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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1899)
JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Uatn C TERU3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per mr Seat by mull, per Served by carrier, per month .......... h ..... I...........OO.W .M SBVCLYTEBKLT. Sent by mull. psr rear, la advance.. , Poitag free to aber!bera. All coounualcaUea Intended for publi cation sbould b dirootod to tn editor. Buslarns ceoynuntoaUoaa of all kind ard remittance must be addrsosi to "The Astoriaa." Th Astorlta guarantee to It advert User lb largest circulation ef any newspaper published on tlx Columbia rtver. Advertising retee eaa M baa a eppU. eatloa to th business manager. HOW HENRY. WATTERSOX WILL SfPPORT BRTAN. Henry Watterson, the moat brilliant and brainy editor In the south, and one of the ablest in the country, la supposed to be supporting the candi date favored by Bryan In the Kentucky campaign. Mr. Watteraon hi one of the many aoucd money men whom the ailverltes undertook to read out of the party in the laat campaign. All son of expedients were first tried to forve Mr. 'Watteraon'B paper, the Louisville Courier-Journal Into line, and then, when Mr. Watteraon only redoubled the slie of the amunltloa charges he had been firing, an attempt was made to 1'imlf.h hln: by stirring up a b ycolt agaiust the Courier-Journal. At the beginning there was some falling ott in the circulation of the Journal, but this did not last long, and now It is safe to say Mr. Watterson'a per 1 stronger than ever and the moat gen erally read newspaper published In the south. That the Courier-Journal can support the Goebel ticket and yet con tinue it stalwart opposition to the Bryan faction on national issues, goes to show the difference any strong. Independent paper may occupy, without Inconsistency, In Its attitude towards it party in local and national cam paigns. Though the democratic rooster and William Cobel of Kenton flap their wing at the head of Mr. Watteraon' editorial column, the editor's "ortho doxy," the Chicago Time-Herald thinks, "must be about as gratifying to William Jennings Bryan as the ap plication of vinegar, salt and pepper to a sore spot" In a recent Issue of the Courier-Journal the Chicago paper notes one very brief paragraph on the local campaign and four highly season ed article In favor of expansion. The Times-Herald says: , - The first of these articles commends Mr. Chambers, former chief justice of Samoa, for maintaining that the United State should hold on to everything It has In the Pacific and for showing that the' south will derive special benefit from such a policy and the Impetus It will give to our Oriental trade. "The South can get a great part of this trade," concludes the editorial, "and It la the rankest folly to advocate the abandonment of the great position of vantage we have gained In the Phil Ipplnea. It will not be done." In th next column the Iowa, Dem ocrats are credited with having per petrUed the greatest absurdity In the record of political conventions thl year when they adopted a resolution condemning the Filipino war because It was Inspired by Great Britain. They and Mr. Bryan are Informed tbat "there was not a man with the Intel ligence of a green gourd who voted for that resolution who believed any such nonsense as that England had anything to do with our war In the Philippine. The resolution was adopted not because It waa not. known to be poppycock, but because It was hoped by It to catch some of the German vote of the state." Then an expansive declaration by Senator Morgan is approved In these words: "Senator Morgan is probably the ablest democrat now In public life, but tlm will count for little with his party, which some time ago quit fol lowing able headers. It seems bent up on going the road which Senator Mor gan truly say leads to Inevitable de feat. But perhaps another bad beating Is the only thing that can do It any gcod now." Finally William Lloyd Garrison Is touched up for his recent strictures on the president and others, and It I sat 9 that "the more plainly such men ex press their views the more completely at variance with American sentiment are they found to be. Love of peace Is one thing and