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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1900)
l'HK MORNING ASTUK1AN. Sl!NlA, FKKKlWIiY 18, HOD 1 $aibj glotcaimt; JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main tSL TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DATLT. Best by mall, per yer tt.(M flnt by mail, per mvith SO Served by carrier, pjr month CP SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year. In advance 1100 Postage free to subscriber. All communications Intended for pub lication sh.iuld be directed to the edi tor. Uuslnesa communication of all kinds and remittance must be address ed to "The Astorian." The Aatorlan guarantee to Ita ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river Advertising rates can be had on ap plication 4,o the business manager. According to the New Tork World, with an estimated population of l.IOfl, 000. Cub last year easily produced a revenue of $15,217,197. of which 114.000. 000 waa from customs. This represents a per capita contribution of $12.50, a rate, which, applied to the population of the United States, .would produce a revenue of nearly $1,000,000,000. Another striking example of the way Oregon Is being overlooked In the num erous publications relating to the fu ture trade of this coast with the Orl ent is fumirihed by a folder just Is sued in the interest of the C. B. A Q railroad, a transportation line which Is believed In some quarters In Oregon to be seeking Pacific coast outlet or terminal on the Columbia river. One extract from the folder reads as fol lows: The eyes of all Americans are now turned upon the Orient, and its acqui sition of possessions in that direction has stimulated the attention of thous anda of people to the vast trade upon which we are entering, not only wit; our new possessions, but with th densely populated countries of the Orl ent, which are now becoming cus tomers for our surplus wheat and flour: and Western Washington being the natural outlet of this export trade, will witness a steady growth and ex panslon which will ultimately place its ports upon an equal footing with those of the Atlantic seaboard. The people of this nation are pretty much of one mind as to the necessity of thU country absolutely owning and controlling the Nicaragua canal. Eng land, that could have very reasonably questionea our ngnt to tne exclusive ownership and control of the canal, is quite willing to 'waive It, asking that It shall be an open highway alike in war and peace. A new treaty with Eng land providing that this country shall own and control the canal and main tain It as an open highway in war and peace, is pending In the senate, and It has called out the fiercest as saulta of tbe jingo journals and bab bier of the land. The jingo shriekers Insist that the Nicaragua canal shall not be an open highway for an ene my in time of war, and demand that it shall be supplied with defenses to pro tect it This Jingoism is simply reck less and senseless. The greatest de fenses which could be erected at both ends of the canal, would be utterly valueless to defend it aguinHt an enemy ft Print rnrl it; mm r uuu for Infants Nature planned that infants should have only milk for at least the first year of life. But thin milk, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat, that does the work. This is be cause fat is positively neces sary for the growing body. Scoirs finsision contains the best fat, in the form of Cod-Liver Oil, for all delicate children. They thrive greatly under Ht use. 8 Soon they wei tfh more, eat more, 1 play better and look better. Ifi just Ithe right addition to their regular j food The hypophosphitaoflime 5 and soda in It are necessary to the I growth and formation of bone and teeth. I At all draniits ; mc.sndli.oo. 1 f OSTT S f JWME. Chemiatt. New York. L.H n i mi I In war. Thirty years ago It could have been done, but today It Is ImposUilo. The t.