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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1900)
2 THE MORNING ASTOR1AN. TlirRSDAK JAM'AHY 'J5. n 00 gaily 2Utotimn JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Bent by mall, per year JIM Bent by mall, per moath M Served by carrier, per month (0 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance )2.00 Postage free to subscriber. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. ltuMness communications of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Iti ad-j Cure Impotence N:;:ht Kitiislonsan3 ! tertlseia the largest circulation of ,ny stintr tW all effect of self. ; , ,1 abuse, or excess and India newspaper published on the Columbia ; f 'YT"f re,:or) ,. nerve tonic nmS river. i W: ,ao.l lmlMer. brings the vertising rates can be had on ap - - to the bu.nes. manage, Ad pllrall The demand of the Ortgonlaa for stronger represent ulon of Oregon at the national capital will meet w ith ready and enthusiastic approval among a'l elements and throughout all sections of the state. There is a feel ing abroad that something Is wrong ! with Oregon. Of all states on the Pa cific sloj-e Oregon Is the best located and the richest and most diversified In resources. Tet the statistics of trade and commerce show' that Instead of occupying the front rank in develop ment and progress, Oregon is actually losing ground in comparison with "other states. It is a wrong policy to suppress these unpleasant facts, There is no reflection on the state !m- piled In them, but they rather tell a tale of woeful mismanagement and I from January 1 to December 31, 1S39, neglect on the part of someone, some- j as rhown by President Van Dusen, the where high in control and Influence ; total nur ber of steam and sailing ves l:i the state. We need not flatter our- ' sels clearing from the Columbia river selves that th?se facts are unknown for forebjn ports was 126, with 214.350 ard unnoted in quarters where we aggregate tonnage. In 1S9S the total l must look for capital and emigration ' of foreign clearances was 162 vessels, to build up the state. It Is In these ' aggregating 30?3 tons; a decrease i sections that people most study and ' lor 1S9S of 36 vessels and SS.549 tons. are most largely Influenced by details I The foreign entrances for 1S99 were like thtse. It Is only among our j Si vessels, of 153,272 tons, while the own people that ignorance of these 1 number of foreign vessels entering In I facts prevails. There is enough energy; 5S9S was 143 and their tonnage 227,406; enough manliness, enough intelligence ' in the state of Oregon to put ! 64,131 entering tons In 1S99. the siate In a position where j Nor can this startling decline be ac she belongs, provided her people can cjutited for In the low price of wheat be properly aroused. If the newspa- or the falling off In the export de pers of Oregon w 111 back up the Ore- j mard, for an even greater ratio of goniaii In its demand for better and ' Ijss appears In coastwise trade than i rurer pontics in tne state, ir they will lay aside their petty bickerings and contentions with each, and Join forces for tha upbuilding of Oregon and for' securing her rightful position In com- J merce and trade, a change will come in the next few years which will sur- ' prise not only some of them, but the people of other sections who have ! long looked on the state's wasted op- portunltles and neglected resources ! with pity and amazement. j I -. . l 1 : SOME FACTS FOR THOUGHTFUL ' t OREGOXIANS. One of the most interesting features of the annual report of the president of the Astoria chamber of commerce is the sumn.ary attached of vessels and cargoes which entered or sailed from the Columbia river during the year 1SD9. The first Important fact to be noted In studying these figures Is that they are extracts from records kept by the government at the mouth of the river, are free from manipulation or coloring of any sort, and include vessels of every description, coastwise as well as foreign, and whether bound to or from Astoria, intermediate river ports, or to or from the principal port of Tortland. Another point for con sideration is that this record is for a year of unexampled prosperity and trade expansion, particularly on the Paclilo coast, where not only the efTects of the general business Im provement are visible, but where there have been