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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1900)
fllK MOUSING ASTOR1AN. Mil DA , JULY ?, IKK) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Eent by mall, per yew ..StvO Bent by mall, per month M Served by carrier, per month N SEMI-WEEKLY. Eent by mail, per year. In advance 33.90 Postage free to subscriber, All communications intended for pT- '.lcation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The- Astorian." The Astonan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising- rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. Pot President ILLIAM M K1XLCY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. TOO MUCH TALK. It appears evident that Admiral Dew ey has overreached himself in his ear nest denials of his statements as reported by the Filipinos. A hero who knows no enual on the quarter deck, w hen Dewey gets on land it seems as natural for him to make a fool of himself as It U for Pettlgrew. It is unfortunate that the admiral has not been more guarded In his statements, for by making the asser tion, quoted in our columns yesterday and declared therein to be false, that the Filipinos had no thought of Inde pendence till after the destruction of the Spanish fleet, he has laid open to suspicion the whole of his testimony which has heretofore been exceedingly valuable to the administration in sup porting its present policy in the Phil ippines. If in a controversy .with the native leaders Dewey is known to have spok en falsely, no greater boon to the "aun ties" could have been granted, ard doubtless they will make the most of It. . Could the word of the Filipino lead ers be relied upon we must have to admit that our conduct toward them has been little short of perfidious, for we were bound by whatever promises our admiral may have made. But as long as it was a mere question of doubt as to whether our own admiral j or the Filipinos correctly reported thei extent of the agreements entered into between them, the recognition or non recognition of the Filipino flag, and other matters in dispute, we have, of course, put confidence in our own brave Dewey. The American people will be exceedingly loath to feel that their confidence in his integrity has been so misplaced. It is evident that Dewey was merely In one of his talk ative moods and spoke unthinkingly without weighing his statements. It is also quite possible that he was mis quoted by his Interviewer. SLOW TO WRATH. Peattle Post-Intelligencer. Th people of the United States have Distress after eating is caused from the stomach not beginning work immwliut'-ly. Until it K;tTto work you fei d -tf'wil-the food lays iu your stow xch like m iveiKlit. To start ilinention to make thk stoiUHch do its worn you must anxixt it il your stouiach is weak or alow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 Ukra ftr meals supplies the rtom arh with nocesttary acids and juicee which ulk'nst the food quicklv in a propor manner. To get the best reultf out Baldwin's Health Tablets No. V with the Dyspepsia Tablet. Tba byijwpaU TaLku ouat 60o and can be bad at , FRANK HART. Successor to Th. Olsen, 600-J Com. St bwn slow In waking Up to a reallxutlon of the horrors which have been per petrated In China. The slot lea 'which have collie out have bwn go fragmen tary, so. Incoherent and to cent radio tory, that there Is a disposition to dis credit them and to refuse to believe that the fotvign resident of Pvkin have really beri massacred, with revolting tortures, as the many rumors from Chi. nese sources have asserted. In Europe the same apathy for a time existed, but It appears now that the people of the oKI countries have come to a realisation of tne situation presented and that public sentlnvnt is becoming fear fully uroued on the subject. The phlegmatic Ocrnians are bitierly en raged over the known murder of their minister at the court of China, and If the rumors (if wholesale massacre prove true, the war spirit of the country will wake up as it never has done since the march on Paris. In England pub lic opinion Is fast assuming the phase exhibited when the news of the terrible outrages accompanying the Indian mu tiny gradually became known. The Boer war has ceased to occupy pub lie attention, save as a factor in the situation which reuders Great Britain temporarily crippled In Its resources