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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1900)
THE MORNING ASTOK1AN. TIIMliA.s FKHKl'AltY 18, It 00 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main (SI. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per yeir .......18 Of Pent by mall, per month M Served by carrier, psr month to SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance $100 Postage free to subscribers. All communication! intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. Business communication! of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to "The Astoriao." The Astorlan' guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. F I u w t Hammond. Mr. The Portland chamber of commerce has received a series of resolutions from the National. Board of Trade, strongly endorsing the Payne subsidy bill and embodying statistics showing the desirability and benefits which will accrue from the adoption of that meas ure, with a request that the resolutions be passed by the Portland chamber. This raises the square Issue of J. J. Hill's power and Influence In the Port land organization. The outcome will be watched with Interest by business men in Oregon and throughout the country. The Astorlan will make a prediction the resolutions of the Na tional board will be Ignored; they will never be permitted to come up for dis cussion. Hill runs the Portland cham ber of commerce, and uses it against the interest of Portland and to build up Puget sound at the expense of Oregon. to tl.e government's Philippine policy, that he was not opposed to expansion and would take every tfoot- of Oroat 1 Ham's Amoikan territory, was cer tainly siiitiinYnnl. It indicated It to be the purpose of the d mocrats who are opposed to the Philippine business to urtr.jshicn out their expansion attitude lij iimUu'K a howl about taking Brit ish terriioty that Is "lontlguoua," This make them appear devout expansion ists find entirely In harmony with Ji iT rsonlan d min i ary, so they thuiK, despite their opposition to the acqui sition of the Philippines. It hus the additional advantage, many of them tt.liik, of securing popularity by baiting wn it Riitaln nnd cultivating the peo ple v ho sympathise with the Uoera and v.lw are uulte ready to believe that the administration's ivfusal to meddle net ween the Boers and the British Is entinly due to great friendliness for British Interests. Washington corres pondent. The democrats are welcome to all the party capital they can get out of the attitude of strict neutrality the admin istration has seen fit to adopt In the African war. Everybody knows that Bryan and other leaders of the party of opposition are not actuated by mo tives of real sympathy for the Boers, but only by a desire to retch votes from the riff raff and unthinking cle ment of the country, who know noth ing about the merits of the British and of that part of the Western Fa olnc, while of the Imports from Asia ami Ottinlii $12.yv,tX0 came from the Dutch East Indies, $n,tM,fO0 from Ji.rnn, Ji.00H.0OO from the British East Ttv.Ho, ir.OtHVH from China and $t$,W0, Ow fiMin Hawaii. (Oregon's total of li'iports, of every kind, for 1S;9 was $1, 617,162; Puget sound's total was the sum of js,t;i,sh.) The largv" proportion of the Increase in exports was In cotton, cotton goods, machinery and other manufactures of Iron and steel. The gain In our ex ports to China was largely In innnu- f.utuivs of cotton (brought past Ore gon from the South Eastern States, and exported from Seattle), lhat to Ha waii and Australia b lug manufac tures of all kinds, the greater part be ing machinery and general manufac tures of steel and Iron. Raw silk, tin, nbivs and sugar formed the greater part of our Increase of $46.01.000 In im ports from the Paclrlc. Japan sent us M.OOO.OOO more raw silk, while there was a rather larger growth In the Importations of Japanese matting. There was an Increase of $3,000,000 worth of pig tin imported tioin the Straits Settlements. This is used In the manufacture of tin plates, and Is sig nlflrAnr na ahouliiir rhu rnntlmiln .Id. k.