-rrible 'explosive now adapted to war purpos' a can be , hurled, many miles from the mo,rn'gun, nl It would tv.ii!re only a aingi; well-charged bomb to be thrown Into one of Its look or cum Into its channel any-h-Te alone Its entire length, to de stroy It, and that could be prvvnti'd only by having a battle line of sol -Hi rs from one mouth to the other. The canal built by our government and made an open highway for all nations of the world In peace and war, would command the efforts of every com nation to protect the highway In the Interests of its own commerce and any act of destruction committed by an enemy would be nn affront-to all the other civilised nations of the world. Most of the jinKo demagogue know that the best possible protection to the Nicaragua canal Is to make it an open highway and not attempt to protiHit it by forts r guns; but jingoism hus a theme, a very barren one Indeed, but It is a thrme, and Jingoism is shrieking for the expenditure of millions of dol lars t.) defend a canal that can b-st j defend Itself In mace or war bv mak- I in? It an cpn highway without forts or batteries. ROBERTS' KIMBERLET SUCCESS. Like our own war with Spain, as well as that of the rebellion, the British soldiers In South Africa have be n , i l..., , ., luuui't'i i u vy iiuuuc upimun ana semi- m.Ul pr.1l. t torn,. Wlra 0r..i BUll.r mohrt So.ih AM .horil, met Uk ouibn.k ol th. r HI. h, t coot mraie a large force on the Orange river, march to the relief of Kim nberley and rtiiwmr, then make a descent on Bloemfonteln and Pretoria. Public opinion in Eng land was, howtver, so unanimously and insistently in favor of the relief of Lrtvmith th., ,;and mon.polles. It cannot be atamp.-d- abandoned, and Instead of striking the enemy as a compact whole the British forces were divided and two campaigns instead of one projected. The result was that neither the forcis of Uuiler in Natal nor of Methuen in Cupe Co ony were able to cope with the enemy, and disaster after disaster to the Brit ish followed. With the arrival of Field Marshall Lord Kobsrta, however, the original plan has been resumed, with results already Intensely gratifying at homi ' and that must give satisfaction to ' i all English speaking peoples through- out the world. It is now plain that BulUr's third atlemnt to hi-Mlc th , lines investing Ladysmith was but a feint to occupy the Boers and turn at tention from Modder river. From ihls time on, of course, Cape Colony and the Southern Free State will become. as they should in the beginning, the real theatre of war. It Is on the Modder and Orange riv ers that the great strug?le will take place, and the length of the war will probably be determined by the capac ity of the Boers for resistance at these points. There tho country is much more favorable for British operations than in Natal or the Transvaal fron tier. The country Is more open, there Is less danger of the British line of communications being cut and the gen era! environments are more in keeping with the mode of righting of the Brit ish. There the .eal tug of war may be now taking place, and there the strate gy of the hero of Kandahar and of the Boer leaders will be measured on some thing like a fair field. BKTAN WOULD SET A GAIT POK REPUBLICANS. Chicago Times-Herald. Bryan 1 reported In a Washington Interview as declaring himself In favor of holding the democratic national con ventiun before the republicans get to gether to shape the national Issues for the coming contest "I think wo ought to set a gait for the republicans," says the leader of the sllveriteg and ant! expansionists. It is Mr. Aryan's belief that the democrala would gain an advantage by promulgating the first pronouncement on the "truBt" question. This, In his opinion, would put the republicans on the "defensive' during the campaign. It is not eaay to comprehend by what process of reasoning Mr. Bryan arrives at this conclusion. Th-re is not the slightest probability that the Bryan platform would affect the phraseology or subject matter of the republican platform in any particular. The pres ent national administration stands for certain fixed policies on the currency, on expansion, on the merchant marine. on the Philippines, on monopolies and other national Issues. The lines of the platform are already laid. The people can very accurately anticipate its dec larations. Its affirmation upon the old and the new Issues will be clear and i i ' V"-, FX ; mm 1 Karl's Oovcr Root Tc-2 ft-. ...If - . n.... .1 - lilt!, vivtA I'-wKi ,(-.irNiin l'urvv'i Mixtion, In.'