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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
THK MOUSING ASTORUy. HKPMMUAY. OCTOHEK ll, 8ii). v j J h - t GIGANTIC SHOE TRUST . crp, 2J.(V'.W0; average rat yield, 1S T j bushel. I The average rat of yMd of oats, ac. acute dysentery; J. J. Lewis Hellrlg!. Fourteenth Infantry; John Cunning, ham, Twelfth Infantry: accidental H As RFFN flRnANlFr. corJ!'"r ,0.,h Amr,fM ArtcuMurtrt jm. r--. Twm,.rh ainvs uubn vnvnniuuM nusneis pr acre, it if.,rV; ,hlr,, n.,., -h buhel. abov, that of last year and an Tw,nty.flH1h ,nfwlry. chlvn(o era higher than wa. ever befor. rh wmUun Dunwfcy Thn Mm rcportej for th who., breadth. Th try. IIonry BttHUh nUn. cop U estimated at .000 bushel, ry; Walter Scott, Fourth Infantry. agnt 1mn in im and .M.W.f,hi W(lu. -.,... The q.uUlty of th pivnt crop try. ,uninrt, ll ,, Will Control Practically All the Shoe fllanu factoring Machinery in the United States In 1S97. i It unusually rood. The authority named placci th aver age condition of corn thrw points lower MARKETS OF THE WORLD CONTROLLED Corporal Ole Oundctwon, alimal corps; neur-lls, fourth. Henry Oam. F,- teenth Infantry; typhoid fevei. First tMti September L and only two higher Jullu, Mm tnan wa. reported at thl. date a yar try. Krnt Knapp ,nfan,ry t . n . .1.. l at... m t . -ml " "W OJ ,,..,. i. ..,, . yield shall substantial that Indicated I by the present return, the crop It likely to 0 found above l.lJt.000,000, a filriy liberal rtsult. but not a record rrp. Company Is Capitalized at $2,000,000 inl $3,000,000 Common Stxk. Besides Half a Million Retained In Treasury-List of Concerns Atsorted. NEW YORK, Oct 10. The Standard Shoe Manufacturing Company, which bos just filed articles of incorporation at Trenton, n being organized for the purpose of consolidating practically all of the important markets of shoe manufacturing machinery in the country. This new company is the creature of interests which were re cently successful in" forming the American Hide and Leather com pany, commonly known as the UpperLeather Trust, and is part of a scheme to make a close combination of the shoe manufacturing in terests of the country, with a view to controlling not only the do mestic trade, but the markets of the world as well. Thomas II Ryan, who was the active promoter of the Upper Leather combine occupias the same position toward the new company. It la aald to be the scheme of th K W. Curtis of Curtiss, Jone ft Co.. shoe trade Interest who are behind the J shoe manufacturers, Reading, Pa. oonibl nation of machinery maker to F. P. Reed, shoe manufacturer, Ro follow this company with a oomblna-' Chester, N. T. tloo of practically all the boot and! F. C Plncre of Plnrrw. A Smith he manufacture- In New England, about 125 In number and to consolidate THE BRIGGS CASE CROPS UP AGAIN PROMINENT DIVINE RESIGNS shoe manufacturers, Detroit this writl. the American Hyde & Loath. NEWARK ORDERED TO MANILA er and Standard Shoe Machinery Com panies,maklng a gigantic truth that will try to control the shoe trade of the' Captain McCaiid Wilt be ID. Command world. When this general scheme was con. edved several months ago, ateps were taken to bring the shoe manufacturer -Brooklyn Has Similar Orders. NEW YORK, Oct. 10 A special to together into a trust, but it was soon ,h Herald from Washington says: found that little success could be e- Acting Secretary Allen has ordered simply the belated ghost of the age cured by such a combination without!"1 cruiser Newark to the Philippine Rev. Det'osta Gives np the Priest hood Rather Than Sacrifice Ihr Faith of His Childhood. NfcW YORK. Oct 10,-An Interview Is published with Rev. Dr. R. F. De Costa, the Episcopalian clergyman who has just resigned from th priesthood on account of the admission of Dr. Charle A. Brlgg as a minister of the church. Dr. D Costa ay: "Njw that the diocesan convention la over and the Bible, so f ar as Episco palians are concerned, has met with Its Setan. I have concluded that h would be quite as well to drop out of the EpUcopal ministry altogrther. To my mind, unless the unexpected come to pass, the poor future of the Episcopal movement must be considered clear. Notwithstanding the effort to gloss the matter over, the action of the disocesan convention Is one of the signs of the times. Ti;ls diocese and the Episcopal church at large Is dominated by what the ruling facUons call the spirit of th ae. They forget to say what age. This spirit that they talk about is Smith. 