-.w.i . : , , . t Ivelopmmt of that Industry. Imports I of Jute and Jute baging and of other th "Hotiscwork is had worik wttiout G old D uslfl IS WASHING CROCKS AND MILK VESSELS A iratt detl dtpJi upoe lbs ctr ol crocks f pans la whlcb milk ! ktpl. Thr should U wuhtd u ooa it poMlblt ihef txloi uitJ. RIBM rim with cold itr, lhn vuh thorouiblr tail out with hot vtttr, Is which tsouih ol Gold Dust Wisning Powder nu ht dlHolvtd to mUt stood tudt. Flslth by rlutlnt with scsldisi wticri wipe drf tod ti ". lih right (id up. Is iht lrth sir tnd tu Shis, tad Ihcjr will he elun tnd iwtcl. Ttw it uk.M ftv ur tt kla "ooim sum r (hiuisuh' wHmaaiwiwla, tm . . ramus eoMssNv, ipl a B N will the busluess men of Portland, Sal-' TWZ XJK ., ... uml v,,.r MMius in l N v-ivBi.n uegm to realise the extent of 1f iff 1A'IC Or,-gon', decline In commerce? When 1 II Jt CUIUVIIO will they come to understand that if) COUClIl 011(1 Portland has totally ceased to figure as W fknev nml'1A, a Pacific coast seaport? When will lUIlOlI 1111)1101 1 birth and ra -ial descent Of course the least that anv vi ml ronserentlva ! , . ., articles of this character from duiiiiriiiaiivii m any jHtriy in tnis ' I tinusn tast imues increased largely e lmprted more than $5,'O,O0O I worth of raw silk from China, and from I the Philippines there was a gain In the importations of hemp, while we Import The text of the Hay-Paunceforie treaty as published do-rs not materially differ from the abstracts published un officially. It appears that the agree ments made by the United States and Great Britain follow very closely those for the government of the Suez. The sentiment In the senate appears to be very strong in favor of the ratification of the treaty as It stands, though some few senators believe that the provision that the canal be policed by our mili tary should be amended so as to permit the policing of it by gunboats. One or two senators insist that we should have the right to fortify it. but Sena tor Morgan says very wisely that should we fortify the canal we would, In the event of war, invite Its destruc tion, the fortifications being shelled by an enemy's fleet and the entrance to the canal being thus destroyed, while fortl'lcatlons would tempt an enemy to use dynamite on some of the Interior locks, and make the waterway useless. The prospects are that the treaty will be ratified with very little. If any, de-Jay. country could do would be to follow the example of every European mon archyeven those having historical cause for hostility to Great Britain, and keep hands off her quarrels with her South African subjects. Mr. Bryan attempts to convince the ignorant and malicious element of the country that If he were president, this gocernn ent would embroil itself with this Internal dispute of Great Britain only goes to show his utter unfitness for the office of president. Evsry day that he and the democratic party lend color to the idea that with that party in power any different policy than that adopted by McKlnley would be pur sued nwards Po-ith Africa makes votes against the next democratic national ticket and postpones the evil day when ' enmi?h of the sensible people of the ountry can be fooled into belief that another cllans in the administra tion of this government would be bene hclal and desirable. cd more than the usual sugar from Ha waii. But the most important and slgnlfl cant point for Oregon In this great showing of rapidly Increasing com merce on t'w Pacific Is the fact that against a total of Imports at Puget sound in 1S39 of nearly $9,000,000, the showing for the Columbia Is less than $2,000,000, while on foreign exports from the Columbia river during the same J ear there was a falling off as com pared with 1S9S of nearly $6,000,000. AS MINISTER DENBY SEES IT. they be made to understand that Ore- con Will l.,a nil ,hnM (.. .. I oj.portunhk-s tor future extension of M (rude imlewi a change Is made in the existing condition of Columbia river commerce? ThU i twytmd mctftn t! CMC ever knnwTi tt tcirmv: ft lew iUr tn i' Iv iur tl e- Mini Hirm-hiti, while u won. tlt-Hitl tiihtrs in tle vute ( I Vn-oiinp;..'