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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1900)
THE MORNING ASTOfilAN, THURSDAY, JUNN 7, ItOO gaily gtaiovimn JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mail, per year ...J5.V0 c,t hv mall h(r month SO Cervtd by carrier, pr month CO SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by ma". Per year, tn advance $100 Poetise free to subscrlDera. All communications intended for p.b ;ioatjon should be directed to the editor. nl,,ma nf all kinds and remltur.cea muBt be addressed to "The Astonan." . mk. latnflan Pliaranleoa tO ItS ad A lie noii' --- - vertlsera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. : iatJ Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The determination of the republican con regional committee to depart from the policy of the past and establish it headquarters at Chicago instead of at Washington is significant of the belief "that the control of the next house Is to be won 'or lost in Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Michigan and the Western states. It is held that it w ill be easier for the campaign In these Important stats to be managed from Chicago than from Washington. The members of the congressional commit tee can thus be in close touch with the republican national committee and with the party leaders In the states mhere thehardest fight is to be waged. Doubtless a sub-headquarters will be maintained by the congressional com irittee in Washington for the purpose of readily obtaining the Information ttat Is available, just aa the national committee will do, but the real work is to be done In Chicago. The republicans are very well aware, though they do not say much about it publicly, that it will b? far easier for the democrats to carry the house than the presidency, changes of a compar atlvely few votes in a score of districts giving the democrats control whereas It would require the winning of sev eral states to elect Bryan. Of course there may be a landslide that will give the democrats a majority In the house and the presidency ' easily, but even the most enthusiastic democrats will admit that there is a better prospect of controlling the house than electing Mr. Bryan, though the average demo crat is now inclined to think that Mr. Bryan will be elected. It is expected that the democratic congressional committee will also have its chief headquarters at Chicago, though nothing as to that has been de cided as yet. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. The situation in China is being watched with the keenest interest by the officials of the state department and by men in public life, who are appreciative of its grave possibilities. It seems evident that the "Boxers" demonstration is of far more gravity than expected, and that it can easily develop so as to threaten the stabil ity of the Chinese empire. The Chi nese government so far seems utterly unable to prevent the destruction of foieign property by the "Boxers," or even to protect foreigners. The chief trouble with the outbreak is that it gives the desired excuse to Russia, Germany, France and Italy to engage fn the partition of China, which Great Britain and the United States have opposed though the latter has taken no steps to offset this movement. At the present moment Great Britain's Distress after eating lit otuwed from the stomach nut leginning lip work immediately. Until it (rets to wi,rk you feel d a trussed the food lays ia your stom ach like ii weight. To start diKtwtion to make the stomach do iu work you inuHt awust it If your stoiuavb U weak or alow to work, - Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets . No. 21 taken after meals supplies the stom ach with necewtary acid and juicee which tiigwt the fxxl quickly in a proper maimer. To gut the beet reaultsai Baldwin's Health Tablet No. IS with the Dyspepsia Tablets. 