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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1900)
TUN MORNISO AHI'ORIAN; MEMlM! , KEBfiUAKY It, '900.' rt I tfu tfi ft ,ft a i il .; flu If OVERCOAT and II MACKINTOSH SALE I An a Hicciiil imliiwiwint to rodum our Hlock iirt'viouH to trnn nrrivnla wo will imikc u Inrgo reduction at It'HM than rout. C. H. Cooper The Leading House of Astoria . iV, fiTV -(ii) ( ) TO ASTORIANS. Vhm IMII.Y ATOKIAN will futiHil Mia III I'urlUiHl Hi Ihn .ll fcn..u tlimpry Iiiiuh ut J. Ilantllejr "u' WmhliiilMii Htravl. Orilrra fr alr tlil I. 'I ullli IliU II i in will rpl iirumil Alloulluii. TODAY'1 WEATHKIi. I'tillTI.ANI). Kill, lS.-Vclern Or. Kuii ami WVkIith Wimlilimtun, urea- klniml IBIII. AROUND TOWN. Mixilt YmiiiK l In Ht. Helens. i J. (iiiii -n of Uunli r I In i In city. Win Crimliy ha returned to Port laud . iuM Ailulf In ovrr from limy river to-lay. J. M. Ttirn-y ..f riuvrl In In tlie rlty on bunlnm. (.'raw nixli cooked In wins at tht Na tional t'nfo. A. A. I'uoK of Portland U In tlie city on tuln MM. II. A. HoMi'ti of tlray river wa In tli liy Friday. lUmd Slr.ct t'Ull Market Telephone number, 2IU. J. F. Wnlk-r, M. II. H.. of Ml it iicm r.t. 1m, urn In tin- rlty Hunday. W. O. Tliriln r of I'lilmnik. U ri'K i 4i n il at tht' I'm k it limine. j li-t IS-ci'iit lii'iil, 1(Utn Hun rctau ' rant, bi: Cuiiiiii. rriui strut, i M.iiiiiKi-r H llu. of KlulirrV oix-ra ' lioum Inn rt-i in ni'ii fn in u bUHliit'iui tllji III till' I lit' I llT. Th" illot niti.n.nrr I'lillUrr w.-tit to ' mmi yxli riiuy, laklnif l'niliilim l onll tivr, iiiinli'inoii ntiil JnlitiHon. Mm. Kom.x. Clltiwr. Mi. M.uiliu li. rn.Hill nini Ml- l-Mltli Wulliioi-. of l'oill.tlul. h . hl Hiimliiy In the city. iSmi'ml Hou-fWork Wantml Hjr a W i'iima of mid Ho age, Co d ivf. n-ncei. ( ('ail at Hi c'o'iiiiii'iclul 8ircct, room 114. . 'ri-nin lure Ity. A me ilea' finest i liiKkiy. The only pure gondii; guur-' ...I i..t. .. .1 H...MA... I . . I . u ff .'.-I tin. vu iiv.ii im iiitMiuw. avion .ai i- on, cite agent. Mr. und Mm. 'Irion hiive luKin n null of rooiim ut l In- Ci'iitrnl hult l uiul on rnli'i'(liiy ri'timvt'd li llu'lr tt i-( u rt -noiitu In that lioMttf. The Columliln rronM-d out for Han Kr.iiii lm (i ymti-nliiy. At tho AHtorlil ' dork lu loiidi d 3,l.'i0 ImiikIIh of dllooki j and J.'l Mii kM of oynti'ii. ! Wanted to Iiciit-Hy a ri-MpunMlblo j tonnnt wllli no chlMren, four Kood- wired lioiiHi'kct pliiK ro uim. Addrea m, Adioriun inner, A clcrnm vn received from 8cnft tor Mi ltilde yenterdiiy ntutlnR thnt llio had uiHii-d I he hill uiiproprlnt- Iiik l.i.uiHi to provide a iiteiim hiunch , for the Ahton i (iiiilom Iiouho. j lloilyn coal liiMtR longer, ! cleaner' nd makes loii trouble with atove and I chimney Hue than any other. Ueorga j V. Sunborn, Ag ni, Tolephona IJlt I The ripworth League of the Metho dlhl church Knvo a uiont enoynble en tertainment hiNt evenlnR. An excel lent iniiHhul and lllernry program wa enjoyed by a good-nixed atiHcmblnge, Ttonln conl I the bent and moat eco nomical coal for hniinehold ue In A tm la. Try It once and you will have no oMicr. OcoiBe W, Banborn, Agent Teh phono 1111. Ml Nellie Jeffery will leave In a few ilny for ( uikl'ind, Cnl., where nhe will spend nevenil weeks vlxitlng with frleiiiN ami Incidentally necking Im provement In health In the l.nnd of Sunn hlnc. Old Continental I a standard high grade Kentucky wl.lxky. Absolutely pure, ,xnd can be recommended to those Backing a ntlmnlant fur nnvllpHl and ro clul use. Hold by Aug, Daiilolaon, An torln, Cregon, A report wa ninde to City Physician Ilemlei'Non yentcrdny that there waa a tianllty of dlnenHcd pork at tho A. & C. It. It. warehoune. He at once pro cef'dcd to InvcHtlgate, but found tho meat thoroughly good. Letter for the followlmr