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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1900)
TUN MOUNINO AHJ'OHIAN, J3ATUKDA1, MAY 5, 1900. ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY s May 3tit and Ttli MR. ROLHE Bd. HcjintHenting Blnnis Urm, Chicago, America's Leading Tailors, Will boutU II. COOriiH'S Willi on I'K'ftiit lino of tlio Latent Woolenw in tlio jueco. Order tnlton find fit guaranteed. C. H.COOPER Jf Sole Agent for Antorla. g TODAT'i WEATHER. I'OltTI.ANn. May S. Washington, Oregon mul Malm, threatening weath er, with occasional shower and west erly wind today. All contract for iulvcrtlliij In tltc Astoi inn lire niuJc on n miiir. untce of clrculutlon (our timet lurgcr limn tliut of any pupcr published" or circulated in Clul Hop county. AROUND TOWN. l'lli for nle at Uaston' stable. Horse for Mtlt At Gaston's stable. A. M. Hoot uf Cathlamet It In Astoria. Fnd Henry was In Portland yester day. W. T. Itackner of Montavllla U In tho rliy. James Cat wm over from Knapp ton yesterday. J. P. Paul U over from Nahcotta on private business. The Russian ship flylfld, from logo, arrived In port yestorday. Host 13-ctnt meal, nitlnf Bun Re, taursnt, 611 Commercial street P. E. Hodge, th Portland Insurance man, was In th illy yesterday. Jeff's restaurant th largest and best A trial will convince you. J. N. Orlttlu tu In Portland yes terday, reluming on tha nlitht train. Wantod. To rent a centrally located furnished house. Addrtss X. car As torlun. The British ship Itvnfola, which sail ed from this port with wheat hM or rived at Hull. A marriage license was Issued by the county clerk yesterday to 8vcnd Svend on and Emlll Wllllkson. The steamship Harrison will leave for Nehalcm and Tillamook this morn ing. She carries an unusually heavy cargo of general merchandise. Roslyn coal ImU longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Beginning Monday next the county clerk's office will rmtiln open aeh evening, until the 14th Inst, for the accommodation of those desiring to register. The German ship Najada cleared for Quccnslown yesterday. Her cargo of 40,00 sacks of wheat Is valued at $53,. 000, and she was chartered at the rate of 37s (d. Tho subject of next Sunday's morn ing sermon at the Baptist church will be "Salvation from Bin and Binning." That In the evening, "Christ, the Teacher." Tho tug Samson arrived from Grays harbor with a barge yesterday. The Samson Is the old rellablo on the Co lumbia and, In fact, has few equals as on all round tug, pull and speed con sidered, on the coast . BEST 15-CKNT MEAL; SUN RESTAURANT. RISING FIVE-CENT PACKAGE To every Man, Woman nwny on Saturday, May Astoria, viz.: Eagle Droa Co., Theo. Olscn, N. N. SHAMPG The most wonderful Vegetable Compound for softening and cleansing tho Hair, and a positive preventative of Dandruff. Tho package will bo given froo to evory person for one day. 250,000 packages Bold in San Francisco in sixty days. Hi P. Hi & Hi Hi Hi Are you a volerT If you are, have you registered? If not, why not? A small place at Clatsop for sale or rent. Hullalile for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tngg, Tarlor Candy Store. Herring A Cook, Commercial street, betwen Tenth and Eleventh, Is the only first class all-night lunch house In Astoria. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whisky The only pure goods; guar antied rich and melhw. John I Carl son, sole agent. Harper Whisky Is liquid music bot Hod poetry, ripe, mellow, refreshing and delirious. Bold by Foard A Stokes Company, Astoria, Or. The Star restaurant, t:t Commercial street, now open for business. Meals 15 cent up. The best to be hnd In tho city. Give It a trial for your dinner today, Roslyn coal Is the best and most eco nomical coal for household use In As toria. Try It once and you will have no other. George W, Sanborn, agent Telephone 1J1L The vacancy In the secretaryship of the republican county central commit tee, caused by the resignation of Har rison Allen, has been filled by the election of Harry D. Gray to that place. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow morning will be as follow; Preaching at 11 a. m., second sermon on "That Ancient Law Not Abrogated." The evening subject will be "lie wos smitten between the Joints of the harness and died." Presbyurlan church service m us ual tomorrow. Subject of the morn ing sermon "The Ecumenical Confer ence." In the evening the pastor will give the last lecture In this series on the Ronpels. Subject "The Gospel of John." A very cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Joe Oiibler goes to Portland this morning to purchase the fixture for Kenney A Grlbles's new amusement hall, now rapidly n earing completion. The new building Is the largest and In every way the most complete of Us kind In the West It represent the Investment of a good many dollars and Is certainly a vut Improvement to West Astoria. A Portland pugilist, J. Yost Is In the city, anxious to arrange for a fight with some local aspirant for fistlo fame, tl Is very doubtful whether he can find any one In Astoria that Is looking for a fight and It Is quite cer tain that even If he should And his man, the contest would not be allowed to be held here. Pugilism la on the wane everywhere and cities that have never had the disease are quarantining against It more strictly than ever. The unlicensed bicycle seised by the bicycle commission were redeemed yes terday, their owners paying the llcenHo feo of $3 each. They; became con vinced that the ordinance' was goad law and would have to be obeyed. In future bicycle soiled for non-payment of license will be held not only for the license fee but an added penalty a well, and If not redeemed within a certain time will be sold to the high est bidder. Owner of bicycle will sanio time, trouble and money by tak. Ing out a license for their wheels, as the law will be enforced. and Child, will bo given 5, at all of the druggists' in Conn Drug Co., Charles Rogers, Pears' Get one cake of it. Nobody ever stons at a cake. Mr. John Koj.p has recently com-nx-nred the operation of a com plete and modern bottling establish writ, where the well-known product of hi breweiy Is bottled for the trade and consumer. Free delivery to cus ti tneis In the city. Telephone 21. Waller Loudl, a four-year old boy, was run over by a brewery wagon yesterday while playing In the street and was severely burlsed. As the wagon had a full load of beer and Ice the marvel Is that the child wm not killed. Dr. !Ctes attended to his In juries. The dangerous conditions of some of the wharves, streets and sidewalks In the city, from rotten plunking or holes In planks, certainly calls for linme dial attention upon the part of the city authorities. City pride, If no oth er consideration, should move the coun cil to act In this matter. Bchollleld A Hauke are sole agents for the celebrated Blue Ribbon flour. It Is manufactured by Gardner Bros., Htayton, Oregon, anJ consumers are cautioned to notice thut this name and address appear on every sack as II Is undei stood that Imitations are being offered In the city. Telephone 81. Notice to property owners building residences and stores. We now carry a complete line of mantles, grates and tiling, electric, gas and combination chandeliers, and ail supplies pertain ing to electric and u lighting. Photo graph's cheerfully sent on application. FRANK IIOLCOMB A CO., 211 Wash ington St, Portland. Or. The water commission met In regu lar srsslon last night with a bare quo rum present. Only routine business was transacted, the most Important of which was the auditing uf the monthly pay roll. Several matters pending be fore the board were not considered, owing to the absence of members as It was desired to have & full board pass upon them. The rvpubllran central committee hM rented the office formerly occupied by Klmore. Sanborn A Co., on Uond street, and will open campaign headquarters during the coming week. All voters fruiu the country will find the latest political Information obtainable at their command and are expected to call and "swap" views. i "i The fish catch Is slowly' Improving both In the number and rise of the fish caught The cloudy weather of the past two or three days hM been welcomed by the fishermen who hope for a day or two of rain. The recent experience of the fishermen who have loel their nets by deliberately pluclng them In the ship channel 1 serving a a warning to their fellows and It Is probable that but few more nets wUI be lost Now that the Fourth of July cele bration project has been given a good start, It Is the duty of the committee men appointed to see that Interest in the matter Is not allowed to die ouU Once get all the cltitens Interested in a Fourth of July celebration and the rest will be easy. It Is to be hoped the committee will not attempt to jus tify uny delay by the old excuse of "plenty of time." Plenty of time Is needed to do a thing right If the business men want to get an Idea of what can be done In the way of bringing people to Astoria this summer on Sunday excursions, let them keep an eye on the excursion that comes from Portland next Sunday. A few thousand dollars a month, outside money, put Into the coffers of the small merchants of the