! u without a j,n. llrl tn t !ir tn !' v if 11m!, him- it- tutt !iM,-ovrt y It hat a: Iwn i'M en u ttim.tntrr, a ttif tin It n r r -0 ln f i .,... I t h... fi t'intuh, wi r.rnemly i vo;i .Vi tony u. In I n.t-l Mirttii t VA in Knglsnd I. W., it. 4i. r.. U C I. Jkl SOLt PROPmtTORS Al l! w vt 1 1 bi.avf vv. IE ROY. N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. if urn Fold by CHARLES ROGERS. BRYAN ASKS GOD'S HELP AGAINST BRITISH. Brooklyn Standard-Union. At the annual dinner In New Tork of the American Asiatic Ass,clat!on, former minister to China. Charles Den I by, said in part: j Look at China as she stands today. Sh,i nas "ten all the nations of the East rise, rein and disappt-ar. She counts ( hack six thousand years of written hls- jiu.j. rtimu me tan of empires she The applause that came from the democratic side of the house the other day when Champ Clark, the most prominent representative from Missou ri, declared after stating his opposition StAnrisI firm Qnrl oj.11.4 OU i The roar of the British ..on w.l, soon 'of over 4.eml.e, SheTat be heard at long distance from New a population which during my time at tngland. renin, was estimated by competent Wil'iam Jennings Bran has encoun- rs 10 m-m-X- She Is awak- tered hhn at SfcrinsfWd mr.A hm t?'nff today from the sleeP ' centuries. h.o.. . ' . .. i "er rortlgn ,rade- "cordlnf to that - """'' puning jistingulshed statisUclan, the Hon. him by the tail. j John Barrett, amounts to only $239,000,- llr. Eryan did more. In that pious 000 or not 0"e dollar a head. He pro ay of his that goes so far towards 1 "he8le8' an I agree with him, that this making him appear as an uncanonized 1 JVoolI "STnT"', , M , . . ,, ,, . 00,000,000. Her policy Is greatly mls- samt he told 1.1s audience-'The Brit- ( undetstood and undervalued. She Is ish have not yet reached Ladysmlth, J he most tolerant on religious questions and may God grant they never will I"' a" the c'J,ntrle of the world except Then It was that the real genuine old Vnit S&te ,rr. lt,. , 1 am not elr t0 talk to VU of Dew- time welkin" performed Its office and ey and the first of May, im. We III rar,s- know all about the naval battle which, -Mr. Bryan found a very sympathetic, . whether we will or no, changed the his not to say fresh lot of followers In ' tory "l the world' After " WV fouht Springfield. He w as Introduced as "the ' we 1 T ' ,& WOrl(,-power' i We t'Jo our proper place among the next president of the United States," j nations of the world. A modest place, to w hich he alluded with that rock-, a non-boasting place, but a firm and ribbed egotism of his which passes for 8tron ne- and the Eagle became the modesty. He said he had so often been I fqUaI of the Ku"8lan Bear the . . . . , British Lion. We did not become a introduced as the next president that progeIyter of 8bbverslve doctrlnP8( but It no longer served to excite him. we continued to be a self-poised repub- Mr. Eryan, In the absence of other . "ct and we will ask only what Is right, taffy, never quite tires of the plaudits &nd we wl" submlt to nothing that is that follow his introduction as the next ' T?n?;. th . , , . .u .... , , Manila, the central p'ace of the Far president, but he is shockingly sore La,t, stands at the open door of China; that witn all the noise made over him all the steamship lines lad for this and all the sympathy that is expressed ! Prt. and day by day make it a port and all the belief In him that exists of c(llU A,rtadr the electric men, the J. J. l'tll opposes the passage of the Payne subsidy bill on the ground that it wil! "do no good for the American farmer." The bill has been endorsed by the National Hoard of Trade and Is sup ported by nearly all the great shipping Interests of the country. The necessity for some form of aid In securing the carriage of American products to for eign maikets and foreign Imports to American markets In American ships has been a subject of discussion for many years. Kvcn Mr. Hill not long ago was a pronounced advocate of the' Identical measure now pending before t Many a fellow who tells his best slrl congress as the Hanna-Pavn "he Is the light of his life raises an bill. Mr. Hill has since become the ' . . 