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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1900)
Tlih. MORiMNO AST01UA1S N.TlKOA, MAV 5, 1RH. Wash Dress Goods A most variod lino of richest patterns ami ifiectivo varieties. We mention only some of the latest nrrivuls Jtu'quartl Madias, I .nee Stripe Zephyrs, lunbroiilered Mulls, in dots ami liguiiv.and I'ropon ctte, satin striped or checked. Dainty Dimities In elininiinj; trior eluct., every mie iuv and desir able, at t-'e, lt, and l "e a yard. Headquarters for Dry Goods MYSTERY OF THE SEA SOLVED. WreoK of the American Girt Dlscov- ered Near Cape SV James, Moresby Island. The mystery that has so long sur rounded the disappearance of the three- masted schooner American Girl Is solv ed at last, the fishing steamer New England which has just returned to Vancouver from the Northern fishing Krounds reporting that her bleaching bones are piled in a small, unfrequent ed bay TO miles north of Cape St. James and on the Eastern hore of Moresby Island, of the Queen Char lottes. The dry,, clear air of th north has kept the wreck in good preserva tion. Indeed, from her appearance. she would seem to be the victim of a storm not three months past. Bow and stern have been, however, both carried away, so that positive Identi fication is impossible, although her American build, her dimensions and her lines all point to her as the Amer ican Girl. This schooner, it will be remembered, was lost in the fierce gales of last November, while en route from San Francisco for Port Hadlock for lumber cargo. The Colusa, the Liber tad and three other craft perished in the same autumnal tempest, while the Highland Light and Ferris S. Thomp son escaped, the former giving as a last report from the Girl that she had been seen off the Cape battling with the storm. She had then only a fore sail set, and was seemingly being blown out to sea. Her crew numbered eight men all told, and as none have ever been heard from, the well-grounded supposition Is that all found sailors' graves. The spot at which the wreck age now lies is in the trend of the northern current, while it is no won der that earlier reports have not been received, as there are no Indians now making their home on the island and It is but very frequently visited, and abounds in little Inlets entirely ob scured to passing ships. MAN AND ARM THE FORTS. Government Taking Steps to Do Some thing for Fort Stevens, Canby and Columbia A New Troop Coming. The government seems disposed to do something, after months and years of waiting, for forts Canby, Stevens and Columbia The three forts have been garrison ed by a single detachment of artil lery, which amounted in all but to a handful of men under the command of a lieutenant, and this small com pany has been divided between the forts on the map, or found out their three forts. But at last the war de partment seems to have located the existence In some other way, ana as a result modern guns have been or dered forwarded at once for their com plete armament; the detachment of ar tillerymen now stationed at the forts has been ordered east and It is un drestood a full regiment Is to be sent to take their places and Captain Downs, constructing quartermaster at Fort Stevens, has received orders to call for bids for the construction of a post hospital. The hospital will be what Is known as a 24 bed, or two battery post hos pital, 50x56 feet, two stories with mau sard roof, with a wing 26x30 feet for use ae convalescent wards, operating rooms, etc. It will be built of wood with stone foundation, heated by steam and lighted by electricity, the electric plant being of sufficient sire to fur nish lights for the barracks and even operate a searchlight if neeled. The increase of the command at the we e wis With new and exclusive designs in ...Dainty Lace Curtains... Prices lower than ever 65cuDto$2.50apair Sash Curtains in Dots, Stripes and Figures 11-12 - iiiid 15c a yard mcallen & McDonnell on the Lower Columbia. forts will certainly be most welcome to the people of Astoria, although mnny will be sorry to see the old com mand leave. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Names on the Roll to Date. Astoria Precinct No. 1.. Astoria Precinct No. i.. Astoria Precinct No. 3.. Astoria Precinct No. 4. Astoria Precinct No. 5.. Astoria Precinct No. 6. Astoria Precinct No. 7.. J"hn Day Precinct Svensen Precinct Walluski Precinct New Astoria Precinct ... Warrenton Precinct .... Clatsop Precinct Staside Precinct Melville Precinct t'hadttll Precinct Young. River Precinct . Olney Precinct Knappa Precinct Clifton Precinct : st port Precinct Vesr-nr Precinct Jewell Precinct Mishawaki Precinct ... Elsi Precinct Push Precinct Total to date .m .200 .193 .231 .120 .V .130 '. 3; . 29 lilt . 33 . 39 . 84 . 30 . 42 ... 43 ... 65 ...21 ... 11 ... 25 ... 