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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1900)
TUK MORNING AHJ'OIUAN, HNDAi, KKM.UAKY 18, '900. irt Mtfii tot) rtft) OVERCOAT and MACKINTOSH SALE 1 I An u Hpi'dal iiiduccmuiit to Muo.' our stuck previous ti taring arrival." we will iimko u ltiro reduction on the a bove nobhv good at leiw tlian :nt. C. H Cooper The Leading: House of Astoria f r.n .,r.i .-.i.v y('rt (') TO ASTOKIANS. Th. IIAII.V AMTOHIAN will Iw fun ml n win In 1'iirlUiHt wtl-kiiMWii ti.rr hnuMiii J. r. ii.i.ii)t .... sui Waahliigtoii HirtM-l Unlet fr iltt ll.ln l.'l nil II 1 It la Hum will rl iruwl VODA T'H W BATHER. lltTl.ANI, Ki"b. Wfifm Ore. son, Wnnti'rn Wttnhln(in Mini Idaho; ixciiiiliiiml ruin ltiluy, AROUND TOWN. J. Wood of Knappton Is In thn j 0,(, o.-ni l-ntl It a hliih 'frmle Kentucky wl.lnky. Absolutely " i pure, ami tun lm rrcoiiiiuciMled to those OUf Krd'kKon f Mellvlllo I In the mkUig 4 htimuln f it melln,l snd ro- lly. Cl:il uk. Hoia by Auk. LUnlWon, A- -- 1 t'itU, t'ffgan. Mlxi Kalhryno Hhlvflcy In vlnltlng In . ,'orll",", I The 1.IIM11I Irlnl trip of thn lorK-... " I bot li'Hlrii'r iolilnlirouifli will taki; W, N. Mi'pivh of (lruyi river wo In, '.mv on On- HoiiikI W-Uiuxltiy. Hni; t iwn )irnlny. will ! In iihiiiimikI of i'ittnlii W. II. j I n 1 1 -i noil, of I'ortUiiit,, who hunillinl W. 1. I'urroit of Ority rlvrr U t ' ' rlttl ,rll' ' ' lhi Avlor Iiciiimc. Crtwninh cooked In win ftl tb N-! tlonol Ctfo. ! llowi'll I.rwin wiu down fro-u l)t rni'h yflrrdy. Uond Blrt Flub M-rket Tlphan miniber, SIM. MU Mayb'll Youn U vUllltig with frl'iidn In l'irllund, Mr. unl Mm. ttenj. Ynunn have rf- j turned frmn tk-Mluv, 'V. W. t'uitln. thn Portland rontrac to", l at lh Ik-fld'-n',. lit IS-cunt meal, UUIn Sun rtitau r4i. tlx Commercial alrtct Wm. Alulemon, tlio lh-p river mer iliutit, wu In town yelerduy. V, K. Tulliiiit rriuriii'd ymterduy frmn a trip tu 1'ortluml. IliillN-Tii th. wife of ("rank (1hhI- li, iiRiintuni riuilneer on the Wallula, lhl. Hundny, monilnir, a. daughter. Thn lliltlli Kli-ttmer Ht. Irene crowned In y ell ! 11 y muniliiK n I iriHnt'd I to rorttri.d. The wit ier llnrvi'titer In n niut I nun Hun Kiaiti U o to thin port to load IiuhUh hi Mciingnr'i mill. SlIKUMAN'fl NKW WAOOS-llave you Rnen It? for piano, furniture and huKKnve moving, fli m hummer. Captain Hehruder hiu returned from I'lAi-t oiilid where he delivered the K'uim r It. I. Kliimra ovi r to her new .ni r. Mr, and Mm. John ltmem, of I'ort lund, cHinn down on the night train on a vImIi to Mrt. Itouenr moth r, Mr. Ilidlliorn. Alex. Nurmnn haa re'.urnii'l to hi (il ley home, after huvlng been confined to the hiKltul Keverul wetk with a broken leg. Th 8tate punned out for Han Fran ilni'0 yrHterdliy iimrnliig. Hhe took on foiiMldiTHlile freight but only a few paxni'i fccia. Among the Walluxkl delegation In town yeMtenluy wore tlinrge Hlehard Ron. John ChrlNilunn, J. 1'. Hyan and Non-la Htaplea. Cream Tura Rye. America's flneat whlikey. Tli only pur goodi; uur unti ed rich and mellow, John X Carl ton, tola agent Hlchard Humphrey! has been ap pointed keeper of the rvgervolr and groundH, the position made vacant by the death of IVter Blvera. Judge Oiny will leavj on .dond.ay to attend the county Judgea' amoulatlon nifi'tlnif at Portland and will he ahuent from the city until Thunulity nio... Mr. C. ('. MoC.onan haa left for Portland aft r having been I'diifiiiud to the honpltal here for a couple of weeka with a severe attack of sciatica. Wanted to Rent By a renponslblo tenant with no children, four good sited housekeeping roums. Address "B," Astorlan ofTloe. A. H. Jones, of the firm of Jonea A Williams, extennlve dealers In canned goods, of Qreen Day, Wisconsin, was In the city yesterduy looking over the situation, AuiiUHt Nelson and C. 3. Curtis re turned yesterday from Port Townsend. They statu that they have not yet made final pnyment on tho Corwtn but ex peat to do so at once. Itoslyn coal lasts longer, Is cleaner and makes leu trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. Ucorge W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1S1L W. F. Hubbard. M. D., en eye spe cialist of Portland, will bt In town on Thursday, Februury Vi, at BU Commer cial street, room 12, Bpexarth building. Consultation free. TtoBlyn coal Is the best and most eco nomical coal for household use In As toria. Try It once and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. WfyCi) r..0'A V II li 'IV T Art) Y'i rj Jl 7 ( 'v'K (if'mj II ffi.) (ii,y ft)'j -Ziyi) -.ytw-rl f ' Tli Anlnrlit llux I'dinimny turn jiiMl reirlvnl nn nnliT fur I4,i"0 fp"t of lumber from Urn Alnslia Fishermen's I'm klnir t'utiiuiy, fr the iiii'hiki of ir'i'tlii.( store itml a warehouse In A. tusks. 1 ir. J. A. Kulion ha ri'turti"'l from Aliffil-vn. whrrn he was rnIM In run full ntliiri on I h rime of John Hulio, u. ynurlK niun who recently suslulueii sever ImIuiIi' to n li'K while at work In 4 sawmill ul Unit iluri, County t'!i rk Whorliy will tirep-irr nt week it Hut of property llubl- to rii . 1 tit fur tlm humivIuih of rou'l lint rli In outside thn illy of ANtorlii. Tin IIkU mul receipt will probably ! ready by the latter purl of iickc week. iuiiiiii mrr. " r-portnl that th whoonpr Ber. w,'k b- n i'l mlot from the bhikI- Spit at HlliHlnw. ThlM rrpml hum Hot 1 yet ixtii I'onnrnii-il. Tim rrport ilulm j fiirtluir tlutt thn tug MukkIv Ik tlll on wiu "mum. Th nubj.i t kt tlm MihiKllt rhun h thin nioriiliitf will b "Thi" Origin of M.-thiMllmii in Thin Country," with oiiitf ri'Mmiiiii for Ita grt'iit hucci-m. In thn rv.'iilnn thn revival uifeUnr will Ih Iiik. Urv. linker, of Ohio, will .Mint lio puntor, The funeral of IVIer Klever. who died Krhliiy evenlmt frmn hi art dl rime, will hn held ul l u'l'liK'k to day, and thn aervlt"- will lie conduetnd ty the tiii'iulM'r of Teinpln I idge, No. 7, K. & A. M., of which lec' iiiM-d u r 11 embi r. j The nltrute uuhIihmh, whirl) Is sgnln j nit thn boom. Is diuwlng heavily on the j Went nat grain loiimup. The rutes , for nit rule are K'l. and the expense at 1 poln'S H inodrratn. The- are : xpei'liil indiiremeiits for charli-rs. Thrr Is also a hi uvy (! niunU on the Hound for o il and lumber rharters. A rrlluloui meeting will be held by the HweillHli Until let church of Astn rl.i In Mrs. O'l.rlen's hall In Cpper, Hiinduv, Kebruury Is, at 4 o'elin-k p, m., to be I'lmdurted by a vester from Portland. AM are cordially Invited. Franklin arnu, lietween Thirty-second and Thirty-third streets. The tux-roll, which was completed by County Clerk Whirlty yesterday, will Ih placed in the hands of Hhi rl(T Lin villi 'oinorrow morning and the work of eollivtlnx taxea will he begun Im mediately, The apimrtlonment made to thn vurlous funds Is published else where In the local columns. A ten-days' winter campaign of spe rial meetings will be held st the Hulva- lion Army hall, commencing Hatunlay 1 evening, February 17, ami closing on I the night of February 27th. Ministers ! from .IHTcrent churches of Astoria and visiting ministers from Portland will lend .vnd peuk. All Invited. The British bark .infa'uns arrived In from Honolulu y sterility, making the trip In thirteen days. Hhe is a neat and swift little craft of 9S1 tons burden. Hhe will be detained here In quaran tine a short time b' cause of having come from an Infected port. There Is no sickness on board, however. The Kalitmn Press says that Chus. Alter, the shipper of salmon In cold storage, at Astoria, Is making prepa rations to go Into the business on a more extensive scale next season. He is now having a launch and two large barges built and he Intends to have another launch built before the coming season. I The highest charter that haa ncen re I ported on the Paciilo coast for a grain 1 ship is 4i'i (d. The British ship Conway I Castle lias been chartered for March loading on Puget sound at that figure. Freight rates are growing firmer every nay, ami nigner figures may yet be re 1 ported, The Conway Castle was re ! fused