and unable Immediately to respond to the public demand for the embarking of a military expedition to revenge the innocent blood shed and to secure the world against a repetition of the Pe kln horrors. Public sentiment in France Is not so pronounced, or rather the political aspect of the situation more considered there than the fearful account whK-h has rolled up, and which mu?t be paid In Chinese blood. When it Is remembered how the peo ple of the United States flamed into righteous wrath when the Maine was blow n up in the harbor of Havana, and the war sentiment created by that act is recalled. It may seem iomewhat sin gular that the stories of the fearful outrages upon American men, women and children In t-blna have as yet aroused public sentiment in this coun try to no styious manifestation. The truth Is that the patience and conser vative good sense of the American peo ple are at present being grandly ex hlbited. They are awaiting the truth T. . . .... iney reiuse to commit tnemseives on the strength of rumors which, no mat ter how often repeated, "may yet prove to be false. It seems to many Im possible to realize that the responsible heads of the Chinese government are f) utterly depraved as to counsel and permit the horrible massacres which it is alleged have taken place; and so ignorant as not to realize that they themselves. In their own persons, may pay the penalty if Innocent life has been sacrificed. --- When the full truth is known, how- ever, and If the stories which are now mere rumors shall have been fully con firmed !n all their details, then the American people will be heard from, The feeling caused by the Maine affair will be as nothing compared to the deop and abiding wrath of the Ameri can people over the massacres in Pe- Kin. ana no sacrifice will be deemed too great, no exertion of the power of the government too strong, until those out rages have been atoned for by those responsible for them. And under that wram win oe burled the cheap and noiseaome partisans who dare at this time to assail the administration for the steps which it Is taking to protect American lives in China, and to aveng- the blood of murdered Americans. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder. Dr. T. N. Ball DENTIST. 671 Commend il Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over SchJussel's Clothing Store. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. PORTTjAND. Arrive 8:0' 'Portland Union renoV:il 'in a.m. 6-55p.m:for Astorlaand inter-l 8:40p m 2:30 ' imejiate points. I 5:Wip.m. I ASTORIA. " J " 7.45a.m.For Portland A ?-10. P-m.!term-Hiiate points 10:30 p.m. Dally except Saturday. Saturdays only. BEA8IDB DIVISION. n il a, m.... ) 0:00 p. ni i h-St p. in. Hiilurday only. ( If. a. ni. J lU::ii a. in. j 4,00 p. m. I ... S:.'xii. iu. n-.l'tn. m I : a. i J !-': p. i .... l:ip. . ra in ill n.m"" SEASIDE v'"J n. in . m I I U) r. in All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific train to and from the east or Sound oolnu .J- c- MAYO, Oen'l FVt and as. Agw. TIMS 5CrtCDUI.I:4 Krom loriUiuU PKl'ART ArkIvs ('hleag Portland pedal Slt Like, iVnver, Kt. worth, Umiii. Kni- t IIT, 81. LHl, Chicago and Kal- 4 p. ui. Salt Uko, Denver, Ft. At'antifl hxpren Dp. m, Spokane liver, 8 . m. V. iirlh, On.aha, kali- , I I'hicsgo and Kan, j !Hikii, Mtmieapo 1 IK M. Paul. IMi nih.i m. Milwaukee, Cliieigo! ami Kt. t From Aitoria j OCEAN ST6AMAHIP5 All Sailing Intel Ut : iect u chauir. i For San Francuoo Kail , M )' 3, , IS, lit, J3. j Colombia Rlvr Steamers To Portland a4 Way Landings, I 7am Kxi'Uuilay la in x Mo day m . i rnira rori ana . . ... Oregon l'ty, Newhertv 7 a. m. Iuta"". "d Vast., . . ru,luur' ""vets. Mu.,Vrd. auuoat. yregn i uy, iyt,u, A and Frl. I Way-LAUdliigi. Klparla lave dly Snak Rlvar. Ktparlato ewlalon. L bewulu V.uo a m daily i.vii tu. f Sam W'lLl.iMifTi k Rivri! 4:.0 . m. Mod, Wed r'rinay Tue.Thui: I'orllMiid to ('ir-lli Saturday aud way luidiaits. G. W. LOUNSBERRT, . Agent, Astoria. W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pass. Agt, Portland. Or. Luxurious Travel THE ' Northwestern Limited" train. electric lighted throughout, both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest. neweat and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public and altogether am th mn. complete and splendid producton of the car ouiiaers art. These Splendid Trains connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these s'loerior accommodations and all classes of tick et are available for passage on the famout -Northwestern Limited.