7 ho Dyupeuttia TaUuU coot Mo and g cau Delias at , g FRANK HART. Successor to Th, OUen. C00-1 Com. St. 1 hands are so hilly occupied In South Africa that she can do nothing to pre vent the partitioning of the empire. The fact that marines have boon sent from the Newark to' protect the American legation at Peking Is not surprising, nor does It Indicate tn any sense a determination on the part of the Vnlted States to meddle with the muddle. It is simply a sttp to pro tect our representatives In China and such Americans and foreigners as seek an asylum at our legation. Only a short time ago marines were sent to Peking for a similar purpose. The asrecment of the powers, at the solicitation of the United States, to preserve the open door in China gives us the comforting thought that even if China be partitioned our commer cial interests will not suffer, but that agre?ment may not be strong to resist the temptation that will come to Rus sia and Germany and France to pro mote their own' commercial advantages if the opportunity offers to do so at a time when w are not In a position to inrlst upon having the pledges kept. In other words, so long as we are strong enough to Insist on our rl&h;. that long will the agreement hold. Meantime the present outbreak Inter feres with trade and is a decidedly dls turblng element that may easily be come seriously menacing. A GERMAN PAPER POINTS THE WAT. Chicago Times-Herald. As the Dlngley law enables the president to retaliate against any country which discriminates against American exports, and the secretary of agriculture Is empowered specifically to pass upon food imports there can hardly be a necessity for special leg islation aimed at Germany. The only question is whether the nature of the trade is such that retaliation maybe made effective, and for an answer it la sufficient to turn to the Berlin Boer sen lieltung of April 14. This German paper has gone over the ground most thoroughly and has sat istled itself that the campaign of the agrarians Is suicidal. It begins with a gratifying showing of the Increase of exports from Germany to this country They have nearly doubled In two years, and it is calculated that they may amount to the enormous figure of n42.S00.00O In 1900 and so equal those from Great Britain. "How many thousands of Germans," exclaims the commentator, ''who are now dependent upon this trade for their support, would be without bread if It were suddenly to stop." The pinch comes on sugar, which is an agricultural as well as a manu factured product and corners the agra rians in their own homes. Suppose that Secretary Wilson should apply their ethics to this product He could certainly discover that it was a horrl ble menace to the public health, a noxious poison and breeder of fatal diseases- With a perfect appreciation of the facts The Boersen Zeitung says: "The amount of sugar supplied var ies considerably with the crop, from l.WO.OOO to 2,000.000 double centners. and we have already sent the Ameri cans as much as 100,000,000 marks, $23,S00,00C) worth. This we can con tinue to do if we maintain peace and friendship with them. But if we force the Americans into .retaliation, as our agrarians wish to do with their meat inspection law, and thus render im possible the exportaton of our sugar to the United States, we shall have no other purchaser for this enormous mass of sugar. The prices will then sink to the cost of production, and perhaps even lower- As a consequence many sugar factories and the farmers de pendent thereon will become bankrupt, and a prosperous German agricultural Industry will be destroyed," The paper is fully cognizant of the morality cf the German prohibition of American meats and gives this expo sition of the methods of the farmers during the earlier discussions on the offending LIU: "For a while even the Importation of meat was forbidden, as it was said to contain trichinae and other dangers. Now the agrarians are working In an indirect way; they demand two veterinary examii.ations of every ani mal, one before and one after it is killed. Our veterinary surgeons, how ever, cannot examine the American cattle before they are slaughtered, and, as a foreign country must not be treated, better than home producers, American m?at can be forbidden entry Into Germany a sly plan upon which a strange light Is thrown by the' fact that the farming gentlemen wish to have the law applied, not to themselves but to the wicked towns. When they butcher animals for use In their own households the law provides that these BHoiiscvYork is hard VtXrKWthout GoMDtisf Wuling Willow Furniture wd Wicker Uiiirs Tkitrckllro aooa bacon oolhtd, kit thty ou ko cleaned to Kaok Ills Kf vlia Cold Dust Visiting Powder uti vara nter. I'm i scrabalag braaai bta i lb tout 0114, ft trothi follow I will t kA try chMM doth, tmi vlpe 4ry TVm Iroa bods eaa aloe b wuhtd by tola I Botbed, bat Boot bo Ipod iry taktly. Tfc iWn H uko rtwai Mr fra Vwklri -souns ti'LU Kit Mtaaiwoajc' fcatttotoNiMrt tn a. a, raisaass ootsrasv, Ho Tw, veterinary inspections may be omit ted." Whatever modifications may have b-vn introduced in the bill Its spirit Is exemplified In the above passage and the Berlin paper not only Justltles re taliation but shows where It will hurt mv.t. is it not time for us to say to the agrarians: "The vlllany you teach us we will execute"? Corrects all blemishes ot the face, removes blot S dies, pln-ples. tan. sun- num. irecKtes ana maae. . . ., a beautiful complexion. Vnnoninn It is also the best tooth tvuuoiuuu washt and excellent for deranged stomach. THE PROOF of the pudding U to tho eaUag and the pros af hquon IS IN SAMPLING That's as anraaont that's elusive- denonstratioa. Ours will stand toe toot. HUGHES & CO. E1QHTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT OF Astoria IliQliScIiool Friday, June 8,8 P.M. Graduating Essays Good Music ADDRESS BY ...PRESIDENT LEE... OF Albany College Admission, 25 Cents (PROCEEDS FOR LIBRART FCND) Reserved Seats can be obtained with no additional charge, at GKIPPIX & REED'S BOOK STOKE H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. m Duane St, W. J. COOK. Mfr Astoria, Or. Res. Tel. 113t liDgAlLPOIJlTS EHST Through Palace and Tourist Sleep ers dining and library observation car. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4. "Flyer." leave. Portland at 6:"0 p. m. o. S. "Flyer." arrive. Portland at 7.00 a. m. For rates, etc., call or adflres. O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. A N., Astoria, Or. or A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. 4 T. A., Portland. Ore. THE I01VRE. Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Am me Sisters Ladies' Orchestra is .till on the bill, and present, nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard room, aw a feature in oounection with the bouse. Palatable lancbe. will be served at all noar. J, TIMB SCHEDULES Kioiu lortlanU. DEPART Abuti rhic - Portland hpeelal . lis. m At It Lake, Denver. Ft. i worm, umai.a. nan-: . a i;liy, M. Limla.j ' P" ra' Ctitraxd and Eat- talt Uke. lvnver. Ft.! At'inlle Kxprrss 9 p. m. W urth. Ou.aha, Kaa aat City. Si. Lwuii,! l lllrmjoHiul Kast, j a. m. W.llaWa'ia. l.- wM.m,: Siokano Vlyer, b. tn. Kikiie, Micnrapo I lii, hi. Paul, IXilulli,' Milwaukee, Cliirjgo1 anil Kal. j S Warn f From Anuria OCEAN STEA.MSMIP5. lAU tailing Pale sub j Jeot tu change. j Foi tfeo Fraueioco Hall May3,MS, W,a.!B j ColrmWa Rlror Btoamera To Portland aa4 Way LaBiiln.a 7 am EiSuuday 4 iux Mo day From Portland Salwii A Way-Laud a. ' WUUmotto ao. Vaoi- Tue.,Tbori .,(,,', :o-i.hL and Sat. uwtn uiiy, ijaytoa, , aud m. Klparla Imx dly 3:44 a to. t.D, LtUwtaU : K .uu a ia RlpartatoLwlaton. j daily am WILLAMETlE R1VKK Tnea, Thai Porlland to Crvalll Saturday and way IukIioks. 4: 0 p. m. Mod, Wed friday O. W. LOUNSBKRRT. Agent, Astoria W. . HUKLUUnT, Oen. Pass. Act. Portland, Or, (I A nmHa na ma PVU a Milwaukee ft Bti Paul Railway, known an over tne union as tne ureat Rail w ia v rnnninv ina mnnaaa . imi a trains every day and night vetween St Pa.ul urifl CYilrmmn an1 fm mA Chicago. "The only perfect train In tions are made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passenger, the bast service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, .team heat, ot a verity equaled oy no otner line. see mat your ticket read, via "The MllnailkM" hn rnlnr n ... in the United 8tates or Canada. All ncnei agents sell tnem. For rates, pamphlet, or other Infor matlon, addreM, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY. Trav Poaa A vt nAn A Portland, Oregon. Portland. Or, IiuxuRious Travel THE ''VnrthuMlara T Imlf." lln. electric lighted throughout,' both lnslds unu out, ana .team neatea, art with out exception, the finest train, in th. world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered th. traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid producton of th. tar Dunuers art. These Splendid Train. Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for the., superior accommodations and all classes of tick et are available for passage on the tarnous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the inienocKing hiock system. W. H. MEAD. F.C. SAVAGE. General Agent, Ticket Agt. Portland, Ore. J. A. Fastabencl. General Contractor and Builder L0DDPOIS0H A KDCrni A I TV "'!". h j I iLlary Itl.Ooo I-ulSOfI ptrmsnnntli 1 I icurodliilitoaidara. VoocanbotrMtMai 'f IhomeforatiDopricoanderiaineanarai J ty , I f you prefer to coma he ro . o w 1 1 1 coo tract to par railroad f areand hutel bllli.ark K Aarm.lfwofalltucare.ItroabaTatakeninep Cory, Iodide no tan h, and Mill bava arhaa an Piini. M ocooaVBtcheo In mouth, Hore Throat, ImplM, Copper Colored Hpota, llrra on lor part of tho bjdr, Hair or Eyebrow, fiillln. out, It If tbia ttecondary i:LoOI I'OlrtoS wo roarsntM to enro. Wo