opposing the govern ment In time of war Is another." Somehow Goebel and the rooster seem to lag superfluous on that highly Interesting page. They should be hauled down. in. rears Pretty boxes and odors are . used to sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised. Beware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the finest soap in the world is scented or not, as you wish; and the money is in the merchan dise, not in the box. ' Aasort at Huns sail it, especially dVajrfirfa; all aorta of people are it. Results Impress us mor when we ara Ignorant of the process by which they are attained." "l '" ' ' fry , www Karl's Dover Root Tea Btantlnte the Completion. Pnrifcs the Blood, lire Kmh, Clear in. Cum Con stlpalion, Ind!(mion, and all Eruptions nf Uio bain. An ajfrrrabl Laxative Nfrve Ionic Sold on annotate guarantee bjr ml drautats t SU, BOc and tl.OO. 8. C. WELLS 4 CO., LCROV, N. V. solc eooemrroas For Sal by CHARLES ROGERS. The difference between love and dyt- pepsla Is merely a matter of yean. SHERIFF'S BALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sal Issued out of th Circuit Court of the aate of Oregon, for th county of Clatsop, on the Slat day ot July, ISM, upon a Judgment rendered therein on th SSth day of February. IHsW, In favor of Clatsop Mill Company, plaintiff and against Bert Hill, de fendant for the sum ot tlWt.M. th further sum of tl?.M coat and dl' bursementt of this suit and th cost of and upon thla writ, commanding and requiring me to levy upon th property of the above named defendant to satisfy the Judgment. Interest, cost and all accruing coat. I dia on tn lth day ot August. IS99. lvy upon th following described real property, to-wlt: All the right, title and Interest and estate of the said defendant Uert Hill In and to that certain tract or adjoin ing tracts ot real estate owned by Francla Hill at th time of his death and generally known a the Francis IIIII farm which real estate wa and 1 all the real estate described In that certain bond or written obligation ex ecuted In the month of August 1SS7, by said Francis Hill and Remethy Hill hi wife unto H. F. Logan, If. T. Flnlay. H. Bell, and A. 8. Tee which bond waa recorded on the I7th day ot Auguat. W.. at page 375 of book Si. of the Record ot Deed of and tor Clatsop county. Oregon, to which ref erence la hereby made for a more par ticular description of said real estate. Also all the right, title claim and In terest and estate of the said defen dant Iter Bill In and to lot on (11. In block four (). In Warrenton addition to Astoria, as laid out and recorded by D. K. Warren, and lota five (5) and six ). tn block thirty (JO). In Dement Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. C. Dement and alsi in and to that cer tain parcel ot real estate conveyed to William H. Hill by V. Boelllng. C. R. Thomson and Mary P. Thomson, hi wife and George N'oland and Lottie Nolaml hi wife, on the 18th day ot March. ISSS, and mor particularly des cribed In the deed .therefor from said grantors to said grantee, which deed la recorded at page JOS of book 30 ot the Hecord of Conveyancee of and for Clatsop county. Oregon, to which ref enance la hereby made. All the real estate hereinbefore described being In C'atsop couny. Oregon, and aald de fendant being the owner of an undivid ed i-ST of all said real estate. Notice I hereby given that I will on Monday the 25th day of September, is. at the hour of ten o'clock tn th fop-noon of said day, In front of and at the Court House door In the city of Astoria. Clatsip county, Oregon, aell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, all the right, title, claim and intercut of the above named defendant in and to the above described real property to satisfy :he Judgment, ln tercet, coats and all accruing. THOS. LINVILLE. Sheriff, Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon, August, itth, 1S9S. It mskes no difference aow oad the wound If you us DeWitt' Witch Basal Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no scar. Charles Roger. A girl's Idea of an ell gable man Is one who wants to get married. J. D. Bridge, editor as proprietor ot th Democrat. Lancaster, N. H aays: "1 would not b without On Mlnut cougn Cur for my boy. when troubled wtth a oough or oold. It