-fti-H, nnj nil Knii ti - I :i Skin. An a-r-ii!i. 1 .ix Hi N.-t. Ioihc Sold m n'-M-luto furialo by .l Onv :'rts al -j;( , (iv. anU fl.OU. 3. C. WCLLS A CO., ItHOY, H. Y. ! IT II I I fold by CHARLES ROiSEKS. unequivocal. Americanism will per vade Its utterances upon every que i lion of national Interest. If Mr. Bryan imasln s that he can the republicans Into a defensive discussion of "trusts" he Is nursing a delusl-m. The republican plunk upon this question will recognlxe the rights of property and capital. There will be no annrchy In It. It will not bj on ap ! real to class hutred. noitnir iih.-r will It be t ! "" "n-rl. 1 Al " "M r,!n' I""1"- """ " ' PTO ; duction and distribution, the republl- can8 wl" domani1 8Ucn lf8'slallon M ' w ,u W monop-jHi trom destroy- ' ln competition to enhance prices. The republican convention will rec- , I ojrnlie th- wide hiatus between "trusts" ' ei by any hysterical attacks upon wealth, that may be Incorporated In tht Bryan p'atform Into a declaration that all industrial combinations ar." , "monopolies" and must be annihilated. , The republican plank on the question wiil be a 3ensible and well-conslderej appeal to the intelligence of the p-o-ple, who long ago Legume c minted that the quisilcn of "trusts" could not be made a political issue. lu wl"llt'J iwuuais , . , , t. . Take Laxative Brjmo Quinine TabLts. Aa druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. E. W. Groves' signature is on each box. 25c. TO TIIS TOBACCO TRADE. " The wholesalers In Portland and San Francisco hav.j combined to chargo a set price for all tobacco. I buy direct from the same factories and for the same price as thty do, therefore I am able and willing to sell exactly at Port land rats. IJ patronizing me you can at least save freight and purchase In quantities to suit your trale. Compare prices and be convinced. Respectfully, THEO. BRACKER, 515 Commercial Street WOMEN WANTED. Sixty-seven women wanted suffering from Irregular, jainful or stoppage of periods; Uucoreh'-ea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured by old Lir. Kess If r, c-jrnc-r Second and Yamhill streets, Portland. Three hundred and fifteen women called last month. Consultation free ani prhate rooms for ladles. If can't call, write, inclosing 10 2-cent stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system of home nent treat- SOLFILINE. Snlfillne! Solflllne! If you are sick and tired of rubbers, wnicn protect your reel rrotn wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; If you wish to tor greaurg your harness and pro longing the life of same at least nt.y per cent If you wish to save creasing your belts in your manu- factury, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of SnifliJne on your shoes and harness. Bur your shoes only of those who have that set. TaKe no other. Address. PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents. Astoria, Ore2';n GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wanh., February 12, 1900: Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until ll eclock, a. m.. March 12, la'JO, and tnen orencd, for furnishing fuel at the several military posts In this department for fiscal y ar com mencing July 1st 1300. Information furnishPd here or by quartermasters at posts. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposale or any part thereof. Envr-lops containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Fuel at," nnd addressed to undersigned. . W. JACOUS, C. J. M. LIGHT-HOT'S R PROPOSALS WANTED. Sealed proposals will be received at tne onice of the Light-House Inspector, Marquam BuiMirg, PTtl'ind, ' 'egon, until 12 o'clock M., March 1, ISOt for furnishing prov slons f r vl l an1 statb ns In the 13th ll?ht-house district for the fiscal y ar ending June 20. 1901. In accordance 1 b spec flcatlons. con. 1-s of whlc wl h b ark d idou'i and other Information, may be I ad up on appucaiion to vmiuaauer ifi. D. Taussig, ,U. S. N. No More Back Ache . tr RRAVELroN lY CONSTIPATION. rINflAMATI0Nt' BLA0DER. akO S-AU KIDNEY PISE A ST S . I'urtlles the Mood by ellnitnalliiK ptiMonous matter, stimulailiiK the - croiior.s, regulating the boweU and aid li.g nature In throwing off that which ni.-k-s a yellow kln. The effect on the COMPLEXION Is quite pnnounced, few days' use will demonstrate. The ambitious deceive theniselves In irni:Mlng an end to their ambition; for that end when attained becomes a means. mmh pills a RcstOM V!'.ai:y lr-t V;r ond MhnhoaJ. Care ImnntoiH , M;!,t r:i'is.slonar.? wa-t:nj iW.ixv.. nil tiK-cts of si. r-''""c ,,r exec-si and i nil is ; ji L Jrrrtio:i. .. none tonic nnt! -FfWood lr.'.lMlor. Urlnp ths N-i.!i.t r;hnv to iia'c cheeks ami l-'v-'r t .-torc-t the tin? of youth ? W.V I'.v n-.:! ..()c per 1-oT.fl boxes mi ?'-.'; w U h j u j illou truiiran. U'otocurc or refund tlio uionoy. ocr.J forclfuUir. AddrcKd, NCRVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A JacKfir. fn., CHICAGO, lut 'ur f t) Cftarlw It vat, 1. ituk.hi. a'r, Orf0i. My s-m has been troubled for years with chronic duurhoea. Someiline KJ I persuaded hint :o take some of I'hamlH-rlain'a Colic, Cholera and l)iiirrh--fa remdy. After imlng two bottles of the 2."-cent lUe he war cur-.d. I give this le-itlmonlal hoping some one similarly attltct.-d may read It and be benefited. THOMAS C. iiOWKK. Ol-fiipoe, O. Kor sale by Charles Rogers. The Rreat'st ambition entirely con cial.i itself, when It 'In-I.i that what it a.-ir J to is unattainable. Mr. J. Sheer. Sediilla. Mo., s.ive.1 h child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. iKictors had given her up to din with croup. It's an!lb cure for cough-i, clU, gnpxf, pnouinonla, bn.n i-liuis ami throat unil lung troubles Relieves at once. Clias Hog-rs. What sen's to be generosity Is often no mop. than disguised ambition: Allied n - rlo.iks little interists. in order to gratify great encs. DeWitt's Little Early Rlrs purify the biood, clean the bver. Invigorate :he svstem. Famous little pills for con. stipation and liver troubles. Chas Rog ers. We pass often from love to ambition but ue seldom return from ambition to love. VIsj Annlff E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure complete. ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble It never falls to give Immediate relief In the worst cajfen. Chu Rogers. Those who apply themselves too mui-ii tr little things, commonly be come Incapable of great ones. Mrs. k. Churchill. Berlin, vt.. aays: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWltl's Witch Hasel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Heware of worthlis counterfeits. Chas Rogers. Few things are Impracticable In themselves; and it Is for want of appli cation, rather than of means, that men full of succesj. As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pa'.n Balm Is gaining a wide repu'atlon. D. B. Johnston of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1SC2. In speaking of It he says: "I never found any thing that would relieve me until I used Chamb?rlaln's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining rr.e very much but one good application of Pain Balm Mleved me Fof Bale by Charles Rogers. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light end v.o!I bak'.