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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
or: Wi H man wtwm. VOL L AHTOIUA. OKKIiON, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER: It. I8!t NO. 116 n 1 -v i 5 MOVING Ih expviiHivo, we had rather lone a little iiKUii'y on our Htnvcs tlmn to move thorn. Wo luivu u hij; lot of tlnin on hand, ' bought licfore tliu mlvuiu'o. We wilt null tliom clinup until Nov. Kiili. Eclipse Hardware Co. WOW IIOND MTRRBT GRIFFIN & REED Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices Now Eastern Blouter New Eastern Codfish. New Crop Evaporated Now Crop Nut, Figs, Mince Meat and ROSS, HIGGINS & CO TO THE LADIES Send for Illustrated Catalogue of rj PURS AMD CLOAKS TAILOR MADE SUITS To Out of Town Pi opl. : For turn or rloth we say writ, to us. W. wtlt lend good on Approval and pay exnrua. on. way. Will giv. yon full detail, a to style ana price. Id tact we want your trait.. Uigtiest price paid lor raw tun. The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Co. 2H3-2SS Morrison St., near 4th. rajnejnBinini ...Portland Dental Top floor Washington Bl'dg. Largest and Best Equipped Offices in the Northwest Extracting by our process without pain. mwwwx Best Work at our prices because we have the largest volume of dental work in Portland. Take Elevator on Washington Parlors, 1 op t Ioor. ( 'Phone Oregon. Brown 493. ColumbU, 569. Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens llox I)corttterl lar and Knvelp-'io Mackerel. Fruit. etc. Pumpkin for I'io. Het Crown and Bridge Work, 22 karat gold pur tooth .40 Set Teeth, fully guaranteed rubber $5.00 Benttiold Filling $1.00 Bent Alloy Filling Teeth extracted without pain SOc ,., , , , . ITn t Street near Forth and ask WAR EXPECTED TO BEGIN LAST NIGHT People of Newcastle, Natal, Warned By the Home Government to Prepare. BOERS' ULTIMATUM NOW RECEIVED Text Sent With All Speed to Lord Salisbury and Box Dispatch Sent to Prince of Wales- England Making Preparations With Great Energy. j NEWCASTLE. Natal, 0,t, 11. A telogrnm received from tin; govt-rmiu-nt, Mate that war with ttiu TraiiMVinil will prob ably li:i tonight. The premier felt it his duty to warn the pontile. A public nut'titiK wnf. held anJ it was derided In leave tin' movement in the hand of the corporation. TUB HOKItS' ULTIMATUM. Tvxt flt-nt to Ixrd Hallsbury Wllh possibly Speed. LONlK)N. Oct. 10.-The ultimatum of. the Transvaal government is naturally, the absorbing topic of conversation at . t. . ....... . J l ln.La I and In political circles to- night and late editions of the afurn.xn papers, containing tne text oi tor ui- tlmatuu met wMh a great sale In the central part, of London. There was no apparent excltenvnt hf.wevcr. but a genwal feeling was ex- pre'd that the Boers had made a mistake, as their forcing of matters THE VAXDKHDILT WILL. Share of Two Eldest Pons Will Over 5o,000.000 Each. Be NEW YORK, Oct. 10,-The Tribune says: A close friend of the Vanderbllt fam- lly yesterday made the follov ing pre diction as to what trie content of the will of Cornelius Vanderbllt would prove to be: I understand that t will very close ly follow the line of thM of nuner, Wm. H. Vanderbllt. Mr. Vanderbllt will get the Fifth avenue residence and 'The Breakers' at Newport for life and an Income of 50.000 a year to keep them up. i Parlors... X ! I a IIIIWHH H Bring this adr with you and have your teeth cleaned Free of Charge uuvwvuu Dental Work We employ only the most modern methods, and guarantee satisfaction. up "P up 1 1 1 MMM III I It H 1 1 1 1 IUIWH "WW for the Portland Dental S "Ul 1 tend to alienate the sympathy which might have been extended to thrni had they thrown the stigma of d-i'lorlng war on Grvat Britain. ....... me text or in itaers uiumatum on arriving this morning was sent with all ped to I-ord Salisbury, who came to town this evening, and a dispatch box M'nt to the Prince of Wales, which u.i wm v.u m mni rmrr gency. The cabinet has bnen sum monel to meet at the foreign office Friday next. ' War preparation by Great Britain1 ore Ulng pushed with the energy. greatest These bounce and the Income allotted j to Mrs. Vanderbllt will at her death turns to the third sun. Reginald. The Ave children will receive $10,000,000 a piece, and the residue of the estate will lie divided Into two equal parts, ore cf which will be given to Comellu and the other to Alfred Owynne Van derbllt. The whole property will be made a trust estate for a term of years. "Mr. Vanderbllt was, I think. far richer than he was popularly supposed to be, and I believe the share, of his two eldest .on will be over' $50,000,000 a piece." PRESIDENT LEAVES CHICAliO Enthusiastic Crowds 'Greeted Him at Even Torn Before Leaving. CHICAGO, Oiit. 10.