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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1899)
MORNLNQ ASTOIUAM. 8ATUKDA1 MOKMNO, 8KPTOHKK SI. WW. Satin Slotortaw. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Sdttor. Ttlephon Main ett. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DA1LT. Sent by mill, pr Tr , ..! 8nt by pr moaih W itervtd by carrier, par month N SEMI.WESKLT. Bnt by mall, per J(U, la advance. ...P. Poataga fre to aubacrlber. All conuiKUilcaitoe tntenflcd tt publi cation should b directed to the tdttor. Business communications of all kind ard remittance miut be ad drama1 to -The AatorUn." Th Aarorlsn guarantee to Ita adTCN ttsra ifca largest circulation of any newspaper pibltahed oa tlx Columbia rtrr. Advertising rate can e 1U a arpll. cation to tht buaiaoa maaacer. A railway U a simple tool or piece of machinery. If not used by community' It cannot bring profit to the community '.. any more than a piece of agricultural machinery left rusting in the field. J Aatorla has a railway. Ita inception waa attended with much difficulty and ita completion with many fond hopes.' It is not the business of the railway J to buy wheat or other products, but' merely to carry thm for the buyers.! There are no wheat buyers in Astoria; therefore no wheat is coming here, j It has been claimed that the present : cost of bringing wheat from Portland to Astoria on the outward bound Toy-' age is a large amount It is asserted that Mr. Hammond's charge for the1 haul by rail would not be so large. It Is insisted that it would be more prof itable to pay Hammond his price and ablp wheat fmm Astoria. Cut who has tested this proposition? Astorians have' not had sufficient faith in their own claims to put their money into the ex- 1 i periment. How can outsiders be ex-; pected to do so? The failure to secure' a common point rate for Astoria mere- j ly requires the payment of Hammond's charge from the Portland common 1 point to Astoria. Why doesn't As-1 t toria make the attempt to ship wheat under such conditions? The risk of money for each one would be small. What is Just now needed to prove the truth of the As.orlan proposition is a "common pull" rather than a "common point" Five per cent of the Income of a couple of hundred of Astoria's citi zens would operate a shipping company for a few years, or until the project of hipping wheat from Astoria can be thoroughly tested. If the money be ' lost, none would be badly hurt. In j view of the promising years ahead, it' can hardly be a Serious matter to I make such a test now. No better time ' could be selected for the effort. Let ! somebody head such a movement. It' may be surprising to see how easy it' will go. THE ULTIMATE LAND. NATL' UK'S OCEAN PIER With the enormous cheapening of i railway transportation, it has come to. be axlomutlc that th railway Btka' the ultimate land. Settle Post-Intel-; lifieucer. I While Paciflc toast papers have! been staling this proposition, the At lantic coast Vanderbilts have been' executing It. Gradually ihy have' .been gaining a hold on the transporta-' tjon routes to the ultimate first-class port of Boston. Their Hoston & Al bany route has not be-n suffli limt. The latest move has been to secure the Fiichburir route, which include the Iloston, Hoosatk Tunnel and Western road. Roth th-se roads paes through the famous Hoosa'.k tunnel, by a low grade mute. The Ronton, Hoosack Tunnel and Western Hallway was built in UTS-61 by Boston capital. Postmaster Eurt, Frederick L. Ams, and other proml-' nent men were connected with the en- terprise. For many years the New; York Central antagonized this line; j now the value of a port on the "ultf-' mate land" and of a low grade route' thereto Is being recognized by these' The rumor of a Vanderbllt combina tion, controlling one vast transconti nental system from ocean to ocean, tinder the same management, is again rife In railway circles. Such a system, . if ever organized, can have but one outlet on the Pacific. The struggle be twn the Northern and Great North cm for terminals at Seattle proves that these mighty aggregations of cap ital realize what is In the wind. They are hastening to prepare themselves as beat each can for the contact soon to take place over the Oriental com merce It la Impossible that the Van- derhllt system can seek terminals on the Sound. It Is just aa unreasonable to aMume that it will look to 8 an Francisco. From what point, then, will these giants cat their lance for the rapture of the richest