extraordinary expenditures of money by the government and a rnnrins lmpjtus felt In all lines of HousQviorii is Hard Vorlr without Gold Dust. It lightens the labor of cleaning more than half and saves both time and money. It is "Woman's Best Friend, Dirt's Worst Enemy." for trt Wokl.t-" Ooliaa Salts for Bouievork." THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CUcat Sl.Uala NtvYwt 8Xm HERVITA PILIJ:"" Restore VJlsIity Lrst Vijtor and Xsulieod. . Virpttix plow to pate cneess ana ; ' f .W restore the rc of y j Zfg& on to- boxes puarun- toe to cure or rrftuul tlio mono-. Send for circular. Address, i NERVITA MEDICAL CO. i C!inton A Jackson St. CHICACO, iJu ' For al. by Charles Bera. Prun.t Aataarta. Oregon , -. ... ... - , - ocean commerce In consequence of the war In the Philippines. Yet In spite of these unusual condl Hons, such a falling off in Columbia river commerce la apparent from con trast with former and less prosperous years that universal concern should be excited throughout Oregon and Imme diate action taken by her business men aim boards of trade to stop further diversion not only of their naturally tributary trade, but for obtaining some j .hare in the unprecedented Increase j shown by the published figures from other sections of the Pacific coast I showing a decrease of 50 vessels and that or foreign. During the year 1S9? the total coastwise vessels enter- log the Columbia river was 405 and their aggregate tonnage 379,036, while in 1S98 the coastwise entries were 511 vemels of 40,760 tons; a decline of 106 coastwise vessels or 101,724 tons In 1899. In 1W9 coastwise vessels to the num- ber of 356 cleared the Columbia river, ihelr tonnage being 371,560, when In 1S9s tne number of such clearances was 438 vessels and 465,716 tons; the decrease for lb9 b-lng 102 vessels and 94.1M tons. Finally, summarizing these various forms of decline, we find, first, the j showing of a total loss in both coast j wise and foreign clearances in 1899 I amounting to 138 vessels and 182,705 I tons. Second, .a falling off In both foreign and coastwise vessels entering the liver of 136 vessels, aggregating l-j5,8jS tons; and, third, we have the appalling exhibit of a grand total net decline in Columbia river deep sea commerce of all kinds, foreign and coastwise, Inward and outward bound, during the single year of 1899 the b&st year ever known at other Pacific coast ports of 294 vessels and 348,003 tons! Can there be any doubt In Oregon that in the light of these figures there is cause for alarm, and that the time when there must be united action on the part of her people in defense of the state's commercial Interests has come? TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab leu. All druggists refund the money If it fall to cure. B. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 2S& mm mm mi,! Ms who shakes hands the always the hardest lo j shako hi- K Karl's Clover Root Tea Rrautlfrs th Complfttin, P(irilw4 th B1(H,I, gtvra Knh,Clf4ri'n. C urr.Cun stipation, ImliirOn, nl fttt Krumiiwi ( the Skia. An nmMi Ijmii Ncr Tonic. Sold on ovjiutr (t'irJt by all druKKiXs at S V 60c. and 1.00. S. C. WELLS 4 CO.. If BOY, N. V. aoir pomtToi Appearances are against some people and- disappearances are against some otheiu. NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a true beautifier, being the only prep aration sold tinder a positive guarantee of fl.CMiu tint it contains not a Kin or fraction thereof of pi isonous or deleteri ous substances. Imlor-ed by the most celebrated arttcs of the lvric and dra matic stage ; recommendeil by eminent physicians, and pronounced harmless by leading chemists WISDOM'S FAMOUS RCBERTINE. II istheoulv preparation now used bv fasliiooaMe la-hc to prptu.itc a lautidil compleion-f Ak your druit lor il uul iu mA be imluced to take klij1hll;j (Tire f.O ernlii jier bottle Sold by CHARLE3 ROGERS. It Is easier to get the average man to lend a hand than it Is to get the loan of a five-dollar bill. tenln' Tailor. - Ladies Tailor. I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor I INo-Date 177 FDrtl SI., PontlUD, 0IX Y. M. C. A. Knild'K. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND LXPKESSING All Goods Shipper t.., our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 53,'i Duane St., Astoria, Or. W I. ( OUK, Mgr R. Tel. 113. A NEW TEAR'S GUIDE. There Is one book everyone should make an effort to get, for the new year 1 It contains simple and valuable hints concerning health, many amusing an ecdotes, and much general Information. We refer to Hostetter's Almanac, pub lished by The Hosteiter Co., Pitta burgh, Pa. It will prove valuable to any household. Sixty employes are kept at work on this valuable book. Thr lutina 1'inn urlll v. millions, printed in the English, Ger - man, French, Welsh, Norwegian, 8we- dish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, it contains proof of the ef ficacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,! the great remedy prepared by the pub lishers, and is worthy of careful preservation.-- The almanac nuy be ob tained free of coet, at any druggist or general dealer in the country. I J i A? W ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN I Tic Most for Cnsh, I am 'iverl!s1i:g for tho Cash , Kr oery trde, for w hloh 1 off the fullest wvig.tts and Uvit prlco Kwrythmg clean and frvh. l rompt attontlon. CHAKLKS LARSON. UiMoeiiea and Crin-kcry. Iliciv's Satisfaction In buying silverware wheie the stock I riiiiinlitr utwl v,mi huv nit nsKurance a.i to quality. I have a1 litrgo a.ts.trtment of sterling silver I nud hollowwaix In latest delna for wtMdlng presents uii.t holiday i trade. He sure to see It b fore you lu -. a. W. SMITH. Commercial street. Wlio Do -is Your I.tmiulrv We claim, and we wlU prove to every one, that we have the best and moM up-to-date laundry on the v UI4I VIUI'I T. Ill .,ll.lll n the most particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY STKAM LAUNDRY. R.'S Franklin Avenue. R. SCllIMrPL-RMAN. Prop. I'or a Holuluy (lift Ther Is nothing tileer than u pi of sllverwiir or cut kI.ios. 1 h ive a compile luvortnieni of the Uvtittt piductlons at,ihli prices. II. EKSTROM. The Jeweler. SM Commercial Street. Hcttcr I liikit I.vcr The Pond Street Fish Market Is better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Ooods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. POND STREET FISH MARKET. 417 Dond Street, Millinery Novelties I desire to further call the atten tion of the ladlea to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creailona or the millinery art, and I am offering re duced rates for the next SO day. MISS McRAE. Dr. T.N. Ball DENTIST. 673 Commercial 8 tree t, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schtussel's Clothing Store. THE LOI YKE. Strangers viititing in the city will in,l the Iuvre au attrai'tiv- resort wherein lo sH'inl the evi'iiinir. The Amine Siten LndieV Orcliestra is still on the bills mid presents nightly a muxiial prok'nuti if exceptional merit, Hniidsomu kk)I ki.iI billiard rooms a'e a feature in connection with the ln:iM. l'nliitiilile luiielus will be served at all nours COVi'.P.NMF.NT PROPOSALS WANTED. "Fort Stevens. Oregon. Jan. 6, 1900. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received here until 12 m. February 10, LW. and then opened, for the pur chase of thre 8-l:ich guns and car riages (cast Iron); 10-inch guns and earrings (coat Iron); five 2u0-pound Parrott guns and carrl ig a (cast Iron), 1.90'J iUd shot 8-inch and 10 inch (cast Iron); 4.800 shells, 8-lrwh and 10-inca (cast Iron); 125 hind spikes (wrought iron); two 15-ton hydraulic Jacks; and many other ar ticles of Ir.m. wood and conner. Hleht to reject any and all bids is reserved, j Informantlon furnished upon appllee. tlon. W. A. RETHFX, First Lieutenant Third Artillery. Commanding. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. "Fort Stevens, Oregon, Jan. 6, 1900. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received hore until 12 m. Feb. 19, 1900, and then opened for the purchase of the following at Fort Canby, Wash ington: Two 8-Inch guns and car riages (cast Iron); 15 10-Inch gun and carriages (cart iron); one 4 Mi Inch rifle (cast Iron) with carriage and limber (woodj; two 300-p und Parrott guns and carriagta; two car riages for 15-Inch gun (cat Iron); four carriages for 8-lnch rifle convert ed (cast Iron); 1000 shot 8-Inch and 10-Inch (cast Iron); 2.500 shell 8-lnoh and 10-Inch (cast Iron), and many other articles of Iron, wood and cop per. Light to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Information furnished upon application. W. A. I'.KTHEL, First Lieut' nant, Third Artillery, Commanding." GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, January 10, 1900 Sealed proposals for the purchase of the revenue steamer Corwln will be received by Captain D. F. Tuzler, R. C. S., until 12 o'clock M., Saturday, Fe b ruary 10th n xt. The Corwln Is a steamer of 213 gross tons, top-sail schooner rig; with Oregon fir frame and copper and galvanized Iron fasten ings; extreme length 145',; feet; beam molded 23 fet; draft 9 fe t 1 Inches forward and 11 fi-et 5 Inches fft; hag one Inverted direct acting engine, and one cylindrical Scotch return tubular holler, built in 1SW and Ih supplied with sails, awning.