0VrP ,n ,,M of M Wi practical master of all transportation V'stems In the Northwest. Dewey's RlCnillTn llll I O victory has been the means of placing tikil W E I f f ILLO In the hands of this country one of the Rtore litaiily Lost Vlfor tai Miahood. principal keys to the Oriental com- I,ll!,',cnL'v. Nlnht Kmtsslonsar.j ..w.,, r. ,. ,. . . . wasting- il:'; all effect of self " -,s w n- ---ahus,., or excess and India. :ase In Orl ntal commerce from th ; if1! J iction. A lurvt' tonic nntl l rmlnals of his Pug. t sund roads on '2"r f liKu! liulldiT. Urines the a greatly Increased scale. He Is In a .l'1"! c''w to pale cheeks and n,.itin i. f,,. . . fA:trJr""r" tnc nro or youtn. position, m Met. to become as much WVVl.V mall KOc wrbo, i i boxes me monopolist or trnns-i'acinc cm- ior yj.rtu; wlfliu written iruarnti merce as he is the monopolist of " 'u";0 rofiiwl IhO llloilty. Northwestern trans-contlncntal com- NrB,)IT, ..r-rit ...r,. t Tint i. , NERVITA MEDICAL CO. meice. Mr. Hill has changed his mind Clinton i Jackson St.. CHICACO. luL about the benefits of a government sub- " by Coaxls Rtxtr. Drusiit s!dy to American shins. Mr. urn ,t., ari. Ongun r.ot tell the farmers, whom he Is re- t rTAni a jyy ported In yesterday's Oregonlan to AIUKIAlN have addressed at Minneapolis, w hy he changed his mind on the subsidy ques-' tlon. The country probably attaches f0 1 1 I A t N considerable Importance to Mr. Hill's' views on that Important question. The r,,c Moht for (sl'. 'I m nearly doad with dyiila, trlisj diwtora, vlalted mineral springs, and grew wunw. 1 hsihI KimIuI Dye KPla Cure. That cured ms." It dl gNiia what you eat. Curr indigestion, sour stonuu'h, heartburn and all forms or aynpepsia. wmu llognra. It t:ikcs a pointed, retimik In get Into homo heads, IVWHt's Mttle Kartv ltl-m nurifv the bliHHl, olmut the livir, Invigorate me svstem. f amous llnl iu . for run stimithm and liver traubloa. Uhw H"f The action of a small man some times mtikc a him givnt, Miss Annl 10. Qunnlng, Tyre, Mich., iw i sunerea a lirtig time from dya pepa; uwi nii ana twain very wak. KihIoI Dyspepsia Cunt complete ly cuimh! me." It difi-ats what you eat ana eurra an I onus or stomach tmume. It nver falls to give Immndlate wllrfln the worst caMi. cha UHPra. Kiss In n noun, but It Is not Infre quently used as conj'.uu Hon, Mrs. R, Churchill, llntlin. Yt.. .ivs: "Our baby wu cover,t lth running uva. Dewitt'a WHeh llasal Halve rurj iur." A sih-oIIIo for pllew and skin dlstHweg. llewar of worthhM counterfeits. Ctms Rogers. The man with scribbler's Itch usuully has to scratch for a living. As a curs for rheumatism Cham- t'i lulu's l'nln llivtm Is gaining a wide ivpiitiulon. 1). B. Johiwt.m of Rich, inond, Iud., has txvn troubled with that ailment sine 1st, In NiieskiiiK of it h says: "I nver found any. ming mat wouiu tuv me until I u-d Clinmb.vlain's 1'aln Halm. It acts llks maglo with me. My f. was swollen and Palnlnc n.e vrrv much hut one good application of l'aln Halm relieved me rof sale by Charles Rogers. i:cry man Is the architect of his own fortune, but few are clever etmiifch to ny even a subxtaiitlul foundation. ( C NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH Hut a true IvniitiliiT, Mn the only prep arnlloii sold under a pcllive giiartmtre nf f l.tloo tlmt it I'oiiiniiit not a Kraut or im'ilioii Ihrtfol'iil ponoiinim or lrlrtert on mdiitnitcr. Indorsed by the Hunt n-l l'iutol iiiii-t ol lite Ivile ami ilra miilic Ui:e: leciiiiimcudcil by riiiiiirnt plivicimiH, nnd pn'iiolincnl Iui'IIiU-mi by If.ullnt,' chrmi't WISPOM 3 f AMIS ROOCRTINE. II Ullironlv ici'l"""""" "" "'' ''"his l,llr. I" K-I lu.'l lillllMUMIilrt"M Ak tMi,-K-t i"i ii i'"l""l lu mlhlin '"" S" '' " Mil HIS MOT1I13RS 13RRAD II says was alwayt to tight and well baked. Well there Is a knack In mak ing It. Hut don't forget the kind of stove or range u.