- Ail trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block system. w. tu Mc.AU, , F.C SAVAGE. General Agent, , Ticket Aft Portland. Ore. " H. F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. S3S Duane St, W. J, COOK. Mgr Res. Tel 11JL Astoria. Or. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. U. S. Engineer Office, Portland. Oreg.. Sealed proposals for removal of 12.500 cubic yards, more or less, rock, dredg ing 329,500 cubic yards, more or less, material from the Columbia river, in lhe vicinity of Astoria. Oreeon. will hp f,vea no re until 1U m.. August 27, i., ana tnen puiiiiciy opened. Infor- matlon furnished on application. W. C. LANGFITT. Captain Engrs. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of the State of uregon. 'or the County of Clatsop. In the matter of the estate of Jemima Sklbbe, deceased, Notice Is hereby riven that the un dersigned has been dulv annointed bv tne county court or the state of Omron for Clatsop county, administrator of t le estate of Jemima Skibbe, deceased. All persons having claims against said mate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at No. 527 Bond street, In the city of Astoria. Clatson countv. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 10th day of July. 1900. MAX L. SKIBBB. Administrator of the estate of Jemima. Sklbbe. deciased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of th? Interior, Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, July 21, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of tils Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will ba made before the county fk-rk f Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on August 31, 1M0, ' via: William Row, 11. K. No. 11519. for the S. E. Vt, Section 1, Tp. 4 N., R. W. He names the following witnesses to piov'i hli continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Paul Aho, Astoria, Oregon, Andrew Johnson, Astoria, Oregon, Jonas Untln tn,, Oregon, Henry Hill, Push, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOO RE 3. Register. REPORT OP ASTORIA COMMISSION. WATER ASTORIA, July 18. To th Hon. May or and Common Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Gentlemen: In accordance with Sec tion No. 155 of the City Charter, we herewith report the receipts and dis bursements of the Astoria Water Com mission for the quarter ending June 30, 1900, as follows: RECEIPTS. For the month of Aprii our gross re ceipts were: From account of water rates . 13,135.90 From account of tup ping malna 12. M From account of delln- ' iucnt chiirHf 8.TS From salo of ft. con demned B in, pipe ut ISo 3.90, From sale f 1-ln, cor poration cock 1,50 J3.159.M For tht month of May, 11KH), our gross receipts were: From account of water int. 12.311.05 From account of tap ping mains 20.00 From account of delin quent ehai'Kva &2J From t O. Maxlen re putting damiiKe to conduit 12.00 12.3(9.30 For the month of June, 1900, our gross receipts were: From account of water rates $2,300.40 From account of tap ping mains 10.00 From account of delin quent, charKes .... 4.75 12.315,15 Total receipts tor the quarter... $;.S24.0O Mtilance in treasury at date of litl report tiled April 12, 1900 12.143.9S tfotal DISltt'USKMKNTf . $19.97.9S Interest paid on Imnda.tS.OOO.OO Salary of superintend ent 375.00 210.00 75.00 eo.uo 525.00 30.l0 15.00 2ti.4t! S.1.95 75.00 4.00 1.94 1.00 71.10 20.50 2.75 26.43 13.05 J 00 so.oo Salary of assistant.. .. Salary of kerper at power house Salary of keeper at Head works Salary of clerk !alnry of city attorney. Salary of Janitor i'.xpense account oillce expense account. Kent account stationery ami printing Kxpense ;'hanslng dis tribution mains Tapping mains (V ilay's lalor Repairs to mains Repairs to conduit Oitlce furniture St'Hk account (special castings, etc.) Tools account Loose property ac count Kepalrs to power house 19.40$. Leaving balance on hand in general fund of 110.559. Respectfully submit ted. ASTORIA WATIIK r M MISSION. 