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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1899)
'V ASTOUIA. HE(j()N, TUESDAY. NOV RUBER, ft 18M PiO. 155 ASSOCJAliui. M fKKY I I . A f I m in 1 VOL L The Eclipse Hardware Co. f MHt 1 oL) I. A . . i la) . 1. WW At At A 1 1 jih Uciiiwvnl to iM New vnart rM next Id tin Columbia 10I'-ti ic ul tt Itcpitir Co., llnic 1hm form tin M Miuid, when; th-y will cniitimm t carry tin liii'Ht flock of hlovcH In Astoria. BOND STREET. ANOTHER SERIOUS DISASTER TO THE BRITISH RUMORED One Hundred Men In the Naval Brigade Were Lost at Graspan. FltANCE ANI THE CHURCH. Relation of ll,e Vtfticiiu With the lie puliij,- Are Canning Leo Much Anxiety. I NEW YOIiK. Nov. 27.-A dispatch to tin Herald from Koine say : Tim -lilef preoccupation it the : Vatican at the present moment la the ' qufitiuo l the re!tioD with France. At the "to!lr palace there Is firm tx ' lief that ttie French cLsmber will tnain- tain the ernbawy to the holy see, or it i I IMPORTANT NOTICE T T ( o V (J i t t ft, )'in!ptiluy wc rH-i'lvr.t nrilln'fiMin the titihllheri of the W rum. ii En'inn or wr lrn iii i'i'i l(iiir.ic, lhal ntlug lii tin- I'lmrnn'ii incrvsM. III tho puce of picr wilh ln llio punt d wwka.lbey would Klmrlly withdraw the mile el llirir r in vdopclu l the- present price. Our mtilrat'l wllli tin' .iiUil.i'iH I'lmi'HK on in uinxc ine mine iiihibi hi i l...,..i..... Tl.irlv, Vfilillnm fit lllt Elit'Vt'Ilitie PI H ItfH ilT'C'i ...... - - . ( illil. I'lii' guide l Hvili'iimtlo leading of the Eurjrlopwlia. On.. I pngM Onk ll'Hiki One lrKi. Wi-lmti-la lie crnp.dlii Inr of t liititfe. All thn v will It ii divered till I l,i- Ullllll ') niciit of oni-: lOLI.AI Ilulniiii' lii tnnll muiitlily ayuii'iit. fall nn-l l)"k lulu tlil ulli'i, GRIFFIN 3c REED. THREATENED CUBAN REVOLT AGAINST AMERICAN RULE One Thousand Armed Insurgents Said to Have Already Taken to the Woods. it 3,000 lbs 1?) Fine, Fat 'f Southern Oregon ,1 a.w VWiWSrV A Chickens, Geese and i U tbeintrent of Fraocf lo do , but NINTH LANCERS REPORTED CAPTURED;--- todtoc4h.r i inallert. , "Yoa e to hat w, have come," aaid I a prelate to one io toncli with the ntican Government Has Decided to Mpbillze and Erntark Another Division it- .n-ti. I "The budtft't committee Laa rejorteJ of 10,000 to the South African ;;fo,tB,.u,, of bi.hoPrirt Field , ami the .alariea of eeveo hundred viefcra. , "The governnjent ii prrparing a bill - ! dii. ted asaiuit Mcixiatiota tbe ijct ; of which ii fijx-cially the relifcioiii con- I.ONKON. Nov. 'JH. II'.II n. HI. A fr.-sli ilikrniption ill i "Ilbap a.loptH a hill almoet eDtirly'jS tl..- Ka-t Alri. an ntl.loH. rvir.. t ll.i- inlmMiiiR tn'Hiiciit 1ms ' " ! iry edwation. t ' J i t- ... i- - m..t.. I. ..I .... I I , r lua'iuuL ii h. uuujiitii ui mic a IMllUl-f II 1'1-kt.fl t llt I III U-lir lltU4 lm 1 () , ., I . i I I i .1 to pin i Ieat three rxonthi in official A.t vet tlic war cIluM- Im not n-ci-ivnl Iipl Mi tliuciis , 1 , . i i- .i r .t i i i Ki'oi'Jury kLiioU. ilctiii i i i-t cif nMinlitii.s nor is tln io anv nifonnatiun it t hand ( ... ; . . "Since the ime of Julti Ferry there! i: .i ...i ..i e . ... V.i. I ... ... (1 1 . i I'j;UilMl 1 1 M' iii'iriiiNMiin in uii; .iiiin iiiimn nu nvic n, m nt in itir-uit of tin- 1 1 m rs frmii (irasjmii. Indi cd, tlifprcat- i' t nnxit ty i" frit anil inoro r.'