city for the next three or four months. Is not going to bankrupt any of the wholesale houses. It can be got If Astorlans only go after It Attention ) called by C. H. Cooper to the regular periodical visit to Asto ria of Mr. Rolfe, the expert cutter for the firm of . Strauss Bros., Chicago. Mr. Rolfe can be found at Cooper's store on next Monday and Tuesday, where he will be pleased to exhibit the latest fabrics In men's suiting. Mr. Rolfe does his own measuring and designing, and his presence affords a rare opportunity for ihoBe who appre ciate fushionably made and perfectly fitting garments. Mr. Rolfe can suit any taste and accommodate any sit ed pocket-book. The cltlxens of As toria generally are Invited to call and Inspect his line of goods, whether they desire to purchase or not. The advance sale of seats for the delightful drnma, "Knobs o'Tennessee" opens at Grlflln A Reed's this morn ing, and no doubt Fisher's will be crowded on Monday evening to wit ness the performance. "Knobs o'Tenn essee" Is a charming romantic South ern drama, with some admirably wrought situations and Is finely stag ed. It was greeted with flattering suc cess last season and is winning addi tional laurels this season. Mr. Robert Germalne, leading man, ha a role that suits him most admirably. He ap pears as a warm-hearted moon-shlner and csrrlfs the audience with him from the very start. He Is ably supported by Miss Alloe Marble. J. II. Browne and a strong and carefully selected cast. POLITICAL NOTES. Democrats Object to the Independent PHI but Must Swallow It--A Few Comment. The old line democrat who were nominated on the "citizens" ticket, are strenuously objecting to being com pelled to go before the people a In dependent candidate. It wm a bitter pill for the "old hickory' 'to swallow when the democratic party was prac tically wiped out and they were de nied a straight out democratic nomi nation and compelled to accept a "clt lxens'' nomination, but the Independent pill I too bitter to swallow. Somehow there 1 associated with thi name "lndecndent" In politic the Idea that the candidate Is either a bol ter, or hM been told by uJI the regu lur parties "to take bis clothes and go." The political Independent and the poli tical outcast are synomrmous In the mind of the average voter. He bus no us for either. He belongs to some purty, no matter what one, and is willing to vote for the men that party endorses, but the average voter docs not want to support and, us a gen eral thing, will not support a candi date that hM only his own Indorse ment m to hi fitness and worth for the place to which he aspires. Yesterday several of the not-nominated democrat on the "cltlxens" ticket, who are being trinsformed in to Independents by petition of their friends, kicked over the traces. They wanted a place on the ballot m dimocruts and proposed to have It, If they could get It, regardless of the petitions making them Independents. Tliey speedily ascertained, however, that this could not be. The democratic party In Clatsop county voluntarily extinguished Itself when It adjourned Its convention. Without having made any nominations, and merged the dele gates Into "citizens;" later on meeting auln, as democrat, and Indorsing what they had done as "citizens. This ac tion settled It They were "citizens," politically, or nothing, and unfortu nately for them the law steps In and says they are nothing so far as get ting their candidates on the ballot is concerned. Then the democrat running for of fice who want to be democrats, but are allowed by the law to be noth ing but Independents, not even "citi zens." tried another plan to avoid go ing on the ballot under the ' heading they detest They alleged that the so-called "citizens" convention, al though it wm merely a man meet ing, was legally fortnid, had over a hundred legal voter present who took part In th) deliberations and hence, had a right to party designations on the ballot. Again, for the benefit of the unfortu nates who want to run for office under any old name except that of "Independ ent," the section of the law applicable to their cmo is quoted below. "It' hard. It's might hard on the old Jetlersonlan-Jackson contingent but It can't be helped. They are "In dependent" on the ballot or else they don't go on It. Here Is the law. "A convenUon of delegate, within the meaning or this act, Is an organ ised body of delegate represenUng a political party, which, at the election next prectdlnp. polled at least three per cent, of the entire vote cast In the state, county, precinct or ot,her electorial district for which the nomi nation is made. An assembly of