person re main mica lit J i'iii' nt the Astoria post uPice: Paul lilrkentelt, l.oul Holiem Iiiii, Hurry Corn, die T. Johnson, Mis 1'ehsle r.oiilH, Jump Murry, J, V. Nrtrthcott. J. Handstroin. Kortdgn Paul Wohltle. A patty consisting of Miss Tmo, of Canton, Penn.; Mlhg Callum, of Tor onto, Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Ulrrcll, D. K. Ti'vltt Connel and Biumiel c, Korr, of Portland, came down from Portland mid went to Seaside Sunday, returning on the night train. The Taxpayer'a League meeta this pvenlng at 7 o'clock. A number of Im portant matters for the consideration .( ri ) ?!- i rt rtii) i f it on tho nbovo noljlty good ft ft'll of tho li'iiKiio Mill he t'r'''' I'led: and an Hod Ion of uMlrvrn for the ciiHiiInK yenr ulll lie held. It In iledlred that till lllel'lhelH llu preMellt. A quiet ttrddlnii tiHik I'lil'e Hnndity nrirrnooii nt the lunne of Wllllnm True. Tilt COIltln-'tlllK p,irtle Wer- Theodore Wiilli r Hhiinklniid, of Clio k.ionm coun ty, and Minn liltln M. True, of thin rlty. only near relative were prenent. lim, IVait pronounied the rere inoliy. Tll loriediclot tlenlroyer (JoldHhor- left out yenierduy forenooii for tlui Hotiuil wln te hIih w ill h KlVn her final trial trip liefoie I" Inn ueceptet) hy the Kovernmeiit. I he captiiln, lie fine IraviiiK. muted thnt It Ma hi In- to crowd on all puioillile t'-utu In the hope of reu'hlny the. Hound b f ife iliilk, In Suturdiiy I'ViiiIiik'ii litldKet flp peiirrd an Item In n-K.nd In the I'intral I Itotel wlil'h the proprletiemi I-Mi to j lorn l. Tim ( It y l not pnylnic for Ilhree rocitt . in Hinted. Mr. HturK'on pay for hi room lent and the city m K' ,Wi for a loiim adjoining Mr. I Hlill no . 1 1 III Wife In WIlltlllK on her i huxlMiid, and well and heurty. Mr. hiurKi'on In op and will noon lie out. A roimliiH lode of ted Men wi re or KiinUed at llmnmond Haturdity nlirht with il ihiirler iiiiioIhih, the orKiinlt ntlon ii'tnpiInK the muoe or Nii-irnle tribe. (Mhi ern werr ted nil follow: hilt hem, Ceollle liullley; Keillor nita- motp, A W. I'tiliiK'-r; Junior Hmtaiiiure, lieo run Tin ker: prophet, (. A. I'arker; chief of reeord. It. K. Itollill; keeper of wnmpiiui, K. K. t'ady: mintem, Wll I It. in Itolu, J. J. (Luke and J. T. Iany. , It appear thnt Mayor Storey of Portland wa omitted from the Hut of ni.ioi pi ii-cehe Mr. Ilearnt' mm e.iKe, in wlil l. Antorln wa re'itu uted to hrlnii prenure upon emigre in fur 1 1 f the proKcd Nli nniKiiii raiiat, In di lliitii e of the d' iii.iihIn of KiiKlnnd. I It io'llile that Mr. I learnt did not believe Portland nccelbi from the Hen nr, fornonili, Unit an Invadlnif ar mada' homtmidmrnt wuuldn't cut imn h llwur.1 with the city up the river? Mr. Iteait mtixt have had convletlmi uf om kind, and there I ouie curl unity down Ihl way a to Junt what they are. A eilou conillrt ha arlnen lietween the member of the city eouncll mid I lie lluvr of the town of New Antorltl. It eenm thnt the council wu iUhhiiI iHflrd with the preneiit Incuinbrnt of the ottl.v of auditor und pollre Juile, Mr. Ilendrlcknon. A reolutln wa adopted at Hie hint meeting;, appointing fbarle Keuenteen to that oltlee, hut Meyoi' Kurd hu refuned to lKn the lenoltilliiii, An cfTort him been made to iiill a met'tliiK of the council for the pin pone of pannlnK the n-Nolti-tion ov r the mayor objection, but a e fee t tin been dlnoverod In the town' charter which render It Itnpo Mhle to call it npeelal meetlnK of the couihII without the mayor cotinent. Al hint ! ouittN, the couucllinen, who are ttnanlmou in favor of tiiendtnK Mr. Ilendrleknon, were Hccking hmil ntlvlee a to how a meetlmr of the coun cil iiiluht be convened without the con Bent of in? mayor. TO Till'; ToH.MVO TKA !:. The vlioleauler In Portland and Snn Kiunelmo have combined to charge a ei price for all lolnuco. 