stream Of traffic that has ever yet struck the American continent? Bui it will not do for Astoria to wait the alow movement of the rail road plan. The Oriental commerce is a potentiality. The fight for Which these mighty transportation line are nerving themselves may be many years distant. Let Astorians bestir themselves for the actuality which the present offers. If reports are to be relied upon, but one link in the Van dcrbllt system yet remains unacquired. This link will not be needed until tbe full dawn of the Asiatic commercial era. Let the people of Astoria organ ise but a small wheat shipping business at the mouth of the Columbia and the Immediate value of their port will be recognised. Boston has been gaining an Increased percentage of the out bound wheat for several years past. but It haa been due to the active ef forts of Boston people. The Vander- bllts only went to Boston because the wheat wanted to go there. Once started in that direction, however, even Greater New York haa not been able to stop an increasing quantity fmm seeking the "ultimate land" at that point. With active efforts on tbe part of Astoria's people the wheat of the Columbian basin might be made to follow the same principle. A man has to have pluck to make a sue ce of any calling. A man must hare the backbone to take knock down blows and get op again and again and fight on. Pluck and stamina are largely a question of good health. It only takes one knock down blow to finish a man with a headache. It only takes a small setback to disconcert a nervous and shaky man. A bilious, head achr man goes into bankruptcy at the first embarrassment A nenroos man who docs not sleep at night and gets np shaky in the morning gives np tbe battle of business at the irst discouragement Dr. Pierce'e Goldea Medical Discovery is the best of all health-makers and health-keepera. It makes pare, rich blood. It forces out all imparities and disease germa. It does not make any difference what the disease may be called, so long as it has Its inception in improper or insufficient nourishment this great medicine will cure it It may be called dyspepsia, kidney disease, "liver complaint" skin or blood disease, or nerv ous prostration all these have the same starting point The " Goldea Medicsl Dis covery" reaches that point It will cure these diseases absolutely. None of them can retain their hold on the system when the arteries are filled with rich,jute blood. -1 am y w old." writes Mr. F. G. Bledsoe, of UwTtlle. Henry Co.. Ma " Por 5 rri I snflcred from torpid Hrer. constipation and Indi Mim whKB ncTTlr sftVctrd mj nerves H tag to make my liring by hard work, I would keep oo antil I would kaut to give up. Some times my friends would pick me npand carry me to bed. what litl!? sleep I could get waa tortured with horritJe dreams. I took six bottles of Ir Pterce'a Golden Mrdkal Discovery. It relieved the pain in my back and between my shoulders, braced op my aersen, aad to-day I am a weB oaa" If some men knew themselves, they would be ashamed of the acquain tance. Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Bheamatiam find themaelve growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this ia that the remedies prescribed by the dooton contain mercury aod potash, which ul timately Intensify the disease by caus ing the Joint to swell and stiffen, producing a severe aching of the bones. B. 8. 8. haa been curing Rheumatism tor twenty years even the wont eaaei which seemed almost incurable. Capt. O. I. Hughes, the popular railroad conductor, of Columbia, 8. C, bad an expert ence with Rheumatism which eonrlnoed Dial thai thsca la only ona euref ,r that painful dis ease. He says: "I was a great inSarer from mus cular Rheumatism lor two year. I ooold got no permanent rsW from any madicin pr soribed y my phaldaa. l iook soouiaaoaen noi Ufa ol ronr 8. 8. fU and t rf JL npw I am as wellasley ever waa lnm life. Ism r cr that your medicine if -W ... M A r . 