ooliclt tho moat oUti uato caaes arid Cballenaje th world for a raan weeaonot cure. Ttila dlnean baa alwaft bafSeatheakl 'l of the mot eminent phyl ciaoa. mintuAtw eapital behiod our aocoalt tlonal tnaraotr. AbaoluteproraMntaialedo tppliCTUo. Addrea COOK KKMKIV CO, V1 MaaocUo Xouuile, CUiCAUO, UJm o QUICKEST, SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT, LINE TO TUB EAST SOUTHEAST IS THE CToa TWO DAILY SOI.U VKSTinULEI) T11A1N3 LKS8 THAN TUHiClfl IUY3 PORTLAND TOCMICAdO Throuith Pnluce and Tourlnt Slprper., Ilnlng and Uuffrt Library Car. First claas Itecllnlng Chairs Free. rOHTI.AND to HKNVKn, KANSAS CITY. OMAHA and C1UCAUO without change. Only one clinnitt to NKW YOHK. UOSTON and other Eaxtorn points. For rates, tickets and full Informa tion, call on or aiUlrcas. Q. W. LOUNSBEIlflY, Agont O. It. A N.. Astoria, Or Or J. II. I.OTl!ltOI Oxn l Agt.. No, 135 Third St.. Portland, Or. " WHITE COLLAR LINl Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Bailey Oattert leave. Astoria dally except Sunday at T p. m. Loivri Por'and dally eicept Sun day at T a it White Collar Line ticket, and O. It, A N, ticket. Interchangeable on Salle Oatiert and llaasalo. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria. Agt U. 0. SCOTT, Telephone ill. President LKQAL MITIt'M . TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State. Land Oldce, Oregon City, Oregon, April IS, 1W0. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provision, of th. act of congress of June S. 1873, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber land. In the state, of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory." aa extt-ndrd to all the publlo land atatea by act of Auguit 4. 1891, Sarah U. Bottom, of Jewell, county of Clat sop, state of Oregon, has this day nied In this oitlce her sworn statement No. ilTD. for the purchase ot the NWH of srctlon No. IS, In township No. ( N, range No. ( W and will offer proof to how that the land .ought la mors val uable for Its timber or .tons than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish her claim to said land before th. register and receiver of this oftlc. at rcgon City, Oregon, on Saturday, th. 7th day of July, 1900. Bh name, as witnesses: John Corcoran, of Vine Maple, Oregon James W. Walker, of swell, Oregon, Isaac N. Foster, of J-well, Oregon, Bernard A. Johnson of Jewell Oregon. Any and all person, claiming ad versely the abo .-described land. ar. requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 7th day of July, 1900. CHAS. B. MOOBE8, Register. 8UMMON3. In the circuit court of th. .tat. of Oregon for Clatsop county. Itebecra Hail, plaintiff, va, William P. Hall, defendant. To William P. Halt defendant In the name ot iha .tate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the ISth Cay or June, 1900, that being the time prescribed In the order of pub lication of this summons for filing said answer, and If you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court for ths re lief demanded In said complaint, to- Wit. for the fllHaillllf Inn rt I h. h.,n1d of matrimony existing between you and tne piaintin ana ror such further relief as may he just and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. H. 1). Oray, county Judge of Clatsop county, Oregon, made and en tered th 2X1 h ilnv nf Anrll IWA- ..14 order being made by said county Judge in tne Rnsenceror tne circuit Judge, and tne oate or tne nrst publication is May 4. 1900, and the said publication I. to run six consecutive week, from the aia uato. GEORGE II. DURHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff Dated Astoria. Oregjn, April 28, lOo! ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that on Mon day, April 2, 1900. at It o'clock A. M at the court house door. In the city of Astoria, In Clatsop county, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Clat sop county, made and entered on Feb ruary 19, ym. 1 will, as administrator of the estate of Hendrlk Patree, de ceased, mil at public auction to. th. highest bidder for cash, the following described property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Lot two and the south west quarter of the northeast quarter 01 B'.-tiiiin rniiieen, intownsnip seven north, range ten west of Willamette morldan, In said Clatann county, and also, a contract for sal of the timber upon ald land, made by the said de reused and one Nick I'ctrorf with on. n. k. uoie, or date of June 4, 1898. uaiei aiarcn 1, iwi, FRANK J. TAYLOR, Administrator STATE TREASURER'S THIRD NO- TICE. Htatr of Oregon, Treasury Department, .