1 buy direct tioni the nume fu tori ami for the Mime price it they do, therefore I am able and wlllliia to Hell exactly nt Port land nil". Hy piiironlzliiK me you can ut leiiii ave frelKht and purclinne In iuuiilitl' "i to Hull your trade. Coinparo price and be convinced. Itodpectfully, TIIKO. HltAl'K UK, CI3 Commercial street. lll'AL L.STATK TIlANSFUilH. The following dceils wore tiled In Itocorilcr Clinton's otllce during the past twnty-four hour: I'tilled States to John C. Hrynnt, S half ot HK itiart"r of icctlon 19, and N half of NIO quarter of section 83, T i N. U f ; receiver' receipt. John C. Hi-) ant to J. K. Duliols, same property' $ J. .1). A. Itowlhy and wife to Harry Mnv, lot 2d, bliH'k 4, Motlwcther l)owns; $50. i Tin-: i AliOMTlON OK PIUSON LOCK STfcP. To'lhe i.nlnltliited the lockstep Is an I Inlt restlng performance. It originated i from th neceislty of hnndllng Inrge botlic of convicts as compactly as pos sible. Knch mun's hands rest upon the shoulders, while his knees lit Into the backs nt tho knee of the man before hlni. This necessitates a short shuf lllng step, and swuylug motion, which Il li churned acldoni leaves him. For this reason Its abidltlon Is urged. This demonHliMte the power of habit. An other habit hard to get rid of Is con stipation; but there Is a remedy that ! will euro IhlN, us well its dyspepsia, In I digestion and biliousness, and that Is I Hosteller's Htomuch Hitters. It Is a , liingnillcent toitlo for the whole sys tem, purifying the blood and Improving tho appetite. Try It. TEACIIKItS' EXAMINATION, Notice Is hereby given that the regu lar examination for Btate papers will be held nt the county court house, comniencli-g at 9 o'clock a. m., Wednes day, Fchruury 14, 1900, continuing four days. J, C. Llil3, School Riip.'i'lntend'Jtit, Clatsop County. Dated the fith day of February, 1900. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative firomo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. K. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. tSc iri) (t .1,- 3ri-g fC What U wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure fcoap docs that. Thi'3 is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali, Pears' h pure; no free alkali. Then: are a thou sand virtues of soap; this one is enough. You tan trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sorts of store c It, wpecially tlntKK'; all aorta of jx-ople unc it. A HAFT OF BUSINESS IS TNAYS PTKIl IkJ I IvrVltkJ.iV 1 11 " Kouslnn Mcctinn of Astoria Chamber J ,,c 01 Itllimircc. NEW OITICEKS AKE ELECTED The Good K otitis Movement Kill Not 1 Down .Joint Committees to Act Soon. The most Important uni-tlng held by the chamber of commerce for many month took place at the chamber last night. The meeting was largely at tended and Intense Interest was shown In the great amount of Important busi ness that came up before IL Helng an adjourned S'fHlon ot the annual meeting some of the reports of officers for the yi-nr were submitted, among tin so being those of the secretary, trcus uier ami committees. The report of tho treasurer was of exceptional In ten st, showing a thriving condition of the chamber, and Indicating, by the receipts, mi Increased Interest In the oigaulxation over lust year. Tin re was also an ch ctlon of oflleer. Mr. Van luisi-n was re-elected presl li nt. In l.l r.'