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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1899)
rim MOuxijfl AJfnmiAN, h;ksiav novkmuo ' i. im. 7 Ha-Ak Hi. hinds (hunmchlr, on murine-, In HirT luilinf uf ('nniim (Wr, llm um rflmiiimkin .urirlnu, i.wp, u rll upnnut Slid for (..lift, luilll, (till llliraTy. 1 r v, aii.nnl tny with Cl Ti"fN4 Oliiiuitani, thai great all lit run ml ainriaai i.( rni.illlriili. Wamniiil gliataaarliiriiiir instil, Sua araiiainla, llrliini, liiinilii laalina an 'I ,aintul Suraaf null, llill 'M niyM Irmlaml la wtiliili'liul, t a.M iattaHai taa eml r'aaas n .c fa,.,.., Praaa, low. " line a k lluuuli IILaata," I'M. Ltf la nut ilnlt'il niiTi'ly ty years. Kvriim ar unnntliiKu thaa rAU'iidar, TIkhh nr i"n hii In mir e.lltiic wJiloli can not lo niHvrtttliuil ly formal up imil in I lift f'Klxtry. JWV Sjf rsX 'If Jr. WJfc. Karl's Clover Root Tea IJIillfta ti aCanplrll'in, I'ut.tte. !n I1I.I. ffltr a,l ,,-ar Mailt, I ..roC.iii llUh..,a, ta.tlf..i.,ii, aaaaal all :n..l. n. ..I Mala, Aii antral'. I.t,tiai, NrrM' 'I .mli-, (w., ..,, ,;,,r,M,i 1 all iliv.ttWi al H.V., Gala. ..J I .IKl. . C, Weil 4 CO., It not, H V. oil Mmaiilon Th. Btroittt st jnudil.iim allow til sonu ra-m. luit vanity ka-a-im pcrp-iuatly In mni I. .n. hut a dust do I mIiiv! iny th 11 y UM,n tli) casu-li wliixj. Anil it wlml a ruW do I drive! siiys the fly upon Iho lior1' hark. NERVltA PILLS Rcitor Vitality loalVlrof end Manhood. Cure IitiNutrm-v, Nit; hi .".missions and watlnif illw-ascs, all effect of self- T nlmtf, or excess mm jnui. r,'Jl-rrtltm. A IHTVP toiilc ttiul ?f II(mmI builder. Urine tho , ii'ilf checks nnd i Tt rriii" k'"" : " fJV rrtro the lire of youtn. SfTVIW mail Talk' jhtIhix, boxca or (f2.m; with u wrHtni irtmrun. t4 to i'tiru or rofiiml tho moneya Bt-iitl for circular. Aililrciw, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jnckson Bt., CHICACO, i'Jk Tor 8i br Chtrl rum Druiii. Attm. Urrrm- Tli. r U luit one Wrty I know of run viMiMit mi r.-ly Willi 1l l""11- ll,,u .,H' ,,. i ,v . . ii.'. iilInK wliul iiy p l'. I, nt av mivhiK it ilolnit noihlti.t llit !'' , r "H in l"1 iii',l'il Doctors Can't Cure It! Coi'tncioiw l'1"' poi"0" i" nlwolu'j I t yoi.ll nmy (lo a ptlnnt fop yotvi on their nicrinirml and pottrnh romwlion, but he will never Ixt rid of tho dimi: on the hi her Imiid, hit condition will Rtow ..i.lily wortvo. 8. 8. 8. is tho only our for i tut terrible affliction, Inwauno it ii I i, only romedjr which k,m dinu't to tin' ntiKi of tho dinwoo and forevi It 'from i!ioiyU"in. I u- mioil wllh Bloot rolaon, nt llij tlllOUirl Hia mm liu panni, vaaa.un.i aiirir arrniai ,--fully. In fail, I aa'i-mrd I o nt wiaraia a 1 1 tha whlla. I took lnioi evarr an call ft d bli! rtinii'dy. bait they itldnni awni lo r.aac'll llm ill" fta. nd had no " whaUivor. I wn till hrrlftnat, fur It wmiv1 Ual I wtaold naftr ! ourfd. At tha nlvlt-c ol ' a frland t thru timli H. ft. 8 unit unm , unit Wn to nit I oonllnuftd ttif mnl.tdtla, Vaaallil. .tftdlftln., and It .urJ n ","'!;''''-, "' I a..,, Iltaaiail llll tftfl e n, ann i ourani .,, !n i r mi' iiralth and l""1"?' AUhttWl llila Win ton yaiira ago. I hava Barei y.t hif a ilgn of t'" " ' Suniiion, v.' It It like aolf-deMtruotlnn to continue to tnke notaih and mercury i bewdei totally, dontroylng tbo dlRojtion, tliey dry up the marrow in tho bone, pro diioinif a atiffntiM and iwolliiiR of the tt)int, cauaing the hair to fall out, and completoij wracking the yHtom. S:S.S.rin,Blood is guaranty Purely Vegetable, and in the only Wood remedy free from tnee . dartgarom minerals. Buot on self-troatmont sent free by ttt BpwlM Company, Atlanta, Oa. H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephone 13. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Coods thlppso to Our Care Will Rectlr Bpctal AtUntloB. n Duaae it, W. J. Cf)01C Mf Asta.rU. Oraj. Ra. TL Ul. 7 .-iV ARMORED TRAINS IN WAR TIMES Some (if Hit! Novel Traveling Furls Ojitralnlby llm lirlilsliln Natal. KIRST I'Slil) IIV Till; FKLW'rJI Tlicy Cnn Ik of Vwt Strvlic Hut Must Ik Aicoiiimnltil Ii) fiiMiliy to Ii event Ikliiij Cut Out. Tin- urmortl irnlti In n iinniiliii'iil f.-iiltiir of the Ttunavaiil wnr, owlim to the iiiwlllim of tlii t'oiita-attniitH nml 1hft olif, Ullprol'H't'tl lafl'T of the ll 1nry lliif. Tile rta'Hirnyed trtilti wn n liMHllly I'oiiatriittU-tl iittiilr, foiiKlnlliii of lot (iinotlve mtil two cum. The i-iiKlne una In lie' eeiili-r of llie 1niln. The hox cars and th liK'otnollVf weiv eov.aa-d Willi iHiller plating i nr-a--iUar- It i s of an Inch thick, as firmly riveted ua time wouiil an. w. i ll,' tnun was foiminlt Iwl an Maf-'klng, where He re ttie wevrrat ritliromi snops, ine town. Mdinj en Hie new imiln line frmn the rap.- t' I'lilifvityo. I TI.e locomotive w as the only part of Hi- train that did not carry guns, the ttrel caning la-lng st'la ly 1 prnt,t l tlu ina'chanlKin of the engine from the sh't f tin. enemy. The ra-iinUinler of the auinir, however was tiiii-my wrronit,u with port hoh-, through which guns of tnryltig nillhrv H-a lil, the Maxim, Nordelif. lt and gatllng le lng the luamt j er If-tihle WTiiHiini for this kind of I ...... Tl... - II. .M 1..... f... II,,,1 la "I ta. Ilia rmiani'i , i ... rlil'n of the niarkHiiien. uinl iinunlly the le.liill. t:t III Hie f 'Kluo'lIt Were iv lel'led f.,r the poBitlo.i. It takes an XH-rt tIl!ll'V.nllltl to tdl.Mlt With tailtllf.ielory r.iills from a tti. ktnovlng train. As usual, the train was nuppled with a powerful m-an'h light. In view of a ne- ollile nlKht attack. of f.niriae th Niller luhlng can nffer no realm mice ! irilll-ry. In lift, llll" HUials llrvd at hort range will some. tlmis peiietni!" the platen, and to meet su.'h n puKsllilll'y land lings were pro vide.!, an was the m In Hie Kgyptlun ;iniiiill!n, when the tsiiMar found the armored train of jr-nt wrvlce. lint In spite of all pnileetloii, the Hoers roii iiier-tl. Th.-y hail their ar tillery stationed along the hills tiesldo the tracks. It watt ft veiitahle trap. The trm k ah 'ad w as hl.a keal. The KngUahmeii had fnlhsl to lucniupany their train wllh the usual cavalry ad vance guar I, w hich exix-rlence hail taught was absolutely ie-'sary. I nawarc of the true unite of affairs, the tliionud Iraln st,imcd lia tin- ob slruitlon an. I be nine derailed. The men "allied fiailh anil workeal like laellVer" to put the w -heels lin k on the ti'ick anil remove the olist ruction. Then the I tiers o" ied ilr with their can non. At the firm rei'it the redcoats flow Im.k Into th-lr Iimh Imttery. They worketl their h'lina for all that was In them, but tlc-lr force was small and the tiling nectvtttat'lly slaiw. The t annm lire of the Hoers was rapid 'iinl luvui-.ue. The thin sheet iron pi election ngainot bulU-l shots waa an Ideal burning 11-0111111 for the lar ger shells. The arucAvd train was Hoon 11 tolnl wrtvk and moat of the crew dead or laidly w iiintl-d. In that con tllllon the Knglltthnien surrt'iid-Tttl, ami the unit ammunition anil big guns so hudly needed hy Colonel linden-Powell nl Mafeklng newr reached (heir desti nation. Armored tmlna, Imwcver, do not al ways fall so dually Into the hands of the enemy. Armored trains mounting Held pieces nnd machine guns ore being ex lenhlvely