-iHirui, june i, iwu. Notfpe la her.',hv crlvnn that .I.... . - - - - j r- . ' . . t,,u,v kl'CI, a, C funds on hnnrl with whlh in .nA.,m nil ritltHtnmllna atntA warranl, A . n "ui'uina i.iuwii on the general fund and endorsed "-resenita ana not paid for want of funds." nrlor to thla rtnto trrant ihr.,. drawn for convoying Insane for the etna io uiiu iipw; aiHO 10 pay All warrnnti A ra in nti tha t ......... ......... Vl. W1VI amit- i;a.lJ hnuntv funH nnA -ru1ral "Peoonnir. and nH paid for want of funds," prjor to May 20, 1893, and hat all Huch war rants properly endorsed will be paid est thereon ceasing from and after mis uaie- CilAS. a. MOORE. State Treasurer, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of th. "(at. ot Oregon for the County of Clatsop, F. A. Fisher and A. V. Fisher, part ners, comprising the firm oT.l'Isher Brothers, plaintiffs, v.. Herbert F. I Logan, Floreuee lignn, Alio Logan, as Individual, J. T. Boss, J. 13. Hlg Kins, II. C. Thompson, and 10, .. For huh. mi. as partners, comprising the linn or Boss, HlgKlns A Co., A. F. Allwn, A. Lewis, and J. C, Lewis, partner., un der Hi. Mr n name of Allen A Iwla, Fleckeiuietn, Mayor Co,, a corporation, and Alex, utlbert, defendants. To Herbert F, L. Logan, Florence Louan and Alien Logan, of the above named defendants: In the iinine of tho state of Orsgon, you and eh of you are hereby re quinHl to appear and answor the coin plaint Hied against you In tho above entitled suit, on or before th last day of Hi tlino prescribed In the onwr of publication of this summons, lo-wlt, seven weeks from the Hist publication r this summons, ami if you fall so to iwiawur. plaintiffs will take Judgment siid decree agitliist you, Herbert F. 1 I .on u n, for tlin sum or f:i95.D9, and th. further sum or fifty dollars attorneys' fees, with Interval on Hi. 13 at tho rat. of ten per cent per annum from March '. 1900, and dlMbursenieni. of suit. AgUsl each and all of you for th. foreclosure of the mortgage set out In lb complaint, executed by said Her bert F. L. Logun on the 14th of June, InM, to securo the payment of a not. t-xuvuted and delivered to plaintiff, on the Mia day of April, J894, the balance duo thereon being the amount, ubov. set out. For the sale of lands In Clat sop county, Oregon, described In said mortgage us blocks 16 and If, of Chel sea, ns laid out and recorded by M. M. Dee. Also lots Is, 20, SI, ti, and . In block 3, Login's sub-dlvlalon of block 9, In Clatsop Urovo. Tb. application of the proceeds after paying expenses of sale, to tho payment of said judg ment. For such other relief as shall be proper and asked for In .aid com plaint. The Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrido, jutlgo of tho above-entitled court, has this 9th day of April, lou, ordered and ill reod that the summons In the abv. cniltltid suit b served upon you by publication In the Weekly Astonan, ot Astorlu, Oregon, unco a week for seven consecutive weeks, and th. same will be so publlahed, the first publication being on the 13th day of April, 1900. J. Q. A. HOWLBY, Attorney for Plaintiffs. TRUSTEE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the un derNlgned. as trustee of the Columbia Kleitricul and Repair Company, bank rupt, has for sale the following de scribed property of said bankrupt, lo wlt; Flint, that certain machine .hop, blui kainlth shop, and tools thereof, sit uated upon I ho premises formerly oc cupied by said bankrupt at Ml and 535 on Bond street in Astoria, Oregon, In cluding all of the property or said bankrupt now situated on about the preuilaes of the ticow Bay Iron and HriiH Works In said city; Second, all bicycles, bicycle tin. la, supplies and bi cycle workshop; Third, all electrical good Including gas fllxtures; .Fourth, all ollire furniture and fixtures; Fifth, on building on lot 12. In block U In MvClure's Astoria. All of lists 1. 3, and 4 are now In the said premises for merly occupied by said bankrupt. A full and complete Inventory of all th. above property will be exhibited by the undersigned to intending buyer. uMn request, and the said property will also be exhibited to them, Healed bids will be received by the undersigned for alt or any part of the above described projterty but It Is pre ferred that bids be made for the lot as designated above. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 pt cent of the amount ot the bid. with the understanding that said 10 per cent shall be forfeited by success fill bidder If he falls to make good hi. bid. All bids must be delivered to the un derslgned at his ollire In Astoria. Or egon, on or before June 9, 1900, at the hour of 1 p. tn. o'clock, at which time bid. will be opened In presence of bid hers. The right to reject all bids which are not satisfactory Is hereby reserved, and sale Is to be made subject to con Drmation of the bankruptcy court. Dated May 31, 1900. C. R. THOMSON. Trustee, CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, Land Of fice, Oregon City, Oregon, May 7, I90U. A sufllclnnt contest affidavit having been lllud In this olllco by W. M. Howell, contestant, against Homestead Entry, No. ,., made November 14, 1891, for N of NW14, Section 17, Township 5 N, Itiinge 10, by Cory O. Adams, contestee, In which It Is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition of the same; also that said Cory O. Adams has wholly abandoned said tract of land and changed his residence there J from, fur mora than four years since making said entry and next prior to date of this affidavit, and that he has fulled to cultivate and Improve said tract of land as provided by law and that said alleged absent, from the said land was not due to his employment In the army, nnvy, or marine corp. of the United States as a private soldier, ofTt cr, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain, or during any other war In which the United States may be en uuged," said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evident'. touching said allegation at 10 o clock a. m. on June 22, 1900, - before the register and receiver at the United States land olnce In Oregon City. Oregon. Tho said contestant having, In a prop er alliilnvit, Illed February 1, 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, It Is hereby orderej and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Signed, WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver, NOTICE FOR' PUBLICATION. Land OfTlue al Oregon City, Oregon, April 28, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol Inwlng-nnmed settler has filed notice of her intention to ma'te final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Oregon City, Oregon on Juno 11, 1900, viz: Margaret C. Corcoran, formerly Margaret C. Walker, II. 10, 12229,for the E. V, of N. W. 'A, N. K. M of 8. W, Section 32 and S. E. M of S. W. 14. Section 29, Tp. 8 N., R. 7, W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: David Tweeddle, of vine Maple, Or.- Ron; Edward Winterbusn. or vine Mnple, Oregon; Joseph Lynch, of Mlsh awako, Oregon; Kdward Ocddcs, of Jewel, Oregon. CHAS. ii. MOOHES, ' Register. l.tdU MITICKR. . RECEIVER'S SALE. In tho Circuit Court, 8tat of Oregon, County of Cl iisop. Tho Security Savings Trust Com-(any-pluliilllT, vs. Tho Astoria Street Railway I'oinpuny defendants. Notice I. hereby given that III pur suance, of a Judgment, decree and or der of sale duly niaiio and eulerr in tlin above entitled suit In the above entitled court on Monday His IMtt day ot May, I'.NMi, which luiUmeut was In favor or planum ami against iii'tcnn ant for the sum of thirty thouaand, two hundred and fifty dollars and th. costs Alld illabiliaeineiils of suld suit, and In and by which Judgment and de cree Dm liioi'UMgc executed to plaintiff by d 'fendiiut on On 2nd day of May, l.sii described In tits complaint In tho above entitled suit was foreclosed and aid sum of thirty thousand, two hun dred and fifty dollars secured by said moi'luuse, together with Ills costs of said suit was declared V) be a lien Upon all the property mentioned In said mortgage and In tho complaint In this suit and herein set out and which judgment, older and derreo directed mil as receiver of all said property heretofore appointed In the above en titled suit to sell all said property to satisfy uld Juduiiieut, coats and accru ing costs, 1 will on MONDAY, Tllll JNU DAY OF JULY, I'M), at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. ot said day, at the court house door In Clulsop county, stale of Oergou, sell for rush In 1'. S, gold coin, to tho high eat bidder ull rliiht. title and Interest which the ilereiidunt, the Astoria Hired Hallway had on the ?nd day of May, i. or has since acquired on the prop erty inetilloiied In said liiortxngo or acy part thereof, which property I. more particularly described as follows, lo-wlt; All the real proxrty of said Anloiiu Htri'ct Railway tVmpnny, Us rights of way. enaeuirtits and appurte nances, al lis rullroad and street tall way In the tlty of Astoria and In suld county of Clatsop, the roadbed, tracks, poles, lines. Hues of wire, overhead coitrucilon, engines, machinery, dy namo, generators, oloctrlo motors and other