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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1900)
rilK MORNING ASTORIA. UEDNSSDAY. MAY ll(K) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mail, per "r Jv0 Sent by mall, per month SO Eervtd by carrier, per month M SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year. In advance J1.00 Postage free to subscribers. A U. communications Intended for pab acailon should be directed to the editor. Business communication" of all kinds an remittances must be addressed to "The Astorian." Th? Astorian guarantee to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia rher. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. THE DECISION ON THE GOEBEL LAW. Unjust aa the decision of the su preme court undoubtedly Is. It la the law of the land and must be obeyed, The renublicans have the solace at least of knowing that It was a repub Hcan Judiciary that thus upholds the law, regardless of the politics involved and even to the point of suffering In justice to be done In order that the In tegrlty and supremacy of the law may be vindicated and maintained. The controversy In Kentucky is one Involv ing purely state law that under takes to determine the manner In which the result of a state election shall be determined. The law Is an outrageous violation of human rights and liberty, to be sure, but it Is Ken tucky's law she made It, It Is her bed, the will have to lie In It. It Is the re publicans who are abused this time by the law it may not be republicans next time, and retribution will follow as surely as night does the day. It Is that Governor Taylor ever wasted the time in aa appeal to the su preme court. No lawyer In the coun try thought from the beginning that he could succeed. Perhaps he felt obliged by his sense of duty to resist to the last notch, or perhaps he wanted to make the law from which he suf fered made as odious as possible by showing the utter futility of resistance to it. Those familiar with the terms of the constitution know that right of self-government among the people of the states is so Jealously guarded by that instrument that there can be no Interference from the federal govern ment in the election even of members of congress and presidential electors. The determination of the method of the election of these officers is left absolutely to the state, as appears from the provisions of the following section: The times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and rep resentatives shall be prescribed In each state by the legislature thereof; but the congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations except as to the places of choosing senators. Thoueh the power to regulate is thus conferred upon congress, the state leg islatures are first mentioned as the re positories of this power, and the prac tice of non-interference by the feleral authorities has been approved because of the obvious dangers of the opposite course. Retter a domestic conflict than a tyrannous use of authority which might result if a violently par tisan administration at Washington should attempt to control the polls. That would be to substitute the Fop the The fifty-cent size is just right for the baby. A little of it in the bottle three or four times a day will supply precisely the fat all thin ba bies need. If your baby does not gain in weight as fast as you would like, try Scott's Emulsion The result will please you. If the baby nurses, the mother should take the emulsion. It makes the baby's food richer and more abundant; only buy the dollar size-it's more economical. Both mother and child will fed at once Hi ititngthening, upbuilding and fat-producing properties. At all dnjcr-'iU ; foe. and i oo. 6C0TT 4 bO N K. CheroiiM, New York. Baby giv.ur evil for the less, and might be com a serious menace to the llbertls of the ieople. Only in case a state is deprived of n republican form of government, or In c;xe the executive or legislature calls for assistance to put down domestic vi, is there any Justification for action on the part of the federal gov ernment. Honest and Intelligent cltl ions of Jiher sections of the country may regrvt the injustice and oppres sion of the Kentucky law, but It Is Kentucky's affair, and as long as she sees fit to put up with It, It w ill be her own shame and her whole people will suffer from Its consequences In the end PROSPEROUS TEAR COMING. A leading English crop authority has announced that the grain crops of Eng lend and France are sure to be late and likely to be bad this year. While thi& is r.ot conclusive as to universal Euro' pean grain shortage, the conditions that are affecting the grain crops In Great Britain and France . are likely to be more far-reaching, and It