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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1899)
7 ME MOIlMUfl AUTOUUM SATCHDAV MOMINO, KEI'TEMBEa f, l9a SAMPSON WILL BE OUTRANKED llowfson Will Command Fleet to Receive Dewey. 6CHLEY TO BE PLAIN CITIZEN Detriment Officii! Woriiej Over The Affilr-Flct Has Left he BirtiJoes. NI.W yollK. 51 -A dlapalt'h to Ihr Tlmm from Waahliicltm My: A itl.patrh roc-lvi-d at I lie navy Ib iwrtinxnt from Itwir-Adn.lral lwl wil la ttuirylng oltUlnli lhor. Ad miral How lam, wtllrvly um-oiuciou of l ho toiiKl.Timll.Hi till new will curry Id Uiinmi lm liitvv brin aart li'g I hut he will k to Now York unlit ader the rvcvptlon lo Admiral Lvry, aimouiicv In Oil mMge thai he ha Irfl llarlwulor on the CbU.i for New Yirk. Thl I tli lat thing Ui( the rrlond of Admiral Haiiioinn wanted. Untrytlilng hit Ivrii arrangm! in Imvo Hnmpaoii In III rapacity III-' In to nii't vlolor of Hunting;", grwt hi lirollnT hero of Manila. Admiral B.M.-y will m In New York at that llinr. but III no otn.inl rapai'lty. Ho will b thr almply mtum a an HIXTr.KN CHrUCllKB UHICD. (Hlii Tell Department or Mllllary Ou t.Mipniliin of ('IiuitIi Properly, WArtlUNUTo.N, Kept. 2J.-TII. war di'i'itrtiiioiit has rvcflvnd Oio following iBlilrgium from Orneral Olla irrllng ttm inllltitry uu of tint i-huirh proper ty In tin- I'lilllpplnr: "IU furring No your tablet-ram of 8i'.l'nlM-r is, It cliunhe In different lovntltlr hiivs Iwii occupied by the Lulled HUtr troop, Kour worn only I'urilully occupied, and rwllglou serv ice 1 1 : i Inicif.TirMl with; nlao thrvo convent weru occupied, Tin tlir! and lu of Hi.- ID fhurt he with formerly occi'pii'J by lliu timurifviitH. Church propurly I nnxvi.d and protected by our troop." I'ltliHIIUCNT UAIZ VIHIT. Will llo th clui-at of ilm Nation Dur Inn III Htay In Thl Couutry. WAIIINOTON71tpt. M.-In con IKH'llon Willi 'milWii( )uli' visit to Chicago It I rxp.-'lfd that Praldnl McKlltley will mart Dm Mexican pre. Idem at Chicago iiml invite him lo WiLliltil"ii aa hi u at nd4ho gucal of tbi nation. In rwKtilil.ui uf the prrwrnn of a foreign ruirr within tho country. It I prolMihl a reprwwntatlv of Prl dent 1iKlhly will mnil Ih Mesl ran pr l.l.-ru at Hi t'Mled Mate border and a uiipany him throughout hi ta' In thl country. ZOl.A N IiltKYKl'H TltlAU Wrllf a Iltor of t'ondolrnc to Madame l"ryfu. NKW YUHK. H. pt, Jl-Tho Journal A ItiHl 1 1 il M 1 1 I Mr. ft tin linl Mil ItlMllttllM bW rlxlit to at.nd on lh ld,wlk and! Advrrl..,r ,.rlnu a dl.pat.-h from Irry (ii by. N'MliIng bad ' currrd to mar tho iwtarl nf nni" li.T.i grm-iliiK another and wi'U'onilna' lilin h 'nio unlll thl ilUjuloiii new tu r.-rvel frm llowUon. M'ln I Haiiion'i wiilor and If ho grin llii-rw lirforw Hie i-rlvbrallon h Mill oulriitik that ndlivr and tako ctiiiuiiaiid. TIip naval rvgulailoti r qi.lrc It. Iliiwlaon I aliuply nil old tt t.t lh.ttMV Mll.l WfUlIlt llVl. Ilk I,, : , . . .. ... ' aru no niorr. I hav driven thim on hand whn hi frlfitd h hi. .... . . . I I'omplftcly fnim my thought a If 1 iii'iimfn, ins n u-LHwvii-m win-; . . -UU hav pnlnl'il out wh'iuvrr thl duiiwr wa vuggintol, to ItowiiHin'g 1'ari giving I lit- full Irxt of Kmlli- I .il a l. ilrr tu Mum. Drvyfu oa fol low: "Ivar Madamn: Yuur buabund and Ibtmn ubn drfi-ndiil him have bcrn r,.,r in tho vilrat limili. and vn I to biollly Injury. For my part, thi-m I an- organ U'lmigltig lo llm 'gutter irra' and min u lulutpd with moral dirt Ihul I hav airuik Ihnu from my ! Ilf, from my m niory. Kor me thi-y Itlimrary, whlrh rail for hi arrival on IHtnlmr i. and have t'onn.b-iuly prM'laluiiH will not g-l ihfr b f.on Ih'ii, nolttlthnlanilliig Ihv fart that llowlann ho Uvn ah-ad of hi m hi'iliilii right along. Thy am now buolly iig.igi-d In flKiirolug oul that tie cannot gel lo Toit.pklnillii In b-M than eight day, but ollir think he ran do It randy In cvrn. Ml'TINY ON IIIUII HKA8. Jnlw llowrai Arrive at New York With Four Men In Iron. HAN KHANamU Hcpi. J2.