-d. Well there Is a knack in mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a lilfT-rreriC". His mother used Htar I2wtfite Knnge mimm. J W. I. SCULLY. Agent 411 Bond atirMt fi ij m Mm I i ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN 1 lie Most for C'ixW, ' I am a-tvertliili'K for the Ch KriH-ery tradi, for which I offer the fullest wWif.u and lowit prtctM, llvvrythinir clean and freh. Prompt Mttonilon. CIIAKLKS LAHSON. Urocerlei and Crockery. Thcrv'V Sntlsfaelloii In buyltiir sllwrware wImt th stock is complete and you hv an Rsiur Ance mj to quality. I have a 1:110 axit rtmeitt of sterling silver and hotlowware In latest deslgna for Wiildlnii present iui-I holiday trrtde. Ho sure to ee It bv'fore ymi buy. O. W. SMITH. t!i Cimmen?liU atreet. Who I)d:h Your l.auiiJr-.' We clulin, and we wlU prove to every one, that w have the best and most up-to-date '.aumlry on the Ooast. A trial order will convince the most parlli-uUr. If you want neat, prompt work, try th CITY tfTKAM LAUNDUT. iii Franklin Avenue, ft 8C1IIMPFEHMAN. Prop. l or u HoliJay i'AU There Is nothing nloe-r Uutn a pl-'de of llverw;ire or cut kIhim. I h ive A COIIiplO'O tUVOM'tlllellt llf ttlO lWI piiHlui-tlon at ri'iiA'ikihl piie.-s. It. EKSTflOM. The Jeweler. 0 Cammerclal 8treL (letter I liau Tver The P.nd Street Fish Market Is better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt tlnh of all kinds. Goods delivered to any part of the cllv and satisfaction guaranteed. POND STKKCT F18H MAHKKT. 417 Bond Street. Millinery .Novelties I di tire to furthr call the atten tion of the ladles to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prle the latest creations of th millinery art. and I am offering re duced rate for the nnt to days. MISS McHAB. Ir. T. N. IUII DENTIST. 573 Commercial Street, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schlussel'a Clothing Store, THH LOrYKE. Strut itri flu' 11Vl" - pei.-l 1 1 n l. -l;i.' Cr- ...M I ; liiitinx ill llm citv will llnil i.i tiltrai'ttVM reirl wherein veiling, Tim Amine Sinters x'r i is still mi lit.' bills nmi ,-vn- a iiuifi, ol iiri' -X-'.'llf lill-rif, llllllwlt) KMI Rllll li, it ,,tM hi a 'nil il re iu inlun-i lion iii tin tin i '. l'lii-itu1 -le lumliil will U hitvi'iI it' nil ninirs The cl.'ini nry of print, s Is often poll--v. to gain th-? affection of their sub jects. SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Years' Without a Constant Fallurt. Use The first Indication of croup la hnarsnrss, and In a child subject to mat u is.-aso it may be taken as a .in re sign of the approach of an at tack. Folliiuing this hoarsness Is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain's Couch Remedy Is given as tbe I'hlld becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. It will pre vent the attack. It Is used In many thousands of homes In this broad land und never dlsnppolnta the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn if a single Instance In which It has not proved effect u-iL No other prepa ration run show such a record twi.-uty-flve years' constant us with out a failure. For sale by Charles Itogers. In every rrofesslon, every Individual affects to ai-p' ar v. hat he would wil lingly be esteemed; no that we may say, the world Is composed of nothing but appearances. All Astoriaru who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the Fredericks burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental selections there are many other at tractions to delight the visitors. The new management la making the Freder icksburg a well-merited success. BROWN A GRANT. Props. Misers mistake gold for their good: wnen-as it is only a means of attain Ing It "One Minute Cough Cure Is the best remedy I ever uwed for cougha and colds It Is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like It," write it. N. Will lams, Oentryvllle, Ind. Never falls. It is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cur cougha, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia. bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Its early use prevents con- suinptiwi, Chas Rogers. A vn rice Is more opposite to economy than liberality. "I was nearly aead with dystipiila, trlod doctors, vlslfd mineral springs, and grew wor. I ased Kodol Dys pepsla Cure. That cured me." It dl- gi-ts what you eat Cure Indigestion, sour stoniacn, h'-artnurn and all forms of dyspepsia. Chas Rogers. Kxtrcmc avarice almost always makes niistak'.