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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1900)
TUN MOIiNING AHl'ORIAN AXONKSU). MAY . 900. KNOX HATS. The Latest Summer Blocks... C. H. COOPER ? Sole Agent for Atstoria. All contract! for aJvrtmin In the Antoi luii urc iiiiiJc on u Riiur. antvo of circulation four time larger tliun thnt of any paper jHiHUIivd or circulated In Cliit op county. TODAY'S WEATIIBR. I'orllniitl. May 2S.-Wwuern Oregon Anil Wmirrn Washington, Increasing cioudlne wan rain mar the coat to tiny. AROUND TOWN. Pig for aln at OMton'i stable. . .in i Homes for ale at Oaatona tablo. 1'hil Xlvtctinn of Halum I lu th city. K, II- Jester of diutun li In Alorla. Drain of Drain U at the Oo- ident T. O. Darker fkiident of Hulrm U at the M. J. riklnner of Coburg U at Parker House. the J. li. Prook of MiMlnnvlll I In Astoria on buslnriM. If you want Ice cream that la made of purs cream try the Parlor. Beat U-ctnt rural, Rising Bun Ilea taurant til Commercial street . Mine llowt Grime, the Seaside hotel' man, was In Aatorla yesterday. Mr an J Mr. 11. Alexander of Pcndlo- ton r guest at th Occident Jeff's restaurant tho largest and best A trial will convince yoa. Wanted Competent girl to do gener al houae work. KiKiuIn), 367 Ninth St Th next regular meeting of th city council will b held on Tuesday, June 6ih. flwwt erf am at tha Tarlor 10 cent a Iilnt Juat what you want for bar- rlca. Judge Statu of Wasco county la at tending tha grand lodge of Odd Fel low a. Wanted. To rent a centrally located furntahed houae. Addreaa X, cart Aa- torlan. Mlaa Eatella Boao of Mailcton la In the city, attending the Rebekah as sembly. Cloning out sate of millinery at coat, 'beginning Saturday, May i9. at Mlaa Mcltae'a. C. G. Umlxtroin, a native of Bwe den, waa granted his flrat cUlxen.hlp paper yesterday. Mr. and Mra- J. E. Hubbard, or In-dependent--?, are In the city, attending the grand lodge of Odd Fellow, A email place at Clataop for aale or rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tagg, Tarlor Candy Store. The official anmninoe that the blda for making the rcpalra to the Uma tilla Reef lightship will be opened In Portland on May 28. Free entertainment given by tho U. M. V.'a. Thursday evening, May 24, la the date. Carruthere' hall la the place. Good program guaranteed. Itoalyn coal li the beat and moat eoo- nomlcal coal for houaehold uaa In Aa torla. Try It one and you will hava no other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telaphone 131L BEST 15-CKNT MEAL; SUN RESTAURANT. RISING YOUR WIPE On Your Return from Grand L,odge Will appreciate a Handsome Dress Pattern, Taller-RIade Suit or Jacket From tho UP-TO-DATE, Progressive Dry GooJs Houso of mcallen& McDonnell OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Tha Hrltl-h bark Lydgat arrived In from KliniiKhnl yvaterday In balluil. Mr. I Homera hua been named aa keeper of the Wurrenton draw-bridge. Mr. and Mra. Oa'ch of Salem are vMtlng Mr. and Mra. George Flavel of thl. city. In the probute court yesterday S. 11. Hauler waa appointed admlnlatrator of the estate of Win. T. Raster, deceased. The tug Hiimson left out for Gray harbor yesterday forenoon with a barge loaded with brush and rock In 0w. The aale of reserved aeata for the Haehe(,ra' Club entertainment will open at Olftln & Herd' tomorrow morning. A. V. It. Snyder, editor and proprle lor of the McMimivUI Transcript, la In the city attending tho Odd Fellowa convention. Herring A Cook, Commercial atreet, betw-n Tenth and Eleventh, la the only drat claaa all-night lunch bouae In Aatorla. Tliomne Hryco came down from 1'ort land Monday night for a few daya' via It with friend, lie will leave Sutur duy fur Nome. Cream Pure Rye. Amerlca'a flncat Khlaky The only pure gooda; guar anteed rich and mellow, John L. Carl aon. aole agent. Roalyn coal laj'.a longer, la cleaner and makca leaa trouble with atovea and chimney fluea than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telephone 131 L The Star reataurant, Kt Commercial atreet, now oien for bualncaa. Meala 15 cent up. Tho beat to be had In the city. Give It a trial for your dinner today. Ifcm't fall to try coco cola. It la the moat popular new drink thla acaaon at the Parlor. Thoae who receive coco cola tlcketa can get them redeemed at