for Portland loading recently at 34s M. I There are eight millions of young flsh and two million eggs In the Nookaack j hatchery. One-fourth of a million of tnu young usn nave airtany oeen turn, ed out, muklng the output of the hatch, ery more than ten million fish. In or 1 der to make room for the young fish a pona nas ue-n ouiit and the fish placed therein until they are large enougn 10 oe turnca loose. County Treasurer Thompson yester day paid out over $5000 in the redomn tion of warrants outbtumUng against the county. The warants could have been presented and redeemed nearly six mentns ngo, out owing to an evi l nt misunderstanding they remained locked up In somebody's aii without d aw ing a penny's Interest for that length of time. The executive board of the Pioneer l and Historical Society of Oregon, head j quarters In Astoria, 1 has received : an application from the Oregon Histori cal Soslety, headquarters in Portland, for the loan of .he sea ch st and mirror carried by the ship Columbia when she entered the Columbia river in 1702, and retained by tho heirs of Captain Hob I ert Oray, who presented the relics to the Pioneer Society in May, 1892. The society bus agreed to loan them In ac cordance with the request made and they will be taken to Portland on Tuesday by Judge Gray, of this city. It Pears soap is dried a whole year. That's why it lasts so. Ham K. Harris, of Astoria has a bunch of 2S,(X,000 to 30,WO,W0 f'el of thn HueNt fir and sprue timber In the Columbia river bnsln, says the Cutlihum-t (liiseltv. It Is locsted In Coltimlilii 11 ml Clatsop counties, Ore gun, 11 nd Is easily accessible, occupying L'oiiiii.unillnK iiosltloiis oil logging streuttis. Mr. Ilurrln has hi'ld this tim ber i hi n yurs, and tun dispose of It 1111 tune at a good figure,. It Is all large, clear stuff, utid will muks supe rior lumber. A representative of a New York com pany has arrived In California looking for location for an establishment of a plant for the prs rvatinn tit II nil and s-a J In In their natural state, using what Is known as the Mead process. The company In provided with u work lug rul'IMl of td'i.'M. It I rial d that tint compuny will be able to handle an inii'imisc itiiitnllty of flidi mid plii'--Hum on th! markets of the Middle W'l iil, In tlm some condition, us far as color. Juices and llavors ttre concerned, us they nre when they ore tuk n from the water. County Clerk Wherlly d.-slns to n r.oun"n that In order to give every fa cility for rrglttrallon. thn clerk's oHh-e will be kept open each Thursday -ven-lug uficr the fliKt of ih month for the accommodation those who can not conveitli nlly go to the ofllce dur ing Of- day. This is a pur- Iv volun tary itt-t 011 the part of Mr. Wherlty and his d'.utles and will continue only SO long as there Is evldi nee of teces 4(1 y. I'nl' ss It upM urs th iIk- "night iM-nnlons" r necessary the extra ser vice will soon be 2!;;:!iillnued. The recent pun h ise of Orsssy Inland, located a priori dNtume above Tongue Point, by K. W. Marfurlane and others means that an oil and guano factory will be erected there. .Mr. Mac fartim was In Astoria yesterday and it w.ts learned that II whs intended to erect a large plant on the inland for the manufacture of guano an 1 oil from the refuse of the canneries and cold storage warchoun'S. The muin bultdlnz ttlll be IMixlM feet with leveral small additional buildings ami the capacity of the factory will tie In handle dally l.'