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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1899)
NOTION! Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Ar., Arc Ho! to be Taken Prom The ,Libi ry without permission. Any .oho ( .ikJ nuilty of such offense, ivill bo liable to prosecution. I'll .''; i - If. Z ASTOUIA, OKKGON, HA'ITUDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER t. 1M9 NO. 8 VOL L, MEN'S CLOTHING Our new Una, Croat a Brandtgeta mkt. hut been solttted not only with ltw to tht desirability of th. ityls and pa.tern but also on account of uptrtor wearing quallttta. PHIL STOKES. . . . n. i " nONT CONDEHN... Eclipse. ...Hardware Co. BOH DOND STREET GRIFFIN Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OP jS CAN Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Sin Francisco, Oil. Astoria, Ore. Falrbavea, Wash. Writ Ua ror Prlo.a Here Is a List 01 some High Grade Goods at moderate prices RALSTON HEALTH POUDS la great vnrlctt good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO flem Zealand Fire Insaranee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribe! Capital . . f 5,000,000 raid-Up Capital . 1,000,000 Asaota . 2,545,114 Assots in United States . . 300,000 Surplus to Policy Iloldors : . 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on the Tacific Coast over Twenty-two year?. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., MEN'S SHOES Our Fall and Winter .locks of tht very bMt make, and vtry latest style. hart been received and for low prlot. and txotl Wilt valuii cannot be tqualtd Com.Jt 12th Streets, All atwl ranges Iftanw you unfortunately bought a cheap one. Buy a ..... . 'SUPERIOR" They ara warranted Ja every jarticular, ly a firm C'J years in Uo businw. . ... . Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens Itox Dc-oorwtad Papr and Knvalopt--ioo. ( & REED Metal Works spice ... and Syrup - fresh from the mtlls. ; ' AROMATIC Sl'ICCS gunraatced the finest. TILLMANN S I'L'KB EXTRACTS. ; CHASB SANBORN'S COPTEES are n rivalled. Together with a host of other CRUISE WAS A SUCCESS r..M cn... th. C.e.TrilnlniT run oivijrwi m .......... of Oregon Reserves. THE SHIPS DAILY ROUTINE Orcdiuttc Sbowlaf la All Br.acbeiof StiaiBiBlp-Coaudcr Sbcr maa Executlvi Officer. "Don't neglect saying a good word for lh Portland boys," aald on. of tbt local naval reserve, to an Astortan rep resentative Iat night. "W. notloed, of cour, that tht Oregotilan overlooked ua, but It wouldn't bt magnanimous nor even courteous for our horn, pa- per to slight them. No. make It strong, and !y that tbry are all Jolly good fellows and at loyal and klndhearted a act as breathes under tht flag." Tht local reserves presented a spec tacle to bt envied as. with soldierly precision, they marched fwm the land ing to their commodious quarter, on Commercial strvet. Crowds of ad miring friends and relatives followed In their train, and children galore cheered the newly-fledged veterans as they mancuvred with grace and accur acy under tht quirk signals of their commanding officer. Lieutenant It. T. Wilson was Interviewed regarding tht sevoral days' voyage of the battalion on the Badger, and his story of the out ing is given herewith: "When we first went aboard for tht cruise," said the lieutenant, "the offlcer. of our division were Introduced ! to tht tecutlvt offlcert of tht ship. who with much Jlgnlty and urbanity. assigned them to quarters. The muster roll, of tht Astoria division were then handed to the executive officers, who In turn instructed tht ship', writer to supply the men with their billet, con sisting of an equipment of hammocks, blankets, mess gear and other accout rements. The dlffvrent mease. then mustered and sent below to meir mess. The battalion omcers went to tht ward room and joined company with the regular officer, of tht ship. Tht naval malllla were all seated at one end of tht table, with Llrutcn-1 ant Commander Sherman at their head, I whllo at the opposite end sat tht ship', j own officers, with Lieutenant Com- I Peaches... A splendid lot of tht celebrated Southern Oregon peaches Just received. Other Fruit... In abundance and of ail rari ties. Vegetables... Tht most complett -lection In the city and all fresh and crisp. . ' Prompt delivery to all pnrt.of tlic city and outside point.. Foard & Stokes Co. Your Wife Will Ilk. It; so will tht cook. Star Estate Range Satisfy all who utt thtm. iflh-1 '-ill If your better half does tht oooking, that la an aiimttenal reason why there should be a Star Estate Range in your kitchen. The usa of them prevents worry ud disappointment W. J. BCULLT. Aftnt. 