the Parlor free. Reierved eat aalo for the "Boche lore Club" will open at Orlltln & Reed1 on Friday next Prtcce of adml-slon will be SO centa for reserved aeata and !S centa for gallery. D. A. McLean hua realgncd the po altlon of lieutenant junior grade and adjutant of the local naval battalion, Ida realgnatlon boa already been for warded to the adjutant Reserved Beat aale for "The Iiache- lor'a Club" will open at Griffin & lleed'a on Thursday next Prlcea of aditiliutlon will be (0 centa for reserved eata and 25 centa for the gallery. The government weather bureau gives out the Information that both the Columbia and the Snake rlvera are now falling In all districts, .except above Wenatchee, where the Columbia la atlll alowly rising. The proceodM of the entertainment to bo given by the Uuerwlora' Club Fri day night will go to the public library fund. Thoae who are to participate In the program have devoted much time and energy to Ita perfection and i most Interesting entertainment la aa aured. Dr. E. P. Hill of Portland will lecture at the Preabyterlun church on the evening of May 19, on the "Life of Christ." using the atereoptlcon to 11 luHtrate hla points in history. Another lecture will be given on the evening of June 1st, by Mlaa Farnham, who cornea from the Paclflo Unlveralty at Foreat Grove, on "South Africa," sac Pears' Soap not only for toil et and bath but for 6having. Pears was the inventor of shav ing stick soap. Mr. John Kopp has recently com menced the operation of a com plote and modern bottling establish ment, where the well-known product of Ma brewery la bottled for the trade and consumera. Free delivery to cus tomer In the city. Telephone 21. ftcholfleld ae.Hauke are aole agente for the celebrated lilue Ribbon flour. It la mununtclured by Gardner Liro., Hluylon, Oregon, anJ consumera are eautloned to notice that thla name and appear on every eack aa It I undciiitood that Imitation are being offered In the cltv. Telephone fl. Thit ladle who participated In the production of the Spinster Club will b given some of th -lr own medicine at lli Jluchclors' Club entertainment Fri day night. The boy decline pnl lively to give the slightest tip aa to what they pioposa to do but declare, with a i.!y wink, thut there will be "something coming arorth listening to." County Superintendent of School Lee visited the Lewi and Clark dl trlet yesterday and found ev-rythln, In line condition. A teachers' Institute will be held at Jewell on Euturday and much Interest la being taken by the Instructors In that vicinity. An Inter sting ttiel Instructive program has ben arranged and It Is believed that much good will result. Sup-rlntendent Lee hue announced hi Intention to tm present Ona of the prettiest dlspluy of di good ever seen In Astoria Is being made by the popular houae of MeAllcn . McDonnell thla week and they ay they have nothing special to show, Just the rtgulur everyday stock. Thut be Ing the cose their everyday slock must be a complete aa money and good Judgment In buying cun make a atoc of dry good. Thla house I exceed Ingly popular with buyer and Mr. McAllen says he la here to stay and do business on a busllesa bonis. At 7 o'clock tonight a special train will leave for Warrenton. ' carrying those who desire to attend the repub Mean rally at that place. After arrlv ing at Warentoii, the train will proceed to New Astoria and bring back all those at that point and way stations who desire to attend the meeting. Ex tra efforts are being made by the cltl tens In the Warrenton district to make their' the most successful meet Ing held In the Interior preclncta and there '. every Indication that they will succeed. Captain Lou Staple returned to Astoria yesterlay after a three-week' sojourn among the verdant hills near Warrenton. It waa at flrat supposed that Captain Staple might make voyage to MKamaaawa, out It seems that the old salt misinterpreted the wtathor signs to Indicate a nor'westcr Instead of a sou'wester, and landed on a foreign ahore. Nevertheless, Cap tain Staples showe many evidences of Improvement aa a result of hla vaca tlon. He will enter the harness once more on the first of the month. Transfer of real estate lat week, according to the South Bend Pilot show that one S. Benson, a resident of San Francisco, la acquiring