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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1900)
Tllfci MOENLNG AHfOBlAlV FRIDAY. JULY 21, 1900. f Indite' nml finnt 8 Bathing Suits... $ g Youths' ad FJen's i Bathing Trunhs $ C. H. COOPER THE LEAPING DKY GOODS AM) CLOTHING HOl'SE 01' ASTOKIA. TODAT'B WEATHER. PORTLAND, July 27.-'tatorn Or on Mild Watrn Washing-ton. fair and warimr rxc'pt m-ar tils r-mat today. Kualvrn Orsn ard Kastarn Wash ington, fair today. All contracts for nJvcrtimiiK In (ho Amoi Iuii nr muJo on u gmr nnttitf of clrciilutloii (our times lurKr thiiii tluit of uhy purer published or circulated In Clut nop county. AROUND TOWN. Fresh buitvrmllk at ths 1'arlor, 1 lures fur Halo at Uastuna siablu. Jco warn 30o a quart at tha oarlor. Charts W. Lorimls, t ratll. li In tho city. lbt IS-colH ni'-nl. Klilnv Bun IUS turnout, 613 Commercial slrost. Mr. and M. . l-y. of Dawson, Y. T., aro (jurats at ths Occident. Jff's nataurant iht larKat anil lKt. A u Ul wilt convince you. Mra. OrltnUi. of Tillamook, la In the city, a sural at the Aatur llouso. T. J. Andrews la ov-r from Oyslor vlllr. a BUfi al lh 1'nrktsi Huuss. Mr. nd Mr. A. II. Hailar.1. of Port lam!, are In ths city on a brl.-f vlalt. Mr. ami Mia. A. U Wlllla and rhlldrrn jf Portland an visiting In Aalorlu. Mr. an I Mra. J. K. Thlda-n. of P.irt land. art KU-la at lli Occident. II. J. Claltaghrr. of Honolulu, la In th city. Ho la rrnistorrd at the Oc cident. Ths boat and tailoring In (ha city at A. KILXUNEN. m Com tnsrclal Btrwl. , . ' Mr. anl Mra. ll.nry Ito. of Portland, ora In th city on a brief visit. uwU .at the Orcldunt. For It'iit. Two or threa furntshsd Toonia for housekeeping; tlnfle room; liS Train Stmt. " - - L ' - V4 ' F. E. Wllllama. W. J. Davis and Xt. Wis, of Portland. ww In the city j yesterday on business. I Whm you want a atyllah new aulti tnada cheap, call on A. KILJUNEN. I lil Commercial Street. For llent A al-room cottage on Fourth and Commercial itraeta. In quire at W llond atreet. Alexander McPonaM. of Sun Fron- flaco la vlnltlnir hla brother. I'ontmaa- ( irr .Mcixiiiiiiu. ror a iw oaj-p. In tho probate court ycati-r.lny C. W. Fulton wua ixli'l"l administrator of the eatate of tlm lute J. E. Lamem. FOR HALE Two choice lota. Noe. S and I. Mock 38. McClure'i addition. nqulro Frank Fnbri, Hritttle, Woah. It la now (in to tho flHlMTtnon when At mil in nlM llcrmnn WIkp In IiIm effort to protect the flhlnK Indtia- j 1ry. The ordinance upprovlmt the oaaw mint made for the Improvement or Seventeenth atreet wna aluned by May or Horgman yeaterday. Uemember we guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream nnd augar and dovor. U la fifteen centa per pint at the Parlor. Mr. Win anya: "An Injury to 'one la the concern of all;" and It mlicht lie added that "to trnde with Herman AVIae alda the cnuw of all." niwlyn coal Inata longer, la cleaner and makea b aa trouble with atovea and chimney fluea than any other. Oeorge V. Bnnbom. agent. Toiophona 1311. t Ttewnrd.-A aultable roward will be paid anyone recovering the net loat from the boat of Charlea Westman at the time of hla drowning at Scarbor ough Head. JOHN STAHK, Police Headquarters. j To those wno drink whlakey for rlenaure: Harper'a Whiskey adds i iat to existence. To thoae who drink vhiekev for hcolth'a anke. Harper's Whiskey make life worth living. Sold by Fonrd & Stokea Co.. Astoria. The 'ib'legatea to the great council of Oregon Tied Men. 1iut cliwd In thin city, declnre that the aenwlnn was the mont proiluctivp or good ror ine onn-i of nny yet held In this atate. The . oelpgatea Hiao spenK in uii' terms of tho reception accorded them In this city. Oflh-ra htlve been elected by Gate way tent No. 83, order of Maccabes, ns follows: Commander. J. A. Mont gomcry; lieutenant commander, C. 15. Fouler: record keeper, A. It. Cyrus; finance keeper. M. B. Boxorth; chaplain, ("has. Stellright; phyalclnn. M. U Hen rfl'Tfon; ergennt, J. K, Wirt; M. of A., Charles Olaen; first M. of Q.. Chaa. Huff; ..onni M. of O., E. L. Ilnbbldge; sen tinel. Thos. Wllllkson; picket, Thos. Corbett. BEST IB-CENT MEAL; RISING :SUN RESTAURANT. w Hi at Hi Mi'iwm. Kalts A Hlui.k, the well known blind plnno tunT and repair ers, are thla week