-d maki a difference. Ills mother u4 Htnr liMtmo llnitiio My son has twn troubled for year with chronic dlarrhora. Somrtiini ago I persundeU him to take soma of t'luimlft'laln Collo. Cholera and Harrhrn remedy, After lining two bottlea nf the 22-oent slse h was cured. I give this testimonial hoping some one similarly amiclnl may read It and bv bonsfltod. TI10MA9 C. ItOWKR, Obwicoe. O. For s:ils by Charles Rogers, M iio y tilks, but many would be (lad m ii t h ur It whisper, in BARGAIN outside of the insane asylums, his ad- sawyers, the railroad men and the mer- 9 When your throat and lungs 9 arc Dcrfedlv healLhv vou needn't worry about the germs of consumption. They don't attack healthy people. It's the weak, debilitated, in flamed membranes that are First affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs and make con sumption more easy. If your lungs are weak scon s Emulsion is (he best remedy you can take. It soothes and heals and gives tone i and strength to these delicate mem' A branes. In this way you can prevent I consumption. And you can cure it f also if you haven't had it too long. 9 Keep taking it until your lungs are w strong and your weight restored, m At all rlniffiriftlR; to, . and 10. Z SCOTT & 1KJWN K. cJhcnmu, New York, f 1 hantH Bi-c at Manila rnirers do not concentrate on something j Gentlemen, a new era has come upon oeftiues noise ana eagerness to shake , us. we have the Hawaiian islands hands with him. , Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and . - 1 part of Samoa for our own, and we are holding Culm in tutelage today. Wheth Oregonlan agrees with Mr. Hill's posi tion on the question. It Is being urged in congreis by the opponents of the subsidy bill that the sentiment of the Northwest, as voic ed by Its newspapers. Is unanimously opposed to the bill. This Thcre'H Satisfaction Is not true. Leading buslnex men throughout the Northwest are In ac-' cord with the leading men of other sec- i I am advertising for th Cash grocery tiud. for whloh I offur the fullest wwlg.ita and lowt prices. Kverythlng clean and frh. Prompt aUonUon. CHARLES LARSON, Gruourlea and Crockery. Hons of the country In favoring the passage of the Payne bill. Its passage' would lead to the establishment of other steamship lines to the Orl nt besides those controlled by Mr. Hill and the' Who Dow Your Laundry'.' In buying nil vxt ware wtKte the stock la complete and you have an assurance as to quality. I have a large awrtment of sterling silver and hotlowware In latest d-slgna for wedding preae-nta and holMay trade. Be sure to eoe It bfore you buy. O. W. SMITH, . E!l Commercial rtreet. railroad Interests with which he is al-1 We claim, and we wlU prove to every one, that we have the best and mont up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will convince the most particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY 8TEAM LAUNDRY, BZZ Franklin Avenue. OREGON HAS NO SHARE IN ALL THIS. er we will or no these are accomplished facta. The fiug'.r of destiny has point . ed the way to commercial greatness. In the year 1S:9, as app-ars from lute , ur Western coast Is alive, awake, and eovernmpr.t B.atiBtir- ,h ! Is stretching out Its hands for the trade f hundreds of millions of people, which w..-,te ,ui me coumnes to !nakfe Fan FranoI,CO( Tacoma and and islands of the Pacific ocean was Seattle the rivals of New York, J'hlla- greater than any section of thp world. ''phla and Boston. The Southern Our exports show an increase of JCO,- j Btae s"e tne Illimitable market for 000,0. to Oceania and Asia. Our !m- T . n , , ' 1 Kn0W that our skilled mechanics can beat the ,.oi. .ku ii,w,, ana or tn.s lVOr.d in making manufactured articles. f4S,000,000 was from Asia and the isl-' ut us give them a world-wide market ands of the Pacific. This makes an' Again the Astorlan calls the atten. increase of our export.? of 27 per cent! tion of the press and business men of to that part of the world, while our lm- I Oregon to the significant omission of ports thence increased 40 per cent. any reference to the Columbia river Of the 120,000,000 Increase of exports 1 called by Thomas Benton the gateway to Asia and Oceania, Tver $6,000,000 went to British