a large amount of timber lying between this bay and the Columbia river. The transfers do not, however, show that the amount paid represent only one half of the purchase price, the balance to be paid In five years or when tho timber la removed. The Pilot la Informed that in addition to these purchnyea, Benson has laid scrip on large amount of timber In the same neighborhood and that he Is the same Benson who last year bought and icrlpped large amounts of timber land on North river- Three of the four Ashing boats soil ed by the flsh commissioner for non payment of the Mate :icense were re leased yesterday. It waa discovered that one of the boats belonged to the Cutting cannery which had already paid the license, but the lowly fisher man, like Klpllng'e celebrated charaa ter, "dlJ not understand." This boat, therefore, waa promptly released. Two of the other boats were owned by In dividuals who promptly paid the fine. The fourth boat, however, chanced to be the property of Cannerymon San' born, who proved to bo chock "full of fight He declined to pay the license, upon aome pretense or other, and the boat waa held at Ha moorings. At last accounts, It waa atlll there. There la a $3,000 Brow-schooner float Ing around on the Pacific off Gray harbor, a moderately good salvage plum for some lucky mariner who will tow It into port, Bays the South Bend Pilot. The derelict craft Is the old Pathfinder, w"hlch was built by the Fishermen' Union at Astoria about ten year ago, for the purpose of re moving "obstructions from the path of the glllnetter." The craft started for Puget aound last Thursday, In tow f the steamer Ilwaco, which has Just bpn completely overhauled and re modeled. When off Grays harbor, the Ilwaco encountered the aame distur bance that made matter so lively for the HI, Mirren, and as a lost reaort to prevent swamping the steamer,, her muAter ordered the scow cut adrift. Freed from her Incumbrance, the II woco made Port Towniend without difficulty. An old Innd-maik won destroyed by the axe-man yesterday near the cor nr of the new Page building, it waa an old ash tree which has withstood the Must of many winter. Many of Astoria'! oldcttt cltl:n look upon the of the Ktalwart old tree ai upon the lo of an old friend. 6ver twenty five year ago what might have prov ed tme of the most deetructlve Area In the history of the place, waa flay ed by the great branches and foliage of this gigantic tree. A fire had start id In a rookery several yard away and, before the primitive Are department could be brought Into effective service, the flame had apread up the atreet until the building Immediately next to the tree had been caught by the flumcf. Up to thla time. It wo feared that the entire settlement would ul timately be destroyed, but the granJ old null stayed the hand of destruction although the tree, Itself, waa almost totally destroyed ment. In it accomplish- Holly Ranch, United Modern Vigi lant, of At(rln,"wlll offer the public on Tliurs'luy night. May 24, a recherche program, consisting of Instrumental and vocal numbers by the best local talent. That prince of all-round entertainers, chl.-f leadiT of the order, Mr. V. J. MtHcnry, has been brought down from I'orttund for the occasion, lie carries with him a splendid sterl optlcnn, by aid of which he gives a variety of gr-.-at Illustrated songs and recitation In which. It is said, he has few p(uale. The local lodge of the IT. M. V., aa well aa the order at (urge, la growing rapidly and Oregon Inns will aid It, aa ita head office la In thla state and every dollar of Its i;en erul fund Is spent here. Not only this, but it business plan la said to be one of the bent. But, above all, It la represented to be a strictly people' or der. The people are the governing ixiwer, the head officer are their ser vants. Remember the date, the place Is Carruthcrs' hull. You are Invited. TO THE VOTICUS OF COUNTY. CLATSOP Allow me by this advertisement to bring to your attention my candidacy on the citizens' ticket to the office of superintendent of schools of this county, which I filled from 1892 to 1898; not running for the county office In lws, but carrying the county on the state ticket I need only say that If you elect me 1 shall give to thla office my first at tention; admlnlsterli.g the provision