431 Bond Street mander Milton at their head. Follow Ing tb meal, tht ofTlorf were assigned to watches, Lieutenant Carroll being put In charge of tht lint watch and Lieutenant Wllion tht mid watch. The men, too, were divided .Into first and second port and first and second star board watches, and promptly allotted to stations. Presently tht hammocks ' wer piped, and thost who were dlsen- W(r, wmM! until o'clock tht freedom of tht deck.. "At thret o'clock the following morn ing all bands Wert piped on deck, when tht anchor was weighed and tht ship put to sea. The regular routine of a man of war was then Inaugurated. Tht first division, under Lieutenant Carroll, was given tht main battery and the second division, under toy own direc tion, took charge of tht secondary battery. At MM on tht drat day out, the divisions went to quarters, when Instructions were given as to train ing, elevating and sighting the gun. At 10: U. a. m. aiming drill was Intro duced. This consists of practice with tht ordinary musket, and la held' fur tht purpose of selecting tht truest eyes for tht Important positions of gun captains. At i n, tht reserves were again mustered to quarters and en lightened as to tht brexh mechanism of the ordnance, tht procedure of tak t ,nf apaft Mi optrtllon of clen. Ing. This work consumed until 110, when the aiming drill was resumed un til each man had made a target "On tht morning of tht second day, all hands were piped on deck at I o'clock, and then began the work of scrubbing the decks and polishing tht brass trim mings. It wst really a laughable fea ture to set the boys moving here and there, their sleeve, rolled high and each armed with mops, bucket, and hose. The gun practice on tht second day was very similar to the work on tht flrst. The only difference. In fact, wa. that In men In the secondary battery were assigned to tht main, and the men of the main were posted at the second ary battery. The third day out, after the decks had been thoroughly scourd, the men wer mustered to their respec- .,.-, .nd . .v.,.m of tub.cai bre prMM . commencf1. i ,hli eaoh mM flri(, ,en ,noUi the stations being so shifted as to accom plish that result. This line of drill wa. continued during the larger part of the day. Tht fourth day. In turn, wa. very much like the third, except that tht flrst and second gun captain, worked the ordnance, firing and ceasing under mvntvm nt tiitffla alimftls. and similar to w,u of wpt ,hftl each gun acted Independently. The aiming drill was continued during the afternoon. On the fifth day, the force wa. mu- Ured at stations, and the 1)1 g guns were flred in succemlon, .olid shot being used. This was the period when the nerve, of the boy. were seriously test ed. None of them had ever before ex perlenceri the novelty of heavy artillery work and to see them rushing about cramming their ear. with waste and cotton,, w.s Interesting nnd amusing. It waa during this heavy flrlng.-and when tht captain was on the quarter deck, that he stepped over to me and remarked that the reserve, must sure ly have been barking squirrels to Judge from the nicety of their shots. He laughed when I told him that their principal acquaintance had been with chipmunk.. Almost at this moment Leer, of Portland, who wa. handling ' one of the five Inch guns, centered the I target and smashed It Into pieces. The ' hoys from both the main and the c- ondary batteries cheered the achieve- ment to the echo. Captain Miller . of course, saw the per c. d step- ping over to Lieutenant Commitnder Sherman, he protested. 'Shermnn." he seriously said, 'this Isn't rlRht.1 Tou should know better than to allow your men to destroy government property In this way. It must he .topped, ine I Joke was that Leer took the reproof Continued on pagt three. STYNER... The Kleetrle Doctor. 3rd TALK. Electricity Is now acknowl edged by the brightest men in the world to be superior to all other treatments In restoring vi tality. Vitality is health, or the basis of health, and you must have it to remain free from disease. Lack of vitality causes nerv ousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, rheumatlo pains, lumbago, kid ney troubles and general want of energy. Those who have such symptoms can become healthy by renewing the electrical force In the body. If you will call on me at my office I will prove with proof positive that my system Is the right one. "Diving and finding no pearl, in the sea, Blame not the ocean tht fault 1. In thee." So If you have doctored In vain It is because you have been using the wrong system. I court your Investigation. Styner the electrlo doctor, STYNER, the Electric Doctor, Main Street House. 159 9th St. Advice and Electrical Disease Reading Free. Hours: 10 to 4 and 7 to 8 dally. EVERY BOER IS ARMED Expected to Strike the Blow When Least Expected. PREPARATIONS FOR WAR, Jobaaaeitoff T0wjCobbcII Lay Ba,,,?1u,, ! br TlT, ot.?'