(rially in vii-w (( tin- fiict that tlui lii ilin .Jtitirnul, Ih ulx liwarti', wliidi regularly j rinLs IJo r t tiniiiiuiii iitinn, aniiDiincril yMi rln y liffurc it touM haw ? In i n a-c rtainnl from liritish kuiiti-s that tlic naval lirindc i.t M) fiu i) nt (raspuii ntil that tlif Ninth Lntiocrs wt-re caituriil. It in unili'Moo'l that tin ovt rmnciit hax ih ciihil to jiro rci il itniiinliatrly with t lit nmliilialiun ami rinharknliiiii of a division of 10,000 nun undir a well-known lieutenant general. (Jeiirral Intllcr in devoting nil I f energy to I,nilinit!i. REPORT DISCREDITED AT WASHINGTON Much Dissatisfaction Exists With Existing Situation and De finite Assurances as to Future Independence are Demanded. AM Til Kit Hl oW TO folTLISM. i f Small Pl&s for Siipreini (Vi t Knoi'k Our the Fannin! i ! Chiiniri- In I tjitn ,it Itt-piMien i i A ! N Kon OKKGON. hainot LxH-Diuch n outbreak d boeul-i itylothe ctniicb." At the neit ronaiitory the pipe will' prwunriise certain number of French ! biibupo. One nomination, which ia of' i very itre-at impfrtnee, and ii BnrouDfJ, aa certatin.'.ia that of Mgr. Fnsel, at Itoaen. 1 1 !"i ' 1 i I men in 1'rance. Certain papera hatel evfn awerte3tthat he ieaflilial to Free; ft Mmunry.l.Hia promotion to the e of jg Kufn, fcej teby the holy ;ee, ia tbe jj reward of hit devotion to the republic. ' Mr. Fowl aeeretan- ia Mr. Puyol,! Roasting. r Mince Meat, Pumpkin, Squash, Nuts, H 4, Raisins. Plum Pudding i. 1 i- i.; I (j) I i i y i in ii io" ini" in i .1.... 1.. 1 1 ,'IH I' 1 1 1 1 1 I'MIIH null. 1 , ROSS, HIGGSNS 0 CO.: (4) . .,,...V.V...wH.-.-(!-)-i Court of Viaitntinu. ToFKKA. KANSAS. Nov. -.'T. Jinttfi' Hunk. f the Vnile.ISt .ifK cir. iiit court. ' tlii hfti'inimii h.iinkil down mi opinion kii'ii'kiin.' out tin1 "court of visitation." I Tlii i a court edinlilinlicd by the lust j Ick'iHiiilnre to rrfc'uliilc I lie railroad mul teli'criipli ei'iiipmiir. The court drri.lt1 i that tlic law it in the tiuture of R eonfla- CHtUHI. Ma. J: Vaw i rf . mi - ,1 1 ....... Vf' II i i We Rent New Typewriters Many New Improvement Added SI K Ol'K I.ATFST Smith Premier Typewriter NKW A1IT CATAH'iifK Kit K K I., it M. Al.l-:XAM)i:K CO., I' .Main 57T Kxi'liwiv 1'acillc CaniMt lalei. :'.') Sturk St. I'lirtland Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Top flour Vhlii(liiu IHlll.l- Crown and Uridtre Work, M.60 'r tooth, Kuaranteed. HcNt et Teeth. 85.00 (It Kiiiiranteml. BcHt FilliiiK, i'11'' up, UUHrantuod. All Work I'osltlvcly (iuarantccd to ulvc Perfect Satlnfactlon OK NO I'AY. WHHhinuton Building, Corner 4th and Vaahinulo Fifth Ffoor, Koonu-47, 4, CO, 61, 62. 'Phonal OrKOn, Brown 41)3. Columbia flOg A Fl'tilTI VE ArrRFUF.MFl CHICA'iO, Nov. Alon J. Whit limn, a former tnte aeimtor in the Minne sota Ictiiiitnre, n in I prominent in the politics ol tlmt ilntc, who dwipHured after being convicted of forgury in thn City, and who wa recently rerrettsl In New York, a takeu Io the bonne of cor rection today to erve aentcnee two yeur. bhi nv: knp. KANSAS CTIY, Nov. I'T.--Hcrt Re pine, of Nituhville, won the 4S-lumr bicycle race. The fluid acore ahowed: Kcpiiie, '.K'l.t. .iniiuH, wi.a Mdler.1.2. l.HWoi',tH'i0 10. Waller, UiiO.7. oooi) run puuur sot'Nh. TACOMA, Nov. 27,-The purchuso of larye tni ln of tir fore' a by enntoin luru parmeu has caused a aharp advance in the price of txnh li aud HUnding tim ber. Stmnpittfo prices have rUeu within tlto pant 30 days from 10 to 20 oenta ac cording to tho accessibility of the timber bolta. HOP OKOWEUS TO MEET. VORTI.AND. Nov. 27. A mnn meet I11K of the hop growers of Oeeffon has Ucn ciillttl to niiiH In the cluunbtr of eoinmcree Friday. December t. The ob ject of the meeting la to (Hsouhs plans for handllnfr the hop crop. The South ern Pacific has made a half fatv rate to the meeting1. Tllli SENTENCE AFFIKMEO. POISE, Idaho, Nov. 2". The supremo court today donlej the petition of Taul Corcoran tor a writ of halteiw corpus. Cocoran was convicted f murder In the necond degrree and sentenced to, 17 years Imprisonment for the murder commit ted by the members of a mob, of which he was one, that destroyed the Bunker 11111 mill, April 29. who was for a long time the superior at Saint Inii ilea Francai. at Rome. WASHINGTON. Nov, 27. General I Tli'ie is mnrh emotion at the Vatican Oti today report! tie initiation in the 'eaufeJ I'j" the turn which tliinga have Philippines in the following dispatch to 'ULrn in France. Aa regards the as- the war departnieiit : I ! I ' 1 umi.ttouibls von msv take it at certain, "Manila Nov.ZI. -A. ittaraer from ban l.y-. (he W..m.-ln meniU-r will pre-; '...., , .1 t.., 1. 1.. 111 a 1 llist u pope win mrow iiiriu otri uuiu, r auiau jreirrusj uiuu(ui uu u(iau. ; tlmUK'U miikiiit: h stand for form's euke.' prisoners, aud 75,O00 of insurgent 11AVA.NV, ov. a. .Qttnng 1 known at headquarters in this division or in General Lee's to justify the report pub lished in tlie L'n ited States ami cableil back here, that a thous and armed insurgents have taken to the woods in the province of Pinar del Rio, and that a general uprising against the Am ericans had been planned for Thanksgiving day. Indeed, the story is absolutely discredited by the American authorities, who say that it is impossible that anything of the kind could have happened . Rumors of a more or less alarmist character have for some time been plentiful around Havana. It is said, for in stance, that this general uprising is true, and it is apparent certain men are nursing programmes hostile to the American administration. In any event no trouble whatever is likely to occur until nfter congress meets. It is a fact, however, that many Americans here believe if nothing isdone towards giving Cubans some definite assur- ! ances, if not a precise date, regarding the independence of the ! island, there will be a rising of some sort. talions of the Thirty-third being already t .vi Inn lit It-'puWicaii Convention. MILWAUKEE. Nov. r.-H.-nry iiiitilliiin rnminlni-e In Wajahlnrton, ..v. ,ul"-i i:. a rvie.lutloii r.o. .mn.em!-: 't lit eiecially disturb the vatican'iroverument moiif.V, nd other pmperty imk .haiitr- in the of refiren- iMlie till rel:iii(t to usrocintiots, tat Ion lii future tuliv ellllollf-. Th' a follow: ; ,.,!!!.,. o,dwr the none consider i,im. i who is heaJinir lor Iiangned. a few miles 'Eaih utate lm!I N' It is caotared by Ijwtnn troops near Tang republican national : heynml doubt that even if a "knltnr- on the i'tth. t-.lutl.m provides !" is not stnrted in regard to all the; "Young is still in pnrsmtof AuuniaMo I 1-, , .. ... ... . j ioi.w. ..o:.,..u...,..,jesitiniKiiiiuK ; mi lontu w muuiii u,i .ouiiw ,.ii..jk . l ih. '"ur " Knl' s M,KV "mi "m nm"- the republic. Everyone kno- that the, Thirt-.,hird mJ by ,he balance of ,",n"' '"" K,u r ,u " r j Francophile v.ewa of the holy father battalion of theTventy-sa-ond. two bat- have already arr used stir ng cpjiosit ton! d ntlal el.-t-tlon for riiulilUan el-rtont; 1 ,,,,,, . , , I in the rank of the sacred college. Itis! ami four del. Rates from each organized . t..,l m ..!. In Him VOP ,..rrt...rv .....1 ,1... .lUIT-l-t nt r.,lllml,h " " 1 ,,rl "-' 'v If the plan M le itroioiKitl 1V Payne Is Hdo.t..l several Htaue will lose onej "H be compelled to issue a publicj or r.ior deU'R-ah while inhere will pMleft and there w reaaou for supposing irnln. Idaho ull lone mie, Oregon ! llut t bis pmtest will u ark the end, not would gain one. ami the WahlnRton j 0f ,iloninlic rt-lations between F'rance !vpi'-matlon would remain as now. an, t1 Tati,.nii, which will