-noiiilmul hi a warm tribute was paid to his services dur ing the nst year, a It was shown tlmt he hud tak- n i xei ptloiial and un- ,. . , . .... , , tiring interest In the success and ob- Jicts of the chamber, Jam- V. Welch wa elected vice-president, U. elected vice-president, O. W. Lounshcrr)', treusurcr; K. C. Hidden, secretary. V. J. Taylor, K. W. Tullunt, J. II. 1). Cray were chosen as mcm Ixtk ot the executive committee. Probably the most Important dis cussion coming up before the nucilng was that relating lo good 'muds. It was apparent that there wus a deter mination on the part of the chamber not to be discouraged over recent set backs. After a long and g iicral dis cussion of the subject it was decided lo appoint a committee of three mem ber to at t In conjunction with a sim ilar committee, from the Push Club fur the purpose of formulating some defi nite plan uf uctli-n for the future. Those who were appointed on this committee were J. W. Welch, K. J. Taylor and Mr. LVI.In, The committee on commerce and nav igation for the improvement of the harbor submitted a communication from Major Lnnglltt in regard to the proposed Iiiii rovemeuts of the Astoria harbor. The sume committee also made a report relative to freight rates be tween Astoria and Tillamook. An Important letter was read from Mr. 15, L. Lomnx, general passenger and ticket agent of the Union Pacitlc railway at Omnlm. This was in reply to a letter recently sent him by tho chamber relative to an adjustment of freight rate between Astoria and Kust tern points. In their letter to Mr. Lo iniix the chamber of commerce con tended that the rates from the Kust to j Astoria for passengers were greater than those from the same points to , other Pacitlc coast cities, particularly i in Washington. Mr. Lomax stated that the matter would be Immediately in vestigated niul closed his letter with the assurance that an equitable adjust ment from the Kast to terminals of the Northern and (Jreat Northern roads would be made without delay. Mayor l'ergman was nresent at the meeting and called the attention of the chituibcr to a receipt of a telegram from Mr. Hcnrst of tho New York Journal concerning fortifying the Nic aragua canal. Tho members agreed that the mutter was of groat import once nnd should receive Immediate at tention, vol lug to refer It to a special committee Willi instructions to make a report at the next meeting. The tele gram In question Is as follows: Astoria Is now beyond the reach of effective Kuropean attack. The J lay- j Pauueefote treaty, forbidding us to j micucie wun me pussuse ot nosiue Meets through the Nicaragua canal, would lay the I'uclflo Coast open to the tm les ot the world. The llritish navy, with ii effective battleships and 157 cruisers,; the French navy, with 36 bat tleships and 53 cruisers, and tho Lor- mnn navy, which, when the pro- m-a rti , ... 1., y.n..;.,,l m.t .ll hni'B !Q battleships nnd 65 cruisers, will all be brought wdthin striking distance ot Aktona, Cannot you urge the Oregon senators to demand an amendment, leaving u free to fortify the canal for the protection of the Pacific Coast iiimJ call a pulIU: Dieting to express the f.-illng of your cltlfns?" . A Inrge number tf imeinber of the Coinnicrelui Progressive Anoclatlon weie present during the meeting and p.ulli l and In ltit r'ting dIneiiMnlon of nmttiT ciiiici ruing the wclfar of tin; city'. Heveral very valuable statistical vol ume have been received from Helitttor MrHrldA and are now part of the li brary of the chamber. President Van Uunen I very much pleiis. d wtlh the outlook of matter for the coming year. He Ntated last night that the prope t of the chamber were never more encouraging than at pre cut, as there wa a noted Increase of activity and general Interest. PAHKKO GOOD HKHOLLTION8. Push Club' Important Action to Pro fit Creameries. An Important resolution, addreed to lh Orig in delegation In congres was punned by the Punh Club at their rcgulur meeting last night calculating t i bring about congressional action for the protection of crca merlin and mak er of pure butter from competition with oli-omargerlne, which wa de nounced an Injurlou to both an Impor tant lri,itliii.ile ctiterprlne