. . ..Him. ,nmm Hm ttnrwtlnt that Supply of Food-Dreyfusarda Ccttlaff DespoadtBt. LONDON. Sept L-A Pretoria cor - ripondnt of the Mornlnf pot ya: President Krvger told a prominent Boer yesterday (, that war imrucauy nnain. every boot la now armed with Uaoser rifle, and has a hundred rounds for Dractice. ! I am convinced that the report, of the Beora not being prepared are only a pretense and they will strike the blow when it Is least expected." PREPARING FOR WAR. JOHANNESBURG, Sept L The , department for th protection of Am town is preparing for tht eventualities ' erlcans and their Interests in the of war. Tht Inmates of tot Child- i Trannval in case cf war betwtn Great ren. home art going to Natal. The.Briuln nd the BoeT P"bllc. town council is providing three Months' Instructions were ent by Secretary supply of food for men and animals connected with tht acavengertng de partment AU outgoing train, art crowded and most of the prominent men have al-1 ready left Johannesburg. DREYPTSARDS ARE DESPONDENT Cavalgnac's Reappearance Cause. Much Speculation at itennes. RENNES. Sept. L M. Godfrey Cav algnac, formerly minister of war, re turned to Rennes thi. evening. There is much speculation respecting tht mo tive for hi. reappearance here. The general conjecture is that It Implies a fresh shuffling pf cards of the prosecution. Symptoms of despond ency have manifested themselves In Dreyfusard circle, during tht last few days. ' JIM EVES WILL SUCCEED TO THE PRESIDENCY. Whole of Santo Domingo Satisfied With the New Changes In the . Government NEW YORK, Sept 1. A despatch to the Herald from Santo Domingo, says: There is little doubt that Jtmenea will succeed to the presidency a. soon as he arrives. The peace and tranquility pervidlng the city are in marked contrast with the condition! that existed a few days ago and show how popular the revolu tion 1. with tht masses. Apparently tht entire Island 1. nil.' flel that the change In government promise. Improved condition.. The newspaper, all urge moderation on the part of the revolutionist, and advise all cltlsens to refrain from disturbance. Flguereo wa. permitted to reach home unmolested and the revolutionists everywhere are behaving with th ut most moderation, even going so fsjr as to pay for the property taken and the supplies used. It is believed that all fighting Is over and that with the ar rival of (he leader, of the revolution on Sunday to take charge of the govern ment all cause for alarm will have been removed. Yesterday was the climax to the gov ernment. The government was power less to retard the progress of the rev olution. Word had come that all the principal towns in the Interior on the north side had gone over. Added to this had come news that another hurricane was forming and that the United States cruiser New Orleans and the French cruiser would have to put to sea and that the for eign resident, would be left the mercy of the revolutionists.' Business was practically at a sandstlll and choas reigned. People dared not stir from their home, at night. In this dilemma came Flguereo. an nouncement that he would resign In order to prevent bloodshed and at once the situation changed. SIR. ALTGELD APPLAUDED. VIce-Chalrman Stone'. Committee Ap pointment, are Satisfactory to Silver Men, CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Former Gover nor John P. Altgeld gave approval to day of the three sub-committees named by Vice-Chairman Stone, of the dem ocratic national committee. He said the appointments gave no cause for be lief that any compromise would be at tempted with the sliver question on the 16 to 1 basts. Mr. Altgeld said: "They are flrst rate appointments and all staunch It to 1 men. The ways and mean, and press committees ment of a way. and mean, committee front within tht national organisation wa. made at tht request of Senator. Allen, Teller and myself, who were the outside member of tht old way. and mean, committee. That being tht case, I don't set how I am being shetv. td or given a slap. It was known at tht time the national committee met Chicago that only member, of that body were to bt named on tht sub committees. All section, of tht coun try are represented on 'he principal committees and I know of none who are hostile to tht Chicago platform. I asked Chairman Jonea and Mr. Btont 10 oe relieve oi 101 wora wmcn leu on this old ways and means committee and suggested that tht whale business purr-ose. Tht new ways and mean, oommltte will bavt charge of tht work now being dona by General Man ager Cook. I .till bold the clerical and 4latvsv s-ki-Msf t m van ma Kc atitti- '"1" J0 aIon otb'7 "f . . . . ... .... . . Zr ' PROTECTIOX FOB AMERICA. , Consul Macrum Instructed to Watch I Their Interest. In Transvaal, ! NEW YORK. Sept. t-A special to tht Herald from Washington, says: Action ha. been taken by the Mate today 10 consul Macrum. at n. toria, directing him to vigilantly watch development. In the situation and their . ffect UDon American cltlsens and their Interests and to provide them with all necessary protection in case a connict should place them In danger. The de partment has been Informed that a number of Americana In the Transvaal signed tbe recent petition to Queen Victoria. In view of the fact that Americans would he benefitted epually with the subject, of Great Britain If President Kruger. government should grant the demands made, there Is no question that the United State, sympathizes with the attitude assumed by Ggea' Britain, though It ia averse to Inter fering one way or the other, especially as the London government seems de termined to either effect the reforms or annex the Transvaal. Secretary Hay, therefore contented himself with in structing the consul to watch the sit uation and provide all possible pro tection for Americans and their Inter ests. WHEELER WITHOUT A JOB. Say. Otis Stand. Him OS When He Asks For Employment. NEW YORK. Sept 1.