Australia, $4,000,000 to the Ha waiian islands (not one dollar's worth being sent from the Columbia river), $4,000,000 to China (In which trade Oregon fell far below the figures of last year), and the remainder was distrib- to the Orient-in these published utter onces of public men concerning the in creased trade which will goon come to this country from Asia. Why is it that Oregon Is completely and uniformly overlooked In these calculations. Why Is it our people are not alarmed by uted to the various countries and Isl-;these strange discriminations? When lied and for which he stands. The peo pie of the Northwest are being mis represented in this Important matter. Why do not our chambers of commerce and boards of trade take atep. to cor-j R. BCHIMPFERMANlYrop! rect me misapprehension Mr. Hill and TTTT; other, have created at Washington. ' "!,ldUfhJ,ft , B There is nothing nicer than a pl"c The people of the Northwest will re- of rtlverwiu-e or cut glaas. I h;iv celvc more benefits from the passage a comply iurtment of the latc-st " productions at reasonable prt'"-. of the Payne bill than those of any H. EKSTROM, other portion of the country. Yet it M Commercial Street. may be d-f'-ated largely on the theory - of their opposition to it. Isn't it time ,Jcttcr ,,,an l v,:r some thing was being done In the mat- better than ever prepared to supply terr iresn ana salt nsn or all kinds. uocyis delivered to any part of th ' city ana satisfaction guaranteed. ! BOND STREET FISH MARKET. 417 Bond Ptreet. Mr. J. Sheer. Bedalla. Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Iioctora had given her up to die with croup. Its an Inftilllbk cure fur coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron chitis and throat nnj lung trouble. Relieves at one. Chaa Rogers. Tuo b.hi'm with but a single thought ."in Itlse everybody by rinding so much to talk about. ft . vr pi 181 W. J. I I Bf 'K filling BCULT.T, Agent. ill Band at. All Astorlarui who visit Portland and desire spending a pleajinnt evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled munlcnl program, should go to the Fredericks burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental selections there are many other at tractions to delight the visitors. The new management Is making the Freder Icksburg a well-merited success. BROWN & GRANT. Trops. If all men could get what they think they earn, the employing class would M't out of business right iivvny. It tak-tt but a minute to overcome tickling In the trmxit and to slop a cough by the u of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cure all rorms of throat and lung trouble. Harmlem and pleasant to take. It pre. vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and Us after effects, ciisj Rogers. The fattest woman In the street car UMinlly bus to crowd Into the smallest spac e. J. B. Clark. Peoria, III., says: "Bur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, nut i cured mem with Uewrtfs Witch Hazel Salve." It Is Infallible for Pile and skin disease). Beware of coaster- felts Lhas Rogers. When a boy Is ten years old lie can't decide whether he would rather keep Last. x candy shop, be a cowboy or preach. I:M a. m. ;w p. m. A SURE CURB FOR CROUP. ........... Scow Bay X H "t franklin Ar. 5 Huff schmidt & Lovcll, Props X Stll-Nim, M Nf. INK Sr. sad i i nosi nilK IIKDVZC s SiuUlty I IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'I'huna lll.M, Atlorl. Or. Mi Cnrpcntcr nnd IliitUlor Cicnornl Conlrnctor HOUSIJ KAI5ING AM) A10VINU A SPECIALTY W.C. A. Pohir ronn fonoiis. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Ciiskits Hii.l Fitorrn) Siiiipllci constant ly on linticl. Corner 1 lth ami limine 8(s, Astoria, Or ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. notice: Notice is hereby given that til of Millinery Novelties the assets of the Astoria Football and Athletic Club have been trans ferred to the undersigned as trust for the benefit of all of thi criilltori of said club, and thai all claims against the mid club should be pre sented to the undersigned -vlthln ? n -r x iiit I desire to further call the atten tion of the ladles to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises me latest creations of the millinery art, and I am offering re- oucea rates tor tne next 20 days. MIS8 McRAB, days from this date, C. J. TRENCHARD, Truste j, i January II, I'jQO. DENTIST. 