is rea sonable to conclude that the American surplus bread supply is to be drawn upon beyond the demand of former years. This prospect makes the crop conditions of the t'nited States of the utmost Importance, and fortunately the outlook is good. With a heavy foreign demand for American breadstuff's and an American crop ample to meet such demand, a prosperous year for American farmers is always assured. While counting un- hatched chickens is not ever advisable, American farmers have no cause to lay awake o' nights wondering where the money is to come from to pay In terest on farm mortgages and to keep plow and reaper going and in repair. The crop outlook Is good, the demand fro mabroad promises to be good, and1 when crops are good and buyers plenty prosperity is assured for all. Phila delphia Times. WHEN THE CENSUS MAN COMES. Chicago Times. It will soon be time fcr the census enumerator to begin to enumerate, and before he comes it may not be out of place to speak a few words In his be half. There will be a lot of pointed questions asked by him. but let no good woman take umbrage at what to her may seem Impertinence on the part of the government's agent. When he looks calmly into her face and asks her whether she Is white let her answer yes sweetly, if she is, or If she is not, she may tell him no with equal suavity. Nor should she exhibit any reluctance In giving her age if he asks her how old she Is. Let her remember that the enumer ator is not acting as a spy for anybody In the next block, but as the represent ative of our glorious country, and that he Is putting his questions not for the purpose of satisfying his own curiosity, but because he is endeavoring to gath er statistics that congress Is anxious to obtain. Let the fair lady understand that the census enumerator has no desire to wrong her, and let her refrain from treating him as a percon who wishes to find out things that are none of his business. Let her tell him all he wants to know. He will have become so tired of asking questions by the tme he reaches her that he will ask for no more Information than It Is positively necessary for him to obtain She may be sure of that. And let her always remember that this report will not be published in the papers- So she will run no risk whatever In an swering him. Moreover, It will be use less to try to get him to tell how old the lady next door said she was. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRIVING and expressing All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. B33 Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mrr Res. Tel. 113L J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder THE I01VRC. Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Bisters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the hpiiKe. Palatable lunches will be served at all oorjrs The Best Washing Powder, Housework Is Hard Work Without It Corrects all blemishes of ITI;P JArn p the face, removes blot' Vi lSQOm S rlies, pln-ple. tan, sun ourn, irecmes ana Kobcrtine a beautiful complexion. also the best tooth ash, and excellent for deranged stomach. H. C. THOMPSON REUl lAR RKI'I BUCAN NOWINER KOK COUNTY TREASURER VOTE FOR HARRISON ALLEN tor Aitorla) RKPI BLICAS CANDID TS KOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY FRED W1CKMAN I NOEPEX D EXT C A N DID ATE. r'OU SHERIFF FRANK R. STOKES REITBLH AS NOMINEE FOR REPRESENTATIVE VOTE FOR THOMAS LINViLLE REGULAR REl'CBIJPAX NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF VOTE FOR D. J. INGALLS REuTUR RHTBUCAN NOMINEE FOR COIXTT CO.n.UISSIOXER J. T. LEE REGULAR REPCBLICaX NOMINEE FOR CvlHI tmiOTESIEIT f SCHOOLS C. W.CARNAHAN REGULAR REBIBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia River and Puget 8ound Nav Igation Company. Bailey Gatxert leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Por'and dally except Sun day at 7 a. m White Collar Line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. tt r A;LTAYL0R- Astoria, Agt U. B. SCOTT. Telephone UL President ItuxuRious Travel THE ' Northwestern Limited" ralns, electric lighted throughout, both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid producton of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT BT. PAWL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick et are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, F.C. SAVAGE. General Agent, Ticket Agt. Portland, Ore. THE PROOF of the pudding la to the eating and the proof of I'quora IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's ceo elusire-a demonstnatioa. Ours will stand the teat HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAlSlNQ AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Men people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable aa far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our train are operated so as to make close con nectlons with diverging lines at all junction points. I'ullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Uesia served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Agt. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent, 246 Stark SU Portland, Or. Dvpot Fifth and Leave I Streets. ( Arrlv overland Express Trains for Salem. Loseburg, Ash land, Sacramento. 7:30 p.m Ogden, Saa Fran- f:ll a.m Cisco, Mojave, Lc Anselea KI Paso. S-JO a.m New Orleans and 7:0 p.m At Wood burn (daily except Sun day), morning train connectrwith train for Mt. jn gel. Bilverton. Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for ML Angel and Silver ton. 17:20 Corvallls passea- lil.Mp.m t:tfa.m ger. 4:E0 p.m Sheridan passen ger Dally. JIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sal between Pari. land, Sacramento and San Francisco. aet rates J17 first class and 111 second class, Including sleeper. nates and tkketa to Eastern do nU and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. Klrkland, Ticket Agent, U4 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, l:4 m.; 12:30, 1:65. 2:25. 6:15. t.'U I; OS. 11:30 p. m.; and 9:00 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at ' U, 8:30, 10:S0 a. m.; 1:36, 1:15, 4:30, 1:20. 7:40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dalas dally, except Bus- day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 8:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlie Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, inursaays ana Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. U. MARKHAM, Gen. Fit. and Pass. Agt QUICKEST, SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO THEJ EAST A SOUTHEAST IS THE TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULB1) TRAINS LESS THAN THREE DAYS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Library Cars, First class Reclining Chairs Free. PORTLAND to DENVER, KANSAS CITY, OMAHA and CHICAGO without change. Only one change to . NEW YORK, BOSTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Informa tion, call on or address, G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. A N., Astoria. Or.. Or J. H. LOTHROP, Geni Agt., no. lib Third St., Portland, Or. &E.1ST WSty SOUTH 41 f4LLS'i , O, r.i " LJ fil l Sr TMfl ..CttlUHU.R. rion, torlluul. liKPART 'tit-H IVniniut li. Ill Akhivi nll Like, Penver. ft north, final,.. kn i it y , hi. 1,011m. 4 p. in. t lilcug.i mil ri. 1.. ........ . .. AlUn inn iMi, in-iiver, n. '"' IMelli. Uu.Klm, Kmi JM I Illy. Hi. IvMt, I . III. v """' "ll K IV Uh Walla, I. wUton, MHikaiii. MImii'k IK M. I .ill. I'll uili. Vlycr, p. in. 111. Mliwttiliee, t,i,. g,i mitt ne.ii Prom Aaloila OCUAN 8TBAM.M1IP3 All tatllliii DkI.hi luh I llH(t Ul I'hmiit. For Hnu Kroiivimt-Null May 3.1, is, iR, a.t Coli'mbla Rlwr Hlamra To I'orilaad ea4 Way Lamllns. 7 am b' Humbly to 111 't Mu il) t f. m ' 'i" l i'MUiui 4 IU t. Ill Kir.iTa-L""",l ' Orvitou ijtv, Nvwtwr Kt)UIlj ;WIIUmiu i4 Vim a. m kill Klrart. I ID l. in, tur. lUIII" . , YOM.W.d. tuatw, jOTSu .), iwyinu, Way Umllug lid r rt. Kliurt. I rliiltli Uiy i 5nksKlvr. V.UU III Uiy J Hirltk UwlUm. lim IVII I .Vf VT' !. Itlvrlf Tu,Thui I I'ortlnii.l ,i C,irv,IU .ll.P.U I .... 1 1 : 0 p. Ul. Mull. Wril Kr.lf O. W. LOUNSBSRRY, . . Agent, Astoria. W. II. HURLBUIIT. Uen. Posa, Agt. Portland, Or. ERST Through Palace and Tourist Sleep ers dining and library observation cars, ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4. "Flyer." leaves Portland at 6:20 p. m. No. J. 'Flyer, arrives Portland at t:00 a. m. For rates, etc., rail or address O. W. LO UN SUE RRT, Agent OR. N.. Astoria. Or. or A. B. C. UENNISTON. C. P. A T. A.. Portland. Ore. I. til. I. Mllll'K. IMPROVEMENT OF AVENUE. FRANKLIN Notice Is hereby given, that the com mon coun 'II of the city of Astoria, has ik'termlne.l and Intends to Improve or repair that portion of Franklin avenue In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county. Mate of Orvg in, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlveley from the West line of 31st street to a point fifty ft west thiT of throughout the width of said portion of said street, by straighten ing up the existing posts or underpin ning and putlng In ten new posts un der said portion of raid roudway or trestllng and taking up the existing raps and string ts and replacing them in their proper position and putting In a new cap adjoining the crossing of said street with 31st street and by con structing new side walks ten feet wide on each side of said portion of said street and replanklng said portion of said h tied from curb to curb with new sound llr planking 1:' inches