1 y C. S. WRIGHT, Chairman Attest: J. II. Mansell. clerk. PROPOSALS FOR ST U SET LIGHTS Notice Is hereby given, that up to th hour of 2 oYlork p. m. on Tuesday th 31st day of July. I'M", the commit lee on ways and means of the Com m.m Cornell of the fity of Astoria, will receive sealed bids for furiilshln the City of Astoria with not less than titty nor more tha: sixty-live arc elec trie lights, for a period of from one to three year, to bo run all night, of not lest that) 1200 candle-power each to be furnistwd uil maintained such placs as shall be designated from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Astoria: as provided by ordinance No. '2526 of the City of Aptnri'i. entitled "An ordinance author ltlng the committee on ways and mear. to advertise for bids for lighting the i"!ty of Astoria ana to enter Into con tract with the lowost responsible bid l r," which ordinance vas approved the 17th day of July, 1900. and all bids must conform to the .'equlrements of said ordinance with regard to the bond required thereby and otherwise. The right Is reserved to rejx-t any and all bins. . v i -t Said .committee will also up to said time aforesaid receive proposals or bids for lighting the City of Astoria with a sufllclcnt number of incandescent lights, gasoline, acetylene, or oil lamps to be reported to the Common Council of said city at Its next meeting, but said committee will not contract for any lights other than arc electric lights as nrst above stated. A. SCHERNECKAU. E. P. PARKER. A. BRIX. Committee on Ways and Means of the ' miti'm Coun'di of the City nf Astoria. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given, that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and intention to establiHh the grade on Thirty-fourth Ktreet In that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John Adair and generally known as Adulr's Astoria, from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Harrison avenue, so that the grade of the same will be t the following neignts above the base of grades when so established, to-wlt: At the intersection of Thirty-fourth street and rranklin avenue, 65 feet: at the Intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Grand avenue, 101 feet; at tne intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Harrison avenue, 122 feet, the crossings, to be level and said street throughout the width thereof to be on a straight and even slope or Incline between the points designated. This notice Is published for ten days oy oruer or said council. The first nub llcatlon being on Wednesday, July 18, J!J. H. B. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City or Astoria. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REPAIR NINTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Com inon Coun II of tbo City of Astoria has determined and Intends to Improve all mat portion of Nin'h street In the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv John MrjiJIure, Clatsop County, State of uiegon, irom tne north Bide of Bond street to the Kouth side of Astor street, to th-( full width thereof and on the established grade. Said Improvement Is to be made by filling In from curb to curl) with dirt so as to bring said portion of said street to the established guide, and laying stringers thereon and planking the same with covering plunk fmir inches In thickness by 12 iri'.h' s wide, and by the construction of sidewalks ten feet wide on each side of aid portion of said street. Said improvement in matter of detail except as herein otherwise provided shall be constructed !n conformity to the pro visions of general ordinance No. 1901, entitled "An ordinance In relation to the Improvement of streets" approved January 3rd, 1J05, except that either red or yellow fir lumber may be used so long as the same Is good and sound lumber, Hnd the improvement is to be made strictly in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor to be filed with the auditor and police Judge by the city surveyor. That the costs ard expenses of said Improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment up on the lots, lands and promisee front ing upon, adjacent to and otherwise benefited by said Improvement which l.KOAl, NOTICRS mild lands axe heivby Included " In special ilHseMmout ilNUli.t td bn'tl scHMcd p defray the costs and ex peimcs of siid inipivwment and which xald district Include tho lots, lands and premises bun 'find by said Im provement and Is is follows, to-wlt: Cnmmi'miiig at the southwest corner of tut n block 8 and running thinc north to the northwest comer of lot 1 In liluk 9, thence east tu the