making their regu lar bl-miinthly visit to Aaloria. To in sure their services, leave your orders at Itoger's drugstoru, as they have neither the time nor n to run- VJS. Mr. lyonard Fowler, editor and owner of The Htttte. and Mr. A. Shelby U Vino, manager of circulation of that pKrliellral, arrived In town lust evening. Mr. Fowler Is ruMnIng an excellent imigulne now, and intends d'o'lng coiislderublo apui e In lite next eilltlmi, wblrh will aiear August the 15th, to a stury on the Astoria regatta. The death of O'org Oragg at hla home at Lcer iNlaml was repurted In this city yestenlay. Drrenjied as alxtut 3a yeara of age, and wus quite well known In Astoria and among the residents of Clatsop county generally. IVaih was due to consuuiptlnn from which Mr. liragg hud betn suRerlng for sevvrul years. The ri'Katia committee f-is a de-p use nf gratitude for Hie ai.'tlon taken by Manager J!mari f the I'Kitl of (Ice of Hut Western Union In "secur ing a i"dU'-tloti of one-half rate on tHi'graiiia sent out by the commltti'. As the committee will be obllg.vl to "lap the wire" quite frequently before the cloee of the regatta, this reduction will amount to a considerable raving. Tho principal business accomplished by the Men aalde from the elec tion of olllcera and other routine work whs the n'pronlatltn of M0 to be used In currying on the extension of the organisation. In the past no ai illic amounts have hoi-n set aside and organisers proceeded timidly. With the provlKlons 'Just made it Is hoped to double the membership In the slate within the next year. F. Wolff, of Portland, of the firm of Wolff St Zwlcker, arrived In the city yeeterday for the purpoee of going to itiKiiulu Had to aupeiintend the work of rescuing the lightship from the sand there. A large quantity of ni't hnnlml appliance, such as cables, blinks, etc.. arrived down on the af trnoon boat from Portland and will Immriitatety bt taken to the sits of th; stranded vessel. ; The funeral of Mrs. n. M. Oaston. which took place fmm the family resi dence at 1 o'clock yesterday ajfU'moon, wsa largely attended by many sorrow ing friends. Many beautiful floral trib utes were sent to the home during the day. Itrv. Isaac Peart conducted the Xuneral sen-Ices, making a brief ad drvits In which he reviewed the life and character of the departed. The remains were Interred at Greenwood cemetery. The deliveries of salmon at the tan neries yestreday were not so heavy as on the two proceeding daya, although the run was considered fair. The traps did fairly well under the circumstances. A few of the gill-netten caught more than they could naMv carry but a far greater number came In with lvng faces and shirt load... All In all. bow ever, the situation as developed with in th" put few days In encouraging to all engog"d In the In lustry. A dispatch from Itrldal Veil to the Portland Ttgriuit yeaterday Bays that owing to the scnrclty of llsh and the low stage of water. P. J. McGowan closed his seining grounds at Sitnd Isl and, opposite Hrldnl Veil, and took off one crew from the Rooster Hock grounds this week. Fishermen claim this has been the poorest season for salmon the upper river has ever known, snvs the dispatch, but the high price paid for fish has enabled the seiners to make some money above expanses. James Mcdnwnn. of Reed's 'Island, and Itlch tttoureli'a ground, near Oneonta, have been making very good catches since the river began to recede. . Flro broke out In tho stringer at the corner of the warehouse of Ross, Hlg glns & Company yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock necessitating calling out the fire department. The blaxe was discov ered by one of the employes about the premises and a bucket brigade was at once set In action. Before the chemi cal had time to reach the spot the fire had been extinguished. It Is certain that had not the tire been discovered as soon as It was a most destructive conflagration would have been the re suit, as largo quantities of hay and other Inflammable wares were stored In the building. The lira Is believed to have been caused by someone careless ly throwing a lighted clgnr or cigar ette upon the wharf. It. Ih now stated in local sporting cir cles that there Is no further