-Th had lover twallowcd thfin. It I l urh forgi'trulnca of atrta lou Inault Ihul I ro.'oiunioiid to the Imionmt man who Ima aulTrt'd the wroiiga. He I n m uili apart, o far above them ail tli it tin y ahould be able to rvu-b him. May he come to life again, under your rare, and the rlror unahlne of univi-mal oinpaihy hwn for him. I I'rai'e be lo the martyr who ha urh iu d uf rt'i, and around hi in now In retreat may there be nothing but luve and rare-. A f'r u. Madaine, we (hall continue to fight. We hull tomorrow go on with the glruggle fur Juatlre Jui a aternly a we purued It y -alrrduy. Wt ahall Mart n hahl'llatlnn of the Innocent Icm for the aake of hlin, who hu already o much glory, lhan for France, which would aanurcdly to killed by this ex Amerlmn hlp JatM-i Howe tin ar-! ce of Infiu.iy. Our titak will be the rlvrd In port from llaltlmore with four of the crew In Iron and the po II o ting Hying In the main rigging. The oltlccr atid men have been at out avrr "luce the hlp left the Knat and In conanueni- thcr are charge and rouiiter-rluirgv. The men uy thai a o.n a they are paid off they will have Captain ClirpP and Mate linger arreatcd for "beating and woumllng on the high gens." The n ate retort by paying that the men are lui'iimptitcnt and lnutxrilliiat. He'eral lime they newrly mutinied And laid Tucday they would hav regeneration of France In the rye of U,e iiaver, which will take place when the Infninou Judgment lioa been Uimnhed. A great couutry cannot live without Juatlce, and our will remain In mourning Just a long a the ataln of Inault I leveled at the hlgheat Jur ladn lion and the violation of the niont prltvlilve rlRhtn ihall remain. "Tho oclal fabric crumble when the Kumnntee of law no longvr vxlat, and there la In thl violation of right uch an clement of lnolenre and bravado o Impudent that we cannot Ignore II, V cannot bury a body done an bud he not placed the ring- ae-Tvtly without allowing our (harne leader In Iron. Mate Hoger v on order and Kmll IJorat, one of the crw. refued to obey It. . Tha order wa retiealed and Dorat mode a ruah at Ih mate, A tight eniued and Ham lWilcn. Jbiiic Kelly and l!'rn I4tc went to Uorat' awlHtonce. For a few moment It looked .a though tbeie wo going to be a mutiny, but Captalh I'lapp and the other oltloera armed wl'.h platol amm quelled the rllalnrbanoe, and Point, I'eeplea, Kelly and Mil were placed In Iron. They will, be turned over to the United BU'e marahal and charged with mutiny. HOt.DIKUfl WANTKD MONEY. Engaged a Filipino to Bell a Captured dun at Government Figure. NLW YORK, Hept. 22.-A Rpeclal to the Herald fnm Wellington ay: Word renchea tho war department ghowlng thut General Oil ha ought to Imitate the pollry employed In Cuba of buying Filipino arm and that hi effort hn leen unmiorwMiful. The native were given to umlertdiind that Upon the urnnderln; of a gun, the military authorltle would pay the pommi aurrenderliiR tt HO and guar antee him Immunity from arrct for prrvloii armed oppoalllon to the United Stales and protection for the future. Notwithstanding thl tempting offer, nut onii bona fldo gurrender of a gun I reported. One native, It I aald, nppeftred with a gun In hi hand and the. military olilrer began congratu lating theniHolve that the end win In glgM and ttutl when the rest of Agul naldo' troop learned of the good trentment given thl man, they would follow hi example. A requisition won mnilo on tho treimury for $10, but be fore tho money wn received Invent Iga- tlon nnoovered the faot that the na to our neighbor. The whole world hu een and heard, and It I before the . whuio world that reparation ahould take place. To deelre a France without honor I criminal. Without doubt foreigner will come to our ex hibition. They will overflow rarli, Juat a number ant attracted to a fair by the lound of muitlc, and flare uf lump; but ahould that aatlafy our pride, (hould wo not value eiteem