-At IV.SO tonlKht. PreMdent McKlnley and members of his tabinet left Chicago for Kvatwvi le, Ind., on a sivn-lal train. His departure with the cheeru of the Immense throng ringing In his ears brought to a clos a day of genuinely hard work. In which the president had scarcely a moment of l-lsure for himself. The crowds which giwted him at every turn were so good natured and so dlfposed to cheer that the president, although wearied, expressed hlmlf as having enjoyed himself. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, premier of Can ada, and other distinguished Canadi ans in the president's party were guests of the Canadian-Americans today at an Informal luncheon at the Palmer house. The guests began by drinking the health of President McKlnley, and Mi lowed by drinking to Queen Victoria with appropriate toasts. KlNSANS HAVE ARRIVED. Tartar Arrives at San Francisco With the Regiment Aboard Three Deaths Occurred on Voyage. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10. -The. transport Tartar, with the Kansas vol unteers aboard, has been sighted two miles out. The Tartar will probably not dock tonight, but will anchor off the quarantine-station. The Tartar was met at Angel Island by Governor Stanley of Kansas and party, who went out In a tug to meet! her. The custom. ofiUiaU gave orders that no one should board the Tartar, ! Prlgadker 0 floral Funston u the most eagerly nought for. Owing to the rough condition of the bay It wa. m- p.mnlblj to get wry extended Inter view with him. j Whin asked u to hi future plan, he repll-d: "They depend entirely on that the authorities at Washington wish to do." Three death wre reported occurred on the voyage. .o hav. STOCKS ARE ACTIVK. New York Market Respond Promptly r to Vanderllp'i Announcement. NEW YORK, Oct. W.-The tock market demonstrated In a striking manner It. reliance on the domesUc mom .t.uaUon and It. .ndifferenc, to event In foreign land. The London . . market advanced price under a loaa of Kaffir.' mining rtork. in which there I a merry speculation, based on the assumption of an early control by the CritUh government of the Rand mining dli'iict. The local market re- porded only partly to imported quo- tatiuna from abroad, and more than lost in opening gains before the end of the first hour. Then came the an- nouncem-nt from Washington of the decision of the treasury department to anticipate November interest on gov- ernment bonds without discount, and thxt of the entire fiscal year at a di- (ponse was prompt and emphatic, prlcf rising with more appearance of strength than for a long time past. The gain ranged from 1 to over 8 per i cnt many active stocks. DEWEY IX HIS NATIVE STATE WELCOMED BY BONFIRES Crowds of Eajrr Prople, Around His Carriage on His Ar rival at Sht'lburne. SHKLbLRNE. Vermont. Oct. 10. Ail tii Ira I rAHJtr la hntns) at la at mnA I . ' ' " " happy to be within the shadow of the Green mountains and besidve the wa- ters of Lake Champlaln away from tne nolse and hu,rtte that have mlcd hla ara B'nce nla nagsnip came tn signt ore Sandy Hook- The fact that mlral was really In Vermont was signalled tonight on the tall mountain peaks by wa&HiNGTOn, Oct. W.-Assistant bonnres and electric searchlight, from Spcret8ry vanderllp has decided to an one end of the state to the other. ! Uelp4t9 the ,ntfWBt for tte ntlre fl8C0, Admiral Dewy Is the guest of Dr. W, yw ,he period ending with July t 6. Webb a his magnificent country res- 1M lnterwt dlw November 1 will Iderce, Shelburne Farm, and will not become the state's gueot until Thurs day at the captiol, Montpelier. Th? band played "I'nder the Double Fiagle ' a seljotlon made at the special request of the admiral. As Admiral Dewey stepp Into the carriage a sa lute of 17 guns was fired. A crowd of eager people closed around the carriage until the admiral looked Into a sea of faces. Just at the steps of the carriage stood a man In working clothes, Michael McKenile of this town, noticeable because of his height. Suddenly McKenile threw his cap Into the air and yelled, "Ms give three cheers for Admiral Dewey, the' hero of Manila." The cheers were i IVn' 1 The admiral started, looked wonder- ingly at the man, dropped his hat and glove and then Impulsively shook Mc-' Kensle'a hand. Along the road were drawn up SOo' school children, each with a flag and headed hy thHr teacher. At a signal the children sang a parody on "Yankee tn,8 town 0ne 8t0re mSlins but every1 Doodle Dandy." ginning: saloon, hotel and lodging house except1 "ney Blgelow announces that the 'Yankee Dewey went to sea." ' on WM burned i Pv.rnm.nt of the United States Is not one was ournea. , 1 run to suit him. Poult doesn't The admiral was then driven to the Horses and dogs were burned In large hnt however, that he has any lnten Shelburne house, three miles away. ' numbers. No Uvea were lost. The ' Hon of ovjrtlirowlng It. t THE GUEST OF DR. WEBB. BURLINGTON. Vermont, Oct 10.