elec tors, within the meaning of this act. Is an organized body of not less than one hundred electors of the state or electorial division thereof for which the nomination I made." It will be readily seen that even If the "citizens" party had existed here tofore and had CMt the necessary vote, it failed to make legal nominations because there was not a hundred vote cost for any candidate at the assem bly or mass meeting of citizens which made the nominations. It's too bad, democrats, too bad, but it can't be helped, and this, too, coming right on top of the fusion dose you had to take last election. To the Astorlan: I notice as an Item of news In your paper this morn. Ing that I am "severely criticised." Will you please publish the name of my critic? I am sure that the Astorlan will not lend its columns to those who attack In the dark. However, before the matter goes any further, and this Is probably all that ever need be said, I will state that If there are any citizens of Clatsop coun ty who cannot conscientiously vote for a man for the ottlce of school super intendent, because he has an Indepen dent opinion, and does not hesitate to express it, none will be more willing than I to accord them the liberty of the American citizen. Even more, I respect and honor any one who vote perhaps against Inclination to empha size what he considers an Important truth. I do not suppose that any large num ber of our people consider the expres sion of a sympathy that was at least generous, if not deemed wise, (and upon the Philippine question there is room for honest difference of opinion) as a serious offense. However, if I am mis taken In this, and find upon your pub lished authority, not upon the hearsay of some Imaginative reporter, that For & DZHous and Norvous Disorders g Sick Hoadacho, Constipation, Weak Stomach, Unpaired Digestion, Disordered Llvor, and f n: 1 BtMh.m'a F-tllt hm tb. 1rft ..I. of tnr Propri.Wry Mwtleln. la th world. Tbli hM been Hbm4 witlMet tM sMklia ! ImiImUIs. 10 hdii ud M, . til drag Mora. trwr Is a large body of my fellow citizens ready at the polls to make me a martyr to free thought and free speech In Clatsop county, I. am per haps as available as any one for this distinction, and will prepare for the worst. May I again ask, in conclu sion, for the name of my critic? H. B. LYMAN, Astoria, May 4, im. The "imaginative reporter," like John Uoe, li made to bear the burden of a multitude of sins not of his commis sion. Mr. Lyman auks for the name of his "critic." The Astorlan distinct ly stated that there were "critics," or more correctly, "objectors," to Mr. Lyman's views concerning the relative merits of George Wellington and Agulmildo. That Is true. Not one, but at least a half dozen voters were In a crowd and were asked to sign the petitions making the "citizens" nomi nee Independents. They signed all the petitions except Mr. Lyman' and then explained why they did not sign his. A little Inquiry, caused by thi Incident, developed other who object ed, not so much to Mr. Lyman' at titude on the Philippine question, which was not the baals of criticism, but to his relative estimate of the rebel leader and "the Father of Our Coun try." For a newspaper to attempt to furnish the names of every person who criticises a candidate for pubic office, w ould be an absurdity even beyond the wildest dreams of an "Imaginative re porter." The vacancy on the republican Ucket for constable of Astoria precinct has been filled by the central committee by the nomination of William Chance, a well-known resident, who will un questionably poll a large vote. Those who Intend to run m indepen dents for county offices and who have not filed their petition a yet had better hurry up as only a few day remuin in which this can be done. No one need fear of being politically lone some running Independent this year, for they will find all sorts and kinds of political outcasts in the crowd. Some have been driven from only one party, others from all parties and still oth er nave been shanghaied from their party and put aboard the leaky in dependent craft. Misery loves com pany and additions to the Independent rank are gladly welcomed, no mat ter from what poUUcal coop they have escaped or been driven. What's the matter with a little red fire, a brass band and a grand open ing of the campaign. Still bunts are all right In their way but they don't reach far enough. If you want to reach all the voters you must get out in tbe open and let them know where to find you. The county central committee of the late lamented "clUsen" party wlU meet to morrow. The first business transacted by the