and to leallh. Tie resolution follow. After the pasnage the memlH-r voted i, ad journ and pay a visit to the chamber of coiiiiiii'ice, w tilt h was In adjourned annual session: "Wheiean, The dairy Interests of Or-i-k'oii are growing rapl lly, and x-caus of the great natural advantage In the production of grape and forage plant m an parts 01 Oregon, ana o'eaus 01 llli-- KMin iij riininrili iiii.iukiu'oi nin m. Asia, the inlands of the Pacific and our great Northwest, this Industry, If Kop.rly protoct.d and fostered, will j bei'on.i. one of our greatest and most reliable source of wiiltli; and I "Wneieris, this development Is now j hlnib rc I Ly the production of lrnlta- I tion butter In the form of oleomarga- ''"' V; ,1'e,r'f,,r, ur upn you to do !vertllng in your power to aid the passage r,y cngrms 01 wmu is Known I,. ,,, ',;,. bill." which i.rovldr fur reducing the lax uion un olored oleomargarine to one-fourth of one cent per pound, and Increasing on col- r.pAjl .Ittf riru rlrif. frt Inn Tnr jnound: and provides, also, that when OleoiinirKtirine enters a state It shall be subject to the law of that state," A "HA W-llHAINED" HUMOR. Mr. Mayo Discredits the "Promised Industrial h'ensation." A report was In circulation yesterday uflci'iiooii to the (led that an indus trial sensation wan In store tor Asto ria. The rumor was most vague as milling further than this could be lei.rin-d. It waa sail, houevtr, thnt the stall iieiil had bveu nude by a jfen tli'inan, who Is close to .dr. Hunimond, which led to the inference that In all probability an extension of the railroad 01 the cncllon of a satvtnlll waa in onteinplutli 11. When seen ly an A loiluti representative jthdnlay Mr. Mayo, of the Ai-tori.i road, fald lie waa nol aw are of any proposition lo under take the iiiiprovt'iiu-m mentioned, lie said he wus only recently In conference uith Mr. Hammond combining the af fairs of the company and that nothing of the kind wus referred to oy Mr. Hammond. Lutcr on Rome one on the street said thai tho rumor was bis' d uion the re ported intention of the Astoria Com pany to erect a la rue hauuuil at Ham mond. Mr. Mayo v.a.4 luam seen and .iMicd lo contain or deny the truth of this statement. "oh, busy-bodies nr, abroad apaln casting foith the fruits of their Im agination: I guess that's all' there Is to 11," said Mr. Mayo. ' Mo toil know thai the Astoria Com- '" ly nu"1 "n muni on oi t revting a saw-mill at Hammond'.' wu askod. ., (io know that )f tmy hnve any such notion, 1 am not await of il." was the reply. "And supposing they mUht entertain such Intentions would you be likely to know of It?" Well, rather." was Mr. Mayo's la conic reply, as. with a smile, he turned on his lit 1 1 and walked away. SOLFILINE. Solfillne! Solflline! If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoe; If you wish to stop greasing your harness and pro longing the life of same at least fifty per cent. If you wish to sive greasing your belts in your manu faetury, go to Peterson & Browri, at Aatorla, and try a (vise of SoiftUne on your shoes and harness. Buy your shoos only of those who hare that scl Take no other. Address, PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents. Astoria, Oregon. fTprrM ftont l.!e. mm wyiyws"! , it (loesrtt Mite L .v'""y.vVi.vtV'i'rfV'i(;7 i" acli knowlctlee vAS,i.itiJX r.Aa of . la-thematic It doesrtt tsVe I -iivi VI , AwV .11 lo nifurc inn lae f s i'VlpS,:?1 facts shout that f Jf t CLi,.--iJ co u sumption. K rX','?! Statistician Ions mi ffi '3 ago tlftnonstnitt c B i.J''' !.,! ..... ......ill: r .... . - r - ' I r ... .1. of all the deaths in Christendom ea..i year mnv b; nafclv attribc'.ed to consumption and allied diseases. There is an almost certain cure and a positive prevent ive for this faml disease if taken in time. The tory of it ill do is told in the Tollowinir Utter: X "About two mid p i:i veer .i'jo, waeu I w.i.4 hi hiat Lie-;, k v ' nvili s I VC lurit.ol. ti'so . Of Curtail. WhitlcvCo . Kv , VI T-n tnV.en with tcvi-ie i niiu ill Uio olicst. sder w lncli 1 Iickjii to ! tpit up bl.Ki.l and 'vas h1.v trouble! w;t!i ::' ::': i mvrHis. 