north east coiner of lot 3 In block 6J, thence smith tr the south.'ast corner of lot 7 In bliH'k thence west along the smith lines of sail blinks and 65 to the piuce of beginning and containing all of lets 1, 2, 7 aud In block ti, and h is 3, 4, 6 aud In block 9, all In that part of the City of Astoria. Clat ip County. State of Oregon, a laid out and record -1 by ,'nhn McClure and extended hy Cyrus Olnry. That the city surveyor of raid city Is required and directed to forthwith plt'pnre nnd deposit with the auditor and police Judgn of said city estimates of the expense of laid Improvement and opt'cltuatlniis for the proposed w ork. This notice Is published for eight days In the Morning Astoiiun In pursuance to a resolution of ;h Common Coun cil u.lcpted on tlu tilth day of July, l:Hl. directing the same, the date of the first publication ;1 rv,.f being on Thuinla.v, the 19th day of July, 1900. II. K. NELSON. Auditor and Polloe Judge of the City 1 1 Astoria. NOTUT. OF" INTENTION TO IM PltoVE ELEVENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Com nun Council ,f the t'lty of Astoria has declared It 4 determination and Inten tion tu Improve that portion of Elev enth Mtrert in the t'lty of Astoria as liild out and recorded by John McClure and extend'! by Cyrus Olney, Clalaop futility, Stale of Oregon, from the south line of Knnklln avenue to the north line of lliirri.i.ui avenue, bv iak Inn up and rem vlug from said portion cf ld street the existing plunking, except at the iiit-M-s vtlon of unld Eleventh street and Crand avenue, end replacing the same with good, sound red or yellow tlr planking thrve Inches by twelve Inches, twenty feet Icng. said planking to be laid upon til" exUiltig stringers upon said portion of said street and raid niprovenicnt or rcalr sh-ill consist In replanklng said portion of said street except said cross lug of the same with tirund avenue, n the existing stringers to the width of twenty feet through the center then of, and waid work shall of d urse Improve said strvt upon the present established grade thereof, and shall b nuido In matter of detail according to the plans and speMllcs'lons therefor t be bled with the auditor and police judge by the city turvoyor as herein alt'T ordered. l'hat th ciMts -itid expenses of mak ing said improvi ni'-nt or repairs shall be defray id by special asseKineiit up on the lots, lands and premlnrs bene-' by said Improvement, which said lands are hereby Included within a social assessment district to be ansess ed therefor which Is as follows, to-wlt: f ommcniing at .he northeast corner of lot 3 In blo.-k TU and running tlinc- south to the southatt corner of lot 12 in block 91, th "lice west to the south west corner of lot in block 90. then -e north to the northwt corner of lot 3 in block 71, thence east to the pluce of beginning, all in the City of As toria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and ex'.vled by Cyrus Olney In Clatsop County, State of Ore gon. That the city surveyor Is instruct ed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and oolbe Judge of said city estimates of the costs and expensea of said Improvements and spctititatlond for the propised work, Thls notice I published for eight days In the Mornl ig Astorlan In pur suance to a resolution of the Common Council adopted on the 16th day of July 1900, directing the same, the date of th first publication thereof being on Thursday, the 19th day of July. lsioO. II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City ot Astoria. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REPAIR COMMERCIAL STREET. Notice Is hereby gken that the Com mon Council of th City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Inten tion to repair all that portion of Coin menial street In the City of Atorla. Clatsop County. Slate of Oregon, as mid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlve ley. from the west line of Fourteenth street to the west line of Seventeenth street, oy removing all of -the old cov ering plank on said portion of snld street nnd th9 decking on the sidewalks nnd putting in threw new stringers abreast or parallel with each other on mil Sid? of the str?et car track on said street throughout the extent of eald (Hii'tlon of said Mreet so repaired wnieii stringer are to be placed be tween the existing stringers now on said portion of said .ltrset And