- Admlral Dewey and party arrived here shortly before four o'clock and were driven n once to Dr. Webb's residence, j LIliEKTY BELL WANTED, BOSTON, Oct. 10. This city wishes to have the liberty bell brought from Phil- adelfhia to this city next June, when THE SINGLE STICKERS AGAIN IN HARD LUCK Fog Bank Prevented ! Their Moorings THE MOST DISMAL J Wamr ff Were Off i D.r Dstnrnail file irnrtt invvium uvnvuwnu mauj ciiuioctia hots iti- nessei Three Flukes at Much Ccst. . ' M ' m h J NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Hard luck continues to pursue the big single stickers. On the three days of last week when the yachts made attempts to sail, th. light fluky winds left them on the course when the time limit expired. Today a fog hank prevented them from even leaving their mooring buoys inside the spit of land which forms Sandy Hook at the entrance of the lower bay. This was by lar the most dismal fiasco ot all. But the weathe. bureau, with its scientific meteorological methods, hud predicted fair weather wkh freshening winds for today, and a few clung vainly to the hope that the weather bureau prognostications would tuni out true for once. Of course the poor, misguided public went like lambs to the slaughter. They backed Uncle Sam's weather oracle and put to sea, but not in such numbers as last week. Many of the J ;I sightseers who witnessed the from five to twenty-five dollars each fluke, Imd lost their interest, and it will take a race to restore it . ' the one hundred and twenty-first annl- Are Is supposed to be of Incendiary or versaiy of the battle of Bunker HilMgtn. The roperty loss is probably be will be celebrated. A resoluUon has tween I50.000 and 6,0000 with light In- been passed by the board of aldermen requesting the mayor of Boston to ask the mayor of Philadelphia for permis sion to bring the bell here for the cele- bratlm DISCOUNT ON BONDS. After November. Secretary Vanderllp Say. It Will Be Two-Tenths of One Per Cent. be rMI In full, without discount, but If the holders of bonds wish to take advantage of the offer to anticipate the interest due on subsequent duties a dis count at the rate of two-tenths of 1 per cent a month wi w exacted. The amount of Interest due from n.'W to live end of the fiscal year is about $.0,0H,00. Prepayment of this amount wllli u lg teeved. be a relief of much importance to the present strinicent m,)My situation, while, on the other hand the geoum will be a saving of, a )arjre ttmourtt to the government .The ' treasurer Is In a position to advance' these Interest payments without the' ienat embarrassment ! MOJAVE DESTROYED BT FIRE. ' , Businegg portion of Town Wiped Out Wth of Nearly mm (ojVE Cal ' OdtlO The fire which started at 8 n m last night to - w men started at p. m. iat nignt to- n v Asstivnrt Mdbes the food mere CYt MMHO r r n Them From Leaving Inside Sandy Hook. FIASCO OF ALL and ThOSe WhO Went tO See tOt Cltir ! Ut three flukes at an average cost of tttHWWh swwww? j . surance. OLD BOARD ELECTED. 1 j SALT LAKE, Oct. 10. At the second j annual meeting of the stockholders of I the Union Pacific Railroad Company, j held in this -Uy today, the old board ; of direotors was re-elected with the '''P1100 Henry B. Hyde, recently deceased. His son James H. Hyde was elected tn hi stead. BARKENTINE ASHORE. VliTORIA. R G. Oct. 10,-The bark enUne Uncle John, bound from Hono lulu to PugH sound, went ashore Sun day on the west coast of Vancouver Island and Is a total loss. All the of ficers and men escaped by taking to the boats. EPISCOPAL CONGRESS OPENS. ST. PAUL, Oct R The eighteenth, congress of the Protestant Episcopal church opened its sessions in this city today with a large attendance of lead ing churchmen from all parts of the Vnlted Sta'es. DENSE FOG PREVAILS. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. At 7 o'clock this morning the operator at Sandy Hook and the Highlands reported that a dense fog prevailed and that not breath of wind was stirring CAN NEVER BE COLDLY CRITICAL ! j From the Denver Post. Slnoe he waa hlS8eI at Wlchlta fop ! chamPlonlne Aulnal,- Jerrv S"nP8 j nQ douht thlnkg that town can neve friiEE delicious and wholesome en. . " ""I"; , . . . r