prospect of a contest between Bob Thompson of San Francisco and Charles Jost during rvgntta week, as was orig inally planned. Thompson was expect ed to arrive In Astoria not later than yesterday to perfect arrangements for the match but he fiUled to put In an appearance, and negotiations have been opened with tleorge tireen, of Los An geles, who Is now In Tacoma, for a contest with Jost for a purse of $500. Oreen Is considered the superior of Thompson In many resjieuls and as Jost has already establish! a good reputation as a sclenllllc nnd oggreselve lighter, on IntereHtlng contest Is looked forward to In the event of a match being arranged. The final work of organization of a barbers' union In this city was accom plished last night, a meeting having b?en held at Ohler'a shop on Bond street. The meeting was conducted by Organizer T. M. Leabo, who g also secretary of the narDers union at fort land. The temporary otllcers recently chosen were made permanent, Messrs. Ohler and Du Park being elected to the finance committee and as-trustees of the local organization: All but tlire., of the shops In town are represented In ths union The non-union shops, however, charge ths same rates. One of the reforms brought about through ths ursuilzutlon of the local tonsorlal artlsis Is the closing of their shops on Sundays, Instead of closing at 10 o'clock on Saturday nights, customers are accommodated until midnight, af ter which time the shops remain closed until Monday morning. The Astoria Ix moirats are all In a flurry ovtr thn dollar banquet to be given by the faithful at Foard Hloki.'s' hull tomorrow night for the purpose of assuring the voters of Clut aop county that the nomination of liryuu and Stevenson for president and vice-president, respectively, Is heartily approved, Many will be present who, In "ye oM.'ii tyme" of regulation Dem ocracy, followed Cleveland to the gol den bier of iiiono-metiillixm for reve nue only, but these trivial details are not siiiiosi( to enter Into the spirit of Hutuniny nlght'a blow-out. Ths white. wins,"! clove of pracs Is expect ed to llutter about the rafters of Foard ft Stokes' hull tomorrow night as she never Muttered In-fore, and the Individual who will dHn to proclaim the slightest degree of dissatisfaction with the peculiar nature of effervescent l"'inocnu y to be sprung, will be doom ed to political banishment. A a mat ter of fact, there Is little danger of anyone "kicking over th trao-s" on this particular occasion, as it Is to be a time for Jovialty rather than thought. A number of the grand poo Imlis of Oregon, who posses a sliver lining, are slat d to be present, and It Is expected that much "speechifying" will bar Indulged In for the umusetneiit of those In attendance merely to keep alive the fundamental Ingredients of Bryan Ism, There will l plenty to est and drink, and this feature of the program will undoubtedly Insure a large at tendumr. Nevertheless, the Democrat Ic hosts of v'latsop county are prepar ing for a Jolly good time tomorrow night and In fixing the date prior to the llrst week In November next a de gr of wisdom hai t-cn shown which merits much conimeudallun. That the 1'nlted Suites government appreciates the seriousness of the sit uation in China is evidenced by a let-l-r receded yrsterday by Collector Fox from Secretary (luge of the treasury d. purl mi nl. A similar letter hus un doubtedly been sent to collectors St ixrts throughout the country. The let ter reads as follows: "At the request nf the honorable secretary of. stale, you ur Instrucli'd to use the utrmmt diligence to prevent the sending of arms from your Mrt which may be uil by the insurgi-nt forces In China to the Ilium of American citizens In thul country. In sny case of the ship ment of arms destined to Asia which you have reason to believe may thus lie used. y-u will telegraph the fuels promptly to the d partment and detain the vessel until Instructed. You may communicate the substance of these Instructions personaJly to the owners or agents of vessels desiring clearance from your prt to ports to Asia, or the Islands of the Pacific, Inviting th. ir at tention also to sections 4u3, 4iKsj and 4102 of the revised slutuUs." only one Instance hus thus