by re moving the curb on each side of said stieet and putting in a new curb trln ger on each side of the same where removed and by replanklng said Dor- tion or said strejt from curb to curb with good sound red or yellow fir lum b-r and putting in new decklmr on me sidewalks on each side of said rtlon if said street, the decking to he of new sound red or vellow fir lumber. The stringers shall be 4 in lies by II Inch and 32 feet long and the covering plank shall be 4 Inches by i - inenen and tne decking on the side walks shall be one and one-half Inches by eight Inch :s, dressed on one side, and said Improvement Is to be made trlctly In accordance with the plans r.d specifications therefor, to be filed with the auditor and police Judge by the city surveyor. That the costs and xperses of said Improvement, except repair of the street crsslngs. shall 1" ih frayed by special assessment un- n thr pits, lands and premises Includ ing water frontage fronting unon and therwiso benefited by said repair or improvement which said lots, lands and preinlHOM including water frontage are en by Included in a special assessment 1'iitrlct to be assigned to defray the sts and expense of said Improve ment, which snld district Is as follows, towlt; commencing at the southwest orner of blo-k 135 In the town fnow Ity) of Astoria as laid out and re corded by J. M. Hhlv"ey, ClatBop coun. y. Oregon, and running thence north nd pnralki with the west line of said block 135 to the Pier Head line on the south shoro of the Columbia river. hence (fast along said Pier Head line to point where the east line of block 133 In snld Shlvdey's Astoria would In tersect said Pier Head line If extend- 1 a wufTI.?I -nt distance northerly. thence south In a straight line to tho southeast corner of block 133 In said Sblveley's Astoria, thence westerly lonK the south line of blocks 133. 134 nd 135 to the place of beginning, all In the City of Astoria, Clatson Coun ty, State of Oregon. That the city surveyor of said rllr Is required and directed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judgj of said city estimates of the expense of said, repair or im- .KUAL NOTK M, 1 - ..-! ?,J provi'imnt and prclnVstlohs for (l proponed work. ' '. , This not Ice Is Published , for eight iluvs In the Morning Astorlsn In pursu ance to a resolution of the Common Council adopted on the WUi day of July, 1900, directing the same, the date of the first publication thereof being on Thursday, the 19th day of July, I'.KM). II, E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Jadge of the City of Astoria, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United Stafs Land Offlje, Oregon City, Oregon, July 7. JiWO. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act .it ,.,- in,, t iu?t .,tm...i i "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all public land states by act of August 4, ls. Ottilia M, Logan, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, slate of Oregon, has this day filed In this uffloe her sworn etatvmmt No. 6:143, for the puivhMs of the H, W, of Section No, 9 lit Township No. I N Range No. 7 V and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pui'ih see, and to establish her claim to said land before the KcgUtcr and lieceiver of this tttc at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the M day of October, 1900. She names ks wltnes.ies: Julius ilarbe, of Olm y, Oregon, 8e bastion tllaser, of Olney, Oregon, Jacob I'cnk. of olney, Oregon, John Olaier, of oiney, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad vernoly the above described land are miui-KtiHl to tile their claims In this otlue on or before al I 3d day of Outo- ber, 1900, CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United States Land Ortlee. Oregon City, Oregon, July 7, 1900. Notice Is hereby aiven that In com pllunce ulth the provisions of the act of congress of Juno 3. Ms, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In tie stales of California, Oregon, Ne- vudu, ii ud v asliiugton Territory, as extended to all imbllo land stale by :ict of August 4. 