.'i tonn of lldh offal. The rame com pany Is operating a plant on the Fra ser river with a daily capacity of 200 tons. Th steamer Harrison arrived fiom Tillamook vrstrrday morning, car carrying a hitivy lint of pansengirs and a lurfe quandty of canned salmon con signed tit Humuil Kliimre. There was alno a large imnUty of creamery pro duce coitHiicned to local and Portland dealers. The Harris n made ime of the quickest trips in the history of the run. Tils Is accounted fcr. however, by the exceptionally favorable weather h'ch pr will d. The on y adverse con ditions were encountt red at the mouth of th river where a strong head wind and an eli'i tide had set In. A tug which was In the neighborhood offered nnnlntAnce to the Harrison but this was found unnecessary, Intcrvtlnir news from Knappu ap pears In the following Items published In th.. Culhlumct Oaxette: The little girl of C. C. Knnpp's recently had a bad cut on the fact from a double-bitted ax. and is rapidly recovering. The doctor says there will b but little srar. The bridge of the ns close to the eyes wus cut In two. It was fortunate she was not killed outright. W. It. Me Kartane has pun-hosed the residence and ground, ten acres, which he has occupied for three years, from E. C. Ililknap. We rejoice to number Mr. McFarl.inf! and family as permanent residents. Waller Douglas and wife, of Astoria, recently visited Mrs. Douglas" yarnts, W. H. Twilight and wife. Harry Twilight, a populur brake man on the A. A C. it. It., recently spent a day with his parents. There was a sma.ulon over on Gray's river the other day, us will appear from the following, tuken from the Cuthla met Oaxette: There wus quit.1 an amusing lucid. -nt ocurred up at Mr. Ahlberg'a lust week. Mr. Doslund tied his horse and cart in Mr. Ahlberg'a shed and crossed the river to roll some logs Into the str am off the gravel bars, and while so engaged Mr. Khude came along the road with a pair of asses and burrows with pa-ks on their backs. They slopped opposite the horse and when the horse looked around and saw them It so frlghuned him that he made a lunge and threw himself. But he was soon on his feet again, and made another lunge and broke loose, and struck down Ahlberg's lane like a whirlwind. He got loose from the cart, and frightened Ahlb-rgs cattle that were In the lane. The cattle (.mashed through the gate, with the horse after them, plunged Into the river to the opposite side, while Khude and the two Innocent little burrows looked and wondered what all the hurry was about. There is talk of circulating a petition, compelling Mr. Khude to keep his assis oit tne road. The editor of the Tillamook Head light draws some very good conclusions on the responsibility of parents in the bringing up of thdr children In the following: "Some mischievous, feather-brain hoodlum, while Mr. L. O. Freemun'a team was tied up near the court house last week, cut the double tree. As Mr. Fretman has been sub Ject to this kind of annoyance previous to this, he is wanting to know how long this iitate of affairs Is going to continue. We will answer that ques tion In this way. Illume the parents of the hoys who have allowed them to grow up In that way, with, perriups, no parcnl'il Iniluence to control them or to Instill Into their minds what Is noble or ignoble. Hence, we find In every community, youns men growing up ns hoodlums, drunkards and law breakers because they have no ambi tion to push themselves to the front or any purpose in view as to what station In life they intend occupying. It would be far better for parents who have raised their hoys In luxury and Idleness to turn tlvm loose ' on the world, for as long as tliy can sponge on the old folks they will -nanlfest no grout desire to hustle for themselves, preferring to be right In the swim with those who delight in devilment. A dlspat.'h boat for military service on the American Yukon is to be placed nt th disposal of General Randall, oomirmndnnt of the department of Al aska. The river steamer Duehesnay, now owned by the government, has been designated for this purpose. Capt- C. P. Elliott, a retired cavalry officer, now In thn service of Captain Robin son's dlvlnlon of thn quurtermanter's department, has been annlgm-d to the position as commander of th vessel. Th Dii'-hsniy, which was purchased for the war department from Cana dian owners, a year ago, Is now at Ty oonok. Cook's Inlet. Hhe went Into winter qu irters at that point at the close of the season. The Duchennay Mas purchased for government explor ing