8-v. erteenth Infantry; gunshot wund. ac cident, Frank B. Johnson, Twenty-n.-c-ond Infantry. ROOT AT WORK ON HIS REPORT IT WILL BE IMPORTANT Civil Government of New IVscs sions and Withdrawal of Mili tary Anthoriiit-s Foreshadow rd to NUW YORK. Oct. 10.-A spoclal the Herald frjrn Washington says: Secretary Root ha returned from the went, where he went with the presi dent and will Immediately begin work on his annual report which will be f great Importance. Beside recounting the doings of th military arm In th Philippines. Cuba and Porto Rico, he will probably make recommendation regarding the future government of the islands. It Is well known that he wishes to In-1 acgurate a civil government In Porto! Pico at th earliest posMble moment and that he favors the speedy with drawal of many soldiers from Cuba. The president will dep-nd largely upon the report of the Philippine com mlMion, In shaping his proposals fir tl.e government of throe Islands, but Secretary Kojt will haw something to say In his report as to control by the military pending th Institution of civil government. Hunted s of Bargains The Largest Stock of Dry Goods. Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etc., on the Columbia River. . THE SriALLEST" EXPENSE . . $1,300.00 Worth of Bedspreads, Blan kets and Com forts, at Special Prices. 75c gray cotton blsukets, law site, sale price 4-lc. f 1.00 grs or while cotton blsuk Is, full site, sale price fllV. ti gray hall wool blanket, full sue. sale pric H..V). 7So larjr sit bed spreaJs, sal pric 44o. 1.00 larg site bed spreads, sal price 63. i..3 -l 4 heavy bel (.rJs, sale rice voo. large siibeiconforter,pur. wiute oittou niliug, sals pno Linens and Domes tics. tM-incb eltrs heavy cream lUniaak, V ysrd eitr good vslue. 5H-iorh full bleached all linen damask, 3V per yani. Turkey red Utile 'ilauunk, :'.V per vsrd. j llea-l.e, dinner napkin at f 1.00 per doien. size fringed napkin, special sale price 50o doien. L I. special varl wide special 4'4e ysrd. muslin Ladies' Silk Waists. An eitraohllnsry offering nf ladies' fin silk wsiiU la all tlm IsHxt ilyle and color from 1175. .New plain and plaid woolen shirt waist now on sale, vry on tip fcwlsu in style and ouloriogs. beo you aol to buy cvtu ami see us, it may mean aaviug. Ladies' Furnish ings. UdiVl3, resist Oc,, 'dies' heavy rubber vest 30o Udies' muslin night gown sjclsl Lsdle' outing flannel night gown. .V, fioo, tl5o, 74c and f 1 UU ChikliW outing Hanneled night Kwns and sleeping suits idle' long waist, beat quality, black Mteen corse la, special fitk). lilies' coau, pluali Capsa, golf rape, fur collarette, golf and sikloj, Just arrived, at lowest pra-. Mackintoshes. Ladie' doqbl teiture can mack full skirts, poul t3 50. IjmIi all wool double tenure princes cap guaranteed colors nsvv black and gwn-speoial iW CtuIJreiis' mat kintosues, the Isrg eat stwk In Astoria, special low pric. Notion Bargains. At our notion owiinter tur uitubl Ulikel goes K'l sy lowatd ujiplyiiig ymir ant. Udell hair pius ter dixso, &o. Kublmr drnuiug enuilx, uuly Hk llsloae (KK-ket lornls, only Da lre it) i r el. only Ik". Aluiuliiuiu thitublrs, only Ifl. Iealber pumes, anly V. Hosiery. Oiildrus fut bU k doubl koe stiM'klngs !, o to II per pair l(K Ciilldreiis eilra lieavy fleeced lined last blat k doubl-aus stock bigs, 3 pain lor 'Ik: We lilies' fast bla.