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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1900)
TIIK . MORNING WOMAN. TIJt'KSUK JUWK 1. 9UO. '3 !IlAV UATC 3 iVHUA flAIJ The latest Summer Blocks... C. H.COOPER Sole Aire TODAY'S WEATHER IttftTl-AND. June 7.Falr and warmer In northweat portion of Ore iron today. All contrucU for udvcrtismji In tin AnIoiIuii arc inuJo on a guar, anted of circulation (our IIiiicm lurucr Hum Ihut of any purer fublUhuJ or clrculuU'J in Clul wop county. AROUND TOWN. BBaSSSBSSSW afresh buttermilk at tho Tarlor. Horses for sat at Oaston's stable. Charles Campbell was In Portland yeter1ay Ttoy West or Went port U In tha city t( bualllnai. II. U. C'olvln of Marshland Is In the city on business. Heat ll-cent meal, Rising Bun Ites laurant. (11 Commercial afreet. If you want lea cream that la made of pure cream try tha Parlor. Joffa restaurant the largeat and boat A trial will convince yoa, T. J. Andrew sml Mm. E. K. Dul lard of Oyfrvllle are In the city. Very few fish wore brought In yes terday but tli quality waa exoellent. For rent 7-room houae, nicely fur nlahed. Apply at Ut Eichange Btreet Sweet cream at tha Parlor 10 cents a. pint Just what you want for bar lies. Mr. Manaur and Mlaa Mansur of Knappton, Waah., came over yesttr day. "Wanted. To rent a centrally located furnished houae. Addreaa X, car As tortao. A good meal can be had at all houra, at tha Jewell boarding houae. 724 Commercial atreeL Moses II. lllrachy of lUllaboro and Emll lllrachy of Minnesota came down on the train laat night. The tender Manianlta went up tha river yesterday morning and came down again laat night It la rumored that the wedding of Victor Finch and Mlaa Martha Gilbert -will take place today. II. C. Zimmerman of Washington. D. C., and Charles Yelsley of Crockett. Cab, are at tha Parker houao. Puplla winning to take private lea aona, to make up grade work, apply to Mine Foasctt, 284 Tenth atroet A amall place at Clataop for aala or rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ,ply to A. Tagg, Parlor Candy Store. The steamer Harrison leave out for Tillamook and Nehalem with a miscellaneous cargo tomorrow morning. "Nlxey" llobson haa accepted a po altlon with a brokerage Arm In Port land and expecta to leave here on Mon day next. Thla evening at 8 o'clock the Junior clans of the High School will give a reception to tho graduating olaaa In ' the ac.hool assumbly hall. Roelyn coal laata longer, la cleaner and make leaa trouble with atovea and chimney fluea than any other. Qeorge W. Sanborn, agent Telephone 1311. Rev. O. Q. Haley of Warrenton haa . Just received notice of hla appointment as clmplaln In the army and will likely go to Manila. Mr. Haley graduated from the Portland University In 1807 and received the degree of A. M. from hla Alma Mater at the recent com mencement exorcises. DEIST 1B-CKNT MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. RISING 9 PBLL FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS; SICK HEADACHE, ) and CONSTIPATION, V Kindred WEAK STOMACH, J Dlacasct Bold TCrrwhera. In boxas. at 10 ecBti and 2S nt for Autoi m. t$ foil's d.illi luiji I'ortlund chocolates, fresh every other day, at the Parlor. Twenty-five mil and fifty cent boxes. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whUky The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and molljw. John I Carl son, sole agent. In tho county clerk's oltlce yesterduy John Martin David Albm-ht, a native of (Jerninriy, declared hie Intention of becoming an American cltlxen. II. L. I'lttock, buitliifBs manager of the Morning Orrgonlun, and his three JuuKbtcrs are lu the city. They will leave for II waco this morning. II. O. Van Dusen haa own granted a teniHirary b-ave of absence aa clerk of the water commission, and J. II. Mmim-ll haa been chosen to Oil the vocaney. ' ..t The llrltldh ahlp HI. Mlrren. bound for Quii imLown with 119,182 bushels of Hheat, cleared at tl.e custom house yslr1ny, but will remain .In port till morning. tf. Don't fall to try coco cola It la tha most popular new drink this season at the Parlor. Those who recelv coco cola tickets can get thum redeemed at the Parlor free. Roslyn coal la tha beat and moat eco nomical coal for household m in As toria. Try It once and yon will hava no other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Tchpbon 1S1L Cants are out announcing the mar riage of Mle Isabel Trulllnger, daugh ter of J. C. Trulllnger, to the