committee wUl be to find out "where they are at" ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Flbh Thief Awaiting Trial Stab Him self In the County Jail. About supper time last night Under Sheriff Grant in walking about the corridor of the county jail noUced spot of blood on the floor. Almoet at the same moment he noUced that something was -wrong with Charles Bacon, the man held for trial in the Justice court a day or two ago for stealing fish from one of the Associa tion's canneries. Accosting Bacon, the under sheriff finally got him to admit that he had tried to kill himself. An cxamlnaUon of the man showed that, using a piece broken from the blade of a pair of scissors a a weapon. Bacan had in.'llcted a stab Just over his heart While the scissors blade had not pen etrated the lung cavity, and the wound was therefore not dangerous, Bacon was weak from the loss of blood. A physician was called and dressed the wound. To Sheriff Llnvllle, Bacon said he had became despondent over the prospect of serving a long term In prison and concluded to end his troubles. The sheriff believes that the man la trying to work the sympathy dodge or tried to injure himself just enough to cause his removal to some hospital from which he might later on make his es cape. Had he been In earnest, the broken Bclgsora blade furnished him with a weapon amply strong and sharp enough to have accomplished his purpose. Sheriff Llnvllle also believes that Ba con Is an old offender and that he Is wanted somewhere else and Is afraid his arrest here will lead to his whree abouts becoming known. At any rate everything has been taken from Bacon 'and his cell that might furnish him with the means of ending his life, al though his jailers are satisfied he had ' and has no intention of doing any ' thing desperate. r9, IVH LLS C3 ITS lnnpnrp n r And All Forms of Itching, Scaly Humors Are Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by CUTICURA. The Itching and burning I sufTered In my feet am! limb for three yean were terrible. At night they were worse and would keep me awuke a pitals, and all else fail. Sold throughout the world. Potts a Dhuo and Chi. Lout., Sole Props., Boston. " How to Purify and Beautify the Skin," free. Use only CtmcrftA Roir for baby's skin, scalp, and hair. It Is sot only the poret, weetMt, and moot refreshing of suniery iu., bnt It contain flttllrato, enml- HILLlfJXS llenl properCea, obtained from C'tmciiOA, the great akin cure, hli h preserve, pr parity, snd beautify the .kin, oralp, and hair, and prevent ilmple akin diem vt lane from beromlnjr aertou. for dlatreaalng heat raahea, ehafinira, Inlliim. MOTHERS maUon. and eruption, for erurttd, tlrhlnn Irritation of the n-alp, with lrr, mm inb Uln an(j laiiina; balr, for red, roo(h baud, a&d atupelee tt&Ua, and duple In. fas tile bamora. It 1 absolutely Uullapenaable. NO MOKE WHISKEY SCOWS. Government Refuses to License the Floating Craft to Sell Liquor Must Be Moved Ashore. The revenue department has made a new ruling regarding the sale of li quor on scows on tbe Columbia, For years there have been a number of scows anchored along the river at point convenient to the ilshermen, here the latter could procure liquor by the quart. The scows have been kept in tbe river owing to the diffi culty and danger In making landings along the shore, but under the new ruling mentioned the floating whole iale liquor houses will have to take dry land or go out of business. The ruling was brought about by the payment of his Internal revenue li cense by Cosma Constantine, who has a scow in the river off Tenas Illihee Island. Constantine paid the license to City Auditor Nelson who forward ed the money to Collector of Internal Revenue Dunne at Portland, wJio re turned the money yesterday with' "the information that no license to sell liquor would be granted to scows an chored in the river. This mean that they will have to pull their floating houses out on the shore and put foun dation under them. The fishermen say that this rule will settle the scow trade as they prefer to come to As toria rather than take the chance ot making a landing on tbe river bank. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. When built will prove the link be tween prosperity and many people. The farmers In the extreme east a well as those In the extreme west will perhaps profit by it most It will prove a blessing to humanity In general, im proving the condition of the nation, as listener's Stomach Bitter ha that of the Individual. The Bitter are for everybody, but particularly for those who do not possess health. There have been many cases of dyspepsia and indigestion cured by this medicine. Nothing to equal this remedy ha ever been discovered for aliments of the stomach, liver, bowels or kidneys. You will And that it will cleanse the blood and sharpen the appetite. See that a private revenue stamp covers the neck of the bottle. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all par ties holding Clatsop county warrants endorsed prior to June first 1898, to present the same to the county treas urer at his office at 164 Tenth street for payment Interest ceases after this date. H. C. THOMPSON. County Treasurer. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, thi 23d day of April, 1900. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place in service April 29th a New Train between St. Paul and St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout. Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. OSTEOPATHY. Or the science of drugless healing. Specialties chronic and nervous dis eases. Examination 'ree. DR. C. J. RAMSEY, Cor. Fourteenth St. and Franklin Ave., Astoria, Oregon. 1 to B p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. NET LOST. Near Desdemona Sands on Saturday night; about eight papers twine, 9Vi inch mesh, half new. Corks marked K. 0 buoy marked A. S. Finder i.ptlfy Co lumbia River Packers Association. jrreacer pan or tne nigm. i consutteu doctor after doctor, u I was travelling on the rend most of my time, Uo one of onr city doctors. None ot the doc tors knew what the trouble was. I got a lot of the different samples of the medi cine I had been using. I found them of so many different kind that I con eluded that I would have to go to a Cincinnati hospital before I would get relief. 1 hod frequently been nrtred to try Ccticura KKMF.niK, but I had no laithln them. My wife finally prevailed upon me to try them. Presto I u hat ' a change t I am now cured, and It U a permanent cure. I feel like kicking some doctor or myself for Buflerlng three years when I could have uaed Cuticcea EXUfR8. II. JEXKCN'SKdJleboro, Ky,.'J COMPLETE TREIT;:ENT $1.25 Consisting of Ctmcvut Soap (25c.), to cleanse the akin of crosts and scales snd often the thickened cuticle, CtinccaA Ointment (50c.), to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inttaramatlon, snd soothe ana heal, and Ccticcsa Kmolvsnt (fiflc.), to cool snd cleanse the blood, is of urn sufficient to care the mast torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humor , rashes, snd irrita tions with Ions of hair when physicians, hos REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Margaret Soper and husband to Wil liam Fraeer tract of land In section 34. 27 and ft, T 4 N, R 8 W; quitclaim 11.00. Ellen Wllllkaen and husband to Mar tha K. Wllllksen lots 7 and 8 In block 6o. Adair's; 11. United State to John B. Dunkln west half of southwest quarter of sec tion 35, T 3 N, R t W; patent ' RAILROAD EXCURSION. - The Past Sachems' Association of Portland will give a grand excursion from Portland to Seaside on Sunday, May 6th. Round trip from Astoria, Including entrance to the clam bake, 60 cent. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. A N. which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double daily service 'be tween Portland and Chicago. "Train No. 1, leaving Portland at (:ll a. m. 1 known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." It equipment I new throughout making it fully the equal of any train now In service from the Pacific coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 6:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East together with the best of service to all local point oa the O. R. ft N. lines. SOLFTLINE. SolflUne! Solflllnel If you are sick and tired of rubber, which protect your feet from wet on cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; If you wish to longing the life of same at least fifty, per cent If you wish to save greas ing your belts In your manufactury, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Solfliln on your shoes and harness. Buy your shoes only of those who have that scientific remedy. Take no other. Address. PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents, Astoria, Orego. When a woman marries a man, she not only takes his name, but nearly everything else the poor devil pos sesses. Fisher's Opera House L. E. SELIO, Lessee and Manager. RIonday, Hay 7 CHARLES H. HAYSTEAD PRESENTS ' ...ROBERT GERMAIN... IX THE BEACriFCL PFODUCTION .BY HAL REID. Author of - "Human Hearts," "Old Hickory," "Knobs O' Tennessee." A ,l-,locUa 7 .J r A O Seat Sale Opens Saturday Morning at Griffin & Reed's. Knobs o 1 I Tennessee