by tho American troops engaged In the complest of the !''lllplr.:s. and It will lie rememlKred that Iho sucivtetful issue of the tight at t'alutnplt was attributed to. the oppor tune arrival of Jnul such a (lying bat tery, inning the I utmn reneuion mere were nutneroiw acwiunts wnftoj to the fnltod Stittes of the Use of nnnoivd trulns by the Spaniards.' The queetlon now .irises, where did this mode of fighting originate? Although It Is liniKwslble to obtain any rellahlo details, II Is certain that tho Franoo-rriiHslan war was the first rnnnmlgn witnessing the use of jtiMtoct ed train nnd looomntlves on the Hold of battle. In their sorties ftxmi Tarls the French troops weiv fivtUently bucked up by the fire of light field pl'ioo carried In thlH manner, and when the Communists weiv holding the cap Itnl against the Versiallleao an armor ed train opor.utcd upon the railway In the direction of Chateau Hrecon, nnd Is said to have ochleved Its object In silencing the batteries which the regu lar troops were endeavoring to estab lish In that position. It Is this exper ience. iKM'hnps, Hunt has given rise to the belief that the French were the original adapter of tho idea for the utilization of pcrm.Lnent lines of rail way for the 'transport of artillery, cap able of being brought Into action upon the metals themselves. Shortly after the war of 1S70 an Englishman, Mr I'lvelyn I.lartM, took out a patent for no nrmorod train, which W'ns nullified by the discovery In the patent ofllce of Mr. Anderson's prior scheme. Mr. Jus. Anderson of Kdlnburg, In 1847, pre pared nnd painted a series of plans, and further submit U-d a working model of his tlefeimlve rolling stock for the Insectlon of ttomo distinguished engi neer and ortlllory oflloers. As far pa the British army Is con corned, Captain Fisher's armor-clad trnln, un"d tlurliift the flint wtiw of the iilliipiilK'l iUC'ilniU Arahl, wioi th first and, mi far, only a'tlve i-xuiiiple of Ita tyte. The train wua (.otmlrutetl lit AI' XHiitlrla by a party of bluejitf k el, mill wim comfiei'd f a locomotive ami a iiumiImt of trucks pnu-cM hy Iron mils, trm pbtu wnl mtnil Imjk". The enllte was pluel In 111" middle of III liulll, while u iifi-lt tnachlne Vtiu was moina-d on. th HuIIiik i'o tectej truck, aii'J a 4o-uli-r on tho next. The Infer, hy neans of a small cinne earrleJ with llu Iraln, ooiild b Utiltkly mounted and iJImiiounted, one minute huIIicIiik from tli IuiIUhk of the li, iln to ivmnuiit and fire the (fun. Tin vehicle hehlnd the engine tonv. ycd u detachment of sklrniisha-ni, while II wus r . 1 1 1 1 1 a expedient to attiM h one or two empty truekn In from of the working puitloii cnrryliiB Hie guna, as U mlnlmliie any danger from tlf i-xplo-aJoii of milieu laid under the p. rmuie iii railway hy the enemy, t'nfofitiniujdy, fupialn l-l-lM-r luol hut few opportunl- t. a or lil'lligliig Hi" Irani imo ,i ii"o, but during a sni.ict "Unnlih on the ,nhuioUdlyeh faital ll came at umlng up from (inlinrrl-, and hy throwing sa me well directed ihella Into the very , center of the enemy ;'oinieUed him to rtniit with cvnald'.rihltf Ions. J The main ohjivlloii ralwd agidimt . the piiiilleal-llliy of armor-1 is tun suggestion .nai un eiie,,,, .,,. u. few men t arrying 'iinall piuwls of tly- nntiil'i', cotiiii eiuuijr uanuv; e- maneiit way. ).ul!l"Ji they could do ho. ii net .iet "iiu"r ta t aau j an."". . while th-y for lliltt puipm. ; hence It mum lie a sine tim non in.u Honor - d trulns are ahv.iys act'vmpume,! I y a strong force nf e.ivalry. AkiUii, to guard nitalnsl Hie .oiiipulntry ul.a'.doii iinnt a.f Hi,- guns If the train Is detail ral. Cnii'altl l''Ua'i'.l pivcuuiion of l.i 1 luiflng a crane In the -tulpmeii! Ml'ould lie followetl. Ma llllle guns. 01 .... 