of state 'and county for education, ac cording tt the Intent of the law the best under free government; visiting the schoola personally, encouraging the teachers and pupllB, supervising their work; seeing that the new state course arranged by State Superinten dent Ackerman, la well Introduced and followed, and that some plan of regis tering in the superintendent's office the progress and deportment of pupllB, is carried out Other advantages, such as school libraries, or library, already to some extent enjoyed; and the best pcaslble arrangements for institute work for the teachers will be given the attention within my means; and the more liberal provisions of the new law will make it possible to perform these duties with more ease and dig nity than heretofore. Some objections brought against me I think w ill be found trifling, and made chiefly for the purpose of a little cam polgn amusement. It Is hardly neces sary to assert my loyalty, or to say that with all Americana, I approved the war of liberation for Cuba, declar ed by congress, or even In the Philip pines, if prosecuted for the same ends. The thought of the poem, for which I have bocn bantered, was of sympathy with a man who was reported In the dispatches as refusing to give up his struggle, even though offered money and office; and that for this act he was entitled to the name of hero rather than enemy, and therefore it was no treason to send him greetings of even aid and comfort Whether or not the sympathy was Justly placed, all In tent of disloyalty was disclaimed in the piece Itself; and, Indeed, who cannot but deplore the policy that has made enemies of a struggling people, or not wish that the policy declared as the It is Incontrovertible ! The Editor of the M Christian Million," nndrr the heading of General Notes, on August to, i&a wrute . " A good article will stand upon Its own aierita, and we miy rely upon It that nothing will continue lone which does not. In a more or lees decree, harmnnlre with the Ute ment which are publUhed concerning It." Mr. Hall Calne, Author of "The Deenuter,,,,,Tb Manx man," "The Christian," etc, when (peak ing on "Criticum," recently, said : " When a thine that Is advertised matlv Is good It goes and goes permanently i when It U bad. It only goea tor a wall i tha public find it out" The Proprietor of BEECHAM'S PILLS hat said over and over again i " U Is a fallacy to Imagine that anything will ull lust because It Is advertised. How m. nostrums have been started with glare end linutted out In eloomr The fact la, a man la not easily gulled a second time; and every dissatisfied purchaser does ten times mora harm than ana satisfied doe good. Assuredly the sale of nor than 6,000,000 boxca of HKIiCHAM'S PILLS par annum, altera public trial of half-a-ccntury, la con clusive testimony of their popularity, su periority and proverbial wonh." ImiWi'i niU have fur Buy tail Medicine whmTth finell lauarth i MM, uartteii. tthout a mat. u ch, al all dxuf stores. will of congress In Cuba, had been announced to the Filipinos as the poli cy of the administration? However, these events are now puat, and the liberty and good will that th American people Intend for the Phil ippines, must be reached In ways not yet clear; neither Is this any matter for the public schools. I ran rely with great confidence up on the fairness and good Judgment of the voter of Clatsop county, and if elected It shall be my aim, and pleas ure to aerve you je the best of my ability, Jl, 8, JUYMAN. POLITICAL NOTES. Something About Van Ingall and HI Winning Fight for County Commissioner. While but little has been said here in Aatorla until now about the race Dun Ingall I making for county com missioner there ha been lots said In the country 'round about where Dan is well and favorably known. He is a farmer with Idea which he plainly expresses In eally understood English about honesty In public office and there is more than one man In the county who hopes to. fat ten at the pub lic crib In case he Is defeated, who will never dare to try hii schemes If, In gall I elected. see In other words, Dan Ingall cannot see why It Isn't as much dishonesty in a citizen to prevent to the county a bill for goods he never furnished, or work that waa never done, as it would be if he presented a similar