17 ... - 18 ..2040 FOLLOWING THE B. & O. The M. & St. P. R. R. Will Establish an Insurance and Pension Fund. CHICAGO, May 4. The Chronicle says: An elaborate relief and pension plan will be submitted to the employes of the Chlrago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, June 1. The plan w ill be to embrace all the best features of the relief department of the Balti more A Ohio and the pension fund of the Pennsylvania Company. According to the St. Paul plan the fund for the relief and pensioning of employes will be obtained by specified installments from the men and a ytar Iy cash contribution from the treasury of the company to tstabiish a fixed an nual sum of available money. After serving a specified number of years employes will have an option of retiring on pensions wlyn they reach the age of CO and none will be permit ted to serve aftjr he is 70 years old. The pensions will be based on the sal aries received at the time of recre ment. The relief feature of the department Is Intended to benefit employes who are Incapacitated temporarily for service by reason of accident, sickness or oth er cause. The funds will be under the control of a relief committee consisting of three members appointed by the pres ident of the road, the latter being an ex-oftlcio member of the body and an advisory board composed of three members representing the employes. The advisory board at first will be ap pointed by the president of the road, but after the department has been es tablished the members will be elected by the employes. L.engx.1 or service necessary to re tirement on a pension Is the only fea ture of the plan not yet decided upon. Between 21,000 and 24.000 employes will be affected. EDUCATION IN CUBA. Two Factions Have Appeared One Favor and the Other Opposing Employment of Foreign Teachers. HAVANA, May 4.-The Lucha rec ommends the employment of foreigners as professors In the University of Ha vana and the Engineering College of Cuba, declaring that apparently there are no Cubans sufficiently Instructed ta hold the professorship. The paper points out that this course hns been folic wed In tho Institutions of learn In In the South American republics, Senor Varona. on the other bund, says he thinks there are a suilUivnt number of eduo.itod Cubans to act as touchers mid professors, txcept possibly In luboiai'iry work. Ho Intends to carry on the work on the linos laid down by Scnor Rartvlro. The princi pal feature will bo the organisation of normal schools and the elimination of old fiishl mod methods of public In sl ruction. !:l Oomillador, a now paper devoted to th. interests of tlw Spaniards who did not resistor has made Us appear ance and says: "II Is not for those who registered to charge those who did not resistor with a lack of patriotism. Those who did not resistor love Spain, In spite of hor bud governm-nit, but In Cuba thoy desire to work with their brother Cubans for the absolute Independence of the Island, which will be of ad vantage both to themselves and to S;Miln." LEAHY HEARD FROM. Governor of Guam Sends In Ills Census Report and Wants His Ice Machine. WASHINGTON. May 4. Governor Loary has sent to the navy depart ment another of his characteristic offi cial reports about affairs In Guam, In cluding the results of a thorough cen sus taken under his direction, and a 11 nanclal statement' of the first six months of his administration, which shows a gratifying and growing sur plus of Mexican dollars In the Island treasury. American money has not yet entered Into circulation In Guam, and the fig ures In the balance sheet represent the silver currency left there by the Spun lards. Tha amount In the local treas ury on July 1, 1S'.9. was J2.I71. The re ceipts from January 1 last, were 9,415 and the expenditures for the same per iod were 16.767, leaving In the treasury on January 1. 19oo, $4,S19. The receipts will not be so large for the remainder of the fiscal year, as the tax on mar riage licenses will not be so productive, but the expenses will be proportionate ly reduced as many of the Improve ments have been completed. The governor reports that the evap orating plant Is in excellent condi tion, but he is still without an Ice-machine, with the hot weather almost at hund. The steam saw mill has been erected and was realy for work. A tek-p lone system has been Installed and was In successful operation be tween Agana. the capital, and Pltl, the port. The officers of the Yosemlte were still enjjaped on the topographical sur vey of the island, which would have lioen finished In a few months. In fact, all was well at Guam and life would be perfect with a refrigerating plant and a good library. Governor Leary explains to the de partment that his request for a library did not contemplate a circulating af fair of fiction. He needs an encyclo pedia, a set of revised statutes, some law books and other reference works indlspensible to his office. borne books of