aa highly a the money of the outalde world" We hJI exhibit our fldenoc, our art, anl our Induatry., Should we dure to exhibit our Juatlce, one con Imagine Devll'a Island rec leaned and cxhlbiti-d. For in the ahame of It la Intoloralile. I do not understand how the exhibition - can be opened until Fruiii.e take her rank again among the nations. When honor hu been rettored formally to the condemned man honor will t restored to France, not before. Allow me to ay In conclualon, n adame, that you may depend on tho who have restored to your hus band hi freedom, to restore to him his honor. Not one of us will give up tho Rc,ht. We know well that we fight for Juatlce and for our country. The splendid brother of the con demned man will again got the ex ample nf courage, wisdom and Justice.' We hnve nut been able all at once to restore your husband to you freed from lying accusations'. We ask yet a little patience, trusting that your children will not be much older before thulr name shall be legally purged of all blemish. Poor children, I seo them arjvln in tho arms of their futher. 1 know with what Jealous care, by whnt miracle of delicacy you have kept them In complete Ignorance. They believed their father away on a Jour ney and when they became Inquisitive at his long abence what could you tell them when his Innocence was as yet only neueveu in uy " mo, your heart must have broken. du'led lhm to the prison In Itenne thut they might hav held forever In their mind the picture of their father' lienHam. You could hav told Ih.iti all that he had unjustly differed, what moral grandeur wo his; with what tenderm-v they should love him In order to nfak hi in forget liKltiltou mn with thHr little soul. They would hav benefit led by thl dmontratln of nsnly virtue. It la nol now too late. Home evening under the lamp and In the pwu-e of family, the father ran lake them upon hla knee and tell them tlrn tragic bla lory. II U neceaaary thai they hould know In order that they may rcpe"t and adore lilin he d -rve. When he had upoken they will know that there I not In I be world a greater hero-martyr, whi aunVrlng hn o profoundly touched men' heiirt. They will be proud of lilin and will bear hi name with glory a the naoie of a very brave limn, whn hn borne hlin-lf aiilillmely under the moat frightful uoVrtig which fraud and cowardice could Inflict. 'Th day will come when the son and daughter, not of the cotul'-mnrd man, but of hi pemecutom, will have i l ir to blush. Ai-crpi, madam, my profniindeat reapect. KM ILK ZOUA." WANT8 MtKYFt'B TO I.TI RE. Ulirral Offer Frwn a Vam-ouver, It C. Theater Owner. VNVtt'VKIt, P. t. Hept. 22.-A Toronto ripltitllal and W. It. Chap mar, one of the poprletor of the Havnr theater In :hl city, are trying lo rnae Pn-yfua lo lerlore In Kurope In Kuroie and Amertra f'ir lt(K) a day. Chipinan today cabled Preyfu a folli.W. "I reapectfully offi-r you .ne hundn-d kt day and rxp-usra for one year, lecture In Europe and America, lliinda to your sutlarm lloii ghen." JOINS lll'HMANIi. CAIlPKNTEIt AS, Frame, iZ -Miidame preyfua arrlvetl lure bint evening. r Put tlve wns aiitlng an agent, ror an your nmu oin. Amorlcan soldier, who had captured In "beau last few weeks, when his In tmlnnble to ftH. I could nose of It at government Hgure to1 have wished that you had taken your tho military authorltle, I two children by the hand and con- MollLRIt'H TllltKAT. lie Predlit That the Astoria lload Will be In a Herrlwr's Ilunda In Nlndy tiny. A well-known Astorlan la authority for the statement that Preeldenl M. idl er la telling Portland pmple he haa Hammond over a bamd and Intenda to put the A. A C. road In the hand of a receiver wlihln the next day. That a good deal of speculation Is being Indulged In concerning the fight I evidenced by the following purport ed Interview lu last night' Telegram: "The rale war on between the O. It. & N. company and the Astoria railroad be Interesting to a man who ha been bark of the curtain, said a gen tleman yeterdy. "I am only guessing." he went on. 