Adonis light-house E S E. E. (easterly). Bar buoy, a black and white perpen dicularly striped first-class nun, was moved July its, and is now moored In 24 feet of water, on the crest of the bar. North Head light-house N NE.. Cape Disappointment light-house NE. by E. K., Point Adams light-bouse E 8 E. Vi E. Clatsop Spit No. 0, a red, first-class nun buoy, was moved, July 25, Into 21 feet of water, and marks the northwest erly point of Clatsop gplt. North Hesd light-house N. by E. 4 E Cape Disap pointment light-house NE. E., Point Adams light-house E S E. E. Inner buoy, a block and white per pendicularly striped flrst-class can, was moved July 25 into 25 feet of water, In side the bar. There Is generally a heavy sea between this buoy and the bell buoy. Cape Disappointment light house N. E. N Point Adams light house E 8 E. H E North Head light house N. 14 W. Peacock Spit N. 1, a black, flrst-class can, was moved July 27 Into 22 feet of water, and marks the south edge of Peacock Spit. Cape Disappointment light-house N E. 4 E., Point Adorns light-house E 8 E. (easterly), North Head lighthouse N. T W. By ord;r of the Light-House Board. W. P. DAY. Commander, U. S. N., Inspector 13th Llght-Hous9 District. Office of U. 8. Light-House Inspector, Portland, Oregon, August 2, 1900. NOTICE. No bills will be paid by the regatta committee jnless contracted or au thorised by the chairman or secretary. It is desirable that all bills should be presented promptly. CHA8. H. STOCKTON, JOHN C. M'CUE, Chairman. Secretary. NOTICE. All persons having rooms kindly leave name, address and price for same at Regatta Headquarters. JOHN C. M'CTJE. Secretary. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that fhe board of examiners of Clatsop County, un der direction of H. S. Lyman, superintendent-elect, will hold the regular examination of applicants for teach ers' certificates at the court house on August 3, 9 nnd 10, 1900. J. T. LEE, County Superintendent. NOTICE TO BICYCLE RIDERS. T)i steamer Callender will leave As toria for Tlwaco Sunday, the Eth Inst., at S a. m., and return when crowd gets ready. Fare 75 cents round trip. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place in service April 29th a New Train between St. Paul and St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be flrst-class throughout Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDT. General Agent Portland. Oregon. irilFHIfFfn) A Percentage cf Oar August Sales G:es ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF Ull rrrr e l u on 1 REGISTERED NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received by the under signed until p. m.. August 6th, and then opened, for the construction of a wharf and warehouse covering about one hundred thousand square feet, and about eight hundred feet of trestl? approach near the mouth of the Columbia river. Clatsop county, Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seen, and blank forms of proposal secured at the office of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad. In the Flavel building, Astoria, Oregon. A satisfactory bond will be required of the successful bidder. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or In part, as per forms of proposal, and specifications, NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. ANOTHER BIO CUT PRICE SALE Decorated Cups and Saucers fer S5c Decorated Breakfast Sets IS pieces $1.00 Decorated Jardiniere Beauties 15 25 35 40 60c Decorated Cuspidors See them 10c Decorated Pitchers At 10c and 25c 20 per cent off 20 per cent off Enameled Ware Lamps.o Table Glassware Prices Cut Away Down. Decorated Dinner Sets 44 piece dinner set 33.S5 60 piece dinner set 5.55 100 piece dinner set 1.50 COME JUST TO SEE, NOT NECESSARY TO BUY. Great American Importing Tea Co 571 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or. Largest distributers of China, Crock ery and Glassware on the Coast; oper ating 100 stores throughout the Pacific Coast States. THAT'S WHY IT WILL PAY TO SEE US APAIi EXGURSIOfl OF THE FINNISH BROTHERHOOD Sunday, August 12 ...TO SEASIDE... , Train leaves Astoria for Seaside at 8.15 a. m.. and, returning, leaves Sea side at 5 p. m. GRAND BALL IN THE EVENING AT FOAKD & STOKES HALL. TICKETS $1 THE RELIABLE Mil SS5 sonwl Remember That FISHER BROS. ARE SOLE AGEXTS F0K fJcCormick ttmts, Rambler Bicycles, Sharpie's Cream Separators and Dunbarton Salmon Twine IN THE NEW STORE Eilers Piano House Now Located at 351 Washington Street, Hear Eighth Street, Portland, A constantly increasing business has made it necessary for us to secure larger quarters, and we have had built for us the beautiful new "MUSIC BUILDING" At the corner of Park and Washington streets, where we have every facility for handling our wholesale and retail busiuess. On our retail floor you will always find the finest selection of nearly a dozen different makes of pianos and organs, among them the most valuable and costly instruments made in America the Checkering of Boston, the Weber of New York, and the Kimball of Chicago. Before you decide on the purchase of a piano elsewhere it will pay you to investigate our instruments and our methods. Full par ticulars and catalogue for the asking. Write today. EILERS PIANO HOUSE OFFICE 351 WASHINGTON STREET, Portland's Leading: Piano and Organ Dealers. PacificNavigationCompany Steamer9-"R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison Only line-Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, ilobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad t Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t-. . SamMet Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN k CO., Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. A. A C. R. B. Co. PORTLAND. Ore. WEDDING w Cflos VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS.- Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. As Ve ALLENs Tenth and Commercial Streets to the C. r R.F. stry United We Stand Divided WE FALL, CARDS W. G. SMITH & CO., ENGRAVERS, . , 22 and 23 Washington Building, 4th! and Washington 8ts. over Lilt's, PORTLAND, OREGON.