fur arisen at this port w herein the above precaution could h considered In tho b-ast applicable. Hits came up a few days ago, when an attempt was made by a Arm to forward munitions of war on the steamship Rrucmur to a Chtmwe port, for the use of tVlestluls. Whether they were Intended for the Bwrs. or Imperial forces Is nvl known. Indeed, It Is be-Ua-sa that should there have been a distinction aa to the consignees It would have made but 1UU. If any, difference In the end. L. B. Wood, an employe on the Nah' co it a, who was an eye witness of the "controversy between a passenger, Wm. Bullli. and a deckhand. Paul Cor no, on board ths steamer on Wednes day morning, stated to an Astorlan rep representative hut night that the affair had been grossly misrepresented In an evening paper of yvaterday. Mr. Wood stated that Mr. Ball Is appeared in a quarrelsome mood when he went aboard the steamer, and when aaked for his ticket replied in language un fit for publication. -He placed hit va lises in the way of the lines, compell ing their removal, and Corno picked them up hastily and put them In a place of safety. Bullla thought they were handled much too roughly and picked them un to carry th;m elsewhere, but, becoming Involved In a wordy contro versy with Corno, dropped them aud de.ily and approached him as If to atrlki him. Wood states that Corno acted merely In self-defense, and did not kniMk Bullla down aa reported, but atruck him only twice, once with the open bond and once with his fist. None of the otllcers or crew was near at hand, so that by the time one could get In reach the affair was all over. Wood states that Corno Is a very peace able niun. hearing an excellent reputa tion for good behavior, and had he (Wood) been the person Involved, Bal lls might not have fared so well. Wood uiso denies the statement that Corno stopped off at Ilwaco on the next trip, but says thit he was In Astoria Wed nesday night, as usual, slopping off at Ilwaco yesterday when he found that a warrant hail been sworn out against him, and Is now at his home, where he can be found, If wanted. TRIED TO BREAK JAIL. - Two County Prisoners Make an At tempt to Kegttln Their Liberty. A cunning attempt to escape from tho cpunty Jail was made yesterday, but Jailer Young proved too much for them and the men are now languish ing In dark cells Just off the right corridor. That the men were determined to even commit murder In order that their plans might bo successfully car ried out was made apparent In the discovery of an Improvised slung-shot, which was discovered hidden In a pile of papers lying on a shelf in the Jail. The prisoners Involved in the affair are Charles Wylle, who Is awaiting trial for forgery, and Louis Newman, who Is being held on a charge, of grand larceny, committed while employed on the U. 11. & N. tug Wallula. Tho attempt to escape was discover ed by Juiler Young yesterday while h was serving the pair their regular rations. At the further end of the cor ridor, the Jailer noticed a couple of buckets and chains placed on the lloor with unusual care as to arrangement and Immediately went over to make an examination, He found that a hole large oiiough to admit a man's body had been cut through the cement lloor Ing and that several rocks had already been removed from the Buper-structure. All that remained to be done to estab lish an opening between the pall and freedom was to cut an opening through the outer wall which forms part of the foundation. ' Jailer Young Immediately proceeded to secure the prisoners In the dark cells and then reported his discovery to Sheriff Llntille. When questioned aa to how long they had been engaged in tne plot tne prison ers etated that the work of excava- Hon had been under way for a cou ple of days. The work had been done with a large wrought-lron nail driven through a plec of slab-wood, which created a device similar to a plck-ax on a miniature acale. The debris was carefully hidden Inside the cells and from tho progress made by the Ingen ious orlmlnals there Is little queetlon that they would have completed the Job and gained their liberty -with a few more hours hail their operations not been discovered. Wylle was arrested several months ago on