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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1900)
TliK MOUNINO AH10UIAN, TIIUB8DAV JANUARY 21, 1900. a- C. H. COOPER'S in! I'l Ih I'l r. Commenced on Tuesday JANUARY 2. 1 TO ASTORIANS. Tha IHII.V A1TOIHAN foiiuil tin mI III Portland M Ilia w.ll fcii.iWM ' ll.ui. rf buin iif J. r. Handler A I'u., UI Vaaliliilii Hirl. Orilara for edtar lUliig I. II with tit Is nnu will rrcla irui4iit Alteullmi. TODAY'! WttATMKR. ' l'ofiTI.AND, :5.-Wcalern ore gn and Vai"in Washington, Thura tlity. fulr, i in afternoon mid rain mi coiiat. AROUND TOWN. John I'll lo uf Bvenacn In At the AatoT IK uitc Mayor Bergman wnt In Portion 1 J. M. Gillette waa up from Seaside int. i lay. Crawftah, rooked lo win, M the Ni tlonal Caf. 1'. J. McOowun, lh cuuncryman, U nt tho Onllcnl. l'i iii.k llontlell of Heaaldo wi In tho tlty jr-Ntrrday, i harir 1. iJialiam uf Ilwaco la at tin' ciclihnt. A. W. ruiuui-r of New ANtorla waa In tho city yexli-rJuy, Coriiellut KP'inoi; uf tho Nehttlem vj In tho ciiy yciterday. Ml in rol l-Hi. r, of Long lirut h, vUitliiu (il"U.l In tlUa city, la A. II. Hullnrd of tha Korvliallard Cut' puny of I'oi tla'id, la In tho city. Tellt).tM) reillittriltloli Wero filed y. aleidiiy, rum. Iiik tho total up to 358. Tho bar ttu on the rainpauu again y.-al'-rday. There are no ahlpa out-' Nlde. T. 1. McCowan will arrlvo from Now York today to attend tha meeting of the combine. Tho Frein h hark Loula Taateur, w ith a eurgo of grain for ICuropo, It on her way down tho river, Kraiilt II, Cole, editor of tho 1'uget Hound Lumberman, I In tho city, ao' coiv pa tiled hy Mia Kato Colo. Tho Nteuniahlp hUratlifcyle, under j lniit..e t.i lh.. U.iMlrt 1.-... Il..n ...111 t..n..' charter to the Kunta Fo lino, will load Hour on tlio Columbia for Tort Arthur. Tho Hi HIhIi Hhlp KcoIUmIi lalet clear ca for gueeiiNiown yenterday with lie, no buahelN of wlioat, valued at 108, iK, The Ladle Charily Lodge, Degree of Honor, A. O. ir. v will give a banket Hoelnl and i ntertulnment to night at tlm K. of I. hall. Major Munger, Htipeilntendcnt of tho Jlto rtavlng department of tho ruoltlo j vum, returned to Fort Canby ycatur day nfter a brief ntop In town. The Kpworth Lenguo will glvo Kotinl at the homo of M. 11. Honor th on Imnno atreet, Frlduy evening, Jan-1 uary 20. All young peoplo uro Invited.' t Roilyn coal laat longer, It cleaner! and make leu trouble with atovea and chimney fluet than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1111. , $ ward course. Iron does them lho Hteamer Lennox will tako an- , . . ... j uu tiii.ei- lomi of home nnd mule, to1 f nogoodj strychnine ana Dlt Muniia n soon hh Biie can arrive ' ters all fail. They need a food hero. Sho Is now en route from Na-' n 4Kalt!ll nnnricK iUom Kcttr KUHnKI. nonlyn coal la tha beat and moat eco nomical coal for household uae In At torlo. Try H onoe and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311. Dudley Evans, the rortland prize fighter, arrived In the city yesterday morning. He will go into active train Irg here for his next fight which will mnn take place In rortland. Old Continental It a standard high grade Kentucky wldaky. Absolutely pure, jid can b recommended to thoso aeoklng a stlmulaJi't for medical and so cial use. Sold by Aug. Danlalson, As toria, Oregon, ' i lii1 8a Morning Among tin' AhIoiIuiii registered at I'm l Inn 1 hotel yi'Htprdny wcro 1'. C. Heed, Mr. mid Mi. John Fox, W. A. HIh i inuii. Mr. mid Mm. F. D. K llitt nor mid II. 1'. Jotio. I'.uiy Dlatrlct Attorney J. E. YoiitiK li.tcmla Laving nhorlly on an ext. trip through California and ArUoi.a for hla health. Ilu Mill prob ahly bo alment two or three month. l.x-JuiUo Taylor will attend to Mm h'K'il bidilia during hi iiloi.