purposes. Besides using her as a dlnputch In at, General Itandull contem plates putting the Durhesnay to var ied other Uses, such as moving small detarhmenls of soldiers and the quick delivery of suppllen. Hhe will carry tW'-nty-Pvo men and 100 tons of sup piles, and should thn occasion demand It, Captain Klllott says she could car ry one hundred rni-n. The Iiuchesnay re julres a crew of ten men. Hhe Is a speedy little boat, and for her size Is exceptionally strong and seaworthy. Hhe will be towd to the mouth of the Yukon by one of the revenue cutters. KKTl'HNED FROM THK KAHT. Frank Spittle Kiailon Home From New Yoik. Attormy Frank Spittle returned from his cuhtern trip tant night. He had ,'ust partially recovered from a severe k of the grippe with which he had been eonflni d to his bed In New York city be fire leaving and still retains evidence of Its effect upon him. In speaking of his trip Mr. Spittle said that he discovered several things of Interest, although nothing of a par ticular beat lug uion Astoria or even Oregon save the prevailing well-dellncd In priKnion In the Kant '.hat through a NtiM-rubun liince of lethargy the busi ness men of Oregon have permitted the men hunts on the Hound to "get away" with the Alaska trade, "I find that everything is I'ape Nome ha. k In New York," said Mr. Spittle. "The people back there urn. If possible, evi n more eiithunlastlc than those In the Vest I'.ut everyone you talk to. In dlxeUKKing this matter. Invariably al ludes to H utile as the natural outfit ting point. They say that Fcattle Is the natural gatew ly to the Alaskan gold lields ond no amount of arg uneut can convince them 'ithbrwtS". Those who are full neijualntfl v Uh the actual Situation h're say that the control of this business should naturully belong to Portland, but that the greater de gree ot enterprise of the Hound mer chants has resulted In th- business go lnj,' north. "Business conditions throughout thi? Kant are apparently proserous. Ev ery boil y seems to be busy und I heard of nn complaints." FOR SCMMEIt REGATTAS. New &ats Belns Built Which WillTiy for Prlz's. The prospective events of the coming nailing season and the probable cham pions of the summer refatla are al ready the subject of many an animated discussion among yachtsman. The suc ceNsful boats of 1VJ9 are destined to have quite a tussel In order to main tain their supremacy this year. Mr. Dodge, of the Oregon Yacht Club, is building two new mats, each of which will be a flyer. From what can be teamed from ouUide sources, one will he on Ihe lines of the Seawaukaka KniM'kubout, says the Evening Tele Ki am. v. hlle the other Is especially de signed to compile against the peculitr but successful specimen of marineareh-Itei-ture, Lark 6s, of last s.umiu's fame. Mr. Duthie, formerly with ine tier-n-Khoft Manufacturing Company, has un Jer construction a fast cruiser of the lype so much in vogue on Long Isl and sound. Comfort will in no wise be sccrillced to givj le r speed, but II is ixpected tnat she will possess u most satisfactory combination of both of these qualities. The most popular style of boat for use In thes waters Is a comparatively shullow centerboard craft, depending more upon her Hearing and beam, rath er titan on a heavy keel, for stability. Hi'iiworthlmss is also much to be de sired by those having in view the an nuul club cruise to Astoria and the Lower Columbia. APPORTIONMENT MADE. Tax Rol! to Be Placed in Sheriff s Hands on Monday. County Clerk Wherity has completed the work of extending the assessment roll for 1S'J3. The amount of taxea as extended follows: ! State j Scalp bounty Young's bay bridge 16.163 94 660 34 3,857 74 38,491 14 12,837 44 15.725 81 745 50 85 94 15.725 SI 889 47 156 21 30 73 199 50 796 44 427 11 114 22 26 36 36 57 133 36 34 24 94 50 308 80 24 53 49 01 93 20 43 55 County County school City of Astoria City of Wurrenton Town of New Astoria School district No. 1 School district No. 6 School district No. 7 School district No. 8 School