1 J 7. altering from anyblood 41 !. Everybody know tavat Rheumatism la a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood emedy la the only proper treatment, hut a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravate! the trouble. S.S.S.Blood being Purely Vegetable, goea direct to the very oatfee ol tbe disease and a per manent cure always rasulU. I li the only blood twmeAf gttwanteod to con tain no potesA, wwwary of other dan gerous mlneaal. ' Book doM trea by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia, pfiED . (sJ i!W ' 'js ' y. is Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CENSES THE JYSTEM ci EFFECTUALLY ,,UL PERMANENTLY evy Tut ttrtviNi - Mn'f o ty (AUf?RNU JTG eSYRVP( r.: ,..?? NifuRiunMtn eu Mi itsvraL BUSINESS POINTERS. Jeff's . I "th only" restaurant Whits cooks. Beat U-eent meal. Rising Sun restau rant, (11 Commercial street Our ice cream Is warranted to be made of pure cream. Th Parlor, oeit to John lithn-s. . Tliggeat and best meal at Denver K u li en on Ninth street 15 cents. Whi: cook. Try It A man never cuts much of a figure In history until he shuffles off this mortal coil. Best California win JO cents per gal. ten. Alex Gilbert, sol agent for As toria. Telephone O. The average man spends muat of his money In trying to gel something for nothing. Cream Pur Rye. America' floeat whiskey. Th only purs goods, guaran. teed rich aad mellow. John L. Carlson, sol sareot hls deeoent, the longer he haa been on Tbe man who trie to serve two masters-at the same time is liable to be arrested for bigamy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A-Ket-ron, Bloomlngdale, Tenn., says It cured him of Indigestion of ten years' stand ing. Chas. Rogers. The farther back a man can trace the downward path. Go to the Columbia Electrlo at Re pair Company for all klnda of new and repair work, from a cambric ceedle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery of all klnda a specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Hlg glns at Co. borne men are like phonographs; they talk a great deal, but never S'iy anything original. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases and all Irritating erup tions, nothing so soothing and healing as DeWltts Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chicago, says of It: "When all else falls In healing our babies. It will cure." Chas. Rogers. Life insurance Is no doubt a good thing, but what the average man needs Is lire Inxurance. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of Indiges tion; can strongly recommend It to all dyspeptics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Chas. Rogers Most men have two objects In life; one Is to beeo-ne rich, the other Is to become richer. For many years science has studied liquors. Result the whole world uses whiskey. It has proven the best stim ulant and does not injure nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Bold by Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon. Somo men are like a base drum they make lots of noltte, but there la nothing In them. There's always hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs In bad shape and I was near the first stages of consumption. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured me." Writes Helen McHenry, Bismarck, N. D. Gives Instant relief. Chas. Rogers. The concert hall opened by Cliarll Wis at No. Ml Astor street. Is th on and only popular resort of Ita kind In that vicinity. Mr, Wlaa la doing some thing new among concert hall. H la not onty selling a class of pur liquor, but la giving hla plac a management which Insures gentlemanly attention and treatment to hla patron. Th good musio and the crowd will b found at Charlie Wise' plac. A man that Is bright will patlne to tvllivt Instead of jumping at a con clusion. "They are simply perfect," write Hob't Moore, of LaPayette, Ind of IVWItt'a Utile Karly Riser, th "famous little pills" for constipation and alt liver ailments. Never gripe Chaa, Roger. Man want but little here below; and his wants are generally well sup plied In that respect. rvWItt's Little Karly Risers perma nently cur chronlo constipation, bil iousness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulat the en tire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "famous little pills." Chas. Roger. Some men's minds are like a pint f cider In a wash-tub broad enough, but not very itv. "Rest on th market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles; for crimp It haa no equal," writes Henry Ft Whltford. South Canaan. Conn., of One Minute Cough Cur. Chas. Rogers. EL E. Turner, Compton, Mo., waa cur ed of piles by DeWltt s Witch Hasel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse It Beware of dangerous counterfeit Chas. Rogers. Its of men would gladly work for their board If they could only find ome one to work. A WONDERFUL CURB OF DIARRHOEA. A I'l'.OMISENT VIRGINIA EDITOR Had Almost Given Up, but W Hrought Hack to Perfect Health by Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HIS EDITORIAL. Erom the Times, Hlllstllle, Va. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cur ed. I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to give up all hope of recovery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement of Cham berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful curea had been wrought by this remedy, 1 decld ed to try It. After taking a few dose I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow sufferers that I ant a hale and hearty man today and feel as well aa I ever did In my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by Charles Rogers. Men vary In temperment. Where one would heave a sigh, another would heave a brick. J100 REWARD, SIM. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure In all Ita stages and that la Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cur Is the only positive cure now know to the medical fraternity. Catarrh b' Ing a constitutional disease, require a constitutional treatment Hall's Ca tarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua surface of the system, thereby dehtroy Ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building; up tne constitution and assisting na ture In doing It work. The proprie tor have so much faith In it curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CUENET aV CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggist. 750. Hall's Family Pills are th best. The less the average man knows about a thing the more be wants to talk about It TO CURE LAORIPPE IN TWO DATS. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Orove'a signature Is on each box. 25c Man la made of dust or at least some wives twin to think their hus bands are. A WORD TO MOTHERS., Mothers of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesi tate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contalna no opiate nor narcotic In any form and may be given as confidently to a babe aa to an adult. The great success that haa attended Ita use In the treatment of colds and croup has won for it the ap proval and praise It has received throughout the United States and In many foreign lands. For sale by Chas. Roger. Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Payments OM mai'litiX'S taken in ( iclinngc. C. P. Looney, Agent. 433 Commercial Klreet, Astoria. These tiny Capiulei (re superior to Balsam ot (.opaiba, Cubebs or Injections andnimy CURE IN 48 HOURSipi. th same diseases with out inconvenience. Sold hi all lrur?itt. Gray's RACKET STORE W are oloalng out our entire depart ment of tluwar and granite ironware at price below wholesale. These ar first quality and ar manufact ured by the following firms: Bt Louis Stamping Co., Habermau Mfg. Co. and Klckhelfer. In fact any fac tory brand you want. This la a rare opportunity for merchant and parties who wish to buy at wholesale. Follow ing la the Hat of prices: SPECIAL SALE OF SCHOOL Bl'lTS. Roys' heavy school suits, worth U.M ante price tl.lf Youths' school suits, worth 15. sal price S.M Men'a wool pants, regular Val ue $5. ult piioe S.tS Webster's unabridged dictionary, regular price II W, sal price .... 1.45 A few tin Coc.ta ruga, site 373. worth 1110. sal price l.!4 S-nuart granite tea pots, sale price .11 XX. silver plated knives and fork, worth IJ a set, sale price .. "I A large assortment of new goods just arrived, call and examine them. 510 Commercial Street. UEPOMT OF THE OONMTION OF THK Fist National Bank, OF A.ST0UH. At Astoria, In tie State ol OreKou al III close of bilsiueM, Soplrinbrr Till, Loan ami JimmuM ilV.".'l Overdrafts, seoiiret and tin- ocureJ U.V3 A3 U, 8. Uintl to sh lire cirvula- tloii...'. . 12.500 00 Premiums on I". S. bond. . . . W0 00 Stocks, stiMtnttes, elc 100,0311 3 Other real rotate mxl morl Kkveowi)l 0,317 01 Due Iroui national hunks inot reserve agents).... . . 2,772 'JS Due from state luniks nut bankers 1.N.7H U Pit from approved reserve agetils rX'.tl Clicck and other mail items 1,XU 44 Notes of other tmliohnl hank. 4'W 00 Nickels and cents 3 M lawful money reserve in bank, vis: Pntcm 141.000 00 Legal-tender utiles. .Ill 00 141,315 00 Kederuptlou tun I with I . n. trfssiirer tier cent of cir culation) W't2 50 Total Ai2.t-.71 13 LIADILITIF.S. Cspital sionk paid In I SO.OOO 00 Surplus fund 'Jf-.OOO 00 Undivided nrntlle. less ei- tie li wit sliI Uixmiaid 24,415 ti National luink notes out standing 6,000 00 Due to state bnuks and Imuk r 33SH Individual dtMNmit tihjroit to cUk 440,152 87 Demand certifi cate ol deposit H7.4I4 4.' CertiHtKl ohot k.. IID.ti.'i 54 o-VH.HU 83 Total 612,071 13 State of Oregon, I r,,nntv nl ClHlMin f f H SI Onnrwiv rnahitT of the above- nRitivil Ikatilc flu a,,lrmtlv issur that the above ststeuient is true to the beat of my knowledge ami behel. a. h. (ton don, t'liirr Subecrihed snd sworn to before me Ibis 12th dv of rVptemlMT. 