-s. There is no passion that oftcner mlKscs its aim; nor on which the present has so much In fluence, In prejudice of the future. It tak but a minut to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop cough by the um of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre. vents consumption, A famous specific for grippe and Its after effects. Chas Rogers. We like better to see those on whom wo confer benefits, than those from whom we receive them. J..B. Clark. Peoria, III., says: "Bur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It Is Infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of couater felu Cna Roger. 0 ;i!l. TIMI1 5CNI'DPl.n5 riuiii liirUtml, PKI'AKT Asmrl Halt jtk, IHrnvir, Kt Pmi Mall W ortli, l)mh, Kan u etly, bt. Liuii, eiilio(u nd Kat, Mull 46 p. m HtxikHIIS Kbet 1 14 p. m, Walla Wnlla, HiHiktu. M,,k.., MlnnmuilU, Bi.I'kiiI,' Y(v, l-llllllll, VI MWHIIIVf) t'lilensaauit Kwl, from A torts I I a. in. WCBAN ITUAMJMIIP1 All tUIIIni listen ih Joel ! cliaiine, Kur nan r nuipins.-Hdll Mi, 3,7, IJ. .7,t),S7 Colcniliia ftlwr Hie liters l' VnrtUnd sa4 Wsy landings. 7 a in Kx Sun.l.iy la m Al day Ttan Portland ' . Orr. n l llv, NkwIhti, .wIi'im a wr-l jihJ . In K Mm .tty 7. n) hill Klvtrs. j.;" V,.i run, iinir till tlt, Orif n i'll, niivtmi, il smi'yrl. naX'lalUIIIIISI. llliurln !. illy I !A . tu. 5iukt Klvr. HlparUto LewUlaii. I.t 1jwIIu n.JO a in Lily tarn WUIWIKT ' 4: o n, m, Till". I Ihii I'lirtlniiil Mod. Med tul mty l1 O. VT. LOUNIIlCRItT. - Agant AMortt, it nuniinuni, Qa. pas, Ast rr(ls4. Or. It T UXUfilOUS 1 RAVEL Ml UK 'North.W.M.rn Limited" tram, 1 ltctrlo lighted throughout, both la 4ttl and out and attain netd, are. runout axcepilon, the Oneat trains In the world. Tby embody the Istut, uswost nd best lds fur eomfoit. convenient nd luxury vr etTrd the traveling puulir, and aitogtnr ar th most com. pit and splendid production of the car builders' art Th SpUndld Train Connect with The Grcnt Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian I'aciric AT ST. PAUL ron CHICAGO and the RAST. No itra charge fur then suptrlor ac -.omtnodatlons and all cIssms of tic Set r. avsllahl for pf on the famous -Ncrth-w(rn Lltnlttd." Alt trains this lint ar protected by th Interlocking mock tystrm. W. II. MEAD. r. C RAVAGE. 0a' Afnt, T A. Portland Or. li). A familiar nam for th Chicago, Mil wtuk A Bt. Paul Railway, known all over th Union th Orsat Railway running th "Pioneer Limited'' trains very day. and nlrht betwn Bt Paul snd Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. Th only perfect train In th world." Undrtand: Connection ar mod with ill Transcontinental Lin, assuring to psegnrs th best erne Known. Lux- urlou cuach, leotrlo light, ittam beat of a verity equaled by no other lln. H that your ticket roas via "Th Milwauke" when going to any point In th United State or Canada. All tkkt tgents sell them. For rat, pamphlets, or othr Informa tion, laddrea, J. W. CAUET, C J. EDDY. Trar. Pass. Agt, Oanersl Agnt, Portland. Or, Portland, O.r WHITE COLLAR LINL Cohimbt Itlvr ao4 rwrat Bound Navi gation Company. Galley (atiert leave Astoria dally, except Punday, at 7 p. m. Leave Portland dally except Inn day at 7 a. m. Whit Collar tin tickets and a R. n. ticket Interchangeable on Bailey uaiserx ana tiassaia, A. J. Taylor. Astoria Art U. B. SCOTT, Telephone lit tTMiaent A FEW INTERESTING FACTS V7hn peopl r contain plating a ln whether on bunlnea or pleasure, the) naturally want th beat scrvlo ob. buiiabl so for a toed, comfort safety Is concerned. Employes of tk. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEL ar uald to srv the publlo and our train ar operated so as to mak olos cos nectlons with dlvsrging line at Ji Juncvtlon point. Pullman Palac Bleeping and Chair Can on through trains. Dining Car eenrW unexcelled. Mealt served a la cart. In order to obtain this flst el service aak th ticket agent to sell yon a tlckd ovr ...... The Wisconsin Central Lines. nd you will max direct connection at Bt Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all point t. ror any further Information call on aai ticket agent or correspond with JAB. C. POND. 0n. Pom. Agnt, (r JAS A CLOCK. Milwauke. Wl. UnTa Agent Ml Bum St.. rorauid Or Through Tickets , EAST AND SOUTHEAST icto PULLMAN PALACB BLKKPRRS. TOUIIIHTS SI.KBPKIUI and rilKIQ KBCLININU ClIAIIt CAM -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City nd other Kaatara cut, HIM ehi'k4 tnrourn to aatintloa. Union Dlil. fast (una, low tit rat, I'lii inch llslil In all ear. For rates and otnr Information call oa or aildr U. W, LOUN81IKItnr, Agnt, O. It. N. Co. Astoria, Orfoa, or i LCilllOP, 0n. An. U6 Third Hi.. or. Aldr. Portland. Or. .'.'.KiJ fi U U"I .1VilA, I mm UCAV PORTLAND AIUUV1 oyrrtLAND x- PHUrtrt. for Salm, ItiiMliura. Ashland. IM P.U.I kUerrn-oio, usiia, rt.n a.. nan Francisco, wlo. Ii, Lu Ansilx, Kl ro N or Imd and lb Kat RoMbury; psnr Via Woodhur. for Mount i Anl, Mil vrloa, Wt Sulo, lirownvlll rlprlog Sold and Nation,,., 1:1k A. Hi N il r. at Dally iept Sunday Dally , leapt Sinday n A. M N.M P. Ml Corvallls pJoi I U A. M Indpadno pa' III. a AM Dally, tDailr iopi auMay. lonnvctlng ( lo ranoiwo with Owl OMilal A Ucicntal, i'aoino atait and U anlo niiiip ma fur JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRAI.fA HAWAII ANU THk PHIMPPINKS. Hbat llrh.t on sal dally Mint roriUnd, ormnto and Han mtvis oo. Net rat 111 flni m . ondHilaa, im-luillng slir.' fat and tlckaia to h.ira point and EUruiiA. All Jattttft I'hla. ll. ...-I..,.. and Aastralta. Can b obtalawi fmoi j, R R. KuKMLliM, C. it MARKiiAal! 4naaf. o. F. A P. A, Threunh lu-ktt last for lowest rat. Wt. Fsxce CotMsaa- tilfao. Asturt. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTS TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Olvo choir of two favorlt rout, via tn union Psolflo Fat Ifoil Lla, r th nio Orano Scnlo Una. LOOK AT TUB T114H li Days to Knit Ijike '1 Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 1 Duy8 to Now York. Fr folning chair, upholster too. It slerplnc cars, and Pullman pJa iMpers. opmt4 on all train. For further Inronnatton. apply to Or Aatorla, Onwon. C O. TCRR.T, W. B. COHAN, Tra. Paa Agt 0n, Agent LM Third St. PorOaM, Or. O. W. LOUN80BRRY, Agent. O. R. A N ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. . PORTLAND. ArH.." 1:00 a. mTlpoirtland Union iwin u . 7:00 p. m. for Astoria and Intan) 1:40 p.m. j " A8TORLC- 7.45a.m.For Portland Ala- 11:101 iwp.m.termediate point ll:Mpjsu HEABIDB DIVISION. p. m. a. m. tavni P-SS, :uuiii:jai.v ....Astoria.,.. Ar t: ll:66Ar w . t. S :M ii: ia i.t Warrsnton. . 7:40 7: l:t 1st l:M :80 l:(Ar .Brasld.,, I:1M 1:11 SPECIAL SKA8IDB SUN DAT TRAIN Lv Atori at l:K a. m. orrtv at Beoald 1:45 a. m. Pasaenger may return on any train shown on schedule on am dat. ALL TRAINS to and from fleaakl roa ot Flavel and Hammond via Warns ton. All train mak eloa eonnoiioa at Gobi wKh all NorUwrn Paotno Ira to to and from th aat or Sound polnta At Portland with all train leaving Union depot At Astoria with I. R, A N. Co.'s boat and ralj Una to and from Dwaco and Mortn lieaoh points. THROUO' TICKETS on sal at Aa torla for .mnfA. Run vi.. .11 ttostern and European polntA tlal trei. j. c. MAyo Qen'I Frt and Piu. Agent railWA'poihts east Through palace and tourist lnr- dlnlng and library observation car. KWSUANT VE3TIBULB TRAINS, No, 4. "Flyer" leave Prinji 3.45 p, m. p. m. No. I. "Fiver." arrlv Pnrfl.n 8 00 a. m. For rate, etc., call or ad("r O. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent O. R. A N.. Aatorla. or A. B. C, CKNNISTON, . C. P. A T. A., Portland. Ora,