three charges of forgery pre ferred by C. C, Mastln, the well-known rancher at Svensen, Wylle worked for Mastln for a short time, and when a settlement was made he had a balance of $2.01 due him. The payment was made by check and when Wylle reached Astoria he Immediately proceeded to raise the amount to $'0.0l. Not con tent with this, he forged two checks on the same Individual one for $72 and another for $h5. During his incarcera tion pending trial, Wylle haa been a most exemplary prisoner. He had con formed most willingly to all the regu lations of the Jail and nvr evinced the allghtest hesitancy to perform many odd Jobs about the premises. Lately, however. Sheriff LlnvllU- has learned that this ssme docile Wylle has served three terms In the penlien tlnry at Salem, having been convicted each time on a charge of forgery. Newman Is a young fellow of about twenty-five years, who has already served a long term at the state reform school. He Is being held for examina tion before the grand Jury on a charge of having robbed the fireman on the Wallula of a sum of money which he had left In his pocket on board the vessel several weeks ago. STILL UNDAUNTED. Push Club Contlnu-s to Push Work for Clood County Roads. , The Push Club ;a still battling with the good roads proposition and at last night's imeting much Important work wus d'ine along this line. A petition has been circulated in the Nehalcm dis trict for a road from AMorla to Jew ell and to the Columbia county line. This petition has met with gvnerol ap proval among the r'sl'b-nts of the dint i let In which It has Ix.-en circulat ed, and a final report Is expected by the Push Club at an early date. A petition for the opening of a road to the Tillamook county line Is blng circulated and the roads committee has ben authorized to do everything neceesary to push forward the project. The roads committee was also author Izel to confer with the representatives of Clatsop county in the next legisla ture with a view to securing necessary legislation for Clatsop county and to urge the passage of a uniform mad law for the various counties In the state. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. A Move in the Right Direction by Herman Wise for the Protection of the Salmon Industry. Herman Wise has an ad. In this Is sue that should appeal to all. Every body recognizes that something must be done to preserve this great Industry of ours, and Mr. Wise does not wait for somebody else to take the lead. He oftera to donate a percentage of all his cosh sales during" tbe month of August for the good of the cause, and to place the money In th hands of the Fisher m'.T.'s Union. In addition he offer to work with his customary energy with the members of the legislature, and all know how Wise works when he gets (ULrtl. It Is still remembered how he started out to raise a subsidy when the fishermen first talked of organis ing a union cannery, and how he has always worked for th good of the city. In Fourth of July celebrations and other enterprises. RECIPIi FOR ICE MAKING. Any housewife by following the new recipe Just discovered will be able to make Ice easily. This new Ice Is cheap and quickly prepared, being composed of a kind of ammonia salt. With It. Ire cream may be frozen in a few min utes. So many wonderful Improve, ments are being discovered that it brings Into prominence any institution that remains unchanged. Such an ex ample Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the well-known remedy for weak stom achs. Fifty years has seen no change In it. While many Imitations have risen and fallen, this excellent medi cine has remained unchanged and as a cure for Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia and biliousness. It Is une qualled. See that our Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. ANOTHER CUT PRICE SALE Decorated Cups and Saucers 6 for 55c Decorftted Breakfast Sets 18 pieces ' $1.00 Lecorated Jartiiniers Beauties 15 25 33 40 50c f Decorated Cuspidors See them 0c Decorated Pitchers At 10c and 25c 20 per cent off 20 per cent off Enameled Ware Lamps... Table Glassware Trices Cut Away Down. Decorated Dinner Sets 44 piece dinner set $3.S5 60 piece dinner set 5.55 100 piece dinner set 9.50 