1 wis . short wi'iited th:il I r-uitl liui .'ly m'i. li.i.f k niiii- ut once, uud if 1 s't piuM-iic ti'niiin')"ii.l almost die for sivnit tiro nr tluet days. 1 concluded to try lr. R. V. Pierce, sad I rchte-d mv it him He wrote rut that I should tnkc his 'OoKlen Medirnl Dis covery.' I began uaiiK H suit nsol aliout six Ixrttles. I tiecsn to sir tint it was hrtniuy r e to concluded to conliime its use. I did so and linvr improved Kith iu ntrriigih and in weigul. I hnve not hid tlie phthi.-.ic, nor spit up auy blxnl sisce lsst spring." This great tented vPr. Pierce's Oolden . Medical Discovery cures j8 per cent, of ' all, hrotu'hial, tlitoat and kindred I affection which, if neglected ltvu! up to ennsuniptton. It strciiirthens the stomach and makes the appetite keen and hearty. It invigorates the liver and aids lie n.ttuiul processes of secretion and excretion. It makes the assimilation of the food perfect, ll is the great blood -maker and flesh builder, llouc.-t dealers will not urge you U take a substitiits said to be "just as good." Send for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Frkb. Euclose at one rent stamps to cover mailing only, to the World's nisprr.-ry Medical Aiso;'i.ion, J"'0: i, N. Y , for a paper-covered copv. Cloth biudincr ten cents extra. It is thousand p-se book with over seven hundred rations ; formerly sold for $1.50. For limited time can be had for tost of mailing. v. f - V IS. I -4 CHIEF HALL0CK "ON THE CARPET" Charges Made of Alleged Dereliction of Duty. CALLED BETOKfc COMMISSION Commissioners Hear Charges and De fense and Decide Not to Dis mlss the Chief. Charge of dereliction of duty In ufllce were made last night a?alnt Chief of Police Hullock, and a special session or tne ponce commission was held for the purpose of hearing them. It wa charged by those who had made the complaint that Chief of Police Uallock had disr-garded his duty In that he had failed and re fused to enforce important ordinances ,,f tm, ,.ly There were several wit nesses on both sides, those represent In? the Camplalnants going Into minor detail and giving specific Instances ut these alleged violations. After the examination the commis sion discussed the evidence thoroughly from all points of view, and It was decided that the charges against Chief Hallock were not of sufficient conse quence to Justify his dismissal. Chairman Btone, of the commission ere, waa seen by a representative of the Morning Astorian at the Irving Club last night after the ad Juurnment of the commission. Mr. Stone stated that he considered It for the best interests of ail that the mat tr be not given undue publicity. He said the duties of the chief of police were peculiar In many respects; that many times acts were committed by him which were misinterpreted by the public. "In the enforcement of po lice ordinances," said Chairman Stone, "every one who knows any thing about the affairs of that de partment at all knows that a great amount of Judgment and discretion must be exercised. Tast experience In Astoria has established this fact be fond dispute. There are times when public policy Is not best concerned by too strict enforcement of certain or dinances required In the police regula tions." Mr. Stone further stated that It was the opinion of the commission that while Mr. Hallock may have been guil ty of apparent Indifference In some In stances they felt that as a whole they would not be Justified in dismissing him on that