district No. 9 School district No. 10 School district No. 11 School district No. 15 School district No. 16 School district No. 17 School district No. 20 School district No. 21 School district No. 25 School district No. 30 School district No. 32 School district No. 35 School district No. 37 School dlatrlot No. 42 Total $107,749 46 The roll was turned over to Sheriff Llnvllln today and collections will be gin Monday. ANOTHER BIG OCEAN LINER. It Is rumored that another big ocean liner is to be built, which will rival even the famous Oceanic In sise. As usual, American enterprise la at the head of the project. America seems determined to have the greatest, wheth er It be steamships, art, inventions or medicine. Take Hostetter a Stomach Bitters as an example of what has been accomplished In medicine. It has proved Its worth by over fifty years of cures of stomach diseases. There is nothing like this famous remedy for Indigestion, biliousness, constipation and nervotisnesx. It also cures liver and kidney trouble, and prevents ma lai-ia, tever and ague. Be sure you get the genuine, with Private Revenue Stam over the neck of the bottle, or you win not De nenentea. A. F. ft A. M. FUNERAL NOTICE. The members of Temple lodge. No. 7. and all sojourning master Masons In giod standing, are requested to assem ble nt the Masonic hall, this day, at 12:30 p. m., sharp, for the purpose of at tending the funeral of our deceased' Brother Peter Slevers. By order of the W. M. E. C. HOLDEN. Sec. It Is a common thing for th reigning queens of dining-rooms to pattern af ter another In pr paring delectable dishes, but should there be frequent co Incidences with the five-ples-for-$41 episode, recently chronicled. It la prob able that many more families would go to boarding. A woman in an Eastern My has Just succeeded In heating a can at salmon worth IX cents at the expense of the doors and trimmings of a 'M range, Thla usually economical woman, remarks our exchange, haa frequent! a rved hot canned salm m In thn unopened can by placing It In a pan of hot water. On the eventful day, however, hot water seemed to be at a premium and the mlstreiis of cere monies placed the can In the rec'-snes of the oven and closed the 4wr. The work of preparing the remainder of the meal went on In quiet and the gases were ulso quietly generating In the heating can of flnh. The infernal ma chine began to swell with Its Import ance, Its sides expanded, the tops be came marked with rounded lines and the true Inwardness of things began to annert Itseir. The heat b came hotter ar.d the st'ivn became more rosy with 1 ne lire witnin, until there was a mighty uplife of all things portable on and in tne vicinity of the stove, The ovn door left its moorings and sailed swiftly to the side of the kitchen, where it left ltn Imprint In the wood work, Hnd planter fell bock upon the floor with a crash. The back part of the stove was b-nt and strained, th Md"S were wrenched, while the anh pit and grate surged to and fro with the fone of th powers within. The lids on the ran ne danc-d In the air though trannformed Into the ancient equipment .f the discus throwers. All this aetlvity took place amldnt a cloud of flylnz purteeii f fixh and In a halo or unsavory gases. The con hd burst. The stove, had burst, and the bill will amount to; one range, 50; one can of salmon, is cents; repairs to the kitchen, pernaps, z; total, REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Names on the to Date, Astoria Precinct No. 1 Astoria Precinct No. 2 Astoria Precinct No. S , Astorl Precinct No. 4 Astoria Precinct No. 6, Astoria Precinct No. 6 Astoria Precinct No. 7 Jol-n Pay Precinct Svensen Walluskl N"w Astoria W arrenton CUtnop Seaside l"lvien f'hadwell Youn; Hirer Olney ,, Boll 41 .. 84 .. 79 ..109 ..I'M .. 4 .. 45 .. 13 .. ...1 ...77 - 10 ...1 .. 17 ... .. 13 ... 