this sort were In the library of the Yosmite, but that ship was sev en miles from the capital over a shade less road and it was exasperating to make the trip whenever a question of local administration arose. The tabulated enumeration of the population of Guam has been forward ed by the secretary of the navy to the director of the census, to be Included In the total of the United States. It shows that Guam had a population of 3,661 persons on January 1, 1900. Of these 5,249 lived in the capital city of Agana. In the district of Agana are five villages which, with their popular ttons are: Anlga 146; Asan 2-'.r.; 1e- hungan 200; Slnahana 144 and Caro Unas 30. The five towns on the Island outside of the district or Agana, with their to tals are: Agat 744; Sumay 566; Morlzo 4S1; Inarahan 518. Of the total popula tk-n of the Island, 3,128 are males over seven years old, 3,680 are females over S'.'Vtn years, and 1,853 are children un der seven years. Governor Leary says nothing about the state of health on the Island, but from his requisitions for medicines and surgical supplies, the natives are evi dently patronizing the medical officers with an astonishing variety of com plaints. THE SULTAN IS MUM, He Has Said Nothing and Does No thing About the American Claims. CONSTANTINOPLE, May 4. The situation regarding the American in demnity claims in unchanged. As a result of representations by Mr. Lloyd C. Griscom, the American Charge d'Affapres, two Armenians who had been prevented from em barking by the authorities at Alexan drietta as suspects, have been allowel to leave and the Incident Is closed. The statement that the United States vice-consul at Alexandrletta was mal treated by the police there Is untrue. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Treasury Department, OfTlce, Super vising Architect, Washington, V. C, April 21, 190. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., on the 2Sth day of May, 1900, and then opened, for the wharf and disinfecting and bath houses at the I". H. Quarantine Station, Astoria, Ore gon, in accordance with drawings end specifications, copies of which may be hud at this office or the office of the custodian of the station. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Spring lire is nervous exhaustion; mind and tody cannot rest at night. The constant strain of work and severe climatic changes in the Spring: weaken and inflame the nerves. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND ....Strengthens the Nerves.... H. D. SCHUYLER, 73 State St., Albany, N. Y., writes: " Every Spring I have a drowsy, logy feeling, loss of appetite and poor sleep, and am very nervous. Last March I began taking Paine's Celery Compound, and I never felt so well in my life as since using it, I gained ten pounds in flosh and it strengthened my nerves. I can recommend Paine's Celery Compound to everybody in the Spring months, especially those whose nerves and brain are under constant strain." PAINE'S Celery Compound is the Spring medicine of American people CAI'T. JOHN RETTS DEAD. A Brave Ship Master Who Was the Recipient of Several Foreign Testimonials. NEW YORK, May 4. Captain John Belts, twice the recipient of costly presents from foreign power for brave rescues at sea, Is dead of pleuro pneumonia. During the Spanish-American war he commanded the transport Knicker bocker and never fully recovered from the effects of an Illness contracted at Santiago. He was born In Watertown, Mass., on Oc'ober 12, 1827. Previous to the late war he was captain of the New Orleans, of the Cromwell Steam ship Line. Oscar II, of Norway and Sweden, presented Captain Retts with a mag nificent medallion for rescuing the crew of the Pauline Sibllan In bore the Inscription ''For a Brave Act." From Emperor William I, of Ger many, Captain Tletts received a gold watch for his gallant rescue of the crew of the bark Onkel Aldermann, In 1S2. The rescue occurred 150 miles south of Cape Hatteras. The bark had been In a helpless condition four days and several vessels had passed It. but feared to go its assistance. Captain Potts set off In a life boat In a heavy sea with a crew and brought safely back the crew of IS. NEW YORK CUSTOMS SEIZURES. Chinese Vases Seized Hy the Collector For Non-Payment of Duty, NEW YORK, May 4. Two Chinese vases worth 140,000, the property of M. Do Malherbe, a Parisian dialer, have bex-n seized by customs officers on the French line pier for allcgi.-d evasion of the custom's law. The authorities learned of the Impor tation of the vases into the city from China, via Vancouver and Quebec, M. De Malherbe was about to sail for France. He admitted Importing the vases from China. BELLOWS APPOINTED CONSUL. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 4. The Hon. K. C. Bellows today received telegraphic notification from Washing ton of his appolntmnet to the posi tion of consul general at Yokohama, Japan, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John F, Gowcy, and that his appointment has been confirmed. APPOINTED FIELD MARSHAL. BERLIN, May 4. Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria has appointed Em peror William a field marshal of the Austrian army. Emperor Francis Jos eph reached hera today and received an enthusiastic reception from Empcr or William and the populace. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tho North l'uulflu ll-riwery.i.f ttlih'bl llottlo4 lmt for family or kog Mi John Kopp Is .ror-u'Ur. miiluw Ih r boor miptH. t nny Hmr. Mlvtry lor ilmus'id unit eirt trado. Ilia nly luti North Pacific Brewery Best Boat Specially Prepared for Tlslilnd Uoats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Pacific NavigationCompany Slcumcm "K. I. Miuorv," "W. II HtinUon ' Only line Astoria to I IllamooW, tiu UnilJI. Huy City, llohsonUllo, ConrnvliiiKst Atorl wilit tlmlW-n IUllnm.1 A NsvltfKlloti (U mid nl tlie Astoria A foliiinbtit litvi-r It. It. Ir .iu FrmtcliM-o, lVrlliuxl ml nil iMilnls funt. For lu'lylit tnl pmuwnciT rates sp; ly I Hniticl lllttioro ti Co. (Icm-rnl AkiiIn, AHTOU1A. OKE. COllS k COM Atf. nK Ori fct n lUilnm.l Nmrlpthm Vo., mi.AMOU Or. A. X V. II 11 Vo. I'OIU LA.M. Or.. r, UUJVlAAVlAAAAAJUVAA Hmt PORTLAND PORTLAND, OH. Tlie Only I?lrt-Clom Hotel In I'ortlnticl rUAAAAAATVA uV firVAVf rxnAAAAAriTUirtAAAAAAAAAAnAAAAAAAAlArb We Rent New Typewriters z N'hw Arl Ciitulciirnn Krv . . . M ' y"'-r'--i-LA ' . 'I--- . TV I f! H-l Fancy and Staple Groceries . IN ADDITION KrnthiT uml I'lipcr Duvtrrt, Market IlackflM, (.'lollies Hnnk( Is, Telefei.cs., ninl I.uiieh I'a.sktts Urooins, WliUj'S, Sertil I'ruslies, ele. Crockery mid (ilnsMVure. A. V, ALLEN, Tinlli unit Cuinmtrcliil Mrrds .- WEDDING CARDS WEDD'Ni CARDS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Alwnyn nlve your wife hr own way; It will auve hvr tho trouble of taking It THE ASIATIC COMBINE. Agreement Itcarhcd to Meet Hu Com petition, Hut Incoming Cargovn Net Yet ConHldered. SAN FHANCIHCO. May 4,-Tho Oil ental awiU of tho various trana t'ucllli! steamnlilp companion have aKrop.l in conference to act Jointly In tlie future In making rated agalnHt the Suez ranal, the nprentu In China acting lh one body and the agentn In Japan an another. The object will be to nlwayi meet all rat-, but not to cut them more than enough to get the budlncBH. No agreement had yet been reached In regard to Incoming cargoes. ' MT. LASSiTN 13 IN ERUPTION. Ran Franclnco, Muy I. A apcclal from Hed Hluff, Cul., Hayi the north peak of Mt. Laawen Is thought to be In a dtate of activity. Humbling nolocs and a heavy coluhin of gray moke com from the mountain. A TEN-HOUND DRAW. DENVER, May 4. Kid Parker, of Denver, and Matty Matthews fought a ten-round draw tonight. Paint IN THE ...MARKET . Many nnv iiiirovttmtit. mldi'il. Sn our latest rV. 9 Smith Prrmtef TvtiAWfltftf I . M II FViNHFR A Cft. Purine Cos-t iVslrrs niftUi...L Wl,l 'llu I ne dgsi uooks in the Country recognize the superiority ol LEA&PERRINS' SAUCE TMC ORIGINAL WOMCtTCMHIHC IW.HI 0 IITTI01 For dam, 5lnk, RomIi, Soup, and avcrv varlrtv of mad dilhM. la moat InvaluaMa. Jomk Duwua'i&um, Aaiwrt, Ntw Y, W. G. SMITH & CO., ENGRAVERS, 22 ami '.:) VHl,iuKton DuiMiiiff. ltd Mill VHlilii(ton Wit. over iJlt'n, I'oim.ANU.OHI QON. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS, CuHtom HoiiHe, Adtorln, Oregon; Col h'rtor'd (lllcf.. April 2fl, 11)00. Hti.pli'd f,.r Revenue VenHi lic Seal ed pmpoHalH for diijiplyltig dhlp chand lery nitlonH, ami coal to vi'mhi'Ih of tho l iiltl StittiH Revenue Cutter Service, regulnrly Htntloned, or temporarily, nt AMtorla, Oregon, uinl delivered on board kiiI'I veHHi ld ut that place (luring the liHcal year emllng June 3U, 1001. will U received ut Hi ih olllce until 2 o'clock: p. m. of Hatiirday, May 12, WO, ut which time and pluce they will bit pub licly opened. The coal furnlHhed to bo anllinielte or bltumlnoiid of best (iial Itv; iinlforin In character; to wjlgh 2,210 piMindd to the ton; to be dcllvcia) on board the vchmcIm at ditch I'nied and in diieli iiianlltled ad may be required, at locnlltlcd readily arceadlhle to nald vefideh', mid to bo aiibject to Itidpertlmi uh to iuiiiny and weight, lllildera will nninn the prices both for dteamlng and Htuve con, and alo their facili ties for furtilMhlng the vchkcIs with fresh water, and their charges there for. Illiink forms of proposals, with schedules allowing articles of ship chandlery and component rarts of ra tions, may be had upon application at this olllce; proposals must be submitted on these forms.. Sep. arate bids will also be received tho same time and placo for lubrica ting and Illuminating oils. The right Id reserved to reject any and all bids, and no contract will bo put In force un til congress shall have made an appro priation for the purpose. JOHN FOX, Collector,