-!, anchors, chains, boats, steam wlndla&i. etc. The vessel can be seen at Port Townnd, Washington, upon application to ulther Captain To-zl'-r or her commanding ofTic-T, and will be op';n for Inspection until the dale abjve named. Propofials should be endorsed on the envi lope 'Purchase of Revenue Steamer Corwln," and ad dresser to Captain D. F. Tozlr, ft. C. S., Port Townsend, Washington. O. L. SPAULDING, Assistant Secretary. THE PR00I 'it the piMM'ns and the proof t FV IN S A A I J Jrt ' Thr' I lIV an m n irlll -i.i DeWltt'a LUtU Rvrly Rlaern purify the blood, cltNin the liver, Invlgoratt the svateni. Famous little pills for con. stipatiim and liver trauble. ChM Refers, Some ehlhlivn uro unfoi'tunitte In their father and mother for pu'entH. "One Minute Cough Cure U the bent remedy I ever ud for roughs and Colds It I unequalled for whooping cotitih. Children all like It." write II. N. Will lams, tlentryvllle, Ind. Never f.tlU. It Is the only lmrm!ta remedy that gives Immedlnte reaults. Cure coughs, cold, hountenea. croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and alt throat and lung troubles It, early use prevent con- pu in pi i n, ennt itoger. A ',' l(t up lth n Hood In thh voi ld. and put up for a ..,MI, ,rt ,v ' ' j, R Cliu.k i.,H,,u, -flur. Kt'OiM wanted in mterulA on ni fur nllen. but 1 euivd them with lvWltt's Witch Hiilel Salve.' It Is Inf.illlbK. for pile and skin diseases. Ueware of counter feit Chas ' KoBers. n Milmi sometimes iiiIkcs a man , ,,. ,m, mi, , f KlvltIK lillll u K'hul h.m' f.ill. Mv i"ii hua tuvn troubled for years wlt'i chrwmo diarrhoea. Sometime iik.-. I persuaded htm :o take some of flmmlioi lulu's Colic, Cholera and I'mrrlio-ii remedy. After lining two hollies of the 2-eont sl he wan I glee till testimonial hoping some on: similarly alllletnl may read It and be benefited. THOMAS C. !!ovi:i5,'. O. l.r nie by Charles Rogers. To Plei e.,,r io may be money but some peo tune Is nlmost lerr.te currency. ns vnUmble as "I was nearly dead with dyspsiMla, tried doctors. vlfdtrHi mineral spring! and grew wore. I used Kodol Dys Hpsla Cure. That cured me." It dl gents what you eat. Cures Indlgesllun, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Chits Rogers. There are lots of tross-toiiiued peo ple In this world who talk one way and think another. MIsj Annie E. Ounnlng, Tyre, Mich., sa)s: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost (huh and became very weak. KodN DyspsU Cure coinpUne ly cured me.' It digota what you et and cure all forms of atomach trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relict In the worst caw. Chas Rogers. A nun wanH but little here bilmv when the family that occuplel ulKAe him owns a piano. the Hat Mr. J. Sheer. Sedalla, Mo., saved his! child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, j I'octora had given her up to die with ' croup. U'h an lifalllb: cure for! coughs, coldrf, grippe, pneumonia, bron chitis and threat nnd lung troubles, llelleves at once. Chaa Rogers. The man w ho pose ns a gla.i of f.i'.lil' n on a small nuUuy, soon gets broke. Mrs. R. Churchill, Herltn. 't.. aiys: i "Our baby wis covered with running sorv. DeWltfs Wllch llnrel Salve cured her." A specHlo for pile and skin diseases. Heware of wort hi e counterfeits. Chas Ilogeri. A.itl'ora, ns a rule, sleep very little, but they provide lots of slumber for otlts. As a cure f r rheumatism Cham berlaln's Pain Halm is gaining a wide reputation. D. tl. Johnston of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled With that ailment sin re 1SG2. In speulclim of It he says: "I never found any thing that would relieve tne until I ued Chamb?rlaln'i Pain Halm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much but one good application of Pain Palm relieved me Fof sale by Charles Rogers. The lower down a man gets lit the world the higher up toward tho roof y u will find