In width by 4 inches :n thicknt-ss. All material to be used in ni Improvement to be of good :und fir lumlit-r either red or yel low arid said work Is to be done strict ly In accordance with the plans and Hpcclllcatlons to be prepared therefor by the city surveyor. That the costs and expenses of said repair or Improvement shall be de frayed by assessment of the lots, lands and pr-mls.'s ipeclnlly benefited by the same which are hereby Included In a specinl assessment district to be as sessed to defray the costs and expenses of said improvement and Is as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 12 In block US and running thence southwesterly through the middle of block UH to the northwest corner of lot 7 In block HH, thence southerly to the southwest corner of lot 6 In block 2, thence northeasterly to the southeast corner of lot 1 Ir block 2, thence In a straight line to the pluce of beginning, and containing lots from 7 to 12, both inclusive In block HH. and lots from 1 to S. both Inclusive In block 2, all In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or egon. as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley. That the city surveyor has been di rected to prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judge or said city estimates of the costs and expenses of said repairs and specifications for said proposed work. That this notice Is published for eight days In Ihi Morning Astorian In pur suance to a resolution duly adopted by said council on the 21st day of May, VM). the date of the first publication of this notl-e being on Mny 23. 1!00. H. K. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., May 17, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Oregon, on July 2, l'JOO, viz: RARTHOIXIMEW J. BURKE. If, E. No. 12326, for the 8 half of the SE quarter, NE quarter of BE quar ter and BE quarter of NE quarter of section 9, T 6 N, R 10 W, He names the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John P. Eberman, of Seasldn, Ore gon; James Irwin, of Seaside Oregon; George. Irwin, of Seaside, Oregon; Phil ip M. Condlt, of Seaside, Oregon, CHAS. B. MOOREE, Register. Dr. T. N. Ball DENTIST. 871 Commerdtl Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Scblusiel's Clothing Store. LKIIAL NOTICE NOTICI9 FOR PUBLICATION. I .and Ottloe at Oregon City, Oregon, April HH. 1H0O. . Notice Is hereby given that the tot-luwlng-tmmed settler bus filed notice of lu'i' Intention to mnke llnrU proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be nunlrt before the ri'iilnter and recwlvor at Oregon City, Oregon oil June 11. m, t H Tar,.w.k M I'm Margaret l I'owoiaii, formerly larct C. Walker. JI. K. lU.ri'r the !' 'ii of N. W. 14. N. K. of M. W. K. Section 3J and S. It U of 8. W. Section M. Tp. I N It. 7, W. 'She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultlvatloir of said land, vis: David Tweeddle, of Vine Mupl, Ore gon; Edward Wlnterbusli, of Vine Maple, Oregon; Joseph Lynch, of Minn awitkit, Oregon; Edward Ueddvs, of Jewel, Oregon. CIIA8. 11. MOOltlCH. Register, ADMINISTRATORS SALIil. Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant to an order mado and entered In the county court of the state of Oregon fur 1 latsiip county on the Jinn day of April, I'XX the undersigned, adminis trator of the estate of 1. W, Coleman, deceased, will, on Wednesday, the lh day of June, 1W0. In front of the court house il.xir, at the city of Astoria, In I'latsop county, state of Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder fcr cash, all of the following described real estate altualed In said county, to-wlt: The north half of the southwest quar ter, and the west lulf of the southeast luurter of Section number one (1), In Township M t8, north of Range nine (!, west or the Willamette meridian. Dated ut Astoria, Oregon, this first day of May, lm. I.. W. FULTON. Administrator. NOT1CK Full PUBLICATION, I-nnd Ottlce at Oregon City, Oregon, April 21, . Notice Is hereby given that the fid- l.'Wlng-tmmrd settler has filed notice of hi Intention to make final proof In eupiHirt of his claim, and that said Proof will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on Juno I, I'ah), via: JOHN V. UUSTAVSON. brother and heir at law of Isak Ous- tason, deceased. II. 1: No. loso, tor the south half of the XW quirtvr and north half of the SV tjuarter of section 10, T 4 N, l; 7 w. Uh 11. lines the following witness's to Prou Ms coullnuous resl'leiice upon biiI lUlilvatlon of said land vli: Jacib l.i liKson. of KIhIb. tirecon: Kller.l . Krltkson. of Elsie. Orecon: Nils Uihtl, of Astoria, Orrgon, Jucoli lit iiililckson, of Astoria, trrgon. CHAS. B. MOoltES, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that on Mon day, April 2, 1H). at 10 o'clock