bill under similar circumstances to a private In dividual, and he doesn't . hesitate to suy so. And he adds, that In case he Is elected he will make It his business to personally know the county has re ceived full value for all demands pre sented, regardless of who mokes them or what they are for, before he will agree to their payment e It is this trait In his character that maJtes Dan Ingalls popular with men who live honest Uvea and makes him very unpopular with thoje whose gol den rule Is "do everybody or they will do you." Fortunately for Mr. Ingalls, honest men are in a large majority in Clatsop county, and this being true he can count on hearty support. a a The return of Congressman Moody to the next session of congress Is al most an absolute necessity for the state of Oregon. .Regardless of party politics, the people who have the wel fare of the state at heart: who want to see It prosper hether from selfish motives or not are Interested In Mr. Moody's re-election. HJs record In con gress la one he may well be proud of and if faithful, honest service is worth anything to a servant of the public, then Mr. Moody, on that score alone, should be returned. But he has other claims. He has worked from the day he took Ms seat in congress up to the present moment for Oregon and Ore gonlans. Irrespective of party, and the people are not ungrateful. Many of theru do not appreciate his work and his achievements as they deserve, but enough of them do to re-elect him and enough Is as good as a majority of a million. e e a The meetings that have been held by the hop-acotchers in various parts of the county during the past two weeks, have been a sore disappoint ment to the candidates on the citizens' ticket In all fairness It Is but the truth to say that none of the meet ings have been attended by the people and that at none of them has there been any enthusiasm shown. Their Knappa meeting was a flat failure. Their Vniontown meeting was almost as bad, not over fifty people being present, according to unbiased reports. How they fared at Westport lost night is not known, but the indications were for "a hf.arty front, followed by cold winds," to borrow from the weather bureau man's vocabulary. a a The republicans went to Olney last night and, as usual, had not only i good lot of speakers but an enthus iaatlc crowd of republicans to accom pany the candidates.' From this time on until election day the republican candidates will be kept on the jump, Republicans believe that what is worth having Is worth working for, and they want the confidence and sup port of every voter In Clatsop coun ty Just as they now have ' the con fldence and support of an overwhelm' Ing majority of them. They also want the voters to be thoroughly informed as to the exact status of the candl dates for county offices now before the people. There is no citlxen ticket. The law has said bo and the ballot when printed will show no such party deslg nation. The so-called citizens' con. ventlon which nominated the ticket, afterwards discredited, was composed of 72 men who voted, and of that number not three were from the coun try. They were men gathered from the streets of this city and a few democrats who had failed in trying to hold a convention. These are facts and the voters should know them. Had the citizens of the county, from all oyer the county, held a convention and nominated a ticket, well and good. The republicans would have given It all due credit. But they did not and the men running as citizens are inde pendents, running for office for the sake of office. THE ONLY BICYCLE. The above heading gives the What name? Rambler, of course. We have the eiclutdve agency. Call for our prlcea and terms. FISHER BROS. ENCAMPMENT AND REBEKAIIS Meeting of Two of the Three Grand Lodges Yesterday. Officer EltclcJ Crasd LedXe of Ode' Fel lows Will Comae Today, tai Will Probably Flolab iy Toslzht. The (treets and wharves weri thronged, the restaurants crowded and the various point of Interest about the city visited yesterday by the hun dreds of visitor who are In the city In attendance upon the grand lodges of the order of Odd Fellows of Oregon. For once the weather clerk has act ed fairly with Astoria and the weather yesterday was a perfect delight to the people who come from sections