assuredly be The total number of ileleprates would .i,0,o. ,Bnm.n hut of the t 1 v an .. t I - ? - - en route for ViKnen. Young's reception by the inhabitants was enthusiastic, they give all aesistauce possible. Agoinaldo has collected more than 1000 of his troops at the north, bat probably most of them will desert him. A uuniber of small detachments of the insurgent troops throughout the conn try north of Manila have been captured and the inhabitants manifest gratitude (or their deliverance. The indication are that the insurgent force south of Manila is disintegrating and the troops are going to their homea b" SIM as at present. sympathy of Leo XIII for France. J declares! against religious orders the! Visit the "Ouality" Store when you are in Portanl Boys' Clothes. MR, JEFORDS FLUNKED. NKW YORK, Nov. !iT.-Jitu Jeffords went to tbe tloor in he third round with out being hit, and the referee counted him out and gave the decision to Bob Armstrong tonight. KOK HOSPITAL SHU'S. Magnificent Gift to tho American Lad ies' Fund In London. LONDON. Nov. 27. Sir Thomas Lip ton. In view of the fact that his steam yacht Erin cannot be utilized by the government as a hospital ship, has sent .ClO.OOvt to the prince of Wales to be used at her discretion for the benefit of the soldiers and sailors. The executive committee of the American ladles hospital fund has re ceived an anonymous gift of 6.00 . from the United States together with aj FRANKFORT, Ky., Nov, 27.-Serj-promlse of as much more If IT should ; for rebo left for Washington tonight and lifter his departure a story, eminating j from republican circles, was put abroad that in the event that doebel is given a Can Making Competitor to the IVitlo .certificate of election next Saturdss. by AN IMPROBABLE RUMOR. Federal Martial Law will Be Asked to Protect Kentucky From Ooebel. be needed. TO HAVE A RIVAL. Sheet Metal Work Organized in New Jersev. r th throwing out of Jeflerson, Knox ana Johuson counties. Senator Lindsay, Governor Bradley, General Taylor and TRENTON, N. .1.. Nov. 27.-Articles!0tl'pr Mivm leaders will unite in an of incorporation were filed totlay by the j W1 to President McKinley to declare Meet Sound Can CmpHUv. capital Xi in Kpntm,k-V' rnlM Calit'ortiia Cnn Company, capi tal $:W,0(MI and Oregon Can Company, cnpital J200.W0. These companies are organixetl to manufacture and deal in cans at points j had if it became necessary along the Tat illo const. Taylor as governor and supporting his administration. Senator Debo intimated that he had bb rorauces that federal aid could not be No man has the courage to tell a woman the truth as the mirror does. According ti the eternal fitness of things, a spanking breexe should be fi'l. at the bottom of the sva. We show a select assortment for. the youngster just growing out of kilts, for the school boy and for tho boy who is no longer a boy. Suits Of the latest New York designs. Fancy Vestees, Sailors, two-piece School Suits and Youths' Long Trousers Suits are shown here in a profusion of styles. Reefers. Best quality Blue Chinchillas, Co vert Clutlis and Kerseys. Every garment is thoroughly reliable in every way. Hats and Furnishings For Boys are shown in almost unlimited variety of kinds and prices. A B STEINBACH 8 CO. LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST Mail Orders Solicited. rorner Kourth and .Morrison Sts.. POK1LAM), UKtuu.T Hi Hi m Hi Hi w-wwlrww: 5 ...The Esmond Hotel.., PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. M European plan, foo tn ll.W per dy. American ptavu. 1 .00 1 2.00 per rtity. OSCAR ANDERSON, Man.tifr- J. C. PENDEfiAST, Chief Cler k