la th best remedy for era up I vr used." Chana Roger, It is easier to do right than It I to get credit for It UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Tuition Free. Fir jt term begin Septenber U, 1S9. Excellent courses In ancient and modern language, sc encrs. mathematics, etc. Graduate from th tenth grade and from ail accredited schools admitted without examination, Stud-ants not fully prepared to enter, can take stadia In which (bey ar de ficient. In the Eugen city high schooL For caialogues and further Information address th President, or Hon. J. J. Wsi. too, Secrjta.7, Eugene, Or a. Pneumonia, la grippe, eouga, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to Ooo Mlnuu Cough Cur. Us this remedy In tune and sav a doctor' bill -or th undertaker's. Charlea Roger. Some of the re? or n?g:c-cte5 dy. Pp'!c cor.flltlor.s of the stcmach are can cer, consumption, heart disease an3 ep. ilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a qutex cure in al ee of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. By allowing tu aecumuiaaoa tn th bows ! to remain, th entire ystm la poisoned. DeWitt' Little Early Risers rearulat the bowel. Try them and you will always us them. , Cain Roger. The man who always looks before he leapa seldom leaps. Don't think yon can cure rnai silgnt attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or mat It wHl cur Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur will ear It; It "diTta what yon eat." and restores th dlgasttv organ te health. Cbarle Roarer. Dont buy youraelf with nnlmport ant things. ieV tr Oliver Wendell Holmes says that if a man truly loved a woman be would not marry aer unless he wa absolutely positive tnat be was the very best man in all the world that she could marry. According to this a man would hare to be very conceited in deed or remain bachelor. This is going a lit tie bit to extremes, but in sober fact, no man should marry a woman so long as be is the victim of ill-health. No man has a right to ask a woman not only to be bis wife, but a life-long nurse. No man has a right to ak a woman to snare the burden ot his ill- health, and that is what he does when he asks her to be his wife. Ill-health in man is almost invariably the result of disorders of the direstive and nutritive organs. If a man's stomach is right and bis liver right, his blood will be pure and rich, and bis nerves strong and steady. When the blood is pure and rich a man cannot suf fer from ill-health. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the great digestive tonic. It is not a mere appetizer, but a scientific aid to the natural processes of secretion and excretion. It makes the ap petite keen and hearty, promotes the flow of digestive juices, makes the assimilation perfect, the liver active and the blood pure and rich. It builds firm, healthy flesh tis sues. It is the greatest known nerve tonic and restorative. Mrs. t. Mortrnaoti of Sanger, Oliver Co., N. Dak., writes: " Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- ii the best cough medicine I ever tneo. over two rears saro I was sffltcted with every bad cough and my home physician pre scribed Cod Liver Oil and other kinds of medi cine. He said I raigni go into quica consump tion snd mixht die In two or three momns. HIS medicine did not do me sny rood. I heard f tit Pierce's Golden Medkal Discovery and Be gan taking it: when I had taken it about two m-jntha, according to directions, my cough waa cured, and since that time we have alwaya kept your medicine iu tnc boose." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. By ul medicine dealers. tlOO REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and tbat la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posltlv cure now know to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy' Ing the foundation ot the disease, and giving- the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture In doing Its work. The proprle. tor have so much faith In It curatlv powers, that they offer On Hundred Dollar for any caae that It fall to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY It CO, i Toledo, Ohio. So W by .Druggists, 76c. . . Hall's Family Pills ar the beat. HERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost V!t or asi Msnbood. Cure Impotencv.NiehtEmiiaionrjand wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restnrpa fli flm rtf vmirli. mail HOP nprhnr. (I hnve for $2.00; with a written guaran. we u cure or ret una inn inonAV. O J , , ... " ocnu lor circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton 4 Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL For Sal by Charles Rosers. Druggist. Astoria. Oregon. 