clectiicul apparatus, and all tool, and Implements, ull rolling slock, car. equipments, all leaseholds, all build ings, car houses, power houars and oth er structures; all licenses, rights, priv ileges and ft'uuchlaca apertainliig to said abovo mentioned prorrty, or owned or belonging to said railway company, or In or to which II has any rlk-ht, title or Inter -at; all things In so lion, contracts, claims and demands, and all and singular, all the property, real, iMTsonnl and mixed owned at the dale of said morlgtigo or thereafter acquired by an id railway couiany as well In law as lit equity, and the In comes, revenues, rents, Issue, and pro fits of said properly; and with th. right to the purchue-r ot said property to succeed to and enjoy all th rights, privileges, Immunities, fram-hlsm, and all llcenx'S, corporate or otherwise of said railway company, being the entire and complete railroad and street rail way plant and property of said com pany. The street railway of said railway company, being substantially on Hi. following routs and on the following named streets of said city of Astoria, to-wlt; Beginning at tho Intersection of Court street with Washington street, running thence easterly on said Court street to West Fifth street; thenc. southerly on said West Fifth street to Cedar street, thence enaterly on said Cedar street to Salmon street; thrnr. southerly on said Salmon street to Hemlock street: thenc. easterly on said Hemlock street to the north .Id. line of Fifth street (being the south side line of block sixteen (14) In th. Port or l'pwr Astoria); thenc. north easterly erosalng said block sixteen (t, Augur street and block seventeen ill) In said Port or Upper Astoria to Fourth street; thence easterly on said f ourth street to Bonneville avenue; thence northerly on said Ronnevlll. avenue to Third street: and thenc. easterly on said Third Street to Dick inson avenue, with the side tracks, switches and branches belonging or appertaining thereto. The real property now owned by .aid railway company, and hereby adver tised ror sale consists of those certain lots, tracts or parcels or real property lying between and situate In Clatsop county, state of Oregon, particularly dew r I bed as follows, towlt: All of lots two (2), Hires (), four (4), nine (), ten (10) and eleven (11) In blink numbered two (2) In Hhlvely'. Astoria (now In tho corporal, limit, of the city of Astoria.) And alno all of lot two (3) In block numbered two (2) In Port or Upper As toria (now In the corporate limits of suld city or Astoria.) Reference being hod herein to the ro corded and established maps and plat, of said Hhlvely's Asdvrla and Port ot Upper Astoria. Together with all and singular the ten ements, hereditaments and appurte nances belonging, or In any wise ap pertaining to mi Id lots, tracts or par cels or real property; Being all and singular the property or said defendant corixiratlon, The Astoria Street Hallway Company,- real, personal or mixed; and all rights, prlv- , lieges, Immunities and franchise, owned by said company, And notice Is hereby further given that I will offer for sale and .ell alt snld property above described, real, IM'rsonal and mixed, and said premises, lights, privileges and rranchlse. and Immunities or every kind and descrip tion covered by suld mortgage or May 2, 1S92, whether owned by sold defend ant at the date or sold mortgage or since acquired, In one parcel, to satlsry said judgment, liens, costs and accru ing costs. Bonds secured by said mortgage and overdue coupons belonging thereto will bo received on account of any amount bid at snld salo as provided In said de cree und order of sale. C. A. COOLIDOE. Receiver of Astoria Street Railway Company. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., May II, IJTO. Notice Is berebv ulvnn that th f,,l. lowing-named settler ha. filed nolle. of his Intention tn lllnkn flnnl nrnnf In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the county clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, uiegon, on juiy is, mix), vis: BARTHOLOMEW J. BURKE. IT. K. No. 12:!:'t',. fur tim a hnip f th SE quarter, NE quarter of BE quar ter and HI-: nilnrh.r nf MM nnnrln. nf section 9, T 6 N, R 10 W, He-names the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon end cultivation of said land, vlx: John P. Ehennnn nf Hnaal.l rira- gon: James Irwin, nf HoaqI,i. George Irwin, of Seaside, Oregon; Phil ip m, k-onuil, (or Heaslde, Oregon, CHAB. U. MOOREE, Register. Dr. T. N. Hull DENTIST. 6TJ ComroorolU Street, ISWinn nnn Over Bchluatel'. Clothing Store,