-mn. I . (I. IiikiiIIm, tlui l,t'Ul ami Clark fai in. r. hmn hooked hy a cow a tow (hi)'n lino, luintnliiliig un iikI)' wound In the neck. Tho horn entered tho link lickw llic Jaw and run up-j Ultlit through ll.e (link. U will nut prow n 'll iiu. Oi'orKe 11. IJi line, tho proinliv nt job her In mil nod nhIihoii mid dried iruua. pi. iaui, iin hi mo Oiiy , )ert.rnuy un nimiii'M (oiinccteti wun hi Ikhino, Mr. I.iniio Hut. a that ho findN LuNlnea thioughout ttie Went In a thrlvliiK condition, Ho Will HI) from. here to California, here ho will tako a look li to tho dried fruit iltuatlon. The I'lil-tlino revenuo cutter Corwln, wliU )l wun retrntly ordered void by tho governinitit at fuhllc auction, may he tiatinfrrred lo tho TuroI nound divinlun of tho n,uartvrmaier'a depart in' iit of tlio I'nltrd Glutei army. Tho iin ii.ny uc tote,, ,o trauapori up- l.,y mxv b,.j tu a h. lie miu reHtlng pile to tho Xlimnollu bluff army poor fav ,r.,i,iy hutt rilitht and there 1 little mm i no vaiiuiiN roriiiiciuioiia ntmui ; I'e riniind. Hlio inuhl uIno be uited In' too iiie-nn iiik aerv ico uioiinu v. upo nailery and ul -tng tho toaat of Van-! i. . 1 1 . .. . i . It t 1. 1 I. n- I... A.timrf Can ' t-ouvtr Ihliind. In thai locality, Wreck ftro fit'iutnt' Anordliitf to tho Teleifrum of hit nlKlit. iKiii.-eij nildnlKht on January 8 mid daybreak tho following; morning;, Cicortfi.' Scott, H'-cnnd engineer of the atcnmithlp Moiiinouihchlie, dlNappear ed and nothing hint been aeen or heard fuim him aline. When Hcott failed to appear at hia uaunl time tho ahlp wa fearcned, but no trace or mm could bo loiin.l. Tho ahlp una rolling heavily, hut not enough to curry a man over board. It I NuppoHed that Scott Jumped overboard In a lit uf tempor ary alien ft Hon of mind. Tho Nteamer V. II. llarrliton It ex pected In from Tillamook today, bring ing a general cargo, unions tho tea prove to lo too rough. At prevent, how over, Indication are quite favor able. Thl will bo the flrt boat be tween Aatorln and Tillamook within live weeka. I-aat night' Telegram that lho non-nrrlval of ateamora ... from Tillamook for mo long a time hn greatly affected the mipply of butter In rortland, and quantities hnvo been Im ported from California. Tho I'ortland maiket draw a great deal of butter from the creamerlet In tho vicinity of Tillamook, The announcement hna been rtent out hy Judge Gray to county Judge, corn- v-jj Voung Girls How easy it Is for yountf !Hir!stogolntothe "decline." they eat less and less, become paler and paler and can harldy drag through the day. Thev are on the steady down- T l.liafc -Till IIVUIIJI. l. VI. f V and a medicine that will cor 4 rect their disease. Scott's Emulsion Is both of thoc, elegantly and per manently combined. The Cod-Liver Oil makes the blood richer, and this gives better color to the face. The hypophosphitcs of lime and soda act as a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight Increases, the digestion Improves and health returns. - At 11 ctniBtHstt oc and Si oo. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemuta, Ntw York. mlMMloiicrii ntnl umti'NNiir throughout llm auto that a meeting will be held In Portland on l tit- 701 li uf next month M which It In hoK-(1 Unit they will tin present. This mooting In called In I un attempt to arrive at Home united undi'MUndlng relative to many much tieeded Improvement In the system of I luxation now In fort In Oregon. It Ik held Hint tint present system lit In fttiltuhl itml unjust mid should be mdlially reformed. Whatever p'an limy be evolved from tho coiifcrenc will Im embodied n noma tangible lot mi and presented to tho 1-Kiilatur. A riveting wa hold luxt year In July hut It wo too Into In (lit mason to In productive nt practical good un a-csriii-nl for tin' year were already i i:hIt way, , I TIM nlorlia of tho discovery of Iwa i uat at Ni hah'iu are loiimdi rvd In j un uitli'li- In l ho Nutlvo Hon, wnit'-n hy hl:im l. Hmllh, lllulur i l.l. f of tho I Cluixoi Indiiuia, Mr. Hinlth muoU'D .in Im'l.n. uriouiit to tin' i-ffi i t thut ; l,i for.' Ilu. iiiiiiIiik of Din wlilli-, a V'-hm-I Hiia ilrlvi-n unlioio In the vh'ln iy nt ti"t'o the tx'.'Hwux In now found, Juct in, i Ih of tho mouth of tho Ni'liu I. in rhiT. Thf vi'km-I h'-t'iimo u wrei k, hut all or iiuirt i f ln-r rrt-w aurvlvod. A Kir'ii pin t it In r uiK wan thin hiiiiik, 'J"h crow, uiuiblo to xt iittn, ii'ti. nlii.'d thi'ie with tho nutlvea un i ihI inoiitliN uIk ii, hy -otic-rtul iK'tl'i.i, tho Iii.IIiiiin lionriurid the 'li llif i mt), on nt't-tiuiit, itN thi-y t In l fit-1, that the Hhlti N tlliircKiinli.'d lint mil Imii' t mi ri l nl rt'lullonit. huyit Mr Hnntli; "1 think It In not too liux nnl.iiiH to lh-iitlfy IhlH wrtt k un tho hl'iinlxli nhli Sin Jom, whlrh hud li ft l.ii J 'ii i, IiAtr (ullfornlu, Juno 14, 1 T ti 1, olii' Ultll lllllC.-llliniMHIH Hllp- IIk fur tin- Ciitliolli' inlimion at Hun I'l. Co, l''n r Culiroriiln, ami i f Mhlch I'othlne uun t vi-r lnurd ufli-r nIic Irft '.'il " An h r'kiilt of an ini lihiit at tho Clut.iop inllU j'fitt-rduy. John IVnlll li mi fiiiiiloyt-, In now lying; ul the lior,ii, with tho loiN of lila rlht urm. I iiii'.llhi w.ih worklnK at a Iiitko rut off unv nt tho tlino. Tl.rou(h aotno fault of imo of tho ciiipliiyi-k a InrKc , M v f ,,,.. . llt,,ne iimU'd on the rolleiN, took a croit.wlHO niuiK'. nt rlKliiir tho huw in .on uhlch i.,...,.,.,. ,,(,rU.llK. Ti,e hlk .....1 .. nrl! ,.l,., Biru.-lf I'.. ..I Ml,. ,.n the arid near tho rlnlit eibotv, tuttliiK ihi'ouKh the tioue. l'r. Fulton wnn at unco NUmnmned and upon bin direction (he unforluiiuto man wax taken to Ht. M.u' hoHpltiil, wlieio It vui found liKVHMiry to perform an amputation a Hhurt diHi.inie above tho tlliow. Tho main aiteiy In the arm wan not nev er".!, oil.. rwlo l'entllla would prob- tluuht of hl. Npocdy recovery. IVntllla Is it prominent member ot tho local J.-,N ,.(y i. ,i. ..i.. un 1 la guile well known In coiiiufentlng on the killing of Luke Miner the nivgontiin remarks: "It In d that Matt If llhtrom, the Clut Nop county rancher, who, laboring un der ihe hallucination that hi life was anient by his iii-IkIi1oi-m, idiot and In Ntnutly killed a loger who went to his huiiKo with peaceful intent, Ih a icilin of hereditary Imtanlty, hi mother hav ing been violently ItiHiino at his birth, unit one brother having died at the liiBiine uaylum. The question, "Who tm t h sinned, UiIh man or his parents?" , In o re that In tho light uf medical ' at lence, an 1, Indeed, of ordinary com-: mou heme, la eanlly annwered In this como. Of HilNtrom' futher nothing Is suit1.. This In perhaps well, since he could only he spoken ot In this con nection with the utmoxt reprobation na a n. an who thoughtlessly or reck- I.MHly cnlled human beings into exist ence, unmindful ot the certainty that their oxlNteiire would be a curse to IIic'iinoIvcs and to other." According to stories told by old acqualntan.