A. M, ut the court hoiioo door. In the city of Astoria, in Clatsop county, Oregon, pursuant to ar. order of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Clat sop county, made and entered on Feb ruary 1), VMM, 1 will, as administrator of the estate of Hendrlk Patree, de ceased, sell at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following deurlbed property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Lot two and the south west quarter of the northeast Quarter of section thirteen, Intownshlp seven north, range ten west of Willamette meriiian. In said Clatsop county, and. also, a contract for sate of the timber upon said land, made by the said de ceased and one Nick PetrorT with ons R. R. Cole, of date of June 4, 18S. uatea at arc n 1, iw. FRANK J. TAYLOR, Administrator. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, Land Of fice, Oregon City, Oregon, May 7, lv0. A sufllclent contest affidavit having been filed In this olllce by W, O. Howell, contestant, against Homestead Entry, No. ,M7, made November 14, lN'Jl, for N'4 of NWI4, Section 17, Township 5 N, Range 10, by Cory O. Adams, contestee, in which It I alleged that contestant "knows the present condition of the same; also that said Cory O. Adams has wholly abandoned said tract of land and changed his residence there from, for more than four years since making said entry and next prior to dnte of this affidavit, and that he has fulled to cultivate and Improve suld trui't of Innd as provided by law and Unit said alleged absence from the suld land W'iLm not due to his employment In the army, navy, or marine corps of the 1 iilt-d Mates as a private soldier, am or, seaman or marine, during the war witii Spain, or during any other war In which the United States may be en-gugi.-d," suld parties are hereby notllled to appear, respond and offer evidence touching snld allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 22, 1900. before the register and receiver at the lulled States land office In Oregon City. Oregon. The snld contestant having, In a prop er alfldavlt, filed February 1, 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made. It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Signed, WM. OALLOWAY. Receiver. SUMMONS.- In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county. Rebecca Hull, plaintiff, vs. William P. Hall, defendant. To William P. Hall defendant In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the ISth day of June, 1900, that being the time prescribed In the order of pub lication of this summons for filing said answer, and If you fall to so appear and answer suld complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint, to wlt, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between you and tlio plaintiff and for such further relief as may be Just and equitable. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. J. II. D. dray, county Judge of Clatsop county, Oregon, made and en tered the 2Xth day of April, 1900; said order being made by said county Judge In the absence of the circuit Judge, and the date of the first publication Is May 4, l!t0, and the said publication Is to run six conuecutlve weeks from the said dato. GEOT1075 II. DURHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated Astoria, Oregon, April 28, 1900. l.s-CIAL NOTIt'KH. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of Ilia State of Oregon for the County of Clatsop, K. A. Fisher and A. C. Flslwr, part iters, comprising the llrni of I'lslmr llrotheis, plaintiffs, vs. Herbert F, L. Loiiitn, Flornnce liogitn, Alice Lngan, as Individuals, J. T. Boss, J. 10. Illg gins, II. C, Tliuiiipsoii, and 10. ' Fer guson, ns partners, compilsliig Urn firm of Ross, Hlity-liis A Co., A. l' Allen, A, lU, and J. I', Lewis, partners, un der the Hi in iiNine of Allen A I-wls, Flickensti In, Mayrr Co., a corporation, and Alex, tlllbsii, dvfendaiits. To Jletlieit F. L. Logan, Klorcnce Logan and Alice Lttn, of the above ttutiipd doftndsnts; In the name of the slate of Oregon you and each of yuu are hereby re uuired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before Hie lost day of the time prescribed In the oruer of publication of this summons, to-wlt, seven weeks from the llrst pulillrallon of this summon, and If you fall so to answer, plaintiffs will lake Judgmant and decree against you, Herbert F. 1 Lotan, for the sum of km the further sum of fifty dollars attorneys' fees, with Interest mi 1-HsnJ at th rate of leu per cent per annum from March 29, luoo, and disbursements of suit Agalttst each slid all of vuu for the foreclosure of the mortgage set out In tne complaint, exci'iilnl iy said Her bert F, 1 Irfigmi on the 14th of June, I Ml, lo secure the payment of a uote executed and