'hu: the recent tight means a good deal more thnn one would think at ftrat. The fight wo arthTed from New York, before It won announced that the 0. It. A N. would pas Into the hands of the Union Paclflc. "If I owned the I'nlon Paclflc, the Short I.lne and the O. IL A N., and had In mind a grand transcontinental line, In that connection. I would sure I) want a railroad outlet to the sea from Portland. I would know of no better way than lo go to work and put th only road of that nature Into the hands of a receiver, and then buy It up. "Yea, I guess that I what In being tried now. Whether It will work or t.ot depend on what the other roods have to ay. If the Southern Paelflo or Northern Paclflc should be back of the Astoria road, then Uie scheme would never work. If it stands alone, there might te a chance. The probabilities ar that the Astoria rood does not stand alone, but It would seem that the Union Pacific people ought to know. ! "A I said, I am only guessing, but doesn't it seem that gisxl business men would not go Into a rate war Just for fun? They certainly ought to know that a bluff game doesn't amount to much. Thl I why I think there I a big scheme back of thl little row." IIMCn AllVI A ACLTE INFLAMMATION OF THE SERVES. THEY ARE OVERSTRAINED NEAR TO BREAK llOUlHlNI t IN0 AN1) CANNOT BE NOURISHED BY THE IMPOVERISHED SYSTEM. SLEEPLESS, WAST ING NIGHTS LEAVE YOU HAGGARD AND WORN. A DEADLY OPPRESSION SETTLES ON MIND AND BODY; MAD NESS FOLLOWS. NERVE FIBRE MUST BE MADE, NERVE FORCE REGAINED, THEN THE BLOOD WILL NOURISH AND MIND AND BODY RECOVER. The World's remedy for disease. Makes Nerve fibre, nerve force; keeps the organs of the body in healthy action. The blood is made clean, rich and in full quantity. Muscles and tissues are nourished, invigorated, and the body is healthy. Rov, T. F. Stauffer, Lincoln, Neb., writes: ' For nearly a year past I have felt myself running down. My nervous system was gradually growing worse; I was troubled a good deal with insomnia. I felt that something must bs done, and concluded to use Taine't Celery Compound. After the first few days' use I began to improve; now I feel like rnysef once more. I can sleep well, my nervous system is rapidly improving, and I believe a radical cure is being effected. Taine's Celery Compound is a splendid remedy, and I can conscientiously commend it to tlie suffering in like cases." r PAINE'S Celery Compound "lis IpQirrnDag' ,mBaauar H OTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND. OR. .. af OallCe Worcestershire IL. The Only Plrst-Class Hotel In Portland aaaaaaaa ' uuvoiru clAAAnJxnrnnjirvriruuiruu n f unitinu s nxiiriruvnruvnnriuuo BEWARE OF IMITATIONS " Is adapted for every variety of dish from Turtle to Beef, from Salmon to Steaks, to all of which It gives a famous relish." . JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Afjents, N. Y. W. 0. Prwieott. tho well-known tim ber cruliier, wa in the city yeatorday. Mr. rivacott haa boen cruUliu tim ber In Pat'lllQ county, Waahlngton, for the pnt ilx week and returnej to As toria yesterJay after havlna completed hi work. Ho would not atute by whom he wa employed. Hi said, however, that th wa much oppoal tlon between eastern lumber dealer In bidding for the purchase of timber land tributary to the mouth of the Colum bia. In tpoaklng of Tactile county Mr. Preseott an HI that timber claims In the Nehalem country averaged much higher than those In l'aclP.n county. The timber In' Washnffton, though, seem to be more In demand, ns the topography of Paelllc and other counties bordering on the Columbia renders It less expensive to get the logs to tide water. As a result about nil the limber lands in this rt-c-tlon nf Washington are now In the hand of eiustern capitalists. The Ne halem country Is now beginning to re ceive more attention from lumber men and It Is