of the country where they never have such days. As one lady said "It was worth the trip If they got nothing else but the chance to enjoy the sunshine and sea breeze." And how they did enjoy It On nearly every wharf parties as sembled and building seats with planks and boxes, sat out In the sunshine for huurs watching the fishermen at work and the boats of all sizes and kinds passing up and down the river. All the canneries had scores of vis itors who were shown every detail of the process of handling salmon and very interesting it proved to be to moet of them. While there were hundreds who spent the day in enjoying themselves, the delegates to the grand lodge of Rebekahs and the grand Encampment had to attend to business and only got a chance to play during recess. The grand lodge, or more correctly, assembly of the degree of Daughters of Kebekah met at 9 o'clock yesterday morning in Pythian hall and organlz ed with Mrs. Sarah Cievenger of Grant's Pass, president of the assem bly. In the chair. The vice-presi dent being absent Mrs. J. K. Weather ford, of Albany, was elected to that position. The degree of Daughter of Rebeckah was conferred upon 126 ladles. This gives gives some idea of the number of people In attendance on the grand lodges as nonj of these ladles were counted in the grand total of 300 dele gates which arrived on Monday and yesterday. The delegates arriving yesterday were from near-by places and were consequently accompanied by a larger number of friends than were those arriving on Monday, who came from a distance. Following the conferring of degrees the reports of officers for the past year were read. They showed a rapid and substantial growth in the order which is in excellent condition, both as re gards membership and finances. A number of resolutions were Introduced and the assembly of 1300 adjourned sine die after one of the most business like sessions in its history. Last night the Daughters of Rebekah met lu secret session In Odd Fellows hall and the contest for the gold medal, the badge of honor for pro ficiency In unwritten Work, wis held. The contestants for the medal each went through the unwritten work of the degree and Mrs- Clementine Bui lock. Portland. Acme 32, will wear the medal during 1900. In this connection it may be stated that Beaver lodge, I. O. O. F., of this city may give the visiting delegates an excursion to Seaside on Thursday next providing a sufficient number re main to make it a success. All the delegates would like to stay but many are here on limited excursion tickets which will not allow them the extra time. The entertainment tonight at Foard & Stokes' hall will consist of a pro gram of vocal and instrumental music, short addresses and an exhibition by Prof. Begg's dancing class of children It will certainly be a very pleasant affair. The twenty-sixth annual grand En campment, I. O. O. F., met- In Odd Fel lows' hall yesterday morning with the following grand officers present: Grand patriarch, A. W. Bowersox, of Albany; grand high priest, T. O- Barker, of Salem; grand senior warden, Thos. F. Ryan, of Oregon City; grand scribe, E. E. Sharon, of Portland; grand treasurer, Byron E. Miller, of Portland; grand marshall, T. F. Howard, of Pendleton; grand Junior warden, P. W. Stewart, of Portland; grand outside sentinel, F. G. Micelll, of Roseburg. Following organization the grand Encampment degree was conferred on fourteen past chief patriarchs. Reports of grand officers followed. An increase in membership of 1S9 dur ing the past year was shown, making the total 1,28$. In addition there was one Encampment resuscitated; two In stituted; none suspended, and reports and tax were received from every En campment In the Jurisdiction. The usual committees were appoint ed and resolutions passed, the per cap ita lax for the ensuing year being fix ed at 40 centa The following grand officers were then elected for the ensuing year: G P., T. O. Barker, of Salem; G. H. P., T. F. Ryan, of Oregon City; G. S. W., P. W. Stewart, of Portland; G. S.. E. E. Sharon, of Portland; G. T., By ron E. Miller, of Portland; G. J. W., T. F. Howard, of Pendleton: G. M., A. O. Sinks, of Por:land; G. S., J. A. Woolery, of lone; G. O. 8., W. W. Kentnor, of Ashland; G. Rep., W. W. Francis, of Halsey. Following the election