5TK AMERICA ADVANCING, American locomotive are - hauling English trains ami th English trains and Englishmen are rolling over Amer ican steal rail. Our machinery Is told all over the world. A treat remedy, Hotttr'i Bitter. I gradually work ing its way lo all part of th globe where dyspepsia and Indigestion thrive. Like all American product. It Is honsat, and does Just what It claims to do. Th most itubborn eases ef constipation, bllllousneaa, nervouan, liver and kidney trouble muat yield to It It I th moat perfect remedy ever devised for weak stomachs. For fifty year R ha been famous for Its astonishing efficacy. It la a perfectly natural remedy, and there la nothing to equt It See that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottl. A WORD TO MOTHERS. Mother of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesi tate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contain no opiate nor narcotlo In any form and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an Adult. Th great success that ha j attended Its us In the treatment of colds and croup has won for It the ap proval and praise It ha received throughout the United State and In many foreign landa. For sal by Chaa. Roger. It you hare pile, cur raera. No us undergoing horribl operation thai Sim. ply ' rtmjv th results or tn dlseas Ithout disturbing the saa itself. Place your conBifence In DeWitt' Wlteb Hasel Salve. It ha ssvsr failed te cure other: It will not fall to cur yon. Charts Rogera If yuu suffer from teaoera or full- nass oa th right side, paina under th shoulder blade, constipation, bllleuss sick headach and teal dull, heavy and sleepy, your liver la torpta and eon. tested. DeWitt' Utile Early Klser Ul cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing th bile duct to opea and flow naturally They ar good pill. Charles Rogera. OregbnSliort Line r Railroad. TUB DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado - and all Cistern Points. Olve choice of two favorite routs. Tis th Union Fartflu Fast Mall Una, eg th Rio Orand tcsnto Lin. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 Days to Suit Lake 1 Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago IJ Days to New York. Free reclining ohalr. upholstered tour. 1st sleeping oar, and Pullman Da) to sleepers, operated oa all trains. For further Information, apply to O. W. LOU.N8BERRY, Agrnt. a R. It- Cr Astoria. Oretroa. C a TERRT, W. E. COHAN. Trav. Pas Agi. Oea. Agent U4 Third St., Portland. Or. LEAVE I RflullUM i:vi r.BLaorameato. : A. Ml Dally eseept uaday till A. Ml TVS P. la PORTLAND 0 VIC "LAND EX I'HSlHri, fur ftl.m. , Asniaml, Oadsn. rreaeltee, eae- tM A. BY lar, Lu Angsi, Kl Pae NswtM leaaa ant lb East Roes burg pssssagsr Via Woodbura, for Mount Antes, ail wrtwa, Wsst tVlo, lirowavtll iprlasr tMi est NstLaT.. Corvellla paaseagwr MM A ladepeadsaee paaa' tl. A AR1UVI 4:M P. ai Dally SMlt aoday Pally, tnally soeot Munaar. funnatftlll l K - tran.l . . t w rtuj dssilal a OrtantalT l'aclfto Matt, and Oee 4iiv OTnianip in rur j . ' . . i j . . . . mi r . HAWAII AND THE I'llllJ fflNlU For many year science has itudled liquor. Result th whole world use whiskey. It has proven the beet ttlm ulant and doea not Injure nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon. Rsbata tickets oa sal dally hM Portland, Baoramsaito, and ttaa rraaeis- liiiurr aai .n IT?a J:".'-! sse WM lit LULLAn L HNt riZZlJWWJZ per. Eastern nolnts an Cohimba Rlvr and Pucet 8und Navt- gaxioo company, Rall'y Oatssrt leaves Astoria dally, ex cept Baturday. at f p m. Ltawa Portland dally saYept Sunday at t a. en. Wh( Collar line tickets InMr-tiang-onllallny ('.. O. R. A N. reamer T. J. Potter and Hssaalo for Atru and all wsy points. Clave), rrwaou, BeavK-sr, Ing Be and Natvotta. U. a 8nT. Astoria Aat , lreadent. Telspbon No. UL ml Australia. Can be obtained frtim J. U si. KIRKIANll. TWkaS InnL Ut ThlrJ R. KOKKLER, C li MARK.H. Maaf. O. F. P, Thruh tlrhel East for lowest rates L HARK O. F. AM P. A PflfAT . TICKETS SB- ,o-n PAILVVA POINTS EAST Call m C. J TrwiM'hard. local eat tUl VMU COBuraajr nW As tori. Andrew L-ake SilCOMMERCIAL HT. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect fit Guaranteed. Low Trices. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Dost. A WONDERFUL CURE OF DIARRHOEA. A PROMINENT VIRGINIA EDITOR HaJ Almost Given Up, but Waa Brought Rack to Perfect Health by Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HIS EDITORIAL. From the Time. Hlllstllle, Va. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cur ed. I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to give up all hope of recovery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement of Cham berlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also tome testimonial stating how some wonderful cure bad been wrought by thl remedy, I decid ed to try It. After taking a few dose I waa entirely well of that trouble, and wish to say further to my readers and fellow sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did In my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by Charlea Rogers; Through Tickets i.' TO i. ." THaV- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TTA-' 7 THE NET "North-Western Limited" (20TB CENTUHY TKAIN.) between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 318 Wublngtfto Htreet, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. PARKER, Rom. A fact, 606 First Asaou, SEATTLE, WASJ1 PPULLUAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern el ties. Baggag checked tnroua-n to oestinatloa , Union Depots, fast time, lowest rates, 1 Plntsco light In all cars. For rates and other Information call on or address U. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, O. R. A N. Co. Astoria. Orscoa. or J. H. LOTHROP, Oen. Agent, US Third St.. cor. Aider, Portland, Or Throusrh na'.aes ant imirlaf aUanara dining and library observation ears. EJLEviANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 United l.avta Portland at 1:19 P. m. No. I umlied arrives Portland st 1:10 a. m. For rates, etc., rail or Q W. LOUNtf llEItnT. Agent O. R. A N., Astoria. or A. B. C. DENSI3TON, C. P. A T. A..Port!nd. Or Luxurious T UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL rpHE "North.Westsrn Limited" trams. 1 sl.ctrtc lighted throughout, both In- sia ana out, snj steam hsated, are, without exception, th finest trains In th world. They embody trie ists.L newest and beat hla for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are th most com. Plots, and splendid production of th ear builders' art. Thee Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northerq The Northern I'aciflc and The CaaurJIaa rocific AT IT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. N extra charge for these superior ac. commodatlons and all classes of tickets ar available for p usage oa th famous North-western Limited.'' All trains oa (hi lin art protected by th Intsnocklng Block system. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAOE. Oen'l Agent, T A. Portland Ore, J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools for Rent. L LEBECK Csrpsntr and OullcJer anrtl Contractor HOUSe RAISING AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY Light place your bouse of butlne and with Incandescent Vapor Gas Leamps 100-candle power at a ooat of lo fur three hour. , Miller & Baraaberc, Agents 40S .Bond Street, Aftorla. . ii m . r-w .nose who hart dUy4 butng, MsMtmtter I'ootwoor ar forlunat. They van sav kt leaaf a third on th usual eosi of high grade alio. W ar closing out all of our summer Ian shoe at a great redueUe, We have thsm for men, women and children, which should bring everyone lo the store. Thy are aw gossda which have evsratayed their time. -ConsMsr the flgurei Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of the pudding I la th aod th proof ef . IS IN SAMPLING That's aa argensent rkat' (.mure a i enTeito. Our will si and Iks tsist HUGHES & CO. SPJSaV flSBBBJ. iiVIo tK-rtr rut Mall p. as TI4H KMI'IKt.n rrom IMrllaiid Asai.s Han ri t lu t ra r.. Mail ( Us m XSsn n.vr to a. as. 7SIUSS Hi nil Ihui, sua. rrt