him. A SURE CURB Twenty-five Tears' Without a FOR CROUP. Corurtant Use Failure. Tlie first Indication of croup la hoarsneis, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarnnesa la a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appear, It will pre vent the attack. It la used In many thoiiMinds of home In this brood land and never disappoints the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It has not proved effectual. No other prepa ration ran show such a record twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Cliarler Rogers. Some people are away up In tho so cial scale simply because they are too light to bring the scale down. ii MUCOUS 1 RAVEL rnili; Nonh.vV. M.Tn Limited" trslna. .'l iirlc IlKliled throughout, both In. 4I1I1 jnl out, and steirn heated, are ithout exeeptlon, the finest trains In th world They embody the latent, newest ml !. !d- Tir eomfoit, convenience and luxury tvsr offered the traveling nubile, and altOKether are th most com. iiie null Hplendld production of the csr iiiiUdi r' an. Then Splendid Trains t iinneet with Thr Gnat Northern The Northern Pacific and Tli- Ciiniidinn Pacific AT 8T. PAUL FOR 5 H:fG0 iind the EAST. eharge for these superior so. i"im and (II classes of tickets ., 01. aide for pannaRe on the famous . , . rn Umlied." All trains) oa 1 n. iiroieeied by tne Interlocking 'Ml AH F. a BAVAOB, " Agent, T- A, Portland Or. Another Big Smith Premier Typewriter Sale t.a. WEDDING CARDS mum am W' G' SMITH 4 C" mieiupee iiirhe flNO 1 AVGKS BUSIWE!S CARDS oj Waahinutoii Hiilldlntf. rnrjrjcD ni mr rniMTchc WhnMukIoii Hts, over fJll'i, COPPER PLATE PRINTERS l'ouri.AND.UHKdON. VISITI NG CARDS Seasonable Goods at ssiiieir Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (different qualities) Dunbarton Salmon Twine 1 JVl 1 1 A lull Mm ol PlMt, Ttacc, it 5moktr' Arllclt, 4T4 ComnKrclal Ml. ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. , X Kiiwi:n,toeni.viir dr. OSCAR ANDERSON. Wn-i X Aiueriran plan, 1.W 10 1X00 wr L. J, C, I'K.NPKliAST, I'lilvl C'or waa llAAAAru tAAATUVVTUUVlAAAAAAAU ITUVWU UUWUWUUUVUWUUf HZIt PORTLAND PORTLAND, OH. The Only I'lrfal-ClfrnM Hotel In Portlntic! ii ruruvinruvan uvnnnnnrvntuwinnirvinnw KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo lirewery, of which Bottled berr for family itso or keg Mr.John Kopp is projHotor, rnske beer beer (-applied l any time, delivery In for Jomes'io onj export trade, the city free. florth Pacific Brewery Colombia EleetFie & Repair Go SucceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging BnglnoM Hultt and lopnlred Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contrnctjrs for Electric Lights nnd Power Planta. Plurp Pudding, Raisins, NeW FrCSll dllll jvilnce Meat, Cunonts, Seasonable Goods pin crapbemes Citron Squash Etc. Carry the Ralston Health foods A- V. ALLEN MANIICSESTOnED. 6CFORC AND AFTER ''"""!" Imvotomy. 4 liFll.;iKrl!iUiiiUiullIrMH oi-rvna, ana nr i.r kldnnvaanrl lhnrtnaryoraiiaof aiUuummlaa. I rralnvM.i,il,M,Bi.rf,MiM.m.ii-hj,..r..... tutyurmvm. The rranflrnjfferjjni ar not curil by Uneiora In tmwuiw nlnMy per cent ar tronMcrl with PrMt.tlll. rijlMprTNKVlthonliionreinUl.euri,wlihoutuoi-riloSiw art A wrltlyiirnlHlTBajanlmuuisil If six rH.ieii rtMHi not ttfuct a iiru,il.ui auJi ii UtMitr mil. h.naijri : circular and ImUuwmiia. tiii.tinur Addreaa PAtOfj MKDICMK CO.. P. O, Cox 2071, Ban Frauolaco, Vial. Jfurmit h ZK0A:Vy:i.i ZLl5!l Mi by CHJkBLE R The U, H. War Department of Sun l'rtieUoo( Inn imt .pureliiiKed Iwenly ('JO) more new Hmllli rrmnler Tyie. wrlieis from our Hun Krniioiaen olllor). W received tlio entire order; te other lypewrller wmh iiurelntsod. Tlmt this order was received tinsolinlteil, iimkes It all (ho more favorable and Is the best recommendation thai coulil be III von tlit Hinlth rroiiiler TyHwrllor, L. M. ALEXANDER I CO i:olilive I'lunlle ('oiihI Aki'IiU Tel. Main tU 'il5 Huuk M , I'ortmnd, Or) UU lh Al MM Mill) "La Belle Astoria" Clear Schelbe'a Opera Star Schelte'a Special Ami Otli llrn1 Lowers Supplies Kept In Stock Wheat Flakes, Grano, Whole Wheat Crackers, Breakfast pood, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa, foffy W vCUPOENC" Till. IIMt Vf4oll,la llk,.llu.. . I. . ... Innoiii iila. I ulna In the Jln.k , Malawi ioTniMhm, fi.,. Ti?.m Plu.plea, JUnUtrM t., liurrVTlTau;;! numof dliffihawn. wiu.:ril ni,i, hA,r.,i 1.a. iJ?L.:J.T'?y.,5 ROOER8. 1, ' .V Ax . 1