Hon. T. T. Oeer, governor of Oregon, at the Presbyterian churoh, Thursday aftel noon, the 14th liuit. at 4 oclock, . . To those who drink whiskey for pleasure; Ilarper'a Whiskey adds aest to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake, Ilarper'a Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by Foard Stokca Co., Astoria. Mlsa Nellie Ingalls, Frank M. War ren. P. Robertson, C .11. Rail, A. R. Colby. J. West. E. E. Williams. Wil liam R. Stokca. A. M. Dokker, L, E. Cesady. William Dallls. Albert Gregg, and W. M. Fralne of Portland are In the city. O. F. Robinson of Kansas City, D. P. Eaaenbaxh of New York, George W. Comparet and wife of Chicago, Thorn aa W. 8pencer of Wheeling, W. Va.; N. S. Still of Chicago, and A. Oppen helmer of Son Francisco, were at the Occident yesterday. Commencement exerclsea of he High School tomorrow night will be well attended, aa a large number of tlcketa have already been Bold. The school children earn their own admla slon and sometimes mora by selling tlcko:s. It appears probable that the Mult nomah Amateur Athletlo Club will have an opportunity to teat the mettle of nur baseball nine on the glorious Fourth. Our team haa also received a challenge from the nine from the Chemawa Indian echool which recent ly defeated the Multnunahs, but can not, unfortunately, meet both teams on that occasion- A fulr-alaed audience greeted Presi dent Strong of the State University at the Presbyterian church laat night. Hla subject, "Governor MjDulTlo'a Mes sage on the Slavery Question," was handled In a masterly manner, and It la unfortunate that so few embraced the opportunity of hearing the moat able and entertaining address. President Van Dusen of the Cham ber of Commerce received a dlnpatch from Washington yesterday, stating thnt the house committee had agreed that the sundry appropriation bill should retain the 1250,000 appropria tion for repairing the Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river, and an appropriation for a survey for a canal find locks between Cclllo and The Dalles. !Vj ( IMPAIRED DIQESTION, DISORDERED LIVER and ( I tiMALE AlLAliiNTS. r ses. rants sash. Annual tala over (.000.000 boxes . I Pears.' What virtue there is in bare cleanliness! Pears' soap docs nothing but cleanse, it has no medi cal properties; but It brings the color of health, and health itself. Give it time. At the residence of Mrs. M. A. Ste vens, on Franklin avenue, last even ing at $:30, Fred J. Johnson and Mlsa Klltfn M, West were united In marriage, Rev, Henry Marcotte officiating. The pl"umnt drawing-room waa tast'-fully decorated In green and white, and the dinning hall In pink. About fifty guetits were present to Wish Our happy couple abundant prosperity. After the ceremony an elegant collation was served. Mr. Johnson Is a niemtH-r of the well-known grocery firm of Juhu-m-n llros, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will make a brief wedding tour to Cali fornia before settling down perma nently In Astoria. The tearing up of the old flooring and sldewulks on Commercial street has reveuled a mass of rotten Umbers which throw out an aroma which would do discredit to Chinatown. Heollh Ofllcer Henderson tins already placed on file In th office of the thief of police a statement of the bad state of afTHlrs In this part of town, and the confluent danger of disease, but aa yet there Is no evidence of any In tention on the part of the prcrxr au thorities to remedy the matter. In fact, the new planka are being laid without a proper removal of offer.slve mater ials, the removal of which the pres ent street Improvement makes an easy matter. This menace to public health ought to receive proper attention from our city officials. The Progressive Association met at their new rooms lost night and ap proved of the following-named per soiis as a committee to meet to morrow 'evening and appoint ex ecutive committee to conduct the regatta: F. L. Parker, H. U Ham blett. O. C. Fulton, R. O. Prael, Kd. Hullock, E. C. Hughes, Herman Wise, F. J. Carney. J. N. Griffin, John Mc Cue. W. T- Chutter, Chna. Swope, C. R. Hlgglns. J. P. Mayo, O. W. Louns berry, N. Troyer, C. C. Utxlnger, C. II. Stockton, It. C. Thompson. R. C." F. Astburv, Peter Grant, Duncan Stuart, R. D. Johneon. W. O. Wilkinson. M. son. DeLinn, Tom Corbett. W. J. Cook. Dick Carruthers, Grant Trulllnger and John Fox. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Emma C. Packard and husband to J. It. Johnston lot 4, block t, and west 10 feet of lot 1, block 6, Bradbury's Antorla; SIS. S. W. King to Harvey F. Cooley north halt of block IS, North Pacific addition to Astoria; lota 4 and 5, block I. Railroad addition to Ocean Park; $1. MUST WALK TO NORTH POLE. , For years have we struggled to reach the north pole by ahlp. Through hard ship and danger brave explorers have endeavored to reach the coveted spot The fact that the pole la atlll a mys tery polnta to the conclusion that our method waa wrong, and lends credence to the recent utterance of a learned scientist that we must abandon ship, copy the Esqulmo'a customs and walk to the pole. The same commonsense rea sons should be wpplled to health. There la only one road to recovery for sufferers from stomach disorders, and that la thruogh Hoatetter'a Stom ach Bitters. If you have tried to cure Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble without It, you have simply been on the wrong track. The Bitters will cure you. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new achedule of the O. R. A N. which went Into effect April 22nd. shortened the time to Chicago 11 houra, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. S, leaving Portland at :15 a. m. ta known aa the "Chicago-Portland Special." Ita equipment la new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now In aervlca from the Pacific coast to the East. The "Overland Expresa' leaves Port land at 4:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete aervlca both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the best of service to all local pointa on the O. R. & N. llnea. A NEW TRAIN. . - The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29th a New Train between St. Paul and St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be flrBt-cloas throughout. Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address . C. J. EDDY. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. OSTEOPATHY. Astoria ;. Oregon. MRS. C. J. RAMSEY. D. O. All chronic and nervous diseases of women treated by this method. Exam ination free. Hours, 1 to S. Cor. Fourteenth and Franklin. THE ONLY BICYCLE. The above heading glvea the What name 7 Rambler, of course. We have the exclusive agency. Call for our pricea and terms. . FISHER BROS. RUN OF FISH HAS BEEN SHORT Statement of Amount Packed This Season cn Colombia. Fish Must Become Much More Plenti ful to Avoid i Very Beery Los for Tbls Season, According to carefully prepared esti mates furnished the Aatorian from the most competent and trustworthy soyrcc the condition of the Columbia river salmon pack, at the various can neries, up to June 1st of this season was hh follows: Flxhermen's Co-opentlve 7.000 Hunoorn , 1.6W Cutting 2.J"0 I :oot h ."00 M.fiownn 2500 Melr 2.5o I'lllar ltK k 3.500 Warren (Cahllamet) 2,000 Heufert 2.000 Warren (Cascades) 2.000 McCowan (Cum miff) 2,300 Columbia River Packers Ass'n.... 21,000 Total Number Ca 62.600 As compared with the pock on May 31 of last year, these estimates Indi cate a probable very heavy total shortage for the season. Perhaps forty thousand cases of the prospective fulling ofT ire attributable to the up per river conditions, where, owing to the stage of the water, the cannerieo have practically concluded operations for the season, minus that number of cuius aa contrasted with 1899. The scarcity of now In the river Is pronounced abnormal by all engaged In the spring and aummer season. The one redeeming feature of the season's experience so far is the fine quality and size of the fish. Not for many years has the general average of the salmon caught reached so high a standard. It Is possible that the Improved runs later In the season may operate to somewhat reduce the shortage which now scorns certain. Fish will have to hi very much more plentiful between now and the season's clone, however, than they were during the cores pond In period of tst year to avoid a very heavy loss this reason. PUPILS SELECT DELEGATES. Name Those Who Will Choose God dess of Liberty for the Fourth. The dupIIs Of the Astoria schools, after a vigorous contest, elected the following as delegate to the convention which la to select m goddess of lib erty to preslde( at the Fourth of July celebration in Astoria, ine convenuon will take place on Saturday of thla week at S p. m,; but the place of meet ing haa not yrt been decided upon: Charles CleVland, Mary Berry,:;. Nellie Barker, Edgar Gearhart. Lulu Emes, Nellie Peterson, William Wood. Ethel Tlmmona, Jessie Helman, Fay Leberman, Prescott Wright, Wilson Stlne. Maude Van Dusen, Minnie Lighter, Walter Mayo, Harry Cohn. Gertrude Upshur, Donald Stewart. Charlea Fulton, Jr. ' Ada Kendall, Ella Martin. George Holmes, Emma Peterson, Frank Tlmmona, Lena Kopp, Kate Wood, Esther Lars en, Morris Adair, Mary Adair, Mary Clark. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM. Closing Exerclsea of the High School Tonight Tomorrow evening at Fisher's opera house, the Eighth annual commence ment exercises of tho Astoria High Schodi will take place. The follow ing Is the program to be rendered: Overture Columbia Orchestra Oration W. N, Jona Tha rhlnPoB Question. Essay Annie F. Jeftery Romnneea of the Columbia. v..i nnoriii Mexsra. . O. Smvthe. j t. Ross. S. T. McKean, W. Gratke Essay Jessie Sands On the Mountain Heights. Valedictory Edith L. Wood Drops of Gold. Vocal Solo MIbs Reba Hobson Cherette by Roeckel. Addresa Pres. W. H. Lee The Value of Education. Vocal Duo ..Mr. Smythe and Mrs. Ross I Feel Tnv Angei rpim. Du.tnHnn tt Clnnn tn Board Of Education Prof. Wm. W. Payne Awaralng ot LMpiomns '....Hon. C. W. Fulton The graduutlng class consists of Edith L. Wood, William N. Jones, An nl F. Jeffery and Jessie Sands. FISHERMEN'S FRIEND. Preservation Which Reduces Decay of Nets, Selns, Ropes and Can vus Ninety Per cent. When to the hazard of losing his life and property through the perils of the sea, to which the Columbia river fish ertnan is constantly exposed, is ad ded the rapid decay of his nets, selns, tarpdullnes, canvas, etc, from mildew and decay, It may safely be said of him that "his lot Is not a happy one." Fortunately j the deterioration- of these articles ;an bo arrested and con sequent losses reduced to a minimum Many preservatives have been tried In the pact but It remained for a Ger man chemist with practical Ideas to discover the boon so earnestly sought. So far aa experience goes, M shown by the testimonials of representative fishermen from the fishing grounds of Europe and America, the only sure preparation for the preservation of nets, selns, tarpaulins and ropes from the ravages of alternate land and wa ter exposure Is tha celebrated German discovery Avenarlus Carbollneum. This remarkable compound renders rot and decay Impossible, through Its antisep tic qualities, and tackle treated re quires replacement only when Its use fulness Is Impaired by actual wear and tear. This represents a saving to the fishermen of ninety per cent of their loss. Avenarlus Carbollneum renders rope canvas, etc., pliable and prevents freez ing or stiffening In the severest weath er, thus safe-guarding the property of the Columbia river fishermen not only during active use but also during the Inactive winter season when the ef facing Ingers cf decay work sad ha voc with his outfit, and spring con fronts him with a mortgage on bis future earnlrgs In the shape of a re pair bill. From an economic standpoint Aven arlus Carbollneum makes a strong ap peal for a trlaL One gallon of It goes a long way and the results of a single treatment surprise and delight the in credulous. Dipping or coating tackle, ropes or canvasa la all that Is required and tho article treated Is ready for Immedoite use. When the compound Is In general use on the Columbia, as It will be when Its merits are ascertained, thousands of dollars will be saved by a class of workers whose ardous and danger ous pursuit entitles them to the full est recompense It can be made to yield. Fisher, Thorsen . A Co., of Portland, Oregon, are the Pacific coast agents for Avenarlus Carbollneum, and It can be procured at Fisher Bros., Foard A Stokes and B. F. Allen of Astoria, BUMMER RESORTS. "To the mountains our people In In creasing numbers yearly look for those days of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma. chine In fair working condition. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while It lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flagging energies aa will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In thla direction the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractlona The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and accessible hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable cost, and where you can hunt, fish, ride, loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or if you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the springs of Ashland. Colestln, Anderson, Bartlett, Byron and Paso Robles. "Before visiting Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quiries concerning these attractive re sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. Markham, general passenger agent. Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag, Shasta Springs, McCloud river, Yosemlte, and excursion rates thereto. A FEW INTERESTING . FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety la concerned. Employes of tha WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our tralna are operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction polnta ' Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair cars on tnrougn tralna Dining car aervlca unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over..... The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Paas. Agt, or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wla General Agent, 246 Stark St.. Portland. Or. M4 40 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE V"" 4 Tram Marks 'V. .iO Designs 'rmO Copyright Ac. Anrnne lenitlng a nkslrh anil description my nutrklr ascertain our onlnion frea whtber aa tnTeuttnn 18 probably patentable. Communica tions trlctljrcnntlikintliu. Handbook on I'ataula tent irea. maeat aiiency lor aecumiff patemn. Patents taken tr.roui.-h Munn & to. reoalre tprtuil notice, without chanro. In tha Scientific Jltnerieasi. A hMtflsoraely tltnntratM wax k If. Iivflst cir- rnlatln f "T n'tri' Jml. fwur : four imiiiiiisv ii. toii bv jui 'Stt-TTt. ntJWBHit-auera, MUKLI Co New Yort Bianch Offlci. 635 Bt, Wi ahuitfton, D. C. k.1 ft V 71 i UV I f" 1 l f,Vi1-J-'Ll -1Mi ,Jk I I Thla itrlklnu photoijraph represent! the three-year-old son of 5Ir. Jess. Potter of 394 South Flmt Street, Brooklyn, Jf. Y., who says, nndr data of 8ept. 23, 1S99, regarding his cure of a diaflgnrlnjj face humor: My bsby'l face wa covered with ringworms. We could not lay a pin between the aorea on his face and neck, and he was a sight to look at. Two doctors attended him for three weeks, without success, when I heard of Cutlcura. I got a box of Cutlcura Soap, and a bog of Cutlcura Ointment. I only applied them three days, when I could see his face was better, and In four weeks tie was cured. His face Is as clear as a bell, and not a mark cn it. In all ths world there Is no treatment so pore, to sweet, so economical, so peeli!y elleo tire fur diatresitns akin and aralp humors of Infanta and children aa t ctk.ts. A warm bath with CtTTKTBA SoAr, and a single anointing with Ccticcba Ointment, parent of emollient skin cures, followed when necessary by a mild dose of Crrictnu BssoLTr.WT, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep to both parent and child, and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical rare when all else falls. Sold thronghout tha world. Price, THE SET, S1.28 1 or. Cimcca Soap, ttc, Cr-ncra. Oisttmust, cimrpa rtMOLvixT ane Ponxa Daua aid Cnia. Coar Sole Props., Boston. Miluw to Cure Baby H amors," free. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North PaciJfla Brewery, of which Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr John Kopp is proyietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in for domestic and export trade. the city free. North Pacific Brewerq Agricultural Implements CARRIED IN STOCK AND FOR SALE AT BOTTOM PRICES BY FISHER BROS. WEDDING weodihs cflsos VISITING CBSDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING We Rent New TVav V vT nit I "The world Owes Every Man a Living" But what Bart of living in it you get a with a pooi stove or range in your ? kitchen? l!uy a Star Estate Range J They insure good living V. J. Scully, Agent -431 DON!) Ha if v HARD TO BEAT Is our nickel cigar. The more you smoke, the more you'll praise It, because a veteran votary of the weed knows a good thing; when he lights It. Only smokers of these cigars have a match for them. Our five-centers can't be duplicated for a nickel anywhere else In Astoria, It's chasing a wlll-o'-the-wisp to look for anything better. WILL MADISON CARDS W ft SMITH I rn ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Buildlnjr, 4th.! end Washington 8ts. over LUt'i. PORTLAND, OREGON. CARDS Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Tenter New Art Catalogue Free .. . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO. Exolueive Pacific Count Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland 'Ore. F W. M'KECDNIE, Local Agent. t STKi-T ? I