1 ' Vl'y ll lilt field pl- a'eS, Wera: til. only itrmiiiiV'ttt "f Hie irsiln which the Il- rs cilp'.uivtl. Tru ks carrying tln w hhotild certainly ha.'e the gun a'lai htneiits pr.ilxt -d by bullet-proof nuintlets. but any v.ey high 1U lug. with the Idea of keeping a,ut i-h.'ll". was that day proven a mis' ik". This. Ind.-al, Is u w.-ak point In the Smtw-x gun truck, for the er"ilon really only offers u gootl targ't and an Ithal bur'tlng .scraaa'll. APACHE BULLET OR CUPID'S IfART TIIK KOMANl'K (F A S()LDIKRaM,ll'luaatru.i;lngswvtheaitcould Hk liitrn.lcilliriilc Is I'hintl tu Hilllilhr love r-se suiwrlor. No on.' may hllc He May lie riijhtlinj the lilnml-Tlilrv lniliuits. rhere Is n remarkable rotnane.' In the life of Lieutenant John Money t amp- bell. At this moment It Is Impassible ; ,.(, The s.m sent word to his father to state whether ho him Just 11-11 mar-1 ,,. K n,j s,v jns, Tompkins with a rl-d or has lavn font out to fight th j ji Jtuhiii in his name that she should lo,.d-thlrsty Apuehea In tlw western j Hn)0 (he date for their marriage, part of Texas. ' j ' If you ure not angry, say yes to In h to lie murdered or Is he to be f,vlhert" was his m-asage. Mls Tomp marrled? 'kins answered -yes." It wo Con It.i- Two years ago l,l utenant Onmnh ;'l , .Aii,it. f,,r -imr l!.-i. . t wan a salesman In a New Yprk Jewelry; ,.;lV0 ),is couiniand at the bonier post storo. lie had won high position wlth!M Texas to go nnd claim his bride, his firm through constant attain .m to t, ,uh!e was oven then biv - tig. The duly and ranked high among the trust- jVpaches wt tv on the war l ath and it eal employe. There came the war with j VVI1)I poeosary that some of the United Spain and CnmplK'll felt It his duty 1 states soldiers should be sent against to ko to the front. He enlisted In the!,),..,,, a. fortune would have It, of Seventh regiment, but when that regi ment failed to take an active part In the war preparations Campbell resigned and re-enlisted In the Seventy-first regiment. He wont through .the var ious preparatory nuim-uvers at camp and fnnlly was sent U' the front on Ci'ltun sell. With his regiment he foiiught at Sun Juan hill and distin guished himself for bravery. It was at that very time that his romance was coming to a head, llvfore he had gone aw.iy to buttle ho hail formed an enduring filondshlp with Miss rtuth Tompkins of NeV Y .".;!-. lie had made love to her In a charming way and his attentions had bon n" ceptcd. She had received him as her Ivst beloved and It had Wn announced among their Intimate frienils that they were to be wedd'd. The wii' I voiu'd. however, and the young lovers were separated. It was dilllcult for the lieutenant at the front to st'nd letters to his sweetheart. Weeks passed and months Intervened without her hearing a word from him. He says bo wrote to her but his letters) wore never received. After the long tight In front of Santi ago and when the Soventy-flrst regi ment had gone through its full service gpjgt Sold by Drugglata everywhere, VJ i"' g' ataaaaail 1 IV , ( UIV. t PISO'S 1 k A ' kT H Consumption M aTt&rt&tfto&Vi is subject to Croup. Piso's Cure 1, JZ L always relieves him. Mrs. B. tf&j'rAU'MM:i'ti-ftA CRANDELL, Mannsville, Ky., The Plm Company. Warren, P11. July 3th, 1899. &'v T.VAiYaiXYaVr,Va.y Gna-iteif Gold Dust cleans everything about the better, with half the effort, in half the time and at half the cost of soap or any other cleanser. Snail for fraai book itt-" Ootin Rolaa fitf Uiiuaawutti THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY aiut SI.LmU NtwYaik I j u 0llipl)(.L1 W(ui taken III. Order came f.r the r-glne tit to lw re lumed to home land. A transport took it to the camp lit M-ititnUk Point. I'.irnpU II ia Mill III. and he coMlnued .. even after Ida n-gtmi-nt niuti-r-ed out "f servh. 