probable that some big deals In that locality will be consum mated In course of a month. The brink demand has raised the price and aver age cliilms are selling from $800 to H.500 There are several townships of line timber yet unsold In the Ne halem country and negotiations are said to be ponding for their purchase, of those of former years. Mr. Pre- currence on Puget sound. It Is really cott will leave for Clifton today on his unsafe for an able-bodied stranger to way to Nehalem. He would not state walk abroad at night. Lynch's story what part of the country he has-been of escaping in a boat Is doubted, how engaged to cruise. ' ever, by good many water front men, The disappearance of Paddy Lynch who Bay small vessels like the Wood from Seattle, where he had gone and Potter do not carry more than some time ago to engage men for the eight men on watch. It is argued that British ship Musknka, has been clear- Lynch and his companions could not ed up. John J. Kenney, of this city, ' have possibly got away without the I with whom Lynch la associated in ' knowledge of the officer on deck. If i the sailor boarding house business,' they had succeeded in doing so, their has received a dispatch from the miss ing man, dated San Francisco. Lynch tales in the message that he was shanghaied from 6oe.ttle along with Ave others. He did not give the name of the vessel but It is supposed to be' either the Rufus E. Wood or the John C. loiter. Both are American vessels and sailed from Seattle on the same day. Lynch explains In the message that he and his live companions es caped In a small boat after the ves sel wns towed to sea, and were picked up by a passing steamer and taken to 3n Francisco, ilr. Kenney yes terday telegraphed the necessary fare for tho Ave men and they are expected lo arrive on the A. & C. express to ntilht. Lynch Is considered lucky In getting 'out of Seattle alive. It wns believed by many river men that he had been murdered by the sailor house runners in Seattle and his body sunk to the bottom of Puget sound. Those who are acquainted with the sailor boarding house business In Seattle say the runners there are des perate characters. They are upheld by Seattle's best business people and Cases of shang- absence would have been immediately noticed and their escape reported to the captain. They could have been overtaken by the ship and again put no 'hoard. Lynch's story may vary when he arrives here this evening from that given In his dispatch. REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. M. J. Kinney to the town of New As toria: lots 1 and 2, block 2S, New Astoria t 1 J. C. Swope to II. L. Fletcher: south west quarter of section 1, township 6 north, range 8 west 200 J. R. Gllstrap to R. F. Matkln: lots 7 and S, block 18. Astoria. addition to Warrenton 300 Thr a evernl buvers In the market, the town authorities. and the prices offered are far ahead ( halng and murder are of common oc- O. U. W. NOTICE. All members of Seaside Lodge No. 12 A. O. U. W. and of both Degree of Honor UxlKes are hereby notified that the steamer Nahcotta will leave from the Tele- phont dock for Ihvaco on Saturday af ternoon, September 23, at 5:30 o'clock p. m. sharp. All Intending to go on the excursion should lie on board by that hour. Uv order, J. W. KARLSON, W. M. mm W. F. SCHEIBE, Manufacturer ot the Always Reliable Hpea. aa4 5mokra' Artlcw. 17.1 Commercial t. "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Scnelbe's Opera Star Scbelbe's Special . v -. And Othar Bnnd P. H. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latest and Best. FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery.Ete, THE OCCMT Astoria's Leading Hotel Megler & Wright, Props. CHAS. HE1LB0RN &S0N IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all sizes nm) styles. We shall continue to sell Iron and Braes Bedsteads at tlie same Low Trices ivL'i.nilfps of the raise in the price of iron and brass i!