sll USe, Iwimr, rt Wuiih, Omaha, Watt .a I lly, ot ItxitK nimsu an ran. W.l'a Walla., a..! Hlnneaaill, KLl'-ul, 1'uiuto, jtnaaiisee, i hu susi lul, flora AUmta OCL'AN STGAM.trtlPA All Kalllli lates sut tu rhail... f saa rrarMii-Mal seH. A I0.IS.W, tul !ras..iMo Colrmbla River ; nlsr Htaasasr JpioT'iM Ta poriiaad aad iTuur r(li wsy ladlasa il sal on..W.i a, a aoarru . . ;WUUaHto so V f . m. I i ii in slid HsL i "'s ,n 'ri "iwi Kliisrls Ia ill) I tu a as. looks River. . lUistrlalo Uelslsu, Lr UwtaU lu k m dally (.. rrum I'urtianii i WILLtMiai kiVKH I s) a. ta Mod. wl Or-. t l.. Kawbars, TuM, , huf f-rldsjr Baiora A W.j.Uu4 a 8,urj, a. sVOUlrininRT. Oea. Past, Agt PeetiesWL Or.' KOPP'S BEST 3. 130 A familiar nam for th CMoago, lllla waukee at St. Paul Railway, known all over rhe Union aa the Oreat Rauway running th "Pioneer Limited" trains ersrjr day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. The only perfect trains In the world." Understand: Connection ar mad wtch all Transcontinental Line, assuring to passegenrs th best eervto known. Lux urious ooaohes, eleotrlo light, stsam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. Bee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket tgsftta ell ttiam. For rate, pamphlets, or other Informa tion, address. W. CASET, C. J. EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agent, Portland. Or. Portland, O.r r. A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Th. North Paolflo Brewery, of wbleb Bottled t for family nae, or keg MrJohnKopp U proprUtor. make, beer beer snppllej al ny time, ,1.11,, for domet'le and export trad. Um city tree. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. North Pacific Brewerq W. F. SCHEIBE, !?.:":::-.v.T.',. teesra 00 a. m ;00 p. m. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially d lirestH the food sdi aldi Nature In strenifthenlDp; aDd recon structlngthe eihaustd digestive o (fans. ItlsthelatestdlscovereddlRest ant ana tonic No ot her preparatior I can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieve ana permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bntir Stomach, Nausea, Slcklleadache,Gastralt(ia,CrarDpa,aod all other resultsof Imperfect dlseatloa Prsparsd by E. C. DsWi't A Co.. Chicago. For Sal by CHARLES ROQKRA. I & a. m. 00 p. m. Portland: Arfiv7 Portland Union Depot. lii:ll s7m. for Astoria and IntoM I lAnm mcdlat points. ASTORIA. I Por Portland and in-'ll:M a.m. term ea ist points. U:80p. m. Ipss, Tabocce, Articles. 4T Commercial Sit, - A full IIim ef Pli so 4 aiokers "Li Belle Astoria" Clear Scbelbe's Open stir Schelbe's Speclsl And Other riranda THE SEA9TDB DIVISION. p. m.a-m. 8:001 ll:MILv B:ZSll:GSiAr lrSflU:lLv 6:101 l:00Ar Is.m ...Astoria.... Ar T:40 ,.W.rren,on...AV! J ...Hcasirie..., Lv 1:16 p.m. in 1:10 1:10 SPECIAL SEASIDE 8UNDAT TRAIN Leave Astoria at !: a. m.j arrive at Seaside 1:41 a. m. Passengers may return on any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run to Plavel and New Astoria via Warren ton. All trains mk close connections at Gobi wRh all Northern Pacific trains to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with T. R. A N. Co.'s boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUGH TICKETS on sal at As toria for Sacramento, San Francisco, all eastern and European points. City ticket offlc Astoria. tU Commer. Hal street' J. c. mato. Oen'l Fft and Pass. Agent, LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Street SHASTA MINERAL WATER, I'EN'EK, NOBLE HICKORY AND SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. . ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day and Night. AUGUST KRAT2, - . ru, mm 77S MAI'Unnn nrpTnnrn "cupiDENi- I IS; & tlon of s fam.. piTTIT, ' ,f,f "T ,1"lls.r.lhs.r..rli. C fT ous or dikiun f i,,.SL euioklroursyoiiot all nrr. InauDlNia. 1-uU.a In ul -;i.TjJ tw " Lial llaiilinorl, inipls7nain, toSV,?. i.S.S,mirt'.,n li.-bllltrj ConHiinUon. liaioiiaTiii.i'f Varkwale si.ri tif m oi diar hkrvi i ,71? ."T? hT A1 ' r.lsiliC I'r. vMiia anu-k- BtrORt .a AFTER .J.; l A wrltlnsuranlnrlT?nanilmni'Tri'(urnil lit i i. "uul u'"t-rtluii. ajoi. nllniniit. 00 a bos, sis I 6,(, l-r mall. nd , raaaclreuls," Ifid liu.l"?0 awi Pruiiuiiin our. Addn-s PA M BC, CO., P. C&AsiLiM. UObLAs. U Conmerclal St.