1SJJ. William C. Logan, ct Astoria, county of Clataop. state of ongon. has this day (tied In this office his sworn statement No. t.'l3. for the purchase of the S. E. of Section No, H In TowiuhlD No. ( N.. Range No. 7 ' and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural puri oses, and to establish his claim to k-ild land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City. ocit, in. on YVrdiKaduy, the 3d day of October, 1900. lie nunics as witnesses: Julius tliirbe. of Olney. Oregon, Be bastion Olaser. of Olney, Oregon. Jacob Ivnk. of Oluey, Oregon, John U I user, of Olney, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the abovj-descrlbcd land are requested to file their claims In this nice on or before the said 3d day of October, 1900. CHAS. 0. MOORES, lleglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, . June ii, 1900. , Notice Is hsUby given that the fol- wlng-named settler ht filed notice of ins intention to maae nnai prooi in sup port of hi claim, and that sold proof win be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 20, 1900, vis: James 8. Rathbun, II, E. No. 13.444, for the 8. E. Vi of Section 13, Tp. 4 N., it. W. He name the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon ard cultivation of said land, vis: J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. P.ockafellow. of Port Ian 1. Oregon, V. 8. Cone. Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria. Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES, " ,! Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, June 23. 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing nnmed aettler hna f1li,il nnllca nf his Intention to make filial proof In ( support or nis ciaim, aim mat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 30, 1900, vlx: Jasper N. Fowler, H. E. No, 124,14 Mr the lots 9. 10, 13 and 19, Section 13, TP. 4 N.. R. 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, els: James 8. Rathbun, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. Itockafellow, of Portland, Oregon, W. S. Cone, of Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olllce nt Oregon City, Oregon, July 21 1900. Notice Is hereby given that vho following-named settler has died notice of his Intention to make final proof In sup p irt of his claim, and thai said proof will be mado before tho county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on September 7, 19oo, viz: Harold LlndMtad, H. E. No 11580, for the W of N, W. V Section 20. and K3 of N. E. ' Section 19, Tp. 6 N U. 9 V. . . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Mis OlcHon, Seaside, Oregon, Ole Anderson, Push, Oregon, Arne Fryscth, f'u.-h, Oregon, Albert Olson, Push, Or egon. CHAS, B. MOORES. Register. SEALED PROPOSALS. Office of C. O. M.. Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., July 2, 1900. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., August 2, 1900, und then opened, for furnishing forage and bedding at the several mil itary posts In thl department and camp at Skngway, Alaska, and Port Valdez. Alaska, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, Information furnlihed here or by quartermaster at post, U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part there of. Envelopes containing proposal should be marked: "Proposals for Forage and Bedding at ," and ad- dreMe.1 to undersigned. J. W. Jacob, C. Q. M. tKOAL NOTU'R NOTICIC FOR rUllLICATlON. ( United States Laud Oitlce, Oregon City, Oregon, July i, 1900, Notice Is hereby given that In oompll Alice with the provision of the sot of c iiigiess entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands Iu the slates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all Pub Im Land Stales by art of August 4. li3, Luther Esger, of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn state ment No, B.'-iH, for the purchase of the N. E. H of Suction No. 4 In Township No, 6 N., Range No. W,. and will offvr proof to show that the laud sought I more valuable for It Umber ur alone than for agricultural purn, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of till office at Oregon lity. Oregon, on Friday, the SMh day of September, 190. He nonit' as wltn c: Bartholomew J. Burke, of Seaside Oregon, James T, Burke, of Hvaslle, Oregon, Charles llarbaugh, of Volga, South ln kola, William Burke, of Sea side, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming ad Veisely the ahove-di'scrlbed lands ate rUinte. lo llle their claims III till on I co on or before said iiSth day of September, 1IW0, CIIAS. U. MOOR ICS, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land OltUe at Oregon City, Oregon, June 23, WO, Notice Is hereby given