57 J Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Schlussel'g Clothing Store. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN, I THE LOT V KB. AH fishermen who are fishing- now, or who intend to fish the coming sea- Strangers visiting in the citv will n,i son, are requested to send In their ap- the Louvre an attractive resort where in ollcatlons for license, with th r to spend the eveinnsr. I lio Amme s;.irU quired fee, to the fish commissioner I'0,1'e' Orchestra is still cm the bills nnj without delay. prawiiw inKuuy u muHiiai prcrain of 469 Commercial St.. Astoria. Or., a f fTJlT" "'"",N" V1 and 407, Oregonlan Bid., Portland. Or., , "V, Ik u v 7 I? . cor,",",ti"1' F. C. REED, I C ' " """"- mmi;in lUlll'IIPS Will , Fish Commissioner. be 8erved ot B" Donr Twenty-five Tears' Conirtsjit Use Without a Failure. The flr Indication of croup la hoarsness, nnd In a child subject to that dlse.i.-,; il may be taken as a sure sign uf the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarsness Is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber Uilu's Couch Remedy Is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, It will pre vent the attuck. It Is used In many ihoii.iunds of homes In this broad I .i ii 1 snil never disappoints the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn of .i single Instance In which It has not proved effectual. No ether prepa ration can show such a record tw.-iiiy-flve years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. Wh.-n the good that some liwn do Is Interred with thHr bones the cnllln does not have to bo enlarged muc.h, POrtTLAND ArrtvsT Portland Union Dpot,ll:li s.mT for Antorls and Intenj :40 p.m. mIlt points. j AHTOHIA. --m.For Portland A n-M:Ma.i lOp.m.ltermedlate points it:! p.m. KAfllDK DIVISION. p rn lii. nr. t:trt'll:.V.'l.v ....Aston.,... f.:a.;ll:l6:Ar ... ttoWi-.n i.v r"nton. :3fl l:0(jAr ....fl-aslds.... Ar I.v 'Ar Lv 7:40 7:) e r3 4:16 p.m. 4:00 I St 1:10 l:M "One Minute Cough Cure Is the bent remedy I ever used for coughs and colds It Is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like It," writes II. N. Will lams, Oentryvllle, Ind. Never falls. It is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Its early use prevents con sumption. Clins Rogers. LIUIiT-HOUBR PROPOSALS WANTED, Scaled proposals will be received at tne otllce of the Light-House inspector. Mar'iuam Building, Portland, Oregon, until iz o'clock Al., juarcn l, lwo for furnishing provisions for v.-siels and stations In the 13th light-house district for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1001. In accordance with specifications, cop ies of which, with blank p ciposals and other Information, may be l ad up on application to Commander ill. D. SPECIAL BICAHIDE 8UNDAT TRAIN Leaves A.inrlt, at I SO a. m.i arrives at Renslits : a. m. Pasnengirs may return on any train shown on schedule on Minis date. AM, TRAINS to and from 8eaiul ma ot Flavel and Hammond yla Warrsn- ton. All trains males cloan connections at noble wlih ull Northern PaolHo trains to sncl from tho rant or Hound points. At Portlnnd wlih all trains leaving Union depot. At Antorla with I. R. N. i!n.' boat 'o rail line to and from Jlwaco and Norlh Ileach points. TllllOL'O' TICKETS on .ale at As. Ser'm '"nto' Bn rrancisco. all i.UMtcrn hnd Kuroinan points. m.i . k,'t "l,k' Astoria, 524 Commer. Clon 1 Fr't snd lvH Agrtlt. t all W BJUBPOIHTS EAST Through palace and tourist sleepers, a"''n? nd library observation cars. Ij.Lh.OANT VI5HT1BULB TRAINS, ilr '' "I',y(," leaves Portland at 45 p, m. p. m. s JS0". 3' "F1yf." arrives Portland at :00 a. m. For rates, etc.. call or address , Of. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N . iMtnHtt. or A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. ft T. A.. Portland, Ore, Taussig, U. S. N, (