-A despatch to the World from Hongkong, says: Private advice, from Manila state that General Joseph Wheeler In a con versation last Monday said he had repeatedly applied to General Otl. for something to do. Otis, he declared had staved him off under various pretexts with tht evident determination of side tracking him. General Bate, will return to Jolo to continue the negotiations for the pac ification of the southern archipelago and to post garrisons In the various towns. General Otis 1. arranging to begin the publication of a newspaper next week. The Midler, who have been as signed to duty In the composing room complain that as they have been or dered to set type they want typesetters pay. THE ILL-FATED NEWARK. Hr Luck Pursue. Her and She Met With Another Accident Entering San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. l.-The cruiser Newark met with a mishap as she was coming into port on Tuesday, the new. of which has Just leaked out When off Angel Island one of the pis ton rods of the port engine broke In two and and the piston smashed through the cylinder head. The engine wa. stopped as soon as possible and the cruiser proceeded by the bay on her other engine. The repairs will prob ably be made at Mare island. WEEK'S BUSINESS FAILURES. NEW YORK. Sept. l.-R. G. Dun's review will say tomorrow: The failures for the week has been 141 In the United State, against 171 last year, and 25 In Canada against 22 last year. fc Uyr u'r ifovwzu v ibssiuiUY Pure Makes the food more U. P. STOCK IS INCREASED Sarflos Will Retire Fnialc!rx Shares of 0.R.4N. OLD STORY IS REVIVED Lease of Bota rroptrtiea to Raw YorkCaatralSaldtoBerlow la rtofresa. NEW YORK, Sept L An important Incident In Walt street today was th. announcement that th. Union Pacific Railway Company Is to Increase It. preferred stock by t2S,0O0.MO. making a total of that class of .hare, of fl.000, 000,000. Tbe Increase, together, with tbe fur. ther issue of 17.500.000 of common nock. Is to be used to retire the remaining share, of the O. R. A N. Company and tbe Junior bond, of the Oregon Short Lint. Thi. plan will give the Union Pact Ha complete control of Its line, from Omaha to Portland, Oregon, and has led to a revival of tbe old story that the consolidation of the Union Pa cific with the Chicago and Western, and possibly a lease of both properties to the New York Central, is In iro w. MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD. Chaplain Sutherland Eulogixe. th. Late Colonel Hawkins. MANILA, Sept L-: p. m.-In ac cordance with Adjutant General Cor- bin', suggestions, a memorial service wa. held today at tbe graves of th. Pennsylvania Midler, at Paco ceme tery. Chaplain Sutherland eulogized Colonel Hawkins, Colonel Alexeander Hawkins, com mander of 'Jie Tenth Pensytvanla reg iment died July 16, on board the United States transport Senator, which wa. on it. way to the United State, and left Manila July 10, last. . PRESIDENT AND MRS. M'KINLEY CHEERED. Given an Enthusiastic Reception on Leaving Canton Mrs. McKinley. .--. Health i. Improving, CANTON, O.. Sept. 1. To the accom paniment of enthusiastic cheers from the large crowd that thronged the sta tion platform, the special bearing Pre. Ident and Mrs. McKlnley steamed out of Canton at 9 o'clock tonight. The president from the rear platform bowed acknowledgement, for the kindly dem onstration. The train goes direct to Washington. Dr. Rlxey. expressed his belief that Mrs. McKlnley 1. steadily recovering; for her indisposition, although her stata of health while here was such that she could see but few people. .While in Pittsburg, she received such a shoes) from tht continuous firing of cannon at the side of her car as to five her a set back for the time being. - t TRAIN ROBBER KILLED. SPRINGFIELD, Kls., Sept. 1. Word was received here late tonight that the Peolra, Decatur and Evansvllle train had been held up by robbers at Lin coln. Jo miles north of this city. The robbers boarded the night passenger train when it stopped for coal at a mine near this city. Resistance was made by the train crew, and one robber waa killed. Further details are not obtainable. IOWA'S NEW COMMANDER. ; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. Cap tain C. F Goodrich, of the cruiser Newark has been detached from that command and today will assume com mand of the battleship Iowa, relieving Captain Terry, who Is ordered home on waiting orders. At this time the com mand of the Newark will devolve upon Captain B. H. McCalla. It Is expected that Captain Terry will soon be pro moted to the rank of rear admiral. MEN FOR MILITARY SERVICE. MADRID, Sept. 1. The queen regent today signed a decree calling out 0,000 men of the 1S99 class for military serv ice. i irs . delicious and wholesome Resident Agents, Astoria. Oregon also meet my approval. The appoint' ov (urn! tvm co.,"tc'. - ..,