'fills was a part of the time in which he fsilM tog -t cum- ri lu ill, .'I t lot) W Ith his te-trothed. Hh ri,,.h,tir, h,. The m.ult. hlnll lit no word. The war department, how-vr, ' kept In cIoh- with Lieutenant Cuiiiplu'll. II" had lat-n mark-d out by tin hi-nds .f the d 'P'trtnient 11s u brave young until and had l'n ljokeil for promotion. It cinne to him s m r than he X-cled. While he wit Incamp with l:l voluntwr rt-glment at Montcuk 1'ilnt the war ilepartmetit K--nt him word that he was to consider himself a tan. Ill, ite for a pia v In the regular artiv. Tlds let esMiated a sp 1.1I ex amination, which he 1'K'k and pass- d with t h' titr. Wh.n the K-venty. llt-t mtit'T 'd out of K- rvlt e Catnp-l-ll .it ilelaila.l to go to Tort Macfr. t .."li, In Texas. There he wan to J iln the Twa iny-liflh mfumry. It ts fmpoKKlble t" relate now Juh! wliial brought bark to him the rtrvt thought of his love affairs. At all 1 veniii. bottev.T, he had not down In T.-Mt vry long Ivf.-tv h- ).-!houglit hl.nlf It would 1-e well to tlt p ilisj) Tompkins a line. Hit latter to her wa it; ll - form of an apology. II,- knew that he had delayed over long in selid l'is; le r any ni -.tKo and when he did rite he fouml It n -e -Mry to aau mi igiva'inss. His silence had ba'-n too leiii: continued. No one may Know the ' w, riling i f that !Ua r. At all events U j Ini'iht a happy response. The forgive 'tiinsw.iti iMiiml'te. Miss ThompkliiH Ik expected to l?. .She rTgive every thing. The long lb.--. 'lie? and the luck of U-tiers wei iHtr'h overlooked by h,r. kiiow lu.n what her btt -r contained. The rtmilt alone Is apinuvnt. It is claimed tint IJeuuanant Camp bell wa.o. il In a. w inning way. Imii- l.le as he found It to go In person to nlead bis cause, he seirt his father In 'his pli'it'l. The fa. her Is the llev. Dr. 1 j,n v. Campbell, of the Trvmotit M,,trodlst KpUoop;il Church, In New course, ll foil to the bt of Lieutenant Campbell to bo assigned to this duty. There could In- no questioning on his part. When duty called he must go. And there is where the matter now rests. Miss Tompkins started from Now York with the lieutenant's father us lu-r escort. There was a trip of 3,000, mlla'S ahead of ha-r before she could Join i the man who was to be her husband. I The war department records do not j staio whether tho lieutenant Is there ' awaiting his briale or whether he has J game out to light the Indians, i The laily of the Apaches? This Is the t unanswered question, ' ! Whoa Miss Tompkins and Lieutenant I Campbell do caime together the rev I croud gentleman who Is the brlde I fToon.'fa father will perform the cere- niany. Iia fairo this comes to pass there Is the possibility that the young lieutenant nmy have fallen in battle with the red men. Nobl'-s oblige; be liberal In spirit and thereby demonstrate mat you ate a nobleman by nature, and not nn ordi nary man. I h'.fan using Piso's Cure 13 and believe it saved JJ KfA II Ulll VVUaUlll UUUUi AlAViAlaU vV naaaa-jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Saved L. LEBECK Carpenter dnd llulltlcr (Icncral Contrnctor HOL'SH RAISINU AM) MOVOfl A SI'KCUL'IY Astcria Public Library ftEADINU KOOM FREE TO ALA. Opam aaarv if from I 0 clock to l: and in to tv c m. t'ltrtfrttatloB rait n rsr D3um. IVtat Cor. Elaventb ard