COMK JUST TO SEK. 1 NOT NECESSARY TO BUY. Great American Importing Tea Co C71 Commercial street. Astoria. Largest distributers of China, Crock ery and Glassware on the Coast; oper ating 100 stores throughout the Pacific Coast States. THAT'S WHY IT WILL PAY TO SEE US BlfiUp AfflfTON OHO FISHERMEN!! The Salmon Industry is and Butter. Your success and Butter. That's why I sided in with you. AN THE You Know For my art I intend to do my utmost; I shall write to every member of the legislature, showing the necessity of protective legislation; then I intend to join our legislative delegation in personally appealing to their co-legislators when they are in session, and I shall also start a fund for the pdrpose of defraying all legitimate expense. ' '. BUT YOU MUST HELP I I will give a percentage of all of ray Casta Sales during August to the Cause REfi2Efi3BE YOU KNOW HOW I CAN HUSTLE I YOU KNOW 171 ALWAYS WITH YOUt YOU HELP YOL'RSELF PATRONIZING ME ' EARLE. THE PSYCHIC. Edward Earle. the famous psychic, of Saa Francisco, has locatid for a few days at the Main .Street House, where he will give private readings dally. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received by the under stsned untU p. m.. August th, and then opened, for the construction of a wharf and warehouse covering about one hundred thousand square feet, and about eight hundred feet of trestle approach near the mouth of the Columbia river, Clatsop county, Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seen. and blank forms of proposal secured at the office of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad, In the Flavel building, Astoria, Oregon. A satisfactory bond will bo required of the successful bidder. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or In part, as per forms of proposal, and specifications. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION ' CO. NOTICE. The steamer Mayflower, which was advertised to make two trips to OIney every Saturday, has now taken another route and will not run there, as hereto fore announced, until such time as the business will Justify It Special atten tion given to Jobbing. LOST NET. Lost, tn the middle channel, a fish- nut r-rmtrtlnlnc three naoera Flnlav- son's 12-ply twine. Corks marked H. K. O. Return to or notify Kinney's cannery. Riches have wings, but they are sel dom used in flying our way. AiIUAh EXGURSIOp OF THE FINNISH BROTHERHOOD Sunday, August 12 ...TO SEASIDE... Train leaves Astoria for Seaside at S;15 a. m., and, returning, leaves Sea side at 5 p. m. GRAND BALL IX THE EVENING AT FOARD A STOKES' HALL. TICKETS $1 Your Bread is my Bread have always INJURY T0 ONE IS CO CERN OF Thl Motto, Lot's Apply It Now I will place F. P. Union TheRSsrelSe!!, the Greater the Fund 1 ASSURE YOU OF A FAIR TREATMENT I ASSURE YOU OF THE GREATEST STOCK I GUARANTEE YOU REASONABLE PRICE THE RELIABLE Remember That FISHER BROS. ,x ARE SOLE ACEXTS fOK KIcCormIck Elowers, Rambler Bicycles. Sharpie's Cream Separators and Dunbarton Salmon Twine IN THE NEW STORE Eilers Piano House Now Located at 351 Washington Street, Near Eighth Street, Portland. A constantly increasing business has made it necessary for us to secure larger quarters, and we have had built for us the beautiful new "MUSIC BUILDING" At the corner of Park and Washington streets, where we have every facility for handling our wholesale and retail business. On our retail floor you will always find the finest selection of nearly a dozen different makes of pianos and organs, among them the most valuable and costly instruments made in ' America the Chickering of Boston, the Weber of New York, and the Kimball of Chicago. Before you decide on the purchase of a piano elsewhere it will nav vou to investigate our instruments and our methods. Full par ticulars and cataloguo for the asking. Write today. EILERS PIANO HOUSE OFFICE 351 WASHINGTON STREET, Portland's Leading Piano and Organ Dealers. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V. ' ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial htrects If we would not see this great industry destroyed we must begin to work NOW. . We must ORGANIZE!!! EDUCATE!!! AGITATE!!! ALL ME IN THI5 the money with the C. R. for that purpose. &7