5 ...13 Knappa 7 Clifton 46 West port 2 vesper j jewcii 1 Vlnhawaka j Elsie 7 Push 4 Total to date 767 Birthington's Washday never allowed the father of his coun try to dance with joy at the sight of a well laundried shirt, cuff or collar, be cause he wasn't Initiated Into the se crets of those up-to-date articles. Those who live In Astoria know a good thing when they see it, though, and the fin ish, color and perfect work done on their linen Is our best advertisement A trial order solicited. Ask our wagon man for special rates on blankets, car. pets, quilts, feather-beds and pillows. We can make them look like new and If they don't please you, you need not pay- one cent We take them In the morn ing and return them the same day. Columbia Steam Laundry G. W. D ALTON. Prop. Telephone, 981. GRAND Masquerade BALL oftbe SONS OF HERMAN To be given at FOARD & STOKES" HALL February 22, 1900 HANDSOME PRIZES FOR Best Sustained Character Ikst Coke Walkers Best Costume Best Waltzers Tickets for Maskers Gentlemen, fl; Ladles, 60 cents; Spectators, (0 cent; Children, 25 cents. For sale by any of the members. Oo V Mr Best B oat . Specially Prepared for f Ishlna Beats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. New, Fresh and Seasonable Goods Plum Pudding, Kai.iins, Mince Meat, Currants, YB Pumpkins, Cranberries, Citron Sqnaaii, etc. All TP! 1 carry tho RALSTON HEALTH FOODS ALLfcM Wheal Flakes' Grano W,,oIe wlet Crackers, Breakfast Food, Select-Bran, Yeast Cocoa, Koffy kopPsbest A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North IWilio lirecr) of uhubl liottleii beer for family use or keg .vf r Job n Kopp ia prorate tor, makes tmr 1 beer supplied at say time, delivery in 'or domesHo and export trade, j b city fre florth Pacific Brewery Golumbia Eleetrie & Repair Go Successor tr COLUMBIA IRON WOftKg Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen j Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer.a Specially Sole Manufacturers of tbe Unsurpassed " ... " Harrison Secton" Propeller Wheel ... Contract jrs for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. F. SCHEIBE, A toll Him W Pipes, TcBacra, u4 Smokm' Articles. 4T-S Commercial St. l ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. -g Europ'sn p'nn, Soe ti $1.V) pr dv. American ptau, fi.w to per ay. aru-uruuvruu OTEL n PORTLAND, OR. The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland We Rent New Typewriters WEDDING CARDS wEBDmos W G SMITH & CO.. VISITING CARDS :',3c nL ENGRAVERS, BUMflESS CURDS 22 and 23 Washington Boildinjr, nnncn mnrc eeiUTEfic 4th and Washington Sts. over LiU's, COPPER PltflTE PRINTERS PORTLAND, OREGON. VISITING CARDS Pacific N avigation Com pan y Steamer9-"R. P. Elmore," "W. H. Harrison' Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonvillc a Connecting at Astoria with the Oreeon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t- SatttMel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN A CO., Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navifjstion Co., TILLAMOOb. Ore. A. AC. B, B, Co. PORTLAND. Ore. ssaorsBaws logos ojofc gog3,jiit3.- k Mormon aicloua' ll!la i Hllaas, dielpuua, sum, potency, Lost Pnwar, N'tht-losis, Bnermatrmhoea InsomniH, e mt n Back, E U Doslres, Eomlnal ErrtlSMln", .''let, ervous -r or i crs lpation, Etops quickr.o-s ,o( U:a- tp. i X cr arc, c:o;i r. .r avcrv ftiKUu. Uuar sot dcw.Mtai.ut. 4 cura te Mk Hn L k i . 4 kt-Mw. .ll. .n.Wi.-H Snnautes the bm. tod Berr. centm. i 4 rfimtt, wuh Mm CucuUn tn AddrsM, Blshon tsmodv Co-. Man frstnoiicn. Cat, I . jKi.iK Paint Itf THE IAHaET Lowers Kept in Stock Built and Repaired slsnutscturse of the Always Seltab! "La Belle Astoria" Clear Scheite's Opera Star ' . Schelce's Special And Ottisis Brandt OSCAR ANDERSON, Msnager- J. C. PKNDEGAST, Chief der PORTLAND Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free ... L. M. ALEXANDER & CO- Exclusive Paoi&c Coast Agents TeL Main 574 245 Stark Si, Portland, Ore. - 'ww.i'Msr Wiswawnnsmm tore b.-;n In nt c.t no Iran tr t!e levkr, .1 tlx M'mos Uii...!.':ii CU'ei tost Minhood. I Bold by CHARLES ROUEiia. : . IT It f ; j ?) 'V mill, mtm A wrrtra In ivt