-cs ot the family, a great ileal is said of Illl.itront's father for It la mated that' only a short time prior to the birth of HilHlrom the father came home drunk on one ocacslon and followed n mason uf abuse with a brutal as-1 kaalt upon his wife with a huge piece of wood. The w oman lay unconscious ' for several hour from the effects of the blow and from that time never ! wes In possession of her former mental j faculties. Other sons were born after lll'stiom' birth, one of whom was sent to tho lusano asylum from Coos county several year ago. o much for the father of llllstrom. ' REAL ESTATE TKANSFEKS. The following transaction In real estate have Just been recorded: Sheriff to Mill F. Bower, west half of lot 4. block 134, Shlvely' $1,273.63. ,,rrJ-8f0 1-J: ! MMTO 111 BITVUUIIB 4t, 4.0 HilU tW T N, 1! I Wj $1,250. I'nited Slates to John G. Clark, 160 acres In section 21, T 6 N, R 7 W; rnient, Hfimosu Tark Investment Company to Mini nnd Josephine Ferguson, lot 14 und 13, block 8, Hermosa Park; $400. H. B. Ferguson and wife to F. J. Taylor, lots 13 to 18, block 3, Flavcl Center, undivided hnlf of lots 1 to 16, block 9. first addition to Kindred rark, and undivided half ot lots 14 and 13, block 8, IKvmosa Tark; $1,000. E. 7!. Ferguson and wife and F. J. Taylor and wife to Alex Gilbert, C. W. nnd G. C. Fulton, lot 14 and 15, block 8, Hermosa Park; $400, J. C. Rlerson to Enburg Rierson, v est half of section 25, T 5 N, R 8 W; $300. TO RENT FURNISHED. The lower story of the cottage next door to the Holden House. All furn ished for house-keeping. Rent rea sonable. Inquire of Mr. E. C. Hol den, next door. THEY DON'T WANT THE TAX Objections Made to tbe "Three "Roads" Special Levy. LECAL ADVICE IS SOUGHT The Monster Petition, Ikaring Over 2,000 .Names, Trescnkd Yester dayTen Lawyer Agree. Tin.' now ci'li'hratcd "Tnno Itoada ' i iriiiion nun j rcai-miii to me louuiy t court y nt'T-liiy urtcrnoon. Over 2,0K) tiiin i'N wore hpjm n lrij to tho document r"it'('NtiMK Ihut the court levy a Npoc-j lul tux of live mlllN for four yiam for the piir.o' of conNtiurtliiK thn.-e main r a l-t h udiiiff from tho city to the var loiia poril.niH of the country. The jie-1 tltlini in IwIiik ( lu cked over lo anrer-' lain hou iii.iny nt the iiuiiicn HlKiud to It appeal on tho poll book of the lt'Ji county eli-ctlon. r-'imultaneouitly to Ihe , flllna of thin nionsier petition another (l.M un erit wuh (lied axklnir u .II...I .. il.-.t ( U that the prnver of the. 2,iX i'H)lo be not ((ranted. Among the nniiie signed to thin roii.oiMtianee appear those of some of tho Inavieat taxpayers in CIhUoii c.iuty. who contend that the ' und'Tt'ikliig will be too much of a 1 n and that tho financial condl- j ' I. on of the county Is not such as to , Jum fy the levy of such a tax. "The 1 reA'-nl rale of taxation In the loun-j' ly. ti.ey say, ' is very burdensome an I t ) Inereuho the rate of taxation ul tho preseiil lime, under exixllng coiidltl'Mis, In, In our Judgm-nt, un wurruntod." Tho signature to the rem instrance follow: Hiiijumln Young, C. H. I'age, Alex OilU-rt, It. Curruthers, B. Van Duteii, V. Bot'lllng. F. J. Taylor, Pen- Irs-jlar Ijind & Trust ConiDany, West Hhoie MillB Company, II. B. Parker, C. 11. Cooper A. Montgoniery, G. C. ... .... - , - - - - j Jumes W. Welch, J. Q. A. Bowlby, As toria Kxchange Company, C. J. Tren char 1, J. K. Ferguson, Ceo. A. Nelson, Alfred Kinney. ANt irlii Gas Light Com pany, W. II, Barker, Samuel Klinore, Columbia Hiver l'ackei-' Association, I. J. Goodman, Ifiuic, A. G. Spexnrth, I. Cohn and