that the fat- loMliig-iiumcd settler has filed notice oi j hu Int. mlon to make final proof In support of his oluiin, and that 4d proof will be made before the lleglster and Receiver at Oregon ciiy, Oregon, on August so. 1900, vis: Andrew 1), Itockafellow, II. B. ' No. IHM. for lhe E, i of rt. W. t ami lots 3 and 4, Heel Ion IU, Tp. i N R. I W. He nume the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upva and cultivation of said land, via: J. S. lUthbun, of Portland, Oregon, J. N, Fowler, of Portland. Oregon. W. - 1 S. t one, of Buy City, ureguu. John Flnley, of Astoria. Oregon. CIIAS. II. MOORES, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slate Ijind Office, Oregon City, Orrgoii, July 3. IAiO. Notice Is hereby given that In com pllunt'o Midi tha provisions of the act of emigres of Juno 3. ISTK, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lauds In lhe states of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory." a extended to all Public Laud State by act of August 4. IS92. Charles liar fiaugh, of Volga, county of Brookings, state of South Iukota, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No, i:37, for th purchase of the N. W. i of Section No, 3 In Township No, N Runge No. t W and will offer proof tu aliow that the land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and ID establish his tialm to said land before the Register and Receiver of (hi office at Oregon CHy. Oregon, on Friday, the :sth day of September, 1900. He name g witnesses: Bartholomew J. Buik, of Hoaslde, Oregon, Jatiie T. Burke, of Seaside, Oregon. William Burke, of Beaaide, Or egon, Luther Eager, of Utalil. Wash Inglon, -w Any and all persona claiming versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said !'h day of September, 1900, Itegleter, NOTICE i hereby given that by virtu of an order made and entered by Hon. John Rayite referee In bankruptcy for th ?h". ,iMl,,TU.rt,0Jv,,w L'nltv1 w the District of Oregon, on July I, 1900. In the matt -r of 8. R. je,UPl bankrupt I will on Saturday, August 11. at I p. m.. sell on the premise to th highest Milder for cash, sublect in i,. .......... l nf the court, all the right, title and of said bankrupt In and to the follow ng ileacrlba.1 r...,l... .. It: Lots t to 32, Inclusive, block i. lots in , inclusive, blm k I; lota I Intiiiftlve. blo"k 1- im. i to 31 Inclusive, block 10; lot 1 to !2. Inclu sive, bloik 11; lots 1 to 23, Inclusive, block 12; and lots 6 and , block . ail In Hemlock Park addition to Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, A. YV. TREflCOTT. TV........ Palem, Or.. July 10. 1900. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that th un diiislgnel has been appointed adminis trator of the entate of F. M. Bewley, decoasej, and all persons having clulms against said estate will present them to the undersigned at the ofllc of J. W. A. Bowlby in Atorla. Oregon, prop erly verldcj within six month from V1', l?'", ' J- c- UEWLET. July 13, 1900, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ADMINISTRATOR. OP In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County. In the matter of tho estate of Ellatt beth A. Hco-t, deceased. Notice Is hereby riven fhnr Hi, ,m. 'lersigned has ben luly appointed by the county court of Clatsop county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of '"'""'in j. rcott, deceased. All person having claim. min.i said estate are hereby notified to pre. """' iioiw in me vermeil as hy law reiulred. nt the law office of Fulton Bros., In Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore gon, within six month from the date of this notice. Dated this 20th ilnv of July A D IV ii. JO,,N SCOTT, Administrator of the estate of Elisa beth A. Scott, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olllce nt Oregon City, Oregon, July 21, 19ii0. Notice I hereby ulven that the fo-lowing-mimed settler has (lied notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said pr-sif will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Or egon, on September 7, 1900 viz: Nils Olsson, H. K. No 114S5 for the NVi of 8. K. 4. . W. .4 Section 23. and N. W. V4 of N B V Section 26. Tp. S N R. 10 W He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harold LlndHtad. Push, Oregon, Ole Anderson Push, Oregon. Charlie John- E,n.Vl-?'?f, 0r,'B,,n. L O. Norback, Portland, Oregon, CHAS. B. MftOTt.ES. Register. 1