account. The exact charges preferred against Chief Hallotk could not be ascertained last night. It Is known, however, that some little complainsl has been made from various sources because of alleged laxity in the enforcement of the gam bling laws. However, In this regard, Mr. Hallock has not a few supporters, for it is argued that Astoria could not afford aa a matter of public policy to 100 strictly enforce the letter of the. law ' In support of this It Is held that Astoria, being a seaport town, must take more or less congnfzance of the demands made by that element going to make up that part of the com munity which is here because of the fishing and shipping Industries. It Is stated, with a knowing wink, by some, that the last of the matter has not yet been heard. Just what may be inferred from this Is entirely conjectural. Future events, however, will determine these things. GRAND Masquerade BALL of tlie pFrHJVUN To be given at FOARD S STOKES' HALL February 22, 1900 HANDSOME PRIZES FOR Ikst Sustained Chnractcr Ikst Cahe Kulkcrs licst Costume liest Kultzers Tickets for Maskers Gentlemen, tl; Ladles, 50 cents; Spectators, 60 cents; Children, 25 cents. For sale by any of the members. Best Boat Specially Prepared for Fishing Heals Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. KOPP'S A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tie North Pacific Brewery, of wbicb f Bottled twer (or family use or keg Mr Jobn Kopp is prof-ietor, make beer for domea' io and export trade. Horth Pacific Brewery Columbia Electric & Repair Go Successor tr COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen 1 AWVkeAAArVAsiAA Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... , . Contractjrs for Electric Lights and Tower Plants. New Fresh and W SftKnnahte finnfR j I Carry the Ralston Health roods i vr V. A- Y. f ALLEN t t' W. R SCHEIBE, A full llm of Pipes, Tobscc. and Smokers' Articles. 474 Commercial St. .The Esmond Hotel PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. It Eiiropii p'an.Soctill.soper dav. American plan. 11.00 to i00 per day. iiAruuiaruxruvinriAriarinj uxnnriru triiuvrmnjaruirumrinjv. OTBL PORTLAND, OR. The Only Flrst-Closa Hotel In Portland ruruvuuuirvi junnruvruvuuuvtxinrmartj We Rent New Typewriters "V, . : -'- , - i. ..i-r-r - .1 -" Tel. Main 574 WEDDING CARDS WEDDIN3 CRRD5 IU ft SMITH I Pfl VISITING CURDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Pacific Navigation Company Steamers-"!. P. Elmore," "W. II. HarrLson, Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Hay City, llohsonville. Connecting at Astoria witb the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland " and all points east. For freight and passenger rates ft;!y 1, Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, A8TORIA, ORE. COHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.. TILLAMOOh. Ore. A. 4 C. R. R. Co. PORTLAND. Ore. Paint IN THE ...MARKET BEST I beer supplied at any time, delivery in I the city free. Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock Built and Repaired Plurp Pudding, Raisins, MJi?ce Currants, Pumpkin Cranberries Citron Squash Etc. Wheat Flakes, Grano, Whole Wheat Crackers, Breakfast pood, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa, Koffy y; Manufacturer of the Always Reliable "La Belle Astoria" Cljar Scbeite's Opera Star Scheite's Special And Otbar Bramla OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager- ' J. C. PE.VDEGAST, Chief der PORTLAND irul Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free ... L- M. ALEXANDER & CO. i-xoiusive facttic Uoat Agents 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore. l A, Willi I II A WV. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Buildintr, 4th and Washington Sts. over Litt's, PORTLAND, OREGON..