D. II. Welch. According to unother document filed . with the remonstrance there are fully ten tttturrieys In this city who doubt' the legality of the proposed levy and ' lautloii Ihe county court to "ko slow." J They suggest that tho matter be re-, f rred to the county' leftal adviser' for rareful consideration In order to avoid, If possible, any future litiga tion wllh Its accompanying expense. This supKeHtlon has been favorably ac- copied and the county's attorney now has the matter in charge. It will prohuhl) be n day or two before his ' opinion will be Hied and the "three roads" proposition will remain in s'.niue quo In the meantime. FOXEY JU GUY. Selume to Defraud Wong Wo Came to Naught For way that are dork and tricks thai are vain the heathen Chlneso Is peculiar. Bert Hurte's familiar lines find special adaptation to a case in which Ju Guy holds the pinaele. Ju Is well known in Astoria as a success ful merchant and labor contractor. Through some gymnastic giratlons In Chinese nomenclature Ju Guy was known equally as well under the name of Wing Lee. For a long time Ju con ducted hi store here and made money, swelling his gains by supplying suit able blocks of his countrymen to local canneiymen to woik during the can ning season. Matters went along hand somely In the affairs of Ju until the advent of the combine and then his fortunes wuned. Many of the canner ies having been closed down under the new regime Ju could no longer make nis bread by the sweat of the other fellow's brow. And so he sought a mor-! promising Meld up on the Sound. Piu Ju found he was a bit light In the pocket and, upon telling his trou bles to a countryman named Wrong Wo, obtained $100 Wong Wo had been tolling faithfully for years in the distinguished capacity of porter for Attorney C. H. Page and could spare the mony to his bosom friend. But now Wong Wo has lost that abid ing faith in his former friend and de clares that Ju Guy, son of Chang, eon Tong. Is likewise a "son-of-a-gun for he has never seen the glitter of that $4oO since It disappeared within tho folds of Ju's blouse. He assigned the claim to Attorney Page for col lection, with a view to attaching the contents of Ju's store. Ju evidently got wind of It, for it was discovered yesterday morning that work wa un derway of moving all of the stock. Deputy Sheriff Prael nipped this plan hi the bud, however, by driving out tho Celestials and taking charge pf the property. And now, unless Ju shows up w ith a $100 smile, the goods will be ''knocked down" by the sheriff nnd Wo will get his money. , 10 cents aa4 25 cents, at all drag it area. i I WHAT WE S4Y WE'LL CO WE CO DO i 1 TO US.... Because Because f J.I, TO OUR CUSTOMERS Because our low prices are money savers. Because our stock consists of good honest goods. ' pX ii-.V I i? ! J DIED FROM HIS WOUNDS. First Mate of the Cement Passes Away at the Hospital. ! A dispatch was received from Port- hind at n Idnight stating that William Kirk, first mate on the American snip Clarence S. Bement, had died at lhe hospital there from the effects of the Injuries he received In the murderous assault made upon him on' board the vessel Tuesday night. The details of the crime are among the most horrible In Portland annals. I Kirk's body was found In the cabin' yesterday morning, hi head horribly! btuten ar.d his body badly bruised and bleeding the floor being covered wiih blood Mowing from his wounds. I Kirk was In charge of the vessel. He had $404 of his own money and was keeping some cash for several mem- j ter sof the crew, the total