0. H Thokson, Notary Pallio. Correct Altest : Jauon Kamu, j W. F M'"UmooB, Directors. Wat. M Laud, ) OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION .... ' OPENS IN Portland, September 38, CLOSES Oc'ober 28, 1899. Horticultural ami Agricultural Products of Oregon, Washington and Idaho In greater variety and profu sion than ever berore. Bennett's Kcnuwntd 'Ulitarv liund MISS ALIwT, KAY. MO XI) America's Gratet Oady Cornet Soloist. The uneiualed PLOKEXZ TKDl'I'R Of Acrobats, direct from the Empire llieuirf-, tionaon; tn-ir llrst appear ance In America. A Great PILiriXO WAK Ml SKIM 3 GREAT SISTERS MACAKTE Ij'niiurpaHHd AerlallHts, In their thrill ing acts. AN1 OTHER OI1RAT ATTRAC TIONS. A Season of Groat Rurprlm-s and As tounding Feats. Rnduced rates on all tranBjiortatlon lines. ADMISSION, 25 CENTS; Children un der 12 years, 10 cents. Don't Miss It! THE PROOF of th pudding Is m th sssilni wvd th pruvt of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That' an argument that' row Olualve dmmooetrsktton. Our will aland th tswt. HUGHES & CO. Light your nous and plue of bmlness with Incandescent Vapor Gas Lamps 100-candl powr at a cost of lo for three heur. Miller & Bamberg, Agents 40S Dond Street. Astoria. FJERVITA PILLS RMtort Vitality llVIor as4 Mashood, Cure Imnotency, Nlcht Ktiilaaltmsnnd wastlnit disease', all effect of self abuse, or execs and Indls. rretlnn. A nerve tonic Mini Mtxxt builder. Urine tbe ..1.. 1- ,i..L 1 "Si sanvrjiiii ;iow w sttli: vu sit. (KJCaW restore the fir of youth. m INSNl'y mall tlOe per box, boxet for $ 2.00! with ft written irtmrnii te to cure or rt-flnul tlio money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton AJaokeoo sts CHICAGO, IU For Sal by Charts Roams, t.ruagtst. Astoria. Orrgon. lCo) 0$ i .Mi ntfnonClf) Plinrt jl'ttfcl I'lt (iunrantcttl. Low I'rlicv uyspepsia uuro.; M,nicr Digests what you eat. j ItarUflclallrdluHtsthpfoodaDfttl(ll L. LliBIiCK nature Id airenuineninir and reeotv BtructlOR the exhitusied dltfestlv of (fan. It I the latent discovered d Inert- Dltnd tonic, ho other preparaUor can unnroach It In efllclenrr. It In stantly relieve and permanently curat DrsrM-pela, IndigestluQ, Heartburn, Klatiilunce, Sur Utomarh, Nausea Sick lleaditcbe,(iastraltfla, Cramp. and all other resultauf Itn perfect dlgeetloa Prsporad by I C OaWitt Co.. Cbtcage. ror 8aJ by ClIARLa ROOSAS MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the HcncJullnc I'ttllicra. ....High-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... HMlthful and attractive location ( mllr froo IV.nlaad oa th Bstutham rasflo Sprlagflatd brasoh). Corn pi H ,ni thoMugb prajsiretorr, lrry, aalsn-Jflo, oleaaloal, normal, commsrri , pour., BI'DCHAL COUIWESJ to mt3wtl3a, Burvflng, Drawing. Cn j lWv,. rtsinoh. O.rman, BpanisTi Italtan, Bhorthand. Typawntlnaj, Ts Ai4inle Dtss and . Tsihef' t and D pt0ms Coifvrrd. Bond for catalog. ADDRDJk The President Mount Anjtcl College, Mt. Angel, Orcjf A5T0RIA MEAT COMPANY Telophon Ko, .1 J Handles Only the Choicest Meats ' 4 Coassasrclal St,, ssit Palars Hsslaaiai.l. "Russell" Automatic Engine Writo for Catalogues of A. II. AVERILL, "' "Manager. Golambia Eleetrie & Repair Go Succeaaor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoIlefMakers Machinists Logging Engine. Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially zr.rrr"-LJ'-' ':r.v r:-r Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... Harrison Sectional" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power I'lnnls. Tl.o who hav aslar! buying. Hummer I'ootwtjnp ait fortunat. Thf can aav at teaat a third on th usual cost of high trade hoea. Ws ar closing out all of our summer tan shoes at a great ranlucUna. V hsv tham for men, woman and c till 'I m n. wtilt'h should bring everyone to the store. Thsy are new goods vihlch have overstayed thslr lime. iVnal.Irr the figure. Petersen A Brown. J. A. Fastabend CI erne ml Contrnctor mid lUtllder lli.ii... iiu.vinjj Twin fur Kont, Andrew Lake 5J4C-OMMKHCIAL MT. ...Alerchant Tailor.., Cnrpcnler aantt lltdldet Clcitornl Contrnctor MUL SH HAI5INU AM) ! MOVINtl A SI'KCIALTY Kngino JJoilcrs, Sow Milk RUSSELL & CO., Portldud, Oregon. I i Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock Uultt and Repaired