-k silk finish stocklngs,ale price per pair I'JO. 8.V latic' fast blwk list ho, doubl heel and li-s, eporiai sal r pair XV. Boys' Knee Pants. Jloyi' corJuroT pants, best qual ity, aell sesed, sues 4 to 14, good valil at 7.V, speoial price lc lloya' scIhniI pants made of food strong worsted, asoirted colors, special pric :';ic wir. Two piece t)Y suits of good slmng worsted, well rwe.l, a good rbooi suit, Ipecial prtc f M . . . Shanahan's . . . the co-operation of the makers of shoe sh i now fitting out at Marc Island, machinery, to whom royalties would ! Captain B. H. McCalla, who did uch have to be paid and with whom lay thejsd work at Guantanamo, is In corn power to at any time ruin the manu- mand. facturers trust Coosenuently the shoej The auxiliary cruiser Badger will re trust project wa dropped for the time lulre 15 day for repairs. The gunboat being and work was begun by the shoe' Bancroft is practically ready and will machinery people themselves. j be speedily put In commission. The The new Standard Shoe Machinery , Nashville has arrived at San Juan, i company will acquire the following con cerns and patents: where she Is taking coal aboard. The New Orleans I on her way to New I York to be repaired. The Brooklyn will i sail for Manila tomorrow or Thurs- of Ananlsm. The Episcopal church has made a new departure and I cannot go alone with it Consistency requires a repu diation of the whole scheme and I have adopted the best method. I prefer tne raitn I learned at mother's knee to the Inventions of sciolists." GOAL OF AFRO-AMERICANS. Bishop Walter Says Raoe Is Discrim. mated Against In th SirtJth. UUWERS AND TRUSTS The Woodward Manufacturing eom nanr. Includnla- Its Datented machines for heel work; the Bay 9tate Phoel,1ay' Manufacturing company. Including It patented machines consisting of welt and turn machine, lock-stitch stitcher. ... . , . . . . i T..l. c n j wen neaier, wen saiver, oouoin wino- iaar dining UiUIHlaS er, welt beveler and groover, rough rounder and stitch Indenting machine and sole-laying and sole-levelling ma chines: Buizell's patents for a sprlng htael machine and for heel breasting machine; the Sinning Lasting Machine company. Including, its patented last ing machine, also DaAerrted in England; McDowell's patents for a heel and sote t rimming machine. Against Ami- Trusi Legislation In Any Form. The company Is capitalized at )2,t00, 000, 7 per cent cumulative stock (pref erential as to capital as well as divi dend), and 13,000,000 common stock. There will be retained in the company's treasury for future acquisition $500,000 each In preferred and common stock. The directors and manager of the new company will be as follows: T. B. Kmher, Diamond Match com pany, Westevllle, Conn. B. V. Spinney, shoe manufacturer of Norway, Me., and Lynn, Mass., and president of the National Security bank j of Lynn. J. N. Smith, retired shoe manufac turer of Lynn, Mas. W. B. Hoemer, president of the Bay State Shoe Machine company, Boston. NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-A special t American Federation of tabor, ha written an editorial for the current number of the official organ of the Fed eration. Uch may have an Important effect In tending to prevent the trust Issue from assuming Importance a a political issue. Mr. Gomper takes strong grounds BOSTON. Oct. 10,-Blshop Walter, president of the National Afro-American council, delivered a lecture at the North Russell Street A. M. E. church last night on "The Trials and Achieve ment of the Negro Raoe." ne s-im tne goal to be reached by Afro-Americans Is all that is guaran teed to American citizens by the Con- arlltitf... mwA .1.. - M T - . I -......, .im auim ui inaepena nice. This means, first, liberation from the mob; second the right to cast a free and untrammeled ballot; third, to hold office; fourth, admission to ho tels, restaurant, steamboats and all other public place. Continuing, he said: "Lynching, especially by mutilation SPECIAL CENSUS AGENTS. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 Director Merrl iri of the census has decld-d to appoint special a (rents In all of the lar gest cities for employment not to exceed 30 to 40 days, In gathering Information only as to the mechanics and manu factures. This step Is Intended to meet the requirement that the mechanical ind manufacturing Industries data be .'I'llevted wi'hln two years from J'ir,e, 1900. The "Delsarte" and "Regent" lm fn Women Books Bought, Old and burning at the stake Is a relic of barbarism. Thousands of Afro-Americans have been murdered In cold blood lynchers since I against any anti-trust legislation in any form. He says he Is convinced that the government Is not capable of Vi evviiuiig ine legitimate development Y "e lynchers since emancipation of natural concentration of Industry, ' They outrage us with Impunity, de and that all the propositions to do so'i'y our property at will and seem which have come under his observation ' to have no compunction or conscience." would beyond doubt react with greater' Taking up another, Bishop Walter force and Injury upon the working peo- 8alJ: pie than the trusts. ESTIMATED WHEAT CROP Fairly Good Returns But Not Record Prop. j lt- negro must be allowed to cast I a free and untrammeled ballot In all I parts of this land." j ine speaker then quoted from the i Iaw of dlffermt states and said that I the Afro-American council was pre- paring to test the constitutionality of i the election laws of Mississippi, Loufai- and and South Carolina. Bohemian Glassware. Great Left Over Sale Frices Away Down. Vou'll Sajr So, When Yon Sec Prices. GreatAmerican Importina Tea Co. Stores Everywhere. zoo Store. 171 CosLasrelal Astsrt. Manufacturing company, Boston. Thom:n G. Plant, shoe manufacturer, Boston. j W. W. Spauldlng, shoe manufacturer, ! Haverhill, Mass. ! lawyers, Boston. K. C. Spencer of Hamilton Brown J OTI8' CAUSALTIEB REPORT. NEW YORK. Oct. 10,-Tl.e ,. H. F. Bothfield. treasurer Woodward ( wh(.at crop of m9 ,g elrtlmated by thel American Agriculturist In Its final re- j Port ;,o be published today at EK.koo.000 WASHINGTON, Oct. .JO.-Oeneral WWM-WW M Otis has cabled the following casual compared with a production lost year tleg which. In the llcht IK. . . , ov.. T,raPma Corporal Joseph M. Yallit H. Stuart Rusk of Gllman & Rusk, movement cannot have been less than , .u . . . 71-n.mftr """" rope. ' ' ' Twenty-second infantry; tuberculosis. The average yield per acre Is nlaced - , " Moradv T). Jones. Fourteenth in Bhoe company. St Loui. at 12.5 bushels. The winter wheat crop ,,,. a t i, ' , I .", dysentery, Samuel Alexander, Twenty- Ellhu Thomson of the General Elec ; ' estimated at 297,000,000 bushels; aver- coM Infantry. Fourth fl Mtlor trie company, Swampwott. Mass. ' age y.e.d, 11.5 . busheta; .prtng wheat Chare, aw rM,. Infantry, HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He say wa always o light and well baked. Well there I a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used make a difference. His mother Used a Star Estate Pange m AH AU Equal Styles 1 -f to One :Q any Price l $5.00 $3-50 I shoe w Sold and at the Book ExcliangtHl Store I History, mogrsiiliv, 'try. Mvllcal, Hcientillc Also "Queen Quality" Shoes for Women $3.00 E, C. Goddard & Co, Orcgonlan Building, Portland. Mt4.h iv-irrence, I ietry. La. Itellirloiis. All standanl work. Soeoud-hand school bojks, large (o k cheap brnil-btud tuagailor. Li branr bought. Large stock o( novels, 10.0U) title. HYLAND BROS. rOBTI.AXD, OR, 2--N-ZU Taubill 8t., llow Second. Telephone Red 2SS1 R, MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St, corner Fifth Opposita Hotel Perkloi Indies Hair Dressing a Specialty Ladie entrance to bth , on Fifth street. riAAAWXVUl UUtAAAAAfiAAnAriB llorthmest Optical Go. TIIK LAI'.JIK Hl'ILDlXt.. rlKO'M) and WASI.MiToS, 8t Iwoorti 20, 21, 22, 23 roKTUNH OKEOON 5 tnrl uvwuinuvuwvuvinnnv W. C. A. Pohl, mm coioin. " Undertaker, Embalmer f and Funeral Director Caskets and Fnneral Hui.plle constanl i ly on liantl. PORTLAND, - OREGON. Corner lltl, toj 1)., Bts, A.torl., Or Foard & Stokes Company Ship Chandlers and General Wholesalers and Retailers Special Departments Hardware Groceries Fruits and Meats w. SCULLY, Agent. tl Bond Street Crockeryware Stoves, Tinware Paints and Oils Largest 5tore of the Kind in Oregon. IF