amount In Ms possession being J630. Not a cent1 of this sum can be found. The missing boatswain is suspected, j This man Is said to belong to Larry, Sullivan's boarding house, and was en- I gattod here, but, owing to difficulties ' with the crew, had been discharged. I KlrU and the boatswain were quite frie'idly nnd Tuesday evening wers to- sether until 8 o'clock, at which hour; tho boatswan was seen to leave the' ship. At 10 o'clock a seaman saw j Kl:-k, and that was the last seen of , him until the discovery of his uncon-' sclous form yesterday morning, when ! tha in fnrrv Vt I m a pun of coflee. One Important circumstance pointing to Is that the door of Kirk's cabin was linked from the outside. ASTORIA BOTS BEATEN. Portland Bowlers Took Four Straight Games Last Night. A dispatch to the Astorlan from Portland last night gives news ot the! utter defeat of the Astoria bowling ' team by the Oregon Road Club con testants. The latter took four straight games. The scores follow: O. It. C 30 253 261 272 A. F. C 217 246 235 235 The Astoria team was composed of W. C. Laws, Herman Wise, P. B, Sov ey, J. D. McGowan, G. C. Fulton and T. II, Uoodell.- They will be met by a committee armed with clubs on their return. NOTICE! Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Charles RJchel, has this day retired from the firm known as tht Astoria Meat Company. All outstand ing obligations of said Arm will be as sumed by the remaining' partners, and all accounts of said firm wll be paya ble solely to them. CHARLES RICHEL. , Astoria, Or., Jan. SO, 1M0. Highly Satisfactory OUR CLEARANCE SALE b satisfactory to our customers and to us. we aell lots of goods. it pleaees our customers. Herman Wise RELIABLE MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER ..FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE.. L. E. LELIG, Lessee and Manager. Saturday, January 25 J, Dake.Marray and Howard Long present a play for the women and children The Triple Success LONDON LIFE ORIGINAL DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS. f Magnificent scenic embellishments reproducing England's historic thorough fare: Fleet street, Plcadllly; The Thames embankment; London's famous pawnshop. Crowded houses every night PRICES OF ADMISSION Reserved served Beat sale opens Friday morning BLANCARD'S Hi IODIDE OF IRON for AN CMl A. POORNESS of the BLOOD, CU.5 1 1 1 U I IUIM AL WbAKINbSS SCROFULA, Etc None genuine uiism signed "Blancahd" ALL DRl'liCISTS. E. FOUOERAd CO., N. Y. Agta. fort;. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RA1S1NO AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY 9 utvn vuj 18th St. and Franklin At. Huffscfimidt & Lovell, Props SCNUSTEEl, MANGANESE and rtlOSrtlOR BRONZE a Specialty IRON antl BRASS CASTINGS 'FHon 1451, Altorla, Or. i 9 THE LIGHTEST STORE TO SEE IfJ THE LARGE JT STOCK TO PICK FROM Endorsed by Paris, London, New York seals 75 cents; gallery 50 cents, at Griffin & Reed's. Re- W. C. A. Pohl, conn C0EMEK. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caskets and Funeral Supplies constant ly on hand. Corner 11th and Duane Sts, Astoria, Or THE I Palace Cafe I . ! . W WIlirPLE, Prop'r. Finest Restaurant Sorts f Sat Frantista OPEN DAY "tr AND NIGHT Attentive Service, First-Class Cuisine, Private Rooms lor Ladies. I I 538 Commercial Street, Astoric. Vy,;itya,iyyiiyi,tiy.i,' W. B. Edwards Every variety of Rough and Pressed Lumber, JJoors, Windows, ...t,iai.tS3 ans Cedar Shingles. XnnriComnlon S!ab,Purk,F1r, YV J J U Hemlock, Akler.i'oleOU Office Seventh Street Dock 'v