delivered lo plaintiffs on the J'Uil day of April, Invt. Ilia balance due thereon being the amounts above set out. Kor Ihn sale of lands In Clat sop county, Oregon, descrlU4 In said mortgage ms blocks 16 and le, of Chel sea, mm laid out and recorded by M. M, Dee. Also lots IS, W, n. S3, and 21. In blin k 9, Log.m's sub-divUioii of block . In Clatsop Ureve. The application of the proceed after paying riprniaa of sale, to the payment of said Judg ment. For such other relief as shall be proper and asked for In said com plaint. The Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above-vitlUM court, has this vth day of April, lm, ordered and ill re! ird that the summons In the alive entitled mlt Ui served upon you by publication in the Weekly Astorian, of Astoria, Oregon, once a week for eeven consecutive weeks, and Die same will bo so published, the first publication being on the Uth day of April, I'M). J. q. a., Attorney for Plaintiffs, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Slates Lund Olllce, Oregon City, Oregon. April Is, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In torn pllunr. with :he provisions of the act of emigre., or Juno 1, ls7S. entitled 'An nut for the sule of Umber lands In tt.e stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory." as extended to all the public land statue by act of Augtiit 4, 1.192, Sarah L. Bottom, of Jewell, county of flat, sop, state of Oregon, has this nay filed In this ultlce her sworn statement No. 617. fur the purchase of the NWVl of section No, IS, In townnhlp No. I N, range No. i W., and will offer proof to show that the lutid sought Is more val uable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural, urn) lo estab lish her claim to suld land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of July, l;wO. She names as witnesses: John Corcoran, of Vine Maple, Oregon James W. Walker, of Jewell, Oregon, Isaac N. Foster, of Jewell. Oregon, Bernard A Johnson of Jewell Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-drscrlbej lands are requested to file their claims In this olllce un or before said 7th day of July, 1900. CHAS. B. MOORKH. Register. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Ouguste Magna, deceased, with the will annexed, has filed In the county court of the slate of Oregon for Clatsop county, his final accojiit as such ad ministrator, and the same has been set for hearing Monday, June 11. A. D. 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m. m the county court rooms at the court house, at Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. All persons Interested therein are re qulied lo Hum and there appear and show cause, If any, why the same should not be allowed and the admin istrator discharged and his bondsmen exonerated. ... , , C. W. FULTON. Administrator of the estate of Ou guste Magne, deceased, with the will annexed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. April 14. 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing namud settler has filed notice of his Intein.on lo make final proof In support of his clulm. and that suld proof will bo mado before the county clerk of Clutsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on May 2, 1900. vli:: Frank Cook. H. K, No. 10IM, for the west one-half of N. W. quarter of section 33, and south one-half of 8, W. quarter of section it, Tp. 6 N., It. I W. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Fred E. Moore. John R. Wherry and Wyait A. Wherry, all of Elsie, Clatsop county, Oregon, and John E. Oralko. of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORE8, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, April 14, 1900. Notice la hnrebv irlvon thnt h fol lowing named settler has filed notice 01 ms intention 10 maKe nnai proof In support of his claim, and that said nroof will ha mmla lwr,,r ih, clurk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, uiciuiii on May 28, 1900, via: Fred II. Moore, H. E No. 10117, for the H. Fi. nnnrtne nf axtlnn ts Tp. C N., R. 8 W. 11a names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Elmer E. Packard, Justin A. Pnckard, Wyatt A. Wherry and John R. Wherry, all of Elsie Oregon. CHAS. R. MOORES, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Charles Ward, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for ClatsoD county. All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Ward, deceased, are nen-Dy required to present same to the undersigned, duly verified as by law required, within six months from this date, at his residence at the torner of Qrand avenue and Eleventh street, city or Astoria, Oregon. Dated on the 17th day of April, A. D 1900. B. L. WARD, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Ward, deceased.