Otiaaai atrawta IMPROVED TOUI'.IST SLEEPERS. Hallroads Are Acceding to Demands of Middle Ciaatt.s Who Want Better H!eeplng-Car Service. In response to the demands of the limes the O. H. Sc N'. and Its connec tions are placing In operation a much better grade of tourist sleepers for Pa 1 I'l .: cmst service than at any previoug tlir.a-. The larg-ly Increased tratflc to ti.ln sectli,n of tho country has d-mand-ed nil the Improvements of latter-day transportation, and In consideration of this tlte railroads, are establishing a s'-rvlre which Is excellent In every par ticular. Not only are the wishes of fl rat '.-class passenger served, but those who rtre traveling to and from the East on Ri'car.,!-c!nss tickets are splendidly cared f. r. There was a time when a t' tiri't sleeper appalled to a limited number of people who were traveling on the "cheap order. In every meaning of the trm. Now, however, there has been a radical change. W ith the bet- t"r tourist sleepers In operation the class of passengers has bten Improved, and one may now travel upon tnera and enjoy all the privileges of a flrst clnfs sleeper at a groately reduced rate. nails-, on the O. R. & N. east-bound fast mall. Is attached one of theee lat ent Improved tourim Fleepers, a model of beauty and handsome appointments. The new cars are a'mrst an exact ctautitert-art of the flrst-class sleepers. One nctlceable feature of the new tourist, cars Is th absence of a smoking apartment. The new cars being built bv the Pullman Company are not pro vided with Bmoking apartments. This rew departure has been taken because of th" fact that mist through trains mv nrovlded with composite cars, which provide a smoker for the slapping-car passengers. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA R1YER RAILROAD Lis ve." " POrfTLAND. ArrlveT 8:00 a. mJ Port land Vnlon a.m. T:M p. m.ifor Astoria and into! S:W p.m. iir.e. ;.a,u.ts. I ' "' ASTOUIA. I 7.4." a m.lFor Portland ft In-ll:S0 a.m. 6 10 p. intermediate points 10:3t p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p. 111. a. m. 5:M'll:35'Lv 5.;.V11:S5 Ar S Sll l'-U I.v a.m.p.m. Arl 7:40 4:00 I.v! 7:l S:3$ 'Arl 6:52 3:10 Lv 6:15 J:S0 ....Astoria.... ...Warrenton. 6:301 l'.OO.Ar ....Seaside. SPECIAL SEASIDE 8CNDAT TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 8:J0 a. m.; arrive at Seaside 9:45 a. m. Passenger may return on any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacina traim to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. ft N. Co.'s boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUGH TICKETS on sale at As toria for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket office Astoria, 524 Commer. tlai street. J- C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Paw. Agent. ItPOlNTS EAST Through palncaTliiid-tourist sleepers, (llninR and library observation cars KUCiANT VESTIBULE TK.UN3. No, 4 Llnlted loaves Portland at 2:10 No. 3 Limited arrives Portland at 3:3f a. "in. For rates, etc., call or address G. VV. LOUNSHERRT. Atri'nt O. R. & N., Astoria. a! B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. & T. A.,Port!and Ore WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and niirtt S'und Navl-g-ation Company. L'nlley Gatzert leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 1 a. m. White Collar line tickets end O. K. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hnssalo, A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 111 President THE PROOF of fha pudding U In the eUa aod the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument mat's clualva a demon! ration. Ours will stand th test. coi HUGHES & CO. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools ior Kent. New, fresh and Plum Pudding, Raisins, Citron, Pumpkin, AT A. V. ALLEN'S Lhf PALACE W. W. WhippIe.ProprictOr Finest JRestaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE SERVICE.... Fir.ST-CLAB3 CtTIBIK.. PRIVATE R00M3 FOR LADIES. 533 Commercial St.. W. F. SCHEIBE, iocs, ad Smokers' Article. 414 Commercial St. C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission. Brokerage. -.,," TwmCmm Insurance anJ Shipping. Agent w. f.c treM co-s. SAINT PAUL III ST. PAUL, MINN.. JAN. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve- for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT. CHARLES (7HRISTENSEN'. Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. .mCalifornia St., S. F., Cal. S-i v? ,t -7 ot ,he oM St- il l if: J Suralcal LUspot 'I i fttjJA streft. Portland. Hl V antees to cut. PRIVATE Diseases. ThU ease ot Syphllia, curM. ro allrterenee how long standing iermawrr'i, Lo.i. cf Manhood or Nightly Eminalona. cured permanent ly, the habit ot Selt-Abue effectually cured in a il'orl time. vnilVT, MFIM tour error, and follies of vouth can he IUUiHU ffltll f,.,,, ,nj t,ts old doctor will ou wfcjiwm advice and cure you make you perfectly ura ng; and Ujlthy. You will be amaieai at his luceoss ,n Srtna:orrhoea. gerulnal Loisea. Nightly Euilialoui, and Other eliecta. Patlenti treated In any part of the country by hla tome ayanm. Write full particulars, lncloe 10 Sa: ta.. "2 he mil answer you promptly. Hundreila treated al livni who ur unable to come 10 the city. READ THIS Tak a clear bottl at bedtime and nrinat In the trttl. let uncle and look at It In the morning. If It la cloudy or ,ns a rlou ly settling in It. you have some Kidney or biadder llsesae, and should be attended to before j-ou set in .m-ur-abie ulsease. as hundreds die every year from ilrlajht dla eaae ..( KUneya. ... 11 11.1111 aim iT-n" I rm 1 I """r" a -i .mail i. -i - - Mormon liishoua' Fills hutch i.ui u.... l.w.. I"'')."""'-1 r LU alliC. alis.iirttiuia, a-aca!-v-i. of c; r-iv; sia,..,. a potency, Lost Powar, rt!ct you. .Twitch n ol kvelW vci faniUoo. lh-ui K oc-i,a.iii.i ..t, Thene who have delayed buytBf. Summer Footwear are fortunate. They can save at least a third nn the usual eoat of nlfti grada hoea. We are closing out ail of our summer tan shoes at a great redoctleaV We have them for men, women and children, which should bring everyon) to the store. Tbey ore new goods which have overstayed their time. Consider these figure. Petersen & Brown. Seasonable Goods Mince Meat, Currants, Cranberries. Squash, etc. Open Day and Night. Astoria, Oregon Manufacturer ot the Alwoyaa Reliable La Belle Astoria" Clear Sctelfce's Opera Star Scrie lie's Special And Othar Brand 1 it, 1899. $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO, Agents: Astoria, Oregon IA1E COMPANY LOOK HERE, YOLIiNG MAN! Tour laki toll on you. Can keep It aecrajt a aahlle. Kefon lt' t Ut go and st or write to thia o.d doo lor. Ha has txwn ireating su.h ckj- for over ltt yenna, anJ is perlectly reliable. Kumlsiies his own n'ejc!n and telli no lalea. DR. KES5LER Laiuls Medical and ipenrary, Sl, Xaitni.iu ur., puDHiaeiy fcu'- doctor guarantees 10 jure Oainorrh.x'4. Oleet. 3T ctur l 'ijaJ-lwtiai-i.ll'aiai f a s a .KatwtMaJto'Mali'laii " ' '" "'"J. yi. ; IV -liters ol tlie Mormot, t: ires tte w tA ties n. "l-l yutii,; lrt.itii; ora eooci - t.03 - .ct, Soi iilP'mv.TOi'noo innomnia, rwpm ,on, nn-i itjr.'M ww L 5 M n.Mr-i .u.t leUtmcy to M ',.. .mAll .intla.l(i4ied - ft cure w ii-'"';. Ir-lTI r,rrs. n tini, or rJ V 1 r