of officer the grand encampment adjourned sine die. This, morning the grand lodge of MX Fellows, proper, meets ftnd will tlnl ,!i Its work today. TUB NEXT VICB-FRESIDKNT. This Is the question now aittt.iting the mind of our leading politicians, and while several prominent men have been suggested, the final selection will undoubtedly be the man who will serve the party Interests to the bent ad vantage. This Is also true of medi cine. When your stomach becomes, weak and you suffer frorrj cyspcpnlfc Indigestion, ronjpqilon and flatulency, or when In need of a medicine to build up your system and restore, your appetite, you will make no mistake If you try that sovereign remedy, Ilostet t?r'g Stomach Bitters. It la backed up by fifty year of cures, and Is rec ommended by many prominent physicians- It is also an excellent medi cine for malaria, fever and ague, and can be had of any druggist. Be sure to give it a trial. A RErTHLICAX TICKET. STATE. For Congress, Second Con gressional District MALCOLM A. MOODY, of Wasco County, For Justice of the Supreme Court CHAS. E. WOLVEUTON. of Linn County. For Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner' J. W. BAILEY, of Multnomah County. COUNTY. For Legislature F. R. STOKES 3. E. YOUNG. For District Atorney HARRISON ALLEN. For Sheriff - THOMAS LINVILLE. For Clerk H. J. WHERITY. For Treasurer H. C THOMPSON. For Assessor C. W. CARNAHAN. For Surveyor It F. C. ASTBURY. For Sehaol Superintendent J. T. LEE. For Coroner E. P. PARKER. For Commissioner DAN. J. INGALLS. For Constable WM. CHANCE. For Justice of the Peace C. C. B ROWER. For Road Supervisor C. E. FOSTER. A RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to William T. Bax ter 100 acres In section 35, T 4 N, R 10 W; patent OSTEOPATHY. Astoria Oregon. MRS. C. J. RAMSEY. D. O All chronic and nervous diseases of women treated by this method. Exam ination free. Hours, I to 5. Cor. Fourteenth and Franklin. ODD FELLOWS ATTENTION! Souvenir albums of Astoria and Co lumbia river scenery at Snodgrass, the photographer, 53S Commercial street. SUMMER RESORTS. 'To the mountains our people in in creasing numbers yearly look for those days of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine in fair working conlltlon. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while it lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flagging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this ilrectlon th Khooto T,.t now affords a wealth of attractions. The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and accessible tmrala anil r.nmn u.KaM - - - nut;, are cheer and comfort and healing; at iritsiMwuio com, ana wnere you can hunt Ash, ride, loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or if you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, thurt the snrinra nf Aahinm r.u.,tn Anderson. Bartlett, Byron and Paso Uobles. "Before vl.olttnsr TCiirrms th ' ,J , I (JCUIC Ui the Northwest should tha ir.tA. of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make in quires concerning these attractive re sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. Markham oasseneer a cent. Portland Vi booklets on Castle Crag, - Shasta Srjrinra. McClnlld river Tn,li. --.a . , -vovwhc, taiiva excursion rates thereto. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. . The new schedule of the O. R. A. N. which went into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2. leavinir lWii,i o.-ir a. m. is known as the "Chlcaeo-Port- land Special." Its equipment la new throughout, maklnsr It fnliv th. of any train now In service from the racino coast to tne r;ast The "Overland Rmrsai' tj - . " v. A U t land at 8:i0 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the J,,estof9e!vloe to a11 loC4U Points on mo j. ii. oc iN . lines. BOLPTLINE. Solflline! Solflllne! If vou are nick anri tirA ...w which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your Bhoes; If you wish to longing the life of same at least fifty per cent If you wish to save greas ing your belts In your manufiatturr. ZO to Peterson A Vlrnii. . - , . J "t AV AOLUrill. and try a case of Bolfliine on yoiur uucs uuu utLrnesa, nuw or';jr of tu.,te wiio have tnat sclenudo remedy. Take no" other. Address, PETERSON & EROV?r General Agents. Astoria, Ori ' '.